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// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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#include <memory>
#include <vector>
#include <boost/cstdint.hpp>
#include <boost/scoped_ptr.hpp>
#include "codegen/impala-ir.h"
#include "common/compiler-util.h"
#include "common/logging.h"
#include "runtime/buffered-tuple-stream.h"
#include "runtime/buffered-tuple-stream.inline.h"
#include "runtime/bufferpool/buffer-pool.h"
#include "runtime/bufferpool/suballocator.h"
#include "runtime/tuple-row.h"
#include "util/bitmap.h"
#include "util/hash-util.h"
namespace llvm {
class Function;
namespace impala {
class LlvmCodeGen;
class MemTracker;
class RowDescriptor;
class RuntimeState;
class ScalarExpr;
class ScalarExprEvaluator;
class Tuple;
class TupleRow;
class HashTable;
/// Linear or quadratic probing hash table implementation tailored to the usage pattern
/// for partitioned hash aggregation and hash joins. The hash table stores TupleRows and
/// allows for different exprs for insertions and finds. This is the pattern we use for
/// joins and aggregation where the input/build tuple row descriptor is different from the
/// find/probe descriptor. The implementation is designed to allow codegen for some paths.
/// In addition to the hash table there is also an accompanying hash table context that is
/// used for insertions and probes. For example, the hash table context stores evaluated
/// expr results for the current row being processed when possible into a contiguous
/// memory buffer. This allows for efficient hash computation.
/// The hash table does not support removes. The hash table is not thread safe.
/// The table is optimized for the partition hash aggregation and hash joins and is not
/// intended to be a generic hash table implementation. The API loosely mimics the
/// std::hashset API.
/// The data (rows) are stored in a BufferedTupleStream. The basic data structure of this
/// hash table is a vector of buckets. The buckets (indexed by the mod of the hash)
/// contain a pointer to either the slot in the tuple-stream or in case of duplicate
/// values, to the head of a linked list of nodes that in turn contain a pointer to
/// tuple-stream slots. When inserting an entry we start at the bucket at position
/// (hash % size) and search for either a bucket with the same hash or for an empty
/// bucket. If a bucket with the same hash is found, we then compare for row equality and
/// either insert a duplicate node if the equality is true, or continue the search if the
/// row equality is false. Similarly, when probing we start from the bucket at position
/// (hash % size) and search for an entry with the same hash or for an empty bucket.
/// In the former case, we then check for row equality and continue the search if the row
/// equality is false. In the latter case, the probe is not successful. When growing the
/// hash table, the number of buckets is doubled. We trigger a resize when the fill
/// factor is approx 75%. Due to the doubling nature of the buckets, we require that the
/// number of buckets is a power of 2. This allows us to perform a modulo of the hash
/// using a bitmask.
/// We choose to use linear or quadratic probing because they exhibit good (predictable)
/// cache behavior.
/// The first NUM_SMALL_BLOCKS of nodes_ are made of blocks less than the IO size (of 8MB)
/// to reduce the memory footprint of small queries.
/// TODO: Compare linear and quadratic probing and remove the loser.
/// TODO: We currently use 32-bit hashes. There is room in the bucket structure for at
/// least 48-bits. We should exploit this space.
/// TODO: Consider capping the probes with a threshold value. If an insert reaches
/// that threshold it is inserted to another linked list of overflow entries.
/// TODO: Smarter resizes, and perhaps avoid using powers of 2 as the hash table size.
/// TODO: this is not a fancy hash table in terms of memory access patterns
/// (cuckoo-hashing or something that spills to disk). We will likely want to invest
/// more time into this.
/// TODO: hash-join and aggregation have very different access patterns. Joins insert all
/// the rows and then calls scan to find them. Aggregation interleaves FindProbeRow() and
/// Inserts(). We may want to optimize joins more heavily for Inserts() (in particular
/// growing).
/// TODO: Batched interface for inserts and finds.
/// TODO: as an optimization, compute variable-length data size for the agg node.
/// Control block for a hash table. This class contains the logic as well as the variables
/// needed by a thread to operate on a hash table.
class HashTableCtx {
/// Create a hash table context with the specified parameters, invoke Init() to
/// initialize the new hash table context and return it in 'ht_ctx'. Expression
/// evaluators for the build and probe expressions will also be allocated.
/// Please see the comments of HashTableCtx constructor and Init() for details
/// of other parameters.
static Status Create(ObjectPool* pool, RuntimeState* state,
const std::vector<ScalarExpr*>& build_exprs,
const std::vector<ScalarExpr*>& probe_exprs, bool stores_nulls,
const std::vector<bool>& finds_nulls, int32_t initial_seed, int max_levels,
int num_build_tuples, MemPool* expr_perm_pool, MemPool* build_expr_results_pool,
MemPool* probe_expr_results_pool, boost::scoped_ptr<HashTableCtx>* ht_ctx);
/// Initialize the build and probe expression evaluators.
Status Open(RuntimeState* state);
/// Call to cleanup any resources allocated by the expression evaluators.
void Close(RuntimeState* state);
void set_level(int level);
int ALWAYS_INLINE level() const { return level_; }
uint32_t ALWAYS_INLINE seed(int level) { return; }
TupleRow* ALWAYS_INLINE scratch_row() const { return scratch_row_; }
/// Returns the results of the expression at 'expr_idx' evaluated at the current row.
/// This value is invalid if the expr evaluated to NULL.
