blob: 50c37b24174e61a70e6c47084a1b408ac78ea424 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
#include "exprs/string-functions.h"
#include <cctype>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <re2/re2.h>
#include <re2/stringpiece.h>
#include <boost/static_assert.hpp>
#include "exprs/anyval-util.h"
#include "exprs/scalar-expr.h"
#include "gutil/strings/charset.h"
#include "runtime/string-value.inline.h"
#include "runtime/tuple-row.h"
#include "util/bit-util.h"
#include "util/coding-util.h"
#include "util/url-parser.h"
#include "common/names.h"
using namespace impala_udf;
using std::bitset;
// NOTE: be careful not to use string::append. It is not performant.
namespace impala {
// This behaves identically to the mysql implementation, namely:
// - 1-indexed positions
// - supported negative positions (count from the end of the string)
// - [optional] len. No len indicates longest substr possible
StringVal StringFunctions::Substring(FunctionContext* context,
const StringVal& str, const BigIntVal& pos, const BigIntVal& len) {
if (str.is_null || pos.is_null || len.is_null) return StringVal::null();
int fixed_pos = pos.val;
if (fixed_pos < 0) fixed_pos = str.len + fixed_pos + 1;
int max_len = str.len - fixed_pos + 1;
int fixed_len = ::min(static_cast<int>(len.val), max_len);
if (fixed_pos > 0 && fixed_pos <= str.len && fixed_len > 0) {
return StringVal(str.ptr + fixed_pos - 1, fixed_len);
} else {
return StringVal();
StringVal StringFunctions::Substring(FunctionContext* context,
const StringVal& str, const BigIntVal& pos) {
// StringVal.len is an int => INT32_MAX
return Substring(context, str, pos, BigIntVal(INT32_MAX));
// This behaves identically to the mysql implementation.
StringVal StringFunctions::Left(
FunctionContext* context, const StringVal& str, const BigIntVal& len) {
return Substring(context, str, 1, len);
// This behaves identically to the mysql implementation.
StringVal StringFunctions::Right(
FunctionContext* context, const StringVal& str, const BigIntVal& len) {
// Don't index past the beginning of str, otherwise we'll get an empty string back
int64_t pos = ::max(-len.val, static_cast<int64_t>(-str.len));
return Substring(context, str, BigIntVal(pos), len);
StringVal StringFunctions::Space(FunctionContext* context, const BigIntVal& len) {
if (len.is_null) return StringVal::null();
if (len.val <= 0) return StringVal();
StringVal result(context, len.val);
if (UNLIKELY(result.is_null)) return StringVal::null();
memset(result.ptr, ' ', len.val);
return result;
StringVal StringFunctions::Repeat(
FunctionContext* context, const StringVal& str, const BigIntVal& n) {
if (str.is_null || n.is_null) return StringVal::null();
if (str.len == 0 || n.val <= 0) return StringVal();
StringVal result(context, str.len * n.val);
if (UNLIKELY(result.is_null)) return StringVal::null();
uint8_t* ptr = result.ptr;
for (int64_t i = 0; i < n.val; ++i) {
memcpy(ptr, str.ptr, str.len);
ptr += str.len;
return result;
StringVal StringFunctions::Lpad(FunctionContext* context, const StringVal& str,
const BigIntVal& len, const StringVal& pad) {
if (str.is_null || len.is_null || pad.is_null || len.val < 0) return StringVal::null();
// Corner cases: Shrink the original string, or leave it alone.
// TODO: Hive seems to go into an infinite loop if pad.len == 0,
// so we should pay attention to Hive's future solution to be compatible.
if (len.val <= str.len || pad.len == 0) return StringVal(str.ptr, len.val);
StringVal result(context, len.val);
if (UNLIKELY(result.is_null)) return StringVal::null();
int padded_prefix_len = len.val - str.len;
int pad_index = 0;
int result_index = 0;
uint8_t* ptr = result.ptr;
// Prepend chars of pad.
while (result_index < padded_prefix_len) {
ptr[result_index++] = pad.ptr[pad_index++];
pad_index = pad_index % pad.len;
// Append given string.
memcpy(ptr + result_index, str.ptr, str.len);
return result;
StringVal StringFunctions::Rpad(FunctionContext* context, const StringVal& str,
const BigIntVal& len, const StringVal& pad) {
if (str.is_null || len.is_null || pad.is_null || len.val < 0) return StringVal::null();
// Corner cases: Shrink the original string, or leave it alone.
