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// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
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#include "udf/udf-internal.h"
namespace impala {
using impala_udf::FunctionContext;
using impala_udf::AnyVal;
using impala_udf::BooleanVal;
using impala_udf::TinyIntVal;
using impala_udf::SmallIntVal;
using impala_udf::IntVal;
using impala_udf::BigIntVal;
using impala_udf::FloatVal;
using impala_udf::DoubleVal;
using impala_udf::TimestampVal;
using impala_udf::StringVal;
using impala_udf::DecimalVal;
/// Collection of builtin aggregate functions. Aggregate functions implement
/// the various phases of the aggregation: Init(), Update(), Serialize(), Merge(),
/// and Finalize(). Not all functions need to implement all of the steps and
/// some of the parts can be reused across different aggregate functions.
/// This functions are implemented using the UDA interface.
class AggregateFunctions {
/// Initializes dst to NULL.
static void InitNull(FunctionContext*, AnyVal* dst);
/// Initializes dst to NULL and sets dst->ptr to NULL.
static void InitNullString(FunctionContext* c, StringVal* dst);
/// Initializes dst to 0.
template <typename T>
static void InitZero(FunctionContext*, T* dst);
// Sets dst's value to src. Handles deallocation if src and dst are StringVals.
template <typename T>
static void UpdateVal(FunctionContext*, const T& src, T* dst);
/// StringVal GetValue() function that returns a copy of src
static StringVal StringValGetValue(FunctionContext* ctx, const StringVal& src);
/// StringVal Serialize/Finalize function that copies and frees src
static StringVal StringValSerializeOrFinalize(
FunctionContext* ctx, const StringVal& src);
/// Implementation of Count and Count(*)
static void CountUpdate(FunctionContext*, const AnyVal& src, BigIntVal* dst);
static void CountStarUpdate(FunctionContext*, BigIntVal* dst);
static void CountRemove(FunctionContext*, const AnyVal& src, BigIntVal* dst);
static void CountStarRemove(FunctionContext*, BigIntVal* dst);
static void CountMerge(FunctionContext*, const BigIntVal& src, BigIntVal* dst);
/// Implementation of Avg.
/// TODO: Change this to use a fixed-sized BufferVal as intermediate type.
static void AvgInit(FunctionContext* ctx, StringVal* dst);
template <typename T>
static void AvgUpdate(FunctionContext* ctx, const T& src, StringVal* dst);
template <typename T>
static void AvgRemove(FunctionContext* ctx, const T& src, StringVal* dst);
static void AvgMerge(FunctionContext* ctx, const StringVal& src, StringVal* dst);
static DoubleVal AvgGetValue(FunctionContext* ctx, const StringVal& val);
static DoubleVal AvgFinalize(FunctionContext* ctx, const StringVal& val);
/// Avg for timestamp. Uses AvgInit() and AvgMerge().
static void TimestampAvgUpdate(FunctionContext* ctx, const TimestampVal& src,
StringVal* dst);
static void TimestampAvgRemove(FunctionContext* ctx, const TimestampVal& src,
StringVal* dst);
static TimestampVal TimestampAvgGetValue(FunctionContext* ctx, const StringVal& val);
static TimestampVal TimestampAvgFinalize(FunctionContext* ctx, const StringVal& val);
/// Avg for decimals.
static void DecimalAvgInit(FunctionContext* ctx, StringVal* dst);
static void DecimalAvgUpdate(FunctionContext* ctx, const DecimalVal& src,
StringVal* dst);
static void DecimalAvgRemove(FunctionContext* ctx, const DecimalVal& src,
StringVal* dst);
static void DecimalAvgAddOrRemove(FunctionContext* ctx, const DecimalVal& src,
StringVal* dst, bool remove = false);
static void DecimalAvgMerge(FunctionContext* ctx, const StringVal& src,
StringVal* dst);
static DecimalVal DecimalAvgGetValue(FunctionContext* ctx, const StringVal& val);
static DecimalVal DecimalAvgFinalize(FunctionContext* ctx, const StringVal& val);
/// SumUpdate, SumMerge
template <typename SRC_VAL, typename DST_VAL>
static void SumUpdate(FunctionContext*, const SRC_VAL& src, DST_VAL* dst);
template <typename SRC_VAL, typename DST_VAL>
static void SumRemove(FunctionContext*, const SRC_VAL& src, DST_VAL* dst);
/// Sum for decimals
static void SumDecimalUpdate(FunctionContext*, const DecimalVal& src, DecimalVal* dst);
static void SumDecimalRemove(FunctionContext*, const DecimalVal& src, DecimalVal* dst);
static void SumDecimalMerge(FunctionContext*, const DecimalVal& src, DecimalVal* dst);
/// Adds or or subtracts src from dst. Implements Update() and Remove().
