blob: ff237a912340af8859e5f1e0be4e318484640428 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
#include "parquet-column-readers.h"
#include <string>
#include <gutil/strings/substitute.h>
#include "exec/parquet/hdfs-parquet-scanner.h"
#include "exec/parquet/parquet-bool-decoder.h"
#include "exec/parquet/parquet-level-decoder.h"
#include "exec/parquet/parquet-metadata-utils.h"
#include "parquet-collection-column-reader.h"
#include "runtime/runtime-state.h"
#include "runtime/tuple.h"
#include "util/debug-util.h"
#include "util/dict-encoding.h"
#include "util/rle-encoding.h"
#include "common/names.h"
// Provide a workaround for IMPALA-1658.
DEFINE_bool(convert_legacy_hive_parquet_utc_timestamps, false,
"When true, TIMESTAMPs read from files written by Parquet-MR (used by Hive) will "
"be converted from UTC to local time. Writes are unaffected.");
using namespace impala::io;
using parquet::Encoding;
namespace impala {
// Definition of variable declared in header for use of the
int parquet_column_reader_debug_count = 0;
/// Per column type reader. InternalType is the datatype that Impala uses internally to
/// store tuple data and PARQUET_TYPE is the corresponding primitive datatype (as defined
/// in the parquet spec) that is used to store column values in parquet files.
/// If MATERIALIZED is true, the column values are materialized into the slot described
/// by slot_desc. If MATERIALIZED is false, the column values are not materialized, but
/// the position can be accessed.
template <typename InternalType, parquet::Type::type PARQUET_TYPE, bool MATERIALIZED>
class ScalarColumnReader : public BaseScalarColumnReader {
ScalarColumnReader(HdfsParquetScanner* parent, const SchemaNode& node,
const SlotDescriptor* slot_desc);
virtual ~ScalarColumnReader() { }
virtual bool ReadValue(MemPool* pool, Tuple* tuple) override {
return ReadValue<true>(tuple);
virtual bool ReadNonRepeatedValue(MemPool* pool, Tuple* tuple) override {
return ReadValue<false>(tuple);
virtual bool ReadValueBatch(MemPool* pool, int max_values, int tuple_size,
uint8_t* tuple_mem, int* num_values) override {
return ReadValueBatch<true>(max_values, tuple_size, tuple_mem, num_values);
virtual bool ReadNonRepeatedValueBatch(MemPool* pool, int max_values, int tuple_size,
uint8_t* tuple_mem, int* num_values) override {
return ReadValueBatch<false>(max_values, tuple_size, tuple_mem, num_values);
virtual DictDecoderBase* GetDictionaryDecoder() override {
return HasDictionaryDecoder() ? &dict_decoder_ : nullptr;
virtual bool NeedsConversion() override { return NeedsConversionInline(); }
virtual bool NeedsValidation() override { return NeedsValidationInline(); }
template <bool IN_COLLECTION>
inline bool ReadValue(Tuple* tuple);
/// Implementation of the ReadValueBatch() functions specialized for this
/// column reader type. This function drives the reading of data pages and
/// caching of rep/def levels. Once a data page and cached levels are available,
/// it calls into a more specialized MaterializeValueBatch() for doing the actual
/// value materialization using the level caches.
/// Use RESTRICT so that the compiler knows that it is safe to cache member
/// variables in registers or on the stack (otherwise gcc's alias analysis
/// conservatively assumes that buffers like 'tuple_mem', 'num_values' or the
/// 'def_levels_' 'rep_levels_' buffers may alias 'this', especially with
/// -fno-strict-alias).
template <bool IN_COLLECTION>
bool ReadValueBatch(int max_values, int tuple_size, uint8_t* RESTRICT tuple_mem,
int* RESTRICT num_values) RESTRICT;
/// Helper function for ReadValueBatch() above that performs value materialization.
/// It assumes a data page with remaining values is available, and that the def/rep
/// level caches have been populated. Materializes values into 'tuple_mem' with a
/// stride of 'tuple_size' and updates 'num_buffered_values_'. Returns the number of
/// values materialized in 'num_values'.
/// For efficiency, the simple special case of !MATERIALIZED && !IN_COLLECTION is not
/// handled in this function.
/// Use RESTRICT so that the compiler knows that it is safe to cache member
/// variables in registers or on the stack (otherwise gcc's alias analysis
/// conservatively assumes that buffers like 'tuple_mem', 'num_values' or the
/// 'def_levels_' 'rep_levels_' buffers may alias 'this', especially with
/// -fno-strict-alias).
template <bool IN_COLLECTION, Encoding::type ENCODING, bool NEEDS_CONVERSION>
bool MaterializeValueBatch(int max_values, int tuple_size, uint8_t* RESTRICT tuple_mem,
int* RESTRICT num_values) RESTRICT;
/// Same as above, but dispatches to the appropriate templated implementation of
/// MaterializeValueBatch() based on 'page_encoding_' and NeedsConversionInline().
template <bool IN_COLLECTION>
bool MaterializeValueBatch(int max_values, int tuple_size, uint8_t* RESTRICT tuple_mem,
int* RESTRICT num_values) RESTRICT;
/// Fast path for MaterializeValueBatch() that materializes values for a run of
/// repeated definition levels. Read up to 'max_values' values into 'tuple_mem',
/// returning the number of values materialised in 'num_values'.
bool MaterializeValueBatchRepeatedDefLevel(int max_values, int tuple_size,
uint8_t* RESTRICT tuple_mem, int* RESTRICT num_values) RESTRICT;
/// Read 'num_to_read' values into a batch of tuples starting at 'tuple_mem'.
bool ReadSlots(
int64_t num_to_read, int tuple_size, uint8_t* RESTRICT tuple_mem) RESTRICT;
/// Read 'num_to_read' values into a batch of tuples starting at 'tuple_mem', when
/// conversion is needed.
bool ReadAndConvertSlots(
int64_t num_to_read, int tuple_size, uint8_t* RESTRICT tuple_mem) RESTRICT;
/// Read 'num_to_read' values into a batch of tuples starting at 'tuple_mem', when
/// conversion is not needed.
bool ReadSlotsNoConversion(
int64_t num_to_read, int tuple_size, uint8_t* RESTRICT tuple_mem) RESTRICT;
/// Read 'num_to_read' position values into a batch of tuples starting at 'tuple_mem'.
void ReadPositions(
int64_t num_to_read, int tuple_size, uint8_t* RESTRICT tuple_mem) RESTRICT;
virtual Status CreateDictionaryDecoder(
uint8_t* values, int size, DictDecoderBase** decoder) override {
DCHECK(slot_desc_->type().type != TYPE_BOOLEAN)
<< "Dictionary encoding is not supported for bools. Should never have gotten "
<< "this far.";
if (!dict_decoder_.template Reset<PARQUET_TYPE>(values, size, fixed_len_size_)) {
return Status(TErrorCode::PARQUET_CORRUPT_DICTIONARY, filename(),
slot_desc_->type().DebugString(), "could not decode dictionary");
dict_decoder_init_ = true;
*decoder = &dict_decoder_;
return Status::OK();
virtual bool HasDictionaryDecoder() override {
return dict_decoder_init_;
virtual void ClearDictionaryDecoder() override {
dict_decoder_init_ = false;
virtual Status InitDataPage(uint8_t* data, int size) override;
virtual bool SkipEncodedValuesInPage(int64_t num_values) override;
/// Writes the next value into the appropriate destination slot in 'tuple'. Returns
/// false if execution should be aborted for some reason, e.g. parse_error_ is set, the
/// query is cancelled, or the scan node limit was reached. Otherwise returns true.
