blob: 9d95b0bed2b9b0c35ae692fdb52e529c643d4b7a [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
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// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
#include <memory>
#include <boost/bind.hpp>
#include "exec/base-sequence-scanner.h"
#include "exec/hdfs-scan-node-base.h"
#include "exec/hdfs-scan-node.h"
#include "exec/scanner-context.inline.h"
#include "runtime/runtime-state.h"
#include "runtime/string-search.h"
#include "util/codec.h"
#include "util/runtime-profile-counters.h"
#include "util/test-info.h"
#include "common/names.h"
using namespace impala;
using namespace impala::io;
const int BaseSequenceScanner::HEADER_SIZE = 1024;
const int BaseSequenceScanner::SYNC_MARKER = -1;
// Constants used in ReadPastSize()
static const double BLOCK_SIZE_PADDING_PERCENT = 0.1;
static const int MIN_SYNC_READ_SIZE = 64 * 1024; // bytes
// Macro to convert between SerdeUtil errors to Status returns.
#define RETURN_IF_FALSE(x) if (UNLIKELY(!(x))) return parse_status_
Status BaseSequenceScanner::IssueInitialRanges(HdfsScanNodeBase* scan_node,
const vector<HdfsFileDesc*>& files) {
// Issue just the header range for each file. When the header is complete,
// we'll issue the splits for that file. Splits cannot be processed until the
// header is parsed (the header object is then shared across splits for that file).
vector<ScanRange*> header_ranges;
for (int i = 0; i < files.size(); ++i) {
ScanRangeMetadata* metadata =
ScanRangeMetadata* header_metadata =
scan_node->runtime_state()->obj_pool()->Add(new ScanRangeMetadata(*metadata));
header_metadata->is_sequence_header = true;
int64_t header_size = min<int64_t>(HEADER_SIZE, files[i]->file_length);
// The header is almost always a remote read. Set the disk id to -1 and indicate
// it is not cached.
// TODO: add remote disk id and plumb that through to the io mgr. It should have
// 1 queue for each NIC as well?
ScanRange* header_range = scan_node->AllocateScanRange(files[i]->fs,
files[i]->filename.c_str(), header_size, 0, header_metadata, -1, false,
// Issue the header ranges only. GetNextInternal() will issue the files' scan ranges
// and those ranges will need scanner threads, so no files are marked completed yet.
RETURN_IF_ERROR(scan_node->AddDiskIoRanges(header_ranges, 0));
return Status::OK();
bool BaseSequenceScanner::FileFormatIsSequenceBased(THdfsFileFormat::type format) {
return format == THdfsFileFormat::SEQUENCE_FILE ||
format == THdfsFileFormat::RC_FILE ||
format == THdfsFileFormat::AVRO;
BaseSequenceScanner::BaseSequenceScanner(HdfsScanNodeBase* node, RuntimeState* state)
: HdfsScanner(node, state) {
BaseSequenceScanner::BaseSequenceScanner() : HdfsScanner() {
BaseSequenceScanner::~BaseSequenceScanner() {
Status BaseSequenceScanner::Open(ScannerContext* context) {
stream_->set_read_past_size_cb(bind(&BaseSequenceScanner::ReadPastSize, this, _1));
bytes_skipped_counter_ = ADD_COUNTER(
scan_node_->runtime_profile(), "BytesSkipped", TUnit::BYTES);
header_ = reinterpret_cast<FileHeader*>(
context->partition_descriptor()->id(), stream_->filename()));
if (header_ == nullptr) {
only_parsing_header_ = true;
return Status::OK();
// Skip to the first record
if (stream_->file_offset() < header_->header_size) {
// If the scan range starts within the header, skip to the end of the header so we
// don't accidentally skip to an extra sync within the header
header_->header_size - stream_->file_offset(), &parse_status_));
RETURN_IF_ERROR(SkipToSync(header_->sync, SYNC_HASH_SIZE));
return Status::OK();
void BaseSequenceScanner::Close(RowBatch* row_batch) {
VLOG_FILE << "Bytes read past scan range: " << -stream_->bytes_left();
VLOG_FILE << "Average block size: "
<< (num_syncs_ > 1 ? total_block_size_ / (num_syncs_ - 1) : 0);
// Need to close the decompressor before releasing the resources at AddFinalRowBatch(),
// because in some cases there is memory allocated in decompressor_'s temp_memory_pool_.
