blob: 3a90f14e1975823f26addf8d334adbe6694c8b42 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
#include "exec/partitioned-aggregation-node.h"
#include <math.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <set>
#include <sstream>
#include "codegen/codegen-anyval.h"
#include "codegen/llvm-codegen.h"
#include "exec/hash-table.inline.h"
#include "exprs/agg-fn-evaluator.h"
#include "exprs/anyval-util.h"
#include "exprs/scalar-expr.h"
#include "exprs/scalar-expr-evaluator.h"
#include "exprs/slot-ref.h"
#include "gutil/strings/substitute.h"
#include "runtime/buffered-tuple-stream.inline.h"
#include "runtime/descriptors.h"
#include "runtime/exec-env.h"
#include "runtime/mem-pool.h"
#include "runtime/mem-tracker.h"
#include "runtime/query-state.h"
#include "runtime/raw-value.h"
#include "runtime/row-batch.h"
#include "runtime/runtime-state.h"
#include "runtime/string-value.inline.h"
#include "runtime/tuple-row.h"
#include "runtime/tuple.h"
#include "udf/udf-internal.h"
#include "util/debug-util.h"
#include "util/runtime-profile-counters.h"
#include "gen-cpp/Exprs_types.h"
#include "gen-cpp/PlanNodes_types.h"
#include "common/names.h"
using namespace impala;
using namespace strings;
namespace impala {
const char* PartitionedAggregationNode::LLVM_CLASS_NAME =
/// The minimum reduction factor (input rows divided by output rows) to grow hash tables
/// in a streaming preaggregation, given that the hash tables are currently the given
/// size or above. The sizes roughly correspond to hash table sizes where the bucket
/// arrays will fit in a cache level. Intuitively, we don't want the working set of the
/// aggregation to expand to the next level of cache unless we're reducing the input
/// enough to outweigh the increased memory latency we'll incur for each hash table
/// lookup.
/// Note that the current reduction achieved is not always a good estimate of the
/// final reduction. It may be biased either way depending on the ordering of the
/// input. If the input order is random, we will underestimate the final reduction
/// factor because the probability of a row having the same key as a previous row
/// increases as more input is processed. If the input order is correlated with the
/// key, skew may bias the estimate. If high cardinality keys appear first, we
/// may overestimate and if low cardinality keys appear first, we underestimate.
/// To estimate the eventual reduction achieved, we estimate the final reduction
/// using the planner's estimated input cardinality and the assumption that input
/// is in a random order. This means that we assume that the reduction factor will
/// increase over time.
struct StreamingHtMinReductionEntry {
// Use 'streaming_ht_min_reduction' if the total size of hash table bucket directories in
// bytes is greater than this threshold.
int min_ht_mem;
// The minimum reduction factor to expand the hash tables.
double streaming_ht_min_reduction;
// TODO: experimentally tune these values and also programmatically get the cache size
// of the machine that we're running on.
static const StreamingHtMinReductionEntry STREAMING_HT_MIN_REDUCTION[] = {
// Expand up to L2 cache always.
{0, 0.0},
// Expand into L3 cache if we look like we're getting some reduction.
{256 * 1024, 1.1},
// Expand into main memory if we're getting a significant reduction.
{2 * 1024 * 1024, 2.0},
ObjectPool* pool, const TPlanNode& tnode, const DescriptorTbl& descs)
: ExecNode(pool, tnode, descs),
intermediate_row_desc_(intermediate_tuple_desc_, false),
partition_pool_(new ObjectPool()) {
if (is_streaming_preagg_) {
DCHECK(conjunct_evals_.empty()) << "Preaggs have no conjuncts";
DCHECK(!tnode.agg_node.grouping_exprs.empty()) << "Streaming preaggs do grouping";
DCHECK(limit_ == -1) << "Preaggs have no limits";
Status PartitionedAggregationNode::Init(const TPlanNode& tnode, RuntimeState* state) {
RETURN_IF_ERROR(ExecNode::Init(tnode, state));
DCHECK(intermediate_tuple_desc_ != nullptr);
DCHECK(output_tuple_desc_ != nullptr);
DCHECK_EQ(intermediate_tuple_desc_->slots().size(), output_tuple_desc_->slots().size());
const RowDescriptor& row_desc = *child(0)->row_desc();
RETURN_IF_ERROR(ScalarExpr::Create(tnode.agg_node.grouping_exprs, row_desc,
state, &grouping_exprs_));
// Construct build exprs from intermediate_row_desc_
for (int i = 0; i < grouping_exprs_.size(); ++i) {
SlotDescriptor* desc = intermediate_tuple_desc_->slots()[i];
DCHECK(desc->type().type == TYPE_NULL || desc->type() == grouping_exprs_[i]->type());
// Hack to avoid TYPE_NULL SlotRefs.
SlotRef* build_expr = pool_->Add(desc->type().type != TYPE_NULL ?
new SlotRef(desc) : new SlotRef(desc, TYPE_BOOLEAN));
RETURN_IF_ERROR(build_expr->Init(intermediate_row_desc_, state));
if (build_expr->type().IsVarLenStringType()) string_grouping_exprs_.push_back(i);
int j = grouping_exprs_.size();
for (int i = 0; i < tnode.agg_node.aggregate_functions.size(); ++i, ++j) {
SlotDescriptor* intermediate_slot_desc = intermediate_tuple_desc_->slots()[j];
SlotDescriptor* output_slot_desc = output_tuple_desc_->slots()[j];
AggFn* agg_fn;
RETURN_IF_ERROR(AggFn::Create(tnode.agg_node.aggregate_functions[i], row_desc,
*intermediate_slot_desc, *output_slot_desc, state, &agg_fn));
needs_serialize_ |= agg_fn->SupportsSerialize();
return Status::OK();
Status PartitionedAggregationNode::Prepare(RuntimeState* state) {
state_ = state;
singleton_tuple_pool_.reset(new MemPool(mem_tracker()));
ht_resize_timer_ = ADD_TIMER(runtime_profile(), "HTResizeTime");
get_results_timer_ = ADD_TIMER(runtime_profile(), "GetResultsTime");
num_hash_buckets_ =
ADD_COUNTER(runtime_profile(), "HashBuckets", TUnit::UNIT);
partitions_created_ =
ADD_COUNTER(runtime_profile(), "PartitionsCreated", TUnit::UNIT);
largest_partition_percent_ =
runtime_profile()->AddHighWaterMarkCounter("LargestPartitionPercent", TUnit::UNIT);
if (is_streaming_preagg_) {
runtime_profile()->AppendExecOption("Streaming Preaggregation");
streaming_timer_ = ADD_TIMER(runtime_profile(), "StreamingTime");
num_passthrough_rows_ =
ADD_COUNTER(runtime_profile(), "RowsPassedThrough", TUnit::UNIT);
preagg_estimated_reduction_ = ADD_COUNTER(
runtime_profile(), "ReductionFactorEstimate", TUnit::DOUBLE_VALUE);
preagg_streaming_ht_min_reduction_ = ADD_COUNTER(
runtime_profile(), "ReductionFactorThresholdToExpand", TUnit::DOUBLE_VALUE);
} else {
build_timer_ = ADD_TIMER(runtime_profile(), "BuildTime");
num_row_repartitioned_ =
ADD_COUNTER(runtime_profile(), "RowsRepartitioned", TUnit::UNIT);
num_repartitions_ =
ADD_COUNTER(runtime_profile(), "NumRepartitions", TUnit::UNIT);
num_spilled_partitions_ =
ADD_COUNTER(runtime_profile(), "SpilledPartitions", TUnit::UNIT);
max_partition_level_ = runtime_profile()->AddHighWaterMarkCounter(
"MaxPartitionLevel", TUnit::UNIT);
RETURN_IF_ERROR(AggFnEvaluator::Create(agg_fns_, state, pool_, expr_perm_pool(),
expr_results_pool(), &agg_fn_evals_));
if (!grouping_exprs_.empty()) {
RETURN_IF_ERROR(HashTableCtx::Create(pool_, state, build_exprs_,
grouping_exprs_, true, vector<bool>(build_exprs_.size(), true),
state->fragment_hash_seed(), MAX_PARTITION_DEPTH, 1, expr_perm_pool(),
expr_results_pool(), expr_results_pool(), &ht_ctx_));
return Status::OK();
void PartitionedAggregationNode::Codegen(RuntimeState* state) {
if (IsNodeCodegenDisabled()) return;
LlvmCodeGen* codegen = state->codegen();
DCHECK(codegen != NULL);
TPrefetchMode::type prefetch_mode = state_->query_options().prefetch_mode;
Status codegen_status = is_streaming_preagg_ ?
CodegenProcessBatchStreaming(codegen, prefetch_mode) :
CodegenProcessBatch(codegen, prefetch_mode);
runtime_profile()->AddCodegenMsg(codegen_status.ok(), codegen_status);
Status PartitionedAggregationNode::Open(RuntimeState* state) {
// Open the child before consuming resources in this node.
// Claim reservation after the child has been opened to reduce the peak reservation
// requirement.
if (!buffer_pool_client_.is_registered() && !grouping_exprs_.empty()) {
DCHECK_GE(resource_profile_.min_reservation, MinReservation());
if (ht_ctx_.get() != nullptr) RETURN_IF_ERROR(ht_ctx_->Open(state));
RETURN_IF_ERROR(AggFnEvaluator::Open(agg_fn_evals_, state));
if (grouping_exprs_.empty()) {
// Create the single output tuple for this non-grouping agg. This must happen after
// opening the aggregate evaluators.
singleton_output_tuple_ =
ConstructSingletonOutputTuple(agg_fn_evals_, singleton_tuple_pool_.get());
// Check for failures during AggFnEvaluator::Init().
singleton_output_tuple_returned_ = false;
} else {
if (ht_allocator_ == nullptr) {
// Allocate 'serialize_stream_' and 'ht_allocator_' on the first Open() call.
ht_allocator_.reset(new Suballocator(state_->exec_env()->buffer_pool(),
&buffer_pool_client_, resource_profile_.spillable_buffer_size));
if (!is_streaming_preagg_ && needs_serialize_) {
serialize_stream_.reset(new BufferedTupleStream(state, &intermediate_row_desc_,
&buffer_pool_client_, resource_profile_.spillable_buffer_size,
RETURN_IF_ERROR(serialize_stream_->Init(id(), false));
bool got_buffer;
// Reserve the memory for 'serialize_stream_' so we don't need to scrounge up
// another buffer during spilling.
