blob: 531bf248899ee2fe4fefd1844d33c58629907554 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
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// under the License.
#include "exprs/math-functions.h"
#include <iomanip>
#include <random>
#include <sstream>
#include <math.h>
#include "exprs/anyval-util.h"
#include "exprs/scalar-expr.h"
#include "exprs/operators.h"
#include "util/string-parser.h"
#include "runtime/runtime-state.h"
#include "runtime/string-value.inline.h"
#include "thirdparty/pcg-cpp-0.98/include/pcg_random.hpp"
#include "common/names.h"
using std::uppercase;
namespace impala {
DoubleVal MathFunctions::Pi(FunctionContext* ctx) {
return DoubleVal(M_PI);
DoubleVal MathFunctions::E(FunctionContext* ctx) {
return DoubleVal(M_E);
// Generates a UDF that always calls FN() on the input val and returns it.
RET_TYPE MathFunctions::NAME(FunctionContext* ctx, const INPUT_TYPE& v) { \
if (v.is_null) return RET_TYPE::null(); \
return RET_TYPE(FN(v.val)); \
// Generates a UDF that always calls FN() on the input vals and returns it.
RET_TYPE MathFunctions::NAME(FunctionContext* ctx, \
const INPUT_TYPE1& v1, const INPUT_TYPE2& v2) { \
if (v1.is_null || v2.is_null) return RET_TYPE::null(); \
return RET_TYPE(FN(v1.val, v2.val)); \
// N.B. - for integer math, we have to promote ABS() to the next highest integer type
// because in two's complement arithmetic, the largest negative value for any bit width
// is not representable as a positive value within the same width. For the largest width,
// we simply overflow. In the unlikely event a workaround is needed, one can simply
// cast to a higher precision decimal type.
BigIntVal MathFunctions::Abs(FunctionContext* ctx, const BigIntVal& v) {
if (v.is_null) return BigIntVal::null();
if (UNLIKELY(v.val == std::numeric_limits<BigIntVal::underlying_type_t>::min())) {
ctx->AddWarning("abs() overflowed, returning NULL");
return BigIntVal::null();
return BigIntVal(llabs(v.val));
ONE_ARG_MATH_FN(Abs, BigIntVal, IntVal, llabs);
ONE_ARG_MATH_FN(Abs, IntVal, SmallIntVal, abs);
ONE_ARG_MATH_FN(Abs, SmallIntVal, TinyIntVal, abs);
ONE_ARG_MATH_FN(Abs, DoubleVal, DoubleVal, fabs);
ONE_ARG_MATH_FN(Abs, FloatVal, FloatVal, fabs);
ONE_ARG_MATH_FN(Sin, DoubleVal, DoubleVal, sin);
ONE_ARG_MATH_FN(Asin, DoubleVal, DoubleVal, asin);
ONE_ARG_MATH_FN(Cos, DoubleVal, DoubleVal, cos);
ONE_ARG_MATH_FN(Acos, DoubleVal, DoubleVal, acos);
ONE_ARG_MATH_FN(Tan, DoubleVal, DoubleVal, tan);
ONE_ARG_MATH_FN(Atan, DoubleVal, DoubleVal, atan);
ONE_ARG_MATH_FN(Cosh, DoubleVal, DoubleVal, cosh);
ONE_ARG_MATH_FN(Tanh, DoubleVal, DoubleVal, tanh);
ONE_ARG_MATH_FN(Sinh, DoubleVal, DoubleVal, sinh);
ONE_ARG_MATH_FN(Sqrt, DoubleVal, DoubleVal, sqrt);
ONE_ARG_MATH_FN(Ceil, BigIntVal, DoubleVal, ceil);
ONE_ARG_MATH_FN(Floor, BigIntVal, DoubleVal, floor);
ONE_ARG_MATH_FN(Truncate, BigIntVal, DoubleVal, trunc);
ONE_ARG_MATH_FN(Ln, DoubleVal, DoubleVal, log);
ONE_ARG_MATH_FN(Log10, DoubleVal, DoubleVal, log10);
ONE_ARG_MATH_FN(Exp, DoubleVal, DoubleVal, exp);
TWO_ARG_MATH_FN(Atan2, DoubleVal, DoubleVal, DoubleVal, atan2);
DoubleVal MathFunctions::Cot(FunctionContext* ctx, const DoubleVal& v) {
