blob: ef8b7a64451108f845cc56b5776fe420d95ab4f6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
#include <hdfs.h>
#include <boost/unordered_map.hpp>
#include <boost/scoped_ptr.hpp>
/// needed for scoped_ptr to work on ObjectPool
#include "common/object-pool.h"
#include "exec/data-sink.h"
#include "exec/hdfs-table-writer.h"
#include "runtime/descriptors.h"
namespace impala {
class Expr;
class TupleDescriptor;
class TupleRow;
class RuntimeState;
class MemTracker;
/// Records the temporary and final Hdfs file name, the opened temporary Hdfs file, and
/// the number of appended rows of an output partition.
struct OutputPartition {
/// In the below, <unique_id_str> is the unique ID passed to HdfsTableSink in string
/// form. It is typically the fragment ID that owns the sink.
/// Full path to root of the group of files that will be created for this partition.
/// Each file will have a sequence number appended. A table writer may produce multiple
/// files per partition. The root is either partition_descriptor->location (if
/// non-empty, i.e. the partition has a custom location) or table_dir/partition_name/
/// Path: <root>/<unique_id_str>
std::string final_hdfs_file_name_prefix;
/// File name for current output, with sequence number appended.
/// This is a temporary file that will get moved to a permanent location
/// when we commit the insert.
/// Path: <hdfs_base_dir>/<partition_values>/<unique_id_str>.<sequence number>
std::string current_file_name;
/// Name of the temporary directory that files for this partition are staged to before
/// the coordinator moves them to their permanent location once the query completes.
/// Not used if 'skip_staging' is true.
/// Path: <base_table_dir/<staging_dir>/<unique_id>_dir/
std::string tmp_hdfs_dir_name;
/// Base prefix for temporary files, to save building it every time a temporary file is
/// created.
/// Path: tmp_hdfs_dir_name/partition_name/<unique_id_str>
std::string tmp_hdfs_file_name_prefix;
/// key1=val1/key2=val2/ etc. Used to identify partitions to the metastore.
std::string partition_name;
/// Connection to hdfs.
hdfsFS hdfs_connection;
/// Hdfs file at tmp_hdfs_file_name.
hdfsFile tmp_hdfs_file;
/// Records number of rows appended to the current file in this partition.
int64_t num_rows;
/// Number of files created in this partition.
int32_t num_files;
/// Table format specific writer functions.
boost::scoped_ptr<HdfsTableWriter> writer;
/// The descriptor for this partition.
const HdfsPartitionDescriptor* partition_descriptor;
/// The block size decided on for this file.
int64_t block_size;
/// The sink consumes all row batches of its child execution tree, and writes the
/// evaluated output_exprs into temporary Hdfs files. The query coordinator moves the
/// temporary files into their final locations after the sinks have finished executing.
/// This sink supports static and dynamic partition inserts (Hive terminology),
/// as well as inserting into unpartitioned tables,
/// and optional overwriting of partitions/tables.
/// Files and partitions:
/// This sink writes one or more Hdfs files per output partition,
/// corresponding to an Hdfs directory.
/// The Hdfs file names depend on unique_id, and therefore, we rely on the *global*
/// uniqueness of unique_id, ie, no two HdfsTableSinks must be constructed with
/// the same unique_id.
/// For each row, its target partition is computed based on the
/// partition_key_exprs from tsink.
/// A map of opened Hdfs files (corresponding to partitions) is maintained.
/// Each row may belong to different partition than the one before it.
/// Failure behavior:
/// In Exec() all data is written to Hdfs files in a temporary directory.
/// In Close() all temporary Hdfs files are moved to their final locations,
/// while also removing the original files if overwrite was specified, as follows:
/// 1. We move all temporary files to their final destinations.
/// 2. After all tmp files have been moved,
/// we delete the original files if overwrite was specified.
/// There is a possibility of data inconsistency,
/// e.g., if a failure occurs while moving the Hdfs files.
/// The temporary directory is <table base dir>/<unique_id.hi>-<unique_id.lo>_data
/// such that an external tool can easily clean up incomplete inserts.