/// TODO: this is an awkward abstraction but aggregation node can take advantage of
/// it and save some expr evaluation calls.
void* ALWAYS_INLINE ExprValue(int expr_idx) const {
return expr_values_cache_.ExprValuePtr(
expr_values_cache_.cur_expr_values(), expr_idx);
/// Returns if the expression at 'expr_idx' is evaluated to NULL for the current row.
bool ALWAYS_INLINE ExprValueNull(int expr_idx) const {
return static_cast<bool>(*(expr_values_cache_.cur_expr_values_null() + expr_idx));
/// Evaluate and hash the build/probe row, saving the evaluation to the current row of
/// the ExprValuesCache in this hash table context: the results are saved in
/// 'cur_expr_values_', the nullness of expressions values in 'cur_expr_values_null_',
/// and the hashed expression values in 'cur_expr_values_hash_'. Returns false if this
/// row should be rejected (doesn't need to be processed further) because it contains
/// NULL. These need to be inlined in the IR module so we can find and replace the
/// calls to EvalBuildRow()/EvalProbeRow().
bool IR_ALWAYS_INLINE EvalAndHashBuild(const TupleRow* row);
bool IR_ALWAYS_INLINE EvalAndHashProbe(const TupleRow* row);
/// Codegen for evaluating a tuple row. Codegen'd function matches the signature
/// for EvalBuildRow and EvalTupleRow.
/// If build_row is true, the codegen uses the build_exprs, otherwise the probe_exprs.
Status CodegenEvalRow(LlvmCodeGen* codegen, bool build_row, llvm::Function** fn);
/// Codegen for evaluating a TupleRow and comparing equality. Function signature
/// matches HashTable::Equals(). 'force_null_equality' is true if the generated
/// equality function should treat all NULLs as equal. See the template parameter
/// to HashTable::Equals().
Status CodegenEquals(LlvmCodeGen* codegen, bool force_null_equality,
llvm::Function** fn);
/// Codegen for hashing expr values. Function prototype matches HashRow identically.
/// Unlike HashRow(), the returned function only uses a single hash function, rather
/// than switching based on level_. If 'use_murmur' is true, murmur hash is used,
/// otherwise CRC is used if the hardware supports it (see hash-util.h).
Status CodegenHashRow(LlvmCodeGen* codegen, bool use_murmur, llvm::Function** fn);
/// Struct that returns the number of constants replaced by ReplaceConstants().
struct HashTableReplacedConstants {
int stores_nulls;
int finds_some_nulls;
int stores_tuples;
int stores_duplicates;
int quadratic_probing;
/// Replace hash table parameters with constants in 'fn'. Updates 'replacement_counts'
/// with the number of replacements made. 'num_build_tuples' and 'stores_duplicates'
/// correspond to HashTable parameters with the same name.
Status ReplaceHashTableConstants(LlvmCodeGen* codegen, bool stores_duplicates,
int num_build_tuples, llvm::Function* fn,
HashTableReplacedConstants* replacement_counts);
static const char* LLVM_CLASS_NAME;
/// To enable prefetching, the hash table building and probing are pipelined by the
/// exec nodes. A set of rows in a row batch will be evaluated and hashed first and
/// the corresponding hash table buckets are prefetched before they are probed against
/// the hash table. ExprValuesCache is a container for caching the results of
/// expressions evaluations for the rows in a prefetch set to avoid re-evaluating the
/// rows again during probing. Expressions evaluation can be very expensive.
/// The expression evaluation results are cached in the following data structures:
/// - 'expr_values_array_' is an array caching the results of the rows
/// evaluated against either the build or probe expressions. 'cur_expr_values_'
/// is a pointer into this array.
/// - 'expr_values_null_array_' is an array caching the nullness of each evaluated
/// expression in each row. 'cur_expr_values_null_' is a pointer into this array.
/// - 'expr_values_hash_array_' is an array of cached hash values of the rows.
/// 'cur_expr_values_hash_' is a pointer into this array.
/// - 'null_bitmap_' is a bitmap which indicates rows evaluated to NULL.
/// ExprValuesCache provides an iterator like interface for performing a write pass
/// followed by a read pass. We refrain from providing an interface for random accesses
/// as there isn't a use case for it now and we want to avoid expensive multiplication
/// as the buffer size of each row is not necessarily power of two:
/// - Reset(), ResetForRead(): reset the iterators before writing / reading cached values.
/// - NextRow(): moves the iterators to point to the next row of cached values.
/// - AtEnd(): returns true if all cached rows have been read. Valid in read mode only.
/// Various metadata information such as layout of results buffer is also stored in
/// this class. Note that the result buffer doesn't store variable length data. It only
/// contains pointers to the variable length data (e.g. if an expression value is a
/// StringValue).
class ExprValuesCache {
/// Allocates memory and initializes various data structures. Return error status
/// if memory allocation leads to the memory limits of the exec node to be exceeded.
/// 'tracker' is the memory tracker of the exec node which owns this HashTableCtx.
Status Init(RuntimeState* state, MemTracker* tracker,
const std::vector<ScalarExpr*>& build_exprs);
/// Frees up various resources and updates memory tracker with proper accounting.