if (v.is_null) return DoubleVal::null();
return DoubleVal(tan(M_PI_2 - v.val));
FloatVal MathFunctions::Sign(FunctionContext* ctx, const DoubleVal& v) {
if (v.is_null) return FloatVal::null();
return FloatVal((v.val > 0) ? 1.0f : ((v.val < 0) ? -1.0f : 0.0f));
DoubleVal MathFunctions::Radians(FunctionContext* ctx, const DoubleVal& v) {
if (v.is_null) return v;
return DoubleVal(v.val * M_PI / 180.0);
DoubleVal MathFunctions::Degrees(FunctionContext* ctx, const DoubleVal& v) {
if (v.is_null) return v;
return DoubleVal(v.val * 180.0 / M_PI);
BigIntVal MathFunctions::Round(FunctionContext* ctx, const DoubleVal& v) {
if (v.is_null) return BigIntVal::null();
return BigIntVal(static_cast<int64_t>(v.val + ((v.val < 0) ? -0.5 : 0.5)));
DoubleVal MathFunctions::RoundUpTo(FunctionContext* ctx, const DoubleVal& v,
const IntVal& scale) {
if (v.is_null || scale.is_null) return DoubleVal::null();
return DoubleVal(floor(v.val * pow(10.0, scale.val) + 0.5) / pow(10.0, scale.val));
DoubleVal MathFunctions::Log2(FunctionContext* ctx, const DoubleVal& v) {
if (v.is_null) return DoubleVal::null();
return DoubleVal(log(v.val) / log(2.0));
DoubleVal MathFunctions::Log(FunctionContext* ctx, const DoubleVal& base,
const DoubleVal& v) {
if (base.is_null || v.is_null) return DoubleVal::null();
return DoubleVal(log(v.val) / log(base.val));
DoubleVal MathFunctions::Pow(FunctionContext* ctx, const DoubleVal& base,
const DoubleVal& exp) {
if (base.is_null || exp.is_null) return DoubleVal::null();
return DoubleVal(pow(base.val, exp.val));
void MathFunctions::RandPrepare(
FunctionContext* ctx, FunctionContext::FunctionStateScope scope) {
if (scope == FunctionContext::THREAD_LOCAL) {
uint32_t seed = 0;
if (ctx->GetNumArgs() == 1) {
// This is a call to RandSeed, initialize the seed
// TODO: should we support non-constant seed?
if (!ctx->IsArgConstant(0)) {
ctx->SetError("Seed argument to rand() must be constant");
DCHECK_EQ(ctx->GetArgType(0)->type, FunctionContext::TYPE_BIGINT);
BigIntVal* seed_arg = static_cast<BigIntVal*>(ctx->GetConstantArg(0));
if (!seed_arg->is_null) seed = seed_arg->val;
pcg32* generator = ctx->Allocate<pcg32>();
RETURN_IF_NULL(ctx, generator);
ctx->SetFunctionState(scope, generator);
new (generator) pcg32(seed);
DoubleVal MathFunctions::Rand(FunctionContext* ctx) {
pcg32* const generator =
DCHECK(generator != nullptr);
static const double min = 0, max = 1;
std::uniform_real_distribution<double> distribution(min, max);
return DoubleVal(distribution(*generator));
DoubleVal MathFunctions::RandSeed(FunctionContext* ctx, const BigIntVal& seed) {
if (seed.is_null) return DoubleVal::null();
return Rand(ctx);
void MathFunctions::RandClose(FunctionContext* ctx,
FunctionContext::FunctionStateScope scope) {
if (scope == FunctionContext::THREAD_LOCAL) {
uint8_t* generator = reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(
ctx->SetFunctionState(FunctionContext::THREAD_LOCAL, nullptr);
StringVal MathFunctions::Bin(FunctionContext* ctx, const BigIntVal& v) {
if (v.is_null) return StringVal::null();
// Cast to an unsigned integer because it is compiler dependent
// whether the sign bit will be shifted like a regular bit.