<< "Accounted in min reservation" << buffer_pool_client_.DebugString();
// Streaming preaggregations do all processing in GetNext().
if (is_streaming_preagg_) return Status::OK();
RowBatch batch(child(0)->row_desc(), state->batch_size(), mem_tracker());
// Read all the rows from the child and process them.
bool eos = false;
do {
RETURN_IF_ERROR(children_[0]->GetNext(state, &batch, &eos));
for (int i = 0; i < batch.num_rows(); ++i) {
TupleRow* row = batch.GetRow(i);
VLOG_ROW << "input row: " << PrintRow(row, *children_[0]->row_desc());
TPrefetchMode::type prefetch_mode = state->query_options().prefetch_mode;
if (grouping_exprs_.empty()) {
if (process_batch_no_grouping_fn_ != NULL) {
RETURN_IF_ERROR(process_batch_no_grouping_fn_(this, &batch));
} else {
} else {
// There is grouping, so we will do partitioned aggregation.
if (process_batch_fn_ != NULL) {
RETURN_IF_ERROR(process_batch_fn_(this, &batch, prefetch_mode, ht_ctx_.get()));
} else {
RETURN_IF_ERROR(ProcessBatch<false>(&batch, prefetch_mode, ht_ctx_.get()));
} while (!eos);
// The child can be closed at this point in most cases because we have consumed all of
// the input from the child and transfered ownership of the resources we need. The
// exception is if we are inside a subplan expecting to call Open()/GetNext() on the
// child again,
if (!IsInSubplan()) child(0)->Close(state);
child_eos_ = true;
// Done consuming child(0)'s input. Move all the partitions in hash_partitions_
// to spilled_partitions_ or aggregated_partitions_. We'll finish the processing in
// GetNext().
if (!grouping_exprs_.empty()) {
return Status::OK();
Status PartitionedAggregationNode::GetNext(
RuntimeState* state, RowBatch* row_batch, bool* eos) {
RETURN_IF_ERROR(ExecDebugAction(TExecNodePhase::GETNEXT, state));
if (ReachedLimit()) {
*eos = true;
return Status::OK();
if (grouping_exprs_.empty()) {
// There was no grouping, so evaluate the conjuncts and return the single result row.
// We allow calling GetNext() after eos, so don't return this row again.
if (!singleton_output_tuple_returned_) GetSingletonOutput(row_batch);
singleton_output_tuple_returned_ = true;
*eos = true;
return Status::OK();
if (!child_eos_) {
// For streaming preaggregations, we process rows from the child as we go.
RETURN_IF_ERROR(GetRowsStreaming(state, row_batch));
} else if (!partition_eos_) {
RETURN_IF_ERROR(GetRowsFromPartition(state, row_batch));
*eos = partition_eos_ && child_eos_;
COUNTER_SET(rows_returned_counter_, num_rows_returned_);
return Status::OK();
void PartitionedAggregationNode::GetSingletonOutput(RowBatch* row_batch) {
int row_idx = row_batch->AddRow();
TupleRow* row = row_batch->GetRow(row_idx);
// The output row batch may reference memory allocated by Serialize() or Finalize(),
// allocating that memory directly from the row batch's pool means we can safely return
// the batch.
vector<ScopedResultsPool> allocate_from_batch_pool =
ScopedResultsPool::Create(agg_fn_evals_, row_batch->tuple_data_pool());
Tuple* output_tuple = GetOutputTuple(agg_fn_evals_,
singleton_output_tuple_, row_batch->tuple_data_pool());
row->SetTuple(0, output_tuple);
if (ExecNode::EvalConjuncts(, conjunct_evals_.size(), row)) {
COUNTER_SET(rows_returned_counter_, num_rows_returned_);
// Keep the current chunk to amortize the memory allocation over a series
// of Reset()/Open()/GetNext()* calls.
row_batch->tuple_data_pool()->AcquireData(singleton_tuple_pool_.get(), true);
// This node no longer owns the memory for singleton_output_tuple_.
singleton_output_tuple_ = NULL;
Status PartitionedAggregationNode::GetRowsFromPartition(RuntimeState* state,
RowBatch* row_batch) {
if (output_iterator_.AtEnd()) {
// Done with this partition, move onto the next one.
if (output_partition_ != NULL) {
output_partition_ = NULL;
if (aggregated_partitions_.empty() && spilled_partitions_.empty()) {
// No more partitions, all done.
partition_eos_ = true;
return Status::OK();
// Process next partition.
DCHECK(output_partition_ != NULL);
// The output row batch may reference memory allocated by Serialize() or Finalize(),
// allocating that memory directly from the row batch's pool means we can safely return
// the batch.
vector<ScopedResultsPool> allocate_from_batch_pool = ScopedResultsPool::Create(
output_partition_->agg_fn_evals, row_batch->tuple_data_pool());
int count = 0;
const int N = BitUtil::RoundUpToPowerOfTwo(state->batch_size());
// Keeping returning rows from the current partition.
while (!output_iterator_.AtEnd() && !row_batch->AtCapacity()) {
// This loop can go on for a long time if the conjuncts are very selective. Do query
// maintenance every N iterations.
if ((count++ & (N - 1)) == 0) {
int row_idx = row_batch->AddRow();
TupleRow* row = row_batch->GetRow(row_idx);
Tuple* intermediate_tuple = output_iterator_.GetTuple();
Tuple* output_tuple = GetOutputTuple(output_partition_->agg_fn_evals,
intermediate_tuple, row_batch->tuple_data_pool());
row->SetTuple(0, output_tuple);
DCHECK_EQ(conjunct_evals_.size(), conjuncts_.size());
if (ExecNode::EvalConjuncts(, conjuncts_.size(), row)) {
if (ReachedLimit()) break;
COUNTER_SET(rows_returned_counter_, num_rows_returned_);
partition_eos_ = ReachedLimit();
if (output_iterator_.AtEnd()) row_batch->MarkNeedsDeepCopy();
return Status::OK();
Status PartitionedAggregationNode::GetRowsStreaming(RuntimeState* state,
RowBatch* out_batch) {
if (child_batch_ == NULL) {
child_batch_.reset(new RowBatch(child(0)->row_desc(), state->batch_size(),
do {
DCHECK_EQ(out_batch->num_rows(), 0);
RETURN_IF_ERROR(child(0)->GetNext(state, child_batch_.get(), &child_eos_));
int remaining_capacity[PARTITION_FANOUT];
bool ht_needs_expansion = false;
for (int i = 0; i < PARTITION_FANOUT; ++i) {
HashTable* hash_tbl = GetHashTable(i);
remaining_capacity[i] = hash_tbl->NumInsertsBeforeResize();
ht_needs_expansion |= remaining_capacity[i] < child_batch_->num_rows();
// Stop expanding hash tables if we're not reducing the input sufficiently. As our
// hash tables expand out of each level of cache hierarchy, every hash table lookup
// will take longer. We also may not be able to expand hash tables because of memory
// pressure. In this case HashTable::CheckAndResize() will fail. In either case we
// should always use the remaining space in the hash table to avoid wasting memory.
if (ht_needs_expansion && ShouldExpandPreaggHashTables()) {
for (int i = 0; i < PARTITION_FANOUT; ++i) {
HashTable* ht = GetHashTable(i);
if (remaining_capacity[i] < child_batch_->num_rows()) {
bool resized;
ht->CheckAndResize(child_batch_->num_rows(), ht_ctx_.get(), &resized));
if (resized) {
remaining_capacity[i] = ht->NumInsertsBeforeResize();
TPrefetchMode::type prefetch_mode = state->query_options().prefetch_mode;
if (process_batch_streaming_fn_ != NULL) {
RETURN_IF_ERROR(process_batch_streaming_fn_(this, needs_serialize_, prefetch_mode,
child_batch_.get(), out_batch, ht_ctx_.get(), remaining_capacity));
} else {
RETURN_IF_ERROR(ProcessBatchStreaming(needs_serialize_, prefetch_mode,
child_batch_.get(), out_batch, ht_ctx_.get(), remaining_capacity));
child_batch_->Reset(); // All rows from child_batch_ were processed.
} while (out_batch->num_rows() == 0 && !child_eos_);
if (child_eos_) {
num_rows_returned_ += out_batch->num_rows();
COUNTER_SET(num_passthrough_rows_, num_rows_returned_);
return Status::OK();
bool PartitionedAggregationNode::ShouldExpandPreaggHashTables() const {
int64_t ht_mem = 0;
int64_t ht_rows = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < PARTITION_FANOUT; ++i) {
HashTable* ht = hash_partitions_[i]->hash_tbl.get();
ht_mem += ht->CurrentMemSize();
ht_rows += ht->size();
// Need some rows in tables to have valid statistics.
if (ht_rows == 0) return true;
// Find the appropriate reduction factor in our table for the current hash table sizes.
int cache_level = 0;
while (cache_level + 1 < STREAMING_HT_MIN_REDUCTION_SIZE &&
ht_mem >= STREAMING_HT_MIN_REDUCTION[cache_level + 1].min_ht_mem) {
// Compare the number of rows in the hash table with the number of input rows that
// were aggregated into it. Exclude passed through rows from this calculation since
// they were not in hash tables.
const int64_t input_rows = children_[0]->rows_returned();
const int64_t aggregated_input_rows = input_rows - num_rows_returned_;
const int64_t expected_input_rows = estimated_input_cardinality_ - num_rows_returned_;
double current_reduction = static_cast<double>(aggregated_input_rows) / ht_rows;
// TODO: workaround for IMPALA-2490: subplan node rows_returned counter may be
// inaccurate, which could lead to a divide by zero below.
if (aggregated_input_rows <= 0) return true;
// Extrapolate the current reduction factor (r) using the formula
// R = 1 + (N / n) * (r - 1), where R is the reduction factor over the full input data
// set, N is the number of input rows, excluding passed-through rows, and n is the
// number of rows inserted or merged into the hash tables. This is a very rough
// approximation but is good enough to be useful.