if (decompressor_.get() != nullptr) {
if (row_batch != nullptr) {
row_batch->tuple_data_pool()->AcquireData(data_buffer_pool_.get(), false);
row_batch->tuple_data_pool()->AcquireData(template_tuple_pool_.get(), false);
if (scan_node_->HasRowBatchQueue()) {
} else {
// Verify all resources (if any) have been transferred.
DCHECK_EQ(template_tuple_pool_.get()->total_allocated_bytes(), 0);
DCHECK_EQ(data_buffer_pool_.get()->total_allocated_bytes(), 0);
// 'header_' can be nullptr if HdfsScanNodeBase::CreateAndOpenScanner() failed.
if (!only_parsing_header_ && header_ != nullptr) {
scan_node_->RangeComplete(file_format(), header_->compression_type);
Status BaseSequenceScanner::GetNextInternal(RowBatch* row_batch) {
if (only_parsing_header_) {
DCHECK(header_ == nullptr);
eos_ = true;
header_ = state_->obj_pool()->Add(AllocateFileHeader());
Status status = ReadFileHeader();
if (!status.ok()) {
// We need to complete the ranges for this file.
return Status::OK();
// Header is parsed, set the metadata in the scan node and issue more ranges.
context_->partition_descriptor()->id(), stream_->filename(), header_);
HdfsFileDesc* desc = scan_node_->GetFileDesc(
context_->partition_descriptor()->id(), stream_->filename());
return Status::OK();
if (eos_) return Status::OK();
int64_t tuple_buffer_size;
row_batch->ResizeAndAllocateTupleBuffer(state_, &tuple_buffer_size, &tuple_mem_));
tuple_ = reinterpret_cast<Tuple*>(tuple_mem_);
DCHECK_GT(row_batch->capacity(), 0);
Status status = ProcessRange(row_batch);
if (!status.ok()) {
// Log error from file format parsing.
// TODO(IMPALA-5922): Include the file and offset in errors inside the scanners.
if (!status.IsCancelled() &&
!status.IsMemLimitExceeded() &&
!status.IsInternalError() &&
!status.IsDiskIoError()) {
stream_->filename(), stream_->file_offset(),
(stream_->eof() ? "(EOF)" : "")));
// This checks for abort_on_error.
// Recover by skipping to the next sync.
parse_status_ = Status::OK();
int64_t error_offset = stream_->file_offset();
status = SkipToSync(header_->sync, SYNC_HASH_SIZE);
COUNTER_ADD(bytes_skipped_counter_, stream_->file_offset() - error_offset);
return Status::OK();
Status BaseSequenceScanner::ReadSync() {
uint8_t* hash;
int64_t out_len;
bool success = stream_->GetBytes(SYNC_HASH_SIZE, &hash, &out_len, &parse_status_);
// We are done when we read a sync marker occurring completely in the next scan range.
eos_ = stream_->eosr() || stream_->eof();
if (!success) return parse_status_;
if (out_len != SYNC_HASH_SIZE) {
return Status(Substitute("Hit end of stream after reading $0 bytes of $1-byte "
"synchronization marker", out_len, SYNC_HASH_SIZE));
} else if (memcmp(hash, header_->sync, SYNC_HASH_SIZE) != 0) {
stringstream ss;
ss << "Bad synchronization marker" << endl
<< " Expected: '"
<< ReadWriteUtil::HexDump(header_->sync, SYNC_HASH_SIZE) << "'" << endl
<< " Actual: '"
<< ReadWriteUtil::HexDump(hash, SYNC_HASH_SIZE) << "'";
return Status(ss.str());
total_block_size_ += stream_->file_offset() - block_start_;
block_start_ = stream_->file_offset();
return Status::OK();
int BaseSequenceScanner::FindSyncBlock(const uint8_t* buffer, int buffer_len,
const uint8_t* sync, int sync_len) {
char* sync_str = reinterpret_cast<char*>(const_cast<uint8_t*>(sync));
StringValue needle = StringValue(sync_str, sync_len);
StringValue haystack(
const_cast<char*>(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(buffer)), buffer_len);
StringSearch search(&needle);
int offset = search.Search(&haystack);
if (offset != -1) {
// Advance offset past sync
offset += sync_len;
return offset;
Status BaseSequenceScanner::SkipToSync(const uint8_t* sync, int sync_size) {
// offset into current buffer of end of sync (once found, -1 until then)
int offset = -1;
uint8_t* buffer;
int64_t buffer_len;
Status status;
// Read buffers until we find a sync or reach the end of the scan range. If we read all
// the buffers remaining in the scan range and none of them contain a sync (including a
// sync that starts at the end of this scan range and continues into the next one), then
// there are no more syncs in this scan range and we're finished.
