blob: bc22d8238132aa6383782d4e4a3ab30ceb086b13 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
#include "exec/analytic-eval-node.h"
#include <gutil/strings/substitute.h>
#include "exprs/agg-fn.h"
#include "exprs/agg-fn-evaluator.h"
#include "exprs/scalar-expr.h"
#include "exprs/scalar-expr-evaluator.h"
#include "runtime/buffered-tuple-stream.inline.h"
#include "runtime/descriptors.h"
#include "runtime/mem-tracker.h"
#include "runtime/query-state.h"
#include "runtime/row-batch.h"
#include "runtime/runtime-state.h"
#include "udf/udf-internal.h"
#include "util/runtime-profile-counters.h"
#include "common/names.h"
static const int MAX_TUPLE_POOL_SIZE = 8 * 1024 * 1024; // 8MB
static const int MIN_REQUIRED_BUFFERS = 2;
using namespace strings;
namespace impala {
ObjectPool* pool, const TPlanNode& tnode, const DescriptorTbl& descs)
: ExecNode(pool, tnode, descs),
evaluation_timer_(nullptr) {
if (tnode.analytic_node.__isset.buffered_tuple_id) {
buffered_tuple_desc_ = descs.GetTupleDescriptor(
if (!tnode.analytic_node.__isset.window) {
fn_scope_ = AnalyticEvalNode::PARTITION;
} else if (tnode.analytic_node.window.type == TAnalyticWindowType::RANGE) {
fn_scope_ = AnalyticEvalNode::RANGE;
<< "RANGE windows must have UNBOUNDED PRECEDING";
DCHECK(!window_.__isset.window_end ||
window_.window_end.type == TAnalyticWindowBoundaryType::CURRENT_ROW)
<< "RANGE window end bound must be CURRENT ROW or UNBOUNDED FOLLOWING";
} else {
DCHECK_EQ(tnode.analytic_node.window.type, TAnalyticWindowType::ROWS);
fn_scope_ = AnalyticEvalNode::ROWS;
if (window_.__isset.window_start) {
TAnalyticWindowBoundary b = window_.window_start;
if (b.__isset.rows_offset_value) {
rows_start_offset_ = b.rows_offset_value;
if (b.type == TAnalyticWindowBoundaryType::PRECEDING) rows_start_offset_ *= -1;
} else {
DCHECK_EQ(b.type, TAnalyticWindowBoundaryType::CURRENT_ROW);
rows_start_offset_ = 0;
if (window_.__isset.window_end) {
TAnalyticWindowBoundary b = window_.window_end;
if (b.__isset.rows_offset_value) {
rows_end_offset_ = b.rows_offset_value;
if (b.type == TAnalyticWindowBoundaryType::PRECEDING) rows_end_offset_ *= -1;
} else {
DCHECK_EQ(b.type, TAnalyticWindowBoundaryType::CURRENT_ROW);
rows_end_offset_ = 0;
VLOG_FILE << id() << " Window=" << DebugWindowString();
AnalyticEvalNode::~AnalyticEvalNode() {
// Check that we didn't leak any memory.
DCHECK(input_stream_ == nullptr || input_stream_->is_closed());
Status AnalyticEvalNode::Init(const TPlanNode& tnode, RuntimeState* state) {
RETURN_IF_ERROR(ExecNode::Init(tnode, state));
DCHECK_EQ(conjunct_evals_.size(), 0);
state_ = state;
const TAnalyticNode& analytic_node = tnode.analytic_node;
bool has_lead_fn = false;
for (int i = 0; i < analytic_node.analytic_functions.size(); ++i) {
AggFn* analytic_fn;
*child(0)->row_desc(), *(intermediate_tuple_desc_->slots()[i]),
*(result_tuple_desc_->slots()[i]), state, &analytic_fn));
const TFunction& fn = analytic_node.analytic_functions[i].nodes[0].fn;
const bool is_lead_fn = == "lead";
has_lead_fn |= is_lead_fn;
DCHECK(!has_lead_fn || !window_.__isset.window_start);
DCHECK(fn_scope_ != PARTITION || analytic_node.order_by_exprs.empty());
DCHECK(window_.__isset.window_end || !window_.__isset.window_start)
if (analytic_node.__isset.partition_by_eq || analytic_node.__isset.order_by_eq) {
