blob: b3330549f1ab471124c8a6e9b12d7787a76e9e95 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
#include "rpc/authentication.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <boost/algorithm/string.hpp>
#include <boost/thread/thread.hpp>
#include <boost/scoped_ptr.hpp>
#include <boost/random/mersenne_twister.hpp>
#include <boost/random/uniform_int.hpp>
#include <boost/filesystem.hpp>
#include <gutil/strings/substitute.h>
#include <random>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <thrift/Thrift.h>
#include <transport/TSasl.h>
#include <transport/TSaslServerTransport.h>
#include <gflags/gflags.h>
#include <ldap.h>
#include "exec/kudu-util.h"
#include "kudu/rpc/sasl_common.h"
#include "kudu/security/init.h"
#include "rpc/auth-provider.h"
#include "rpc/thrift-server.h"
#include "transport/TSaslClientTransport.h"
#include "util/auth-util.h"
#include "util/debug-util.h"
#include "util/error-util.h"
#include "util/network-util.h"
#include "util/os-util.h"
#include "util/promise.h"
#include "util/thread.h"
#include "util/time.h"
#include <sys/types.h> // for stat system call
#include <sys/stat.h> // for stat system call
#include <unistd.h> // for stat system call
#include "common/names.h"
using boost::algorithm::is_any_of;
using boost::algorithm::replace_all;
using boost::algorithm::split;
using boost::algorithm::trim;
using boost::mt19937;
using boost::uniform_int;
using namespace apache::thrift;
using namespace boost::filesystem; // for is_regular()
using namespace strings;
// TODO: Remove this flag in a compatibility-breaking release. (IMPALA-5893)
DEFINE_int32(kerberos_reinit_interval, 60,
"Interval, in minutes, between kerberos ticket renewals. "
"Only used when FLAGS_use_krpc is false");
DEFINE_string(sasl_path, "", "Colon separated list of paths to look for SASL "
"security library plugins.");
DEFINE_bool(enable_ldap_auth, false,
"If true, use LDAP authentication for client connections");
DEFINE_string(ldap_uri, "", "The URI of the LDAP server to authenticate users against");
DEFINE_bool(ldap_tls, false, "If true, use the secure TLS protocol to connect to the LDAP"
" server");
DEFINE_string(ldap_ca_certificate, "", "The full path to the certificate file used to"
" authenticate the LDAP server's certificate for SSL / TLS connections.");
DEFINE_bool(ldap_passwords_in_clear_ok, false, "If set, will allow LDAP passwords "
"to be sent in the clear (without TLS/SSL) over the network. This option should not "
"be used in production environments" );
DEFINE_bool(ldap_allow_anonymous_binds, false, "(Advanced) If true, LDAP authentication "
"with a blank password (an 'anonymous bind') is allowed by Impala.");
DEFINE_bool(ldap_manual_config, false, "Obsolete; Ignored");
DEFINE_string(ldap_domain, "", "If set, Impala will try to bind to LDAP with a name of "
"the form <userid>@<ldap_domain>");
DEFINE_string(ldap_baseDN, "", "If set, Impala will try to bind to LDAP with a name of "
"the form uid=<userid>,<ldap_baseDN>");
DEFINE_string(ldap_bind_pattern, "", "If set, Impala will try to bind to LDAP with a name"
" of <ldap_bind_pattern>, but where the string #UID is replaced by the user ID. Use"
" to control the bind name precisely; do not set --ldap_domain or --ldap_baseDN with"
" this option");
DEFINE_string(internal_principals_whitelist, "hdfs", "(Advanced) Comma-separated list of "
" additional usernames authorized to access Impala's internal APIs. Defaults to "
"'hdfs' which is the system user that in certain deployments must access "
"catalog server APIs.");
// TODO: Remove this flag and the old kerberos code in a compatibility-breaking release.
// (IMPALA-5893)
DEFINE_bool(use_kudu_kinit, true, "If true, Impala will programatically perform kinit "
"by calling into the libkrb5 library using the provided APIs. If false, it will fork "
"off a kinit process.");
namespace impala {
// Sasl callbacks. Why are these here? Well, Sasl isn't that bright, and
// instead of copying the callbacks, it just saves a pointer to them. If
// they're on the stack, this means that they *go away* when the function
// exits... so make these global and static here, and fill them in below.
// Vectors are used for the three latter items because that's what the thrift
// interface expects.
// The way the callbacks work is that the Sasl code will look for a registered
// callback in the connection-specific callback list (one of the latter three),
// and if not found, then look for a registered callback in the
static sasl_callback_t GENERAL_CALLBACKS[5]; // Applies to all connections
static vector<sasl_callback_t> KERB_INT_CALLBACKS; // Internal kerberos connections
static vector<sasl_callback_t> KERB_EXT_CALLBACKS; // External kerberos connections
static vector<sasl_callback_t> LDAP_EXT_CALLBACKS; // External LDAP connections
// The name of the application passed to Sasl which will retain reference to it.