// TODO: Hive seems to go into an infinite loop if pad->len == 0,
// so we should pay attention to Hive's future solution to be compatible.
if (len.val <= str.len || pad.len == 0) {
return StringVal(str.ptr, len.val);
StringVal result(context, len.val);
if (UNLIKELY(result.is_null)) return StringVal::null();
memcpy(result.ptr, str.ptr, str.len);
// Append chars of pad until desired length
uint8_t* ptr = result.ptr;
int pad_index = 0;
int result_len = str.len;
while (result_len < len.val) {
ptr[result_len++] = pad.ptr[pad_index++];
pad_index = pad_index % pad.len;
return result;
IntVal StringFunctions::Length(FunctionContext* context, const StringVal& str) {
if (str.is_null) return IntVal::null();
return IntVal(str.len);
IntVal StringFunctions::CharLength(FunctionContext* context, const StringVal& str) {
if (str.is_null) return IntVal::null();
const FunctionContext::TypeDesc* t = context->GetArgType(0);
DCHECK_EQ(t->type, FunctionContext::TYPE_FIXED_BUFFER);
return StringValue::UnpaddedCharLength(reinterpret_cast<char*>(str.ptr), t->len);
StringVal StringFunctions::Lower(FunctionContext* context, const StringVal& str) {
if (str.is_null) return StringVal::null();
StringVal result(context, str.len);
if (UNLIKELY(result.is_null)) return StringVal::null();
for (int i = 0; i < str.len; ++i) {
result.ptr[i] = ::tolower(str.ptr[i]);
return result;
StringVal StringFunctions::Upper(FunctionContext* context, const StringVal& str) {
if (str.is_null) return StringVal::null();
StringVal result(context, str.len);
if (UNLIKELY(result.is_null)) return StringVal::null();
for (int i = 0; i < str.len; ++i) {
result.ptr[i] = ::toupper(str.ptr[i]);
return result;
// Returns a string identical to the input, but with the first character
// of each word mapped to its upper-case equivalent. All other characters
// will be mapped to their lower-case equivalents. If input == NULL it
// will return NULL
StringVal StringFunctions::InitCap(FunctionContext* context, const StringVal& str) {
if (str.is_null) return StringVal::null();
StringVal result(context, str.len);
if (UNLIKELY(result.is_null)) return StringVal::null();
uint8_t* result_ptr = result.ptr;
bool word_start = true;
for (int i = 0; i < str.len; ++i) {
if (isspace(str.ptr[i])) {
result_ptr[i] = str.ptr[i];
word_start = true;
} else {
result_ptr[i] = (word_start ? toupper(str.ptr[i]) : tolower(str.ptr[i]));
word_start = false;
return result;
struct ReplaceContext {
ReplaceContext(StringVal *pattern_in) {
pattern = StringValue::FromStringVal(*pattern_in);
search = StringSearch(&pattern);
StringValue pattern;
StringSearch search;
void StringFunctions::ReplacePrepare(FunctionContext* context,
FunctionContext::FunctionStateScope scope) {
if (scope != FunctionContext::FRAGMENT_LOCAL) return;
if (!context->IsArgConstant(1)) return;
DCHECK_EQ(context->GetArgType(1)->type, FunctionContext::TYPE_STRING);
StringVal* pattern = reinterpret_cast<StringVal*>(context->GetConstantArg(1));
if (pattern->is_null || pattern->len == 0) return;
struct ReplaceContext* replace = context->Allocate<ReplaceContext>();
if (replace != nullptr) {
new(replace) ReplaceContext(pattern);
context->SetFunctionState(scope, replace);
void StringFunctions::ReplaceClose(FunctionContext* context,
FunctionContext::FunctionStateScope scope) {
if (scope != FunctionContext::FRAGMENT_LOCAL) return;
ReplaceContext* rptr = reinterpret_cast<ReplaceContext*>
context->SetFunctionState(scope, nullptr);
StringVal StringFunctions::Replace(FunctionContext* context, const StringVal& str,
const StringVal& pattern, const StringVal& replace) {
DCHECK_LE(str.len, StringVal::MAX_LENGTH);
DCHECK_LE(pattern.len, StringVal::MAX_LENGTH);
DCHECK_LE(replace.len, StringVal::MAX_LENGTH);
if (str.is_null || pattern.is_null || replace.is_null) return StringVal::null();
if (pattern.len == 0 || pattern.len > str.len) return str;
// StringSearch keeps a pointer to the StringValue object, so it must remain
// in scope if used.
StringSearch search;
StringValue needle;
const StringSearch *search_ptr;
const ReplaceContext* rptr = reinterpret_cast<ReplaceContext*>
if (UNLIKELY(rptr == nullptr)) {
needle = StringValue::FromStringVal(pattern);
search = StringSearch(&needle);
search_ptr = &search;
} else {
search_ptr = &rptr->search;
const StringValue haystack = StringValue::FromStringVal(str);
int64_t match_pos = search_ptr->Search(&haystack);
// No match? Skip everything.
if (match_pos < 0) return str;
DCHECK_GT(pattern.len, 0);
DCHECK_GE(haystack.len, pattern.len);
int buffer_space;
const int delta = replace.len - pattern.len;
// MAX_LENGTH is unsigned, so convert back to int to do correctly signed compare
DCHECK_LE(delta, static_cast<int>(StringVal::MAX_LENGTH) - 1);
if ((delta > 0 && delta < 128) && haystack.len <= 128) {
// Quick estimate for potential matches - this heuristic is needed to win
// over regexp_replace on expanding patterns. 128 is arbitrarily chosen so
// we can't massively over-estimate the buffer size.
