blob: dcc16571487d8147fc8e69b7de9fe9c14b1c27de [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
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#include "catalog/catalog.h"
#include <list>
#include <string>
#include "common/logging.h"
#include "rpc/jni-thrift-util.h"
#include "util/backend-gflag-util.h"
#include "common/names.h"
using namespace impala;
DEFINE_bool(load_catalog_in_background, false,
"If true, loads catalog metadata in the background. If false, metadata is loaded "
"lazily (on access).");
DEFINE_int32(num_metadata_loading_threads, 16,
"(Advanced) The number of metadata loading threads (degree of parallelism) to use "
"when loading catalog metadata.");
DEFINE_int32(max_hdfs_partitions_parallel_load, 5,
"(Advanced) Number of threads used to load block metadata for HDFS based partitioned "
"tables. Due to HDFS architectural limitations, it is unlikely to get a linear "
"speed up beyond 5 threads.");
DEFINE_int32(max_nonhdfs_partitions_parallel_load, 20,
"(Advanced) Number of threads used to load block metadata for tables that do not "
"support the notion of blocks/storage IDs. Currently supported for S3/ADLS.");
DEFINE_int32(initial_hms_cnxn_timeout_s, 120,
"Number of seconds catalogd will wait to establish an initial connection to the HMS "
"before exiting.");
DEFINE_int64(sentry_catalog_polling_frequency_s, 60,
"Frequency (in seconds) at which the the catalogd polls the sentry service to update "
"any policy changes.");
DEFINE_string(sentry_config, "", "Local path to a sentry-site.xml configuration "
"file. If set, authorization will be enabled.");
Catalog::Catalog() {
JniMethodDescriptor methods[] = {
{"<init>", "([B)V", &catalog_ctor_},
{"updateCatalog", "([B)[B", &update_metastore_id_},
{"execDdl", "([B)[B", &exec_ddl_id_},
{"resetMetadata", "([B)[B", &reset_metadata_id_},
{"getTableNames", "([B)[B", &get_table_names_id_},
{"getTableMetrics", "([B)Ljava/lang/String;", &get_table_metrics_id_},
{"getDbs", "([B)[B", &get_dbs_id_},
{"getFunctions", "([B)[B", &get_functions_id_},
{"checkUserSentryAdmin", "([B)V", &sentry_admin_check_id_},
{"getCatalogObject", "([B)[B", &get_catalog_object_id_},
{"getCatalogDelta", "([B)[B", &get_catalog_delta_id_},
{"getCatalogUsage", "()[B", &get_catalog_usage_id_},
{"getCatalogVersion", "()J", &get_catalog_version_id_},
{"prioritizeLoad", "([B)V", &prioritize_load_id_}};
JNIEnv* jni_env = getJNIEnv();
// Create an instance of the java class JniCatalog
catalog_class_ = jni_env->FindClass("org/apache/impala/service/JniCatalog");
uint32_t num_methods = sizeof(methods) / sizeof(methods[0]);
for (int i = 0; i < num_methods; ++i) {
ABORT_IF_ERROR(JniUtil::LoadJniMethod(jni_env, catalog_class_, &(methods[i])));
jbyteArray cfg_bytes;
ABORT_IF_ERROR(GetThriftBackendGflags(jni_env, &cfg_bytes));
jobject catalog = jni_env->NewObject(catalog_class_, catalog_ctor_, cfg_bytes);
ABORT_IF_ERROR(JniUtil::LocalToGlobalRef(jni_env, catalog, &catalog_));
Status Catalog::GetCatalogObject(const TCatalogObject& req,
TCatalogObject* resp) {
return JniUtil::CallJniMethod(catalog_, get_catalog_object_id_, req, resp);
Status Catalog::GetCatalogVersion(long* version) {
JNIEnv* jni_env = getJNIEnv();
JniLocalFrame jni_frame;
*version = jni_env->CallLongMethod(catalog_, get_catalog_version_id_);
return Status::OK();
Status Catalog::GetCatalogDelta(CatalogServer* caller, int64_t from_version,
TGetCatalogDeltaResponse* resp) {
TGetCatalogDeltaRequest request;
return JniUtil::CallJniMethod(catalog_, get_catalog_delta_id_, request, resp);
Status Catalog::ExecDdl(const TDdlExecRequest& req, TDdlExecResponse* resp) {
return JniUtil::CallJniMethod(catalog_, exec_ddl_id_, req, resp);
Status Catalog::ResetMetadata(const TResetMetadataRequest& req,
TResetMetadataResponse* resp) {
return JniUtil::CallJniMethod(catalog_, reset_metadata_id_, req, resp);
Status Catalog::UpdateCatalog(const TUpdateCatalogRequest& req,
TUpdateCatalogResponse* resp) {
return JniUtil::CallJniMethod(catalog_, update_metastore_id_, req, resp);
Status Catalog::GetDbs(const string* pattern, TGetDbsResult* dbs) {
TGetDbsParams params;
if (pattern != NULL) params.__set_pattern(*pattern);
return JniUtil::CallJniMethod(catalog_, get_dbs_id_, params, dbs);
Status Catalog::GetTableNames(const string& db, const string* pattern,
TGetTablesResult* table_names) {
TGetTablesParams params;
if (pattern != NULL) params.__set_pattern(*pattern);
return JniUtil::CallJniMethod(catalog_, get_table_names_id_, params, table_names);
Status Catalog::GetTableMetrics(const string& db, const string& tbl,
string* table_metrics) {
TGetTableMetricsParams params;
TTableName tblName;
return JniUtil::CallJniMethod(catalog_, get_table_metrics_id_, params, table_metrics);
Status Catalog::GetCatalogUsage(TGetCatalogUsageResponse* response) {
return JniUtil::CallJniMethod(catalog_, get_catalog_usage_id_, response);
Status Catalog::GetFunctions(const TGetFunctionsRequest& request,
TGetFunctionsResponse *response) {
return JniUtil::CallJniMethod(catalog_, get_functions_id_, request, response);
Status Catalog::PrioritizeLoad(const TPrioritizeLoadRequest& req) {
return JniUtil::CallJniMethod(catalog_, prioritize_load_id_, req);
Status Catalog::SentryAdminCheck(const TSentryAdminCheckRequest& req) {
return JniUtil::CallJniMethod(catalog_, sentry_admin_check_id_, req);