// TODO: consider collecting more statistics to better estimate reduction.
double estimated_reduction = aggregated_input_rows >= expected_input_rows
? current_reduction
: 1 + (expected_input_rows / aggregated_input_rows) * (current_reduction - 1);
double min_reduction =
COUNTER_SET(preagg_estimated_reduction_, estimated_reduction);
COUNTER_SET(preagg_streaming_ht_min_reduction_, min_reduction);
return estimated_reduction > min_reduction;
void PartitionedAggregationNode::CleanupHashTbl(
const vector<AggFnEvaluator*>& agg_fn_evals, HashTable::Iterator it) {
if (!needs_finalize_ && !needs_serialize_) return;
// Iterate through the remaining rows in the hash table and call Serialize/Finalize on
// them in order to free any memory allocated by UDAs.
if (needs_finalize_) {
// Finalize() requires a dst tuple but we don't actually need the result,
// so allocate a single dummy tuple to avoid accumulating memory.
Tuple* dummy_dst = NULL;
dummy_dst = Tuple::Create(
output_tuple_desc_->byte_size(), singleton_tuple_pool_.get());
while (!it.AtEnd()) {
Tuple* tuple = it.GetTuple();
AggFnEvaluator::Finalize(agg_fn_evals, tuple, dummy_dst);
// Free any expr result allocations to prevent them accumulating excessively.
} else {
while (!it.AtEnd()) {
Tuple* tuple = it.GetTuple();
AggFnEvaluator::Serialize(agg_fn_evals, tuple);
// Free any expr result allocations to prevent them accumulating excessively.
Status PartitionedAggregationNode::Reset(RuntimeState* state) {
DCHECK(!is_streaming_preagg_) << "Cannot reset preaggregation";
if (!grouping_exprs_.empty()) {
child_eos_ = false;
partition_eos_ = false;
// Reset the HT and the partitions for this grouping agg.
return ExecNode::Reset(state);
void PartitionedAggregationNode::Close(RuntimeState* state) {
if (is_closed()) return;
if (!singleton_output_tuple_returned_) {
GetOutputTuple(agg_fn_evals_, singleton_output_tuple_, singleton_tuple_pool_.get());
// Iterate through the remaining rows in the hash table and call Serialize/Finalize on
// them in order to free any memory allocated by UDAs
if (output_partition_ != NULL) {
CleanupHashTbl(output_partition_->agg_fn_evals, output_iterator_);
// Close all the agg-fn-evaluators
AggFnEvaluator::Close(agg_fn_evals_, state);
if (singleton_tuple_pool_.get() != nullptr) singleton_tuple_pool_->FreeAll();
if (ht_ctx_.get() != nullptr) ht_ctx_->Close(state);
if (serialize_stream_.get() != nullptr) {
serialize_stream_->Close(nullptr, RowBatch::FlushMode::NO_FLUSH_RESOURCES);
PartitionedAggregationNode::Partition::~Partition() {
Status PartitionedAggregationNode::Partition::InitStreams() {
agg_fn_perm_pool.reset(new MemPool(parent->expr_mem_tracker()));
DCHECK_EQ(agg_fn_evals.size(), 0);
AggFnEvaluator::ShallowClone(parent->partition_pool_.get(), agg_fn_perm_pool.get(),
parent->expr_results_pool(), parent->agg_fn_evals_, &agg_fn_evals);
// Varlen aggregate function results are stored outside of aggregated_row_stream because
// BufferedTupleStream doesn't support relocating varlen data stored in the stream.
auto agg_slot = parent->intermediate_tuple_desc_->slots().begin() +
set<SlotId> external_varlen_slots;
for (; agg_slot != parent->intermediate_tuple_desc_->slots().end(); ++agg_slot) {
if ((*agg_slot)->type().IsVarLenStringType()) {
aggregated_row_stream.reset(new BufferedTupleStream(parent->state_,
&parent->intermediate_row_desc_, &parent->buffer_pool_client_,
parent->resource_profile_.max_row_buffer_size, external_varlen_slots));
RETURN_IF_ERROR(aggregated_row_stream->Init(parent->id(), true));
bool got_buffer;
DCHECK(got_buffer) << "Buffer included in reservation " << parent->id_ << "\n"
<< parent->buffer_pool_client_.DebugString() << "\n"
<< parent->DebugString(2);
if (!parent->is_streaming_preagg_) {
unaggregated_row_stream.reset(new BufferedTupleStream(parent->state_,
parent->child(0)->row_desc(), &parent->buffer_pool_client_,
// This stream is only used to spill, no need to ever have this pinned.
RETURN_IF_ERROR(unaggregated_row_stream->Init(parent->id(), false));
// Save memory by waiting until we spill to allocate the write buffer for the
// unaggregated row stream.
return Status::OK();
Status PartitionedAggregationNode::Partition::InitHashTable(bool* got_memory) {
DCHECK(aggregated_row_stream != nullptr);
DCHECK(hash_tbl == nullptr);
// We use the upper PARTITION_FANOUT num bits to pick the partition so only the
// remaining bits can be used for the hash table.
// TODO: we could switch to 64 bit hashes and then we don't need a max size.
// It might be reasonable to limit individual hash table size for other reasons
// though. Always start with small buffers.
hash_tbl.reset(HashTable::Create(parent->ht_allocator_.get(), false, 1, nullptr,
// Please update the error message in CreateHashPartitions() if initial size of
// hash table changes.
return hash_tbl->Init(got_memory);
Status PartitionedAggregationNode::Partition::SerializeStreamForSpilling() {
if (parent->needs_serialize_) {
// We need to do a lot more work in this case. This step effectively does a merge
// aggregation in this node. We need to serialize the intermediates, spill the
// intermediates and then feed them into the aggregate function's merge step.
// This is often used when the intermediate is a string type, meaning the current
// (before serialization) in-memory layout is not the on-disk block layout.
// The disk layout does not support mutable rows. We need to rewrite the stream
// into the on disk format.
// TODO: if it happens to not be a string, we could serialize in place. This is
// a future optimization since it is very unlikely to have a serialize phase
// for those UDAs.
DCHECK(parent->serialize_stream_.get() != NULL);
// Serialize and copy the spilled partition's stream into the new stream.
Status status;
BufferedTupleStream* new_stream = parent->serialize_stream_.get();
HashTable::Iterator it = hash_tbl->Begin(parent->ht_ctx_.get());
while (!it.AtEnd()) {
Tuple* tuple = it.GetTuple();
AggFnEvaluator::Serialize(agg_fn_evals, tuple);
if (UNLIKELY(!new_stream->AddRow(reinterpret_cast<TupleRow*>(&tuple), &status))) {
DCHECK(!status.ok()) << "Stream was unpinned - AddRow() only fails on error";
// Even if we can't add to new_stream, finish up processing this agg stream to make
// clean up easier (someone has to finalize this stream and we don't want to remember
// where we are).
parent->CleanupHashTbl(agg_fn_evals, it);
aggregated_row_stream->Close(NULL, RowBatch::FlushMode::NO_FLUSH_RESOURCES);
return status;
aggregated_row_stream->Close(NULL, RowBatch::FlushMode::NO_FLUSH_RESOURCES);
// Recreate the serialize_stream (and reserve 1 buffer) now in preparation for
// when we need to spill again. We need to have this available before we need
// to spill to make sure it is available. This should be acquirable since we just
// freed at least one buffer from this partition's (old) aggregated_row_stream.
parent->serialize_stream_.reset(new BufferedTupleStream(parent->state_,
&parent->intermediate_row_desc_, &parent->buffer_pool_client_,
status = parent->serialize_stream_->Init(parent->id(), false);
if (status.ok()) {
bool got_buffer;
status = parent->serialize_stream_->PrepareForWrite(&got_buffer);
DCHECK(!status.ok() || got_buffer) << "Accounted in min reservation";
if (!status.ok()) {
return status;
return Status::OK();
Status PartitionedAggregationNode::Partition::Spill(bool more_aggregate_rows) {
// Free the in-memory result data.