// This is initialized the first time InitAuth() is called. Future call must pass
// the same 'appname' or InitAuth() will fail.
static string APP_NAME;
// Path to the file based credential cache that we pass to the KRB5CCNAME environment
// variable.
static const string KRB5CCNAME_PATH = "/tmp/krb5cc_impala_internal";
// Constants for the two Sasl mechanisms we support
static const string KERBEROS_MECHANISM = "GSSAPI";
static const string PLAIN_MECHANISM = "PLAIN";
// Required prefixes for ldap URIs:
static const string LDAP_URI_PREFIX = "ldap://";
static const string LDAPS_URI_PREFIX = "ldaps://";
// We implement an "auxprop" plugin for the Sasl layer in order to have a hook in which
// to log messages about the start of authentication. This is that plugin's name.
static const string IMPALA_AUXPROP_PLUGIN = "impala-auxprop";
AuthManager* AuthManager::auth_manager_ = new AuthManager();
// This Sasl callback is called when the underlying cyrus-sasl layer has
// something that it would like to say. We catch it and turn it into the
// appropriate LOG() call.
// context: Passed a (char *) that comes from the initialization, used
// to describe the kerb|ldap internal|external context
// level: The SASL_LOG_ level
// message: The message to log
// Return: Always SASL_OK, unless message is NULL, then it's SASL_BADPARAM.
static int SaslLogCallback(void* context, int level, const char* message) {
if (message == NULL) return SASL_BADPARAM;
const char* authctx = (context == NULL) ? "Unknown" :
reinterpret_cast<const char*>(context);
switch (level) {
case SASL_LOG_NONE: // "Don't log anything"
case SASL_LOG_PASS: // "Traces... including passwords" - don't log!
case SASL_LOG_ERR: // "Unusual errors"
case SASL_LOG_FAIL: // "Authentication failures"
LOG(ERROR) << "SASL message (" << authctx << "): " << message;
case SASL_LOG_WARN: // "Non-fatal warnings"
LOG(WARNING) << "SASL message (" << authctx << "): " << message;
case SASL_LOG_NOTE: // "More verbose than WARN"
LOG(INFO) << "SASL message (" << authctx << "): " << message;
case SASL_LOG_DEBUG: // "More verbose than NOTE"
VLOG(1) << "SASL message (" << authctx << "): " << message;
case SASL_LOG_TRACE: // "Traces of internal protocols"
VLOG(3) << "SASL message (" << authctx << "): " << message;
return SASL_OK;
// This callback is only called when we're providing LDAP authentication. This "check
// pass" callback is our hook to ask the real LDAP server if we're allowed to log in or
// not. We can be thought of as a proxy for LDAP logins - the user gives their password
// to us, and we pass it to the real LDAP server.
// Note that this method uses ldap_sasl_bind_s(), which does *not* provide any security
// to the connection between Impala and the LDAP server. You must either set --ldap_tls,
// or have a URI which has "ldaps://" as the scheme in order to get a secure connection.
// Use --ldap_ca_certificate to specify the location of the certificate used to confirm
// the authenticity of the LDAP server certificate.
// conn: The Sasl connection struct, which we ignore
// context: Ignored; always NULL
// user: The username to authenticate
// pass: The password to use
// passlen: The length of pass
// propctx: Ignored - properties requested
// Return: SASL_OK on success, SASL_FAIL otherwise
int SaslLdapCheckPass(sasl_conn_t* conn, void* context, const char* user,
const char* pass, unsigned passlen, struct propctx* propctx) {
if (passlen == 0 && !FLAGS_ldap_allow_anonymous_binds) {
// Disable anonymous binds.
return SASL_FAIL;
LDAP* ld;
int rc = ldap_initialize(&ld, FLAGS_ldap_uri.c_str());
if (rc != LDAP_SUCCESS) {
LOG(WARNING) << "Could not initialize connection with LDAP server ("
<< FLAGS_ldap_uri << "). Error: " << ldap_err2string(rc);
return SASL_FAIL;
// Force the LDAP version to 3 to make sure TLS is supported.
int ldap_ver = 3;
ldap_set_option(ld, LDAP_OPT_PROTOCOL_VERSION, &ldap_ver);
// If -ldap_tls is turned on, and the URI is ldap://, issue a STARTTLS operation.