int matches_possible = 0;
char c = pattern.ptr[0];
for (int i = 0; i <= haystack.len - pattern.len; ++i) {
if (haystack.ptr[i] == c) ++matches_possible;
buffer_space = haystack.len + matches_possible * delta;
} else {
// Note - cannot overflow because pattern.len is at least one
static_assert(StringVal::MAX_LENGTH - 1 + StringVal::MAX_LENGTH <=
"Buffer space computation can overflow");
buffer_space = haystack.len + delta;
StringVal result(context, buffer_space);
// result may be NULL if we went over MAX_LENGTH or the allocation failed.
if (UNLIKELY(result.is_null)) return result;
uint8_t* ptr = result.ptr;
int consumed = 0;
while (match_pos + pattern.len <= haystack.len) {
// Copy in original string
const int unmatched_bytes = match_pos - consumed;
memcpy(ptr, &haystack.ptr[consumed], unmatched_bytes);
DCHECK_LE(ptr - result.ptr + unmatched_bytes, buffer_space);
ptr += unmatched_bytes;
// Copy in replacement - always safe since we always leave room for one more replace
DCHECK_LE(ptr - result.ptr + replace.len, buffer_space);
memcpy(ptr, replace.ptr, replace.len);
ptr += replace.len;
// Don't want to re-match within already replaced pattern
match_pos += pattern.len;
consumed = match_pos;
StringValue haystack_substring = haystack.Substring(match_pos);
int match_pos_in_substring = search_ptr->Search(&haystack_substring);
if (match_pos_in_substring < 0) break;
match_pos += match_pos_in_substring;
// If we had an enlarging pattern, we may need more space
if (delta > 0) {
const int bytes_produced = ptr - result.ptr;
const int bytes_remaining = haystack.len - consumed;
DCHECK_LE(bytes_produced, StringVal::MAX_LENGTH);
DCHECK_LE(bytes_remaining, StringVal::MAX_LENGTH - 1);
// Note: by above, cannot overflow
const int min_output = bytes_produced + bytes_remaining;
DCHECK_LE(min_output, StringVal::MAX_LENGTH);
// Also no overflow: min_output <= MAX_LENGTH and delta <= MAX_LENGTH - 1
const int64_t space_needed = min_output + delta;
if (UNLIKELY(space_needed > buffer_space)) {
// Check to see if we can allocate a large enough buffer.
if (space_needed > StringVal::MAX_LENGTH) {
"String length larger than allowed limit of 1 GB character data.");
return StringVal::null();
// Double the buffer size whenever it fills up to amortise cost of resizing.
// Must compute next power of two using 64-bit math to avoid signed overflow.
buffer_space = min<int>(StringVal::MAX_LENGTH,
// Give up if the allocation fails or we hit an error. This prevents us from
// continuing to blow past the mem limit.
if (UNLIKELY(!result.Resize(context, buffer_space) || context->has_error())) {
return StringVal::null();
// Don't forget to move the pointer
ptr = result.ptr + bytes_produced;
// Copy in remainder and re-adjust size
const int bytes_remaining = haystack.len - consumed;
result.len = ptr - result.ptr + bytes_remaining;
DCHECK_LE(result.len, buffer_space);
memcpy(ptr, &haystack.ptr[consumed], bytes_remaining);
return result;
StringVal StringFunctions::Reverse(FunctionContext* context, const StringVal& str) {
if (str.is_null) return StringVal::null();
StringVal result(context, str.len);
if (UNLIKELY(result.is_null)) return StringVal::null();
BitUtil::ByteSwap(result.ptr, str.ptr, str.len);
return result;
StringVal StringFunctions::Translate(FunctionContext* context, const StringVal& str,
const StringVal& src, const StringVal& dst) {
if (str.is_null || src.is_null || dst.is_null) return StringVal::null();
StringVal result(context, str.len);
if (UNLIKELY(result.is_null)) return result;
// TODO: if we know src and dst are constant, we can prebuild a conversion
// table to remove the inner loop.
int result_len = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < str.len; ++i) {
bool matched_src = false;
for (int j = 0; j < src.len; ++j) {
if (str.ptr[i] == src.ptr[j]) {
if (j < dst.len) {
result.ptr[result_len++] = dst.ptr[j];
} else {
// src[j] doesn't map to any char in dst, the char is dropped.
matched_src = true;
if (!matched_src) result.ptr[result_len++] = str.ptr[i];
result.len = result_len;
return result;
void StringFunctions::TrimPrepare(
FunctionContext* context, FunctionContext::FunctionStateScope scope) {
if (scope != FunctionContext::THREAD_LOCAL) return;
// Create a bitset to hold the unique characters to trim.
bitset<256>* unique_chars = new bitset<256>();
context->SetFunctionState(scope, unique_chars);
// If the caller didn't specify the set of characters to trim, it means
// that we're only trimming whitespace. Return early in that case.
// There can be either 1 or 2 arguments.
