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// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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#include "exec/hdfs-scanner.h"
#include "runtime/string-buffer.h"
#include "util/runtime-profile-counters.h"
namespace impala {
class DelimitedTextParser;
class ScannerContext;
struct HdfsFileDesc;
/// HdfsScanner implementation that understands text-formatted records.
/// Uses SSE instructions, if available, for performance.
/// Splitting text files:
/// This scanner handles text files split across multiple blocks/scan ranges. Note that
/// the split can occur anywhere in the file, e.g. in the middle of a row. Each scanner
/// starts materializing tuples right after the first row delimiter found in the scan
/// range, and stops at the first row delimiter occurring past the end of the scan
/// range. If no delimiter is found in the scan range, the scanner doesn't materialize
/// anything. This scheme ensures that every row is materialized by exactly one scanner.
/// A special case is a "\r\n" row delimiter split across two scan ranges. (When the row
/// delimiter is '\n', we also consider '\r' and "\r\n" row delimiters.) In this case, the
/// delimiter is considered part of the second scan range, i.e., the first scan range's
/// scanner is responsible for the tuple directly before it, and the second scan range's
/// scanner for the tuple directly after it.
class HdfsTextScanner : public HdfsScanner {
HdfsTextScanner(HdfsScanNodeBase* scan_node, RuntimeState* state);
virtual ~HdfsTextScanner();
/// Implementation of HdfsScanner interface.
virtual Status Open(ScannerContext* context) WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
virtual void Close(RowBatch* row_batch);
/// Issue io manager byte ranges for 'files'.
static Status IssueInitialRanges(HdfsScanNodeBase* scan_node,
const std::vector<HdfsFileDesc*>& files) WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
/// Codegen WriteAlignedTuples(). Stores the resulting function in
/// 'write_aligned_tuples_fn' if codegen was successful or nullptr otherwise.
static Status Codegen(HdfsScanNodeBase* node,
const std::vector<ScalarExpr*>& conjuncts,
llvm::Function** write_aligned_tuples_fn) WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
/// Return true if we have builtin support for scanning text files compressed with this
/// codec.
static bool HasBuiltinSupport(THdfsCompression::type compression) {
switch (compression) {
case THdfsCompression::NONE:
case THdfsCompression::GZIP:
case THdfsCompression::SNAPPY:
case THdfsCompression::SNAPPY_BLOCKED:
case THdfsCompression::BZIP2:
return true;
return false;
/// Suffix for lzo index files.
const static std::string LZO_INDEX_SUFFIX;
static const char* LLVM_CLASS_NAME;
virtual Status GetNextInternal(RowBatch* row_batch) WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
/// Reset the scanner. This clears any partial state that needs to
/// be cleared when starting or when restarting after an error.
Status ResetScanner() WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
/// Current position in byte buffer.
char* byte_buffer_ptr_;
/// Ending position of HDFS buffer.
char* byte_buffer_end_;
/// Actual bytes received from last file read.
int64_t byte_buffer_read_size_;
/// Last character of the last byte buffer filled, i.e. byte_buffer_end_[-1] when the
/// buffer was last filled with data. Set in FillByteBufferWrapper() and used in
/// CheckForSplitDelimiter(). Copied out of the byte buffer so that it can be
/// referenced after the byte buffer is freed or transferred, e.g. in CommitRows().
/// Valid if 'byte_buffer_filled_' is true.
char byte_buffer_last_byte_;
/// True if the byte buffer was filled with at least a byte of data since the last time
/// the scanner was reset. Set in FillByteBufferWrapper().
bool byte_buffer_filled_;
/// True if we are parsing the header for this scanner.
bool only_parsing_header_;
const static int NEXT_BLOCK_READ_SIZE = 64 * 1024; //bytes
/// The text scanner transitions through these states exactly in order.
enum TextScanState {
/// Initializes this scanner for this context. The context maps to a single
/// scan range. Advances the scan state to SCAN_RANGE_INITIALIZED.
virtual Status InitNewRange() WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
/// Finds the start of the first tuple in this scan range and initializes
/// 'byte_buffer_ptr_' to point to the start of first tuple. Advances the scan state
/// to FIRST_TUPLE_FOUND, if successful. Otherwise, consumes the whole scan range
/// and does not update the scan state (e.g. if there are really large columns).