// Note that we'll ignore -ldap_tls when using ldaps:// because we've already
// got a secure connection (and the LDAP server will reject the STARTTLS).
if (FLAGS_ldap_tls && (FLAGS_ldap_uri.find(LDAP_URI_PREFIX) == 0)) {
int tls_rc = ldap_start_tls_s(ld, NULL, NULL);
if (tls_rc != LDAP_SUCCESS) {
LOG(WARNING) << "Could not start TLS secure connection to LDAP server ("
<< FLAGS_ldap_uri << "). Error: " << ldap_err2string(tls_rc);
ldap_unbind_ext(ld, NULL, NULL);
return SASL_FAIL;
VLOG(2) << "Started TLS connection with LDAP server: " << FLAGS_ldap_uri;
// Map the user string into an acceptable LDAP "DN" (distinguished name)
string user_str = user;
if (!FLAGS_ldap_domain.empty()) {
// Append @domain if there isn't already an @ in the user string.
if (user_str.find("@") == string::npos) {
user_str = Substitute("$0@$1", user_str, FLAGS_ldap_domain);
} else if (!FLAGS_ldap_baseDN.empty()) {
user_str = Substitute("uid=$0,$1", user_str, FLAGS_ldap_baseDN);
} else if (!FLAGS_ldap_bind_pattern.empty()) {
user_str = FLAGS_ldap_bind_pattern;
replace_all(user_str, "#UID", user);
// Map the password into a credentials structure
struct berval cred;
cred.bv_val = const_cast<char*>(pass);
cred.bv_len = passlen;
VLOG_QUERY << "Trying simple LDAP bind for: " << user_str;
rc = ldap_sasl_bind_s(ld, user_str.c_str(), LDAP_SASL_SIMPLE, &cred,
// Free ld
ldap_unbind_ext(ld, NULL, NULL);
if (rc != LDAP_SUCCESS) {
LOG(WARNING) << "LDAP authentication failure for " << user_str
<< " : " << ldap_err2string(rc);
return SASL_FAIL;
VLOG_QUERY << "LDAP bind successful";
return SASL_OK;
// Sasl wants a way to ask us about some options, this function provides
// answers. Currently we only support telling Sasl about the log_level; other
// items are printed out for curiosity's sake, but otherwise ignored.
// context: Ignored, always NULL
// plugin_name: If applicable, the name of the plugin making the
// request. NULL if it's a general option.
// option: The name of the configurable parameter
// result: A char * array to hold our answer
// len: Bytes at result
// Return: SASL_OK for things we deal with; SASL_FAIL otherwise. The
// cyrus-sasl code rarely checks the return value; it's more
// interested in whether we fill in *result or not.
static int SaslGetOption(void* context, const char* plugin_name, const char* option,
const char** result, unsigned* len) {
if (plugin_name == NULL) {
if (strcmp("log_level", option) == 0) {
int level = SASL_LOG_WARN;
} else if (VLOG_ROW_IS_ON) {
static char buf[4];
snprintf(buf, 4, "%d", level);
*result = buf;
if (len != NULL) *len = strlen(buf);
return SASL_OK;
} else if (strcmp("auxprop_plugin", option) == 0) {
*result = IMPALA_AUXPROP_PLUGIN.c_str();
if (len != NULL) *len = strlen(*result);
return SASL_OK;
VLOG(3) << "Sasl general option " << option << " requested";
return SASL_FAIL;
VLOG(3) << "Sasl option " << plugin_name << " : "
<< option << " requested";
return SASL_FAIL;
// The "auxprop" plugin interface was intended to be a database service for the "glue"
// layer between the mechanisms and applications. We, however, hijack this interface
// simply in order to provide an audit message prior to that start of authentication.
#if SASL_VERSION_FULL >= ((2 << 16) | (1 << 8) | 25)
static int ImpalaAuxpropLookup(void* glob_context, sasl_server_params_t* sparams,
static void ImpalaAuxpropLookup(void* glob_context, sasl_server_params_t* sparams,
unsigned int flags, const char* user, unsigned ulen) {
// This callback is called twice, once with this flag clear, and once with
// this flag set. We only want to log this message once, so only log it when
// the flag is clear.
if ((flags & SASL_AUXPROP_AUTHZID) == 0) {
string ustr(user, ulen);
VLOG(2) << "Attempting to authenticate user \"" << ustr << "\"";
#if SASL_VERSION_FULL >= ((2 << 16) | (1 << 8) | 25)
return SASL_OK;
// Singleton structure used to register our auxprop plugin with Sasl
static sasl_auxprop_plug_t impala_auxprop_plugin = {
0, // feature flag
0, // 'spare'
NULL, // global plugin state
NULL, // Free global state callback
&ImpalaAuxpropLookup, // Auxprop lookup method
const_cast<char*>(IMPALA_AUXPROP_PLUGIN.c_str()), // Name of plugin
NULL // Store property callback
// This is a Sasl callback that's called in order to register our "auxprop"
// plugin. We give it the structure above, which installs ImpalaAuxpropLookup
// as the lookup method.
int ImpalaAuxpropInit(const sasl_utils_t* utils, int max_version, int* out_version,
sasl_auxprop_plug_t** plug, const char* plugname) {
VLOG(2) << "Initializing Impala SASL plugin: " << plugname;
*plug = &impala_auxprop_plugin;
*out_version = max_version;
return SASL_OK;
// This Sasl callback will tell us what files Sasl is trying to access. It's
// here just for curiousity's sake at the moment. It might be useful for
// telling us precisely which plugins have been found.