AggFnEvaluator::Close(agg_fn_evals, parent->state_);
if (agg_fn_perm_pool.get() != nullptr) {
// Unpin the stream to free memory, but leave a write buffer in place so we can
// continue appending rows to one of the streams in the partition.
if (more_aggregate_rows) {
} else {
bool got_buffer;
<< "Accounted in min reservation" << parent->buffer_pool_client_.DebugString();
COUNTER_ADD(parent->num_spilled_partitions_, 1);
if (parent->num_spilled_partitions_->value() == 1) {
return Status::OK();
void PartitionedAggregationNode::Partition::Close(bool finalize_rows) {
if (is_closed) return;
is_closed = true;
if (aggregated_row_stream.get() != NULL) {
if (finalize_rows && hash_tbl.get() != NULL) {
// We need to walk all the rows and Finalize them here so the UDA gets a chance
// to cleanup. If the hash table is gone (meaning this was spilled), the rows
// should have been finalized/serialized in Spill().
parent->CleanupHashTbl(agg_fn_evals, hash_tbl->Begin(parent->ht_ctx_.get()));
aggregated_row_stream->Close(NULL, RowBatch::FlushMode::NO_FLUSH_RESOURCES);
if (hash_tbl.get() != NULL) hash_tbl->Close();
if (unaggregated_row_stream.get() != NULL) {
unaggregated_row_stream->Close(NULL, RowBatch::FlushMode::NO_FLUSH_RESOURCES);
for (AggFnEvaluator* eval : agg_fn_evals) eval->Close(parent->state_);
if (agg_fn_perm_pool.get() != nullptr) agg_fn_perm_pool->FreeAll();
Tuple* PartitionedAggregationNode::ConstructSingletonOutputTuple(
const vector<AggFnEvaluator*>& agg_fn_evals, MemPool* pool) {
Tuple* output_tuple = Tuple::Create(intermediate_tuple_desc_->byte_size(), pool);
InitAggSlots(agg_fn_evals, output_tuple);
return output_tuple;
Tuple* PartitionedAggregationNode::ConstructIntermediateTuple(
const vector<AggFnEvaluator*>& agg_fn_evals, MemPool* pool,
Status* status) noexcept {
const int fixed_size = intermediate_tuple_desc_->byte_size();
const int varlen_size = GroupingExprsVarlenSize();
const int tuple_data_size = fixed_size + varlen_size;
uint8_t* tuple_data = pool->TryAllocate(tuple_data_size);
if (UNLIKELY(tuple_data == NULL)) {
string details = Substitute("Cannot perform aggregation at node with id $0. Failed "
"to allocate $1 bytes for intermediate tuple.", id_, tuple_data_size);
*status = pool->mem_tracker()->MemLimitExceeded(state_, details, tuple_data_size);
return NULL;
memset(tuple_data, 0, fixed_size);
Tuple* intermediate_tuple = reinterpret_cast<Tuple*>(tuple_data);
uint8_t* varlen_data = tuple_data + fixed_size;
CopyGroupingValues(intermediate_tuple, varlen_data, varlen_size);
InitAggSlots(agg_fn_evals, intermediate_tuple);
return intermediate_tuple;
Tuple* PartitionedAggregationNode::ConstructIntermediateTuple(
const vector<AggFnEvaluator*>& agg_fn_evals, BufferedTupleStream* stream,
Status* status) noexcept {
DCHECK(stream != NULL && status != NULL);
// Allocate space for the entire tuple in the stream.
const int fixed_size = intermediate_tuple_desc_->byte_size();
const int varlen_size = GroupingExprsVarlenSize();
const int tuple_size = fixed_size + varlen_size;
uint8_t* tuple_data = stream->AddRowCustomBegin(tuple_size, status);
if (UNLIKELY(tuple_data == nullptr)) {
// If we failed to allocate and did not hit an error (indicated by a non-ok status),
// the caller of this function can try to free some space, e.g. through spilling, and
// re-attempt to allocate space for this row.
return nullptr;
Tuple* tuple = reinterpret_cast<Tuple*>(tuple_data);
uint8_t* varlen_buffer = tuple_data + fixed_size;
CopyGroupingValues(tuple, varlen_buffer, varlen_size);
InitAggSlots(agg_fn_evals, tuple);
return tuple;
int PartitionedAggregationNode::GroupingExprsVarlenSize() {
int varlen_size = 0;
// TODO: The hash table could compute this as it hashes.
for (int expr_idx: string_grouping_exprs_) {
StringValue* sv = reinterpret_cast<StringValue*>(ht_ctx_->ExprValue(expr_idx));
// Avoid branching by multiplying length by null bit.
varlen_size += sv->len * !ht_ctx_->ExprValueNull(expr_idx);
return varlen_size;
// TODO: codegen this function.
void PartitionedAggregationNode::CopyGroupingValues(Tuple* intermediate_tuple,
uint8_t* buffer, int varlen_size) {
// Copy over all grouping slots (the variable length data is copied below).
for (int i = 0; i < grouping_exprs_.size(); ++i) {
SlotDescriptor* slot_desc = intermediate_tuple_desc_->slots()[i];
if (ht_ctx_->ExprValueNull(i)) {
} else {
void* src = ht_ctx_->ExprValue(i);
void* dst = intermediate_tuple->GetSlot(slot_desc->tuple_offset());
memcpy(dst, src, slot_desc->slot_size());
for (int expr_idx: string_grouping_exprs_) {
if (ht_ctx_->ExprValueNull(expr_idx)) continue;
SlotDescriptor* slot_desc = intermediate_tuple_desc_->slots()[expr_idx];
// ptr and len were already copied to the fixed-len part of string value
StringValue* sv = reinterpret_cast<StringValue*>(
memcpy(buffer, sv->ptr, sv->len);
sv->ptr = reinterpret_cast<char*>(buffer);
buffer += sv->len;
// TODO: codegen this function.
void PartitionedAggregationNode::InitAggSlots(
const vector<AggFnEvaluator*>& agg_fn_evals, Tuple* intermediate_tuple) {
vector<SlotDescriptor*>::const_iterator slot_desc =
intermediate_tuple_desc_->slots().begin() + grouping_exprs_.size();
for (int i = 0; i < agg_fn_evals.size(); ++i, ++slot_desc) {
// To minimize branching on the UpdateTuple path, initialize the result value so that
// the Add() UDA function can ignore the NULL bit of its destination value. E.g. for
// SUM(), if we initialize the destination value to 0 (with the NULL bit set), we can
// just start adding to the destination value (rather than repeatedly checking the
// destination NULL bit. The codegen'd version of UpdateSlot() exploits this to
// eliminate a branch per value.
// For boolean and numeric types, the default values are false/0, so the nullable
// aggregate functions SUM() and AVG() produce the correct result. For MIN()/MAX(),
// initialize the value to max/min possible value for the same effect.
AggFnEvaluator* eval = agg_fn_evals[i];
DCHECK(agg_fns_[i] == &(eval->agg_fn()));
const AggFn* agg_fn = agg_fns_[i];
const AggFn::AggregationOp agg_op = agg_fn->agg_op();
if ((agg_op == AggFn::MIN || agg_op == AggFn::MAX) &&
!agg_fn->intermediate_type().IsStringType() &&
!agg_fn->intermediate_type().IsTimestampType()) {
ExprValue default_value;
void* default_value_ptr = NULL;
if (agg_op == AggFn::MIN) {
default_value_ptr = default_value.SetToMax((*slot_desc)->type());
} else {
DCHECK_EQ(agg_op, AggFn::MAX);
default_value_ptr = default_value.SetToMin((*slot_desc)->type());
RawValue::Write(default_value_ptr, intermediate_tuple, *slot_desc, NULL);
void PartitionedAggregationNode::UpdateTuple(AggFnEvaluator** agg_fn_evals,
Tuple* tuple, TupleRow* row, bool is_merge) noexcept {
DCHECK(tuple != NULL || agg_fns_.empty());
for (int i = 0; i < agg_fns_.size(); ++i) {
if (is_merge) {
agg_fn_evals[i]->Merge(row->GetTuple(0), tuple);
} else {
agg_fn_evals[i]->Add(row, tuple);
Tuple* PartitionedAggregationNode::GetOutputTuple(
const vector<AggFnEvaluator*>& agg_fn_evals, Tuple* tuple, MemPool* pool) {
DCHECK(tuple != NULL || agg_fn_evals.empty()) << tuple;
Tuple* dst = tuple;
if (needs_finalize_ && intermediate_tuple_id_ != output_tuple_id_) {
dst = Tuple::Create(output_tuple_desc_->byte_size(), pool);
if (needs_finalize_) {
AggFnEvaluator::Finalize(agg_fn_evals, tuple, dst);
} else {
AggFnEvaluator::Serialize(agg_fn_evals, tuple);
// Copy grouping values from tuple to dst.
// TODO: Codegen this.
if (dst != tuple) {
int num_grouping_slots = grouping_exprs_.size();
for (int i = 0; i < num_grouping_slots; ++i) {
SlotDescriptor* src_slot_desc = intermediate_tuple_desc_->slots()[i];
SlotDescriptor* dst_slot_desc = output_tuple_desc_->slots()[i];
bool src_slot_null = tuple->IsNull(src_slot_desc->null_indicator_offset());
void* src_slot = NULL;
if (!src_slot_null) src_slot = tuple->GetSlot(src_slot_desc->tuple_offset());
RawValue::Write(src_slot, dst, dst_slot_desc, NULL);
return dst;
template <bool AGGREGATED_ROWS>
Status PartitionedAggregationNode::AppendSpilledRow(
Partition* __restrict__ partition, TupleRow* __restrict__ row) {
BufferedTupleStream* stream = AGGREGATED_ROWS ?
partition->aggregated_row_stream.get() :
Status status;
if (LIKELY(stream->AddRow(row, &status))) return Status::OK();
// Keep trying to free memory by spilling until we succeed or hit an error.
// Running out of partitions to spill is treated as an error by SpillPartition().
while (true) {
if (stream->AddRow(row, &status)) return Status::OK();
string PartitionedAggregationNode::DebugString(int indentation_level) const {
stringstream ss;
DebugString(indentation_level, &ss);
return ss.str();
void PartitionedAggregationNode::DebugString(
int indentation_level, stringstream* out) const {
*out << string(indentation_level * 2, ' ');
*out << "PartitionedAggregationNode("
<< "intermediate_tuple_id=" << intermediate_tuple_id_
<< " output_tuple_id=" << output_tuple_id_
<< " needs_finalize=" << needs_finalize_
<< " grouping_exprs=" << ScalarExpr::DebugString(grouping_exprs_)
<< " agg_exprs=" << AggFn::DebugString(agg_fns_);
ExecNode::DebugString(indentation_level, out);
*out << ")";
Status PartitionedAggregationNode::CreateHashPartitions(
int level, int single_partition_idx) {
if (is_streaming_preagg_) DCHECK_EQ(level, 0);
return Status(
int num_partitions_created = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < PARTITION_FANOUT; ++i) {
hash_tbls_[i] = nullptr;
if (single_partition_idx == -1 || i == single_partition_idx) {
Partition* new_partition = partition_pool_->Add(new Partition(this, level, i));
} else {
// Now that all the streams are reserved (meaning we have enough memory to execute
// the algorithm), allocate the hash tables. These can fail and we can still continue.
for (int i = 0; i < PARTITION_FANOUT; ++i) {
Partition* partition = hash_partitions_[i];
if (partition == nullptr) continue;
if (partition->aggregated_row_stream == nullptr) {
// Failed to create the aggregated row stream - cannot create a hash table.