DCHECK(context->GetNumArgs() == 1 || context->GetNumArgs() == 2);
if (context->GetNumArgs() == 1) {
unique_chars->set(static_cast<int>(' '), true);
if (!context->IsArgConstant(1)) return;
DCHECK_EQ(context->GetArgType(1)->type, FunctionContext::TYPE_STRING);
StringVal* chars_to_trim = reinterpret_cast<StringVal*>(context->GetConstantArg(1));
if (chars_to_trim->is_null) return; // We shouldn't peek into Null StringVals
for (int32_t i = 0; i < chars_to_trim->len; ++i) {
unique_chars->set(static_cast<int>(chars_to_trim->ptr[i]), true);
void StringFunctions::TrimClose(
FunctionContext* context, FunctionContext::FunctionStateScope scope) {
if (scope != FunctionContext::THREAD_LOCAL) return;
bitset<256>* unique_chars = reinterpret_cast<bitset<256>*>(
delete unique_chars;
context->SetFunctionState(scope, nullptr);
template <StringFunctions::TrimPosition D, bool IS_IMPLICIT_WHITESPACE>
StringVal StringFunctions::DoTrimString(FunctionContext* ctx,
const StringVal& str, const StringVal& chars_to_trim) {
if (str.is_null) return StringVal::null();
bitset<256>* unique_chars = reinterpret_cast<bitset<256>*>(
// When 'chars_to_trim' is unique for each element (e.g. when 'chars_to_trim'
// is each element of a table column), we need to prepare a bitset of unique
// characters here instead of using the bitset from function context.
if (!IS_IMPLICIT_WHITESPACE && !ctx->IsArgConstant(1)) {
if (chars_to_trim.is_null) return str;
for (int32_t i = 0; i < chars_to_trim.len; ++i) {
unique_chars->set(static_cast<int>(chars_to_trim.ptr[i]), true);
// Find new starting position.
int32_t begin = 0;
int32_t end = str.len - 1;
if (D == LEADING || D == BOTH) {
while (begin < str.len &&
unique_chars->test(static_cast<int>(str.ptr[begin]))) {
// Find new ending position.
if (D == TRAILING || D == BOTH) {
while (end >= begin && unique_chars->test(static_cast<int>(str.ptr[end]))) {
return StringVal(str.ptr + begin, end - begin + 1);
StringVal StringFunctions::Trim(FunctionContext* context, const StringVal& str) {
return DoTrimString<BOTH, true>(context, str, StringVal(" "));
StringVal StringFunctions::Ltrim(FunctionContext* context, const StringVal& str) {
return DoTrimString<LEADING, true>(context, str, StringVal(" "));
StringVal StringFunctions::Rtrim(FunctionContext* context, const StringVal& str) {
return DoTrimString<TRAILING, true>(context, str, StringVal(" "));
StringVal StringFunctions::LTrimString(FunctionContext* ctx,
const StringVal& str, const StringVal& chars_to_trim) {
return DoTrimString<LEADING, false>(ctx, str, chars_to_trim);
StringVal StringFunctions::RTrimString(FunctionContext* ctx,
const StringVal& str, const StringVal& chars_to_trim) {
return DoTrimString<TRAILING, false>(ctx, str, chars_to_trim);
StringVal StringFunctions::BTrimString(FunctionContext* ctx,
const StringVal& str, const StringVal& chars_to_trim) {
return DoTrimString<BOTH, false>(ctx, str, chars_to_trim);
IntVal StringFunctions::Ascii(FunctionContext* context, const StringVal& str) {
if (str.is_null) return IntVal::null();
// Hive returns 0 when given an empty string.
return IntVal((str.len == 0) ? 0 : static_cast<int32_t>(str.ptr[0]));
IntVal StringFunctions::Instr(FunctionContext* context, const StringVal& str,
const StringVal& substr, const BigIntVal& start_position,
const BigIntVal& occurrence) {
if (str.is_null || substr.is_null || start_position.is_null || occurrence.is_null) {
return IntVal::null();
if (occurrence.val <= 0) {
stringstream ss;
ss << "Invalid occurrence parameter to instr function: " << occurrence.val;
return IntVal(0);
if (start_position.val == 0) return IntVal(0);
StringValue haystack = StringValue::FromStringVal(str);
StringValue needle = StringValue::FromStringVal(substr);
StringSearch search(&needle);
if (start_position.val > 0) {
// A positive starting position indicates regular searching from the left.
int search_start_pos = start_position.val - 1;
if (search_start_pos >= haystack.len) return IntVal(0);
int match_pos = -1;
for (int match_num = 0; match_num < occurrence.val; ++match_num) {
DCHECK_LE(search_start_pos, haystack.len);
StringValue haystack_substring = haystack.Substring(search_start_pos);
int match_pos_in_substring = search.Search(&haystack_substring);
if (match_pos_in_substring < 0) return IntVal(0);
match_pos = search_start_pos + match_pos_in_substring;
search_start_pos = match_pos + 1;
// Return positions starting from 1 at the leftmost position.
