blob: fdf33bd7ad5af9c40f77bac5e4bd46eee338ff3e [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
#include "common/status.h"
#include "udf/udf.h"
namespace impala {
using impala_udf::FunctionContext;
using impala_udf::AnyVal;
using impala_udf::BooleanVal;
using impala_udf::TinyIntVal;
using impala_udf::SmallIntVal;
using impala_udf::IntVal;
using impala_udf::BigIntVal;
using impala_udf::FloatVal;
using impala_udf::DoubleVal;
using impala_udf::TimestampVal;
using impala_udf::StringVal;
using impala_udf::DecimalVal;
class Expr;
class OpcodeRegistry;
struct StringValue;
class TimestampValue;
class TupleRow;
/// TODO: Reconsider whether this class needs to exist.
class TimestampFunctions {
/// To workaround a boost bug (where adding very large intervals to ptimes causes the
/// value to wrap around instead or throwing an exception -- the root cause of
/// IMPALA-1675), max interval value are defined below. Some values below are less than
/// the minimum interval needed to trigger IMPALA-1675 but the values are greater or
/// equal to the interval that would definitely result in an out of bounds value. The
/// min and max year are also defined for manual error checking. The min / max years
/// are derived from date(min_date_time).year() / date(max_date_time).year().
static const int64_t MAX_YEAR = 9999;
static const int64_t MIN_YEAR = 1400;
static const int64_t MAX_YEAR_INTERVAL = MAX_YEAR - MIN_YEAR;
static const int64_t MAX_MONTH_INTERVAL = MAX_YEAR_INTERVAL * 12;
static const int64_t MAX_WEEK_INTERVAL = MAX_YEAR_INTERVAL * 53;
static const int64_t MAX_DAY_INTERVAL = MAX_YEAR_INTERVAL * 366;
static const int64_t MAX_HOUR_INTERVAL = MAX_DAY_INTERVAL * 24;
static const int64_t MAX_MINUTE_INTERVAL = MAX_HOUR_INTERVAL * 60;
static const int64_t MAX_SEC_INTERVAL = MAX_MINUTE_INTERVAL * 60;
static const int64_t MAX_MILLI_INTERVAL = MAX_SEC_INTERVAL * 1000;
static const int64_t MAX_MICRO_INTERVAL = MAX_MILLI_INTERVAL * 1000;
/// Parse and initialize format string if it is a constant. Raise error if invalid.
static void UnixAndFromUnixPrepare(FunctionContext* context,
FunctionContext::FunctionStateScope scope);
static void UnixAndFromUnixClose(FunctionContext* context,
FunctionContext::FunctionStateScope scope);
/// Parses 'string_val' based on the format 'fmt'.
/// The time zone interpretation of the parsed timestamp is determined by
/// FLAGS_use_local_tz_for_unix_timestamp_conversions. If the flag is true, the
/// instance is interpreted as a local value. If the flag is false, UTC is assumed.
static BigIntVal Unix(FunctionContext* context, const StringVal& string_val,
const StringVal& fmt);
/// Converts 'tv_val' to a unix time_t.
/// The time zone interpretation of the specified timestamp is determined by
/// FLAGS_use_local_tz_for_unix_timestamp_conversions. If the flag is true, the
/// instance is interpreted as a local value. If the flag is false, UTC is assumed.
static BigIntVal Unix(FunctionContext* context, const TimestampVal& tv_val);
/// Returns the current time.
/// The time zone interpretation of the current time is determined by
/// FLAGS_use_local_tz_for_unix_timestamp_conversions. If the flag is true, the
/// instance is interpreted as a local value. If the flag is false, UTC is assumed.
static BigIntVal Unix(FunctionContext* context);
/// Interpret 'tv_val' as a timestamp in UTC and convert to unix time in microseconds.
static BigIntVal UtcToUnixMicros(FunctionContext* context, const TimestampVal& tv_val);
// Functions to convert to and from TimestampVal type
static TimestampVal ToTimestamp(FunctionContext* context, const BigIntVal& bigint_val);
static TimestampVal ToTimestamp(FunctionContext* context, const StringVal& date,
const StringVal& fmt);
static StringVal FromTimestamp(FunctionContext* context, const TimestampVal& date,
const StringVal& fmt);
static StringVal StringValFromTimestamp(FunctionContext* context,
const TimestampValue& tv, const StringVal& fmt);
static BigIntVal UnixFromString(FunctionContext* context, const StringVal& sv);
/// Return a timestamp string from a unix time_t
/// Optional second argument is the format of the string.
/// TIME is the integer type of the unix time argument.
template <class TIME>
static StringVal FromUnix(FunctionContext* context, const TIME& unix_time);
template <class TIME>
static StringVal FromUnix(FunctionContext* context, const TIME& unix_time,
const StringVal& fmt);
/// Return a timestamp in UTC from a unix time in microseconds.
static TimestampVal UnixMicrosToUtcTimestamp(FunctionContext* context,
const BigIntVal& unix_time_micros);
/// Convert a timestamp to or from a particular timezone based time.
static TimestampVal FromUtc(FunctionContext* context,
const TimestampVal& ts_val, const StringVal& tz_string_val);
static TimestampVal ToUtc(FunctionContext* context,
const TimestampVal& ts_val, const StringVal& tz_string_val);
/// Returns the day's name as a string (e.g. 'Saturday').
static StringVal DayName(FunctionContext* context, const TimestampVal& dow);
/// Functions to extract parts of the timestamp, return integers.