// Just continue with a NULL hash table so rows will be passed through.
} else {
bool got_memory;
// Spill the partition if we cannot create a hash table for a merge aggregation.
if (UNLIKELY(!got_memory)) {
DCHECK(!is_streaming_preagg_) << "Preagg reserves enough memory for hash tables";
// If we're repartitioning, we will be writing aggregated rows first.
RETURN_IF_ERROR(partition->Spill(level > 0));
hash_tbls_[i] = partition->hash_tbl.get();
// In this case we did not have to repartition, so ensure that while building the hash
// table all rows will be inserted into the partition at 'single_partition_idx' in case
// a non deterministic grouping expression causes a row to hash to a different
// partition index.
if (single_partition_idx != -1) {
Partition* partition = hash_partitions_[single_partition_idx];
for (int i = 0; i < PARTITION_FANOUT; ++i) {
hash_partitions_[i] = partition;
hash_tbls_[i] = partition->hash_tbl.get();
COUNTER_ADD(partitions_created_, num_partitions_created);
if (!is_streaming_preagg_) {
COUNTER_SET(max_partition_level_, level);
return Status::OK();
Status PartitionedAggregationNode::CheckAndResizeHashPartitions(
bool partitioning_aggregated_rows, int num_rows, const HashTableCtx* ht_ctx) {
for (int i = 0; i < PARTITION_FANOUT; ++i) {
Partition* partition = hash_partitions_[i];
if (partition == nullptr) continue;
while (!partition->is_spilled()) {
bool resized;
RETURN_IF_ERROR(partition->hash_tbl->CheckAndResize(num_rows, ht_ctx, &resized));
if (resized) break;
return Status::OK();
Status PartitionedAggregationNode::NextPartition() {
DCHECK(output_partition_ == nullptr);
if (!IsInSubplan() && spilled_partitions_.empty()) {
// All partitions are in memory. Release reservation that was used for previous
// partitions that is no longer needed. If we have spilled partitions, we want to
// hold onto all reservation in case it is needed to process the spilled partitions.
Status status = ReleaseUnusedReservation();
DCHECK(status.ok()) << "Should not fail - all partitions are in memory so there are "
<< "no unpinned pages. " << status.GetDetail();
// Keep looping until we get to a partition that fits in memory.
Partition* partition = nullptr;
while (true) {
// First return partitions that are fully aggregated (and in memory).
if (!aggregated_partitions_.empty()) {
partition = aggregated_partitions_.front();
// No aggregated partitions in memory - we should not be using any reservation aside
// from 'serialize_stream_'.
DCHECK_EQ(serialize_stream_ != nullptr ? serialize_stream_->BytesPinned(false) : 0,
buffer_pool_client_.GetUsedReservation()) << buffer_pool_client_.DebugString();
// Try to fit a single spilled partition in memory. We can often do this because
// we only need to fit 1/PARTITION_FANOUT of the data in memory.
// TODO: in some cases when the partition probably won't fit in memory it could
// be better to skip directly to repartitioning.
if (partition != nullptr) break;
// If we can't fit the partition in memory, repartition it.
DCHECK(partition->hash_tbl.get() != nullptr);
output_partition_ = partition;
output_iterator_ = output_partition_->hash_tbl->Begin(ht_ctx_.get());
COUNTER_ADD(num_hash_buckets_, output_partition_->hash_tbl->num_buckets());
return Status::OK();
Status PartitionedAggregationNode::BuildSpilledPartition(Partition** built_partition) {
// Leave the partition in 'spilled_partitions_' to be closed if we hit an error.
Partition* src_partition = spilled_partitions_.front();
// Create a new hash partition from the rows of the spilled partition. This is simpler
// than trying to finish building a partially-built partition in place. We only
// initialise one hash partition that all rows in 'src_partition' will hash to.
RETURN_IF_ERROR(CreateHashPartitions(src_partition->level, src_partition->idx));
Partition* dst_partition = hash_partitions_[src_partition->idx];
DCHECK(dst_partition != nullptr);
// Rebuild the hash table over spilled aggregate rows then start adding unaggregated
// rows to the hash table. It's possible the partition will spill at either stage.
// In that case we need to finish processing 'src_partition' so that all rows are
// appended to 'dst_partition'.
// TODO: if the partition spills again but the aggregation reduces the input
// significantly, we could do better here by keeping the incomplete hash table in
// memory and only spilling unaggregated rows that didn't fit in the hash table
// (somewhat similar to the passthrough pre-aggregation).
if (dst_partition->is_spilled()) {
*built_partition = nullptr;
// Spilled the partition - we should not be using any reservation except from
// 'serialize_stream_'.
DCHECK_EQ(serialize_stream_ != nullptr ? serialize_stream_->BytesPinned(false) : 0,
buffer_pool_client_.GetUsedReservation()) << buffer_pool_client_.DebugString();
} else {
*built_partition = dst_partition;
return Status::OK();
Status PartitionedAggregationNode::RepartitionSpilledPartition() {
// Leave the partition in 'spilled_partitions_' to be closed if we hit an error.
Partition* partition = spilled_partitions_.front();
// Create the new hash partitions to repartition into. This will allocate a
// write buffer for each partition's aggregated row stream.
RETURN_IF_ERROR(CreateHashPartitions(partition->level + 1));
COUNTER_ADD(num_repartitions_, 1);
// Rows in this partition could have been spilled into two streams, depending
// on if it is an aggregated intermediate, or an unaggregated row. Aggregated
// rows are processed first to save a hash table lookup in ProcessBatch().
// Prepare write buffers so we can append spilled rows to unaggregated partitions.
for (Partition* hash_partition : hash_partitions_) {
if (!hash_partition->is_spilled()) continue;
// The aggregated rows have been repartitioned. Free up at least a buffer's worth of
// reservation and use it to pin the unaggregated write buffer.
bool got_buffer;
<< "Accounted in min reservation" << buffer_pool_client_.DebugString();
COUNTER_ADD(num_row_repartitioned_, partition->aggregated_row_stream->num_rows());
COUNTER_ADD(num_row_repartitioned_, partition->unaggregated_row_stream->num_rows());
// Done processing this partition. Move the new partitions into
// spilled_partitions_/aggregated_partitions_.
int64_t num_input_rows = partition->aggregated_row_stream->num_rows()
+ partition->unaggregated_row_stream->num_rows();
return Status::OK();
template <bool AGGREGATED_ROWS>
Status PartitionedAggregationNode::ProcessStream(BufferedTupleStream* input_stream) {
if (input_stream->num_rows() > 0) {
while (true) {
bool got_buffer = false;
RETURN_IF_ERROR(input_stream->PrepareForRead(true, &got_buffer));
if (got_buffer) break;
// Did not have a buffer to read the input stream. Spill and try again.
TPrefetchMode::type prefetch_mode = state_->query_options().prefetch_mode;
bool eos = false;
const RowDescriptor* desc =
AGGREGATED_ROWS ? &intermediate_row_desc_ : children_[0]->row_desc();
RowBatch batch(desc, state_->batch_size(), mem_tracker());
do {
RETURN_IF_ERROR(input_stream->GetNext(&batch, &eos));
ProcessBatch<AGGREGATED_ROWS>(&batch, prefetch_mode, ht_ctx_.get()));
} while (!eos);
input_stream->Close(NULL, RowBatch::FlushMode::NO_FLUSH_RESOURCES);
return Status::OK();
Status PartitionedAggregationNode::SpillPartition(bool more_aggregate_rows) {
int64_t max_freed_mem = 0;
int partition_idx = -1;
// Iterate over the partitions and pick the largest partition that is not spilled.
for (int i = 0; i < hash_partitions_.size(); ++i) {
if (hash_partitions_[i] == nullptr) continue;
if (hash_partitions_[i]->is_closed) continue;
if (hash_partitions_[i]->is_spilled()) continue;
// Pass 'true' because we need to keep the write block pinned. See Partition::Spill().
int64_t mem = hash_partitions_[i]->aggregated_row_stream->BytesPinned(true);
mem += hash_partitions_[i]->hash_tbl->ByteSize();
mem += hash_partitions_[i]->agg_fn_perm_pool->total_reserved_bytes();
DCHECK_GT(mem, 0); // At least the hash table buckets should occupy memory.
if (mem > max_freed_mem) {
max_freed_mem = mem;
partition_idx = i;
DCHECK_NE(partition_idx, -1) << "Should have been able to spill a partition to "
<< "reclaim memory: " << buffer_pool_client_.DebugString();
// Remove references to the destroyed hash table from 'hash_tbls_'.
// Additionally, we might be dealing with a rebuilt spilled partition, where all
// partitions point to a single in-memory partition. This also ensures that 'hash_tbls_'
// remains consistent in that case.
for (int i = 0; i < PARTITION_FANOUT; ++i) {
if (hash_partitions_[i] == hash_partitions_[partition_idx]) hash_tbls_[i] = nullptr;
return hash_partitions_[partition_idx]->Spill(more_aggregate_rows);
Status PartitionedAggregationNode::MoveHashPartitions(int64_t num_input_rows) {
stringstream ss;
ss << "PA(node_id=" << id() << ") partitioned(level=" << hash_partitions_[0]->level
<< ") " << num_input_rows << " rows into:" << endl;
for (int i = 0; i < hash_partitions_.size(); ++i) {
Partition* partition = hash_partitions_[i];
if (partition == nullptr) continue;
// We might be dealing with a rebuilt spilled partition, where all partitions are
// pointing to a single in-memory partition, so make sure we only proceed for the
// right partition.
if(i != partition->idx) continue;
int64_t aggregated_rows = 0;
if (partition->aggregated_row_stream != nullptr) {
aggregated_rows = partition->aggregated_row_stream->num_rows();
int64_t unaggregated_rows = 0;
if (partition->unaggregated_row_stream != nullptr) {
unaggregated_rows = partition->unaggregated_row_stream->num_rows();
double total_rows = aggregated_rows + unaggregated_rows;
double percent = total_rows * 100 / num_input_rows;
ss << " " << i << " " << (partition->is_spilled() ? "spilled" : "not spilled")
<< " (fraction=" << fixed << setprecision(2) << percent << "%)" << endl
<< " #aggregated rows:" << aggregated_rows << endl
<< " #unaggregated rows: " << unaggregated_rows << endl;
// TODO: update counters to support doubles.