/// 'tracker' should be the same memory tracker which was passed in for Init().
void Close(MemTracker* tracker);
/// Resets the cache states (iterators, end pointers etc) before writing.
void Reset() noexcept;
/// Resets the iterators to the start before reading. Will record the current position
/// of the iterators in end pointer before resetting so AtEnd() can determine if all
/// cached values have been read.
void ResetForRead();
/// Advances the iterators to the next row by moving to the next entries in the
/// arrays of cached values.
void ALWAYS_INLINE NextRow();
/// Compute the total memory usage of this ExprValuesCache.
static int MemUsage(int capacity, int results_buffer_size, int num_build_exprs);
/// Returns the maximum number rows of expression values states which can be cached.
int ALWAYS_INLINE capacity() const { return capacity_; }
/// Returns the total size in bytes of a row of evaluated expressions' values.
int ALWAYS_INLINE expr_values_bytes_per_row() const {
return expr_values_bytes_per_row_;
/// Returns the offset into the result buffer of the first variable length
/// data results.
int ALWAYS_INLINE var_result_offset() const { return var_result_offset_; }
/// Returns true if the current read pass is complete, meaning all cached values
/// have been read.
bool ALWAYS_INLINE AtEnd() const {
return cur_expr_values_hash_ == cur_expr_values_hash_end_;
/// Returns true if the current row is null but nulls are not considered in the current
/// phase (build or probe).
bool ALWAYS_INLINE IsRowNull() const { return null_bitmap_.Get(CurIdx()); }
/// Record in a bitmap that the current row is null but nulls are not considered in
/// the current phase (build or probe).
void ALWAYS_INLINE SetRowNull() { null_bitmap_.Set(CurIdx(), true); }
/// Returns the hash values of the current row.
uint32_t ALWAYS_INLINE CurExprValuesHash() const { return *cur_expr_values_hash_; }
/// Sets the hash values for the current row.
void ALWAYS_INLINE SetCurExprValuesHash(uint32_t hash) {
*cur_expr_values_hash_ = hash;
/// Returns a pointer to the expression value at 'expr_idx' in 'expr_values'.
uint8_t* ExprValuePtr(uint8_t* expr_values, int expr_idx) const;
const uint8_t* ExprValuePtr(const uint8_t* expr_values, int expr_idx) const;
/// Returns the current row's expression buffer. The expression values in the buffer
/// are accessed using ExprValuePtr().
uint8_t* ALWAYS_INLINE cur_expr_values() const { return cur_expr_values_; }
/// Returns null indicator bytes for the current row, one per expression. Non-zero
/// bytes mean NULL, zero bytes mean non-NULL. Indexed by the expression index.
/// These are uint8_t instead of bool to simplify codegen with IRBuilder.
/// TODO: is there actually a valid reason why this is necessary for codegen?
uint8_t* ALWAYS_INLINE cur_expr_values_null() const { return cur_expr_values_null_; }
/// Returns the offset into the results buffer of the expression value at 'expr_idx'.
int ALWAYS_INLINE expr_values_offsets(int expr_idx) const {
return expr_values_offsets_[expr_idx];
friend class HashTableCtx;
/// Resets the iterators to the beginning of the cache values' arrays.
void ResetIterators();
/// Returns the offset in number of rows into the cached values' buffer.
int ALWAYS_INLINE CurIdx() const {
return cur_expr_values_hash_ - expr_values_hash_array_.get();
/// Max amount of memory in bytes for caching evaluated expression values.
static const int MAX_EXPR_VALUES_ARRAY_SIZE = 256 << 10;
/// Maximum number of rows of expressions evaluation states which this
/// ExprValuesCache can cache.
int capacity_;
/// Byte size of a row of evaluated expression values. Never changes once set,
/// can be used for constant substitution during codegen.
int expr_values_bytes_per_row_;
/// Number of build/probe expressions.
int num_exprs_;
/// Pointer into 'expr_values_array_' for the current row's expression values.
uint8_t* cur_expr_values_;
/// Pointer into 'expr_values_null_array_' for the current row's nullness of each
/// expression value.
uint8_t* cur_expr_values_null_;
/// Pointer into 'expr_hash_value_array_' for the hash value of current row's
/// expression values.
uint32_t* cur_expr_values_hash_;
/// Pointer to the buffer one beyond the end of the last entry of cached expressions'
/// hash values.
uint32_t* cur_expr_values_hash_end_;
/// Array for caching up to 'capacity_' number of rows worth of evaluated expression
/// values. Each row consumes 'expr_values_bytes_per_row_' number of bytes.
boost::scoped_array<uint8_t> expr_values_array_;
/// Array for caching up to 'capacity_' number of rows worth of null booleans.
/// Each row contains 'num_exprs_' booleans to indicate nullness of expression values.
/// Used when the hash table supports NULL. Use 'uint8_t' to guarantee each entry is 1
/// byte as sizeof(bool) is implementation dependent. The IR depends on this
/// assumption.
boost::scoped_array<uint8_t> expr_values_null_array_;
/// Array for caching up to 'capacity_' number of rows worth of hashed values.
boost::scoped_array<uint32_t> expr_values_hash_array_;
/// One bit for each row. A bit is set if that row is not hashed as it's evaluated
/// to NULL but the hash table doesn't support NULL. Such rows may still be included
/// in outputs for certain join types (e.g. left anti joins).
Bitmap null_bitmap_;
/// Maps from expression index to the byte offset into a row of expression values.
/// One entry per build/probe expression.
std::vector<int> expr_values_offsets_;
/// Byte offset into 'cur_expr_values_' that begins the variable length results for
/// a row. If -1, there are no variable length slots. Never changes once set, can be
/// constant substituted with codegen.
int var_result_offset_;
ExprValuesCache* ALWAYS_INLINE expr_values_cache() { return &expr_values_cache_; }
friend class HashTable;
friend class HashTableTest_HashEmpty_Test;
/// Construct a hash table context.
/// - build_exprs are the exprs that should be used to evaluate rows during Insert().