// (logical vs. arithmetic shift for signed numbers)
uint64_t n = static_cast<uint64_t>(v.val);
const size_t max_bits = sizeof(uint64_t) * 8;
char result[max_bits];
uint32_t index = max_bits;
do {
result[--index] = '0' + (n & 1);
} while (n >>= 1);
return AnyValUtil::FromBuffer(ctx, result + index, max_bits - index);
StringVal MathFunctions::HexInt(FunctionContext* ctx, const BigIntVal& v) {
if (v.is_null) return StringVal::null();
// TODO: this is probably unreasonably slow
stringstream ss;
ss << hex << uppercase << v.val;
return AnyValUtil::FromString(ctx, ss.str());
StringVal MathFunctions::HexString(FunctionContext* ctx, const StringVal& s) {
if (s.is_null) return StringVal::null();
stringstream ss;
ss << hex << uppercase << setfill('0');
for (int i = 0; i < s.len; ++i) {
// setw is not sticky. stringstream only converts integral values,
// so a cast to int is required, but only convert the least significant byte to hex.
ss << setw(2) << (static_cast<int32_t>(s.ptr[i]) & 0xFF);
return AnyValUtil::FromString(ctx, ss.str());
StringVal MathFunctions::Unhex(FunctionContext* ctx, const StringVal& s) {
if (s.is_null) return StringVal::null();
// For uneven number of chars return empty string like Hive does.
if (s.len % 2 != 0) return StringVal();
int result_len = s.len / 2;
char result[result_len];
int res_index = 0;
int s_index = 0;
while (s_index < s.len) {
char c = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < 2; ++j, ++s_index) {
switch(s.ptr[s_index]) {
case '0':
case '1':
case '2':
case '3':
case '4':
case '5':
case '6':
case '7':
case '8':
case '9':
c += (s.ptr[s_index] - '0') * ((j == 0) ? 16 : 1);
case 'A':
case 'B':
case 'C':
case 'D':
case 'E':
case 'F':
// Map to decimal values [10, 15]
c += (s.ptr[s_index] - 'A' + 10) * ((j == 0) ? 16 : 1);
case 'a':
case 'b':
case 'c':
case 'd':
case 'e':
case 'f':
// Map to decimal [10, 15]
c += (s.ptr[s_index] - 'a' + 10) * ((j == 0) ? 16 : 1);
// Character not in hex alphabet, return empty string.
return StringVal();
result[res_index] = c;
return AnyValUtil::FromBuffer(ctx, result, result_len);
StringVal MathFunctions::ConvInt(FunctionContext* ctx, const BigIntVal& num,
const TinyIntVal& src_base, const TinyIntVal& dest_base) {
if (num.is_null || src_base.is_null || dest_base.is_null) return StringVal::null();
// As in MySQL and Hive, min base is 2 and max base is 36.
// (36 is max base representable by alphanumeric chars)
// If a negative target base is given, num should be interpreted in 2's complement.
if (abs(src_base.val) < MIN_BASE || abs(src_base.val) > MAX_BASE
|| abs(dest_base.val) < MIN_BASE || abs(dest_base.val) > MAX_BASE) {
// Return NULL like Hive does.
return StringVal::null();
// Invalid input.
if (src_base.val < 0 && num.val >= 0) return StringVal::null();
int64_t decimal_num = num.val;
if (src_base.val != 10) {
// Convert src_num representing a number in src_base but encoded in decimal
// into its actual decimal number.
if (!DecimalInBaseToDecimal(num.val, src_base.val, &decimal_num)) {
// Handle overflow, setting decimal_num appropriately.
HandleParseResult(dest_base.val, &decimal_num, StringParser::PARSE_OVERFLOW);
return DecimalToBase(ctx, decimal_num, dest_base.val);
StringVal MathFunctions::ConvString(FunctionContext* ctx, const StringVal& num_str,
const TinyIntVal& src_base, const TinyIntVal& dest_base) {
if (num_str.is_null || src_base.is_null || dest_base.is_null) return StringVal::null();
// As in MySQL and Hive, min base is 2 and max base is 36.
