blob: d642313f3c34b37090dcfa5fae74c342a1415df8 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
#include <vector>
#include <memory>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <boost/scoped_ptr.hpp>
#include "codegen/impala-ir.h"
#include "common/global-flags.h"
#include "common/object-pool.h"
#include "common/status.h"
#include "exec/hdfs-scan-node-base.h"
#include "exec/scanner-context.h"
#include "runtime/io/disk-io-mgr.h"
#include "runtime/row-batch.h"
#include "runtime/tuple.h"
namespace impala {
class Codec;
class CollectionValueBuilder;
class Compression;
class Expr;
class HdfsPartitionDescriptor;
class MemPool;
class TextConverter;
class TupleDescriptor;
class SlotDescriptor;
// The number of row batches between checks to see if a filter is effective, and
// should be disabled. Must be a power of two.
/// Intermediate structure used for two pass parsing approach. In the first pass,
/// the FieldLocation structs are filled out and contain where all the fields start and
/// their lengths. In the second pass, the FieldLocation is used to write out the
/// slots. We want to keep this struct as small as possible.
struct FieldLocation {
/// start of field. This is set to NULL for FieldLocations that are past the
/// end of the row in the file. E.g. the file only had 3 cols but the table
/// has 10. These then get written out as NULL slots.
char* start;
/// Encodes the length and whether or not this fields needs to be unescaped.
/// If len < 0, then the field needs to be unescaped.
/// Currently, 'len' has to fit in a 32-bit integer as that's the limit for StringValue
/// and StringVal. All other types shouldn't be anywhere near this limit.
int len;
static const char* LLVM_CLASS_NAME;
/// HdfsScanner is the superclass for different hdfs file format parsers. There is
/// an instance of the scanner object created for each split, each driven by a different
/// thread created by the scan node. The scan node calls:
/// 1. Open()
/// 2. ProcessSplit() or GetNext()*
/// 3. Close()
/// The scanner can be used in either of two modes. Which mode is expected to be used
/// depends on the type of parent scan node. Parent scan nodes with a row batch queue
/// are expected to call ProcessSplit() and not GetNext(). Row batches will be added to
/// the scan node's row batch queue, including the final one in Close().
/// ProcessSplit() scans the split and adds materialized row batches to the scan node's
/// row batch queue until the split is complete or an error occurred.
/// GetNext() provides an iterator-like interface where the caller can request
/// the next materialized row batch until the split has been fully processed (eos).
/// The HdfsScanner works in tandem with the ScannerContext to interleave IO
/// and parsing.
/// If a split is compressed, then a decompressor will be created, either during Prepare()
/// or at the beginning of ProcessSplit(), and used for decompressing and reading the
/// split.
/// For codegen, the implementation is split into two parts.
/// 1. During the Prepare() phase of the ScanNode, the scanner subclass's static
/// Codegen() function will be called to perform codegen for that scanner type
/// for the specific tuple desc. This codegen'd function is cached in the HdfsScanNode.
/// 2. During the GetNext() phase of the scan node (where we create one Scanner for each
/// scan range), the created scanner subclass can retrieve, from the scan node,
/// the codegen'd function to use.
/// This way, we only codegen once per scanner type, rather than once per scanner object.
/// This class also encapsulates row batch management. Subclasses should call
/// CommitRows() after writing to the current row batch, which handles creating row
/// batches, releasing per-batch resources, and passing row batches up to the scan node.
/// Subclasses can also use GetMemory() to help with per-row memory management.
/// TODO: Have a pass over all members and move them out of the base class if sensible
/// to clarify which state each concrete scanner type actually has.
class HdfsScanner {
/// Assumed size of an OS file block. Used mostly when reading file format headers, etc.
/// This probably ought to be a derived number from the environment.
const static int FILE_BLOCK_SIZE = 4096;
HdfsScanner(HdfsScanNodeBase* scan_node, RuntimeState* state);
virtual ~HdfsScanner();
/// One-time initialisation of state that is constant across scan ranges.
virtual Status Open(ScannerContext* context) WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
/// Returns the next row batch from this scanner's split.
/// Recoverable errors are logged to the runtime state. Only returns a non-OK status
/// if a non-recoverable error is encountered (or abort_on_error is true). If OK is
/// returned, 'parse_status_' is guaranteed to be OK as well.