/// - probe_exprs are used during FindProbeRow()
/// - stores_nulls: if false, TupleRows with nulls are ignored during Insert
/// - finds_nulls: if finds_nulls[i] is false, FindProbeRow() returns End() for
/// TupleRows with nulls in position i even if stores_nulls is true.
/// - initial_seed: initial seed value to use when computing hashes for rows with
/// level 0. Other levels have their seeds derived from this seed.
/// - max_levels: the max lhashevels we will hash with.
/// - expr_perm_pool: the MemPool from which the expression evaluators make permanent
/// allocations that live until Close(). Owned by the exec node which owns this
/// hash table context. Memory usage of the expression value cache is charged
/// against this MemPool's tracker.
/// - build_expr_results_pool: the MemPool from which the expression evaluators make
/// allocations to hold expression results. Cached build expression values may
/// reference memory in this pool. Owned by the exec node which owns this hash
/// table context.
/// - probe_expr_results_pool: the MemPool from which the expression evaluators make
/// allocations to hold expression results. Cached probe expression values may
/// reference memory in this pool. Owned by the exec node which owns this hash
/// table context.
/// TODO: stores_nulls is too coarse: for a hash table in which some columns are joined
/// with '<=>' and others with '=', stores_nulls could distinguish between columns
/// in which nulls are stored and columns in which they are not, which could save
/// space by not storing some rows we know will never match.
HashTableCtx(const std::vector<ScalarExpr*>& build_exprs,
const std::vector<ScalarExpr*>& probe_exprs, bool stores_nulls,
const std::vector<bool>& finds_nulls, int32_t initial_seed,
int max_levels, MemPool* expr_perm_pool, MemPool* build_expr_results_pool,
MemPool* probe_expr_results_pool);
/// Allocate various buffers for storing expression evaluation results, hash values,
/// null bits etc. Also allocate evaluators for the build and probe expressions and
/// store them in 'pool'. Returns error if allocation causes query memory limit to
/// be exceeded or the evaluators fail to initialize. 'num_build_tuples' is the number
/// of tuples of a row in the build side, used for computing the size of a scratch row.
Status Init(ObjectPool* pool, RuntimeState* state, int num_build_tuples);
/// Compute the hash of the values in 'expr_values' with nullness 'expr_values_null'.
/// This will be replaced by codegen. We don't want this inlined for replacing
/// with codegen'd functions so the function name does not change.
uint32_t IR_NO_INLINE HashRow(
const uint8_t* expr_values, const uint8_t* expr_values_null) const noexcept;
/// Wrapper function for calling correct HashUtil function in non-codegen'd case.
uint32_t Hash(const void* input, int len, uint32_t hash) const;
/// Evaluate 'row' over build exprs, storing values into 'expr_values' and nullness into
/// 'expr_values_null'. This will be replaced by codegen. We do not want this function
/// inlined when cross compiled because we need to be able to differentiate between
/// EvalBuildRow and EvalProbeRow by name and the build/probe exprs are baked into the
/// codegen'd function.
bool IR_NO_INLINE EvalBuildRow(
const TupleRow* row, uint8_t* expr_values, uint8_t* expr_values_null) noexcept {
return EvalRow(row, build_expr_evals_, expr_values, expr_values_null);
/// Evaluate 'row' over probe exprs, storing the values into 'expr_values' and nullness
/// into 'expr_values_null'. This will be replaced by codegen.
bool IR_NO_INLINE EvalProbeRow(
const TupleRow* row, uint8_t* expr_values, uint8_t* expr_values_null) noexcept {
return EvalRow(row, probe_expr_evals_, expr_values, expr_values_null);
/// Compute the hash of the values in 'expr_values' with nullness 'expr_values_null'
/// for a row with variable length fields (e.g. strings).
uint32_t HashVariableLenRow(
const uint8_t* expr_values, const uint8_t* expr_values_null) const;
/// Evaluate the exprs over row, storing the values into 'expr_values' and nullness into
/// 'expr_values_null'. Returns whether any expr evaluated to NULL. This will be
/// replaced by codegen.
bool EvalRow(const TupleRow* row, const std::vector<ScalarExprEvaluator*>& evaluators,
uint8_t* expr_values, uint8_t* expr_values_null) noexcept;
/// Returns true if the values of build_exprs evaluated over 'build_row' equal the
/// values in 'expr_values' with nullness 'expr_values_null'. FORCE_NULL_EQUALITY is
/// true if all nulls should be treated as equal, regardless of the values of
/// 'finds_nulls_'. This will be replaced by codegen.
template <bool FORCE_NULL_EQUALITY>
bool IR_NO_INLINE Equals(const TupleRow* build_row, const uint8_t* expr_values,
const uint8_t* expr_values_null) const noexcept;
/// Helper function that calls Equals() with the current row. Always inlined so that
/// it does not appear in cross-compiled IR.
template <bool FORCE_NULL_EQUALITY>
bool ALWAYS_INLINE Equals(const TupleRow* build_row) const {
return Equals<FORCE_NULL_EQUALITY>(build_row, expr_values_cache_.cur_expr_values(),
/// Cross-compiled function to access member variables used in CodegenHashRow().
uint32_t IR_ALWAYS_INLINE GetHashSeed() const;
/// Functions to be replaced by codegen to specialize the hash table.
bool IR_NO_INLINE stores_nulls() const { return stores_nulls_; }
bool IR_NO_INLINE finds_some_nulls() const { return finds_some_nulls_; }
/// Cross-compiled function to access the build/probe expression evaluators.
