blob: 87d37c2ec82503ae7d848fa678d87dc7b467e42f [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
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#include <string>
#include "exec/exec-node.h"
#include "exec/filter-context.h"
#include "util/runtime-profile.h"
#include "gen-cpp/ImpalaInternalService_types.h"
namespace impala {
class TScanRange;
/// Abstract base class of all scan nodes; introduces SetScanRange().
/// Includes ScanNode common counters:
/// BytesRead - total bytes read by this scan node. Provided as a counter as well
/// as a time series that samples the counter.
/// TotalRawReadTime - it measures the total time spent in underlying reads.
/// For HDFS files, this is the time in the disk-io-mgr's reading threads for
/// this node. For example, if we have 3 reading threads and each spent
/// 1 sec, this counter will report 3 sec.
/// For HBase, this is the time spent in the region server.
/// TotalReadThroughput - BytesRead divided by the total time spent in this node
/// (from Open to Close). For IO bounded queries, this should be very close to the
/// total throughput of all the disks.
/// PerDiskRawHdfsThroughput - the read throughput for each disk. If all the data reside
/// on disk, this should be the read throughput the disk, regardless of whether the
/// query is IO bounded or not.
/// NumDisksAccessed - number of disks accessed.
/// AverageScannerThreadConcurrency - the average number of active scanner threads. A
/// scanner thread is considered active if it is not blocked by IO. This number would
/// be low (less than 1) for IO-bound queries. For cpu-bound queries, this number
/// would be close to the max scanner threads allowed.
/// AverageHdfsReadThreadConcurrency - the average number of active hdfs reading threads
/// reading for this scan node. For IO bound queries, this should be close to the
/// number of disk.
/// Hdfs Read Thread Concurrency Bucket - the bucket counting (%) of hdfs read thread
/// concurrency.
/// NumScannerThreadsStarted - the number of scanner threads started for the duration
/// of the ScanNode. This is at most the number of scan ranges but should be much
/// less since a single scanner thread will likely process multiple scan ranges.
/// ScanRangesComplete - number of scan ranges completed
/// MaterializeTupleTime - time spent in creating in-memory tuple format
/// ScannerThreadsTotalWallClockTime - total time spent in all scanner threads.
/// ScannerThreadsUserTime, ScannerThreadsSysTime,
/// ScannerThreadsVoluntaryContextSwitches, ScannerThreadsInvoluntaryContextSwitches -
/// these are aggregated counters across all scanner threads of this scan node. They
/// are taken from getrusage. See RuntimeProfile::ThreadCounters for details.
class ScanNode : public ExecNode {
ScanNode(ObjectPool* pool, const TPlanNode& tnode, const DescriptorTbl& descs)
: ExecNode(pool, tnode, descs),
active_scanner_thread_counter_(TUnit::UNIT, 0) {}
virtual Status Init(const TPlanNode& tnode, RuntimeState* state) WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
virtual Status Prepare(RuntimeState* state) WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
virtual Status Open(RuntimeState* state) WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
/// Stops all periodic counters and calls ExecNode::Close(). Subclasses of ScanNode can
/// start periodic counters and rely on this function stopping them.
virtual void Close(RuntimeState* state);
/// This should be called before Prepare(), and the argument must be not destroyed until
/// after Prepare().