/// Force inlining - GCC does not always inline this into hot loops.
template <Encoding::type ENCODING, bool NEEDS_CONVERSION>
inline ALWAYS_INLINE bool ReadSlot(Tuple* tuple);
/// Reads position into 'pos' and updates 'pos_current_value_' based on 'rep_level'.
/// This helper is only used on the batched decoding path where we need to reset
/// 'pos_current_value_' to 0 based on 'rep_level'.
inline ALWAYS_INLINE void ReadPositionBatched(int16_t rep_level, int64_t* pos);
/// Decode one value from *data into 'val' and advance *data. 'data_end' is one byte
/// past the end of the buffer. Return false and set 'parse_error_' if there is an
/// error decoding the value.
template <Encoding::type ENCODING>
inline ALWAYS_INLINE bool DecodeValue(
uint8_t** data, const uint8_t* data_end, InternalType* RESTRICT val) RESTRICT;
/// Decode multiple values into 'out_vals' with a stride of 'stride' bytes. Return
/// false and set 'parse_error_' if there is an error decoding any value.
inline ALWAYS_INLINE bool DecodeValues(
int64_t stride, int64_t count, InternalType* RESTRICT out_vals) RESTRICT;
/// Specialisation of DecodeValues for a particular encoding, to allow overriding
/// specific instances via template specialisation.
template <Encoding::type ENCODING>
inline ALWAYS_INLINE bool DecodeValues(
int64_t stride, int64_t count, InternalType* RESTRICT out_vals) RESTRICT;
/// Most column readers never require conversion, so we can avoid branches by
/// returning constant false. Column readers for types that require conversion
/// must specialize this function.
inline bool NeedsConversionInline() const {
return false;
/// Similar to NeedsConversion(), most column readers do not require validation,
/// so to avoid branches, we return constant false. In general, types where not
/// all possible bit representations of the data type are valid should be
/// validated.
inline bool NeedsValidationInline() const {
return false;
/// Converts and writes 'src' into 'slot' based on desc_->type()
bool ConvertSlot(const InternalType* src, void* slot) {
return false;
/// Checks if 'val' is invalid, e.g. due to being out of the valid value range. If it
/// is invalid, logs the error and returns false. If the error should stop execution,
/// sets 'parent_->parse_status_'.
bool ValidateValue(InternalType* val) const {
return false;
/// Pull out slow-path Status construction code
void __attribute__((noinline)) SetDictDecodeError() {
parent_->parse_status_ = Status(TErrorCode::PARQUET_DICT_DECODE_FAILURE, filename(),
void __attribute__((noinline)) SetPlainDecodeError() {
parent_->parse_status_ = Status(TErrorCode::PARQUET_CORRUPT_PLAIN_VALUE, filename(),
void __attribute__((noinline)) SetBoolDecodeError() {
parent_->parse_status_ = Status(TErrorCode::PARQUET_CORRUPT_BOOL_VALUE, filename(),
/// Dictionary decoder for decoding column values.
DictDecoder<InternalType> dict_decoder_;
/// True if dict_decoder_ has been initialized with a dictionary page.
bool dict_decoder_init_ = false;
/// true if decoded values must be converted before being written to an output tuple.
bool needs_conversion_ = false;
/// The size of this column with plain encoding for FIXED_LEN_BYTE_ARRAY, or
/// the max length for VARCHAR columns. Unused otherwise.
int fixed_len_size_;
/// Contains extra data needed for Timestamp decoding.
ParquetTimestampDecoder timestamp_decoder_;
/// Contains extra state required to decode boolean values. Only initialised for
/// BOOLEAN columns.
unique_ptr<ParquetBoolDecoder> bool_decoder_;
/// Allocated from parent_->perm_pool_ if NeedsConversion() is true and null otherwise.
uint8_t* conversion_buffer_ = nullptr;
template <typename InternalType, parquet::Type::type PARQUET_TYPE, bool MATERIALIZED>
ScalarColumnReader<InternalType, PARQUET_TYPE, MATERIALIZED>::ScalarColumnReader(
HdfsParquetScanner* parent, const SchemaNode& node, const SlotDescriptor* slot_desc)
: BaseScalarColumnReader(parent, node, slot_desc),
dict_decoder_(parent->scan_node_->mem_tracker()) {
// We're not materializing any values, just counting them. No need (or ability) to
// initialize state used to materialize values.
DCHECK(slot_desc_ == nullptr);
DCHECK(slot_desc_ != nullptr);
if (slot_desc_->type().type == TYPE_DECIMAL
fixed_len_size_ = node.element->type_length;
} else if (slot_desc_->type().type == TYPE_VARCHAR) {
fixed_len_size_ = slot_desc_->type().len;
} else {
fixed_len_size_ = -1;
needs_conversion_ = slot_desc_->type().type == TYPE_CHAR;
if (slot_desc_->type().type == TYPE_TIMESTAMP) {
timestamp_decoder_ = parent->CreateTimestampDecoder(*node.element);
needs_conversion_ = timestamp_decoder_.NeedsConversion();
if (slot_desc_->type().type == TYPE_BOOLEAN) {
bool_decoder_ = make_unique<ParquetBoolDecoder>();
// TODO: consider performing filter selectivity checks in this function.
template <typename InternalType, parquet::Type::type PARQUET_TYPE, bool MATERIALIZED>
Status ScalarColumnReader<InternalType, PARQUET_TYPE, MATERIALIZED>::InitDataPage(
uint8_t* data, int size) {
// Data can be empty if the column contains all NULLs
DCHECK_GE(size, 0);
DCHECK(slot_desc_ == nullptr || slot_desc_->type().type != TYPE_BOOLEAN)
<< "Bool has specialized impl";
page_encoding_ = col_chunk_reader_.encoding();
if (page_encoding_ != parquet::Encoding::PLAIN_DICTIONARY
&& page_encoding_ != parquet::Encoding::PLAIN) {
return GetUnsupportedDecodingError();
// If slot_desc_ is NULL, we don't need so decode any values so dict_decoder_ does
// not need to be initialized.
if (page_encoding_ == Encoding::PLAIN_DICTIONARY && slot_desc_ != nullptr) {
if (!dict_decoder_init_) {
return Status("File corrupt. Missing dictionary page.");
RETURN_IF_ERROR(dict_decoder_.SetData(data, size));
// Allocate a temporary buffer to hold InternalType values if we need to convert
// before writing to the final slot.
if (NeedsConversionInline() && conversion_buffer_ == nullptr) {
int64_t buffer_size = sizeof(InternalType) * parent_->state_->batch_size();
conversion_buffer_ =
parent_->perm_pool_->TryAllocateAligned(buffer_size, alignof(InternalType));
if (conversion_buffer_ == nullptr) {
return parent_->perm_pool_->mem_tracker()->MemLimitExceeded(parent_->state_,
"Failed to allocate conversion buffer in Parquet scanner", buffer_size);
return Status::OK();
template <>
Status ScalarColumnReader<bool, parquet::Type::BOOLEAN, true>::InitDataPage(
uint8_t* data, int size) {
// Data can be empty if the column contains all NULLs
DCHECK_GE(size, 0);
page_encoding_ = col_chunk_reader_.encoding();
/// Boolean decoding is delegated to 'bool_decoder_'.
if (bool_decoder_->SetData(page_encoding_, data, size)) return Status::OK();
return GetUnsupportedDecodingError();
template <typename InternalType, parquet::Type::type PARQUET_TYPE, bool MATERIALIZED>
bool ScalarColumnReader<InternalType, PARQUET_TYPE,
MATERIALIZED>::SkipEncodedValuesInPage(int64_t num_values) {
if (bool_decoder_) {
return bool_decoder_->SkipValues(num_values);
if (page_encoding_ == Encoding::PLAIN_DICTIONARY) {
return dict_decoder_.SkipValues(num_values);
} else {
DCHECK_EQ(page_encoding_, Encoding::PLAIN);
int64_t encoded_len = ParquetPlainEncoder::EncodedLen<PARQUET_TYPE>(
data_, data_end_, fixed_len_size_, num_values);
if (encoded_len < 0) return false;
data_ += encoded_len;
return true;
template <typename InternalType, parquet::Type::type PARQUET_TYPE, bool MATERIALIZED>
template <bool IN_COLLECTION>
bool ScalarColumnReader<InternalType, PARQUET_TYPE, MATERIALIZED>::ReadValue(
Tuple* tuple) {
// NextLevels() should have already been called and def and rep levels should be in
// valid range.
