blob: a152b7fe7d08c5dccabd6a8d6a083ce82be7e665 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
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// under the License.
#include <jni.h>
#include "gen-cpp/ImpalaService.h"
#include "gen-cpp/ImpalaHiveServer2Service.h"
#include "gen-cpp/ImpalaInternalService.h"
#include "gen-cpp/Frontend_types.h"
#include "common/status.h"
namespace impala {
/// The Frontend is a proxy for the Java-side JniFrontend class. The interface is a set of
/// wrapper methods for methods called over JNI.
/// TODO: Consider changing all methods to accept and return only Thrift structures so that
/// all go through exactly the same calling code.
class Frontend {
/// Does all the work of initialising the JNI method stubs. If any method can't be found,
/// or if there is any further exception, the constructor will terminate the process.
/// Request to update the Impalad catalog cache. The 'req' argument contains a pointer
/// to a CatalogServer used for the FE to call NativeGetNextCatalogTopicItem() back to
/// get the catalog objects iteratively. Returns a response that contains details such
/// as the new max catalog version.
Status UpdateCatalogCache(const TUpdateCatalogCacheRequest& req,
TUpdateCatalogCacheResponse *resp);
/// Request to update the Impalad frontend cluster membership snapshot. The
/// TUpdateMembershipRequest contains the latest set of hosts.
Status UpdateMembership(const TUpdateMembershipRequest& req);
/// Call FE to get explain plan
Status GetExplainPlan(const TQueryCtx& query_ctx, std::string* explain_string);
/// Call FE to get TExecRequest.
Status GetExecRequest(const TQueryCtx& query_ctx, TExecRequest* result);
/// Returns all matching table names, per Hive's "SHOW TABLES <pattern>". Each
/// table name returned is unqualified.
/// If pattern is NULL, match all tables otherwise match only those tables that
/// match the pattern string. Patterns are "p1|p2|p3" where | denotes choice,
/// and each pN may contain wildcards denoted by '*' which match all strings.
/// The TSessionState parameter is used to filter results of metadata operations when
/// authorization is enabled. If this is a user initiated request, it should
/// be set to the user's current session. If this is an Impala internal request,
/// the session should be set to NULL which will skip privilege checks returning all
/// results.
Status GetTableNames(const std::string& db, const std::string* pattern,
const TSessionState* session, TGetTablesResult* table_names);
/// Return all databases matching the optional argument 'pattern'.
/// If pattern is NULL, match all databases otherwise match only those databases that
/// match the pattern string. Patterns are "p1|p2|p3" where | denotes choice,
/// and each pN may contain wildcards denoted by '*' which match all strings.
/// The TSessionState parameter is used to filter results of metadata operations when
/// authorization is enabled. If this is a user initiated request, it should
/// be set to the user's current session. If this is an Impala internal request,
/// the session should be set to NULL which will skip privilege checks returning all
/// results.
Status GetDbs(const std::string* pattern, const TSessionState* session,
TGetDbsResult* dbs);
/// Return all data sources matching the optional argument 'pattern'.
/// If pattern is NULL, match all data source names otherwise match only those that
/// match the pattern string. Patterns are "p1|p2|p3" where | denotes choice,
/// and each pN may contain wildcards denoted by '*' which match all strings.
Status GetDataSrcMetadata(const std::string* pattern, TGetDataSrcsResult* result);
/// Call FE to get the table/column stats.
Status GetStats(const TShowStatsParams& params, TResultSet* result);
/// Call FE to get the privileges granted to a role.
Status GetRolePrivileges(const TShowGrantRoleParams& params, TResultSet* result);
/// Return all functions of 'category' that match the optional argument 'pattern'.
/// If pattern is NULL match all functions, otherwise match only those functions that
/// match the pattern string.
/// The TSessionState parameter is used to filter results of metadata operations when
/// authorization is enabled. If this is a user initiated request, it should
/// be set to the user's current session. If this is an Impala internal request,
/// the session should be set to NULL which will skip privilege checks returning all
/// results.
Status GetFunctions(TFunctionCategory::type fn_category, const std::string& db,
const std::string* pattern, const TSessionState* session,
TGetFunctionsResult* functions);
/// Gets the Thrift representation of a Catalog object. The request is a TCatalogObject
/// which has the desired TCatalogObjectType and name properly set.
/// Returns OK if the operation was successful, otherwise a Status object with
/// information on the error will be returned.
Status GetCatalogObject(const TCatalogObject& request, TCatalogObject* response);
/// Call FE to get the roles.
Status ShowRoles(const TShowRolesParams& params, TShowRolesResult* result);
/// Returns (in the output parameter) the result of a DESCRIBE DATABASE db command.
/// This command retrieves db metadata, such as db location and comment.
/// The metadata that is returned is controlled by setting the 'output_style' field.
/// If set to FORMATTED|EXTENDED, all the database's properties are returned.
