blob: 9a78c14f923b1706e2e0bf5d3419a1f831a131e6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
#include <cstdint>
#include <limits>
#include <memory>
#include <set>
#include <string>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <vector>
#include <boost/intrusive/list.hpp>
#include <ev++.h>
#include "kudu/gutil/gscoped_ptr.h"
#include "kudu/gutil/ref_counted.h"
#include "kudu/rpc/inbound_call.h"
#include "kudu/rpc/outbound_call.h"
#include "kudu/rpc/remote_user.h"
#include "kudu/rpc/rpc_controller.h"
#include "kudu/rpc/transfer.h"
#include "kudu/util/monotime.h"
#include "kudu/util/net/sockaddr.h"
#include "kudu/util/net/socket.h"
#include "kudu/util/object_pool.h"
#include "kudu/util/status.h"
namespace kudu {
namespace rpc {
class DumpRunningRpcsRequestPB;
class ErrorStatusPB;
class RpcConnectionPB;
class ReactorThread;
class RpczStore;
enum class CredentialsPolicy;
// A connection between an endpoint and us.
// Inbound connections are created by AcceptorPools, which eventually schedule
// RegisterConnection() to be called from the reactor thread.
// Outbound connections are created by the Reactor thread in order to service
// outbound calls.
// Once a Connection is created, it can be used both for sending messages and
// receiving them, but any given connection is explicitly a client or server.
// If a pair of servers are making bidirectional RPCs, they will use two separate
// TCP connections (and Connection objects).
// This class is not fully thread-safe. It is accessed only from the context of a
// single ReactorThread except where otherwise specified.
class Connection : public RefCountedThreadSafe<Connection> {
enum Direction {
// This host is sending calls via this connection.
// This host is receiving calls via this connection.
// Create a new Connection.
// reactor_thread: the reactor that owns us.
// remote: the address of the remote end
// socket: the socket to take ownership of.
// direction: whether we are the client or server side
Connection(ReactorThread *reactor_thread,
Sockaddr remote,
std::unique_ptr<Socket> socket,
Direction direction,
CredentialsPolicy policy = CredentialsPolicy::ANY_CREDENTIALS);
// Set underlying socket to non-blocking (or blocking) mode.
Status SetNonBlocking(bool enabled);
// Register our socket with an epoll loop. We will only ever be registered in
// one epoll loop at a time.
void EpollRegister(ev::loop_ref& loop);
MonoTime last_activity_time() const {
return last_activity_time_;
// Returns true if we are not in the process of receiving or sending a
// message, and we have no outstanding calls.
bool Idle() const;
// Fail any calls which are currently queued or awaiting response.
// Prohibits any future calls (they will be failed immediately with this
// same Status).
void Shutdown(const Status& status,
std::unique_ptr<ErrorStatusPB> rpc_error = {});
// Queue a new call to be made. If the queueing fails, the call will be
// marked failed. The caller is expected to check if 'call' has been cancelled
// before making the call.
// Takes ownership of the 'call' object regardless of whether it succeeds or fails.
void QueueOutboundCall(const std::shared_ptr<OutboundCall> &call);
// Queue a call response back to the client on the server side.
// This may be called from a non-reactor thread.
void QueueResponseForCall(gscoped_ptr<InboundCall> call);
// Cancel an outbound call by removing any reference to it by CallAwaitingResponse
// in 'awaiting_responses_'.
void CancelOutboundCall(const std::shared_ptr<OutboundCall> &call);
// The address of the remote end of the connection.
const Sockaddr &remote() const { return remote_; }
// Set the user credentials for an outbound connection.
void set_outbound_connection_id(ConnectionId conn_id) {
DCHECK_EQ(direction_, CLIENT);
outbound_connection_id_ = std::move(conn_id);
// Get the user credentials which will be used to log in.
const ConnectionId& outbound_connection_id() const {
DCHECK_EQ(direction_, CLIENT);
return *outbound_connection_id_;
// Credentials policy to start connection negotiation.
CredentialsPolicy credentials_policy() const { return credentials_policy_; }
// Whether the connection satisfies the specified credentials policy.
// NOTE: The policy is set prior to connection negotiation, and the actual
// authentication credentials used for connection negotiation might
// effectively make the connection to satisfy a stronger policy.
// An example: the credentials policy for the connection was set to
// ANY_CREDENTIALS, but since the authn token was not available
// at the time of negotiation, the primary credentials were used, making
// the connection de facto satisfying the PRIMARY_CREDENTIALS policy.
bool SatisfiesCredentialsPolicy(CredentialsPolicy policy) const;
RpczStore* rpcz_store();
// libev callback when data is available to read.
void ReadHandler(ev::io &watcher, int revents);
// libev callback when we may write to the socket.
void WriteHandler(ev::io &watcher, int revents);
// Safe to be called from other threads.
std::string ToString() const;
Direction direction() const { return direction_; }
Socket* socket() { return socket_.get(); }
// Go through the process of transferring control of the underlying socket back to the Reactor.
void CompleteNegotiation(Status negotiation_status,
std::unique_ptr<ErrorStatusPB> rpc_error);
// Indicate that negotiation is complete and that the Reactor is now in control of the socket.
void MarkNegotiationComplete();
Status DumpPB(const DumpRunningRpcsRequestPB& req,
RpcConnectionPB* resp);
ReactorThread* reactor_thread() const { return reactor_thread_; }
std::unique_ptr<Socket> release_socket() {
return std::move(socket_);
void adopt_socket(std::unique_ptr<Socket> socket) {
socket_ = std::move(socket);
void set_remote_features(std::set<RpcFeatureFlag> remote_features) {
remote_features_ = std::move(remote_features);
void set_remote_user(RemoteUser user) {
DCHECK_EQ(direction_, SERVER);
remote_user_ = std::move(user);
const RemoteUser& remote_user() const {
DCHECK_EQ(direction_, SERVER);
return remote_user_;
// Whether the connection is scheduled for shutdown.