DCHECK_GE(rep_level_, 0);
DCHECK_GE(def_level_, 0);
DCHECK_GE(def_level_, def_level_of_immediate_repeated_ancestor()) <<
"Caller should have called NextLevels() until we are ready to read a value";
if (def_level_ >= max_def_level()) {
bool continue_execution;
if (page_encoding_ == Encoding::PLAIN_DICTIONARY) {
continue_execution = NeedsConversionInline() ?
ReadSlot<Encoding::PLAIN_DICTIONARY, true>(tuple) :
ReadSlot<Encoding::PLAIN_DICTIONARY, false>(tuple);
} else {
DCHECK_EQ(page_encoding_, Encoding::PLAIN);
continue_execution = NeedsConversionInline() ?
ReadSlot<Encoding::PLAIN, true>(tuple) :
ReadSlot<Encoding::PLAIN, false>(tuple);
if (!continue_execution) return false;
} else {
return NextLevels<IN_COLLECTION>();
template <typename InternalType, parquet::Type::type PARQUET_TYPE, bool MATERIALIZED>
template <bool IN_COLLECTION>
bool ScalarColumnReader<InternalType, PARQUET_TYPE, MATERIALIZED>::ReadValueBatch(
int max_values, int tuple_size, uint8_t* RESTRICT tuple_mem,
int* RESTRICT num_values) RESTRICT {
// Repetition level is only present if this column is nested in a collection type.
DCHECK_GT(max_rep_level(), 0) << slot_desc()->DebugString();
} else {
DCHECK_EQ(max_rep_level(), 0) << slot_desc()->DebugString();
int val_count = 0;
bool continue_execution = true;
while (val_count < max_values && !RowGroupAtEnd() && continue_execution) {
DCHECK_GE(num_buffered_values_, 0);
// Read next page if necessary. It will skip values if necessary, so we can start
// materializing the values right after.
if (num_buffered_values_ == 0) {
if (!NextPage()) {
continue_execution = parent_->parse_status_.ok();
// Not materializing anything - skip decoding any levels and rely on the value
// count from page metadata to return the correct number of rows.
// We cannot filter pages in this context.
int vals_to_add = min(num_buffered_values_, max_values - val_count);
val_count += vals_to_add;
num_buffered_values_ -= vals_to_add;
DCHECK_GE(num_buffered_values_, 0);
// Fill the rep level cache if needed. We are flattening out the fields of the
// nested collection into the top-level tuple returned by the scan, so we don't
// care about the nesting structure unless the position slot is being populated,
// or we filter out rows.
if (IN_COLLECTION && (pos_slot_desc_ != nullptr || DoesPageFiltering()) &&
!rep_levels_.CacheHasNext()) {
if (UNLIKELY(!parent_->parse_status_.ok())) return false;
const int remaining_val_capacity = max_values - val_count;
uint8_t* next_tuple = tuple_mem + val_count * tuple_size;
if (def_levels_.NextRepeatedRunLength() > 0) {
// Fast path to materialize a run of values with the same definition level. This
// avoids checking for NULL/not-NULL for every value.
int ret_val_count = 0;
continue_execution = MaterializeValueBatchRepeatedDefLevel(
remaining_val_capacity, tuple_size, next_tuple, &ret_val_count);
val_count += ret_val_count;
} else {
// We don't have a repeated run - cache def levels and process value-by-value.
if (!def_levels_.CacheHasNext()) {
if (UNLIKELY(!parent_->parse_status_.ok())) return false;
// Read data page and cached levels to materialize values.
int ret_val_count = 0;
continue_execution = MaterializeValueBatch<IN_COLLECTION>(
remaining_val_capacity, tuple_size, next_tuple, &ret_val_count);
val_count += ret_val_count;
// Now that we have read some values, let's check whether we should skip some
// due to page filtering.
if (DoesPageFiltering() && ConsumedCurrentCandidateRange<IN_COLLECTION>()) {
if (IsLastCandidateRange()) {
*num_values = val_count;
num_buffered_values_ = 0;
return val_count > 0;
if (PageHasRemainingCandidateRows()) {
if(!SkipRowsInPage()) return false;
} else {
if (!JumpToNextPage()) return false;
continue_execution &= ColReaderDebugAction(&val_count);
*num_values = val_count;
return continue_execution;
template <typename InternalType, parquet::Type::type PARQUET_TYPE, bool MATERIALIZED>
template <bool IN_COLLECTION, Encoding::type ENCODING, bool NEEDS_CONVERSION>
bool ScalarColumnReader<InternalType, PARQUET_TYPE, MATERIALIZED>::MaterializeValueBatch(
int max_values, int tuple_size, uint8_t* RESTRICT tuple_mem,
int* RESTRICT num_values) RESTRICT {
DCHECK_GT(num_buffered_values_, 0);
if (IN_COLLECTION && (pos_slot_desc_ != nullptr || DoesPageFiltering())) {
int cache_start_idx = def_levels_.CacheCurrIdx();
uint8_t* curr_tuple = tuple_mem;
int val_count = 0;
DCHECK_LE(def_levels_.CacheRemaining(), num_buffered_values_);
max_values = min(max_values, num_buffered_values_);
while (def_levels_.CacheHasNext() && val_count < max_values) {
if (DoesPageFiltering()) {
int peek_rep_level = IN_COLLECTION ? rep_levels_.PeekLevel() : 0;
if (RowsRemainingInCandidateRange() == 0 && peek_rep_level == 0) break;
int rep_level = IN_COLLECTION ? rep_levels_.ReadLevel() : 0;
if (rep_level == 0) ++current_row_;
Tuple* tuple = reinterpret_cast<Tuple*>(curr_tuple);
int def_level = def_levels_.CacheGetNext();
if (def_level < def_level_of_immediate_repeated_ancestor()) {
// A containing repeated field is empty or NULL, skip the value.
if (pos_slot_desc_ != nullptr) {
if (def_level >= max_def_level()) {
bool continue_execution = ReadSlot<ENCODING, NEEDS_CONVERSION>(tuple);
if (UNLIKELY(!continue_execution)) return false;
} else {
curr_tuple += tuple_size;
num_buffered_values_ -= (def_levels_.CacheCurrIdx() - cache_start_idx);
DCHECK_GE(num_buffered_values_, 0);
*num_values = val_count;
return true;
// Note that the structure of this function is very similar to MaterializeValueBatch()
// above, except it is unrolled to operate on multiple values at a time.
template <typename InternalType, parquet::Type::type PARQUET_TYPE, bool MATERIALIZED>
bool ScalarColumnReader<InternalType, PARQUET_TYPE,
MATERIALIZED>::MaterializeValueBatchRepeatedDefLevel(int max_values, int tuple_size,
uint8_t* RESTRICT tuple_mem, int* RESTRICT num_values) RESTRICT {
DCHECK_GT(num_buffered_values_, 0);
if (max_rep_level_ > 0 &&
(pos_slot_desc_ != nullptr || DoesPageFiltering())) {
int32_t def_level_repeats = def_levels_.NextRepeatedRunLength();
DCHECK_GT(def_level_repeats, 0);
// Peek at the def level. The number of def levels we'll consume depends on several
// conditions below.