return IntVal(match_pos + 1);
} else {
// A negative starting position indicates searching from the right.
int search_start_pos = haystack.len + start_position.val;
// The needle must fit between search_start_pos and the end of the string
if (search_start_pos + needle.len > haystack.len) {
search_start_pos = haystack.len - needle.len;
if (search_start_pos < 0) return IntVal(0);
int match_pos = -1;
for (int match_num = 0; match_num < occurrence.val; ++match_num) {
DCHECK_GE(search_start_pos + needle.len, 0);
DCHECK_LE(search_start_pos + needle.len, haystack.len);
StringValue haystack_substring =
haystack.Substring(0, search_start_pos + needle.len);
match_pos = search.RSearch(&haystack_substring);
if (match_pos < 0) return IntVal(0);
search_start_pos = match_pos - 1;
// Return positions starting from 1 at the leftmost position.
return IntVal(match_pos + 1);
IntVal StringFunctions::Instr(FunctionContext* context, const StringVal& str,
const StringVal& substr, const BigIntVal& start_position) {
return Instr(context, str, substr, start_position, BigIntVal(1));
IntVal StringFunctions::Instr(
FunctionContext* context, const StringVal& str, const StringVal& substr) {
return Instr(context, str, substr, BigIntVal(1), BigIntVal(1));
IntVal StringFunctions::Locate(FunctionContext* context, const StringVal& substr,
const StringVal& str) {
return Instr(context, str, substr);
IntVal StringFunctions::LocatePos(FunctionContext* context, const StringVal& substr,
const StringVal& str, const BigIntVal& start_pos) {
if (str.is_null || substr.is_null || start_pos.is_null) return IntVal::null();
// Hive returns 0 for *start_pos <= 0,
// but throws an exception for *start_pos > str->len.
// Since returning 0 seems to be Hive's error condition, return 0.
if (start_pos.val <= 0 || start_pos.val > str.len) return IntVal(0);
StringValue substr_sv = StringValue::FromStringVal(substr);
StringSearch search(&substr_sv);
// Input start_pos.val starts from 1.
StringValue adjusted_str(reinterpret_cast<char*>(str.ptr) + start_pos.val - 1,
str.len - start_pos.val + 1);
int32_t match_pos = search.Search(&adjusted_str);
if (match_pos >= 0) {
// Hive returns the position in the original string starting from 1.
return IntVal(start_pos.val + match_pos);
} else {
return IntVal(0);
// The caller owns the returned regex. Returns NULL if the pattern could not be compiled.
re2::RE2* CompileRegex(const StringVal& pattern, string* error_str,
const StringVal& match_parameter) {
DCHECK(error_str != NULL);
re2::StringPiece pattern_sp(reinterpret_cast<char*>(pattern.ptr), pattern.len);
re2::RE2::Options options;
// Disable error logging in case e.g. every row causes an error
// Return the leftmost longest match (rather than the first match).
if (!match_parameter.is_null &&
!StringFunctions::SetRE2Options(match_parameter, error_str, &options)) {
return NULL;
re2::RE2* re = new re2::RE2(pattern_sp, options);
if (!re->ok()) {
stringstream ss;
ss << "Could not compile regexp pattern: " << AnyValUtil::ToString(pattern) << endl
<< "Error: " << re->error();
*error_str = ss.str();
delete re;
return NULL;
return re;
// This function sets options in the RE2 library before pattern matching.
bool StringFunctions::SetRE2Options(const StringVal& match_parameter,
string* error_str, re2::RE2::Options* opts) {
for (int i = 0; i < match_parameter.len; i++) {
char match = match_parameter.ptr[i];
switch (match) {
case 'i':
case 'c':
case 'm':
case 'n':
stringstream error;
error << "Illegal match parameter " << match;
*error_str = error.str();
return false;
return true;
void StringFunctions::RegexpPrepare(
FunctionContext* context, FunctionContext::FunctionStateScope scope) {
if (scope != FunctionContext::FRAGMENT_LOCAL) return;
if (!context->IsArgConstant(1)) return;
DCHECK_EQ(context->GetArgType(1)->type, FunctionContext::TYPE_STRING);
StringVal* pattern = reinterpret_cast<StringVal*>(context->GetConstantArg(1));
if (pattern->is_null) return;
string error_str;
re2::RE2* re = CompileRegex(*pattern, &error_str, StringVal::null());
if (re == NULL) {
context->SetFunctionState(scope, re);
void StringFunctions::RegexpClose(
FunctionContext* context, FunctionContext::FunctionStateScope scope) {
if (scope != FunctionContext::FRAGMENT_LOCAL) return;
re2::RE2* re = reinterpret_cast<re2::RE2*>(context->GetFunctionState(scope));
delete re;
context->SetFunctionState(scope, nullptr);
StringVal StringFunctions::RegexpEscape(FunctionContext* context, const StringVal& str) {
if (str.is_null) return StringVal::null();
if (str.len == 0) return str;
static const strings::CharSet REGEX_ESCAPE_CHARACTERS(".\\+*?[^]$(){}=!<>|:-");
const uint8_t* const start_ptr = str.ptr;
const uint8_t* const end_ptr = start_ptr + str.len;
