blob: 42c2867c486556b51db31b2d280e75d83066882d [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
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// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
#include "exprs/scalar-expr.h"
#include <sstream>
#include <thrift/protocol/TDebugProtocol.h>
#include "codegen/codegen-anyval.h"
#include "codegen/llvm-codegen.h"
#include "common/object-pool.h"
#include "common/status.h"
#include "exprs/case-expr.h"
#include "exprs/compound-predicates.h"
#include "exprs/conditional-functions.h"
#include "exprs/hive-udf-call.h"
#include "exprs/in-predicate.h"
#include "exprs/is-not-empty-predicate.h"
#include "exprs/is-null-predicate.h"
#include "exprs/kudu-partition-expr.h"
#include "exprs/like-predicate.h"
#include "exprs/literal.h"
#include "exprs/null-literal.h"
#include "exprs/operators.h"
#include "exprs/scalar-expr-evaluator.h"
#include "exprs/scalar-fn-call.h"
#include "exprs/slot-ref.h"
#include "exprs/string-functions.h"
#include "exprs/timestamp-functions.h"
#include "exprs/tuple-is-null-predicate.h"
#include "exprs/udf-builtins.h"
#include "exprs/utility-functions.h"
#include "runtime/runtime-state.h"
#include "runtime/tuple-row.h"
#include "runtime/tuple.h"
#include "udf/udf-internal.h"
#include "udf/udf.h"
#include "gen-cpp/Exprs_types.h"
#include "gen-cpp/ImpalaService_types.h"
#include "common/names.h"
using namespace impala_udf;
namespace impala {
const char* ScalarExpr::LLVM_CLASS_NAME = "class.impala::ScalarExpr";
ScalarExpr::ScalarExpr(const ColumnType& type, bool is_constant)
: Expr(type),
is_constant_(is_constant) {
ScalarExpr::ScalarExpr(const TExprNode& node)
: Expr(node),
is_constant_(node.is_constant) {
if (node.__isset.fn) fn_ = node.fn;
Status ScalarExpr::Create(const TExpr& texpr, const RowDescriptor& row_desc,
RuntimeState* state, ObjectPool* pool, ScalarExpr** scalar_expr) {
*scalar_expr = nullptr;
ScalarExpr* root;
RETURN_IF_ERROR(CreateNode(texpr.nodes[0], pool, &root));
RETURN_IF_ERROR(Expr::CreateTree(texpr, pool, root));
Status status = root->Init(row_desc, state);
if (UNLIKELY(!status.ok())) {
return status;
int fn_ctx_idx = 0;
*scalar_expr = root;
return Status::OK();
Status ScalarExpr::Create(const vector<TExpr>& texprs, const RowDescriptor& row_desc,
RuntimeState* state, ObjectPool* pool, vector<ScalarExpr*>* exprs) {
for (const TExpr& texpr: texprs) {
ScalarExpr* expr;
RETURN_IF_ERROR(Create(texpr, row_desc, state, pool, &expr));
DCHECK(expr != nullptr);
return Status::OK();
Status ScalarExpr::Create(const TExpr& texpr, const RowDescriptor& row_desc,
RuntimeState* state, ScalarExpr** scalar_expr) {
return ScalarExpr::Create(texpr, row_desc, state, state->obj_pool(), scalar_expr);
Status ScalarExpr::Create(const vector<TExpr>& texprs, const RowDescriptor& row_desc,
RuntimeState* state, vector<ScalarExpr*>* exprs) {
return ScalarExpr::Create(texprs, row_desc, state, state->obj_pool(), exprs);
void ScalarExpr::AssignFnCtxIdx(int* next_fn_ctx_idx) {
fn_ctx_idx_start_ = *next_fn_ctx_idx;
if (HasFnCtx()) {
fn_ctx_idx_ = *next_fn_ctx_idx;
for (ScalarExpr* child : children()) child->AssignFnCtxIdx(next_fn_ctx_idx);
fn_ctx_idx_end_ = *next_fn_ctx_idx;
Status ScalarExpr::CreateNode(
const TExprNode& texpr_node, ObjectPool* pool, ScalarExpr** expr) {
switch (texpr_node.node_type) {
case TExprNodeType::BOOL_LITERAL:
case TExprNodeType::FLOAT_LITERAL:
case TExprNodeType::INT_LITERAL:
case TExprNodeType::STRING_LITERAL:
case TExprNodeType::DECIMAL_LITERAL:
*expr = pool->Add(new Literal(texpr_node));
return Status::OK();
case TExprNodeType::CASE_EXPR:
if (!texpr_node.__isset.case_expr) {
return Status("Case expression not set in thrift node");
*expr = pool->Add(new CaseExpr(texpr_node));
return Status::OK();
case TExprNodeType::COMPOUND_PRED:
if ( == "and") {
*expr = pool->Add(new AndPredicate(texpr_node));
} else if ( == "or") {
*expr = pool->Add(new OrPredicate(texpr_node));
} else {
DCHECK_EQ(, "not");
*expr = pool->Add(new ScalarFnCall(texpr_node));
return Status::OK();
case TExprNodeType::NULL_LITERAL:
*expr = pool->Add(new NullLiteral(texpr_node));
return Status::OK();
case TExprNodeType::SLOT_REF:
if (!texpr_node.__isset.slot_ref) {
return Status("Slot reference not set in thrift node");
*expr = pool->Add(new SlotRef(texpr_node));
return Status::OK();
case TExprNodeType::TUPLE_IS_NULL_PRED:
*expr = pool->Add(new TupleIsNullPredicate(texpr_node));
return Status::OK();
case TExprNodeType::FUNCTION_CALL:
if (!texpr_node.__isset.fn) {
return Status("Function not set in thrift node");
// Special-case functions that have their own Expr classes
// TODO: is there a better way to do this?
if ( == "if") {
*expr = pool->Add(new IfExpr(texpr_node));
} else if ( == "isnull" || == "ifnull" || == "nvl") {
*expr = pool->Add(new IsNullExpr(texpr_node));
} else if ( == "coalesce") {
*expr = pool->Add(new CoalesceExpr(texpr_node));
} else if (texpr_node.fn.binary_type == TFunctionBinaryType::JAVA) {
*expr = pool->Add(new HiveUdfCall(texpr_node));
} else {
*expr = pool->Add(new ScalarFnCall(texpr_node));
return Status::OK();
case TExprNodeType::IS_NOT_EMPTY_PRED:
*expr = pool->Add(new IsNotEmptyPredicate(texpr_node));
return Status::OK();
*expr = pool->Add(new KuduPartitionExpr(texpr_node));
return Status::OK();
*expr = nullptr;
stringstream os;
os << "Unknown expr node type: " << texpr_node.node_type;
return Status(os.str());
Status ScalarExpr::OpenEvaluator(FunctionContext::FunctionStateScope scope,
RuntimeState* state, ScalarExprEvaluator* eval) const {
for (int i = 0; i < children_.size(); ++i) {
RETURN_IF_ERROR(children_[i]->OpenEvaluator(scope, state, eval));
return Status::OK();
void ScalarExpr::CloseEvaluator(FunctionContext::FunctionStateScope scope,
RuntimeState* state, ScalarExprEvaluator* eval) const {
for (ScalarExpr* child : children_) child->CloseEvaluator(scope, state, eval);
void ScalarExpr::Close() {
void ScalarExpr::Close(const vector<ScalarExpr*>& exprs) {
for (ScalarExpr* expr : exprs) expr->Close();
struct MemLayoutData {
int expr_idx;
int byte_size;
bool variable_length;
int alignment;
// TODO: sort by type as well? Any reason to do this?
// TODO: would sorting in reverse order of size be faster due to better packing?
// TODO: why put var-len at end?
bool operator<(const MemLayoutData& rhs) const {
// variable_len go at end
if (this->variable_length && !rhs.variable_length) return false;
if (!this->variable_length && rhs.variable_length) return true;
return this->byte_size < rhs.byte_size;
int ScalarExpr::ComputeResultsLayout(const vector<ScalarExpr*>& exprs,
vector<int>* offsets, int* var_result_begin) {
if (exprs.size() == 0) {
*var_result_begin = -1;
return 0;
// Don't align more than word (8-byte) size. There's no performance gain beyond 8-byte
// alignment, and there is a performance gain to keeping the results buffer small. This
// is consistent with what compilers do.