static void SumDecimalAddOrSubtract(FunctionContext*, const DecimalVal& src,
DecimalVal* dst, bool subtract = false);
/// MinUpdate/MinMerge
template <typename T>
static void Min(FunctionContext*, const T& src, T* dst);
/// MaxUpdate/MaxMerge
template <typename T>
static void Max(FunctionContext*, const T& src, T* dst);
/// String concat
static void StringConcatUpdate(FunctionContext*,
const StringVal& src, StringVal* result);
static void StringConcatUpdate(FunctionContext*,
const StringVal& src, const StringVal& separator, StringVal* result);
static void StringConcatMerge(FunctionContext*,
const StringVal& src, StringVal* result);
static StringVal StringConcatFinalize(FunctionContext*,
const StringVal& src);
/// Probabilistic Counting (PC), a distinct estimate algorithms.
/// Probabilistic Counting with Stochastic Averaging (PCSA) is a variant
/// of PC that runs faster and usually gets equally accurate results.
static void PcInit(FunctionContext*, StringVal* slot);
template <typename T>
static void PcUpdate(FunctionContext*, const T& src, StringVal* dst);
template <typename T>
static void PcsaUpdate(FunctionContext*, const T& src, StringVal* dst);
static void PcMerge(FunctionContext*, const StringVal& src, StringVal* dst);
static BigIntVal PcFinalize(FunctionContext*, const StringVal& src);
static BigIntVal PcsaFinalize(FunctionContext*, const StringVal& src);
/// Reservoir sampling produces a uniform random sample without knowing the total number
/// of items. ReservoirSample{Init, Update, Merge, Serialize} implement distributed
/// reservoir sampling. Samples are first collected locally via reservoir sampling in
/// Update(), and then all local samples are merged together in Merge() using weights
/// proportional to the size of the local input, using 'weighted' reservoir sampling.
/// See the following references for more details:
template <typename T>
static void ReservoirSampleInit(FunctionContext*, StringVal* slot);
template <typename T>
static void ReservoirSampleUpdate(FunctionContext*, const T& src, StringVal* dst);
template <typename T>
static void ReservoirSampleMerge(FunctionContext*, const StringVal& src,
StringVal* dst);
template <typename T>
static StringVal ReservoirSampleSerialize(FunctionContext*,
const StringVal& src);
/// Returns 20,000 unsorted samples as a list of comma-separated values.
template <typename T>
static StringVal ReservoirSampleFinalize(FunctionContext*, const StringVal& src);
/// Returns an approximate median using reservoir sampling.
template <typename T>
static T AppxMedianFinalize(FunctionContext*, const StringVal& src);
/// Returns an equi-depth histogram computed from a sample of data produced via
/// reservoir sampling. The result is a comma-separated list of up to 100 histogram
/// bucket endpoints where each bucket contains the same number of elements. For
/// example, "10, 50, 60, 100" would mean 25% of values are less than 10, 25% are
/// between 10 and 50, etc.
template <typename T>
static StringVal HistogramFinalize(FunctionContext*, const StringVal& src);
/// Hyperloglog distinct estimate algorithm.
/// See these papers for more details.
/// 1) Hyperloglog: The analysis of a near-optimal cardinality estimation
/// algorithm (2007)
/// 2) HyperLogLog in Practice (paper from google with some improvements)
/// This precision is the default precision from the paper. It doesn't seem to matter
/// very much when between 6 and 12.
static constexpr int HLL_PRECISION = 10;
static constexpr int HLL_LEN = 1 << HLL_PRECISION;
static void HllInit(FunctionContext*, StringVal* slot);
template <typename T>
static void HllUpdate(FunctionContext*, const T& src, StringVal* dst);
static void HllMerge(FunctionContext*, const StringVal& src, StringVal* dst);
static BigIntVal HllFinalize(FunctionContext*, const StringVal& src);
/// Utility method to compute the final result of an HLL estimation.
/// Assumes HLL_LEN number of buckets.
static uint64_t HllFinalEstimate(const uint8_t* buckets);
/// Estimates the number of distinct values (NDV) based on a sample of data and the
/// corresponding sampling rate. The main idea of this function is to collect several
/// (x,y) data points where x is the number of rows and y is the corresponding NDV
/// estimate. These data points are used to fit an objective function to the data such
/// that the true NDV can be extrapolated.
/// This aggregate function maintains a fixed number of HyperLogLog intermediates.
/// The Update() phase updates the intermediates in a round-robin fashion.
/// The Merge() phase combines the corresponding intermediates.