void SetScanRanges(const std::vector<TScanRangeParams>& scan_range_params) {
scan_range_params_ = &scan_range_params;
virtual bool IsScanNode() const { return true; }
RuntimeState* runtime_state() const { return runtime_state_; }
RuntimeProfile::Counter* bytes_read_counter() const { return bytes_read_counter_; }
RuntimeProfile::Counter* rows_read_counter() const { return rows_read_counter_; }
RuntimeProfile::Counter* collection_items_read_counter() const {
return collection_items_read_counter_;
RuntimeProfile::Counter* read_timer() const { return read_timer_; }
RuntimeProfile::Counter* open_file_timer() const { return open_file_timer_; }
RuntimeProfile::Counter* total_throughput_counter() const {
return total_throughput_counter_;
RuntimeProfile::Counter* per_read_thread_throughput_counter() const {
return per_read_thread_throughput_counter_;
RuntimeProfile::Counter* materialize_tuple_timer() const {
return materialize_tuple_timer_;
RuntimeProfile::Counter* scan_ranges_complete_counter() const {
return scan_ranges_complete_counter_;
RuntimeProfile::ThreadCounters* scanner_thread_counters() const {
return scanner_thread_counters_;
RuntimeProfile::Counter& active_scanner_thread_counter() {
return active_scanner_thread_counter_;
RuntimeProfile::Counter* average_scanner_thread_concurrency() const {
return average_scanner_thread_concurrency_;
/// names of ScanNode common counters
static const std::string BYTES_READ_COUNTER;
static const std::string ROWS_READ_COUNTER;
static const std::string COLLECTION_ITEMS_READ_COUNTER;
static const std::string TOTAL_HDFS_READ_TIMER;
static const std::string TOTAL_HDFS_OPEN_FILE_TIMER;
static const std::string TOTAL_HBASE_READ_TIMER;
static const std::string TOTAL_THROUGHPUT_COUNTER;
static const std::string PER_READ_THREAD_THROUGHPUT_COUNTER;
static const std::string NUM_DISKS_ACCESSED_COUNTER;
static const std::string MATERIALIZE_TUPLE_TIMER;
static const std::string SCAN_RANGES_COMPLETE_COUNTER;
static const std::string SCANNER_THREAD_COUNTERS_PREFIX;
static const std::string NUM_SCANNER_THREADS_STARTED;
const std::vector<ScalarExpr*>& filter_exprs() const { return filter_exprs_; }
const std::vector<FilterContext>& filter_ctxs() const { return filter_ctxs_; }
RuntimeState* runtime_state_ = nullptr;
/// The scan ranges this scan node is responsible for. Not owned.
const std::vector<TScanRangeParams>* scan_range_params_;
RuntimeProfile::Counter* bytes_read_counter_; // # bytes read from the scanner
/// Time series of the bytes_read_counter_
RuntimeProfile::TimeSeriesCounter* bytes_read_timeseries_counter_;
/// # top-level rows/tuples read from the scanner
/// (including those discarded by EvalConjucts())
RuntimeProfile::Counter* rows_read_counter_;
/// # items the scanner read into CollectionValues. For example, for schema
/// array<struct<B: INT, array<C: INT>> and tuple
/// [(2, [(3)]), (4, [])] this counter will be 3: (2, [(3)]), (3) and (4, [])
RuntimeProfile::Counter* collection_items_read_counter_;
RuntimeProfile::Counter* read_timer_; // total read time
RuntimeProfile::Counter* open_file_timer_; // total time spent opening file handles
/// Wall based aggregate read throughput [bytes/sec]
RuntimeProfile::Counter* total_throughput_counter_;
/// Per thread read throughput [bytes/sec]
RuntimeProfile::Counter* per_read_thread_throughput_counter_;
RuntimeProfile::Counter* num_disks_accessed_counter_;
RuntimeProfile::Counter* materialize_tuple_timer_; // time writing tuple slots
RuntimeProfile::Counter* scan_ranges_complete_counter_;
/// Aggregated scanner thread counters
RuntimeProfile::ThreadCounters* scanner_thread_counters_;
/// The number of scanner threads currently running.
RuntimeProfile::Counter active_scanner_thread_counter_;
/// Average number of active scanner threads
/// This should be created in Open and stopped when all the scanner threads are done.
RuntimeProfile::Counter* average_scanner_thread_concurrency_;
/// Cumulative number of scanner threads created during the scan. Some may be created
/// and then destroyed, so this can exceed the peak number of threads.
RuntimeProfile::Counter* num_scanner_threads_started_counter_;
/// Expressions to evaluate the input rows for filtering against runtime filters.
std::vector<ScalarExpr*> filter_exprs_;
/// List of contexts for expected runtime filters for this scan node. These contexts are
/// cloned by individual scanners to be used in multi-threaded contexts, passed through
/// the per-scanner ScannerContext. Correspond to exprs in 'filter_exprs_'.
std::vector<FilterContext> filter_ctxs_;
/// Waits for runtime filters to arrive, checking every 20ms. Max wait time is specified
/// by the 'runtime_filter_wait_time_ms' flag, which is overridden by the query option
/// of the same name. Returns true if all filters arrived within the time limit (as
/// measured from the time of RuntimeFilterBank::RegisterFilter()), false otherwise.
bool WaitForRuntimeFilters();