int MAX_ALIGNMENT = sizeof(int64_t);
vector<MemLayoutData> data;
// Collect all the byte sizes and sort them
for (int i = 0; i < exprs.size(); ++i) {
DCHECK(!exprs[i]->type().IsComplexType()) << "NYI";
data[i].expr_idx = i;
data[i].byte_size = exprs[i]->type().GetSlotSize();
DCHECK_GT(data[i].byte_size, 0);
data[i].variable_length = exprs[i]->type().IsVarLenStringType();
bool fixed_len_char = exprs[i]->type().type == TYPE_CHAR && !data[i].variable_length;
// Compute the alignment of this value. Values should be self-aligned for optimal
// memory access speed, up to the max alignment (e.g., if this value is an int32_t,
// its offset in the buffer should be divisible by sizeof(int32_t)).
// TODO: is self-alignment really necessary for perf?
if (!fixed_len_char) {
data[i].alignment = min(data[i].byte_size, MAX_ALIGNMENT);
} else {
// Fixed-len chars are aligned to a one-byte boundary, as if they were char[],
// leaving no padding between them and the previous value.
data[i].alignment = 1;
sort(data.begin(), data.end());
// Walk the types and store in a packed aligned layout
int byte_offset = 0;
*var_result_begin = -1;
for (int i = 0; i < data.size(); ++i) {
// Increase byte_offset so data[i] is at the right alignment (i.e. add padding between
// this value and the previous).
byte_offset = BitUtil::RoundUp(byte_offset, data[i].alignment);
(*offsets)[data[i].expr_idx] = byte_offset;
if (data[i].variable_length && *var_result_begin == -1) {
*var_result_begin = byte_offset;
DCHECK(!(i == 0 && byte_offset > 0)) << "first value should be at start of layout";
byte_offset += data[i].byte_size;
return byte_offset;
Status ScalarExpr::Init(const RowDescriptor& row_desc, RuntimeState* state) {
DCHECK(type_.type != INVALID_TYPE);
for (int i = 0; i < children_.size(); ++i) {
RETURN_IF_ERROR(children_[i]->Init(row_desc, state));
return Status::OK();
string ScalarExpr::DebugString() const {
// TODO: implement partial debug string for member vars
stringstream out;
out << " type=" << type_.DebugString();
if (!children_.empty()) {
out << " children=" << DebugString(children_);
return out.str();
string ScalarExpr::DebugString(const vector<ScalarExpr*>& exprs) {
stringstream out;
out << "[";
for (int i = 0; i < exprs.size(); ++i) {
out << (i == 0 ? "" : " ") << exprs[i]->DebugString();
out << "]";
return out.str();
int ScalarExpr::GetSlotIds(vector<SlotId>* slot_ids) const {
int n = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < children_.size(); ++i) {
n += children_[i]->GetSlotIds(slot_ids);
return n;
llvm::Function* ScalarExpr::GetStaticGetValWrapper(
ColumnType type, LlvmCodeGen* codegen) {
switch (type.type) {
return codegen->GetFunction(IRFunction::SCALAR_EXPR_GET_BOOLEAN_VAL, false);
return codegen->GetFunction(IRFunction::SCALAR_EXPR_GET_TINYINT_VAL, false);
return codegen->GetFunction(IRFunction::SCALAR_EXPR_GET_SMALLINT_VAL, false);
case TYPE_INT:
return codegen->GetFunction(IRFunction::SCALAR_EXPR_GET_INT_VAL, false);
return codegen->GetFunction(IRFunction::SCALAR_EXPR_GET_BIGINT_VAL, false);
return codegen->GetFunction(IRFunction::SCALAR_EXPR_GET_FLOAT_VAL, false);
return codegen->GetFunction(IRFunction::SCALAR_EXPR_GET_DOUBLE_VAL, false);
return codegen->GetFunction(IRFunction::SCALAR_EXPR_GET_STRING_VAL, false);
return codegen->GetFunction(IRFunction::SCALAR_EXPR_GET_TIMESTAMP_VAL, false);
return codegen->GetFunction(IRFunction::SCALAR_EXPR_GET_DECIMAL_VAL, false);
DCHECK(false) << "Invalid type: " << type.DebugString();
return NULL;
llvm::Function* ScalarExpr::CreateIrFunctionPrototype(
const string& name, LlvmCodeGen* codegen, llvm::Value* (*args)[2]) {
llvm::Type* return_type = CodegenAnyVal::GetLoweredType(codegen, type());
LlvmCodeGen::FnPrototype prototype(codegen, name, return_type);
"eval", codegen->GetStructPtrType<ScalarExprEvaluator>()));
"row", codegen->GetStructPtrType<TupleRow>()));
llvm::Function* function = prototype.GeneratePrototype(NULL, args[0]);
DCHECK(function != NULL);
return function;
Status ScalarExpr::GetCodegendComputeFnWrapper(
LlvmCodeGen* codegen, llvm::Function** fn) {
if (ir_compute_fn_ != nullptr) {
*fn = ir_compute_fn_;
return Status::OK();
llvm::Function* static_getval_fn = GetStaticGetValWrapper(type(), codegen);
// Call it passing this as the additional first argument.