DCHECK(buffered_tuple_desc_ != nullptr);
vector<TTupleId> tuple_ids;
RowDescriptor cmp_row_desc(state->desc_tbl(), tuple_ids, vector<bool>(2, false));
if (analytic_node.__isset.partition_by_eq) {
RETURN_IF_ERROR(ScalarExpr::Create(analytic_node.partition_by_eq, cmp_row_desc,
state, &partition_by_eq_expr_));
if (analytic_node.__isset.order_by_eq) {
RETURN_IF_ERROR(ScalarExpr::Create(analytic_node.order_by_eq, cmp_row_desc,
state, &order_by_eq_expr_));
return Status::OK();
Status AnalyticEvalNode::Prepare(RuntimeState* state) {
resource_profile_.spillable_buffer_size * MIN_REQUIRED_BUFFERS);
curr_tuple_pool_.reset(new MemPool(mem_tracker()));
prev_tuple_pool_.reset(new MemPool(mem_tracker()));
mem_pool_.reset(new MemPool(mem_tracker()));
evaluation_timer_ = ADD_TIMER(runtime_profile(), "EvaluationTime");
DCHECK_EQ(result_tuple_desc_->slots().size(), analytic_fns_.size());
RETURN_IF_ERROR(AggFnEvaluator::Create(analytic_fns_, state, pool_, expr_perm_pool(),
expr_results_pool(), &analytic_fn_evals_));
if (partition_by_eq_expr_ != nullptr) {
RETURN_IF_ERROR(ScalarExprEvaluator::Create(*partition_by_eq_expr_, state, pool_,
expr_perm_pool(), expr_results_pool(), &partition_by_eq_expr_eval_));
if (order_by_eq_expr_ != nullptr) {
RETURN_IF_ERROR(ScalarExprEvaluator::Create(*order_by_eq_expr_, state, pool_,
expr_perm_pool(), expr_results_pool(), &order_by_eq_expr_eval_));
return Status::OK();
Status AnalyticEvalNode::Open(RuntimeState* state) {
// Claim reservation after the child has been opened to reduce the peak reservation
// requirement.
if (!buffer_pool_client_.is_registered()) {
DCHECK(input_stream_ == nullptr);
input_stream_.reset(new BufferedTupleStream(state, child(0)->row_desc(),
&buffer_pool_client_, resource_profile_.spillable_buffer_size,
RETURN_IF_ERROR(input_stream_->Init(id(), true));
bool success;
RETURN_IF_ERROR(input_stream_->PrepareForReadWrite(true, &success));
DCHECK(success) << "Had reservation: " << buffer_pool_client_.DebugString();
for (int i = 0; i < analytic_fn_evals_.size(); ++i) {
FunctionContext* agg_fn_ctx = analytic_fn_evals_[i]->agg_fn_ctx();
if (!has_first_val_null_offset_ &&
"first_value_rewrite" == analytic_fns_[i]->fn_name() &&
agg_fn_ctx->GetNumArgs() == 2) {
first_val_null_offset_ =
VLOG_FILE << id() << " FIRST_VAL rewrite null offset: " << first_val_null_offset_;
has_first_val_null_offset_ = true;
if (partition_by_eq_expr_eval_ != nullptr) {
if (order_by_eq_expr_eval_ != nullptr) {
if (buffered_tuple_desc_ != nullptr) {
// The backing mem_pool_ is freed in Reset(), so we need to allocate
// a new row every time we Open().
child_tuple_cmp_row_ = reinterpret_cast<TupleRow*>(
mem_pool_->Allocate(sizeof(Tuple*) * 2));
// An intermediate tuple is only allocated once and is reused.
curr_tuple_ = Tuple::Create(intermediate_tuple_desc_->byte_size(), mem_pool_.get());
AggFnEvaluator::Init(analytic_fn_evals_, curr_tuple_);
// Allocate dummy_result_tuple_ even if AggFnEvaluator::Init() may have failed
// as it is needed in Close().
// TODO: move this to Prepare()
dummy_result_tuple_ = Tuple::Create(result_tuple_desc_->byte_size(), mem_pool_.get());
// Check for failures during AggFnEvaluator::Init().
// Initialize state for the first partition.