/// The Finalize() phase generates (x,y) data points, performs curve fitting, and
/// computes the estimated true NDV.
static void SampledNdvInit(FunctionContext*, StringVal* dst);
template <typename T>
static void SampledNdvUpdate(FunctionContext*, const T& src,
const DoubleVal& sample_perc, StringVal* dst);
static void SampledNdvMerge(FunctionContext*, const StringVal& src, StringVal* dst);
static BigIntVal SampledNdvFinalize(FunctionContext*, const StringVal& src);
/// Knuth's variance algorithm, more numerically stable than canonical stddev
/// algorithms; reference implementation:
static void KnuthVarInit(FunctionContext* context, StringVal* val);
template <typename T>
static void KnuthVarUpdate(FunctionContext* context, const T& input, StringVal* val);
static void KnuthVarMerge(FunctionContext* context, const StringVal& src,
StringVal* dst);
static DoubleVal KnuthVarFinalize(FunctionContext* context, const StringVal& val);
/// Calculates the biased variance, uses KnuthVar Init-Update-Merge functions
static DoubleVal KnuthVarPopFinalize(FunctionContext* context, const StringVal& val);
/// Calculates STDDEV, uses KnuthVar Init-Update-Merge functions
static DoubleVal KnuthStddevFinalize(FunctionContext* context, const StringVal& val);
/// Calculates the biased STDDEV, uses KnuthVar Init-Update-Merge functions
static DoubleVal KnuthStddevPopFinalize(FunctionContext* context, const StringVal& val);
/// ----------------------------- Analytic Functions ---------------------------------
/// Analytic functions implement the UDA interface (except Merge(), Serialize()) and are
/// used internally by the AnalyticEvalNode. Some analytic functions store intermediate
/// state as a StringVal which is needed for multiple calls to Finalize(), so some fns
/// also implement a (private) GetValue() method to just return the value. In that
/// case, Finalize() is only called at the end to clean up.
/// Initializes the state for RANK and DENSE_RANK
static void RankInit(FunctionContext*, StringVal* slot);
/// Update state for RANK
static void RankUpdate(FunctionContext*, StringVal* dst);
/// Update state for DENSE_RANK
static void DenseRankUpdate(FunctionContext*, StringVal* dst);
/// Returns the result for RANK and prepares the state for the next Update().
static BigIntVal RankGetValue(FunctionContext*, StringVal& src);
/// Returns the result for DENSE_RANK and prepares the state for the next Update().
/// TODO: Implement DENSE_RANK with a single BigIntVal. Requires src can be modified,
/// AggFnEvaluator would need to handle copying the src AnyVal back into the src slot.
static BigIntVal DenseRankGetValue(FunctionContext*, StringVal& src);
/// Returns the result for RANK and DENSE_RANK and cleans up intermediate state in src.
static BigIntVal RankFinalize(FunctionContext*, StringVal& src);
/// Implements LAST_VALUE.
template <typename T>
static void LastValRemove(FunctionContext*, const T& src, T* dst);
template <typename T>
static void LastValIgnoreNullsInit(FunctionContext*, StringVal* dst);
template <typename T>
static void LastValIgnoreNullsUpdate(FunctionContext*, const T& src, StringVal* dst);
template <typename T>
static void LastValIgnoreNullsRemove(FunctionContext*, const T& src, StringVal* dst);
template <typename T>
static T LastValIgnoreNullsGetValue(FunctionContext* ctx, const StringVal& src);
template <typename T>
static T LastValIgnoreNullsFinalize(FunctionContext* ctx, const StringVal& src);
/// Implements FIRST_VALUE. Requires a start bound of UNBOUNDED PRECEDING.
template <typename T>
static void FirstValUpdate(FunctionContext*, const T& src, T* dst);
/// Implements FIRST_VALUE for some windows that require rewrites during planning.
/// The BigIntVal is unused by FirstValRewriteUpdate() (it is used by the
/// AnalyticEvalNode).
template <typename T>
static void FirstValRewriteUpdate(FunctionContext*, const T& src, const BigIntVal&,
T* dst);
/// Implements FIRST_VALUE_IGNORE_NULLS. Requires a start bound of UNBOUNDED PRECEDING.
template <typename T>
static void FirstValIgnoreNullsUpdate(FunctionContext*, const T& src, T* dst);
/// OffsetFn*() implement LAG and LEAD. Init() sets the default value (the last
/// constant parameter) as dst.
template <typename T>
static void OffsetFnInit(FunctionContext*, T* dst);
/// Update() takes all the parameters to LEAD/LAG, including the integer offset and
/// the default value, neither which are needed by Update(). (The offset is already
/// used in the window for the analytic fn evaluation and the default value is set
/// in Init().
template <typename T>
static void OffsetFnUpdate(FunctionContext*, const T& src, const BigIntVal&, const T&,
T* dst);