/// Only valid to call in scan state SCAN_RANGE_INITIALIZED.
Status FindFirstTuple(MemPool* pool) WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
/// When in scan state FIRST_TUPLE_FOUND, starts or continues processing the scan range
/// by reading bytes from 'context_'. Adds materialized tuples that pass the conjuncts
/// to 'row_batch', and returns when 'row_batch' is at capacity.
/// When in scan state PAST_SCAN_RANGE, this function returns after parsing one tuple,
/// regardless of whether it passed the conjuncts.
/// *num_tuples returns the total number of tuples parsed, including tuples that did
/// not pass conjuncts.
/// Advances the scan state to PAST_SCAN_RANGE if all bytes in the scan range have been
/// processed.
/// Only valid to call in scan state FIRST_TUPLE_FOUND or PAST_SCAN_RANGE.
Status ProcessRange(RowBatch* row_batch, int* num_tuples) WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
/// Reads past the end of the scan range for the next tuple end. If successful,
/// advances the scan state to DONE. Only valid to call in state PAST_SCAN_RANGE.
Status FinishScanRange(RowBatch* row_batch) WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
/// Wrapper around FillByteBuffer() that also updates 'byte_buffer_last_byte_'
/// and 'byte_buffer_filled_'. Callers should call this instead of calling
/// FillByteBuffer() directly.
/// TODO: IMPALA-6146: this is a workaround that could be removed if FillByteBuffer()
/// was a cleaner interface.
Status FillByteBufferWrapper(MemPool* pool, bool* eosr, int num_bytes = 0)
/// Fills the next byte buffer from the context. This will block if there are no bytes
/// ready. Updates byte_buffer_ptr_, byte_buffer_end_ and byte_buffer_read_size_.
/// If num_bytes is 0, the scanner will read whatever is the io mgr buffer size,
/// otherwise it will just read num_bytes. If we are reading compressed text, num_bytes
/// must be 0. Internally, calls the appropriate streaming or non-streaming
/// decompression functions FillByteBufferCompressedFile/Stream().
/// If applicable, attaches decompression buffers from previous calls that might still
/// be referenced by returned batches to 'pool'. If 'pool' is nullptr the buffers are
/// freed instead.
/// Subclasses can override this function to implement different behaviour.
/// TODO: IMPALA-6146: rethink this interface - having subclasses modify member
/// variables is brittle.
virtual Status FillByteBuffer(MemPool* pool, bool* eosr, int num_bytes = 0)
/// Fills the next byte buffer from the compressed data in stream_ by reading the entire
/// file, decompressing it, and setting the byte_buffer_ptr_ to the decompressed buffer.
Status FillByteBufferCompressedFile(bool* eosr) WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
/// Fills the next byte buffer from the compressed data in stream_. Unlike
/// FillByteBufferCompressedFile(), the entire file does not need to be read at once.
/// Buffers from stream_ are decompressed as they are read and byte_buffer_ptr_ is set
/// to available decompressed data.
/// Attaches decompression buffers from previous calls that might still be referenced
/// by returned batches to 'pool'. If 'pool' is nullptr the buffers are freed instead.
Status FillByteBufferCompressedStream(MemPool* pool, bool* eosr) WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
/// Used by FillByteBufferCompressedStream() to decompress data from 'stream_'.
/// Returns COMPRESSED_FILE_DECOMPRESSOR_NO_PROGRESS if it needs more input.
/// If bytes_to_read > 0, will read specified size.
/// If bytes_to_read = -1, will call GetBuffer().