StringVal result(context, str.len * 2);
if (UNLIKELY(result.is_null)) return StringVal::null();
uint8_t* dest_ptr = result.ptr;
for (const uint8_t* c = start_ptr; c < end_ptr; ++c) {
*dest_ptr++ = '\\';
*dest_ptr++ = *c;
result.len = dest_ptr - result.ptr;
DCHECK_GE(result.len, str.len);
return result;
StringVal StringFunctions::RegexpExtract(FunctionContext* context, const StringVal& str,
const StringVal& pattern, const BigIntVal& index) {
if (str.is_null || pattern.is_null || index.is_null) return StringVal::null();
if (index.val < 0) return StringVal();
re2::RE2* re = reinterpret_cast<re2::RE2*>(
scoped_ptr<re2::RE2> scoped_re; // destroys re if we have to locally compile it
if (re == NULL) {
string error_str;
re = CompileRegex(pattern, &error_str, StringVal::null());
if (re == NULL) {
return StringVal::null();
re2::StringPiece str_sp(reinterpret_cast<char*>(str.ptr), str.len);
int max_matches = 1 + re->NumberOfCapturingGroups();
if (index.val >= max_matches) return StringVal();
// Use a vector because clang complains about non-POD varlen arrays
// TODO: fix this
vector<re2::StringPiece> matches(max_matches);
bool success =
re->Match(str_sp, 0, str.len, re2::RE2::UNANCHORED,, max_matches);
if (!success) return StringVal();
// matches[0] is the whole string, matches[1] the first group, etc.
const re2::StringPiece& match = matches[index.val];
return AnyValUtil::FromBuffer(context,, match.size());
StringVal StringFunctions::RegexpReplace(FunctionContext* context, const StringVal& str,
const StringVal& pattern, const StringVal& replace) {
if (str.is_null || pattern.is_null || replace.is_null) return StringVal::null();
re2::RE2* re = reinterpret_cast<re2::RE2*>(
scoped_ptr<re2::RE2> scoped_re; // destroys re if state->re is NULL
if (re == NULL) {
string error_str;
re = CompileRegex(pattern, &error_str, StringVal::null());
if (re == NULL) {
return StringVal::null();
re2::StringPiece replace_str =
re2::StringPiece(reinterpret_cast<char*>(replace.ptr), replace.len);
string result_str = AnyValUtil::ToString(str);
re2::RE2::GlobalReplace(&result_str, *re, replace_str);
return AnyValUtil::FromString(context, result_str);
void StringFunctions::RegexpMatchCountPrepare(FunctionContext* context,
FunctionContext::FunctionStateScope scope) {
if (scope != FunctionContext::FRAGMENT_LOCAL) return;
int num_args = context->GetNumArgs();
DCHECK(num_args == 2 || num_args == 4);
if (!context->IsArgConstant(1) || (num_args == 4 && !context->IsArgConstant(3))) return;
DCHECK_EQ(context->GetArgType(1)->type, FunctionContext::TYPE_STRING);
StringVal* pattern = reinterpret_cast<StringVal*>(context->GetConstantArg(1));
if (pattern->is_null) return;
StringVal* match_parameter = NULL;
if (num_args == 4) {
DCHECK_EQ(context->GetArgType(3)->type, FunctionContext::TYPE_STRING);
match_parameter = reinterpret_cast<StringVal*>(context->GetConstantArg(3));
string error_str;
re2::RE2* re = CompileRegex(*pattern, &error_str, match_parameter == NULL ?
StringVal::null() : *match_parameter);
if (re == NULL) {
context->SetFunctionState(scope, re);
IntVal StringFunctions::RegexpMatchCount2Args(FunctionContext* context,
const StringVal& str, const StringVal& pattern) {
return RegexpMatchCount4Args(context, str, pattern, IntVal::null(), StringVal::null());
IntVal StringFunctions::RegexpMatchCount4Args(FunctionContext* context,
const StringVal& str, const StringVal& pattern, const IntVal& start_pos,
const StringVal& match_parameter) {
if (str.is_null || pattern.is_null) return IntVal::null();
int offset = 0;
DCHECK_GE(str.len, 0);
// The parameter "start_pos" starts counting at 1 instead of 0. If "start_pos" is
// beyond the end of the string, "str" will be considered an empty string.
if (!start_pos.is_null) offset = min(start_pos.val - 1, str.len);
if (offset < 0) {
stringstream error;
error << "Illegal starting position " << start_pos.val << endl;
return IntVal::null();
re2::RE2* re = reinterpret_cast<re2::RE2*>(
// Destroys re if we have to locally compile it.
scoped_ptr<re2::RE2> scoped_re;
if (re == NULL) {
DCHECK(!context->IsArgConstant(1) || (context->GetNumArgs() == 4 &&
string error_str;
re = CompileRegex(pattern, &error_str, match_parameter);
if (re == NULL) {
return IntVal::null();
DCHECK_GE(str.len, offset);
re2::StringPiece str_sp(reinterpret_cast<char*>(str.ptr), str.len);
int count = 0;
re2::StringPiece match;
while (offset <= str.len &&
re->Match(str_sp, offset, str.len, re2::RE2::UNANCHORED, &match, 1)) {
// Empty string is a valid match for pattern with '*'. Start matching at the next
// character until we reach the end of the string.
if (match.size() == 0) {
if (offset == str.len) {
} else {
// Make sure forward progress is being made or we will be in an infinite loop.