// (36 is max base representable by alphanumeric chars)
// If a negative target base is given, num should be interpreted in 2's complement.
if (abs(src_base.val) < MIN_BASE || abs(src_base.val) > MAX_BASE
|| abs(dest_base.val) < MIN_BASE || abs(dest_base.val) > MAX_BASE) {
// Return NULL like Hive does.
return StringVal::null();
// Convert digits in num_str in src_base to decimal.
StringParser::ParseResult parse_res;
int64_t decimal_num = StringParser::StringToInt<int64_t>(
reinterpret_cast<char*>(num_str.ptr), num_str.len, src_base.val, &parse_res);
if (src_base.val < 0 && decimal_num >= 0) {
// Invalid input.
return StringVal::null();
if (!HandleParseResult(dest_base.val, &decimal_num, parse_res)) {
// Return 0 for invalid input strings like Hive does.
return StringVal(reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(const_cast<char*>("0")), 1);
return DecimalToBase(ctx, decimal_num, dest_base.val);
StringVal MathFunctions::DecimalToBase(FunctionContext* ctx, int64_t src_num,
int8_t dest_base) {
// Max number of digits of any base (base 2 gives max digits), plus sign.
const size_t max_digits = sizeof(uint64_t) * 8 + 1;
char buf[max_digits];
int32_t result_len = 0;
int32_t buf_index = max_digits - 1;
uint64_t temp_num;
if (dest_base < 0) {
// Dest base is negative, treat src_num as signed.
temp_num = abs(src_num);
} else {
// Dest base is positive. We must interpret src_num in 2's complement.
// Convert to an unsigned int to properly deal with 2's complement conversion.
temp_num = static_cast<uint64_t>(src_num);
int abs_base = abs(dest_base);
do {
buf[buf_index] = ALPHANUMERIC_CHARS[temp_num % abs_base];
temp_num /= abs_base;
} while (temp_num > 0);
// Add optional sign.
if (src_num < 0 && dest_base < 0) {
buf[buf_index] = '-';
return AnyValUtil::FromBuffer(ctx, buf + max_digits - result_len, result_len);
bool MathFunctions::DecimalInBaseToDecimal(int64_t src_num, int8_t src_base,
int64_t* result) {
uint64_t temp_num = abs(src_num);
int64_t place = 1;
*result = 0;
do {
int32_t digit = temp_num % 10;
// Reset result if digit is not representable in src_base.
if (digit >= src_base) {
*result = 0;
place = 1;
} else {
*result += digit * place;
place *= src_base;
// Overflow.
if (UNLIKELY(*result < digit)) {
return false;
temp_num /= 10;
} while (temp_num > 0);
*result = (src_num < 0) ? -(*result) : *result;
return true;
bool MathFunctions::HandleParseResult(int8_t dest_base, int64_t* num,
StringParser::ParseResult parse_res) {
// On overflow set special value depending on dest_base.
// This is consistent with Hive and MySQL's behavior.
if (parse_res == StringParser::PARSE_OVERFLOW) {
if (dest_base < 0) {
*num = -1;
} else {
*num = numeric_limits<uint64_t>::max();
} else if (parse_res == StringParser::PARSE_FAILURE) {
// Some other error condition.