// context: Ignored, always NULL
// file: The file being accessed
// type: What type of thing is it: plugin, config file, etc
// Return: SASL_OK
static int SaslVerifyFile(void* context, const char* file,
sasl_verify_type_t type ) {
switch(type) {
VLOG(2) << "Sasl found plugin " << file;
VLOG(2) << "Sasl trying to access config file " << file;
VLOG(2) << "Sasl accessing password file " << file;
VLOG(2) << "Sasl found other file " << file;
return SASL_OK;
// Authorizes authenticated users on an internal connection after validating that the
// first components of the 'requested_user' and our principal are the same.
// conn: Sasl connection - Ignored
// context: Always NULL except for testing.
// requested_user: The identity/username to authorize
// rlen: Length of above
// auth_identity: "The identity associated with the secret"
// alen: Length of above
// def_realm: Default user realm
// urlen: Length of above
// propctx: Auxiliary properties - Ignored
// Return: SASL_OK
int SaslAuthorizeInternal(sasl_conn_t* conn, void* context,
const char* requested_user, unsigned rlen,
const char* auth_identity, unsigned alen,
const char* def_realm, unsigned urlen,
struct propctx* propctx) {
string requested_principal(requested_user, rlen);
vector<string> names;
split(names, requested_principal, is_any_of("/@"));
if (names.size() != 3) {
LOG(INFO) << "Kerberos principal should be of the form: "
<< "<service>/<hostname>@<realm> - got: " << requested_user;
SaslAuthProvider* internal_auth_provider;
if (context == NULL) {
internal_auth_provider = static_cast<SaslAuthProvider*>(
} else {
// Branch should only be taken for testing, where context is used to inject an auth
// provider.
internal_auth_provider = static_cast<SaslAuthProvider*>(context);
vector<string> whitelist;
split(whitelist, FLAGS_internal_principals_whitelist, is_any_of(","));
for (string& s: whitelist) {
if (s.empty()) continue;
if (names[0] == s) {
// We say "principal" here becase this is for internal communication, and hence
// ought always be --principal or --be_principal
VLOG(1) << "Successfully authenticated principal \"" << requested_principal
<< "\" on an internal connection";
return SASL_OK;
string expected_names = FLAGS_internal_principals_whitelist.empty() ? "" :
Substitute(" or one of $0", FLAGS_internal_principals_whitelist);
LOG(INFO) << "Principal \"" << requested_principal << "\" not authenticated. "
<< "Reason: 'service' does not match from <service>/<hostname>@<realm>.\n"
<< "Got: " << names[0]
<< ". Expected: " << internal_auth_provider->service_name() << expected_names;
// This callback could be used to authorize or restrict access to certain
// users. Currently it is used to log a message that we successfully
// authenticated with a user on an external connection.
// conn: Sasl connection - Ignored
// context: Ignored, always NULL
// requested_user: The identity/username to authorize
// rlen: Length of above
// auth_identity: "The identity associated with the secret"
// alen: Length of above
// def_realm: Default user realm
// urlen: Length of above
// propctx: Auxiliary properties - Ignored
// Return: SASL_OK
static int SaslAuthorizeExternal(sasl_conn_t* conn, void* context,
const char* requested_user, unsigned rlen,
const char* auth_identity, unsigned alen,
const char* def_realm, unsigned urlen,
struct propctx* propctx) {
LOG(INFO) << "Successfully authenticated client user \""
<< string(requested_user, rlen) << "\"";
return SASL_OK;
// Sasl callback - where to look for plugins. When SASL is dynamically linked, the plugin
// path is embedded in the library. However, for backwards compatibility in Impala, we
// provided the possibility to define a custom SASL plugin path that may override the
// system default. This function is only used, when the user actively chooses to manually
// define a custom SASL path, otherwise the automatic path resolution from the SASL
// library is used.
// context: Ignored, always NULL
// path: We return the plugin paths here.
// Return: SASL_OK
static int SaslGetPath(void* context, const char** path) {
*path = FLAGS_sasl_path.c_str();
return SASL_OK;
// When operating as a Kerberos client (internal connections only), we need to
// 'kinit' as the principal. A thread is created and calls this function for
// that purpose, and to periodically renew the ticket as well.
// first_kinit: Used to communicate success/failure of the initial kinit call to
// the parent thread
// Return: Only if the first call to 'kinit' fails
void SaslAuthProvider::RunKinit(Promise<Status>* first_kinit) {
// Pass the path to the key file and the principal.
const string kinit_cmd = Substitute("kinit -k -t $0 $1 2>&1",
keytab_file_, principal_);
bool first_time = true;
std::random_device rd;
mt19937 generator(rd());
uniform_int<> dist(0, 300);
while (true) {
LOG(INFO) << "Registering " << principal_ << ", keytab file " << keytab_file_;
string kinit_output;
bool success = RunShellProcess(kinit_cmd, &kinit_output);
if (!success) {
const string& err_msg = Substitute(
"Failed to obtain Kerberos ticket for principal: $0. $1", principal_,
if (first_time) {
} else {
LOG(ERROR) << err_msg;
} else if (first_time) {
first_time = false;
// Sleep for the renewal interval, minus a random time between 0-5 minutes to help
// avoid a storm at the KDC. Additionally, never sleep less than a minute to
// reduce KDC stress due to frequent renewals.
