blob: 37376c63052f317a64c05161953a1b8c1bbf82d0 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
#include "exec/hdfs-rcfile-scanner.h"
#include <boost/algorithm/string.hpp>
#include "exec/hdfs-scan-node.h"
#include "exec/hdfs-sequence-scanner.h"
#include "exec/scanner-context.inline.h"
#include "exec/text-converter.inline.h"
#include "runtime/descriptors.h"
#include "runtime/runtime-state.h"
#include "runtime/mem-pool.h"
#include "runtime/tuple-row.h"
#include "runtime/tuple.h"
#include "runtime/string-value.h"
#include "util/codec.h"
#include "util/string-parser.h"
#include "util/runtime-profile-counters.h"
#include "gen-cpp/PlanNodes_types.h"
#include "common/names.h"
using namespace impala;
const char* const HdfsRCFileScanner::RCFILE_KEY_CLASS_NAME =
const char* const HdfsRCFileScanner::RCFILE_VALUE_CLASS_NAME =
const char* const HdfsRCFileScanner::RCFILE_METADATA_KEY_NUM_COLS =
const uint8_t HdfsRCFileScanner::RCFILE_VERSION_HEADER[4] = {'R', 'C', 'F', 1};
// Check max column limit, set to 8 million
const int HdfsRCFileScanner::MAX_NCOLS = 8000000;
// Macro to convert between SerdeUtil errors to Status returns.
#define RETURN_IF_FALSE(x) if (UNLIKELY(!(x))) return parse_status_
HdfsRCFileScanner::HdfsRCFileScanner(HdfsScanNodeBase* scan_node, RuntimeState* state)
: BaseSequenceScanner(scan_node, state) {
HdfsRCFileScanner::~HdfsRCFileScanner() {
Status HdfsRCFileScanner::Open(ScannerContext* context) {
new TextConverter(0, scan_node_->hdfs_table()->null_column_value()));
return Status::OK();
Status HdfsRCFileScanner::InitNewRange() {
DCHECK(header_ != nullptr);
only_parsing_header_ = false;
row_group_buffer_size_ = 0;
// Can reuse buffer if there are no string columns (since the tuple won't contain
// ptrs into the decompressed data).
reuse_row_group_buffer_ = scan_node_->tuple_desc()->string_slots().empty();
if (header_->is_compressed) {
reuse_row_group_buffer_, header_->codec, &decompressor_));
int ncols = reinterpret_cast<RcFileHeader*>(header_)->num_cols;
if (ncols < 0 || ncols > MAX_NCOLS) {
stringstream ss;
ss << stream_->filename() << " Column limit has exceeded " << MAX_NCOLS
<< " limit, the number of columns are " << ncols;
return Status(ss.str());
// Allocate the buffers for the key information that is used to read and decode
// the column data.
int num_table_cols =
scan_node_->hdfs_table()->num_cols() - scan_node_->num_partition_keys();
for (int i = 0; i < columns_.size(); ++i) {
if (i < num_table_cols) {
int col_idx = i + scan_node_->num_partition_keys();
columns_[i].materialize_column = scan_node_->GetMaterializedSlotIdx(
vector<int>(1, col_idx)) != HdfsScanNodeBase::SKIP_COLUMN;
} else {
// Treat columns not found in table metadata as extra unmaterialized columns
columns_[i].materialize_column = false;
// TODO: Initialize codegen fn here
return Status::OK();
Status HdfsRCFileScanner::ReadFileHeader() {
RcFileHeader* rc_header = reinterpret_cast<RcFileHeader*>(header_);
// Validate file version
uint8_t* header;
sizeof(RCFILE_VERSION_HEADER), &header, &parse_status_));
if (!memcmp(header, HdfsSequenceScanner::SEQFILE_VERSION_HEADER,
sizeof(HdfsSequenceScanner::SEQFILE_VERSION_HEADER))) {
rc_header->version = SEQ6;
} else if (!memcmp(header, RCFILE_VERSION_HEADER, sizeof(RCFILE_VERSION_HEADER))) {
rc_header->version = RCF1;
} else {
stringstream ss;
ss << stream_->filename() << " Invalid RCFILE_VERSION_HEADER: '"
<< ReadWriteUtil::HexDump(header, sizeof(RCFILE_VERSION_HEADER)) << "'";
return Status(ss.str());
if (rc_header->version == SEQ6) {
// Validate class name key/value
uint8_t* class_name_key;
int64_t len;
stream_->ReadText(&class_name_key, &len, &parse_status_));
if (len != strlen(HdfsRCFileScanner::RCFILE_KEY_CLASS_NAME) ||
memcmp(class_name_key, HdfsRCFileScanner::RCFILE_KEY_CLASS_NAME, len)) {
stringstream ss;
ss << stream_->filename() << " Invalid RCFILE_KEY_CLASS_NAME: '"
<< string(reinterpret_cast<char*>(class_name_key), len) << "' len=" << len;
return Status(ss.str());
uint8_t* class_name_val;
stream_->ReadText(&class_name_val, &len, &parse_status_));
if (len != strlen(HdfsRCFileScanner::RCFILE_VALUE_CLASS_NAME) ||
memcmp(class_name_val, HdfsRCFileScanner::RCFILE_VALUE_CLASS_NAME, len)) {
stringstream ss;
ss << stream_->filename() << " Invalid RCFILE_VALUE_CLASS_NAME: '"
<< string(reinterpret_cast<char*>(class_name_val), len) << "' len=" << len;
return Status(ss.str());
// Check for compression
stream_->ReadBoolean(&header_->is_compressed, &parse_status_));
if (rc_header->version == SEQ6) {
// Read the is_blk_compressed header field. This field should *always*
// be FALSE, and is the result of using the sequence file header format in the
// original RCFile format.