while (!stream_->eosr()) {
// Check if there's a sync fully contained in the current buffer
RETURN_IF_ERROR(stream_->GetBuffer(true, &buffer, &buffer_len));
offset = FindSyncBlock(buffer, buffer_len, sync, sync_size);
DCHECK_LE(offset, buffer_len);
if (offset != -1) break;
// No sync found in the current buffer, so check if there's a sync spanning the
// current buffer and the next. First we skip so there are sync_size - 1 bytes left,
// then we read these bytes plus the first sync_size - 1 bytes of the next buffer.
// This guarantees that we find any syncs that start in the current buffer and end in
// the next buffer.
int64_t to_skip = max<int64_t>(0, buffer_len - (sync_size - 1));
RETURN_IF_FALSE(stream_->SkipBytes(to_skip, &parse_status_));
// Peek so we don't advance stream_ into the next buffer. If we don't find a sync here
// then we'll need to check all of the next buffer, including the first sync_size -1
// bytes.
(sync_size - 1) * 2, &buffer, &buffer_len, &parse_status_, true));
offset = FindSyncBlock(buffer, buffer_len, sync, sync_size);
DCHECK_LE(offset, buffer_len);
if (offset != -1) break;
// No sync starting in this buffer, so advance stream_ to the beginning of the next
// buffer.
RETURN_IF_ERROR(stream_->GetBuffer(false, &buffer, &buffer_len));
if (offset == -1) {
// No more syncs in this scan range
eos_ = true;
return Status::OK();
DCHECK_GE(offset, sync_size);
// Make sure sync starts in our scan range
if (offset - sync_size >= stream_->bytes_left()) {
eos_ = true;
return Status::OK();
RETURN_IF_FALSE(stream_->SkipBytes(offset, &parse_status_));
VLOG_FILE << "Found sync for: " << stream_->filename()
<< " at " << stream_->file_offset() - sync_size;
if (stream_->eof()) eos_ = true;
block_start_ = stream_->file_offset();
return Status::OK();
void BaseSequenceScanner::CloseFileRanges(const char* filename) {
HdfsFileDesc* desc = scan_node_->GetFileDesc(
context_->partition_descriptor()->id(), filename);
const vector<ScanRange*>& splits = desc->splits;
for (int i = 0; i < splits.size(); ++i) {
COUNTER_ADD(bytes_skipped_counter_, splits[i]->len());
scan_node_->RangeComplete(file_format(), THdfsCompression::NONE);
int BaseSequenceScanner::ReadPastSize(int64_t file_offset) {
DCHECK_GE(total_block_size_, 0);
// This scan range didn't include a complete block, so we have no idea how many bytes
// remain in the block. Let ScannerContext use its default strategy.
if (total_block_size_ == 0) return 0;
DCHECK_GE(num_syncs_, 2);
int average_block_size = total_block_size_ / (num_syncs_ - 1);
// Number of bytes read in the current block
int block_bytes_read = file_offset - block_start_;
DCHECK_GE(block_bytes_read, 0);
int bytes_left = max(average_block_size - block_bytes_read, 0);
// Include some padding
bytes_left += average_block_size * BLOCK_SIZE_PADDING_PERCENT;
return max(bytes_left, MIN_SYNC_READ_SIZE);