/// The memory referenced by the tuples is valid until this or any subsequently
/// returned batch is reset or destroyed.
/// Only valid to call if the parent scan node is single-threaded.
Status GetNext(RowBatch* row_batch) WARN_UNUSED_RESULT {
return GetNextInternal(row_batch);
/// Process an entire split, reading bytes from the context's streams. Context is
/// initialized with the split data (e.g. template tuple, partition descriptor, etc).
/// This function should only return on error or end of scan range.
/// Only valid to call if the parent scan node is multi-threaded.
virtual Status ProcessSplit() WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
/// Creates a new row batch and transfers the ownership of memory backing returned
/// tuples to it by calling Close(RowBatch). That last batch is added to the row batch
/// queue. Only valid to call if HasRowBatchQueue().
void Close();
/// Transfers the ownership of memory backing returned tuples such as buffers
/// and memory in mem pools to the given row batch. If the row batch is NULL,
/// those resources are released instead. In any case, releases all other resources
/// that are not backing returned rows (e.g. temporary decompression buffers).
/// This function is not idempotent and must only be called once.
virtual void Close(RowBatch* row_batch) = 0;
/// Helper function that frees resources common to all scanner subclasses like the
/// 'decompressor_', 'context_', 'obj_pool_', etc. Should only be called once the last
/// row batch has been attached to the row batch queue (if applicable) to avoid freeing
/// memory that might be referenced by the last batch.
/// Only valid to call if 'is_closed_' is false. Sets 'is_closed_' to true.
void CloseInternal();
/// Only valid to call if the parent scan node is single-threaded.
bool eos() const {
return eos_;
/// Scanner subclasses must implement these static functions as well. Unfortunately,
/// c++ does not allow static virtual functions.
/// Issue the initial ranges for 'files'. HdfsFileDesc groups all the splits
/// assigned to this scan node by file. This is called before any of the scanner
/// subclasses are created to process splits in 'files'.
/// The strategy on how to parse the scan ranges depends on the file format.
/// - For simple text files, all the splits are simply issued to the io mgr and
/// one split == one scan range.
/// - For formats with a header, the metadata is first parsed, and then the ranges are
/// issued to the io mgr. There is one scan range for the header and one range for
/// each split.
/// - For columnar formats, the header is parsed and only the relevant byte ranges
/// should be issued to the io mgr. This is one range for the metadata and one
/// range for each column, for each split.
/// This function is how scanners can pick their strategy.
/// void IssueInitialRanges(HdfsScanNodeBase* scan_node,
/// const std::vector<HdfsFileDesc*>& files);
/// Codegen all functions for this scanner. The codegen'd function is specific to
/// the scanner subclass but not specific to each scanner object. We don't want to
/// codegen the functions for each scanner object.
/// llvm::Function* Codegen(HdfsScanNode* scan_node);
static const char* LLVM_CLASS_NAME;
/// The scan node that started this scanner
HdfsScanNodeBase* scan_node_;
/// RuntimeState for error reporting
RuntimeState* state_;
/// Context for this scanner
ScannerContext* context_ = nullptr;
/// Object pool for objects with same lifetime as scanner.
ObjectPool obj_pool_;
/// The first stream for context_
ScannerContext::Stream* stream_ = nullptr;
/// Set if this scanner has processed all ranges and will not produce more rows.
bool eos_ = false;
/// Starts as false and is set to true in Close().
bool is_closed_ = false;
/// MemPool used for expr-managed memory in expression evaluators in this scanner.
/// Need to be local to each scanner as MemPool is not thread safe.
boost::scoped_ptr<MemPool> expr_perm_pool_;
/// Clones of the conjuncts' evaluators in scan_node_->conjuncts_map().
/// Each scanner has its own ScalarExprEvaluators so the conjuncts can be safely
/// evaluated in parallel.