bool is_blk_compressed;
stream_->ReadBoolean(&is_blk_compressed, &parse_status_));
if (is_blk_compressed) {
stringstream ss;
ss << stream_->filename() << " RC files does not support block compression.";
return Status(ss.str());
if (header_->is_compressed) {
uint8_t* codec_ptr;
int64_t len;
// Read the codec and get the right decompressor class.
RETURN_IF_FALSE(stream_->ReadText(&codec_ptr, &len, &parse_status_));
header_->codec = string(reinterpret_cast<char*>(codec_ptr), len);
Codec::CodecMap::const_iterator it = Codec::CODEC_MAP.find(header_->codec);
if (it == Codec::CODEC_MAP.end()) {
stringstream ss;
ss << stream_->filename() << " Invalid codec: " << header_->codec;
return Status(ss.str());
header_->compression_type = it->second;
} else {
header_->compression_type = THdfsCompression::NONE;
VLOG_FILE << stream_->filename() << ": "
<< (header_->is_compressed ? "compressed" : "not compressed");
if (header_->is_compressed) VLOG_FILE << header_->codec;
// Read file sync marker
uint8_t* sync;
RETURN_IF_FALSE(stream_->ReadBytes(SYNC_HASH_SIZE, &sync, &parse_status_));
memcpy(header_->sync, sync, SYNC_HASH_SIZE);
header_->header_size = stream_->total_bytes_returned() - SYNC_HASH_SIZE;
return Status::OK();
Status HdfsRCFileScanner::ReadNumColumnsMetadata() {
int map_size = 0;
RETURN_IF_FALSE(stream_->ReadInt(&map_size, &parse_status_));
for (int i = 0; i < map_size; ++i) {
uint8_t* key, *value;
int64_t key_len, value_len;
RETURN_IF_FALSE(stream_->ReadText(&key, &key_len, &parse_status_));
RETURN_IF_FALSE(stream_->ReadText(&value, &value_len, &parse_status_));
if (key_len == strlen(RCFILE_METADATA_KEY_NUM_COLS) &&
!memcmp(key, HdfsRCFileScanner::RCFILE_METADATA_KEY_NUM_COLS, key_len)) {
string value_str(reinterpret_cast<char*>(value), value_len);
StringParser::ParseResult result;
int num_cols =
StringParser::StringToInt<int>(value_str.c_str(), value_str.size(), &result);
if (result != StringParser::PARSE_SUCCESS || num_cols < 0) {
stringstream ss;
ss << " Could not parse number of columns in file " << stream_->filename()
<< " : " << value_str;
if (result == StringParser::PARSE_OVERFLOW) ss << " (result overflowed)";
return Status(ss.str());
RcFileHeader* rc_header = reinterpret_cast<RcFileHeader*>(header_);
rc_header->num_cols = num_cols;
return Status::OK();
BaseSequenceScanner::FileHeader* HdfsRCFileScanner::AllocateFileHeader() {
return new RcFileHeader;
Status HdfsRCFileScanner::StartRowGroup() {
num_rows_ = 0;
row_pos_ = 0;
key_length_ = 0;
compressed_key_length_ = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < columns_.size(); ++i) {
columns_[i].buffer_len = 0;
columns_[i].buffer_pos = 0;
columns_[i].uncompressed_buffer_len = 0;
columns_[i].key_buffer_len = 0;
columns_[i].key_buffer_pos = 0;
columns_[i].current_field_len = 0;
columns_[i].current_field_len_rep = 0;
while (num_rows_ == 0) {
if (!reuse_row_group_buffer_ || row_group_buffer_size_ < row_group_length_) {
// Allocate a new buffer for reading the row group. Row groups have a
// fixed number of rows so take a guess at how big it will be based on
// the previous row group size.
