blob: 7ce5eb054a5668a675480f930bc5a5d3f4dd7406 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
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#include <jni.h>
#include <string>
#include <boost/scoped_ptr.hpp>
#include "exprs/scalar-expr.h"
namespace impala {
using impala_udf::FunctionContext;
using impala_udf::AnyVal;
using impala_udf::BooleanVal;
using impala_udf::TinyIntVal;
using impala_udf::SmallIntVal;
using impala_udf::IntVal;
using impala_udf::BigIntVal;
using impala_udf::FloatVal;
using impala_udf::DoubleVal;
using impala_udf::TimestampVal;
using impala_udf::StringVal;
using impala_udf::DecimalVal;
class RuntimeState;
class ScalarExprEvaluator;
class TExprNode;
/// Executor for hive udfs using JNI. This works with the UdfExecutor on the
/// java side which calls into the actual UDF.
/// To minimize the JNI overhead, we eliminate as many copies as possible and
/// share memory between the native side and java side. Memory in the native heap
/// can be read with no issues from java but not vice versa (ptrs in the java heap
/// move). Also, JNI calls are cheaper for function calls with no arguments and
/// no return value (void).
/// During Prepare(), we allocate an input buffer that is big enough to store
/// all of the inputs (i.e. the slot size). This buffer is passed to the UdfExecutor
/// in the constructor. During Evaluate(), the input buffer is populated and
/// the UdfExecutor.evaluate() method is called via JNI. For input arguments,
/// strings don't need to be treated any differently. The java side can parse
/// the ptr and length from the StringValue and then read the ptr directly.
/// For return values that are fixed size (i.e. not strings), we allocate an
/// output buffer in Prepare(). This is also passed to the UdfExecutor in the
/// constructor. The UdfExecutor writes to it directly during evaluate().
/// For strings, we pass a StringValue sized output buffer to the FE. The address
/// of the StringValue does not change. When the FE writes the string result, it
/// populates the StringValue with the buffer it allocated from its native heap.
/// The BE reads the StringValue as normal.
/// If the UDF ran into an error, the FE throws an exception.
class HiveUdfCall : public ScalarExpr {
/// Must be called before creating any HiveUdfCall instances. This is called at impalad
/// startup time.
static Status InitEnv() WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
virtual Status GetCodegendComputeFn(LlvmCodeGen* codegen, llvm::Function** fn)
virtual std::string DebugString() const override;
friend class ScalarExpr;
friend class ScalarExprEvaluator;
friend class StringFunctions;
virtual bool HasFnCtx() const override { return true; }
HiveUdfCall(const TExprNode& node);
virtual Status Init(const RowDescriptor& row_desc, RuntimeState* state)
virtual Status OpenEvaluator(FunctionContext::FunctionStateScope scope,
RuntimeState* state, ScalarExprEvaluator* eval) const override
virtual void CloseEvaluator(FunctionContext::FunctionStateScope scope,
RuntimeState* state, ScalarExprEvaluator* eval) const override;
virtual BooleanVal GetBooleanVal(ScalarExprEvaluator*, const TupleRow*) const override;
virtual TinyIntVal GetTinyIntVal(ScalarExprEvaluator*, const TupleRow*) const override;
virtual SmallIntVal GetSmallIntVal(
ScalarExprEvaluator*, const TupleRow*) const override;
virtual IntVal GetIntVal(ScalarExprEvaluator*, const TupleRow*) const override;
virtual BigIntVal GetBigIntVal(ScalarExprEvaluator*, const TupleRow*) const override;
virtual FloatVal GetFloatVal(ScalarExprEvaluator*, const TupleRow*) const override;
virtual DoubleVal GetDoubleVal(ScalarExprEvaluator*, const TupleRow*) const override;
virtual StringVal GetStringVal(ScalarExprEvaluator*, const TupleRow*) const override;
virtual TimestampVal GetTimestampVal(
ScalarExprEvaluator*, const TupleRow*) const override;
virtual DecimalVal GetDecimalVal(ScalarExprEvaluator*, const TupleRow*) const override;
/// Evalutes the UDF over row. Returns the result as an AnyVal. This function
/// never returns NULL but rather an AnyVal object with is_null set to true on
/// error.
AnyVal* Evaluate(ScalarExprEvaluator* eval, const TupleRow* row) const;
/// The path on the local FS to the UDF's jar
std::string local_location_;
/// input_byte_offsets_[i] is the byte offset child ith's input argument should
/// be written to.
std::vector<int> input_byte_offsets_;
/// The size of the buffer for passing in input arguments.
int input_buffer_size_;
/// Global class reference to the UdfExecutor Java class and related method IDs. Set in
/// Init(). These have the lifetime of the process (i.e. 'executor_cl_' is never freed).
static jclass executor_cl_;
static jmethodID executor_ctor_id_;
static jmethodID executor_evaluate_id_;
static jmethodID executor_close_id_;