static IntVal Year(FunctionContext* context, const TimestampVal& ts_val);
static IntVal Month(FunctionContext* context, const TimestampVal& ts_val);
static IntVal DayOfWeek(FunctionContext* context, const TimestampVal& ts_val);
static IntVal DayOfMonth(FunctionContext* context, const TimestampVal& ts_val);
static IntVal DayOfYear(FunctionContext* context, const TimestampVal& ts_val);
static IntVal WeekOfYear(FunctionContext* context, const TimestampVal& ts_val);
static IntVal Hour(FunctionContext* context, const TimestampVal& ts_val);
static IntVal Minute(FunctionContext* context, const TimestampVal& ts_val);
static IntVal Second(FunctionContext* context, const TimestampVal& ts_val);
static IntVal Millisecond(FunctionContext* context, const TimestampVal& ts_val);
/// Date/time functions.
static TimestampVal Now(FunctionContext* context);
static TimestampVal UtcTimestamp(FunctionContext* context);
static StringVal ToDate(FunctionContext* context, const TimestampVal& ts_val);
static IntVal DateDiff(FunctionContext* context, const TimestampVal& ts_val1,
const TimestampVal& ts_val2);
static std::string ShortDayName(FunctionContext* context, const TimestampVal& ts);
static std::string ShortMonthName(FunctionContext* context, const TimestampVal& ts);
/// Return verbose string version of current time of day
/// e.g. Mon Dec 01 16:25:05 2003 EST.
static StringVal TimeOfDay(FunctionContext* context);
/// Compare value of two timestamps.
/// Return 0 if 'ts1' is equal to 'ts2'.
/// Return 1 if 'ts1' is later than 'ts2'.
/// Return -1 if 'ts1' is earlier than 'ts2'.
static IntVal TimestampCmp(FunctionContext* context,
const TimestampVal& ts_val1, const TimestampVal& ts_val2);
/// Return total number of full months between two timestamps.
/// If 'ts_val1' is later than 'ts_val2' result is positive if there is a gap
/// of more than 1 month between the two dates.
/// If 'ts_val1' is earlier than 'ts_val2' result is negative if there is a
/// gap of more than 1 month between the two dates.
/// If the gap between the two dates is less than a full month, result is
/// zero.
static IntVal IntMonthsBetween(FunctionContext* context,
const TimestampVal& ts_val1, const TimestampVal& ts_val2);
/// Return number of months between two timestamps:
/// If 'ts_val1' is later than 'ts_val2' result is positive.
/// If 'ts_val1' is earlier than 'ts_val2' result is negative.
/// If 'ts_val1' and 'ts_val2' are both same days of the month or both last
/// days of their respective months, result is an integer.
/// Otherwise result includes a fractional portion based on 31 day month.
static DoubleVal MonthsBetween(FunctionContext* context,
const TimestampVal& ts_val1, const TimestampVal& ts_val2);
/// Return the date of the weekday that follows a particular date.
/// The 'weekday' argument is a string literal indicating the day of the week.
/// Also this argument is case-insensitive. Available values are:
/// "Sunday"/"SUN", "Monday"/"MON", "Tuesday"/"TUE",
/// "Wednesday"/"WED", "Thursday"/"THU", "Friday"/"FRI", "Saturday"/"SAT".
/// For example, the first Saturday after Wednesday, 25 December 2013
/// is on 28 December 2013.
/// select next_day('2013-12-25','Saturday') returns '2013-12-28'
static TimestampVal NextDay(FunctionContext* context, const TimestampVal& date,
const StringVal& weekday);
/// Add/sub functions on the timestamp. This handles three forms of adding/subtracting
/// intervals to/from timestamps:
/// ex: ADD_DAYS(CAST('2015-01-01' AS TIMESTAMP), 1)
/// SUB_YEARS(CAST('2015-01-01' AS TIMESTAMP), 1)
/// ex: CAST('2015-01-01' AS TIMESTAMP) + INTERVAL '1' DAY
/// CAST('2015-01-01' AS TIMESTAMP) - INTERVAL '1' YEAR
/// These three forms are provided for compatibility with other databases so we inherit
/// their behavior. For all intervals except MONTH the three forms above produce the
/// same results. MONTH is a special case where the result may differ if the input
/// TIMESTAMP is the last day of the month (ADD_MONTH() always sets the result to the
/// last day of the month if the input is the last day of the month). A value of true
/// for the template parameter 'is_add_months_keep_last_day' corresponds to the
/// ADD_MONTH() case.
template <bool is_add, typename AnyIntVal, typename Interval,
bool is_add_months_keep_last_day>
static TimestampVal AddSub(FunctionContext* context, const TimestampVal& timestamp,
const AnyIntVal& num_interval_units);
/// Return the last date in the month of a specified input date.
/// The TIMESTAMP argument requires a date component,
/// it may or may not have a time component.
/// The function will return a NULL TimestampVal when:
/// 1) The TIMESTAMP argument is missing a date component.
/// 2) The TIMESTAMP argument is outside of the supported range:
/// between 1400-01-31 00:00:00 and 9999-12-31 23:59:59
static TimestampVal LastDay(FunctionContext* context, const TimestampVal& ts);
/// Helper function to check date/time format strings.
/// TODO: eventually return format converted from Java to Boost.
static StringValue* CheckFormat(StringValue* format);
/// Issue a warning for a bad format string.
static void ReportBadFormat(FunctionContext* context,
const StringVal& format, bool is_error);
/// Static result values for DayName() function.
static const char* MONDAY;
static const char* TUESDAY;
static const char* WEDNESDAY;
static const char* THURSDAY;
static const char* FRIDAY;
static const char* SATURDAY;
static const char* SUNDAY;
/// Static result values for ShortDayName() and ShortMonthName() functions.
static const std::string DAY_ARRAY[7];
static const std::string MONTH_ARRAY[12];
} // namespace impala