/// This is consistent with Hive's behavior.
class HdfsTableSink : public DataSink {
HdfsTableSink(const RowDescriptor* row_desc, const TDataSink& tsink,
RuntimeState* state);
/// Prepares output_exprs and partition_key_exprs, and connects to HDFS.
virtual Status Prepare(RuntimeState* state, MemTracker* parent_mem_tracker);
/// Opens output_exprs and partition_key_exprs, prepares the single output partition for
/// static inserts, and populates partition_descriptor_map_.
virtual Status Open(RuntimeState* state);
/// Append all rows in batch to the temporary Hdfs files corresponding to partitions.
virtual Status Send(RuntimeState* state, RowBatch* batch);
/// Finalize any open files.
/// TODO: IMPALA-2988: Move calls to functions that can fail in Close() to FlushFinal()
virtual Status FlushFinal(RuntimeState* state);
/// Move temporary Hdfs files to final locations.
/// Remove original Hdfs files if overwrite was specified.
/// Closes output_exprs and partition_key_exprs.
virtual void Close(RuntimeState* state);
int skip_header_line_count() const { return skip_header_line_count_; }
const vector<int32_t>& sort_columns() const { return sort_columns_; }
const HdfsTableDescriptor& TableDesc() { return *table_desc_; }
RuntimeProfile::Counter* rows_inserted_counter() { return rows_inserted_counter_; }
RuntimeProfile::Counter* bytes_written_counter() { return bytes_written_counter_; }
RuntimeProfile::Counter* encode_timer() { return encode_timer_; }
RuntimeProfile::Counter* hdfs_write_timer() { return hdfs_write_timer_; }
RuntimeProfile::Counter* compress_timer() { return compress_timer_; }
std::string DebugString() const;
virtual Status Init(const std::vector<TExpr>& thrift_output_exprs,
const TDataSink& tsink, RuntimeState* state) WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
/// Initialises the filenames of a given output partition, and opens the temporary file.
/// The partition key is derived from 'row'. If the partition will not have any rows
/// added to it, empty_partition must be true.
Status InitOutputPartition(RuntimeState* state,
const HdfsPartitionDescriptor& partition_descriptor, const TupleRow* row,
OutputPartition* output_partition, bool empty_partition) WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
/// Add a temporary file to an output partition. Files are created in a
/// temporary directory and then moved to the real partition directory by the
/// coordinator in a finalization step. The temporary file's current location
/// and final destination are recorded in the state parameter.
/// If this function fails, the tmp file is cleaned up.
Status CreateNewTmpFile(RuntimeState* state, OutputPartition* output_partition)
/// Key is the concatenation of the evaluated dynamic_partition_key_exprs_ generated by
/// GetHashTblKey(). Maps to an OutputPartition and a vector of indices of the rows in
/// the current batch to insert into the partition. The PartitionPair owns the
/// OutputPartition via a unique_ptr so that the memory is freed as soon as the
/// PartitionPair is removed from the map. This is important, because the
/// PartitionPairs can have different lifetimes. For example, a clustered insert into a
/// partitioned table iterates over the partitions, so only one PartitionPairs is
/// in the map at any given time.
typedef std::pair<std::unique_ptr<OutputPartition>, std::vector<int32_t>> PartitionPair;
typedef boost::unordered_map<std::string, PartitionPair> PartitionMap;
/// Generates string key for hash_tbl_ as a concatenation of all evaluated exprs,
/// evaluated against 'row'. The generated string is much shorter than the full Hdfs
/// file name.
void GetHashTblKey(const TupleRow* row,
const std::vector<ScalarExprEvaluator*>& evals, std::string* key);
/// Given a hashed partition key, get the output partition structure from
/// the 'partition_keys_to_output_partitions_'. 'no_more_rows' indicates that no more
/// rows will be added to the partition.
Status GetOutputPartition(RuntimeState* state, const TupleRow* row,
const std::string& key, PartitionPair** partition_pair, bool no_more_rows)
/// Sets hdfs_file_name and tmp_hdfs_file_name of given output partition.
/// The Hdfs directory is created from the target table's base Hdfs dir,
/// the partition_key_names_ and the evaluated partition_key_exprs_.
/// The Hdfs file name is the unique_id_str_.
void BuildHdfsFileNames(const HdfsPartitionDescriptor& partition_descriptor,
OutputPartition* output);
/// Writes all rows referenced by the row index vector in 'partition_pair' to the
/// partition's writer and clears the row index vector afterwards.