COUNTER_SET(largest_partition_percent_, static_cast<int64_t>(percent));
if (total_rows == 0) {
} else if (partition->is_spilled()) {
} else {
VLOG(2) << ss.str();
return Status::OK();
void PartitionedAggregationNode::PushSpilledPartition(Partition* partition) {
DCHECK(partition->hash_tbl == nullptr);
// Ensure all pages in the spilled partition's streams are unpinned by invalidating
// the streams' read and write iterators. We may need all the memory to process the
// next spilled partitions.
void PartitionedAggregationNode::ClosePartitions() {
for (Partition* partition : hash_partitions_) {
if (partition != nullptr) partition->Close(true);
for (Partition* partition : aggregated_partitions_) partition->Close(true);
for (Partition* partition : spilled_partitions_) partition->Close(true);
memset(hash_tbls_, 0, sizeof(hash_tbls_));
// IR Generation for updating a single aggregation slot. Signature is:
// void UpdateSlot(AggFnEvaluator* agg_expr_eval, AggTuple* agg_tuple, char** row)
// The IR for sum(double_col), which is constructed directly with the IRBuilder, is:
// define void @UpdateSlot(%"class.impala::AggFnEvaluator"* %agg_fn_eval,
// <{ double, i8 }>* %agg_tuple, %"class.impala::TupleRow"* %row) #33 {
// entry:
// %input_evals_vector = call %"class.impala::ScalarExprEvaluator"**
// @_ZNK6impala14AggFnEvaluator11input_evalsEv(
// %"class.impala::AggFnEvaluator"* %agg_fn_eval)
// %0 = getelementptr %"class.impala::ScalarExprEvaluator"*,
// %"class.impala::ScalarExprEvaluator"** %input_evals_vector, i32 0
// %input_eval = load %"class.impala::ScalarExprEvaluator"*,
// %"class.impala::ScalarExprEvaluator"** %0
// %input0 = call { i8, double } @GetSlotRef(%"class.impala::ScalarExprEvaluator"*
// %input_eval, %"class.impala::TupleRow"* %row)
// %dst_slot_ptr = getelementptr inbounds <{ double, i8 }>,
// <{ double, i8 }>* %agg_tuple, i32 0, i32 0
// %dst_val = load double, double* %dst_slot_ptr
// %1 = extractvalue { i8, double } %input0, 0
// %is_null = trunc i8 %1 to i1
// br i1 %is_null, label %ret, label %not_null
// ret: ; preds = %not_null, %entry
// ret void
// not_null: ; preds = %entry
// %val = extractvalue { i8, double } %input0, 1
// %2 = fadd double %dst_val, %val
// %3 = bitcast <{ double, i8 }>* %agg_tuple to i8*
// %null_byte_ptr = getelementptr inbounds i8, i8* %3, i32 8
// %null_byte = load i8, i8* %null_byte_ptr
// %null_bit_cleared = and i8 %null_byte, -2
// store i8 %null_bit_cleared, i8* %null_byte_ptr
// store double %2, double* %dst_slot_ptr
// br label %ret
// }
// The IR for ndv(timestamp_col), which uses the UDA interface, is:
// define void @UpdateSlot(%"class.impala::AggFnEvaluator"* %agg_fn_eval,
// <{ [1024 x i8] }>* %agg_tuple,
// %"class.impala::TupleRow"* %row) #39 {
// entry:
// %dst_lowered_ptr = alloca { i64, i8* }
// %0 = alloca { i64, i64 }
// %input_evals_vector = call %"class.impala::ScalarExprEvaluator"**
// @_ZNK6impala14AggFnEvaluator11input_evalsEv(
// %"class.impala::AggFnEvaluator"* %agg_fn_eval)
// %1 = getelementptr %"class.impala::ScalarExprEvaluator"*,
// %"class.impala::ScalarExprEvaluator"** %input_evals_vector, i32 0
// %input_eval = load %"class.impala::ScalarExprEvaluator"*,
// %"class.impala::ScalarExprEvaluator"** %1
// %input0 = call { i64, i64 } @GetSlotRef(
// %"class.impala::ScalarExprEvaluator"* %input_eval,
// %"class.impala::TupleRow"* %row)
// %dst_slot_ptr = getelementptr inbounds <{ [1024 x i8] }>,
// <{ [1024 x i8] }>* %agg_tuple, i32 0, i32 0
// %2 = bitcast [1024 x i8]* %dst_slot_ptr to i8*
// %dst = insertvalue { i64, i8* } zeroinitializer, i8* %2, 1
// %3 = extractvalue { i64, i8* } %dst, 0
// %4 = and i64 %3, 4294967295
// %5 = or i64 %4, 4398046511104
// %dst1 = insertvalue { i64, i8* } %dst, i64 %5, 0
// %agg_fn_ctx = call %"class.impala_udf::FunctionContext"*
// @_ZNK6impala14AggFnEvaluator10agg_fn_ctxEv(
// %"class.impala::AggFnEvaluator"* %agg_fn_eval)
// store { i64, i64 } %input0, { i64, i64 }* %0
// %input_unlowered_ptr =
// bitcast { i64, i64 }* %0 to %"struct.impala_udf::TimestampVal"*
// store { i64, i8* } %dst1, { i64, i8* }* %dst_lowered_ptr
// %dst_unlowered_ptr =
// bitcast { i64, i8* }* %dst_lowered_ptr to %"struct.impala_udf::StringVal"*
// call void @"void impala::AggregateFunctions::HllUpdate<impala_udf::TimestampVal>"(
// %"class.impala_udf::FunctionContext"* %agg_fn_ctx,
// %"struct.impala_udf::TimestampVal"* %input_unlowered_ptr,
// %"struct.impala_udf::StringVal"* %dst_unlowered_ptr)
// %anyval_result = load { i64, i8* }, { i64, i8* }* %dst_lowered_ptr
// br label %ret
// ret: ; preds = %entry
// ret void
// }
Status PartitionedAggregationNode::CodegenUpdateSlot(LlvmCodeGen* codegen, int agg_fn_idx,
SlotDescriptor* slot_desc, llvm::Function** fn) {
llvm::PointerType* agg_fn_eval_type = codegen->GetStructPtrType<AggFnEvaluator>();
llvm::StructType* tuple_struct = intermediate_tuple_desc_->GetLlvmStruct(codegen);
if (tuple_struct == NULL) {
return Status("PartitionedAggregationNode::CodegenUpdateSlot(): failed to generate "
"intermediate tuple desc");
llvm::PointerType* tuple_ptr_type = codegen->GetPtrType(tuple_struct);
llvm::PointerType* tuple_row_ptr_type = codegen->GetStructPtrType<TupleRow>();
LlvmCodeGen::FnPrototype prototype(codegen, "UpdateSlot", codegen->void_type());
LlvmCodeGen::NamedVariable("agg_fn_eval", agg_fn_eval_type));
prototype.AddArgument(LlvmCodeGen::NamedVariable("agg_tuple", tuple_ptr_type));
prototype.AddArgument(LlvmCodeGen::NamedVariable("row", tuple_row_ptr_type));
LlvmBuilder builder(codegen->context());
llvm::Value* args[3];
*fn = prototype.GeneratePrototype(&builder, &args[0]);
llvm::Value* agg_fn_eval_arg = args[0];
llvm::Value* agg_tuple_arg = args[1];
llvm::Value* row_arg = args[2];
// Get the vector of input expressions' evaluators.
llvm::Value* input_evals_vector = codegen->CodegenCallFunction(&builder,
AggFn* agg_fn = agg_fns_[agg_fn_idx];
const int num_inputs = agg_fn->GetNumChildren();
DCHECK_GE(num_inputs, 1);
vector<CodegenAnyVal> input_vals;
for (int i = 0; i < num_inputs; ++i) {
ScalarExpr* input_expr = agg_fn->GetChild(i);
llvm::Function* input_expr_fn;
RETURN_IF_ERROR(input_expr->GetCodegendComputeFn(codegen, &input_expr_fn));
DCHECK(input_expr_fn != NULL);
// Call input expr function with the matching evaluator to get src slot value.
llvm::Value* input_eval =
codegen->CodegenArrayAt(&builder, input_evals_vector, i, "input_eval");
string input_name = Substitute("input$0", i);
CodegenAnyVal input_val = CodegenAnyVal::CreateCallWrapped(codegen, &builder,
input_expr->type(), input_expr_fn,
llvm::ArrayRef<llvm::Value*>({input_eval, row_arg}), input_name.c_str());
AggFn::AggregationOp agg_op = agg_fn->agg_op();
const ColumnType& dst_type = agg_fn->intermediate_type();
bool dst_is_int_or_float_or_bool = dst_type.IsIntegerType()
|| dst_type.IsFloatingPointType() || dst_type.IsBooleanType();
bool dst_is_numeric_or_bool = dst_is_int_or_float_or_bool || dst_type.IsDecimalType();
llvm::BasicBlock* ret_block = llvm::BasicBlock::Create(codegen->context(), "ret", *fn);
// Emit the code to compute 'result' and set the NULL indicator if needed. First check
// for special cases where we can emit a very simple instruction sequence, then fall
// back to the general-purpose approach of calling the cross-compiled builtin UDA.