uint8_t def_level = def_levels_.GetRepeatedValue(0);
int32_t num_def_levels_to_consume = 0;
// Find the upper limit of how many def levels we can consume.
if (def_level < def_level_of_immediate_repeated_ancestor()) {
DCHECK_GT(max_rep_level_, 0) << "Only possible if in a collection.";
// A containing repeated field is empty or NULL. We don't need to return any values
// but need to advance any rep levels.
if (pos_slot_desc_ != nullptr) {
num_def_levels_to_consume =
min<uint32_t>(def_level_repeats, rep_levels_.CacheRemaining());
} else {
num_def_levels_to_consume = def_level_repeats;
} else {
// Cannot consume more levels than allowed by buffered input values and output space.
num_def_levels_to_consume = min(min(
num_buffered_values_, max_values), def_level_repeats);
if (pos_slot_desc_ != nullptr) {
num_def_levels_to_consume =
min<uint32_t>(num_def_levels_to_consume, rep_levels_.CacheRemaining());
// Page filtering can also put an upper limit on 'num_def_levels_to_consume'.
if (DoesPageFiltering()) {
int rows_remaining = RowsRemainingInCandidateRange();
if (max_rep_level_ == 0) {
num_def_levels_to_consume = min(num_def_levels_to_consume, rows_remaining);
current_row_ += num_def_levels_to_consume;
} else {
// We need to calculate how many 'primitive' values are there until the end
// of the current candidate range. In the meantime we also fill the position
// slots because we are consuming the repetition levels.
num_def_levels_to_consume = FillPositionsInCandidateRange(rows_remaining,
num_def_levels_to_consume, tuple_mem, tuple_size);
// Now we have 'num_def_levels_to_consume' set, let's read the slots.
if (def_level < def_level_of_immediate_repeated_ancestor()) {
if (pos_slot_desc_ != nullptr && !DoesPageFiltering()) {
*num_values = 0;
} else {
if (pos_slot_desc_ != nullptr && !DoesPageFiltering()) {
ReadPositions(num_def_levels_to_consume, tuple_size, tuple_mem);
if (def_level >= max_def_level()) {
if (!ReadSlots(num_def_levels_to_consume, tuple_size, tuple_mem)) {
return false;
} else {
null_indicator_offset_, num_def_levels_to_consume, tuple_size, tuple_mem);
*num_values = num_def_levels_to_consume;
// We now know how many we actually consumed.
num_buffered_values_ -= num_def_levels_to_consume;
DCHECK_GE(num_buffered_values_, 0);
return true;
template <typename InternalType, parquet::Type::type PARQUET_TYPE, bool MATERIALIZED>
template <bool IN_COLLECTION>
bool ScalarColumnReader<InternalType, PARQUET_TYPE, MATERIALIZED>::MaterializeValueBatch(
int max_values, int tuple_size, uint8_t* RESTRICT tuple_mem,
int* RESTRICT num_values) RESTRICT {
// Dispatch to the correct templated implementation of MaterializeValueBatch().
if (page_encoding_ == Encoding::PLAIN_DICTIONARY) {
if (NeedsConversionInline()) {
return MaterializeValueBatch<IN_COLLECTION, Encoding::PLAIN_DICTIONARY, true>(
max_values, tuple_size, tuple_mem, num_values);
} else {
return MaterializeValueBatch<IN_COLLECTION, Encoding::PLAIN_DICTIONARY, false>(
max_values, tuple_size, tuple_mem, num_values);
} else {
DCHECK_EQ(page_encoding_, Encoding::PLAIN);
if (NeedsConversionInline()) {
return MaterializeValueBatch<IN_COLLECTION, Encoding::PLAIN, true>(
max_values, tuple_size, tuple_mem, num_values);
} else {
return MaterializeValueBatch<IN_COLLECTION, Encoding::PLAIN, false>(
max_values, tuple_size, tuple_mem, num_values);
template <typename InternalType, parquet::Type::type PARQUET_TYPE, bool MATERIALIZED>
template <Encoding::type ENCODING, bool NEEDS_CONVERSION>
bool ScalarColumnReader<InternalType, PARQUET_TYPE, MATERIALIZED>::ReadSlot(
void* slot = tuple->GetSlot(tuple_offset_);
// Use an uninitialized stack allocation for temporary value to avoid running
// constructors doing work unnecessarily, e.g. if T == StringValue.
alignas(InternalType) uint8_t val_buf[sizeof(InternalType)];
InternalType* val_ptr =
reinterpret_cast<InternalType*>(NEEDS_CONVERSION ? val_buf : slot);
if (UNLIKELY(!DecodeValue<ENCODING>(&data_, data_end_, val_ptr))) return false;
if (UNLIKELY(NeedsValidationInline() && !ValidateValue(val_ptr))) {
if (UNLIKELY(!parent_->parse_status_.ok())) return false;
// The value is invalid but execution should continue - set the null indicator and
// skip conversion.
return true;
if (NEEDS_CONVERSION && UNLIKELY(!ConvertSlot(val_ptr, slot))) return false;
return true;
template <typename InternalType, parquet::Type::type PARQUET_TYPE, bool MATERIALIZED>
bool ScalarColumnReader<InternalType, PARQUET_TYPE, MATERIALIZED>::ReadSlots(
int64_t num_to_read, int tuple_size, uint8_t* RESTRICT tuple_mem) RESTRICT {
if (NeedsConversionInline()) {
return ReadAndConvertSlots(num_to_read, tuple_size, tuple_mem);
} else {
return ReadSlotsNoConversion(num_to_read, tuple_size, tuple_mem);
template <typename InternalType, parquet::Type::type PARQUET_TYPE, bool MATERIALIZED>
bool ScalarColumnReader<InternalType, PARQUET_TYPE, MATERIALIZED>::ReadAndConvertSlots(
int64_t num_to_read, int tuple_size, uint8_t* RESTRICT tuple_mem) RESTRICT {
DCHECK(conversion_buffer_ != nullptr);
InternalType* first_val = reinterpret_cast<InternalType*>(conversion_buffer_);
// Decode into the conversion buffer before doing the conversion into the output tuples.
if (!DecodeValues(sizeof(InternalType), num_to_read, first_val)) return false;
InternalType* curr_val = first_val;
uint8_t* curr_tuple = tuple_mem;
for (int64_t i = 0; i < num_to_read; ++i, ++curr_val, curr_tuple += tuple_size) {
Tuple* tuple = reinterpret_cast<Tuple*>(curr_tuple);
if (NeedsValidationInline() && UNLIKELY(!ValidateValue(curr_val))) {
if (UNLIKELY(!parent_->parse_status_.ok())) return false;
// The value is invalid but execution should continue - set the null indicator and
// skip conversion.
if (UNLIKELY(!ConvertSlot(curr_val, tuple->GetSlot(tuple_offset_)))) {
return false;
return true;
template <typename InternalType, parquet::Type::type PARQUET_TYPE, bool MATERIALIZED>
bool ScalarColumnReader<InternalType, PARQUET_TYPE, MATERIALIZED>::ReadSlotsNoConversion(
int64_t num_to_read, int tuple_size, uint8_t* RESTRICT tuple_mem) RESTRICT {
// No conversion needed - decode directly into the output slots.
