blob: 6547b935877c56ae53e76583dbacba368b40d375 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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// distributed with this work for additional information
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// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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// Note: The results do not include the pre-processing in the prepare function that is
// necessary for SetLookup but not Iterate. None of the values searched for are in the
// fabricated IN list (i.e. hit rate is 0).
// Machine Info: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-2600 CPU @ 3.40GHz
// int n=1: Function Rate (iters/ms) Comparison
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// SetLookup n=1 902.4 1X
// Iterate n=1 938.3 1.04X
// int n=2: Function Rate (iters/ms) Comparison
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// SetLookup n=2 888.6 1X
// Iterate n=2 805.6 0.9066X
// int n=3: Function Rate (iters/ms) Comparison
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// SetLookup n=3 806.5 1X
// Iterate n=3 744.1 0.9227X
// int n=4: Function Rate (iters/ms) Comparison
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// SetLookup n=4 784.1 1X
// Iterate n=4 661 0.843X
// int n=5: Function Rate (iters/ms) Comparison
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// SetLookup n=5 801.6 1X
// Iterate n=5 594.4 0.7415X
// int n=6: Function Rate (iters/ms) Comparison
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// SetLookup n=6 746.6 1X
// Iterate n=6 539 0.722X
// int n=7: Function Rate (iters/ms) Comparison
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// SetLookup n=7 683.4 1X
// Iterate n=7 493.9 0.7226X
// int n=8: Function Rate (iters/ms) Comparison
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// SetLookup n=8 772 1X
// Iterate n=8 455.5 0.59X
// int n=9: Function Rate (iters/ms) Comparison
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// SetLookup n=9 702.9 1X
// Iterate n=9 420.1 0.5976X
// int n=10: Function Rate (iters/ms) Comparison
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// SetLookup n=10 710.7 1X
// Iterate n=10 392.4 0.5521X
// int n=400: Function Rate (iters/ms) Comparison
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// SetLookup n=400 422.3 1X
// Iterate n=400 14.01 0.03318X
// string n=1: Function Rate (iters/ms) Comparison
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// SetLookup n=1 250.8 1X
// Iterate n=1 540.4 2.154X
// string n=2: Function Rate (iters/ms) Comparison
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// SetLookup n=2 205 1X
// Iterate n=2 297.7 1.453X
// string n=3: Function Rate (iters/ms) Comparison
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// SetLookup n=3 166.8 1X
// Iterate n=3 240.3 1.441X
// string n=4: Function Rate (iters/ms) Comparison
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// SetLookup n=4 146.2 1X
// Iterate n=4 177.8 1.216X
// string n=5: Function Rate (iters/ms) Comparison
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// SetLookup n=5 149.9 1X
// Iterate n=5 144.8 0.9662X
// string n=6: Function Rate (iters/ms) Comparison
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// SetLookup n=6 135.9 1X
// Iterate n=6 127.4 0.9372X
// string n=7: Function Rate (iters/ms) Comparison
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// SetLookup n=7 143.4 1X
// Iterate n=7 112.8 0.7866X
// string n=8: Function Rate (iters/ms) Comparison
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// SetLookup n=8 123.7 1X
// Iterate n=8 117.1 0.9467X
// string n=9: Function Rate (iters/ms) Comparison
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// SetLookup n=9 117 1X
// Iterate n=9 89.19 0.762X
// string n=10: Function Rate (iters/ms) Comparison
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// SetLookup n=10 125.4 1X
// Iterate n=10 81.63 0.6508X
// string n=400: Function Rate (iters/ms) Comparison
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// SetLookup n=400 55.77 1X
// Iterate n=400 1.936 0.03471X
// decimal(4,0) n=1: Function Rate (iters/ms) Comparison
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// SetLookup n=1 587.9 1X
// Iterate n=1 658.3 1.12X
// decimal(4,0) n=2: Function Rate (iters/ms) Comparison
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// SetLookup n=2 521.5 1X
// Iterate n=2 478.5 0.9175X
// decimal(4,0) n=3: Function Rate (iters/ms) Comparison
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// SetLookup n=3 524 1X
// Iterate n=3 373.7 0.7132X
// decimal(4,0) n=4: Function Rate (iters/ms) Comparison
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// SetLookup n=4 486.6 1X
// Iterate n=4 308.9 0.6348X
// decimal(4,0) n=400: Function Rate (iters/ms) Comparison
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// SetLookup n=400 258.2 1X
// Iterate n=400 4.272 0.01655X
#include <boost/lexical_cast.hpp>
#include <gutil/strings/substitute.h>
#include "exprs/in-predicate.h"
#include "runtime/decimal-value.h"