CodegenAnyVal& src = input_vals[0];
// 'dst_slot_ptr' points to the slot in the aggregate tuple to update.
llvm::Value* dst_slot_ptr = builder.CreateStructGEP(
NULL, agg_tuple_arg, slot_desc->llvm_field_idx(), "dst_slot_ptr");
// TODO: consider moving the following codegen logic to AggFn.
if (agg_op == AggFn::COUNT) {
src.CodegenBranchIfNull(&builder, ret_block);
llvm::Value* dst_value = builder.CreateLoad(dst_slot_ptr, "dst_val");
llvm::Value* result = agg_fn->is_merge() ?
builder.CreateAdd(dst_value, src.GetVal(), "count_sum") :
dst_value, codegen->GetI64Constant(1), "count_inc");
builder.CreateStore(result, dst_slot_ptr);
} else if ((agg_op == AggFn::MIN || agg_op == AggFn::MAX) && dst_is_numeric_or_bool) {
bool is_min = agg_op == AggFn::MIN;
src.CodegenBranchIfNull(&builder, ret_block);
&builder, slot_desc->type(), src.GetVal(), dst_slot_ptr, is_min, *fn);
// Dst may have been NULL, make sure to unset the NULL bit.
codegen, &builder, agg_tuple_arg, codegen->false_value());
} else if (agg_op == AggFn::SUM && dst_is_int_or_float_or_bool) {
src.CodegenBranchIfNull(&builder, ret_block);
llvm::Value* dst_value = builder.CreateLoad(dst_slot_ptr, "dst_val");
llvm::Value* result = dst_type.IsFloatingPointType() ?
builder.CreateFAdd(dst_value, src.GetVal()) :
builder.CreateAdd(dst_value, src.GetVal());
builder.CreateStore(result, dst_slot_ptr);
if (slot_desc->is_nullable()) {
codegen, &builder, agg_tuple_arg, codegen->false_value());
} else {
// 'slot_desc' is not nullable if the aggregate function is sum_init_zero(),
// because the slot is initialized to be zero and the null bit is nonexistent.
DCHECK_EQ(agg_fn->fn_name(), "sum_init_zero");
} else {
// The remaining cases are implemented using the UDA interface.
// Create intermediate argument 'dst' from 'dst_value'
CodegenAnyVal dst = CodegenAnyVal::GetNonNullVal(codegen, &builder, dst_type, "dst");
// For a subset of builtins we generate a different code sequence that exploits two
// properties of the builtins. First, NULL input values can be skipped. Second, the
// value of the slot was initialized in the right way in InitAggSlots() (e.g. 0 for
// SUM) that we get the right result if UpdateSlot() pretends that the NULL bit of
// 'dst' is unset. Empirically this optimisation makes TPC-H Q1 5-10% faster.
bool special_null_handling = !agg_fn->intermediate_type().IsStringType()
&& !agg_fn->intermediate_type().IsTimestampType()
&& (agg_op == AggFn::MIN || agg_op == AggFn::MAX
|| agg_op == AggFn::SUM || agg_op == AggFn::AVG
|| agg_op == AggFn::NDV);
if (slot_desc->is_nullable()) {
if (special_null_handling) {
src.CodegenBranchIfNull(&builder, ret_block);
codegen, &builder, agg_tuple_arg, codegen->false_value());
} else {
dst.SetIsNull(slot_desc->CodegenIsNull(codegen, &builder, agg_tuple_arg));
// Get the FunctionContext object for the AggFnEvaluator.
llvm::Function* get_agg_fn_ctx_fn =
codegen->GetFunction(IRFunction::AGG_FN_EVALUATOR_AGG_FN_CTX, false);
DCHECK(get_agg_fn_ctx_fn != NULL);
llvm::Value* agg_fn_ctx_val =
builder.CreateCall(get_agg_fn_ctx_fn, {agg_fn_eval_arg}, "agg_fn_ctx");
// Call the UDA to update/merge 'src' into 'dst', with the result stored in
// 'updated_dst_val'.
CodegenAnyVal updated_dst_val;
RETURN_IF_ERROR(CodegenCallUda(codegen, &builder, agg_fn, agg_fn_ctx_val,
input_vals, dst, &updated_dst_val));
// Copy the value back to the slot. In the FIXED_UDA_INTERMEDIATE case, the
// UDA function writes directly to the slot so there is nothing to copy.
if (dst_type.type != TYPE_FIXED_UDA_INTERMEDIATE) {
if (slot_desc->is_nullable() && !special_null_handling) {
// Set NULL bit in the slot based on the return value.
llvm::Value* result_is_null = updated_dst_val.GetIsNull("result_is_null");
codegen, &builder, agg_tuple_arg, result_is_null);
// Avoid producing huge UpdateTuple() function after inlining - LLVM's optimiser
// memory/CPU usage scales super-linearly with function size.
// E.g. compute stats on all columns of a 1000-column table previously took 4 minutes to
// codegen because all the UpdateSlot() functions were inlined.
if (agg_fn_idx >= LlvmCodeGen::CODEGEN_INLINE_EXPRS_THRESHOLD) {
*fn = codegen->FinalizeFunction(*fn);
if (*fn == NULL) {
return Status("PartitionedAggregationNode::CodegenUpdateSlot(): codegen'd "
"UpdateSlot() function failed verification, see log");
return Status::OK();
Status PartitionedAggregationNode::CodegenCallUda(LlvmCodeGen* codegen,
LlvmBuilder* builder, AggFn* agg_fn, llvm::Value* agg_fn_ctx_val,
const vector<CodegenAnyVal>& input_vals, const CodegenAnyVal& dst_val,
CodegenAnyVal* updated_dst_val) {
llvm::Function* uda_fn;
RETURN_IF_ERROR(agg_fn->CodegenUpdateOrMergeFunction(codegen, &uda_fn));
// Set up arguments for call to UDA, which are the FunctionContext*, followed by
// pointers to all input values, followed by a pointer to the destination value.
vector<llvm::Value*> uda_fn_args;
// Create pointers to input args to pass to uda_fn. We must use the unlowered type,
// e.g. IntVal, because the UDA interface expects the values to be passed as const
// references to the classes.
DCHECK_EQ(agg_fn->GetNumChildren(), input_vals.size());
for (int i = 0; i < input_vals.size(); ++i) {
// Create pointer to dst to pass to uda_fn. We must use the unlowered type for the
// same reason as above.
llvm::Value* dst_lowered_ptr = dst_val.GetLoweredPtr("dst_lowered_ptr");
const ColumnType& dst_type = agg_fn->intermediate_type();
llvm::Type* dst_unlowered_ptr_type =
CodegenAnyVal::GetUnloweredPtrType(codegen, dst_type);
llvm::Value* dst_unlowered_ptr = builder->CreateBitCast(
dst_lowered_ptr, dst_unlowered_ptr_type, "dst_unlowered_ptr");
// Call 'uda_fn'
builder->CreateCall(uda_fn, uda_fn_args);
// Convert intermediate 'dst_arg' back to the native type.
llvm::Value* anyval_result = builder->CreateLoad(dst_lowered_ptr, "anyval_result");
*updated_dst_val = CodegenAnyVal(codegen, builder, dst_type, anyval_result);
return Status::OK();
// IR codegen for the UpdateTuple loop. This loop is query specific and based on the
// aggregate functions. The function signature must match the non- codegen'd UpdateTuple
// exactly.
// For the query:
// select count(*), count(int_col), sum(double_col) the IR looks like:
// define void @UpdateTuple(%"class.impala::PartitionedAggregationNode"* %this_ptr,
// %"class.impala::AggFnEvaluator"** %agg_fn_evals, %"class.impala::Tuple"* %tuple,
// %"class.impala::TupleRow"* %row, i1 %is_merge) #33 {
// entry:
// %tuple1 = bitcast %"class.impala::Tuple"* %tuple to <{ i64, i64, double, i8 }>*
// %src_slot = getelementptr inbounds <{ i64, i64, double, i8 }>,
// <{ i64, i64, double, i8 }>* %tuple1, i32 0, i32 0
// %count_star_val = load i64, i64* %src_slot
// %count_star_inc = add i64 %count_star_val, 1
// store i64 %count_star_inc, i64* %src_slot
// %0 = getelementptr %"class.impala::AggFnEvaluator"*,
// %"class.impala::AggFnEvaluator"** %agg_fn_evals, i32 1
// %agg_fn_eval =
// load %"class.impala::AggFnEvaluator"*, %"class.impala::AggFnEvaluator"** %0
// call void @UpdateSlot(%"class.impala::AggFnEvaluator"* %agg_fn_eval,
// <{ i64, i64, double, i8 }>* %tuple1, %"class.impala::TupleRow"* %row)
// %1 = getelementptr %"class.impala::AggFnEvaluator"*,
// %"class.impala::AggFnEvaluator"** %agg_fn_evals, i32 2
// %agg_fn_eval2 =
// load %"class.impala::AggFnEvaluator"*, %"class.impala::AggFnEvaluator"** %1
// call void @UpdateSlot.2(%"class.impala::AggFnEvaluator"* %agg_fn_eval2,
// <{ i64, i64, double, i8 }>* %tuple1, %"class.impala::TupleRow"* %row)
// ret void
// }
Status PartitionedAggregationNode::CodegenUpdateTuple(
LlvmCodeGen* codegen, llvm::Function** fn) {
for (const SlotDescriptor* slot_desc : intermediate_tuple_desc_->slots()) {
if (slot_desc->type().type == TYPE_CHAR) {
return Status::Expected("PartitionedAggregationNode::CodegenUpdateTuple(): cannot "
"codegen CHAR in aggregations");
if (intermediate_tuple_desc_->GetLlvmStruct(codegen) == NULL) {
return Status::Expected("PartitionedAggregationNode::CodegenUpdateTuple(): failed to"
" generate intermediate tuple desc");
// Get the types to match the UpdateTuple signature
llvm::PointerType* agg_node_ptr_type =
llvm::PointerType* evals_type = codegen->GetStructPtrPtrType<AggFnEvaluator>();
llvm::PointerType* tuple_ptr_type = codegen->GetStructPtrType<Tuple>();
llvm::PointerType* tuple_row_ptr_type = codegen->GetStructPtrType<TupleRow>();
llvm::StructType* tuple_struct = intermediate_tuple_desc_->GetLlvmStruct(codegen);
llvm::PointerType* tuple_ptr = codegen->GetPtrType(tuple_struct);
LlvmCodeGen::FnPrototype prototype(codegen, "UpdateTuple", codegen->void_type());
prototype.AddArgument(LlvmCodeGen::NamedVariable("this_ptr", agg_node_ptr_type));
prototype.AddArgument(LlvmCodeGen::NamedVariable("agg_fn_evals", evals_type));
prototype.AddArgument(LlvmCodeGen::NamedVariable("tuple", tuple_ptr_type));
prototype.AddArgument(LlvmCodeGen::NamedVariable("row", tuple_row_ptr_type));
prototype.AddArgument(LlvmCodeGen::NamedVariable("is_merge", codegen->bool_type()));
LlvmBuilder builder(codegen->context());
llvm::Value* args[5];
*fn = prototype.GeneratePrototype(&builder, &args[0]);
llvm::Value* agg_fn_evals_arg = args[1];
llvm::Value* tuple_arg = args[2];
llvm::Value* row_arg = args[3];
// Cast the parameter types to the internal llvm runtime types.
