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// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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#include "exec/data-sink.h"
#include "util/condition-variable.h"
namespace impala {
class TupleRow;
class RowBatch;
class QueryResultSet;
class ScalarExprEvaluator;
/// Sink which manages the handoff between a 'sender' (a fragment instance) that produces
/// batches by calling Send(), and a 'consumer' (e.g. the coordinator) which consumes rows
/// formed by computing a set of output expressions over the input batches, by calling
/// GetNext(). Send() and GetNext() are called concurrently.
/// The consumer calls GetNext() with a QueryResultSet and a requested fetch
/// size. GetNext() shares these fields with Send(), and then signals Send() to begin
/// populating the result set. GetNext() returns when a) the sender has sent all of its
/// rows b) the requested fetch size has been satisfied or c) the sender fragment
/// instance was cancelled.
/// The sender uses Send() to fill in as many rows as are requested from the current
/// batch. When the batch is exhausted - which may take several calls to GetNext() -
/// Send() returns so that the fragment instance can produce another row batch.
/// FlushFinal() should be called by the sender to signal it has finished calling
/// Send() for all rows. Close() should be called by the sender to release resources.
/// When the fragment instance is cancelled, Cancel() is called to unblock both the
/// sender and consumer. Cancel() may be called concurrently with Send(), GetNext() and
/// Close().
/// The sink is thread safe up to a single sender and single consumer.
/// Lifetime: The sink is owned by the QueryState and has the same lifetime as
/// QueryState. The QueryState references from the fragment instance and the Coordinator
/// ensures that this outlives any calls to Send() and GetNext(), respectively.
/// TODO: The consumer drives the sender in lock-step with GetNext() calls, forcing a
/// context-switch on every invocation. Measure the impact of this, and consider moving to
/// a fully asynchronous implementation with a queue to manage buffering between sender
/// and consumer. See IMPALA-4268.
class PlanRootSink : public DataSink {
PlanRootSink(const RowDescriptor* row_desc, RuntimeState* state);
/// Sends a new batch. Ownership of 'batch' remains with the sender. Blocks until the
/// consumer has consumed 'batch' by calling GetNext().
virtual Status Send(RuntimeState* state, RowBatch* batch);
/// Indicates eos and notifies consumer.
virtual Status FlushFinal(RuntimeState* state);
/// To be called by sender only. Release resources and unblocks consumer.
virtual void Close(RuntimeState* state);
/// To be called by the consumer only. 'result_set' with up to 'num_rows' rows
/// produced by the fragment instance that calls Send(). *eos is set to 'true' when
/// there are no more rows to consume. If Cancel() or Close() are called concurrently,
/// GetNext() will return and may not populate 'result_set'. All subsequent calls
/// after Cancel() or Close() are no-ops.
Status GetNext(
RuntimeState* state, QueryResultSet* result_set, int num_rows, bool* eos);
/// Unblocks both the consumer and sender so they can check the cancellation flag in
/// the RuntimeState. The cancellation flag should be set prior to calling this.
void Cancel(RuntimeState* state);
static const std::string NAME;
/// Protects all members, including the condition variables.
boost::mutex lock_;
/// Waited on by the sender only. Signalled when the consumer has written results_ and
/// num_rows_requested_, and so the sender may begin satisfying that request for rows
/// from its current batch. Also signalled when Cancel() is called, to unblock the
/// sender.
ConditionVariable sender_cv_;
/// Waited on by the consumer only. Signalled when the sender has finished serving a
/// request for rows. Also signalled by FlushFinal(), Close() and Cancel() to unblock
/// the consumer.
ConditionVariable consumer_cv_;
/// State of the sender:
/// - ROWS_PENDING: the sender is still producing rows; the only non-terminal state
/// - EOS: the sender has passed all rows to Send()
/// - CLOSED_NOT_EOS: the sender (i.e. sink) was closed before all rows were passed to
/// Send()
enum class SenderState { ROWS_PENDING, EOS, CLOSED_NOT_EOS };
SenderState sender_state_ = SenderState::ROWS_PENDING;
/// The current result set passed to GetNext(), to fill in Send(). Not owned by this
/// sink. Reset to nullptr after Send() completes the request to signal to the consumer
/// that it can return.
QueryResultSet* results_ = nullptr;
/// Set by GetNext() to indicate to Send() how many rows it should write to results_.
int num_rows_requested_ = 0;
/// Writes a single row into 'result' and 'scales' by evaluating
/// output_expr_evals_ over 'row'.
void GetRowValue(TupleRow* row, std::vector<void*>* result, std::vector<int>* scales);