blob: d9372fb66ed6ea6f3cf8deea12af1a04c3620677 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
#include "exprs/timestamp-functions.h"
#include <boost/algorithm/string.hpp>
#include <boost/date_time/posix_time/posix_time.hpp>
#include <ctime>
#include "exprs/anyval-util.h"
#include "exprs/timezone_db.h"
#include "gutil/strings/substitute.h"
#include "runtime/string-value.inline.h"
#include "runtime/timestamp-parse-util.h"
#include "runtime/timestamp-value.h"
#include "udf/udf-internal.h"
#include "udf/udf.h"
#include "common/names.h"
using boost::algorithm::iequals;
using boost::local_time::local_date_time;
using boost::local_time::time_zone_ptr;
using boost::posix_time::ptime;
using boost::posix_time::to_iso_extended_string;
typedef boost::gregorian::date Date;
namespace impala {
// Constant strings used for DayName function.
const char* TimestampFunctions::SUNDAY = "Sunday";
const char* TimestampFunctions::MONDAY = "Monday";
const char* TimestampFunctions::TUESDAY = "Tuesday";
const char* TimestampFunctions::WEDNESDAY = "Wednesday";
const char* TimestampFunctions::THURSDAY = "Thursday";
const char* TimestampFunctions::FRIDAY = "Friday";
const char* TimestampFunctions::SATURDAY = "Saturday";
const string TimestampFunctions::DAY_ARRAY[7] = {"Sun", "Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu",
"Fri", "Sat"};
const string TimestampFunctions::MONTH_ARRAY[12] = {"Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May",
"Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec"};
namespace {
/// Uses Boost's internal checking to throw an exception if 'date' is out of the
/// supported range of boost::gregorian.
void ThrowIfDateOutOfRange(const boost::gregorian::date& date) {
// Boost checks the ranges when instantiating the year/month/day representations.
boost::gregorian::greg_year year = date.year();
boost::gregorian::greg_month month = date.month();
boost::gregorian::greg_day day =;
// Ensure Boost's validation is effective.
DCHECK_GE(year, boost::gregorian::greg_year::min());
DCHECK_LE(year, boost::gregorian::greg_year::max());
DCHECK_GE(month, boost::gregorian::greg_month::min());
DCHECK_LE(month, boost::gregorian::greg_month::max());
DCHECK_GE(day, boost::gregorian::greg_day::min());
DCHECK_LE(day, boost::gregorian::greg_day::max());
// This function uses inline asm functions, which we believe to be from the boost library.
// Inline asm is not currently supported by JIT, so this function should always be run in
// the interpreted mode. This is handled in LlvmCodeGen::LoadFunction().
TimestampVal TimestampFunctions::FromUtc(FunctionContext* context,
const TimestampVal& ts_val, const StringVal& tz_string_val) {
if (ts_val.is_null || tz_string_val.is_null) return TimestampVal::null();
const TimestampValue& ts_value = TimestampValue::FromTimestampVal(ts_val);
if (!ts_value.HasDateAndTime()) return TimestampVal::null();
const StringValue& tz_string_value = StringValue::FromStringVal(tz_string_val);
time_zone_ptr timezone = TimezoneDatabase::FindTimezone(
string(tz_string_value.ptr, tz_string_value.len), ts_value, true);
if (timezone == NULL) {
// This should return null. Hive just ignores it.
stringstream ss;
ss << "Unknown timezone '" << tz_string_value << "'" << endl;
return ts_val;
try {
ptime temp;
local_date_time lt(temp, timezone);
ptime local_time = lt.local_time();
TimestampVal return_val;
return return_val;
} catch (boost::exception&) {
const string& msg = Substitute(
"Timestamp '$0' did not convert to a valid local time in timezone '$1'",
ts_value.ToString(), tz_string_value.DebugString());
return TimestampVal::null();
// This function uses inline asm functions, which we believe to be from the boost library.
// Inline asm is not currently supported by JIT, so this function should always be run in
// the interpreted mode. This is handled in LlvmCodeGen::LoadFunction().
TimestampVal TimestampFunctions::ToUtc(FunctionContext* context,
const TimestampVal& ts_val, const StringVal& tz_string_val) {
if (ts_val.is_null || tz_string_val.is_null) return TimestampVal::null();
const TimestampValue& ts_value = TimestampValue::FromTimestampVal(ts_val);
if (!ts_value.HasDateAndTime()) return TimestampVal::null();
const StringValue& tz_string_value = StringValue::FromStringVal(tz_string_val);
time_zone_ptr timezone = TimezoneDatabase::FindTimezone(
string(tz_string_value.ptr, tz_string_value.len), ts_value, false);
// This should raise some sort of error or at least null. Hive Just ignores it.
if (UNLIKELY(timezone == NULL)) {
stringstream ss;
ss << "Unknown timezone '" << tz_string_value << "'" << endl;
return ts_val;
if (UNLIKELY(timezone == TimezoneDatabase::TIMEZONE_MSK_PRE_2014 && == 2456957 &&
ts_value.time().hours() >= 1)) {
// On October 27, 2014 at 1:00 am MSC, Moscow time transitions from UTC+4 with no DST
// to UTC+3 with no DST. Because of this, 1am to MSC happens twice.