RETURN_IF_ERROR(InitNextPartition(state, 0));
prev_child_batch_.reset(new RowBatch(child(0)->row_desc(), state->batch_size(),
curr_child_batch_.reset(new RowBatch(child(0)->row_desc(), state->batch_size(),
return Status::OK();
string DebugWindowBoundString(const TAnalyticWindowBoundary& b) {
if (b.type == TAnalyticWindowBoundaryType::CURRENT_ROW) {
return "CURRENT_ROW";
stringstream ss;
if (b.__isset.rows_offset_value) {
ss << b.rows_offset_value;
} else {
// TODO: Return debug string when range offsets are supported
DCHECK(false) << "Range offsets not yet implemented";
if (b.type == TAnalyticWindowBoundaryType::PRECEDING) {
ss << " PRECEDING";
} else {
DCHECK_EQ(b.type, TAnalyticWindowBoundaryType::FOLLOWING);
ss << " FOLLOWING";
return ss.str();
string AnalyticEvalNode::DebugWindowString() const {
stringstream ss;
if (fn_scope_ == PARTITION) {
ss << "NO WINDOW";
return ss.str();
ss << "{type=";
if (fn_scope_ == RANGE) {
ss << "RANGE";
} else {
ss << "ROWS";
ss << ", start=";
if (window_.__isset.window_start) {
ss << DebugWindowBoundString(window_.window_start);
} else {
ss << ", end=";
if (window_.__isset.window_end) {
ss << DebugWindowBoundString(window_.window_end) << "}";
} else {
return ss.str();
string AnalyticEvalNode::DebugStateString(bool detailed = false) const {
stringstream ss;
ss << "num_returned=" << input_stream_->rows_returned()
<< " num_rows=" << input_stream_->num_rows()
<< " curr_partition_idx_=" << curr_partition_idx_
<< " last_result_idx=" << last_result_idx_;
if (detailed) {
ss << " result_tuples idx: [";
for (list<pair<int64_t, Tuple*>>::const_iterator it = result_tuples_.begin();
it != result_tuples_.end(); ++it) {
ss << it->first;
if (*it != result_tuples_.back()) ss << ", ";
ss << "]";
if (fn_scope_ == ROWS && window_.__isset.window_start) {
ss << " window_tuples idx: [";
for (list<pair<int64_t, Tuple*>>::const_iterator it = window_tuples_.begin();
it != window_tuples_.end(); ++it) {
ss << it->first;
if (*it != window_tuples_.back()) ss << ", ";
ss << "]";
} else {
if (fn_scope_ == ROWS && window_.__isset.window_start) {
if (window_tuples_.empty()) {
ss << " window_tuples empty";
} else {
ss << " window_tuples idx range: (" << window_tuples_.front().first << ","
<< window_tuples_.back().first << ")";
if (result_tuples_.empty()) {
ss << " result_tuples empty";
} else {
ss << " result_tuples idx range: (" << result_tuples_.front().first << ","
<< result_tuples_.back().first << ")";
return ss.str();
inline Status AnalyticEvalNode::AddRow(int64_t stream_idx, TupleRow* row) {
if (fn_scope_ != ROWS || !window_.__isset.window_start ||
stream_idx - rows_start_offset_ >= curr_partition_idx_) {
VLOG_ROW << id() << " Update idx=" << stream_idx;
AggFnEvaluator::Add(analytic_fn_evals_, row, curr_tuple_);
if (window_.__isset.window_start) {
VLOG_ROW << id() << " Adding tuple to window at idx=" << stream_idx;
Tuple* tuple = row->GetTuple(0)->DeepCopy(
*child(0)->row_desc()->tuple_descriptors()[0], curr_tuple_pool_.get());
window_tuples_.push_back(pair<int64_t, Tuple*>(stream_idx, tuple));
Status status;
// Buffer the entire input row to be returned later with the analytic eval results.
if (UNLIKELY(!input_stream_->AddRow(row, &status))) {
// AddRow returns false if an error occurs (available via status()) or there is
// not enough memory (status() is OK). If there isn't enough memory, we unpin
// the stream and continue writing/reading in unpinned mode.
// TODO: Consider re-pinning later if the output stream is fully consumed.
VLOG_FILE << id() << " Unpin input stream while adding row idx=" << stream_idx;
if (!input_stream_->AddRow(row, &status)) {
// Rows should be added in unpinned mode unless an error occurs.
return Status::OK();
Status AnalyticEvalNode::AddResultTuple(int64_t stream_idx) {
VLOG_ROW << id() << " AddResultTuple idx=" << stream_idx;
DCHECK(curr_tuple_ != nullptr);
MemPool* cur_tuple_pool = curr_tuple_pool_.get();
Tuple* result_tuple = Tuple::Create(result_tuple_desc_->byte_size(), cur_tuple_pool);
AggFnEvaluator::GetValue(analytic_fn_evals_, curr_tuple_, result_tuple);
// Copy any string data in 'result_tuple' into 'cur_tuple_pool'. The var-len data
// returned by GetValue() may be backed by an allocation from
// 'expr_results_pool_' that will be recycled so it must be copied out.