bool scheduled_for_shutdown() const {
DCHECK_EQ(direction_, CLIENT);
return scheduled_for_shutdown_;
// Mark the connection as scheduled to be shut down. Reactor does not dispatch
// new calls on such a connection.
void set_scheduled_for_shutdown() {
DCHECK_EQ(direction_, CLIENT);
scheduled_for_shutdown_ = true;
friend struct CallAwaitingResponse;
friend class QueueTransferTask;
friend struct CallTransferCallbacks;
friend struct ResponseTransferCallbacks;
// A call which has been fully sent to the server, which we're waiting for
// the server to process. This is used on the client side only.
struct CallAwaitingResponse {
// Notification from libev that the call has timed out.
void HandleTimeout(ev::timer &watcher, int revents);
Connection *conn;
std::shared_ptr<OutboundCall> call;
ev::timer timeout_timer;
// We time out RPC calls in two stages. This is set to the amount of timeout
// remaining after the next timeout fires. See Connection::QueueOutboundCall().
double remaining_timeout;
typedef std::unordered_map<uint64_t, CallAwaitingResponse*> car_map_t;
typedef std::unordered_map<uint64_t, InboundCall*> inbound_call_map_t;
// Returns the next valid (positive) sequential call ID by incrementing a counter
// and ensuring we roll over from INT32_MAX to 0.
// Negative numbers are reserved for special purposes.
int32_t GetNextCallId() {
int32_t call_id = next_call_id_;
if (PREDICT_FALSE(next_call_id_ == std::numeric_limits<int32_t>::max())) {
next_call_id_ = 0;
} else {
return call_id;
// An incoming packet has completed transferring on the server side.
// This parses the call and delivers it into the call queue.
void HandleIncomingCall(gscoped_ptr<InboundTransfer> transfer);
// An incoming packet has completed on the client side. This parses the
// call response, looks up the CallAwaitingResponse, and calls the
// client callback.
void HandleCallResponse(gscoped_ptr<InboundTransfer> transfer);
// The given CallAwaitingResponse has elapsed its user-defined timeout.
// Set it to Failed.
void HandleOutboundCallTimeout(CallAwaitingResponse *car);
// Queue a transfer for sending on this connection.
// We will take ownership of the transfer.
// This must be called from the reactor thread.
void QueueOutbound(gscoped_ptr<OutboundTransfer> transfer);
// Internal test function for injecting cancellation request when 'call'
// reaches state specified in 'FLAGS_rpc_inject_cancellation_state'.
void MaybeInjectCancellation(const std::shared_ptr<OutboundCall> &call);
// The reactor thread that created this connection.
ReactorThread* const reactor_thread_;
// The remote address we're talking to.
const Sockaddr remote_;
// The socket we're communicating on.
std::unique_ptr<Socket> socket_;
// The ConnectionId that serves as a key into the client connection map
// within this reactor. Only set in the case of outbound connections.
boost::optional<ConnectionId> outbound_connection_id_;
// The authenticated remote user (if this is an inbound connection on the server).
RemoteUser remote_user_;
// whether we are client or server
Direction direction_;
// The last time we read or wrote from the socket.
MonoTime last_activity_time_;
// the inbound transfer, if any
gscoped_ptr<InboundTransfer> inbound_;
// notifies us when our socket is writable.
ev::io write_io_;
// notifies us when our socket is readable.
ev::io read_io_;
// Set to true when the connection is registered on a loop.
// This is used for a sanity check in the destructor that we are properly
// un-registered before shutting down.
bool is_epoll_registered_;
// waiting to be sent
boost::intrusive::list<OutboundTransfer> outbound_transfers_; // NOLINT(*)
// Calls which have been sent and are now waiting for a response.
car_map_t awaiting_response_;
// Calls which have been received on the server and are currently
// being handled.
inbound_call_map_t calls_being_handled_;
// the next call ID to use
int32_t next_call_id_;
// Starts as Status::OK, gets set to a shutdown status upon Shutdown().
Status shutdown_status_;
// RPC features supported by the remote end of the connection.
std::set<RpcFeatureFlag> remote_features_;
// Pool from which CallAwaitingResponse objects are allocated.
// Also a funny name.
ObjectPool<CallAwaitingResponse> car_pool_;
typedef ObjectPool<CallAwaitingResponse>::scoped_ptr scoped_car;
// The credentials policy to use for connection negotiation. It defines which
// type of user credentials used to negotiate a connection. The actual type of
// credentials used for authentication during the negotiation process depends
// on the credentials availability, but the result credentials guaranteed to
// always satisfy the specified credentials policy. In other words, the actual
// type of credentials used for connection negotiation might effectively make
// the connection to satisfy a stronger/narrower policy.
// An example:
// The credentials policy for the connection was set to ANY_CREDENTIALS,
// but since no secondary credentials (such authn token) were available
// at the time of negotiation, the primary credentials were used,making the
// connection satisfying the PRIMARY_CREDENTIALS policy de facto.
const CredentialsPolicy credentials_policy_;
// Whether we completed connection negotiation.
bool negotiation_complete_;
// Whether the connection is scheduled for shutdown.
bool scheduled_for_shutdown_;
} // namespace rpc
} // namespace kudu