// We want to be consistent with the existing rule of "in case of ambiguity return
// NULL".
DCHECK_LT(ts_value.time().hours(), 2);
return TimestampVal::null();
try {
local_date_time lt(, ts_value.time(), timezone,
ptime utc_time = lt.utc_time();
// The utc_time() conversion does not check ranges - need to explicitly check.
TimestampVal return_val;
return return_val;
} catch (boost::exception&) {
const string& msg =
Substitute("Timestamp '$0' in timezone '$1' could not be converted to UTC",
ts_value.ToString(), tz_string_value.DebugString());
return TimestampVal::null();
void TimestampFunctions::UnixAndFromUnixPrepare(
FunctionContext* context, FunctionContext::FunctionStateScope scope) {
if (scope != FunctionContext::THREAD_LOCAL) return;
DateTimeFormatContext* dt_ctx = NULL;
if (context->IsArgConstant(1)) {
StringVal fmt_val = *reinterpret_cast<StringVal*>(context->GetConstantArg(1));
const StringValue& fmt_ref = StringValue::FromStringVal(fmt_val);
if (fmt_val.is_null || fmt_ref.len == 0) {
TimestampFunctions::ReportBadFormat(context, fmt_val, true);
dt_ctx = new DateTimeFormatContext(fmt_ref.ptr, fmt_ref.len);
bool parse_result = TimestampParser::ParseFormatTokens(dt_ctx);
if (!parse_result) {
delete dt_ctx;
TimestampFunctions::ReportBadFormat(context, fmt_val, true);
} else {
// If our format string is constant, then we benefit from it only being parsed once in
// the code above. If it's not constant, then we can reuse a context by resetting it.
// This is much cheaper vs alloc/dealloc'ing a context for each evaluation.
dt_ctx = new DateTimeFormatContext();
context->SetFunctionState(scope, dt_ctx);
void TimestampFunctions::UnixAndFromUnixClose(FunctionContext* context,
FunctionContext::FunctionStateScope scope) {
if (scope == FunctionContext::THREAD_LOCAL) {
DateTimeFormatContext* dt_ctx =
delete dt_ctx;
context->SetFunctionState(scope, nullptr);
time_zone_ptr TimezoneDatabase::FindTimezone(
const string& tz, const TimestampValue& tv, bool tv_in_utc) {
// The backing database does not handle timezone rule changes.
if (iequals("Europe/Moscow", tz) || iequals("Moscow", tz) || iequals("MSK", tz)) {
if ( < 2011 || ( == 2011 && < 4)) {
// Between January 19, 1992 and March 27, 2011 Moscow time was UTC+3 with DST. On
// March 27, 2011 Moscow time transitioned to UTC+4 with no DST. NOTE: We currently
// do not handle Moscow time conversions for dates before January 19, 1992
// correctly (Impala incorrectly thinks the Moscow timezone is UTC+3 with DST
// instead of UTC+2 with DST for those dates).
// On October 26, 2014 at 22:00:00 UTC, Moscow time transitioned to UTC+3 with no
// DST. We have to make a precise time check here, unlike in the case above, because
// we can't rely on the timezone database to handle the moment of transition because
// the rule change does not coincide with a DST change.
const int MSK_TRANSITION_DAY = 2456956;
const int MSK_UTC_OFFSET = 4;
if (tv_in_utc) {
tv.time().hours() < MSK_TRANSITION_HOUR_UTC) {
return TIMEZONE_MSK_PRE_2014;
} else if ( < MSK_TRANSITION_DAY + 1 || ( == MSK_TRANSITION_DAY + 1 &&
tv.time().hours() < (MSK_TRANSITION_HOUR_UTC + MSK_UTC_OFFSET) % 24)) {
return TIMEZONE_MSK_PRE_2014;
// See if they specified a zone id
time_zone_ptr tzp = tz_database_.time_zone_from_region(tz);
if (tzp != NULL) return tzp;
for (vector<string>::const_iterator iter = tz_region_list_.begin();
iter != tz_region_list_.end(); ++iter) {
time_zone_ptr tzp = tz_database_.time_zone_from_region(*iter);
DCHECK(tzp != NULL);
if (tzp->dst_zone_abbrev() == tz) return tzp;
if (tzp->std_zone_abbrev() == tz) return tzp;
if (tzp->dst_zone_name() == tz) return tzp;
if (tzp->std_zone_name() == tz) return tzp;
return time_zone_ptr();