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// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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#include "exec/exec-node.h"
#include "runtime/buffered-tuple-stream.h"
#include "runtime/tuple.h"
namespace impala {
class AggFn;
class AggFnEvaluator;
class ScalarExpr;
class ScalarExprEvaluator;
/// Evaluates analytic functions with a single pass over input rows. It is assumed
/// that the input has already been sorted on all of the partition exprs and then the
/// order by exprs. If there is no order by clause or partition clause, the input is
/// unsorted. Uses a BufferedTupleStream to buffer input rows which are returned in a
/// streaming fashion as entire row batches of output are ready to be returned, though in
/// some cases the entire input must actually be consumed to produce any output rows.
/// The output row is composed of the tuples from the child node followed by a single
/// result tuple that holds the values of the evaluated analytic functions (one slot per
/// analytic function).
/// When enough input rows have been consumed to produce the results of all analytic
/// functions for one or more rows (e.g. because the order by values are different for a
/// RANGE window), the results of all the analytic functions for those rows are produced
/// in a result tuple by calling GetValue()/Finalize() on the evaluators and storing the
/// tuple in result_tuples_. Input row batches are fetched from the BufferedTupleStream,
/// copied into output row batches, and the associated result tuple is set in each
/// corresponding row. Result tuples may apply to many rows (e.g. an arbitrary number or
/// an entire partition) so result_tuples_ stores a pair of the stream index (the last
/// row in the stream it applies to) and the tuple.
/// Input rows are consumed in a streaming fashion until enough input has been consumed
/// in order to produce enough output rows. In some cases, this may mean that only a
/// single input batch is needed to produce the results for an output batch, e.g.
/// "SELECT RANK OVER (ORDER BY unique_col) ... ", but in other cases, an arbitrary
/// number of rows may need to be buffered before result rows can be produced, e.g. if
/// multiple rows have the same values for the order by exprs. The number of buffered
/// rows may be an entire partition or even the entire input. Therefore, the output
/// rows are buffered and may spill to disk via the BufferedTupleStream.
class AnalyticEvalNode : public ExecNode {
AnalyticEvalNode(ObjectPool* pool, const TPlanNode& tnode, const DescriptorTbl& descs);
virtual ~AnalyticEvalNode();
virtual Status Init(const TPlanNode& tnode, RuntimeState* state);
virtual Status Prepare(RuntimeState* state);
virtual Status Open(RuntimeState* state);
virtual Status GetNext(RuntimeState* state, RowBatch* row_batch, bool* eos);
virtual Status Reset(RuntimeState* state);
virtual void Close(RuntimeState* state);
virtual void DebugString(int indentation_level, std::stringstream* out) const;
/// The scope over which analytic functions are evaluated. Functions are either
/// evaluated over a window (specified by a TAnalyticWindow) or an entire partition.
/// This is used to avoid more complex logic where we often branch based on these
/// cases, e.g. whether or not there is a window (i.e. no window = PARTITION) is stored
/// separately from the window type (assuming there is a window).
enum AnalyticFnScope {
/// Analytic functions are evaluated over an entire partition (or the entire data set
/// if no partition clause was specified). Every row within a partition is added to
/// curr_tuple_ and buffered in the input_stream_. Once all rows in a partition have
/// been consumed, a single result tuple is added to result_tuples_ for all rows in
/// that partition.
/// Functions are evaluated over windows specified with range boundaries. Currently
/// only supports the 'default window', i.e. UNBOUNDED PRECEDING to CURRENT ROW. In
/// this case, when the values of the order by expressions change between rows a
/// result tuple is added to result_tuples_ for the previous rows with the same values
/// for the order by expressions. This happens in TryAddResultTupleForPrevRow()
/// because we determine if the order by expression values changed between the
/// previous and current row.
/// Functions are evaluated over windows specified with rows boundaries. A result
/// tuple is added for every input row (except for some cases where the window extends
/// before or after the partition). When the end boundary is offset from the current
/// row, input rows are consumed and result tuples are produced for the associated
/// preceding or following row. When the start boundary is offset from the current
/// row, the first tuple (i.e. the input to the analytic functions) from the input
/// rows are buffered in window_tuples_ because they must later be removed from the
/// window (by calling AggFnEvaluator::Remove() with the expired tuple to remove it
/// from the current row). When either the start or end boundaries are offset from the
/// current row, there is special casing around partition boundaries.