// The row group length depends on the user data and can be very big. This
// can cause us to go way over the mem limit so use TryAllocate instead.
row_group_buffer_ = data_buffer_pool_->TryAllocate(row_group_length_);
if (UNLIKELY(row_group_buffer_ == nullptr)) {
string details("RC file scanner failed to allocate row group buffer.");
return scan_node_->mem_tracker()->MemLimitExceeded(state_, details,
row_group_buffer_size_ = row_group_length_;
return Status::OK();
Status HdfsRCFileScanner::ReadRowGroupHeader() {
int32_t record_length;
RETURN_IF_FALSE(stream_->ReadInt(&record_length, &parse_status_));
if (record_length < 0) {
stringstream ss;
int64_t position = stream_->file_offset();
position -= sizeof(int32_t);
ss << stream_->filename() << " Bad record length: " << record_length
<< " at offset: " << position;
return Status(ss.str());
RETURN_IF_FALSE(stream_->ReadInt(&key_length_, &parse_status_));
if (key_length_ < 0) {
stringstream ss;
int64_t position = stream_->file_offset();
position -= sizeof(int32_t);
ss << stream_->filename() << " Bad key length: " << key_length_
<< " at offset: " << position;
return Status(ss.str());
RETURN_IF_FALSE(stream_->ReadInt(&compressed_key_length_, &parse_status_));
if (compressed_key_length_ < 0) {
stringstream ss;
int64_t position = stream_->file_offset();
position -= sizeof(int32_t);
ss << stream_->filename() << " Bad compressed key length: " << compressed_key_length_
<< " at offset: " << position;
return Status(ss.str());
return Status::OK();
Status HdfsRCFileScanner::ReadKeyBuffers() {
if (key_buffer_.size() < key_length_) key_buffer_.resize(key_length_);
uint8_t* key_buffer =;
if (header_->is_compressed) {
uint8_t* compressed_buffer;
compressed_key_length_, &compressed_buffer, &parse_status_));
RETURN_IF_ERROR(decompressor_->ProcessBlock32(true, compressed_key_length_,
compressed_buffer, &key_length_, &key_buffer));
VLOG_FILE << "Decompressed " << compressed_key_length_ << " to " << key_length_;
} else {
uint8_t* buffer;
stream_->ReadBytes(key_length_, &buffer, &parse_status_));
// Make a copy of this buffer. The underlying IO buffer will get recycled
memcpy(key_buffer, buffer, key_length_);
uint8_t* key_buf_ptr = key_buffer;
row_group_length_ = 0;
int remain_len = key_length_;
int bytes_read = ReadWriteUtil::GetVInt(key_buf_ptr, &num_rows_, key_length_);
if (bytes_read == -1 || num_rows_ < 0) {
stringstream ss;
ss << stream_->filename() << " Bad row group key buffer, key length: " << key_length_;
return Status(ss.str());
key_buf_ptr += bytes_read;
remain_len = remain_len - bytes_read;
// Track the starting position in the buffer.