return false;
return true;
BigIntVal MathFunctions::PmodBigInt(FunctionContext* ctx, const BigIntVal& a,
const BigIntVal& b) {
if (a.is_null || b.is_null) return BigIntVal::null();
return BigIntVal(((a.val % b.val) + b.val) % b.val);
DoubleVal MathFunctions::PmodDouble(FunctionContext* ctx, const DoubleVal& a,
const DoubleVal& b) {
if (a.is_null || b.is_null) return DoubleVal::null();
return DoubleVal(fmod(fmod(a.val, b.val) + b.val, b.val));
FloatVal MathFunctions::FmodFloat(FunctionContext* ctx, const FloatVal& a,
const FloatVal& b) {
if (a.is_null || b.is_null || b.val == 0) return FloatVal::null();
return FloatVal(fmodf(a.val, b.val));
DoubleVal MathFunctions::FmodDouble(FunctionContext* ctx, const DoubleVal& a,
const DoubleVal& b) {
if (a.is_null || b.is_null || b.val == 0) return DoubleVal::null();
return DoubleVal(fmod(a.val, b.val));
template <typename T> T MathFunctions::Positive(FunctionContext* ctx, const T& val) {
return val;
template <typename T> T MathFunctions::Negative(FunctionContext* ctx, const T& val) {
if (val.is_null) return val;
return T(-val.val);
template <>
DecimalVal MathFunctions::Negative(FunctionContext* ctx, const DecimalVal& val) {
if (val.is_null) return val;
int type_byte_size = ctx->impl()->GetConstFnAttr(FunctionContextImpl::RETURN_TYPE_SIZE);
switch (type_byte_size) {
case 4:
return DecimalVal(-val.val4);
case 8:
return DecimalVal(-val.val8);
case 16:
return DecimalVal(-val.val16);
return DecimalVal::null();
BigIntVal MathFunctions::QuotientDouble(FunctionContext* ctx, const DoubleVal& x,
const DoubleVal& y) {
if (x.is_null || y.is_null || static_cast<int64_t>(y.val) == 0) {
return BigIntVal::null();
return BigIntVal(static_cast<int64_t>(x.val) / static_cast<int64_t>(y.val));
BigIntVal MathFunctions::QuotientBigInt(FunctionContext* ctx, const BigIntVal& x,
const BigIntVal& y) {
return Operators::Int_divide_BigIntVal_BigIntVal(ctx, x, y);
template <typename VAL_TYPE, bool ISLEAST> VAL_TYPE MathFunctions::LeastGreatest(
FunctionContext* ctx, int num_args, const VAL_TYPE* args) {
DCHECK_GT(num_args, 0);
if (args[0].is_null) return VAL_TYPE::null();
int result_idx = 0;
for (int i = 1; i < num_args; ++i) {
if (args[i].is_null) return VAL_TYPE::null();
if (ISLEAST) {
if (args[i].val < args[result_idx].val) result_idx = i;
} else {
if (args[i].val > args[result_idx].val) result_idx = i;
return VAL_TYPE(args[result_idx].val);
template <bool ISLEAST> StringVal MathFunctions::LeastGreatest(
FunctionContext* ctx, int num_args, const StringVal* args) {
DCHECK_GT(num_args, 0);
if (args[0].is_null) return StringVal::null();
StringValue result_val = StringValue::FromStringVal(args[0]);
for (int i = 1; i < num_args; ++i) {
if (args[i].is_null) return StringVal::null();
StringValue val = StringValue::FromStringVal(args[i]);
if (ISLEAST) {
if (val < result_val) result_val = val;
} else {
if (val > result_val) result_val = val;
StringVal result;
return result;
template <bool ISLEAST> TimestampVal MathFunctions::LeastGreatest(
FunctionContext* ctx, int num_args, const TimestampVal* args) {
DCHECK_GT(num_args, 0);
if (args[0].is_null) return TimestampVal::null();
TimestampValue result_val = TimestampValue::FromTimestampVal(args[0]);
for (int i = 1; i < num_args; ++i) {
if (args[i].is_null) return TimestampVal::null();
TimestampValue val = TimestampValue::FromTimestampVal(args[i]);
if (ISLEAST) {
if (val < result_val) result_val = val;
} else {
if (val > result_val) result_val = val;
TimestampVal result;
return result;
template <bool ISLEAST> DecimalVal MathFunctions::LeastGreatest(
FunctionContext* ctx, int num_args, const DecimalVal* args) {
DCHECK_GT(num_args, 0);
if (args[0].is_null) return DecimalVal::null();
DecimalVal result_val = args[0];
int type_byte_size = ctx->impl()->GetConstFnAttr(FunctionContextImpl::RETURN_TYPE_SIZE);
for (int i = 1; i < num_args; ++i) {
if (args[i].is_null) return DecimalVal::null();
switch (type_byte_size) {
case 4:
if (ISLEAST) {