HdfsScanNodeBase::ConjunctEvaluatorsMap conjunct_evals_map_;
// Convenience reference to conjuncts_evals_map_[scan_node_->tuple_idx()] for
// scanners that do not support nested types.
const std::vector<ScalarExprEvaluator*>* conjunct_evals_ = nullptr;
// Clones of the conjuncts' evaluators in scan_node_->thrift_dict_filter_conjuncts().
typedef std::map<SlotId, std::vector<ScalarExprEvaluator*>>
DictFilterConjunctsMap dict_filter_map_;
/// Holds memory for template tuples. The memory in this pool must remain valid as long
/// as the row batches produced by this scanner. This typically means that the
/// ownership is transferred to the last row batch in Close(). Some scanners transfer
/// the ownership to the parent scan node instead due being closed multiple times.
boost::scoped_ptr<MemPool> template_tuple_pool_;
/// A template tuple is a partially-materialized tuple with only partition key slots set
/// (or other default values, such as NULL for columns missing in a file). The other
/// slots are set to NULL. The template tuple must be copied into output tuples before
/// any of the other slots are materialized.
/// Each tuple descriptor (i.e. scan_node_->tuple_desc() and any collection item tuple
/// descs) has a template tuple, or NULL if there are no partition key or default slots.
/// Template tuples are computed once for each file and are allocated from
/// template_tuple_pool_.
std::unordered_map<const TupleDescriptor*, Tuple*> template_tuple_map_;
/// Convenience variable set to the top-level template tuple
/// (i.e. template_tuple_map_[scan_node_->tuple_desc()]).
Tuple* template_tuple_ = nullptr;
/// Fixed size of each top-level tuple, in bytes
const int32_t tuple_byte_size_;
/// Current tuple pointer into 'tuple_mem_'.
Tuple* tuple_ = nullptr;
/// The tuple memory backing 'tuple_'.
uint8_t* tuple_mem_ = nullptr;
/// Helper class for converting text to other types;
boost::scoped_ptr<TextConverter> text_converter_;
/// Contains current parse status to minimize the number of Status objects returned.
/// This significantly minimizes the cross compile dependencies for llvm since status
/// objects inline a bunch of string functions. Also, status objects aren't extremely
/// cheap to create and destroy.
Status parse_status_ = Status::OK();
/// Decompressor class to use, if any.
boost::scoped_ptr<Codec> decompressor_;
/// The most recently used decompression type.
THdfsCompression::type decompression_type_ = THdfsCompression::NONE;
/// Pool to allocate per data block memory. This should be used with the
/// decompressor and any other per data block allocations.
boost::scoped_ptr<MemPool> data_buffer_pool_;
/// Offsets of string slots in the result tuple that may need to be copied as part of
/// tuple materialization. Populated in constructor. This is redundant with offset
/// information stored in the TupleDescriptor but storing only the required metadata
/// in a simple array of struct simplifies codegen and speeds up interpretation.
std::vector<SlotOffsets> string_slot_offsets_;
/// Time spent decompressing bytes.
RuntimeProfile::Counter* decompress_timer_ = nullptr;
/// Matching typedef for WriteAlignedTuples for codegen. Refer to comments for
/// that function.
typedef int (*WriteTuplesFn)(HdfsScanner*, MemPool*, TupleRow*, FieldLocation*,
int, int, int, int, bool);
/// Jitted write tuples function pointer. Null if codegen is disabled.
WriteTuplesFn write_tuples_fn_ = nullptr;
struct LocalFilterStats {
/// Total number of rows to which each filter was applied
int64_t considered;
/// Total number of rows that each filter rejected.
int64_t rejected;
/// Total number of rows that each filter could have been applied to (if it were
/// available from row 0).
int64_t total_possible;
/// Use known-width type to act as logical boolean. Set to 1 if corresponding filter
/// in filter_ctxs_ should be applied, 0 if it was ineffective and was disabled.
uint8_t enabled;
/// Padding to ensure structs do not straddle cache-line boundary.
uint8_t padding[7];
LocalFilterStats() : considered(0), rejected(0), total_possible(0), enabled(1) { }
/// Cached runtime filter contexts, one for each filter that applies to this column.
vector<const FilterContext *> filter_ctxs_;
/// Track statistics of each filter (one for each filter in filter_ctxs_) per scanner
/// so that expensive aggregation up to the scan node can be performed once, during
/// Close().
vector<LocalFilterStats> filter_stats_;
/// Size of the file footer for ORC and Parquet. This is a guess. If this value is too
/// little, we will need to issue another read.
static const int64_t FOOTER_SIZE = 1024 * 100;
"FOOTER_SIZE can not be greater than READ_SIZE_MIN_VALUE.\n"
"You can increase FOOTER_SIZE if you want, "
"just don't forget to increase READ_SIZE_MIN_VALUE as well.");
/// Check runtime filters' effectiveness every BATCHES_PER_FILTER_SELECTIVITY_CHECK
/// row batches. Will update 'filter_stats_'.