uint8_t* start_key_buf_ptr = key_buf_ptr;
for (int col_idx = 0; col_idx < columns_.size(); ++col_idx) {
if (key_buf_ptr < start_key_buf_ptr || (key_buf_ptr > key_buffer + key_length_)
|| remain_len <= 0) {
stringstream ss;
ss << stream_->filename() << " Bad row group key buffer, column idx: " << col_idx;
return Status(ss.str());
col_idx, !columns_[col_idx].materialize_column, &key_buf_ptr, remain_len));
remain_len = remain_len - (key_buf_ptr - start_key_buf_ptr);
start_key_buf_ptr = key_buf_ptr;
return Status::OK();
Status HdfsRCFileScanner::BadColumnInfo(int col_idx) {
stringstream ss;
ss << stream_->filename() << " Corrupt column at index: " << col_idx;
return Status(ss.str());
Status HdfsRCFileScanner::GetCurrentKeyBuffer(
int col_idx, bool skip_col_data, uint8_t** key_buf_ptr, int buf_length) {
ColumnInfo& col_info = columns_[col_idx];
int remain_len = buf_length;
if (remain_len <= 0) {
return BadColumnInfo(col_idx);
DCHECK_GT(remain_len, 0);
int bytes_read = ReadWriteUtil::GetVInt(*key_buf_ptr, &col_info.buffer_len, remain_len);
if (bytes_read == -1) {
return BadColumnInfo(col_idx);
*key_buf_ptr += bytes_read;
remain_len -= bytes_read;
DCHECK_GT(remain_len, 0);
bytes_read =
ReadWriteUtil::GetVInt(*key_buf_ptr, &col_info.uncompressed_buffer_len, remain_len);
if (bytes_read == -1) {
return BadColumnInfo(col_idx);
*key_buf_ptr += bytes_read;
remain_len -= bytes_read;
if (remain_len <= 0) {
return BadColumnInfo(col_idx);
int col_key_buf_len;
bytes_read = ReadWriteUtil::GetVInt(*key_buf_ptr, &col_key_buf_len, remain_len);
if (bytes_read == -1) {
return BadColumnInfo(col_idx);
*key_buf_ptr += bytes_read;
remain_len -= bytes_read;
if (col_info.uncompressed_buffer_len < 0 || remain_len <= 0) {
return BadColumnInfo(col_idx);
if (!skip_col_data) {
col_info.key_buffer = *key_buf_ptr;
DCHECK_GE(col_info.uncompressed_buffer_len, 0);
// Set the offset for the start of the data for this column in the allocated buffer.
col_info.start_offset = row_group_length_;
row_group_length_ += col_info.uncompressed_buffer_len;
col_info.buf_length = col_key_buf_len;
*key_buf_ptr += col_key_buf_len;
remain_len -= bytes_read;
DCHECK_GE(remain_len, 0);
return Status::OK();
inline Status HdfsRCFileScanner::NextField(int col_idx) {
ColumnInfo& col_info = columns_[col_idx];
col_info.buffer_pos += col_info.current_field_len;
if (col_info.current_field_len_rep > 0) {
// repeat the previous length
} else {
// Get the next column length or repeat count
int64_t length = 0;
uint8_t* col_key_buf = col_info.key_buffer;
int bytes_read = ReadWriteUtil::GetVLong(
col_key_buf, col_info.key_buffer_pos, &length, col_info.buf_length);
if (bytes_read == -1) {
int64_t position = stream_->file_offset();
stringstream ss;
ss << stream_->filename() << " Invalid column length at offset: " << position;
return Status(ss.str());
col_info.key_buffer_pos += bytes_read;
if (length < 0) {
// The repeat count is stored as the logical negation of the number of repetitions.
// See the column-key-buffer comment in hdfs-rcfile-scanner.h.
col_info.current_field_len_rep = ~length - 1;
} else {
col_info.current_field_len = length;
return Status::OK();
inline Status HdfsRCFileScanner::NextRow() {
// TODO: Wrap this in an iterator and prevent people from alternating
// calls to NextField()/NextRow()
DCHECK_LT(row_pos_, num_rows_);
for (int col_idx = 0; col_idx < columns_.size(); ++col_idx) {
if (columns_[col_idx].materialize_column) {
return Status::OK();
Status HdfsRCFileScanner::ReadColumnBuffers() {
for (int col_idx = 0; col_idx < columns_.size(); ++col_idx) {
ColumnInfo& column = columns_[col_idx];
if (!columns_[col_idx].materialize_column) {
if (column.buffer_len < 0) {
stringstream ss;
ss << stream_->filename() << " Bad column buffer len: " << column.buffer_len;
return Status(ss.str());
// Not materializing this column, just skip it.
stream_->SkipBytes(column.buffer_len, &parse_status_));
// TODO: Stream through these column buffers instead of reading everything
// in at once.
// Uncompressed buffer size for a column should not exceed the row_group_length_
// as row_group_length_ is a sum of uncompressed buffer length for all the columns
// so this check ensures that there is enough space in row_group_buffer for the
// uncompressed data.
if (column.uncompressed_buffer_len + column.start_offset > row_group_length_) {
stringstream ss;
ss << stream_->filename() << " Bad column buffer uncompressed buffer length: "
<< column.uncompressed_buffer_len << " at offset " << column.start_offset;
return Status(ss.str());
if (header_->is_compressed) {
uint8_t* compressed_input;
column.buffer_len, &compressed_input, &parse_status_));
uint8_t* compressed_output = row_group_buffer_ + column.start_offset;
RETURN_IF_ERROR(decompressor_->ProcessBlock32(true, column.buffer_len,
compressed_input, &column.uncompressed_buffer_len,
VLOG_FILE << "Decompressed " << column.buffer_len << " to "
<< column.uncompressed_buffer_len;
} else {
uint8_t* uncompressed_data;
column.buffer_len, &uncompressed_data, &parse_status_));
memcpy(row_group_buffer_ + column.start_offset,
uncompressed_data, column.buffer_len);
return Status::OK();
Status HdfsRCFileScanner::ProcessRange(RowBatch* row_batch) {
// HdfsRCFileScanner effectively does buffered IO, in that it reads all the
// materialized columns into a row group buffer.