/// Evaluates analytic functions over curr_child_batch_. Each input row is passed
/// to the evaluators and added to input_stream_ where they are stored until a tuple
/// containing the results of the analytic functions for that row is ready to be
/// returned. When enough rows have been processed so that results can be produced for
/// one or more rows, a tuple containing those results are stored in result_tuples_.
/// That tuple gets set in the associated output row(s) later in GetNextOutputBatch().
Status ProcessChildBatch(RuntimeState* state);
/// Processes child batches (calling ProcessChildBatch()) until enough output rows
/// are ready to return an output batch.
Status ProcessChildBatches(RuntimeState* state);
/// Returns a batch of output rows from input_stream_ with the analytic function
/// results (from result_tuples_) set as the last tuple.
Status GetNextOutputBatch(RuntimeState* state, RowBatch* row_batch, bool* eos);
/// Adds the row to the evaluators and the tuple stream.
Status AddRow(int64_t stream_idx, TupleRow* row);
/// Determines if there is a window ending at the previous row, and if so, calls
/// AddResultTuple() with the index of the previous row in 'input_stream_'.
/// 'next_partition' indicates if the current row is the start of a new partition.
/// 'stream_idx' is the index of the current input row from 'input_stream_'.
/// Returns an error when memory limit is exceeded.
Status TryAddResultTupleForPrevRow(bool next_partition, int64_t stream_idx,
TupleRow* row);
/// Determines if there is a window ending at the current row, and if so, calls
/// AddResultTuple() with the index of the current row in 'input_stream_'.
/// 'stream_idx' is the index of the current input row from 'input_stream_'.
/// Returns an error when memory limit is exceeded.
Status TryAddResultTupleForCurrRow(int64_t stream_idx, TupleRow* row);
/// Adds additional result tuples at the end of a partition, e.g. if the end bound is
/// FOLLOWING. partition_idx is the index into input_stream_ of the new partition,
/// 'prev_partition_idx' is the index of the previous partition.
/// Returns an error when memory limit is exceeded.
Status TryAddRemainingResults(int64_t partition_idx, int64_t prev_partition_idx);
/// Removes rows from curr_tuple_ (by calling AggFnEvaluator::Remove()) that are no
/// longer in the window (i.e. they are before the window start boundary). stream_idx
/// is the index of the row in input_stream_ that is currently being processed in
/// ProcessChildBatch().
void TryRemoveRowsBeforeWindow(int64_t stream_idx);
/// Initializes state at the start of a new partition. stream_idx is the index of the
/// current input row from input_stream_.
Status InitNextPartition(RuntimeState* state, int64_t stream_idx);
/// Produces a result tuple with analytic function results by calling GetValue() or
/// Finalize() for 'curr_tuple_' on the 'evaluators'. The result tuple is stored in
/// 'result_tuples_' with the index into 'input_stream_' specified by 'stream_idx'.
/// Returns an error when memory limit is exceeded.
Status AddResultTuple(int64_t stream_idx);
/// Gets the number of rows that are ready to be returned by subsequent calls to
/// GetNextOutputBatch().
int64_t NumOutputRowsReady() const;
/// Resets the slots in current_tuple_ that store the intermedatiate results for lead().
/// This is necessary to produce the default value (set by Init()).
void ResetLeadFnSlots();
/// Evaluates the predicate pred_eval over child_tuple_cmp_row_, which is
/// a TupleRow* containing the previous row and the current row set during
/// ProcessChildBatch().
bool PrevRowCompare(ScalarExprEvaluator* pred_eval);
/// Debug string containing current state. If 'detailed', per-row state is included.
std::string DebugStateString(bool detailed) const;
std::string DebugEvaluatedRowsString() const;
/// Debug string containing the window definition.
std::string DebugWindowString() const;
/// The RuntimeState for the fragment instance containing this AnalyticEvalNode. Set
/// in Init().