void CheckFiltersEffectiveness();
/// Evaluates 'row' against the i-th runtime filter for this scan node and returns
/// true if 'row' finds a match in the filter. Returns false otherwise.
bool EvalRuntimeFilter(int i, TupleRow* row);
/// Evaluates runtime filters (if any) against the given row. Returns true if
/// they passed, false otherwise. Maintains the runtime filter stats, determines
/// whether the filters are effective, and disables them if they are not. This is
/// replaced by generated code at runtime.
bool EvalRuntimeFilters(TupleRow* row);
/// Find and return the last split in the file if it is assigned to this scan node.
/// Returns NULL otherwise.
static io::ScanRange* FindFooterSplit(HdfsFileDesc* file);
/// Issue just the footer range for each file. This function is only used in parquet
/// and orc scanners. We'll then parse the footer and pick out the columns we want.
static Status IssueFooterRanges(HdfsScanNodeBase* scan_node,
const THdfsFileFormat::type& file_type, const std::vector<HdfsFileDesc*>& files)
/// Implements GetNext(). Should be overridden by subclasses.
/// Only valid to call if the parent scan node is multi-threaded.
virtual Status GetNextInternal(RowBatch* row_batch) WARN_UNUSED_RESULT {
DCHECK(false) << "GetNextInternal() not implemented for this scanner type.";
return Status::OK();
/// Initializes write_tuples_fn_ to the jitted function if codegen is possible.
/// - partition - partition descriptor for this scanner/scan range
/// - type - type for this scanner
/// - scanner_name - debug string name for this scanner (e.g. HdfsTextScanner)
Status InitializeWriteTuplesFn(HdfsPartitionDescriptor* partition,
THdfsFileFormat::type type, const std::string& scanner_name) WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
/// Reset internal state for a new scan range.
virtual Status InitNewRange() WARN_UNUSED_RESULT = 0;
/// Gets memory for outputting tuples into the CollectionValue being constructed via
/// 'builder'. If memory limit is exceeded, an error status is returned. Otherwise,
/// returns the maximum number of tuples that can be output in 'num_rows'.
/// The returned TupleRow* should not be incremented (i.e. don't call next_row() on
/// it). Instead, incrementing *tuple_mem will update *tuple_row_mem to be pointing at
/// the next tuple. This also means its unnecessary to call
/// (*tuple_row_mem)->SetTuple().
Status GetCollectionMemory(CollectionValueBuilder* builder, MemPool** pool,
Tuple** tuple_mem, TupleRow** tuple_row_mem, int64_t* num_rows) WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
/// Commits 'num_rows' to 'row_batch'. Advances 'tuple_mem_' and 'tuple_' accordingly.
/// Frees expr result allocations. Returns non-OK if 'context_' is cancelled or the
/// query status in 'state_' is non-OK.
Status CommitRows(int num_rows, RowBatch* row_batch) WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
/// Convenience function for evaluating conjuncts using this scanner's ScalarExprEvaluators.
/// This must always be inlined so we can correctly replace the call to
/// ExecNode::EvalConjuncts() during codegen.
bool IR_ALWAYS_INLINE EvalConjuncts(TupleRow* row) {
return ExecNode::EvalConjuncts(conjunct_evals_->data(), conjunct_evals_->size(), row);
/// Handles the case when there are no slots materialized (e.g. count(*)) by adding
/// up to 'num_tuples' rows to the row batch which 'row' points to. Assumes each tuple
/// row only has one tuple. Set the added tuples in the row batch with the template
/// tuple if it's not NULL. In the rare case when there are conjuncts, evaluate them
/// once for each row and only add a row when they evaluate to true. Returns the number
/// of tuple rows added.
int WriteTemplateTuples(TupleRow* row, int num_tuples);
/// Processes batches of fields and writes them out to tuple_row_mem.
/// - 'pool' mempool to allocate from for auxiliary tuple memory
/// - 'tuple_row_mem' preallocated tuple_row memory this function must use.
/// - 'fields' must start at the beginning of a tuple.
/// - 'num_tuples' number of tuples to process
/// - 'max_added_tuples' the maximum number of tuples that should be added to the batch.
