blob: 89d1654b56e440f9031d84850e0ec90f6b4cf684 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
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// under the License.
#pragma once
#include <string>
namespace kudu {
class Status;
namespace security {
// Set of certificates and private keys used for certificate generation
// and signing tests (declarations). See the .cc file for the actual data.
// Valid root CA cerificate (PEM format).
extern const char kCaCert[];
// The private key (RSA, 2048 bits) for the certificate above.
// This is 2048 bit RSA key, in PEM format.
extern const char kCaPrivateKey[];
// The public part of the abovementioned private key.
extern const char kCaPublicKey[];
// Expired root CA certificate (PEM format).
extern const char kCaExpiredCert[];
// The private key for the expired CA certificate described above.
// This is 2048 bit RSA key, in PEM format.
extern const char kCaExpiredPrivateKey[];
// The public part of the abovementioned private key.
extern const char kCaExpiredPublicKey[];
// Certificate with multiple DNS hostnames in the SAN field.
extern const char kCertDnsHostnamesInSan[];
extern const char kDataTiny[];
extern const char kSignatureTinySHA512[];
extern const char kDataShort[];
extern const char kSignatureShortSHA512[];
extern const char kDataLong[];
extern const char kSignatureLongSHA512[];
// Creates a matching SSL certificate and unencrypted private key file in 'dir',
// returning their paths in '*cert_file' and '*key_file'.
Status CreateTestSSLCertWithPlainKey(const std::string& dir,
std::string* cert_file,
std::string* key_file);
// Same as the CreateTestSSLCertWithPlainKey() except that the private key is
// encrypted with a password that is returned in 'key_password'.
Status CreateTestSSLCertWithEncryptedKey(const std::string& dir,
std::string* cert_file,
std::string* key_file,
std::string* key_password);
// Same as the CreateTestSSLCertWithPlainKey() except that the 'cert_file' is
// signed by a CA chain.
Status CreateTestSSLCertSignedByChain(const std::string& dir,
std::string* cert_file,
std::string* key_file,
std::string* ca_cert_file);
} // namespace security
} // namespace kudu