InternalType* first_slot = reinterpret_cast<InternalType*>(tuple_mem + tuple_offset_);
if (!DecodeValues(tuple_size, num_to_read, first_slot)) return false;
if (NeedsValidationInline()) {
// Validate the written slots.
uint8_t* curr_tuple = tuple_mem;
for (int64_t i = 0; i < num_to_read; ++i, curr_tuple += tuple_size) {
Tuple* tuple = reinterpret_cast<Tuple*>(curr_tuple);
InternalType* val = static_cast<InternalType*>(tuple->GetSlot(tuple_offset_));
if (UNLIKELY(!ValidateValue(val))) {
if (UNLIKELY(!parent_->parse_status_.ok())) return false;
// The value is invalid but execution should continue - set the null indicator and
// skip conversion.
return true;
template <typename InternalType, parquet::Type::type PARQUET_TYPE, bool MATERIALIZED>
template <Encoding::type ENCODING>
bool ScalarColumnReader<InternalType, PARQUET_TYPE, MATERIALIZED>::DecodeValue(
uint8_t** RESTRICT data, const uint8_t* RESTRICT data_end,
InternalType* RESTRICT val) RESTRICT {
DCHECK_EQ(page_encoding_, ENCODING);
if (UNLIKELY(!dict_decoder_.GetNextValue(val))) {
return false;
} else {
int encoded_len = ParquetPlainEncoder::Decode<InternalType, PARQUET_TYPE>(
*data, data_end, fixed_len_size_, val);
if (UNLIKELY(encoded_len < 0)) {
return false;
*data += encoded_len;
return true;
// Specialise for decoding INT64 timestamps from PLAIN decoding, which need to call
// out to 'timestamp_decoder_'.
template <>
template <>
bool ScalarColumnReader<TimestampValue, parquet::Type::INT64,
true>::DecodeValue<Encoding::PLAIN>(uint8_t** RESTRICT data,
const uint8_t* RESTRICT data_end, TimestampValue* RESTRICT val) RESTRICT {
DCHECK_EQ(page_encoding_, Encoding::PLAIN);
int encoded_len = timestamp_decoder_.Decode<parquet::Type::INT64>(*data, data_end, val);
if (UNLIKELY(encoded_len < 0)) {
return false;
*data += encoded_len;
return true;
template <>
template <Encoding::type ENCODING>
bool ScalarColumnReader<bool, parquet::Type::BOOLEAN, true>::DecodeValue(
uint8_t** RESTRICT data, const uint8_t* RESTRICT data_end,
bool* RESTRICT value) RESTRICT {
if (UNLIKELY(!bool_decoder_->DecodeValue<ENCODING>(value))) {
return false;
return true;
template <typename InternalType, parquet::Type::type PARQUET_TYPE, bool MATERIALIZED>
bool ScalarColumnReader<InternalType, PARQUET_TYPE, MATERIALIZED>::DecodeValues(
int64_t stride, int64_t count, InternalType* RESTRICT out_vals) RESTRICT {
if (page_encoding_ == Encoding::PLAIN_DICTIONARY) {
return DecodeValues<Encoding::PLAIN_DICTIONARY>(stride, count, out_vals);
} else {
DCHECK_EQ(page_encoding_, Encoding::PLAIN);
return DecodeValues<Encoding::PLAIN>(stride, count, out_vals);
template <typename InternalType, parquet::Type::type PARQUET_TYPE, bool MATERIALIZED>
template <Encoding::type ENCODING>
bool ScalarColumnReader<InternalType, PARQUET_TYPE, MATERIALIZED>::DecodeValues(
int64_t stride, int64_t count, InternalType* RESTRICT out_vals) RESTRICT {
if (page_encoding_ == Encoding::PLAIN_DICTIONARY) {
if (UNLIKELY(!dict_decoder_.GetNextValues(out_vals, stride, count))) {
return false;
} else {
DCHECK_EQ(page_encoding_, Encoding::PLAIN);
int64_t encoded_len = ParquetPlainEncoder::DecodeBatch<InternalType, PARQUET_TYPE>(
data_, data_end_, fixed_len_size_, count, stride, out_vals);
if (UNLIKELY(encoded_len < 0)) {
return false;
data_ += encoded_len;
return true;
// Specialise for decoding INT64 timestamps from PLAIN decoding, which need to call
// out to 'timestamp_decoder_'.
template <>
template <>
bool ScalarColumnReader<TimestampValue, parquet::Type::INT64,
true>::DecodeValues<Encoding::PLAIN>(int64_t stride, int64_t count,
TimestampValue* RESTRICT out_vals) RESTRICT {
DCHECK_EQ(page_encoding_, Encoding::PLAIN);
int64_t encoded_len = timestamp_decoder_.DecodeBatch<parquet::Type::INT64>(
data_, data_end_, count, stride, out_vals);
if (UNLIKELY(encoded_len < 0)) {
return false;
data_ += encoded_len;
return true;
template <>
bool ScalarColumnReader<bool, parquet::Type::BOOLEAN, true>::DecodeValues(
int64_t stride, int64_t count, bool* RESTRICT out_vals) RESTRICT {
if (!bool_decoder_->DecodeValues(stride, count, out_vals)) {
return false;
return true;
template <typename InternalType, parquet::Type::type PARQUET_TYPE, bool MATERIALIZED>
void ScalarColumnReader<InternalType, PARQUET_TYPE, MATERIALIZED>::ReadPositionBatched(
int16_t rep_level, int64_t* pos) {
// Reset position counter if we are at the start of a new parent collection.
if (rep_level <= max_rep_level() - 1) pos_current_value_ = 0;
*pos = pos_current_value_++;
template <typename InternalType, parquet::Type::type PARQUET_TYPE, bool MATERIALIZED>
void ScalarColumnReader<InternalType, PARQUET_TYPE, MATERIALIZED>::ReadPositions(
int64_t num_to_read, int tuple_size, uint8_t* RESTRICT tuple_mem) RESTRICT {
const int pos_slot_offset = pos_slot_desc()->tuple_offset();
void* first_slot = reinterpret_cast<Tuple*>(tuple_mem)->GetSlot(pos_slot_offset);
StrideWriter<int64_t> out{reinterpret_cast<int64_t*>(first_slot), tuple_size};
for (int64_t i = 0; i < num_to_read; ++i) {
ReadPositionBatched(rep_levels_.CacheGetNext(), out.Advance());
template <>
inline bool ScalarColumnReader<StringValue, parquet::Type::BYTE_ARRAY,
true>::NeedsConversionInline() const {
return needs_conversion_;
template <>
bool ScalarColumnReader<StringValue, parquet::Type::BYTE_ARRAY, true>::ConvertSlot(
const StringValue* src, void* slot) {
DCHECK(slot_desc() != nullptr);
DCHECK(slot_desc()->type().type == TYPE_CHAR);
int char_len = slot_desc()->type().len;
int unpadded_len = min(char_len, src->len);
char* dst_char = reinterpret_cast<char*>(slot);
memcpy(dst_char, src->ptr, unpadded_len);
StringValue::PadWithSpaces(dst_char, char_len, unpadded_len);
return true;
template <>
inline bool ScalarColumnReader<TimestampValue, parquet::Type::INT96, true>
::NeedsConversionInline() const {
return needs_conversion_;
template <>
inline bool ScalarColumnReader<TimestampValue, parquet::Type::INT64, true>
::NeedsConversionInline() const {
return needs_conversion_;
template <>
bool ScalarColumnReader<TimestampValue, parquet::Type::INT96, true>::ConvertSlot(
const TimestampValue* src, void* slot) {
// Conversion should only happen when this flag is enabled.