/// - 'row_idx_start' is the number of rows that have already been processed
/// as part of WritePartialTuple.
/// - 'copy_strings': if true, strings in returned tuples that pass conjuncts are
/// copied into 'pool'
/// Returns the number of tuples added to the row batch. This can be less than
/// num_tuples/tuples_till_limit because of failed conjuncts.
/// Returns -1 if an error is encountered, e.g. a parse error or a memory allocation
/// error.
/// Only valid to call if the parent scan node is multi-threaded.
int WriteAlignedTuples(MemPool* pool, TupleRow* tuple_row_mem, FieldLocation* fields,
int num_tuples, int max_added_tuples, int slots_per_tuple, int row_idx_start,
bool copy_strings);
/// Update the decompressor_ object given a compression type or codec name. Depending on
/// the old compression type and the new one, it may close the old decompressor and/or
/// create a new one of different type.
Status UpdateDecompressor(const THdfsCompression::type& compression) WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
Status UpdateDecompressor(const std::string& codec) WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
/// Utility function to report parse errors for each field.
/// If errors[i] is nonzero, fields[i] had a parse error.
/// Returns false if parsing should be aborted. In this case parse_status_ is set
/// to the error.
/// This is called from WriteAlignedTuples.
bool ReportTupleParseError(FieldLocation* fields, uint8_t* errors);
/// Triggers debug action of the scan node. This is currently used by Parquet column
/// readers to exercise various failure paths in Parquet scanner. Returns the status
/// returned by the scan node's TriggerDebugAction().
Status ScannerDebugAction() WARN_UNUSED_RESULT {
return scan_node_->ScanNodeDebugAction(TExecNodePhase::GETNEXT_SCANNER);
/// Utility function to append an error message for an invalid row.
void LogRowParseError();
/// Writes out all slots for 'tuple' from 'fields'. 'fields' must be aligned
/// to the start of the tuple (e.g. fields[0] maps to slots[0]).
/// After writing the tuple, it will be evaluated against the conjuncts.
/// - error_fields is an out array. error_fields[i] will be set to true if the ith
/// field had a parse error
/// - error_in_row is an out bool. It is set to true if any field had parse errors
/// Returns whether the resulting tuplerow passed the conjuncts.
/// The parsing of the fields and evaluating against conjuncts is combined in this
/// function. This is done so it can be possible to evaluate conjuncts as slots
/// are materialized (on partial tuples).
/// This function is replaced by a codegen'd function at runtime. This is
/// the reason that the out error parameters are typed uint8_t instead of bool. We need
/// to be able to match this function's signature identically for the codegen'd function.
/// Bool's as out parameters can get converted to bytes by the compiler and rather than
/// implicitly depending on that to happen, we will explicitly type them to bytes.
/// TODO: revisit this
bool WriteCompleteTuple(MemPool* pool, FieldLocation* fields, Tuple* tuple,
TupleRow* tuple_row, Tuple* template_tuple, uint8_t* error_fields,
uint8_t* error_in_row) WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
/// Codegen function to replace WriteCompleteTuple. Should behave identically
/// to WriteCompleteTuple. Stores the resulting function in 'write_complete_tuple_fn'
/// if codegen was successful or NULL otherwise.
static Status CodegenWriteCompleteTuple(const HdfsScanNodeBase* node,
LlvmCodeGen* codegen, const std::vector<ScalarExpr*>& conjuncts,
llvm::Function** write_complete_tuple_fn) WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
/// Codegen function to replace WriteAlignedTuples. WriteAlignedTuples is cross
/// compiled to IR. This function loads the precompiled IR function, modifies it,
/// and stores the resulting function in 'write_aligned_tuples_fn' if codegen was
/// successful or NULL otherwise.
static Status CodegenWriteAlignedTuples(const HdfsScanNodeBase*, LlvmCodeGen*,
llvm::Function* write_tuple_fn,
llvm::Function** write_aligned_tuples_fn) WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
/// Codegen function to replace InitTuple() removing runtime constants like the tuple
/// size and branches like the template tuple existence check. The codegen'd version
/// of InitTuple() is stored in 'init_tuple_fn' if codegen was successful.