// It will then materialize tuples from the row group buffer. When the row
// group is complete, it will move onto the next row group.
if (row_pos_ == num_rows_) {
// Finished materializing the current row group, read the next one.
if (num_rows_ == 0) {
eos_ = true;
return Status::OK();
while (row_pos_ != num_rows_) {
// Materialize rows from this row group in row batch sizes
Tuple* tuple = tuple_;
TupleRow* current_row = row_batch->GetRow(row_batch->AddRow());
int max_tuples = row_batch->capacity() - row_batch->num_rows();
max_tuples = min(max_tuples, num_rows_ - row_pos_);
const vector<SlotDescriptor*>& materialized_slots =
if (materialized_slots.empty()) {
// If there are no materialized slots (e.g. count(*) or just partition cols)
// we can shortcircuit the parse loop
row_pos_ += max_tuples;
int num_to_commit = WriteTemplateTuples(current_row, max_tuples);
COUNTER_ADD(scan_node_->rows_read_counter(), max_tuples);
RETURN_IF_ERROR(CommitRows(num_to_commit, row_batch));
if (row_batch->AtCapacity()) break;
int num_to_commit = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < max_tuples; ++i) {
InitTuple(template_tuple_, tuple);
bool error_in_row = false;
for (const SlotDescriptor* slot_desc: materialized_slots) {
int file_column_idx = slot_desc->col_pos() - scan_node_->num_partition_keys();
// Set columns missing in this file to NULL
if (file_column_idx >= columns_.size()) {
const ColumnInfo& column = columns_[file_column_idx];
const char* col_start = reinterpret_cast<const char*>(
row_group_buffer_ + column.start_offset + column.buffer_pos);
const int field_len = column.current_field_len;
const char* row_group_end =
reinterpret_cast<const char*>(row_group_buffer_ + row_group_length_);
const char* col_end = col_start + field_len;
if (col_end > row_group_end || column.start_offset < 0 || column.buffer_pos < 0
|| col_start > row_group_end || field_len < 0) {
stringstream ss;
ss << stream_->filename()
<< " Bad column index at offset : " << column.start_offset;
return Status(ss.str());
if (!text_converter_->WriteSlot(slot_desc, tuple, col_start, field_len,
false, false, row_batch->tuple_data_pool())) {
ReportColumnParseError(slot_desc, col_start, field_len);
error_in_row = true;
if (error_in_row) {
error_in_row = false;
ErrorMsg msg(TErrorCode::GENERAL, Substitute("file: $0", stream_->filename()));
current_row->SetTuple(scan_node_->tuple_idx(), tuple);
// Evaluate the conjuncts and add the row to the batch
if (EvalConjuncts(current_row)) {
current_row = next_row(current_row);
tuple = next_tuple(tuple_byte_size_, tuple);
COUNTER_ADD(scan_node_->rows_read_counter(), max_tuples);
RETURN_IF_ERROR(CommitRows(num_to_commit, row_batch));
if (row_batch->AtCapacity() || scan_node_->ReachedLimit()) break;
if (row_pos_ == num_rows_) {
// We are done with this row group, pass along external buffers if necessary.
if (!reuse_row_group_buffer_) {
row_batch->tuple_data_pool()->AcquireData(data_buffer_pool_.get(), false);
row_group_buffer_size_ = 0;
// RCFiles don't end with syncs
if (stream_->eof()) {
eos_ = true;
return Status::OK();
// Check for sync by looking for the marker that precedes syncs.
int marker;
RETURN_IF_FALSE(stream_->ReadInt(&marker, &parse_status_, /* peek */ true));
if (marker == HdfsRCFileScanner::SYNC_MARKER) {
RETURN_IF_FALSE(stream_->ReadInt(&marker, &parse_status_, /* peek */ false));
return Status::OK();
void HdfsRCFileScanner::DebugString(int indentation_level, stringstream* out) const {
// TODO: Add more details of internal state.
*out << string(indentation_level * 2, ' ')
<< "HdfsRCFileScanner(tupleid=" << scan_node_->tuple_idx()
<< " file=" << stream_->filename();
// TODO: Scanner::DebugString
// ExecNode::DebugString(indentation_level, out);
*out << "])" << endl;