DCHECK_GT( - + match.size(), offset);
offset = - + match.size();
return IntVal(count);
StringVal StringFunctions::Concat(FunctionContext* context, int num_children,
const StringVal* strs) {
return ConcatWs(context, StringVal(), num_children, strs);
StringVal StringFunctions::ConcatWs(FunctionContext* context, const StringVal& sep,
int num_children, const StringVal* strs) {
DCHECK_GE(num_children, 1);
DCHECK(strs != NULL);
if (sep.is_null) return StringVal::null();
// Pass through if there's only one argument
if (num_children == 1) return strs[0];
if (strs[0].is_null) return StringVal::null();
int32_t total_size = strs[0].len;
// Loop once to compute the final size and reserve space.
for (int32_t i = 1; i < num_children; ++i) {
if (strs[i].is_null) return StringVal::null();
total_size += sep.len + strs[i].len;
StringVal result(context, total_size);
if (UNLIKELY(result.is_null)) return StringVal::null();
// Loop again to append the data.
uint8_t* ptr = result.ptr;
memcpy(ptr, strs[0].ptr, strs[0].len);
ptr += strs[0].len;
for (int32_t i = 1; i < num_children; ++i) {
memcpy(ptr, sep.ptr, sep.len);
ptr += sep.len;
memcpy(ptr, strs[i].ptr, strs[i].len);
ptr += strs[i].len;
return result;
IntVal StringFunctions::FindInSet(FunctionContext* context, const StringVal& str,
const StringVal& str_set) {
if (str.is_null || str_set.is_null) return IntVal::null();
// Check str for commas.
for (int i = 0; i < str.len; ++i) {
if (str.ptr[i] == ',') return IntVal(0);
// The result index starts from 1 since 0 is an error condition.
int32_t token_index = 1;
int32_t start = 0;
int32_t end;
StringValue str_sv = StringValue::FromStringVal(str);
do {
end = start;
// Position end.
while (end < str_set.len && str_set.ptr[end] != ',') ++end;
StringValue token(reinterpret_cast<char*>(str_set.ptr) + start, end - start);
if (str_sv.Eq(token)) return IntVal(token_index);
// Re-position start and end past ','
start = end + 1;
} while (start < str_set.len);
return IntVal(0);
void StringFunctions::ParseUrlPrepare(
FunctionContext* ctx, FunctionContext::FunctionStateScope scope) {
if (scope != FunctionContext::FRAGMENT_LOCAL) return;
if (!ctx->IsArgConstant(1)) return;
DCHECK_EQ(ctx->GetArgType(1)->type, FunctionContext::TYPE_STRING);
StringVal* part = reinterpret_cast<StringVal*>(ctx->GetConstantArg(1));
if (part->is_null) return;
auto url_part = make_unique<UrlParser::UrlPart>(
if (*url_part == UrlParser::INVALID) {
stringstream ss;
ss << "Invalid URL part: " << AnyValUtil::ToString(*part) << endl
<< "(Valid URL parts are 'PROTOCOL', 'HOST', 'PATH', 'REF', 'AUTHORITY', 'FILE', "
<< "'USERINFO', and 'QUERY')";
ctx->SetFunctionState(scope, url_part.release());
StringVal StringFunctions::ParseUrl(
FunctionContext* ctx, const StringVal& url, const StringVal& part) {
if (url.is_null || part.is_null) return StringVal::null();
void* state = ctx->GetFunctionState(FunctionContext::FRAGMENT_LOCAL);
UrlParser::UrlPart url_part;
if (state != NULL) {
url_part = *reinterpret_cast<UrlParser::UrlPart*>(state);
} else {
url_part = UrlParser::GetUrlPart(StringValue::FromStringVal(part));
StringValue result;
if (!UrlParser::ParseUrl(StringValue::FromStringVal(url), url_part, &result)) {
// url is malformed, or url_part is invalid.