ScalarExprEvaluator* const* IR_ALWAYS_INLINE build_expr_evals() const;
ScalarExprEvaluator* const* IR_ALWAYS_INLINE probe_expr_evals() const;
/// The exprs used to evaluate rows for inserting rows into hash table.
/// Also used when matching hash table entries against probe rows.
const std::vector<ScalarExpr*>& build_exprs_;
std::vector<ScalarExprEvaluator*> build_expr_evals_;
/// The exprs used to evaluate rows for look-up in the hash table.
const std::vector<ScalarExpr*>& probe_exprs_;
std::vector<ScalarExprEvaluator*> probe_expr_evals_;
/// Constants on how the hash table should behave. Joins and aggs have slightly
/// different behavior.
const bool stores_nulls_;
const std::vector<bool> finds_nulls_;
/// finds_some_nulls_ is just the logical OR of finds_nulls_.
const bool finds_some_nulls_;
/// The current level this context is working on. Each level needs to use a
/// different seed.
int level_;
/// The seeds to use for hashing. Indexed by the level.
std::vector<uint32_t> seeds_;
/// The ExprValuesCache for caching expression evaluation results, null bytes and hash
/// values for rows. Used to store results of batch evaluations of rows.
ExprValuesCache expr_values_cache_;
/// Scratch buffer to generate rows on the fly.
TupleRow* scratch_row_;
/// MemPool for 'build_expr_evals_' and 'probe_expr_evals_' to allocate expr-managed
/// memory from. Not owned.
MemPool* expr_perm_pool_;
/// MemPools for allocations by 'build_expr_evals_' and 'probe_expr_evals_' that hold
/// results of expr evaluation. Not owned. The owner of these pools is responsible for
/// clearing them when results from the respective expr evaluators are no longer needed.
MemPool* build_expr_results_pool_;
MemPool* probe_expr_results_pool_;
/// The hash table consists of a contiguous array of buckets that contain a pointer to the
/// data, the hash value and three flags: whether this bucket is filled, whether this
/// entry has been matched (used in right and full joins) and whether this entry has
/// duplicates. If there are duplicates, then the data is pointing to the head of a
/// linked list of duplicate nodes that point to the actual data. Note that the duplicate
/// nodes do not contain the hash value, because all the linked nodes have the same hash
/// value, the one in the bucket. The data is either a tuple stream index or a Tuple*.
/// This array of buckets is sparse, we are shooting for up to 3/4 fill factor (75%). The
/// data allocated by the hash table comes from the BufferPool.
class HashTable {
/// Rows are represented as pointers into the BufferedTupleStream data with one
/// of two formats, depending on the number of tuples in the row.
union HtData {
// For rows with multiple tuples per row, a pointer to the flattened TupleRow.
BufferedTupleStream::FlatRowPtr flat_row;
// For rows with one tuple per row, a pointer to the Tuple itself.
Tuple* tuple;
/// Linked list of entries used for duplicates.
struct DuplicateNode {
/// Used for full outer and right {outer, anti, semi} joins. Indicates whether the
/// row in the DuplicateNode has been matched.
/// From an abstraction point of view, this is an awkward place to store this
/// information.
/// TODO: Fold this flag in the next pointer below.
bool matched;
/// Chain to next duplicate node, NULL when end of list.
DuplicateNode* next;
HtData htdata;
struct Bucket {
/// Whether this bucket contains a vaild entry, or it is empty.
bool filled;
/// Used for full outer and right {outer, anti, semi} joins. Indicates whether the
/// row in the bucket has been matched.
/// From an abstraction point of view, this is an awkward place to store this
/// information but it is efficient. This space is otherwise unused.
bool matched;
/// Used in case of duplicates. If true, then the bucketData union should be used as
/// 'duplicates'.
bool hasDuplicates;
/// Cache of the hash for data.
/// TODO: Do we even have to cache the hash value?
uint32_t hash;
/// Either the data for this bucket or the linked list of duplicates.
union {
HtData htdata;
DuplicateNode* duplicates;
} bucketData;
"We assume that Hash-table bucket directories are a power-of-two sizes because "
"allocating only bucket directories with power-of-two byte sizes avoids internal "
"fragmentation in the simple buddy allocator.");
class Iterator;
/// Returns a newly allocated HashTable. The probing algorithm is set by the
/// FLAG_enable_quadratic_probing.
/// - allocator: allocator to allocate bucket directory and data pages from.
/// - stores_duplicates: true if rows with duplicate keys may be inserted into the
/// hash table.
/// - num_build_tuples: number of Tuples in the build tuple row.
/// - tuple_stream: the tuple stream which contains the tuple rows index by the
/// hash table. Can be NULL if the rows contain only a single tuple, in which
/// case the 'tuple_stream' is unused.
/// - max_num_buckets: the maximum number of buckets that can be stored. If we
/// try to grow the number of buckets to a larger number, the inserts will fail.
/// -1, if it unlimited.
/// - initial_num_buckets: number of buckets that the hash table should be initialized
/// with.
static HashTable* Create(Suballocator* allocator, bool stores_duplicates,
int num_build_tuples, BufferedTupleStream* tuple_stream, int64_t max_num_buckets,
int64_t initial_num_buckets);
/// Allocates the initial bucket structure. Returns a non-OK status if an error is
/// encountered. If an OK status is returned , 'got_memory' is set to indicate whether
/// enough memory for the initial buckets was allocated from the Suballocator.