RuntimeState* state_;
/// Window over which the analytic functions are evaluated. Only used if fn_scope_
/// is ROWS or RANGE.
/// TODO: fn_scope_ and window_ are candidates to be removed during codegen
const TAnalyticWindow window_;
/// Tuple descriptor for storing intermediate values of analytic fn evaluation.
const TupleDescriptor* intermediate_tuple_desc_ = nullptr;
/// Tuple descriptor for storing results of analytic fn evaluation.
const TupleDescriptor* result_tuple_desc_ = nullptr;
/// Tuple descriptor of the buffered tuple (identical to the input child tuple, which is
/// assumed to come from a single SortNode). NULL if both partition_exprs and
/// order_by_exprs are empty.
TupleDescriptor* buffered_tuple_desc_ = nullptr;
/// A predicate that checks if child tuple '<' buffered tuple for partitioning exprs
/// and its evaluator.
ScalarExpr* partition_by_eq_expr_ = nullptr;
ScalarExprEvaluator* partition_by_eq_expr_eval_ = nullptr;
/// A predicate that checks if child tuple '<' buffered tuple for order by exprs and
/// its evaluator.
ScalarExpr* order_by_eq_expr_ = nullptr;
ScalarExprEvaluator* order_by_eq_expr_eval_ = nullptr;
/// The scope over which analytic functions are evaluated.
/// TODO: Consider adding additional state to capture whether different kinds of window
/// bounds need to be maintained, e.g. (fn_scope_ == ROWS && window_.__isset.end_bound).
AnalyticFnScope fn_scope_;
/// Offset from the current row for ROWS windows with start or end bounds specified
/// with offsets. Is positive if the offset is FOLLOWING, negative if PRECEDING, and 0
int64_t rows_start_offset_;
int64_t rows_end_offset_;
/// Analytic functions and their evaluators. 'analytic_fns_' live in the query-state's
/// objpool while the evaluators live in the exec node's objpool.
std::vector<AggFn*> analytic_fns_;
std::vector<AggFnEvaluator*> analytic_fn_evals_;
/// Indicates if each evaluator is the lead() fn. Used by ResetLeadFnSlots() to
/// determine which slots need to be reset.
std::vector<bool> is_lead_fn_;
/// If true, evaluating FIRST_VALUE requires special null handling when initializing new
/// partitions determined by the offset. Set in Open() by inspecting the agg fns.
bool has_first_val_null_offset_;
long first_val_null_offset_;
/// Pools used to allocate result tuples (added to result_tuples_ and later returned)
/// and window tuples (added to window_tuples_ to buffer the current window). Resources
/// are transferred from curr_tuple_pool_ to prev_tuple_pool_ once it is at least
/// MAX_TUPLE_POOL_SIZE bytes. Resources from prev_tuple_pool_ are transferred to an
/// output row batch when all result tuples it contains have been returned and all
/// window tuples it contains are no longer needed, or upon eos.
boost::scoped_ptr<MemPool> curr_tuple_pool_;
boost::scoped_ptr<MemPool> prev_tuple_pool_;
/// BEGIN: Members that must be Reset()
/// TupleRow* composed of the first child tuple and the buffered tuple, used by
/// partition_by_eq_expr_eval_ and order_by_eq_expr_eval_. Set in Open() if
/// buffered_tuple_desc_ is not NULL, allocated from mem_pool_.
TupleRow* child_tuple_cmp_row_ = nullptr;
/// Queue of tuples which are ready to be set in output rows, with the index into
/// the input_stream_ stream of the last TupleRow that gets the Tuple, i.e. this is a
/// sparse structure. For example, if result_tuples_ contains tuples with indexes x1 and
/// x2 where x1 < x2, output rows with indexes in [0, x1] get the first result tuple and
/// output rows with indexes in (x1, x2] get the second result tuple. Pairs are pushed
/// onto the queue in ProcessChildBatch() and dequeued in order in GetNextOutputBatch().