SleepForMs(1000 * max((60 * FLAGS_kerberos_reinit_interval) - dist(generator), 60));
namespace {
// SASL requires mutexes for thread safety, but doesn't implement
// them itself. So, we have to hook them up to our mutex implementation.
static void* SaslMutexAlloc() {
return static_cast<void*>(new mutex());
static void SaslMutexFree(void* m) {
delete static_cast<mutex*>(m);
static int SaslMutexLock(void* m) {
return 0; // indicates success.
static int SaslMutexUnlock(void* m) {
return 0; // indicates success.
void SaslSetMutex() {
sasl_set_mutex(&SaslMutexAlloc, &SaslMutexLock, &SaslMutexUnlock, &SaslMutexFree);
Status InitAuth(const string& appname) {
if (APP_NAME.empty()) {
APP_NAME = appname;
} else if (APP_NAME != appname) {
return Status(TErrorCode::SASL_APP_NAME_MISMATCH, APP_NAME, appname);
// Setup basic callbacks for Sasl. We initialize SASL always since KRPC expects it to
// be initialized.
// Good idea to have logging everywhere
GENERAL_CALLBACKS[0].proc = (int (*)())&SaslLogCallback;
GENERAL_CALLBACKS[0].context = ((void *)"General");
int arr_offset = 0;
if (!FLAGS_sasl_path.empty()) {
// Need this here so we can find available mechanisms
GENERAL_CALLBACKS[1].proc = (int (*)())&SaslGetPath;
arr_offset = 1;
// Allows us to view and set some options
GENERAL_CALLBACKS[1 + arr_offset].proc = (int (*)())&SaslGetOption;
GENERAL_CALLBACKS[1 + arr_offset].context = NULL;
// For curiosity, let's see what files are being touched.
GENERAL_CALLBACKS[2 + arr_offset].proc = (int (*)())&SaslVerifyFile;
GENERAL_CALLBACKS[2 + arr_offset].context = NULL;
// Other than the general callbacks, we only setup other SASL things as required.
if (FLAGS_enable_ldap_auth || IsKerberosEnabled()) {
if (!FLAGS_principal.empty()) {
// Callbacks for when we're a Kerberos Sasl internal connection. Just do logging.
KERB_INT_CALLBACKS[0].proc = (int (*)())&SaslLogCallback;
KERB_INT_CALLBACKS[0].context = ((void *)"Kerberos (internal)");
KERB_INT_CALLBACKS[1].proc = (int (*)())&SaslAuthorizeInternal;
// Our externally facing Sasl callbacks for Kerberos communication
KERB_EXT_CALLBACKS[0].proc = (int (*)())&SaslLogCallback;
KERB_EXT_CALLBACKS[0].context = ((void *)"Kerberos (external)");
KERB_EXT_CALLBACKS[1].proc = (int (*)())&SaslAuthorizeExternal;
if (FLAGS_enable_ldap_auth) {
// Our external server-side SASL callbacks for LDAP communication
LDAP_EXT_CALLBACKS[0].proc = (int (*)())&SaslLogCallback;
LDAP_EXT_CALLBACKS[0].context = ((void *)"LDAP");
LDAP_EXT_CALLBACKS[1].proc = (int (*)())&SaslAuthorizeExternal;
// This last callback is where we take the password and turn around and
// call into openldap.
LDAP_EXT_CALLBACKS[2].proc = (int (*)())&SaslLdapCheckPass;
// Kudu Client and Kudu RPC shouldn't attempt to initialize SASL which would conflict
// with Impala's SASL initialization. This must be called before any Kudu RPC objects
// and KuduClients are created to ensure that Kudu doesn't init SASL first, and this
// returns an error if Kudu has already initialized SASL.
"Unable to disable Kudu RPC SASL initialization.");
if (KuduIsAvailable()) {
"Unable to disable Kudu SASL initialization.");
try {
// We assume all impala processes are both server and client.
sasl::TSaslServer::SaslInit(GENERAL_CALLBACKS, APP_NAME.c_str());
} catch (sasl::SaslServerImplException& e) {
stringstream err_msg;
err_msg << "Could not initialize Sasl library: " << e.what();
return Status(err_msg.str());
// Add our auxprop plugin, which gives us a hook before authentication
int rc = sasl_auxprop_add_plugin(IMPALA_AUXPROP_PLUGIN.c_str(), &ImpalaAuxpropInit);
if (rc != SASL_OK) {
return Status(Substitute("Error adding Sasl auxprop plugin: $0",
sasl_errstring(rc, NULL, NULL)));
// Initializes OpenSSL.