Status DecompressBufferStream(int64_t bytes_to_read, uint8_t** decompressed_buffer,
int64_t* decompressed_len, bool *eosr) WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
/// Checks if the current buffer ends with a row delimiter spanning this and the next
/// buffer (i.e. a "\r\n" delimiter). Does not modify byte_buffer_ptr_, etc. Always
/// returns false if the table's row delimiter is not '\n'. This can only be called
/// after the buffer has been fully parsed, i.e. when byte_buffer_ptr_ ==
/// byte_buffer_end_.
Status CheckForSplitDelimiter(bool* split_delimiter) WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
/// Prepends field data that was from the previous file buffer (This field straddled two
/// file buffers). 'data' already contains the pointer/len from the current file buffer,
/// boundary_column_ contains the beginning of the data from the previous file buffer.
/// This function will allocate a new string from the tuple pool, concatenate the
/// two pieces and update 'data' to contain the new pointer/len. Return error status if
/// memory limit is exceeded when allocating a new string.
Status CopyBoundaryField(FieldLocation* data, MemPool* pool) WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
/// Writes intermediate parsed data into 'tuple_', evaluates conjuncts, and appends
/// surviving rows to 'row'. Advances 'tuple_' and 'row' as necessary.
/// Input Parameters:
/// num_fields: Total number of fields contained in parsed_data_
/// num_tuples: Number of tuples in parsed_data_. This includes the potential
/// partial tuple at the beginning of 'field_locations_'.
/// pool: MemPool to allocate from for field data
/// Returns the number of rows added to the row batch.
int WriteFields(int num_fields, int num_tuples, MemPool* pool, TupleRow* row);
/// Utility function to parse 'num_fields' and materialize the resulting slots into
/// 'partial_tuple_'. The data of var-len fields is copied into 'boundary_pool_'.
void WritePartialTuple(FieldLocation*, int num_fields);
/// Deep copies the partial tuple into 'tuple_'. The deep copy is done to simplify
/// memory ownership. Also clears the boundary pool to prevent the accumulation of
/// variable length data in it.
void CopyAndClearPartialTuple(MemPool* pool);
/// Current state of this scanner. Advances through the states exactly in order.
TextScanState scan_state_;
/// Mem pool for boundary_row_, boundary_column_, partial_tuple_ and any variable length
/// data that is pointed at by the partial tuple. Does not hold any tuple data
/// of returned batches, because the data is always deep-copied into the output batch.
boost::scoped_ptr<MemPool> boundary_pool_;
/// Helper string for dealing with input rows that span file blocks. We keep track of
/// a whole line that spans file blocks to be able to report the line as erroneous in
/// case of parsing errors. Does not hold any tuple data of returned batches.
StringBuffer boundary_row_;
/// Helper string for dealing with columns that span file blocks. Does not hold any
/// tuple data of returned batches, because the data is always deep-copied into the
/// output batch. Memory comes from boundary_pool_.
StringBuffer boundary_column_;
/// Index into materialized_slots_ for the next slot to output for the current tuple.
int slot_idx_;
/// Helper class for picking fields and rows from delimited text.
boost::scoped_ptr<DelimitedTextParser<true>> delimited_text_parser_;
/// Return field locations from the Delimited Text Parser.
std::vector<FieldLocation> field_locations_;
/// Pointers into 'byte_buffer_' for the end ptr locations for each row
/// processed in the current batch. Used to report row errors.
std::vector<char*> row_end_locations_;
/// Pointer into byte_buffer that is the start of the current batch being
/// processed.
char* batch_start_ptr_;
/// Whether or not there was a parse error in the current row. Used for counting the
/// number of errors per file. Once the error log is full, error_in_row will still be
/// set, in order to be able to record the errors per file, even if the details are not
/// logged.
bool error_in_row_;
/// Memory to store partial tuples split across buffers. Does not hold any tuple data
/// of returned batches, because the data is always deep-copied into the output batch.
/// Memory comes from boundary_pool_.
Tuple* partial_tuple_;
/// Time parsing text files
RuntimeProfile::Counter* parse_delimiter_timer_;