if (args[i].val4 < result_val.val4) result_val = args[i];
} else {
if (args[i].val4 > result_val.val4) result_val = args[i];
case 8:
if (ISLEAST) {
if (args[i].val8 < result_val.val8) result_val = args[i];
} else {
if (args[i].val8 > result_val.val8) result_val = args[i];
case 16:
if (ISLEAST) {
if (args[i].val16 < result_val.val16) result_val = args[i];
} else {
if (args[i].val16 > result_val.val16) result_val = args[i];
return result_val;
template TinyIntVal MathFunctions::Positive<TinyIntVal>(
FunctionContext* ctx, const TinyIntVal& val);
template SmallIntVal MathFunctions::Positive<SmallIntVal>(
FunctionContext* ctx, const SmallIntVal& val);
template IntVal MathFunctions::Positive<IntVal>(
FunctionContext* ctx, const IntVal& val);
template BigIntVal MathFunctions::Positive<BigIntVal>(
FunctionContext* ctx, const BigIntVal& val);
template FloatVal MathFunctions::Positive<FloatVal>(
FunctionContext* ctx, const FloatVal& val);
template DoubleVal MathFunctions::Positive<DoubleVal>(
FunctionContext* ctx, const DoubleVal& val);
template DecimalVal MathFunctions::Positive<DecimalVal>(
FunctionContext* ctx, const DecimalVal& val);
template TinyIntVal MathFunctions::Negative<TinyIntVal>(
FunctionContext* ctx, const TinyIntVal& val);
template SmallIntVal MathFunctions::Negative<SmallIntVal>(
FunctionContext* ctx, const SmallIntVal& val);
template IntVal MathFunctions::Negative<IntVal>(
FunctionContext* ctx, const IntVal& val);
template BigIntVal MathFunctions::Negative<BigIntVal>(
FunctionContext* ctx, const BigIntVal& val);
template FloatVal MathFunctions::Negative<FloatVal>(
FunctionContext* ctx, const FloatVal& val);
template DoubleVal MathFunctions::Negative<DoubleVal>(
FunctionContext* ctx, const DoubleVal& val);
template TinyIntVal MathFunctions::LeastGreatest<TinyIntVal, true>(
FunctionContext* ctx, int num_args, const TinyIntVal* args);
template SmallIntVal MathFunctions::LeastGreatest<SmallIntVal, true>(
FunctionContext* ctx, int num_args, const SmallIntVal* args);
template IntVal MathFunctions::LeastGreatest<IntVal, true>(
FunctionContext* ctx, int num_args, const IntVal* args);
template BigIntVal MathFunctions::LeastGreatest<BigIntVal, true>(
FunctionContext* ctx, int num_args, const BigIntVal* args);
template FloatVal MathFunctions::LeastGreatest<FloatVal, true>(
FunctionContext* ctx, int num_args, const FloatVal* args);
template DoubleVal MathFunctions::LeastGreatest<DoubleVal, true>(
FunctionContext* ctx, int num_args, const DoubleVal* args);
template TinyIntVal MathFunctions::LeastGreatest<TinyIntVal, false>(
FunctionContext* ctx, int num_args, const TinyIntVal* args);
template SmallIntVal MathFunctions::LeastGreatest<SmallIntVal, false>(
FunctionContext* ctx, int num_args, const SmallIntVal* args);
template IntVal MathFunctions::LeastGreatest<IntVal, false>(
FunctionContext* ctx, int num_args, const IntVal* args);
template BigIntVal MathFunctions::LeastGreatest<BigIntVal, false>(
FunctionContext* ctx, int num_args, const BigIntVal* args);
template FloatVal MathFunctions::LeastGreatest<FloatVal, false>(
FunctionContext* ctx, int num_args, const FloatVal* args);
template DoubleVal MathFunctions::LeastGreatest<DoubleVal, false>(
FunctionContext* ctx, int num_args, const DoubleVal* args);
template StringVal MathFunctions::LeastGreatest<true>(
FunctionContext* ctx, int num_args, const StringVal* args);
template StringVal MathFunctions::LeastGreatest<false>(
FunctionContext* ctx, int num_args, const StringVal* args);
template TimestampVal MathFunctions::LeastGreatest<true>(
FunctionContext* ctx, int num_args, const TimestampVal* args);
template TimestampVal MathFunctions::LeastGreatest<false>(
FunctionContext* ctx, int num_args, const TimestampVal* args);
template DecimalVal MathFunctions::LeastGreatest<true>(
FunctionContext* ctx, int num_args, const DecimalVal* args);
template DecimalVal MathFunctions::LeastGreatest<false>(
FunctionContext* ctx, int num_args, const DecimalVal* args);