Status WriteRowsToPartition(
RuntimeState* state, RowBatch* batch, PartitionPair* partition_pair)
/// Maps all rows in 'batch' to partitions and appends them to their temporary Hdfs
/// files. The input must be ordered by the partition key expressions.
Status WriteClusteredRowBatch(RuntimeState* state, RowBatch* batch) WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
/// Updates runtime stats of HDFS with rows written, then closes the file associated
/// with the partition by calling ClosePartitionFile()
Status FinalizePartitionFile(RuntimeState* state, OutputPartition* partition)
/// Closes the hdfs file for this partition as well as the writer.
Status ClosePartitionFile(RuntimeState* state, OutputPartition* partition)
// Returns TRUE if the staging step should be skipped for this partition. This allows
// for faster INSERT query completion time for the S3A filesystem as the coordinator
// does not have to copy the file(s) from the staging locaiton to the final location. We
// do not skip for INSERT OVERWRITEs because the coordinator will delete all files in
// the final location before moving the staged files there, so we cannot write directly
// to the final location and need to write to the temporary staging location.
bool ShouldSkipStaging(RuntimeState* state, OutputPartition* partition);
/// Descriptor of target table. Set in Prepare().
const HdfsTableDescriptor* table_desc_;
/// Currently this is the default partition since we don't support multi-format sinks.
const HdfsPartitionDescriptor* default_partition_;
/// Table id resolved in Prepare() to set tuple_desc_;
TableId table_id_;
/// The 'skip.header.line.count' property of the target Hdfs table. We will insert this
/// many empty lines at the beginning of new text files, which will be skipped by the
/// scanners while reading from the files.
int skip_header_line_count_;
/// Indicates whether the existing partitions should be overwritten.
bool overwrite_;
/// Indicates whether the input is ordered by the partition keys, meaning partitions can
/// be opened, written, and closed one by one.
bool input_is_clustered_;
// Stores the indices into the list of non-clustering columns of the target table that
// are stored in the 'sort.columns' table property. This is used in the backend to
// populate the RowGroup::sorting_columns list in parquet files.
const std::vector<int32_t>& sort_columns_;
/// Stores the current partition during clustered inserts across subsequent row batches.
/// Only set if 'input_is_clustered_' is true.
PartitionPair* current_clustered_partition_;
/// Stores the current partition key during clustered inserts across subsequent row
/// batches. Only set if 'input_is_clustered_' is true.
std::string current_clustered_partition_key_;
/// The directory in which to write intermediate results. Set to
/// <hdfs_table_base_dir>/_impala_insert_staging/ during Prepare()
std::string staging_dir_;
/// string representation of the unique fragment instance id. Used for per-partition
/// Hdfs file names, and for tmp Hdfs directories. Set in Prepare();
std::string unique_id_str_;
/// Hash table of generated output partitions.
/// Maps from a string representation of the dynamic_partition_key_exprs_
/// generated by GetHashTblKey() to its corresponding OutputPartition.
/// If there are no partitions (and no partition keys) we store a single
/// OutputPartition in the map to simplify the code.
PartitionMap partition_keys_to_output_partitions_;
/// Expressions for computing the target partitions to which a row is written.
std::vector<ScalarExpr*> partition_key_exprs_;
std::vector<ScalarExprEvaluator*> partition_key_expr_evals_;
/// Subset of partition_key_expr_evals_ which are not constant. Set in Prepare().
/// Used for generating the string key of hash_tbl_.
std::vector<ScalarExprEvaluator*> dynamic_partition_key_expr_evals_;
/// Map from row key (i.e. concatenated non-constant partition keys) to
/// partition descriptor. We don't own the HdfsPartitionDescriptors, they
/// belong to the table descriptor. The key is generated by GetHashTblKey()
/// from the keys in a row.
typedef boost::unordered_map<std::string, HdfsPartitionDescriptor*>
PartitionDescriptorMap partition_descriptor_map_;
RuntimeProfile::Counter* partitions_created_counter_;
RuntimeProfile::Counter* files_created_counter_;
RuntimeProfile::Counter* rows_inserted_counter_;
RuntimeProfile::Counter* bytes_written_counter_;
/// Time spent converting tuple to on disk format.
RuntimeProfile::Counter* encode_timer_;
/// Time spent writing to hdfs
RuntimeProfile::Counter* hdfs_write_timer_;
/// Time spent compressing data
RuntimeProfile::Counter* compress_timer_;