Status Init(bool* got_memory) WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
/// Call to cleanup any resources. Must be called once.
void Close();
/// Inserts the row to the hash table. The caller is responsible for ensuring that the
/// table has free buckets. Returns true if the insertion was successful. Always
/// returns true if the table has free buckets and the key is not a duplicate. If the
/// key was a duplicate and memory could not be allocated for the new duplicate node,
/// returns false. If an error is encountered while creating a duplicate node, returns
/// false and sets 'status' to the error.
/// 'flat_row' is a pointer to the flattened row in 'tuple_stream_' If the row contains
/// only one tuple, a pointer to that tuple is stored. Otherwise the 'flat_row' pointer
/// is stored. The 'row' is not copied by the hash table and the caller must guarantee
/// it stays in memory. This will not grow the hash table.
bool IR_ALWAYS_INLINE Insert(HashTableCtx* ht_ctx,
BufferedTupleStream::FlatRowPtr flat_row, TupleRow* row,
Status* status) WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
/// Prefetch the hash table bucket which the given hash value 'hash' maps to.
template <const bool READ>
void IR_ALWAYS_INLINE PrefetchBucket(uint32_t hash);
/// Returns an iterator to the bucket that matches the probe expression results that
/// are cached at the current position of the ExprValuesCache in 'ht_ctx'. Assumes that
/// the ExprValuesCache was filled using EvalAndHashProbe(). Returns HashTable::End()
/// if no match is found. The iterator can be iterated until HashTable::End() to find
/// all the matching rows. Advancing the returned iterator will go to the next matching
/// row. The matching rows do not need to be evaluated since all the nodes of a bucket
/// are duplicates. One scan can be in progress for each 'ht_ctx'. Used in the probe
/// phase of hash joins.
Iterator IR_ALWAYS_INLINE FindProbeRow(HashTableCtx* ht_ctx);
/// If a match is found in the table, return an iterator as in FindProbeRow(). If a
/// match was not present, return an iterator pointing to the empty bucket where the key
/// should be inserted. Returns End() if the table is full. The caller can set the data
/// in the bucket using a Set*() method on the iterator.
Iterator IR_ALWAYS_INLINE FindBuildRowBucket(HashTableCtx* ht_ctx, bool* found);
/// Returns number of elements inserted in the hash table
int64_t size() const {
return num_filled_buckets_ - num_buckets_with_duplicates_ + num_duplicate_nodes_;
/// Returns the number of empty buckets.
int64_t EmptyBuckets() const { return num_buckets_ - num_filled_buckets_; }
/// Returns the number of buckets
int64_t num_buckets() const { return num_buckets_; }
/// Returns the load factor (the number of non-empty buckets)
double load_factor() const {
return static_cast<double>(num_filled_buckets_) / num_buckets_;
/// Return an estimate of the number of bytes needed to build the hash table
/// structure for 'num_rows'. To do that, it estimates the number of buckets,
/// rounded up to a power of two, and also assumes that there are no duplicates.
static int64_t EstimateNumBuckets(int64_t num_rows) {
/// Assume max 66% fill factor and no duplicates.
return BitUtil::RoundUpToPowerOfTwo(3 * num_rows / 2);
static int64_t EstimateSize(int64_t num_rows) {
int64_t num_buckets = EstimateNumBuckets(num_rows);
return num_buckets * sizeof(Bucket);
/// Return the size of a hash table bucket in bytes.
static int64_t BucketSize() { return sizeof(Bucket); }
/// Returns the memory occupied by the hash table, takes into account the number of
/// duplicates.
int64_t CurrentMemSize() const;
/// Returns the number of inserts that can be performed before resizing the table.
int64_t NumInsertsBeforeResize() const;
/// Calculates the fill factor if 'buckets_to_fill' additional buckets were to be
/// filled and resizes the hash table so that the projected fill factor is below the
/// max fill factor.
/// If 'got_memory' is true, then it is guaranteed at least 'rows_to_add' rows can be
/// inserted without need to resize. If there is not enough memory available to
/// resize the hash table, Status::OK() is returned and 'got_memory' is false. If a
/// another error occurs, an error status may be returned.
Status CheckAndResize(uint64_t buckets_to_fill, const HashTableCtx* ht_ctx,
bool* got_memory) WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
/// Returns the number of bytes allocated to the hash table from the block manager.
int64_t ByteSize() const {
return num_buckets_ * sizeof(Bucket) + total_data_page_size_;
/// Returns an iterator at the beginning of the hash table. Advancing this iterator
/// will traverse all elements.
Iterator Begin(const HashTableCtx* ht_ctx);
/// Return an iterator pointing to the first element (Bucket or DuplicateNode, if the
/// bucket has duplicates) in the hash table that does not have its matched flag set.
/// Used in right joins and full-outer joins.
Iterator FirstUnmatched(HashTableCtx* ctx);
/// Return true if there was a least one match.
bool HasMatches() const { return has_matches_; }
/// Return end marker.
Iterator End() { return Iterator(); }
/// Dump out the entire hash table to string. If 'skip_empty', empty buckets are
/// skipped. If 'show_match', it also prints the matched flag of each node. If
/// 'build_desc' is non-null, the build rows will be printed. Otherwise, only the
/// the addresses of the build rows will be printed.
std::string DebugString(bool skip_empty, bool show_match,
const RowDescriptor* build_desc);
/// Print the content of a bucket or node.
void DebugStringTuple(std::stringstream& ss, HtData& htdata, const RowDescriptor* desc);
/// Update and print some statistics that can be used for performance debugging.
std::string PrintStats() const;
/// Number of hash collisions so far in the lifetime of this object
int64_t NumHashCollisions() const { return num_hash_collisions_; }
/// stl-like iterator interface.
class Iterator {
/// Bucket index value when probe is not successful.
static const int64_t BUCKET_NOT_FOUND = -1;
node_(NULL) { }
/// Iterates to the next element. It should be called only if !AtEnd().