llvm::Value* args[2];
ir_compute_fn_ = CreateIrFunctionPrototype("CodegenComputeFnWrapper", codegen, &args);
llvm::BasicBlock* entry_block =
llvm::BasicBlock::Create(codegen->context(), "entry", ir_compute_fn_);
LlvmBuilder builder(entry_block);
llvm::Value* this_ptr = codegen->CastPtrToLlvmPtr(
codegen->GetStructPtrType<ScalarExpr>(), this);
llvm::Value* compute_fn_args[] = {this_ptr, args[0], args[1]};
llvm::Value* ret = CodegenAnyVal::CreateCall(
codegen, &builder, static_getval_fn, compute_fn_args, "ret");
*fn = codegen->FinalizeFunction(ir_compute_fn_);
if (UNLIKELY(*fn == nullptr)) {
return Status(TErrorCode::IR_VERIFY_FAILED, "CodegendComputeFnWrapper");
ir_compute_fn_ = *fn;
return Status::OK();
// At least one of these should always be overridden.
BooleanVal ScalarExpr::GetBooleanVal(
ScalarExprEvaluator* eval, const TupleRow* row) const {
DCHECK(false) << DebugString();
return BooleanVal::null();
TinyIntVal ScalarExpr::GetTinyIntVal(
ScalarExprEvaluator* eval, const TupleRow* row) const {
DCHECK(false) << DebugString();
return TinyIntVal::null();
SmallIntVal ScalarExpr::GetSmallIntVal(
ScalarExprEvaluator* eval, const TupleRow* row) const {
DCHECK(false) << DebugString();
return SmallIntVal::null();
IntVal ScalarExpr::GetIntVal(
ScalarExprEvaluator* eval, const TupleRow* row) const {
DCHECK(false) << DebugString();
return IntVal::null();
BigIntVal ScalarExpr::GetBigIntVal(
ScalarExprEvaluator* eval, const TupleRow* row) const {
DCHECK(false) << DebugString();
return BigIntVal::null();
FloatVal ScalarExpr::GetFloatVal(
ScalarExprEvaluator* eval, const TupleRow* row) const {
DCHECK(false) << DebugString();
return FloatVal::null();
DoubleVal ScalarExpr::GetDoubleVal(
ScalarExprEvaluator* eval, const TupleRow* row) const {
DCHECK(false) << DebugString();
return DoubleVal::null();
StringVal ScalarExpr::GetStringVal(
ScalarExprEvaluator* eval, const TupleRow* row) const {
DCHECK(false) << DebugString();
return StringVal::null();
CollectionVal ScalarExpr::GetCollectionVal(
ScalarExprEvaluator* eval, const TupleRow* row) const {
DCHECK(false) << DebugString();
return CollectionVal::null();
TimestampVal ScalarExpr::GetTimestampVal(
ScalarExprEvaluator* eval, const TupleRow* row) const {
DCHECK(false) << DebugString();
return TimestampVal::null();
DecimalVal ScalarExpr::GetDecimalVal(
ScalarExprEvaluator* eval, const TupleRow* row) const {
DCHECK(false) << DebugString();
return DecimalVal::null();
string ScalarExpr::DebugString(const string& expr_name) const {
stringstream out;
out << expr_name << "(" << ScalarExpr::DebugString() << ")";
return out.str();