// Prevent Kudu from re-initializing OpenSSL.
if (KuduIsAvailable()) {
"Unable to disable Kudu SSL initialization.");
return Status::OK();
// Ensure that /var/tmp (the location of the Kerberos replay cache) has drwxrwxrwt
// permissions. If it doesn't, Kerberos will be unhappy in a way that's very difficult
// to debug. We do this using direct stat() calls because boost doesn't support the
// detail we need.
Status CheckReplayCacheDirPermissions() {
struct stat st;
if (stat("/var/tmp", &st) < 0) {
return Status(Substitute("Problem accessing /var/tmp: $0", GetStrErrMsg()));
if (!(st.st_mode & S_IFDIR)) {
return Status("Error: /var/tmp is not a directory");
if ((st.st_mode & 01777) != 01777) {
return Status("Error: The permissions on /var/tmp must precisely match "
"\"drwxrwxrwt\". This directory is used by the Kerberos replay cache. To "
"rectify this issue, run \"chmod 01777 /var/tmp\" as root.");
return Status::OK();
Status SaslAuthProvider::InitKerberos(const string& principal,
const string& keytab_file) {
principal_ = principal;
keytab_file_ = keytab_file;
// The logic here is that needs_kinit_ is false unless we are the internal
// auth provider and we support kerberos.
needs_kinit_ = is_internal_;
principal_, &service_name_, &hostname_, &realm_));
LOG(INFO) << "Using " << (is_internal_ ? "internal" : "external")
<< " kerberos principal \"" << service_name_ << "/"
<< hostname_ << "@" << realm_ << "\"";
return Status::OK();
// For the environment variable attr, append "-Dthing=thingval" if "thing" is not already
// in the current attr's value.
static Status EnvAppend(const string& attr, const string& thing, const string& thingval) {
// Carefully append to attr. There are three distinct cases:
// 1. Attr doesn't exist: set it
// 2. Attr exists, and doesn't contain thing: append to it
// 3. Attr exists, and already contains thing: do nothing
string current_val;
char* current_val_c = getenv(attr.c_str());
if (current_val_c != NULL) {
current_val = current_val_c;
if (!current_val.empty() && (current_val.find(thing) != string::npos)) {
// Case 3 above
return Status::OK();
stringstream val_out;
if (!current_val.empty()) {
// Case 2 above
val_out << current_val << " ";
val_out << "-D" << thing << "=" << thingval;
if (setenv(attr.c_str(), val_out.str().c_str(), 1) < 0) {
return Status(Substitute("Bad $0=$1 value: Could not set environment variable $2: $3",
thing, thingval, attr, GetStrErrMsg()));
return Status::OK();
Status AuthManager::InitKerberosEnv() {
if (!is_regular(FLAGS_keytab_file)) {
return Status(Substitute("Bad --keytab_file value: The file $0 is not a "
"regular file", FLAGS_keytab_file));
// Set the keytab name in the environment so that Sasl Kerberos and kinit can
// find and use it.
if (setenv("KRB5_KTNAME", FLAGS_keytab_file.c_str(), 1)) {
return Status(Substitute("Kerberos could not set KRB5_KTNAME: $0",
// We want to set a custom location for the impala credential cache.
// Usually, it's /tmp/krb5cc_xxx where xxx is the UID of the process. This
// is normally fine, but if you're not running impala daemons as user
// 'impala', the kinit we perform is going to blow away credentials for the
// current user. Not setting this isn't technically fatal, so ignore errors.
(void) setenv("KRB5CCNAME", "/tmp/krb5cc_impala_internal", 1);
// If an alternate krb5_conf location is supplied, set both KRB5_CONFIG and
// JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS in the environment.
if (!FLAGS_krb5_conf.empty()) {
// Ensure it points to a regular file
if (!is_regular(FLAGS_krb5_conf)) {
return Status(Substitute("Bad --krb5_conf value: The file $0 is not a "
"regular file", FLAGS_krb5_conf));
// Overwrite KRB5_CONFIG
if (setenv("KRB5_CONFIG", FLAGS_krb5_conf.c_str(), 1) < 0) {
return Status(Substitute("Bad --krb5_conf value: Could not set "
"KRB5_CONFIG: $0", GetStrErrMsg()));
LOG(INFO) << "Using custom Kerberos configuration file at "
<< FLAGS_krb5_conf;
// Set kerberos debugging, if applicable. Errors are non-fatal.
if (!FLAGS_krb5_debug_file.empty()) {
bool krb5_debug_fail = false;
if (setenv("KRB5_TRACE", FLAGS_krb5_debug_file.c_str(), 1) < 0) {
LOG(WARNING) << "Failed to set KRB5_TRACE; --krb5_debuf_file not enabled for "
"back-end code";
krb5_debug_fail = true;
if (!EnvAppend("JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS", "", "true").ok()) {
LOG(WARNING) << "Failed to set JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS; --krb5_debuf_file not enabled "
"for front-end code";
krb5_debug_fail = true;
if (!krb5_debug_fail) {
LOG(INFO) << "Kerberos debugging is enabled; kerberos messages written to "
<< FLAGS_krb5_debug_file;
return Status::OK();
Status SaslAuthProvider::Start() {
// True for kerberos internal use
if (needs_kinit_) {
if (FLAGS_use_kudu_kinit) {
// Starts a thread that periodically does a 'kinit'. The thread lives as long as the
// process does.