/// Iterates to the next duplicate node. If the bucket does not have duplicates or
/// when it reaches the last duplicate node, then it moves the Iterator to AtEnd().
/// Used when we want to iterate over all the duplicate nodes bypassing the Next()
/// interface (e.g. in semi/outer joins without other_join_conjuncts, in order to
/// iterate over all nodes of an unmatched bucket).
void IR_ALWAYS_INLINE NextDuplicate();
/// Iterates to the next element that does not have its matched flag set. Used in
/// right-outer and full-outer joins.
void IR_ALWAYS_INLINE NextUnmatched();
/// Return the current row or tuple. Callers must check the iterator is not AtEnd()
/// before calling them. The returned row is owned by the iterator and valid until
/// the next call to GetRow(). It is safe to advance the iterator.
TupleRow* IR_ALWAYS_INLINE GetRow() const;
Tuple* IR_ALWAYS_INLINE GetTuple() const;
/// Set the current tuple for an empty bucket. Designed to be used with the iterator
/// returned from FindBuildRowBucket() in the case when the value is not found. It is
/// not valid to call this function if the bucket already has an entry.
void SetTuple(Tuple* tuple, uint32_t hash);
/// Sets as matched the Bucket or DuplicateNode currently pointed by the iterator,
/// depending on whether the bucket has duplicates or not. The iterator cannot be
/// AtEnd().
void SetMatched();
/// Returns the 'matched' flag of the current Bucket or DuplicateNode, depending on
/// whether the bucket has duplicates or not. It should be called only if !AtEnd().
bool IsMatched() const;
/// Resets everything but the pointer to the hash table.
void SetAtEnd();
/// Returns true if this iterator is at the end, i.e. GetRow() cannot be called.
bool ALWAYS_INLINE AtEnd() const { return bucket_idx_ == BUCKET_NOT_FOUND; }
/// Prefetch the hash table bucket which the iterator is pointing to now.
template<const bool READ>
void IR_ALWAYS_INLINE PrefetchBucket();
friend class HashTable;
Iterator(HashTable* table, TupleRow* row, int bucket_idx, DuplicateNode* node)
: table_(table),
node_(node) {
HashTable* table_;
/// Scratch buffer to hold generated rows. Not owned.
TupleRow* scratch_row_;
/// Current bucket idx.
int64_t bucket_idx_;
/// Pointer to the current duplicate node.
DuplicateNode* node_;
friend class Iterator;
friend class HashTableTest;
/// Hash table constructor. Private because Create() should be used, instead
/// of calling this constructor directly.
/// - quadratic_probing: set to true when the probing algorithm is quadratic, as
/// opposed to linear.
HashTable(bool quadratic_probing, Suballocator* allocator, bool stores_duplicates,
int num_build_tuples, BufferedTupleStream* tuple_stream, int64_t max_num_buckets,
int64_t initial_num_buckets);
/// Performs the probing operation according to the probing algorithm (linear or
/// quadratic. Returns one of the following:
/// (a) the index of the bucket that contains the entry that matches with the last row
/// evaluated in 'ht_ctx'. If 'ht_ctx' is NULL then it does not check for row
/// equality and returns the index of the first empty bucket.
/// (b) the index of the first empty bucket according to the probing algorithm (linear
/// or quadratic), if the entry is not in the hash table or 'ht_ctx' is NULL.
/// (c) Iterator::BUCKET_NOT_FOUND if the probe was not successful, i.e. the maximum
/// distance was traveled without finding either an empty or a matching bucket.
/// Using the returned index value, the caller can create an iterator that can be
/// iterated until End() to find all the matching rows.
/// EvalAndHashBuild() or EvalAndHashProbe() must have been called before calling
/// this function. The values of the expression values cache in 'ht_ctx' will be
/// used to probe the hash table.
/// 'FORCE_NULL_EQUALITY' is true if NULLs should always be considered equal when
/// comparing two rows.
/// 'hash' is the hash computed by EvalAndHashBuild() or EvalAndHashProbe().
/// 'found' indicates that a bucket that contains an equal row is found.
/// There are wrappers of this function that perform the Find and Insert logic.
template <bool FORCE_NULL_EQUALITY>
int64_t IR_ALWAYS_INLINE Probe(Bucket* buckets, int64_t num_buckets,
HashTableCtx* ht_ctx, uint32_t hash, bool* found);
/// Performs the insert logic. Returns the HtData* of the bucket or duplicate node
/// where the data should be inserted. Returns NULL if the insert was not successful
/// and either sets 'status' to OK if it failed because not enough reservation was
/// available or the error if an error was encountered.
HtData* IR_ALWAYS_INLINE InsertInternal(HashTableCtx* ht_ctx, Status* status);
/// Updates 'bucket_idx' to the index of the next non-empty bucket. If the bucket has
/// duplicates, 'node' will be pointing to the head of the linked list of duplicates.
/// Otherwise, 'node' should not be used. If there are no more buckets, sets
/// 'bucket_idx' to BUCKET_NOT_FOUND.
void NextFilledBucket(int64_t* bucket_idx, DuplicateNode** node);
/// Resize the hash table to 'num_buckets'. 'got_memory' is false on OOM.
