blob: e34dbf1d0a18332235248bb28d15300d63d06a3d [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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#include <stdint.h>
#include "runtime/decimal-value.h"
#include "udf/udf.h"
namespace impala {
using impala_udf::FunctionContext;
using impala_udf::AnyVal;
using impala_udf::BooleanVal;
using impala_udf::TinyIntVal;
using impala_udf::SmallIntVal;
using impala_udf::IntVal;
using impala_udf::BigIntVal;
using impala_udf::FloatVal;
using impala_udf::DoubleVal;
using impala_udf::TimestampVal;
using impala_udf::StringVal;
using impala_udf::DecimalVal;
class Expr;
struct ExprValue;
class TupleRow;
/// Implementation of the decimal operators. These include the cast,
/// arithmetic and binary operators.
class DecimalOperators {
static DecimalVal CastToDecimalVal(FunctionContext*, const DecimalVal&);
static DecimalVal CastToDecimalVal(FunctionContext*, const TinyIntVal&);
static DecimalVal CastToDecimalVal(FunctionContext*, const SmallIntVal&);
static DecimalVal CastToDecimalVal(FunctionContext*, const IntVal&);
static DecimalVal CastToDecimalVal(FunctionContext*, const BigIntVal&);
static DecimalVal CastToDecimalVal(FunctionContext*, const FloatVal&);
static DecimalVal CastToDecimalVal(FunctionContext*, const DoubleVal&);
static DecimalVal CastToDecimalVal(FunctionContext*, const StringVal&);
static BooleanVal CastToBooleanVal(FunctionContext*, const DecimalVal&);
static TinyIntVal CastToTinyIntVal(FunctionContext*, const DecimalVal&);
static SmallIntVal CastToSmallIntVal(FunctionContext*, const DecimalVal&);
static IntVal CastToIntVal(FunctionContext*, const DecimalVal&);
static BigIntVal CastToBigIntVal(FunctionContext*, const DecimalVal&);
static FloatVal CastToFloatVal(FunctionContext*, const DecimalVal&);
static DoubleVal CastToDoubleVal(FunctionContext*, const DecimalVal&);
static StringVal CastToStringVal(FunctionContext*, const DecimalVal&);
static TimestampVal CastToTimestampVal(FunctionContext*, const DecimalVal&);
static DecimalVal Add_DecimalVal_DecimalVal(
FunctionContext*, const DecimalVal&, const DecimalVal&);
static DecimalVal Subtract_DecimalVal_DecimalVal(
FunctionContext*, const DecimalVal&, const DecimalVal&);
static DecimalVal Multiply_DecimalVal_DecimalVal(
FunctionContext*, const DecimalVal&, const DecimalVal&);
static DecimalVal Divide_DecimalVal_DecimalVal(
FunctionContext*, const DecimalVal&, const DecimalVal&);
static DecimalVal Mod_DecimalVal_DecimalVal(
FunctionContext*, const DecimalVal&, const DecimalVal&);
static BooleanVal Eq_DecimalVal_DecimalVal(
FunctionContext*, const DecimalVal&, const DecimalVal&);
static BooleanVal Ne_DecimalVal_DecimalVal(
FunctionContext*, const DecimalVal&, const DecimalVal&);
static BooleanVal Ge_DecimalVal_DecimalVal(
FunctionContext*, const DecimalVal&, const DecimalVal&);
static BooleanVal Gt_DecimalVal_DecimalVal(
FunctionContext*, const DecimalVal&, const DecimalVal&);
static BooleanVal Le_DecimalVal_DecimalVal(
FunctionContext*, const DecimalVal&, const DecimalVal&);
static BooleanVal Lt_DecimalVal_DecimalVal(
FunctionContext*, const DecimalVal&, const DecimalVal&);
static BooleanVal DistinctFrom_DecimalVal_DecimalVal(
FunctionContext*, const DecimalVal&, const DecimalVal&);
static BooleanVal NotDistinct_DecimalVal_DecimalVal(
FunctionContext*, const DecimalVal&, const DecimalVal&);
/// The rounding rule when converting decimals. These only apply going from a higher
/// scale to a lower one.
enum DecimalRoundOp {
/// Additional digits are dropped.
/// Returns largest value not greater than the value. (digits are dropped for
/// positive values and rounded away from zero for negative values)
/// Returns smallest value not smaller than the value. (rounded away from zero
/// for positive values and extra digits dropped for negative values)
/// Rounded towards zero if the extra digits are less than .5 and away from
/// zero otherwise.
/// Evaluates a round from 'val' and returns the result, using the rounding rule of
/// 'op. Returns DecimalVal::null() on overflow.
static DecimalVal RoundDecimal(FunctionContext* context,
const DecimalVal& val, int val_precision, int val_scale, int output_precision,
int output_scale, const DecimalRoundOp& op);
/// Same as above but infers 'val_type' from the first argument type and 'output_type'
/// from the return type according to 'context'.
static DecimalVal RoundDecimal(
FunctionContext* context, const DecimalVal& val, const DecimalRoundOp& op);
/// Handles the case of rounding to a negative scale. This means rounding to a digit
/// before the decimal point.
/// rounding_scale is the number of digits before the decimal to round to.
/// TODO: can this code be reorganized to combine the two version of RoundDecimal()?
/// The implementation is similar but not quite the same.
/// This code is, in general, harder to read because there are multiple input/output
/// types to handle and all combinations are valid. Another option might be to use
/// templates to generate each pair:
/// Decimal4Value Round(const Decimal4Value&);
/// Decimal8Value Round(const Decimal4Value&);
/// Decimal4Value Round(const Decimal8Value&);
/// etc.
static DecimalVal RoundDecimalNegativeScale(FunctionContext* context,
const DecimalVal& val, int val_precision, int val_scale, int output_precision,
int output_scale, const DecimalRoundOp& op, int64_t rounding_scale);
/// Converts 'val' to a DecimalVal with given precision and scale.
static DecimalVal IntToDecimalVal(
FunctionContext* context, int precision, int scale, int64_t val);
static DecimalVal FloatToDecimalVal(
FunctionContext* context, int precision, int scale, double val);
/// Returns the value of 'val' scaled to 'output_type'.
static DecimalVal ScaleDecimalValue(FunctionContext* context, const Decimal4Value& val,
int val_scale, int output_precision, int output_scale);
static DecimalVal ScaleDecimalValue(FunctionContext* context, const Decimal8Value& val,
int val_scale, int output_precision, int output_scale);
static DecimalVal ScaleDecimalValue(FunctionContext* context, const Decimal16Value& val,
int val_scale, int output_precision, int output_scale);
/// Returns the delta that needs to be added when the source decimal is rounded to
/// target scale. Returns 0, if no rounding is necessary, or -1/1 if rounding
/// is required.
template <typename T>
static T RoundDelta(const DecimalValue<T>& v, int src_scale,
int target_scale, const DecimalRoundOp& op);
/// Converts a decimal value (interpreted as unix time) to TimestampVal. Rounds
/// instead of truncating if 'round' is true.
template <typename T>
static TimestampVal ConvertToTimestampVal(
const T& decimal_value, int scale, bool round);
/// Converts fractional 'val' with the given 'scale' to nanoseconds. Rounds
/// instead of truncating if 'round' is true.
template <typename T>
static int32_t ConvertToNanoseconds(T val, int scale, bool round);