KUDU_RETURN_IF_ERROR(kudu::security::InitKerberosForServer(principal_, keytab_file_,
KRB5CCNAME_PATH, false), "Could not init kerberos");
} else {
Promise<Status> first_kinit;
stringstream thread_name;
thread_name << "kinit-" << principal_;
RETURN_IF_ERROR(Thread::Create("authentication", thread_name.str(),
&SaslAuthProvider::RunKinit, this, &first_kinit, &kinit_thread_));
LOG(INFO) << "Waiting for Kerberos ticket for principal: " << principal_;
LOG(INFO) << "Kerberos ticket granted to " << principal_;
if (has_ldap_) {
if (!FLAGS_ldap_ca_certificate.empty()) {
int set_rc = ldap_set_option(NULL, LDAP_OPT_X_TLS_CACERTFILE,
if (set_rc != LDAP_SUCCESS) {
return Status(Substitute("Could not set location of LDAP server cert: $0",
} else {
// A warning was already logged...
int set_rc = ldap_set_option(NULL, LDAP_OPT_X_TLS_REQUIRE_CERT,
if (set_rc != LDAP_SUCCESS) {
return Status(Substitute(
"Could not disable certificate requirement for LDAP server: $0",
if (hostname_.empty()) {
return Status::OK();
Status SaslAuthProvider::GetServerTransportFactory(
boost::shared_ptr<TTransportFactory>* factory) {
DCHECK(!principal_.empty() || has_ldap_);
// This is the heart of the link between this file and thrift. Here we
// associate a Sasl mechanism with our callbacks.
try {
map<string, string> sasl_props; // Empty; unused by Thrift
TSaslServerTransport::Factory* sst_factory = NULL;
factory->reset(sst_factory = new TSaslServerTransport::Factory());
if(!principal_.empty()) {
// Tell it about Kerberos:
sst_factory->addServerDefinition(KERBEROS_MECHANISM, service_name_,
hostname_, realm_, 0, sasl_props,
if (has_ldap_) {
// Tell it about LDAP:
sst_factory->addServerDefinition(PLAIN_MECHANISM, "LDAP", hostname_,
"", 0, sasl_props, LDAP_EXT_CALLBACKS);
} catch (const TException& e) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to create Sasl Server transport factory: "
<< e.what();
return Status(e.what());
VLOG_RPC << "Made " << (is_internal_ ? "internal" : "external")
<< " server transport factory with "
<< (!principal_.empty() ? "Kerberos " : " ")
<< (has_ldap_ ? "LDAP " : " ") << "authentication";
return Status::OK();
Status SaslAuthProvider::WrapClientTransport(const string& hostname,
boost::shared_ptr<TTransport> raw_transport, const string& service_name,
boost::shared_ptr<TTransport>* wrapped_transport) {
boost::shared_ptr<sasl::TSasl> sasl_client;
const map<string, string> props; // Empty; unused by thrift
const string auth_id; // Empty; unused by thrift
// Since the daemons are never LDAP clients, we go straight to Kerberos
try {
const string& service = service_name.empty() ? service_name_ : service_name;
sasl_client.reset(new sasl::TSaslClient(KERBEROS_MECHANISM, auth_id,
service, hostname, props,;
} catch (sasl::SaslClientImplException& e) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to create a GSSAPI/SASL client: " << e.what();
return Status(e.what());
wrapped_transport->reset(new TSaslClientTransport(sasl_client, raw_transport));
// This function is called immediately prior to sasl_client_start(), and so
// can be used to log an "I'm beginning authentication for this principal"
// message. Unfortunately, there are no hooks for us at this level to say
// that we successfully authenticated as a client.
VLOG_RPC << "Initiating client connection using principal " << principal_;
return Status::OK();
Status NoAuthProvider::GetServerTransportFactory(
boost::shared_ptr<TTransportFactory>* factory) {
// No Sasl - yawn. Here, have a regular old buffered transport.
factory->reset(new ThriftServer::BufferedTransportFactory());
return Status::OK();
Status NoAuthProvider::WrapClientTransport(const string& hostname,
boost::shared_ptr<TTransport> raw_transport, const string& dummy_service,
boost::shared_ptr<TTransport>* wrapped_transport) {
// No Sasl - yawn. Don't do any transport wrapping for clients.