Status ResizeBuckets(int64_t num_buckets, const HashTableCtx* ht_ctx, bool* got_memory);
/// Appends the DuplicateNode pointed by next_node_ to 'bucket' and moves the next_node_
/// pointer to the next DuplicateNode in the page, updating the remaining node counter.
DuplicateNode* IR_ALWAYS_INLINE AppendNextNode(Bucket* bucket);
/// Creates a new DuplicateNode for a entry and chains it to the bucket with index
/// 'bucket_idx'. The duplicate nodes of a bucket are chained as a linked list.
/// This places the new duplicate node at the beginning of the list. If this is the
/// first duplicate entry inserted in this bucket, then the entry already contained by
/// the bucket is converted to a DuplicateNode. That is, the contents of 'data' of the
/// bucket are copied to a DuplicateNode and 'data' is updated to pointing to a
/// DuplicateNode.
/// Returns NULL and sets 'status' to OK if the node array could not grow, i.e. there
/// was not enough memory to allocate a new DuplicateNode. Returns NULL and sets
/// 'status' to an error if another error was encountered.
DuplicateNode* IR_ALWAYS_INLINE InsertDuplicateNode(int64_t bucket_idx, Status* status);
/// Resets the contents of the empty bucket with index 'bucket_idx', in preparation for
/// an insert. Sets all the fields of the bucket other than 'data'.
void IR_ALWAYS_INLINE PrepareBucketForInsert(int64_t bucket_idx, uint32_t hash);
/// Return the TupleRow pointed by 'htdata'.
TupleRow* GetRow(HtData& htdata, TupleRow* row) const;
/// Returns the TupleRow of the pointed 'bucket'. In case of duplicates, it
/// returns the content of the first chained duplicate node of the bucket.
TupleRow* GetRow(Bucket* bucket, TupleRow* row) const;
/// Grow the node array. Returns true and sets 'status' to OK on success. Returns false
/// and set 'status' to OK if we can't get sufficient reservation to allocate the next
/// data page. Returns false and sets 'status' if another error is encountered.
bool GrowNodeArray(Status* status);
/// Functions to be replaced by codegen to specialize the hash table.
bool IR_NO_INLINE stores_tuples() const { return stores_tuples_; }
bool IR_NO_INLINE stores_duplicates() const { return stores_duplicates_; }
bool IR_NO_INLINE quadratic_probing() const { return quadratic_probing_; }
/// Load factor that will trigger growing the hash table on insert. This is
/// defined as the number of non-empty buckets / total_buckets
static constexpr double MAX_FILL_FACTOR = 0.75;
/// The size in bytes of each page of duplicate nodes. Should be large enough to fit
/// enough DuplicateNodes to amortise the overhead of allocating each page and low
/// enough to not waste excessive memory to internal fragmentation.
static constexpr int64_t DATA_PAGE_SIZE = 64L * 1024;
RuntimeState* state_;
/// Suballocator to allocate data pages and hash table buckets with.
Suballocator* allocator_;
/// Stream contains the rows referenced by the hash table. Can be NULL if the
/// row only contains a single tuple, in which case the TupleRow indirection
/// is removed by the hash table.
BufferedTupleStream* tuple_stream_;
/// Constants on how the hash table should behave.
/// True if the HtData uses the Tuple* representation, or false if it uses FlatRowPtr.
const bool stores_tuples_;
/// True if duplicates may be inserted into hash table.
const bool stores_duplicates_;
/// Quadratic probing enabled (as opposed to linear).
const bool quadratic_probing_;
/// Data pages for all nodes. Allocated from suballocator to reduce memory
/// consumption of small tables.
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Suballocation>> data_pages_;
/// Byte size of all buffers in data_pages_.
int64_t total_data_page_size_;
/// Next duplicate node to insert. Vaild when node_remaining_current_page_ > 0.
DuplicateNode* next_node_;
/// Number of nodes left in the current page.
int node_remaining_current_page_;
/// Number of duplicate nodes.
int64_t num_duplicate_nodes_;
const int64_t max_num_buckets_;
/// Allocation containing all buckets.
std::unique_ptr<Suballocation> bucket_allocation_;
/// Pointer to the 'buckets_' array from 'bucket_allocation_'.
Bucket* buckets_;
/// Total number of buckets (filled and empty).
int64_t num_buckets_;
/// Number of non-empty buckets. Used to determine when to resize.
int64_t num_filled_buckets_;
/// Number of (non-empty) buckets with duplicates. These buckets do not point to slots
/// in the tuple stream, rather than to a linked list of Nodes.
int64_t num_buckets_with_duplicates_;
/// Number of build tuples, used for constructing temp row* for probes.
const int num_build_tuples_;
/// Flag used to check that we don't lose stored matches when spilling hash tables
/// (IMPALA-1488).
bool has_matches_;
/// The stats below can be used for debugging perf.
/// TODO: Should we make these statistics atomic?
/// Number of FindProbeRow(), Insert(), or FindBuildRowBucket() calls that probe the
/// hash table.
int64_t num_probes_;
/// Number of probes that failed and had to fall back to linear probing without cap.
int64_t num_failed_probes_;
/// Total distance traveled for each probe. That is the sum of the diff between the end
/// position of a probe (find/insert) and its start position
/// (hash & (num_buckets_ - 1)).
int64_t travel_length_;
/// The number of cases where we had to compare buckets with the same hash value, but
/// the row equality failed.
int64_t num_hash_collisions_;
/// How many times this table has resized so far.
int64_t num_resizes_;