/// The size of result_tuples_ is limited by 2 times the row batch size because we only
/// process input batches if there are not enough result tuples to produce a single
/// batch of output rows. In the worst case there may be a single result tuple per
/// output row and result_tuples_.size() may be one less than the row batch size, in
/// which case we will process another input row batch (inserting one result tuple per
/// input row) before returning a row batch.
std::list<std::pair<int64_t, Tuple*>> result_tuples_;
/// Index in input_stream_ of the most recently added result tuple.
int64_t last_result_idx_;
/// Child tuples that are currently within the window and the index into input_stream_
/// of the row they're associated with. Only used when window start bound is PRECEDING
/// or FOLLOWING. Tuples in this list are deep copied and owned by
/// curr_window_tuple_pool_.
/// TODO: Remove and use BufferedTupleStream (needs support for multiple readers).
std::list<std::pair<int64_t, Tuple*>> window_tuples_;
/// The index of the last row from input_stream_ associated with output row containing
/// resources in prev_tuple_pool_. -1 when the pool is empty. Resources from
/// prev_tuple_pool_ can only be transferred to an output batch once all rows containing
/// these tuples have been returned.
int64_t prev_pool_last_result_idx_;
/// The index of the last row from input_stream_ associated with window tuples
/// containing resources in prev_tuple_pool_. -1 when the pool is empty. Resources from
/// prev_tuple_pool_ can only be transferred to an output batch once all rows containing
/// these tuples are no longer needed (removed from the window_tuples_).
int64_t prev_pool_last_window_idx_;
/// The tuple described by intermediate_tuple_desc_ storing intermediate state for the
/// analytic_eval_fns_. When enough input rows have been consumed to produce the
/// analytic function results, a result tuple (described by result_tuple_desc_) is
/// created and the agg fn results are written to that tuple by calling Finalize()/
/// GetValue() on the evaluators with curr_tuple_ as the source tuple.
Tuple* curr_tuple_ = nullptr;
/// A tuple described by result_tuple_desc_ used when calling Finalize() on the
/// analytic_fn_evals_ to release resources between partitions; the value is never used.
/// TODO: Remove when agg fns implement a separate Close() method to release resources.
Tuple* dummy_result_tuple_ = nullptr;
/// Index of the row in input_stream_ at which the current partition started.
int64_t curr_partition_idx_;
/// Previous input row used to compare partition boundaries and to determine when the
/// order-by expressions change.
TupleRow* prev_input_row_ = nullptr;
/// Current and previous input row batches from the child. RowBatches are allocated
/// once and reused. Previous input row batch owns prev_input_row_ between calls to
/// ProcessChildBatch(). The prev batch is Reset() after calling ProcessChildBatch()
/// and then swapped with the curr batch so the RowBatch owning prev_input_row_ is
/// stored in prev_child_batch_ for the next call to ProcessChildBatch().
boost::scoped_ptr<RowBatch> prev_child_batch_;
boost::scoped_ptr<RowBatch> curr_child_batch_;
/// Buffers input rows added in ProcessChildBatch() until enough rows are able to
/// be returned by GetNextOutputBatch(), in which case row batches are returned from
/// the front of the stream and the underlying buffers are deleted once read.
/// The number of rows that must be buffered may vary from an entire partition (e.g.
/// no order by clause) to a single row (e.g. ROWS windows). If the amount of buffered
/// data in 'input_stream_' exceeds the ExecNode's buffer reservation and the stream
/// cannot increase the reservation, then 'input_stream_' is unpinned (i.e., spilled to
/// disk). The input stream owns tuple data backing rows returned in GetNext(). The
/// buffers with tuple data are attached to an output row batch on eos or
/// ReachedLimit().
/// TODO: Consider re-pinning unpinned streams when possible.
boost::scoped_ptr<BufferedTupleStream> input_stream_;
/// Pool used for O(1) allocations that live until Close() or Reset().
/// Does not own data backing tuples returned in GetNext(), so it does not
/// need to be transferred to an output batch.
boost::scoped_ptr<MemPool> mem_pool_;
/// True when there are no more input rows to consume from our child.
bool input_eos_;
/// END: Members that must be Reset()
/// Time spent processing the child rows.
RuntimeProfile::Counter* evaluation_timer_;