TimestampValue* dst_ts = reinterpret_cast<TimestampValue*>(slot);
*dst_ts = *src;
// TODO: IMPALA-7862: converting timestamps after validating them can move them out of
// range. We should either validate after conversion or require conversion to produce an
// in-range value.
return true;
template <>
bool ScalarColumnReader<TimestampValue, parquet::Type::INT64, true>::ConvertSlot(
const TimestampValue* src, void* slot) {
TimestampValue* dst_ts = reinterpret_cast<TimestampValue*>(slot);
*dst_ts = *src;
// TODO: IMPALA-7862: converting timestamps after validating them can move them out of
// range. We should either validate after conversion or require conversion to produce an
// in-range value.
return true;
template <>
inline bool ScalarColumnReader<TimestampValue, parquet::Type::INT96, true>
::NeedsValidationInline() const {
return true;
template <>
inline bool ScalarColumnReader<TimestampValue, parquet::Type::INT64, true>
::NeedsValidationInline() const {
return true;
template <>
bool ScalarColumnReader<TimestampValue, parquet::Type::INT96, true>::ValidateValue(
TimestampValue* val) const {
if (UNLIKELY(!TimestampValue::IsValidDate(val->date())
|| !TimestampValue::IsValidTime(val->time()))) {
// If both are corrupt, invalid time takes precedence over invalid date, because
// invalid date may come from a more or less functional encoder that does not respect
// the 1400..9999 limit, while an invalid time is a good indicator of buggy encoder
// or memory garbage.
TErrorCode::type errorCode = TimestampValue::IsValidTime(val->time())
ErrorMsg msg(errorCode, filename(), node_.element->name);
Status status = parent_->state_->LogOrReturnError(msg);
if (!status.ok()) parent_->parse_status_ = status;
return false;
return true;
template <>
bool ScalarColumnReader<TimestampValue, parquet::Type::INT64, true>::ValidateValue(
TimestampValue* val) const {
// The range was already checked during the int64_t->TimestampValue conversion, which
// sets the date to invalid if it was out of range.
if (UNLIKELY(!val->HasDate())) {
filename(), node_.element->name);
Status status = parent_->state_->LogOrReturnError(msg);
if (!status.ok()) parent_->parse_status_ = status;
return false;
return true;
template <>
inline bool ScalarColumnReader<DateValue, parquet::Type::INT32, true>
::NeedsValidationInline() const {
return true;
template <>
bool ScalarColumnReader<DateValue, parquet::Type::INT32, true>::ValidateValue(
DateValue* val) const {
// The range was already checked during the int32_t->DateValue conversion, which
// sets the date to invalid if it was out of range.
if (UNLIKELY(!val->IsValid())) {
filename(), node_.element->name);
Status status = parent_->state_->LogOrReturnError(msg);
if (!status.ok()) parent_->parse_status_ = status;
return false;
return true;
void BaseScalarColumnReader::CreateSubRanges(vector<ScanRange::SubRange>* sub_ranges) {
if (!DoesPageFiltering()) return;
int64_t data_start = metadata_->data_page_offset;
int64_t data_start_based_on_offset_index = offset_index_.page_locations[0].offset;
if (metadata_->__isset.dictionary_page_offset) {
int64_t dict_start = metadata_->dictionary_page_offset;
// This assumes that the first data page is coming right after the dictionary page
sub_ranges->push_back( { dict_start, data_start - dict_start });
} else if (data_start < data_start_based_on_offset_index) {
// 'dictionary_page_offset' is not set, but the offset index and
// column chunk metadata disagree on the data start => column chunk's data start
// is actually the location of the dictionary page. Parquet-MR (at least
// version 1.10 and earlier versions) writes Parquet files like that.
int64_t dict_start = data_start;
sub_ranges->push_back({dict_start, data_start_based_on_offset_index - dict_start});
for (int candidate_page_idx : candidate_data_pages_) {
auto page_loc = offset_index_.page_locations[candidate_page_idx];
sub_ranges->push_back( { page_loc.offset, page_loc.compressed_page_size });
Status BaseScalarColumnReader::Reset(const HdfsFileDesc& file_desc,
const parquet::ColumnChunk& col_chunk, int row_group_idx) {
// Ensure metadata is valid before using it to initialize the reader.
parent_->filename(), row_group_idx, col_idx(), schema_element(),
num_buffered_values_ = 0;
data_ = nullptr;
data_end_ = nullptr;
metadata_ = &col_chunk.meta_data;
num_values_read_ = 0;
def_level_ = ParquetLevel::INVALID_LEVEL;
// See ColumnReader constructor.
rep_level_ = max_rep_level() == 0 ? 0 : ParquetLevel::INVALID_LEVEL;
pos_current_value_ = ParquetLevel::INVALID_POS;
vector<ScanRange::SubRange> sub_ranges;
file_desc, col_chunk, row_group_idx, move(sub_ranges)));
return Status::OK();
void BaseScalarColumnReader::Close(RowBatch* row_batch) {
col_chunk_reader_.Close(row_batch == nullptr ? nullptr : row_batch->tuple_data_pool());
DictDecoderBase* dict_decoder = GetDictionaryDecoder();
if (dict_decoder != nullptr) dict_decoder->Close();
Status BaseScalarColumnReader::InitDictionary() {
// Dictionary encoding is not supported for booleans.
const bool is_boolean = node_.element->type == parquet::Type::BOOLEAN;
const bool skip_data = slot_desc_ == nullptr || is_boolean;
// TODO: maybe avoid malloc on every page?
ScopedBuffer uncompressed_buffer(parent_->dictionary_pool_->mem_tracker());
bool eos;
bool is_dictionary_page;
int64_t data_size;
int num_entries;
RETURN_IF_ERROR(col_chunk_reader_.TryReadDictionaryPage(&is_dictionary_page, &eos,
skip_data, &uncompressed_buffer, &data_, &data_size, &num_entries));
if (eos) return HandleTooEarlyEos();
if (is_dictionary_page && is_boolean) {
return Status("Unexpected dictionary page. Dictionary page is not"
" supported for booleans.");
if (!is_dictionary_page || skip_data) return Status::OK();
// The size of dictionary can be 0, if every value is null. The dictionary still has to
// be reset in this case.
DictDecoderBase* dict_decoder;
if (data_size == 0) {
data_end_ = data_;
return CreateDictionaryDecoder(nullptr, 0, &dict_decoder);
// We cannot add data_size to data_ until we know it is not a nullptr.
if (data_ == nullptr) {
return Status("The dictionary values could not be read properly.");
data_end_ = data_ + data_size;
RETURN_IF_ERROR(CreateDictionaryDecoder(data_, data_size, &dict_decoder));
if (num_entries != dict_decoder->num_entries()) {
return Status(TErrorCode::PARQUET_CORRUPT_DICTIONARY, filename(),
Substitute("Expected $0 entries but data contained $1 entries",
num_entries, dict_decoder->num_entries()));
return Status::OK();
Status BaseScalarColumnReader::InitDictionaries(
const vector<BaseScalarColumnReader*> readers) {
for (BaseScalarColumnReader* reader : readers) {
return Status::OK();
Status BaseScalarColumnReader::ReadDataPage() {
// We're about to move to the next data page. The previous data page is
// now complete, free up any memory allocated for it. If the data page contained
// strings we need to attach it to the returned batch.
DCHECK_EQ(num_buffered_values_, 0);
if ((DoesPageFiltering() &&
candidate_page_idx_ == candidate_data_pages_.size() - 1) ||
num_values_read_ == metadata_->num_values) {
// No more pages to read
// TODO: should we check for stream_->eosr()?
return Status::OK();
} else if (num_values_read_ > metadata_->num_values) {
return Status::OK();
bool eos;
int data_size;
RETURN_IF_ERROR(col_chunk_reader_.ReadNextDataPage(&eos, &data_, &data_size));
if (eos) return HandleTooEarlyEos();
data_end_ = data_ + data_size;
const parquet::PageHeader& current_page_header = col_chunk_reader_.CurrentPageHeader();
int num_values = current_page_header.data_page_header.num_values;
if (num_values < 0) {
return Status(Substitute("Error reading data page in Parquet file '$0'. "
"Invalid number of values in metadata: $1", filename(), num_values));
num_buffered_values_ = num_values;
num_values_read_ += num_buffered_values_;
/// TODO: Move the level decoder initialisation to ParquetPageReader to abstract away
/// the differences between Parquet header V1 and V2.