static Status CodegenInitTuple(
const HdfsScanNodeBase* node, LlvmCodeGen* codegen, llvm::Function** init_tuple_fn);
/// Codegen EvalRuntimeFilters() by unrolling the loop in the interpreted version
/// and emitting a customized version of EvalRuntimeFilter() for each filter in
/// 'filter_ctxs'. Return error status on failure. The generated function is returned
/// via 'fn'.
static Status CodegenEvalRuntimeFilters(LlvmCodeGen* codegen,
const std::vector<ScalarExpr*>& filter_exprs, llvm::Function** fn)
/// Report parse error for column @ desc. If abort_on_error is true, sets
/// parse_status_ to the error message.
void ReportColumnParseError(const SlotDescriptor* desc, const char* data, int len);
/// Initialize a tuple. Inlined into the convenience version below for codegen.
void IR_ALWAYS_INLINE InitTuple(
const TupleDescriptor* desc, Tuple* template_tuple, Tuple* tuple) {
if (has_template_tuple(template_tuple)) {
InitTupleFromTemplate(template_tuple, tuple, tuple_byte_size(*desc));
} else {
tuple->ClearNullBits(desc->null_bytes_offset(), desc->num_null_bytes());
/// Convenience version of above that passes in the scan's TupleDescriptor.
/// Replaced with a codegen'd version in IR.
void IR_NO_INLINE InitTuple(Tuple* template_tuple, Tuple* tuple) {
return InitTuple(scan_node_->tuple_desc(), template_tuple, tuple);
/// Initialize 'tuple' with size 'tuple_byte_size' from 'template_tuple'
void InitTupleFromTemplate(Tuple* template_tuple, Tuple* tuple, int tuple_byte_size) {
memcpy(tuple, template_tuple, tuple_byte_size);
/// Initialize a dense array of 'num_tuples' tuples.
/// TODO: we could do better here if we inlined the tuple and null indicator byte
/// widths with codegen to eliminate all the branches in memcpy()/memset().
void InitTupleBuffer(
Tuple* template_tuple, uint8_t* __restrict__ tuple_mem, int64_t num_tuples) {
const TupleDescriptor* desc = scan_node_->tuple_desc();
const int tuple_byte_size = desc->byte_size();
// Handle the different template/non-template cases with different loops to avoid
// unnecessary branches inside the loop.
if (template_tuple != nullptr) {
for (int64_t i = 0; i < num_tuples; ++i) {
template_tuple, reinterpret_cast<Tuple*>(tuple_mem), tuple_byte_size);
tuple_mem += tuple_byte_size;
} else if (tuple_byte_size <= CACHE_LINE_SIZE) {
// If each tuple fits in a cache line, it is quicker to zero the whole memory buffer
// instead of just the null indicators. This is because we are fetching the cache
// line anyway and zeroing a cache line is cheap (a couple of AVX2 instructions)
// compared with the overhead of calling memset() row-by-row.
memset(tuple_mem, 0, num_tuples * tuple_byte_size);
} else {
const int null_bytes_offset = desc->null_bytes_offset();
const int num_null_bytes = desc->num_null_bytes();
for (int64_t i = 0; i < num_tuples; ++i) {
null_bytes_offset, num_null_bytes);
tuple_mem += tuple_byte_size;
/// Not inlined in IR so it can be replaced with a constant.
int IR_NO_INLINE tuple_byte_size() const { return tuple_byte_size_; }
int IR_NO_INLINE tuple_byte_size(const TupleDescriptor& desc) const {
return desc.byte_size();
/// Returns true iff 'template_tuple' is non-NULL.
/// Not inlined in IR so it can be replaced with a constant.
static bool IR_NO_INLINE has_template_tuple(Tuple* template_tuple) {
return template_tuple != nullptr;
inline Tuple* next_tuple(int tuple_byte_size, Tuple* t) const {
uint8_t* mem = reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(t);
return reinterpret_cast<Tuple*>(mem + tuple_byte_size);
/// Assumes the row only has a single tuple.
inline TupleRow* next_row(TupleRow* r) const {
uint8_t* mem = reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(r);
return reinterpret_cast<TupleRow*>(mem + sizeof(Tuple*));
/// Simple wrapper around conjunct_evals_[idx]. Used in the codegen'd version of
/// WriteCompleteTuple() because it's easier than writing IR to access
/// conjunct_evals_.
ScalarExprEvaluator* GetConjunctEval(int idx) const;
/// Unit test constructor