*wrapped_transport = raw_transport;
return Status::OK();
Status AuthManager::Init() {
ssl_socket_factory_.reset(new TSSLSocketFactory());
bool use_ldap = false;
const string excl_msg = "--$0 and --$1 are mutually exclusive "
"and should not be set together";
// Get all of the flag validation out of the way
if (FLAGS_enable_ldap_auth) {
use_ldap = true;
if (!FLAGS_ldap_domain.empty()) {
if (!FLAGS_ldap_baseDN.empty()) {
return Status(Substitute(excl_msg, "ldap_domain", "ldap_baseDN"));
if (!FLAGS_ldap_bind_pattern.empty()) {
return Status(Substitute(excl_msg, "ldap_domain", "ldap_bind_pattern"));
} else if (!FLAGS_ldap_baseDN.empty()) {
if (!FLAGS_ldap_bind_pattern.empty()) {
return Status(Substitute(excl_msg, "ldap_baseDN", "ldap_bind_pattern"));
if (FLAGS_ldap_uri.empty()) {
return Status("--ldap_uri must be supplied when --ldap_enable_auth is set");
if ((FLAGS_ldap_uri.find(LDAP_URI_PREFIX) != 0) &&
(FLAGS_ldap_uri.find(LDAPS_URI_PREFIX) != 0)) {
return Status(Substitute("--ldap_uri must start with either $0 or $1",
LOG(INFO) << "Using LDAP authentication with server " << FLAGS_ldap_uri;
if (!FLAGS_ldap_tls && (FLAGS_ldap_uri.find(LDAPS_URI_PREFIX) != 0)) {
if (FLAGS_ldap_passwords_in_clear_ok) {
LOG(WARNING) << "LDAP authentication is being used, but without TLS. "
} else {
return Status("LDAP authentication specified, but without TLS. "
"Passwords would go over the network in the clear. "
"Enable TLS with --ldap_tls or use an ldaps:// URI. "
"To override this is non-production environments, "
"specify --ldap_passwords_in_clear_ok");
} else if (FLAGS_ldap_ca_certificate.empty()) {
LOG(WARNING) << "LDAP authentication is being used with TLS, but without "
<< "an --ldap_ca_certificate file, the identity of the LDAP "
<< "server cannot be verified. Network communication (and "
<< "hence passwords) could be intercepted by a "
<< "man-in-the-middle attack";
if (FLAGS_principal.empty() && !FLAGS_be_principal.empty()) {
return Status("A back end principal (--be_principal) was supplied without "
"also supplying a regular principal (--principal). Either --principal "
"must be supplied alone, in which case it applies to all communication, "
"or --principal and --be_principal must be supplied together, in which "
"case --principal is used in external communication and --be_principal "
"is used in internal (back-end) communication.");
// When acting as a client, or as a server on internal connections:
string kerberos_internal_principal;
// When acting as a server on external connections:
string kerberos_external_principal;
bool use_kerberos = IsKerberosEnabled();
if (use_kerberos) {
// This is written from the perspective of the daemons - thus "internal"
// means "I am used for communication with other daemons, both as a client
// and as a server". "External" means that "I am used when being a server
// for clients that are external - that is, they aren't daemons - like the
// impala shell, odbc, jdbc, etc.
// Flags | Internal | External
// --------- | -------- | --------
// None | NoAuth | NoAuth
// LDAP only | NoAuth | Sasl(ldap)
// Kerb only | Sasl(be) | Sasl(fe)
// Both | Sasl(be) | Sasl(fe+ldap)
// Set up the internal auth provider as per above. Since there's no LDAP on
// the client side, this is just a check for the "back end" kerberos
// principal.
if (use_kerberos) {
SaslAuthProvider* sap = NULL;
internal_auth_provider_.reset(sap = new SaslAuthProvider(true));
LOG(INFO) << "Internal communication is authenticated with Kerberos";
} else {
internal_auth_provider_.reset(new NoAuthProvider());
LOG(INFO) << "Internal communication is not authenticated";
// Set up the external auth provider as per above. Either a "front end"
// principal or ldap tells us to use a SaslAuthProvider, and we fill in
// details from there.
if (use_ldap || use_kerberos) {
SaslAuthProvider* sap = NULL;
external_auth_provider_.reset(sap = new SaslAuthProvider(false));
if (use_kerberos) {
LOG(INFO) << "External communication is authenticated with Kerberos";
if (use_ldap) {
LOG(INFO) << "External communication is authenticated with LDAP";
} else {
external_auth_provider_.reset(new NoAuthProvider());
LOG(INFO) << "External communication is not authenticated";
return Status::OK();
AuthProvider* AuthManager::GetExternalAuthProvider() {
DCHECK(external_auth_provider_.get() != NULL);
return external_auth_provider_.get();
AuthProvider* AuthManager::GetInternalAuthProvider() {
DCHECK(internal_auth_provider_.get() != NULL);
return internal_auth_provider_.get();