// Initialize the repetition level data
parent_->perm_pool_.get(), parent_->state_->batch_size(), max_rep_level(), &data_,
// Initialize the definition level data
parent_->perm_pool_.get(), parent_->state_->batch_size(), max_def_level(), &data_,
// Data can be empty if the column contains all NULLs
RETURN_IF_ERROR(InitDataPage(data_, data_size));
// Skip rows if needed.
if (parent_->candidate_ranges_.empty()) COUNTER_ADD(parent_->num_pages_counter_, 1);
return Status::OK();
template <bool ADVANCE_REP_LEVEL>
bool BaseScalarColumnReader::NextLevels() {
if (!ADVANCE_REP_LEVEL) DCHECK_EQ(max_rep_level(), 0) << slot_desc()->DebugString();
levels_readahead_ = true;
if (UNLIKELY(num_buffered_values_ == 0)) {
if (!NextPage()) return parent_->parse_status_.ok();
if (DoesPageFiltering() && RowsRemainingInCandidateRange() == 0) {
if (!ADVANCE_REP_LEVEL || max_rep_level() == 0 || rep_levels_.PeekLevel() == 0) {
if (!IsLastCandidateRange()) AdvanceCandidateRange();
if (PageHasRemainingCandidateRows()) {
auto current_range = parent_->candidate_ranges_[current_row_range_];
int64_t skip_rows = current_range.first - current_row_ - 1;
DCHECK_GE(skip_rows, 0);
if (!SkipTopLevelRows(skip_rows)) return false;
} else {
if (!JumpToNextPage()) return parent_->parse_status_.ok();
DCHECK_GE(num_buffered_values_, 0);
// Definition level is not present if column and any containing structs are required.
def_level_ = max_def_level() == 0 ? 0 : def_levels_.ReadLevel();
// The compiler can optimize these two conditions into a single branch by treating
// def_level_ as unsigned.
if (UNLIKELY(def_level_ < 0 || def_level_ > max_def_level())) {
SetLevelDecodeError("def", def_level_, max_def_level());
return false;
if (ADVANCE_REP_LEVEL && max_rep_level() > 0) {
// Repetition level is only present if this column is nested in any collection type.
rep_level_ = rep_levels_.ReadLevel();
if (UNLIKELY(rep_level_ < 0 || rep_level_ > max_rep_level())) {
SetLevelDecodeError("rep", rep_level_, max_rep_level());
return false;
// Reset position counter if we are at the start of a new parent collection.
if (rep_level_ <= max_rep_level() - 1) pos_current_value_ = 0;
if (rep_level_ == 0) ++current_row_;
} else {
return parent_->parse_status_.ok();
void BaseScalarColumnReader::ResetPageFiltering() {
candidate_page_idx_ = -1;
current_row_ = -1;
levels_readahead_ = false;
Status BaseScalarColumnReader::StartPageFiltering() {
if (!DoesPageFiltering()) return Status::OK();
current_row_ = FirstRowIdxInCurrentPage() - 1;
// Move to the next candidate range.
auto& candidate_row_ranges = parent_->candidate_ranges_;
while (current_row_ >= candidate_row_ranges[current_row_range_].last) {
DCHECK_LT(current_row_range_, candidate_row_ranges.size() - 1);
int64_t range_start = candidate_row_ranges[current_row_range_].first;
if (range_start > current_row_ + 1) {
int64_t skip_rows = range_start - current_row_ - 1;
if (!SkipTopLevelRows(skip_rows)) {
return Status(Substitute("Couldn't skip rows in file $0.", filename()));
DCHECK_EQ(current_row_, range_start - 1);
return Status::OK();
bool BaseScalarColumnReader::SkipTopLevelRows(int64_t num_rows) {
DCHECK_GE(num_buffered_values_, num_rows);
// Fastest path: field is required and not nested.
// So row count equals value count, and every value is stored in the page data.
if (max_def_level() == 0 && max_rep_level() == 0) {
current_row_ += num_rows;
num_buffered_values_ -= num_rows;
return SkipEncodedValuesInPage(num_rows);
int64_t num_values_to_skip = 0;
if (max_rep_level() == 0) {
// No nesting, but field is not required.
// Skip as many values in the page data as many non-NULL values encountered.
int i = 0;
while (i < num_rows) {
int repeated_run_length = def_levels_.NextRepeatedRunLength();
if (repeated_run_length > 0) {
int read_count = min<int64_t>(num_rows - i, repeated_run_length);
int16_t def_level = def_levels_.GetRepeatedValue(read_count);
if (def_level >= max_def_level_) num_values_to_skip += read_count;
i += read_count;
num_buffered_values_ -= read_count;
} else if (def_levels_.CacheHasNext()) {
int read_count = min<int64_t>(num_rows - i, def_levels_.CacheRemaining());
for (int j = 0; j < read_count; ++j) {
if (def_levels_.CacheGetNext() >= max_def_level_) ++num_values_to_skip;
i += read_count;
num_buffered_values_ -= read_count;
} else {
if (!def_levels_.CacheNextBatch(num_buffered_values_).ok()) return false;
current_row_ += num_rows;
} else {
// 'rep_level_' being zero denotes the start of a new top-level row.
// From the 'def_level_' we can determine the number of non-NULL values.
while (!(num_rows == 0 && rep_levels_.PeekLevel() == 0)) {
def_level_ = def_levels_.ReadLevel();
rep_level_ = rep_levels_.ReadLevel();
if (def_level_ >= max_def_level()) ++num_values_to_skip;
if (rep_level_ == 0) {
return SkipEncodedValuesInPage(num_values_to_skip);
int BaseScalarColumnReader::FillPositionsInCandidateRange(int rows_remaining,
int max_values, uint8_t* RESTRICT tuple_mem, int tuple_size) {
DCHECK_GT(max_rep_level_, 0);
DCHECK_EQ(rows_remaining, RowsRemainingInCandidateRange());
int row_count = 0;
int val_count = 0;
int64_t *pos_slot = nullptr;
if (pos_slot_desc_ != nullptr) {
const int pos_slot_offset = pos_slot_desc()->tuple_offset();
pos_slot = reinterpret_cast<Tuple*>(tuple_mem)->GetBigIntSlot(pos_slot_offset);
StrideWriter<int64_t> pos_writer{pos_slot, tuple_size};
while (rep_levels_.CacheRemaining() && row_count <= rows_remaining &&
val_count < max_values) {
if (row_count == rows_remaining && rep_levels_.CachePeekNext() == 0) break;
int rep_level = rep_levels_.CacheGetNext();
if (rep_level == 0) ++row_count;
if (pos_slot_desc_ != nullptr) {
if (rep_level <= max_rep_level() - 1) pos_current_value_ = 0;
*pos_writer.Advance() = pos_current_value_++;
current_row_ += row_count;
return val_count;
void BaseScalarColumnReader::AdvanceCandidateRange() {
auto& candidate_ranges = parent_->candidate_ranges_;
DCHECK_LT(current_row_range_, candidate_ranges.size());
DCHECK_EQ(current_row_, candidate_ranges[current_row_range_].last);
DCHECK_LE(current_row_, candidate_ranges[current_row_range_].last);
bool BaseScalarColumnReader::PageHasRemainingCandidateRows() const {
DCHECK_LT(current_row_range_, parent_->candidate_ranges_.size());
auto current_range = parent_->candidate_ranges_[current_row_range_];
if (candidate_page_idx_ != candidate_data_pages_.size() - 1) {
auto& next_page_loc =
// If the next page contains rows with index higher than the start of the
// current candidate range, it means we still have interesting rows in the
// current page.