#include "runtime/string-value.h"
#include "udf/udf-test-harness.h"
#include "util/benchmark.h"
#include "util/cpu-info.h"
#include "common/names.h"
using namespace impala;
using namespace impala_udf;
using namespace strings;
using std::move;
namespace impala {
template<typename T> T MakeAnyVal(int v) {
return T(v);
template<> StringVal MakeAnyVal(int v) {
// Leak these strings so we don't have to worry about them going out of scope
string* s = new string();
*s = lexical_cast<string>(v);
return StringVal(reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(const_cast<char*>(s->c_str())), s->size());
class InPredicateBenchmark {
template<typename T, typename SetType>
struct TestData {
vector<T> anyvals;
vector<AnyVal*> anyval_ptrs;
InPredicate::SetLookupState<SetType> state;
vector<T> search_vals;
int total_found_set;
int total_set;
int total_found_iter;
int total_iter;
template<typename T, typename SetType>
static TestData<T, SetType> CreateTestData(int num_values,
const FunctionContext::TypeDesc& type, int num_search_vals = 100) {
TestData<T, SetType> data;
for (int i = 0; i < num_values; ++i) {
data.anyvals[i] = MakeAnyVal<T>(rand());
data.anyval_ptrs[i] = &data.anyvals[i];
for (int i = 0; i < num_search_vals; ++i) {
FunctionContext* ctx = CreateContext(num_values, type);
vector<AnyVal*> constant_args;
for (AnyVal* p : data.anyval_ptrs) constant_args.push_back(p);
UdfTestHarness::SetConstantArgs(ctx, move(constant_args));
InPredicate::SetLookupPrepare<T, SetType>(ctx, FunctionContext::FRAGMENT_LOCAL);
data.state = *reinterpret_cast<InPredicate::SetLookupState<SetType>*>(
data.total_found_set = data.total_set = data.total_found_iter = data.total_iter = 0;
return data;
template<typename T, typename SetType>
static void TestSetLookup(int batch_size, void* d) {
TestData<T, SetType>* data = reinterpret_cast<TestData<T, SetType>*>(d);
for (int i = 0; i < batch_size; ++i) {
for (const T& search_val: data->search_vals) {
BooleanVal found = InPredicate::SetLookup(&data->state, search_val);
if (found.val) ++data->total_found_set;
template<typename T, typename SetType>
static void TestIterate(int batch_size, void* d) {
TestData<T, SetType>* data = reinterpret_cast<TestData<T, SetType>*>(d);
for (int i = 0; i < batch_size; ++i) {
for (const T& search_val: data->search_vals) {
BooleanVal found = InPredicate::Iterate(
data->state.type, search_val, data->anyvals.size(), &data->anyvals[0]);
if (found.val) ++data->total_found_iter;
static void RunIntBenchmark(int n) {
Benchmark suite(Substitute("int n=$0", n));
FunctionContext::TypeDesc type;
type.type = FunctionContext::TYPE_INT;
TestData<IntVal, int32_t> data =
InPredicateBenchmark::CreateTestData<IntVal, int32_t>(n, type);
suite.AddBenchmark(Substitute("SetLookup n=$0", n),
InPredicateBenchmark::TestSetLookup<IntVal, int32_t>, &data);
suite.AddBenchmark(Substitute("Iterate n=$0", n),
InPredicateBenchmark::TestIterate<IntVal, int32_t>, &data);
cout << suite.Measure() << endl;
// cout << "Found set: " << (double)data.total_found_set / data.total_set << endl;
// cout << "Found iter: " << (double)data.total_found_iter / data.total_iter << endl;
static void RunStringBenchmark(int n) {
Benchmark suite(Substitute("string n=$0", n));
FunctionContext::TypeDesc type;
type.type = FunctionContext::TYPE_STRING;
TestData<StringVal, StringValue> data =
InPredicateBenchmark::CreateTestData<StringVal, StringValue>(n, type);
suite.AddBenchmark(Substitute("SetLookup n=$0", n),
InPredicateBenchmark::TestSetLookup<StringVal, StringValue>, &data);
suite.AddBenchmark(Substitute("Iterate n=$0", n),
InPredicateBenchmark::TestIterate<StringVal, StringValue>, &data);
cout << suite.Measure() << endl;
// cout << "Found set: " << (double)data.total_found_set / data.total_set << endl;
// cout << "Found iter: " << (double)data.total_found_iter / data.total_iter << endl;
static void RunDecimalBenchmark(int n) {
Benchmark suite(Substitute("decimal(4,0) n=$0", n));
FunctionContext::TypeDesc type;
type.type = FunctionContext::TYPE_DECIMAL;
type.precision = 4;
type.scale = 0;
TestData<DecimalVal, Decimal16Value> data =
InPredicateBenchmark::CreateTestData<DecimalVal, Decimal16Value>(n, type);
suite.AddBenchmark(Substitute("SetLookup n=$0", n),
InPredicateBenchmark::TestSetLookup<DecimalVal, Decimal16Value>, &data);
suite.AddBenchmark(Substitute("Iterate n=$0", n),
InPredicateBenchmark::TestIterate<DecimalVal, Decimal16Value>, &data);
cout << suite.Measure() << endl;
static FunctionContext* CreateContext(
int num_args, const FunctionContext::TypeDesc& type) {
// Types don't matter (but number of args do)
FunctionContext::TypeDesc ret_type;
vector<FunctionContext::TypeDesc> arg_types(num_args + 1, type);
return UdfTestHarness::CreateTestContext(ret_type, arg_types);
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
cout << Benchmark::GetMachineInfo() << endl;
for (int i = 1; i <= 10; ++i) InPredicateBenchmark::RunIntBenchmark(i);
cout << endl;
for (int i = 1; i <= 10; ++i) InPredicateBenchmark::RunStringBenchmark(i);
for (int i = 1; i <= 4; ++i) InPredicateBenchmark::RunDecimalBenchmark(i);
return 0;