if (url_part == UrlParser::INVALID) {
stringstream ss;
ss << "Invalid URL part: " << AnyValUtil::ToString(part);
} else {
stringstream ss;
ss << "Could not parse URL: " << AnyValUtil::ToString(url);
return StringVal::null();
StringVal result_sv;
return result_sv;
void StringFunctions::ParseUrlClose(
FunctionContext* ctx, FunctionContext::FunctionStateScope scope) {
if (scope != FunctionContext::FRAGMENT_LOCAL) return;
UrlParser::UrlPart* url_part =
delete url_part;
ctx->SetFunctionState(scope, nullptr);
StringVal StringFunctions::ParseUrlKey(FunctionContext* ctx, const StringVal& url,
const StringVal& part, const StringVal& key) {
if (url.is_null || part.is_null || key.is_null) return StringVal::null();
void* state = ctx->GetFunctionState(FunctionContext::FRAGMENT_LOCAL);
UrlParser::UrlPart url_part;
if (state != NULL) {
url_part = *reinterpret_cast<UrlParser::UrlPart*>(state);
} else {
url_part = UrlParser::GetUrlPart(StringValue::FromStringVal(part));
StringValue result;
if (!UrlParser::ParseUrlKey(StringValue::FromStringVal(url), url_part,
StringValue::FromStringVal(key), &result)) {
// url is malformed, or url_part is invalid.
if (url_part == UrlParser::INVALID) {
stringstream ss;
ss << "Invalid URL part: " << AnyValUtil::ToString(part);
} else {
stringstream ss;
ss << "Could not parse URL: " << AnyValUtil::ToString(url);
return StringVal::null();
StringVal result_sv;
return result_sv;
StringVal StringFunctions::Chr(FunctionContext* ctx, const IntVal& val) {
if (val.is_null) return StringVal::null();
if (val.val < 0 || val.val > 255) return "";
char c = static_cast<char>(val.val);
return AnyValUtil::FromBuffer(ctx, &c, 1);
// Similar to strstr() except that the strings are not null-terminated
static char* LocateSubstring(char* haystack, int hay_len, const char* needle, int needle_len) {
DCHECK_GT(needle_len, 0);
DCHECK(needle != NULL);
DCHECK(hay_len == 0 || haystack != NULL);
for (int i = 0; i < hay_len - needle_len + 1; ++i) {
char* possible_needle = haystack + i;
if (strncmp(possible_needle, needle, needle_len) == 0) return possible_needle;
return NULL;
StringVal StringFunctions::SplitPart(FunctionContext* context,
const StringVal& str, const StringVal& delim, const BigIntVal& field) {
if (str.is_null || delim.is_null || field.is_null) return StringVal::null();
int field_pos = field.val;
if (field_pos <= 0) {
stringstream ss;
ss << "Invalid field position: " << field.val;
return StringVal::null();
if (delim.len == 0) return str;
char* str_start = reinterpret_cast<char*>(str.ptr);
char* str_part = str_start;
char* delimiter = reinterpret_cast<char*>(delim.ptr);
for (int cur_pos = 1; ; ++cur_pos) {
int remaining_len = str.len - (str_part - str_start);
char* delim_ref = LocateSubstring(str_part, remaining_len, delimiter, delim.len);
if (delim_ref == NULL) {
if (cur_pos == field_pos) {
return StringVal(reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(str_part), remaining_len);
// Return empty string if required field position is not found.
return StringVal();
if (cur_pos == field_pos) {
return StringVal(reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(str_part),
delim_ref - str_part);
str_part = delim_ref + delim.len;
return StringVal();
StringVal StringFunctions::Base64Encode(FunctionContext* ctx, const StringVal& str) {
if (str.is_null) return StringVal::null();
if (str.len == 0) return StringVal(ctx, 0);
int64_t out_max = 0;
if (UNLIKELY(!Base64EncodeBufLen(str.len, &out_max))) {
stringstream ss;
ss << "Could not base64 encode a string of length " << str.len;
return StringVal::null();
StringVal result(ctx, out_max);
if (UNLIKELY(result.is_null)) return result;
int64_t out_len = 0;
if (UNLIKELY(!impala::Base64Encode(
reinterpret_cast<const char*>(str.ptr), str.len,
out_max, reinterpret_cast<char*>(result.ptr), &out_len))) {
stringstream ss;
ss << "Could not base64 encode input in space " << out_max
<< "; actual output length " << out_len;
return StringVal::null();
result.len = out_len;
return result;
StringVal StringFunctions::Base64Decode(FunctionContext* ctx, const StringVal& str) {
if (str.is_null) return StringVal::null();
if (0 == str.len) return StringVal(ctx, 0);
int64_t out_max = 0;
if (UNLIKELY(!Base64DecodeBufLen(
reinterpret_cast<const char*>(str.ptr), static_cast<int64_t>(str.len),
&out_max))) {
stringstream ss;
ss << "Invalid base64 string; input length is " << str.len
<< ", which is not a multiple of 4.";
return StringVal::null();
StringVal result(ctx, out_max);
if (UNLIKELY(result.is_null)) return result;
int64_t out_len = 0;
if (UNLIKELY(!impala::Base64Decode(
reinterpret_cast<const char*>(str.ptr), static_cast<int64_t>(str.len),
out_max, reinterpret_cast<char*>(result.ptr), &out_len))) {
stringstream ss;
ss << "Could not base64 decode input in space " << out_max
<< "; actual output length " << out_len;
return StringVal::null();
result.len = out_len;
return result;