// TODO: get rid of this by using right type in function signature
tuple_arg = builder.CreateBitCast(tuple_arg, tuple_ptr, "tuple");
// Loop over each expr and generate the IR for that slot. If the expr is not
// count(*), generate a helper IR function to update the slot and call that.
int j = grouping_exprs_.size();
for (int i = 0; i < agg_fns_.size(); ++i, ++j) {
SlotDescriptor* slot_desc = intermediate_tuple_desc_->slots()[j];
AggFn* agg_fn = agg_fns_[i];
if (agg_fn->is_count_star()) {
// TODO: we should be able to hoist this up to the loop over the batch and just
// increment the slot by the number of rows in the batch.
int field_idx = slot_desc->llvm_field_idx();
llvm::Value* const_one = codegen->GetI64Constant(1);
llvm::Value* slot_ptr =
builder.CreateStructGEP(NULL, tuple_arg, field_idx, "src_slot");
llvm::Value* slot_loaded = builder.CreateLoad(slot_ptr, "count_star_val");
llvm::Value* count_inc =
builder.CreateAdd(slot_loaded, const_one, "count_star_inc");
builder.CreateStore(count_inc, slot_ptr);
} else {
llvm::Function* update_slot_fn;
RETURN_IF_ERROR(CodegenUpdateSlot(codegen, i, slot_desc, &update_slot_fn));
// Load agg_fn_evals_[i]
llvm::Value* agg_fn_eval_val =
codegen->CodegenArrayAt(&builder, agg_fn_evals_arg, i, "agg_fn_eval");
// Call UpdateSlot(agg_fn_evals_[i], tuple, row);
llvm::Value* update_slot_args[] = {agg_fn_eval_val, tuple_arg, row_arg};
builder.CreateCall(update_slot_fn, update_slot_args);
// Avoid inlining big UpdateTuple function into outer loop - we're unlikely to get
// any benefit from it since the function call overhead will be amortized.
if (agg_fns_.size() > LlvmCodeGen::CODEGEN_INLINE_EXPR_BATCH_THRESHOLD) {
// CodegenProcessBatch() does the final optimizations.
*fn = codegen->FinalizeFunction(*fn);
if (*fn == NULL) {
return Status("PartitionedAggregationNode::CodegenUpdateTuple(): codegen'd "
"UpdateTuple() function failed verification, see log");
return Status::OK();
Status PartitionedAggregationNode::CodegenProcessBatch(LlvmCodeGen* codegen,
TPrefetchMode::type prefetch_mode) {
llvm::Function* update_tuple_fn;
RETURN_IF_ERROR(CodegenUpdateTuple(codegen, &update_tuple_fn));
// Get the cross compiled update row batch function
IRFunction::Type ir_fn = (!grouping_exprs_.empty() ?
llvm::Function* process_batch_fn = codegen->GetFunction(ir_fn, true);
DCHECK(process_batch_fn != NULL);
int replaced;
if (!grouping_exprs_.empty()) {
// Codegen for grouping using hash table
// Replace prefetch_mode with constant so branches can be optimised out.
llvm::Value* prefetch_mode_arg = codegen->GetArgument(process_batch_fn, 3);
// The codegen'd ProcessBatch function is only used in Open() with level_ = 0,
// so don't use murmur hash
llvm::Function* hash_fn;
RETURN_IF_ERROR(ht_ctx_->CodegenHashRow(codegen, /* use murmur */ false, &hash_fn));
// Codegen HashTable::Equals<true>
llvm::Function* build_equals_fn;
RETURN_IF_ERROR(ht_ctx_->CodegenEquals(codegen, true, &build_equals_fn));
// Codegen for evaluating input rows
llvm::Function* eval_grouping_expr_fn;
RETURN_IF_ERROR(ht_ctx_->CodegenEvalRow(codegen, false, &eval_grouping_expr_fn));
// Replace call sites
replaced = codegen->ReplaceCallSites(process_batch_fn, eval_grouping_expr_fn,
DCHECK_EQ(replaced, 1);
replaced = codegen->ReplaceCallSites(process_batch_fn, hash_fn, "HashRow");
DCHECK_EQ(replaced, 1);
replaced = codegen->ReplaceCallSites(process_batch_fn, build_equals_fn, "Equals");
DCHECK_EQ(replaced, 1);
HashTableCtx::HashTableReplacedConstants replaced_constants;
const bool stores_duplicates = false;
RETURN_IF_ERROR(ht_ctx_->ReplaceHashTableConstants(codegen, stores_duplicates, 1,
process_batch_fn, &replaced_constants));
DCHECK_GE(replaced_constants.stores_nulls, 1);
DCHECK_GE(replaced_constants.finds_some_nulls, 1);
DCHECK_GE(replaced_constants.stores_duplicates, 1);
DCHECK_GE(replaced_constants.stores_tuples, 1);
DCHECK_GE(replaced_constants.quadratic_probing, 1);
replaced = codegen->ReplaceCallSites(process_batch_fn, update_tuple_fn, "UpdateTuple");
DCHECK_GE(replaced, 1);
process_batch_fn = codegen->FinalizeFunction(process_batch_fn);
if (process_batch_fn == NULL) {
return Status("PartitionedAggregationNode::CodegenProcessBatch(): codegen'd "
"ProcessBatch() function failed verification, see log");
void **codegened_fn_ptr = grouping_exprs_.empty() ?
reinterpret_cast<void**>(&process_batch_no_grouping_fn_) :
codegen->AddFunctionToJit(process_batch_fn, codegened_fn_ptr);
return Status::OK();
Status PartitionedAggregationNode::CodegenProcessBatchStreaming(
LlvmCodeGen* codegen, TPrefetchMode::type prefetch_mode) {
llvm::Function* process_batch_streaming_fn = codegen->GetFunction(ir_fn, true);
DCHECK(process_batch_streaming_fn != NULL);
// Make needs_serialize arg constant so dead code can be optimised out.
llvm::Value* needs_serialize_arg = codegen->GetArgument(process_batch_streaming_fn, 2);
// Replace prefetch_mode with constant so branches can be optimised out.
llvm::Value* prefetch_mode_arg = codegen->GetArgument(process_batch_streaming_fn, 3);
llvm::Function* update_tuple_fn;
RETURN_IF_ERROR(CodegenUpdateTuple(codegen, &update_tuple_fn));
// We only use the top-level hash function for streaming aggregations.
llvm::Function* hash_fn;
RETURN_IF_ERROR(ht_ctx_->CodegenHashRow(codegen, false, &hash_fn));
// Codegen HashTable::Equals
llvm::Function* equals_fn;
RETURN_IF_ERROR(ht_ctx_->CodegenEquals(codegen, true, &equals_fn));
// Codegen for evaluating input rows
llvm::Function* eval_grouping_expr_fn;
RETURN_IF_ERROR(ht_ctx_->CodegenEvalRow(codegen, false, &eval_grouping_expr_fn));
// Replace call sites
int replaced = codegen->ReplaceCallSites(process_batch_streaming_fn, update_tuple_fn,
DCHECK_EQ(replaced, 2);
replaced = codegen->ReplaceCallSites(process_batch_streaming_fn, eval_grouping_expr_fn,
DCHECK_EQ(replaced, 1);
replaced = codegen->ReplaceCallSites(process_batch_streaming_fn, hash_fn, "HashRow");
DCHECK_EQ(replaced, 1);
replaced = codegen->ReplaceCallSites(process_batch_streaming_fn, equals_fn, "Equals");
DCHECK_EQ(replaced, 1);
HashTableCtx::HashTableReplacedConstants replaced_constants;
const bool stores_duplicates = false;
RETURN_IF_ERROR(ht_ctx_->ReplaceHashTableConstants(codegen, stores_duplicates, 1,
process_batch_streaming_fn, &replaced_constants));
DCHECK_GE(replaced_constants.stores_nulls, 1);
DCHECK_GE(replaced_constants.finds_some_nulls, 1);
DCHECK_GE(replaced_constants.stores_duplicates, 1);
DCHECK_GE(replaced_constants.stores_tuples, 1);
DCHECK_GE(replaced_constants.quadratic_probing, 1);
DCHECK(process_batch_streaming_fn != NULL);
process_batch_streaming_fn = codegen->FinalizeFunction(process_batch_streaming_fn);
if (process_batch_streaming_fn == NULL) {
return Status("PartitionedAggregationNode::CodegenProcessBatchStreaming(): codegen'd "
"ProcessBatchStreaming() function failed verification, see log");
return Status::OK();
// Instantiate required templates.
template Status PartitionedAggregationNode::AppendSpilledRow<false>(
Partition*, TupleRow*);
template Status PartitionedAggregationNode::AppendSpilledRow<true>(Partition*, TupleRow*);