return next_page_loc.first_row_index > current_range.first;
if (candidate_page_idx_ == candidate_data_pages_.size() - 1) {
// We are in the last page, we need to skip rows if the current top level row
// precedes the next candidate range.
return current_row_ < current_range.first;
return false;
bool BaseScalarColumnReader::SkipRowsInPage() {
auto current_range = parent_->candidate_ranges_[current_row_range_];
DCHECK_LT(current_row_, current_range.first);
int64_t skip_rows = current_range.first - current_row_ - 1;
DCHECK_GE(skip_rows, 0);
return SkipTopLevelRows(skip_rows);
bool BaseScalarColumnReader::JumpToNextPage() {
num_buffered_values_ = 0;
return NextPage();
Status BaseScalarColumnReader::GetUnsupportedDecodingError() {
return Status(Substitute(
"File '$0' is corrupt: unexpected encoding: $1 for data page of column '$2'.",
filename(), PrintThriftEnum(page_encoding_), schema_element().name));
Status BaseScalarColumnReader::LogCorruptNumValuesInMetadataError() {
metadata_->num_values, num_values_read_, node_.element->name, filename());
return parent_->state_->LogOrReturnError(msg);
Status BaseScalarColumnReader::HandleTooEarlyEos() {
// The data pages contain fewer values than stated in the column metadata.
DCHECK_LT(num_values_read_, metadata_->num_values);
return LogCorruptNumValuesInMetadataError();
bool BaseScalarColumnReader::NextPage() {
parent_->parse_status_ = ReadDataPage();
if (UNLIKELY(!parent_->parse_status_.ok())) return false;
if (num_buffered_values_ == 0) {
rep_level_ = ParquetLevel::ROW_GROUP_END;
def_level_ = ParquetLevel::ROW_GROUP_END;
pos_current_value_ = ParquetLevel::INVALID_POS;
return false;
return true;
void BaseScalarColumnReader::SetLevelDecodeError(
const char* level_name, int decoded_level, int max_level) {
if (decoded_level < 0) {
DCHECK_EQ(decoded_level, ParquetLevel::INVALID_LEVEL);
Status(Substitute("Corrupt Parquet file '$0': "
"could not read all $1 levels for column '$2'",
filename(), level_name, schema_element().name)));
} else {
parent_->parse_status_.MergeStatus(Status(Substitute("Corrupt Parquet file '$0': "
"invalid $1 level $2 > max $1 level $3 for column '$4'", filename(),
level_name, decoded_level, max_level, schema_element().name)));
/// Returns a column reader for decimal types based on its size and parquet type.
static ParquetColumnReader* CreateDecimalColumnReader(
const SchemaNode& node, const SlotDescriptor* slot_desc, HdfsParquetScanner* parent) {
switch (node.element->type) {
case parquet::Type::FIXED_LEN_BYTE_ARRAY:
switch (slot_desc->type().GetByteSize()) {
case 4:
return new ScalarColumnReader<Decimal4Value, parquet::Type::FIXED_LEN_BYTE_ARRAY,
true>(parent, node, slot_desc);
case 8:
return new ScalarColumnReader<Decimal8Value, parquet::Type::FIXED_LEN_BYTE_ARRAY,
true>(parent, node, slot_desc);
case 16:
return new ScalarColumnReader<Decimal16Value, parquet::Type::FIXED_LEN_BYTE_ARRAY,
true>(parent, node, slot_desc);
case parquet::Type::BYTE_ARRAY:
switch (slot_desc->type().GetByteSize()) {
case 4:
return new ScalarColumnReader<Decimal4Value, parquet::Type::BYTE_ARRAY, true>(
parent, node, slot_desc);
case 8:
return new ScalarColumnReader<Decimal8Value, parquet::Type::BYTE_ARRAY, true>(
parent, node, slot_desc);
case 16:
return new ScalarColumnReader<Decimal16Value, parquet::Type::BYTE_ARRAY, true>(
parent, node, slot_desc);
case parquet::Type::INT32:
DCHECK_EQ(sizeof(Decimal4Value::StorageType), slot_desc->type().GetByteSize());
return new ScalarColumnReader<Decimal4Value, parquet::Type::INT32, true>(
parent, node, slot_desc);
case parquet::Type::INT64:
DCHECK_EQ(sizeof(Decimal8Value::StorageType), slot_desc->type().GetByteSize());
return new ScalarColumnReader<Decimal8Value, parquet::Type::INT64, true>(
parent, node, slot_desc);
DCHECK(false) << "Invalid decimal primitive type";
DCHECK(false) << "Invalid decimal type";
return nullptr;
ParquetColumnReader* ParquetColumnReader::Create(const SchemaNode& node,
bool is_collection_field, const SlotDescriptor* slot_desc,
HdfsParquetScanner* parent) {
if (is_collection_field) {
// Create collection reader (note this handles both NULL and non-NULL 'slot_desc')
return new CollectionColumnReader(parent, node, slot_desc);
} else if (slot_desc != nullptr) {
// Create the appropriate ScalarColumnReader type to read values into 'slot_desc'
switch (slot_desc->type().type) {
return new ScalarColumnReader<bool, parquet::Type::BOOLEAN, true>(
parent, node, slot_desc);
return new ScalarColumnReader<int8_t, parquet::Type::INT32, true>(
parent, node, slot_desc);
return new ScalarColumnReader<int16_t, parquet::Type::INT32, true>(parent, node,
case TYPE_INT:
return new ScalarColumnReader<int32_t, parquet::Type::INT32, true>(parent, node,
switch (node.element->type) {
case parquet::Type::INT32:
return new ScalarColumnReader<int64_t, parquet::Type::INT32, true>(parent,
node, slot_desc);
return new ScalarColumnReader<int64_t, parquet::Type::INT64, true>(parent,
node, slot_desc);
return new ScalarColumnReader<float, parquet::Type::FLOAT, true>(parent, node,
switch (node.element->type) {
case parquet::Type::INT32:
return new ScalarColumnReader<double , parquet::Type::INT32, true>(parent,
node, slot_desc);
case parquet::Type::FLOAT:
return new ScalarColumnReader<double, parquet::Type::FLOAT, true>(parent,
node, slot_desc);
return new ScalarColumnReader<double, parquet::Type::DOUBLE, true>(parent,
node, slot_desc);
return CreateTimestampColumnReader(node, slot_desc, parent);
return new ScalarColumnReader<DateValue, parquet::Type::INT32, true>(parent, node,
return new ScalarColumnReader<StringValue, parquet::Type::BYTE_ARRAY, true>(
parent, node, slot_desc);
return CreateDecimalColumnReader(node, slot_desc, parent);
DCHECK(false) << slot_desc->type().DebugString();
return nullptr;
} else {
// Special case for counting scalar values (e.g. count(*), no materialized columns in
// the file, only materializing a position slot). We won't actually read any values,
// only the rep and def levels, so it doesn't matter what kind of reader we make.
return new ScalarColumnReader<int8_t, parquet::Type::INT32, false>(parent, node,
ParquetColumnReader* ParquetColumnReader::CreateTimestampColumnReader(
const SchemaNode& node, const SlotDescriptor* slot_desc,
HdfsParquetScanner* parent) {
if (node.element->type == parquet::Type::INT96) {
return new ScalarColumnReader<TimestampValue, parquet::Type::INT96, true>(
parent, node, slot_desc);
else if (node.element->type == parquet::Type::INT64) {
return new ScalarColumnReader<TimestampValue, parquet::Type::INT64, true>(
parent, node, slot_desc);
DCHECK(false) << slot_desc->type().DebugString();
return nullptr;