Status DescribeDb(const TDescribeDbParams& params, TDescribeResult* response);
/// Returns (in the output parameter) the result of a DESCRIBE table command. This
/// command retrieves table metadata, such as the column definitions. The metadata
/// that is returned is controlled by setting the 'output_style' field. If this
/// field is set to MINIMAL, only the column definitions are returned. If set to
/// FORMATTED|EXTENDED, extended metadata is returned (in addition to the column defs).
/// This includes info about the table properties, SerDe properties, StorageDescriptor
/// properties, and more.
Status DescribeTable(const TDescribeTableParams& params, TDescribeResult* response);
/// Returns (in the output parameter) a string containing the CREATE TABLE command that
/// creates the table specified in the params.
Status ShowCreateTable(const TTableName& table_name, std::string* response);
/// Returns (in the output parameter) a string containing the CREATE FUNCTION command that
/// creates the function specified in the params.
Status ShowCreateFunction(const TGetFunctionsParams& params, std::string* response);
/// Validate Hadoop config; requires FE
Status ValidateSettings();
/// Calls FE to execute HiveServer2 metadata operation.
Status ExecHiveServer2MetadataOp(const TMetadataOpRequest& request,
TResultSet* result);
/// Returns all Hadoop configurations in key, value form in result.
Status GetAllHadoopConfigs(TGetAllHadoopConfigsResponse* result);
/// Returns (in the output parameter) the value for the given config. The returned Thrift
/// struct will indicate if the value was null or not found by not setting its 'value'
/// field.
Status GetHadoopConfig(const TGetHadoopConfigRequest& request,
TGetHadoopConfigResponse* response);
/// Loads a single file or set of files into a table or partition. Saves the RPC
/// response in the TLoadDataResp output parameter. Returns OK if the operation
/// completed successfully.
Status LoadData(const TLoadDataReq& load_data_request, TLoadDataResp* response);
/// Returns true if the error returned by the FE was due to an AuthorizationException.
static bool IsAuthorizationError(const Status& status);
/// Sets the frontend's catalog in the ready state. This is only used for testing in
/// conjunction with InProcessImpalaServer. This sets the frontend's catalog as
/// ready, so can receive queries without needing a catalog server.
void SetCatalogIsReady();
/// Waits for the FE catalog to be initialized and ready to receive queries.
/// There is no bound on the wait time.
void WaitForCatalog();
/// Call FE to get files info for a table or partition.
Status GetTableFiles(const TShowFilesParams& params, TResultSet* result);
/// Creates a thrift descriptor table for testing.
Status BuildTestDescriptorTable(const TBuildTestDescriptorTableParams& params,
TDescriptorTable* result);
/// Descriptor of Java Frontend class itself, used to create a new instance.
jclass fe_class_;
jobject fe_; // instance of org.apache.impala.service.JniFrontend
jmethodID create_exec_request_id_; // JniFrontend.createExecRequest()
jmethodID get_explain_plan_id_; // JniFrontend.getExplainPlan()
jmethodID get_hadoop_config_id_; // JniFrontend.getHadoopConfig(byte[])
jmethodID get_hadoop_configs_id_; // JniFrontend.getAllHadoopConfigs()
jmethodID check_config_id_; // JniFrontend.checkConfiguration()
jmethodID update_catalog_cache_id_; // JniFrontend.updateCatalogCache(byte[][])
jmethodID update_membership_id_; // JniFrontend.updateMembership()
jmethodID get_table_names_id_; // JniFrontend.getTableNames
jmethodID describe_db_id_; // JniFrontend.describeDb
jmethodID describe_table_id_; // JniFrontend.describeTable
jmethodID show_create_table_id_; // JniFrontend.showCreateTable
jmethodID get_dbs_id_; // JniFrontend.getDbs
jmethodID get_data_src_metadata_id_; // JniFrontend.getDataSrcMetadata
jmethodID get_stats_id_; // JniFrontend.getTableStats
jmethodID get_functions_id_; // JniFrontend.getFunctions
jmethodID get_catalog_object_id_; // JniFrontend.getCatalogObject
jmethodID show_roles_id_; // JniFrontend.getRoles
jmethodID get_role_privileges_id_; // JniFrontend.getRolePrivileges
jmethodID exec_hs2_metadata_op_id_; // JniFrontend.execHiveServer2MetadataOp
jmethodID load_table_data_id_; // JniFrontend.loadTableData
jmethodID set_catalog_is_ready_id_; // JniFrontend.setCatalogIsReady
jmethodID wait_for_catalog_id_; // JniFrontend.waitForCatalog
jmethodID get_table_files_id_; // JniFrontend.getTableFiles
jmethodID show_create_function_id_; // JniFrontend.showCreateFunction
// Only used for testing.
jmethodID build_test_descriptor_table_id_; // JniFrontend.buildTestDescriptorTable()
jmethodID fe_ctor_;