for (const SlotDescriptor* slot_desc : result_tuple_desc_->string_slots()) {
if (result_tuple->IsNull(slot_desc->null_indicator_offset())) continue;
StringValue* sv = result_tuple->GetStringSlot(slot_desc->tuple_offset());
if (sv->len == 0) continue;
char* new_ptr = reinterpret_cast<char*>(
if (UNLIKELY(new_ptr == nullptr)) {
return cur_tuple_pool->mem_tracker()->MemLimitExceeded(nullptr,
"Failed to allocate memory for analytic function's result.", sv->len);
memcpy(new_ptr, sv->ptr, sv->len);
sv->ptr = new_ptr;
DCHECK_GT(stream_idx, last_result_idx_);
result_tuples_.push_back(pair<int64_t, Tuple*>(stream_idx, result_tuple));
last_result_idx_ = stream_idx;
VLOG_ROW << id() << " Added result tuple, final state: " << DebugStateString(true);
return Status::OK();
inline Status AnalyticEvalNode::TryAddResultTupleForPrevRow(bool next_partition,
int64_t stream_idx, TupleRow* row) {
// The analytic fns are finalized after the previous row if we found a new partition
// or the window is a RANGE and the order by exprs changed. For ROWS windows we do not
// need to compare the current row to the previous row.
VLOG_ROW << id() << " TryAddResultTupleForPrevRow partition=" << next_partition
<< " idx=" << stream_idx;
if (fn_scope_ != ROWS && (next_partition || (fn_scope_ == RANGE &&
window_.__isset.window_end && !PrevRowCompare(order_by_eq_expr_eval_)))) {
RETURN_IF_ERROR(AddResultTuple(stream_idx - 1));
return Status::OK();
inline Status AnalyticEvalNode::TryAddResultTupleForCurrRow(int64_t stream_idx,
TupleRow* row) {
VLOG_ROW << id() << " TryAddResultTupleForCurrRow idx=" << stream_idx;
// We only add results at this point for ROWS windows (unless unbounded following)
// Nothing to add if the end offset is before the start of the partition.
if (fn_scope_ == ROWS && window_.__isset.window_end &&
stream_idx - rows_end_offset_ >= curr_partition_idx_) {
RETURN_IF_ERROR(AddResultTuple(stream_idx - rows_end_offset_));
return Status::OK();
inline void AnalyticEvalNode::TryRemoveRowsBeforeWindow(int64_t stream_idx) {
if (fn_scope_ != ROWS || !window_.__isset.window_start) return;
// The start of the window may have been before the current partition, in which case
// there is no tuple to remove in window_tuples_. Check the index of the row at which
// tuples from window_tuples_ should begin to be removed.
int64_t remove_idx = stream_idx - rows_end_offset_ +
min<int64_t>(rows_start_offset_, 0) - 1;
if (remove_idx < curr_partition_idx_) return;
VLOG_ROW << id() << " Remove idx=" << remove_idx << " stream_idx=" << stream_idx;
DCHECK(!window_tuples_.empty()) << DebugStateString(true);
DCHECK_EQ(remove_idx + max<int64_t>(rows_start_offset_, 0),
window_tuples_.front().first) << DebugStateString(true);
TupleRow* remove_row = reinterpret_cast<TupleRow*>(&window_tuples_.front().second);
AggFnEvaluator::Remove(analytic_fn_evals_, remove_row, curr_tuple_);
inline Status AnalyticEvalNode::TryAddRemainingResults(int64_t partition_idx,
int64_t prev_partition_idx) {
DCHECK_LT(prev_partition_idx, partition_idx);
// For PARTITION, RANGE, or ROWS with UNBOUNDED PRECEDING: add a result tuple for the
// remaining rows in the partition that do not have an associated result tuple yet.
if (fn_scope_ != ROWS || !window_.__isset.window_end) {
if (last_result_idx_ < partition_idx - 1) {
RETURN_IF_ERROR(AddResultTuple(partition_idx - 1));
return Status::OK();
// lead() is re-written to a ROWS window with an end bound FOLLOWING. Any remaining
// results need the default value (set by Init()). If this is the case, the start bound
for (int i = 0; i < analytic_fn_evals_.size(); ++i) {
if (is_lead_fn_[i]) {
// Needs to call Finalize() to release resources.
analytic_fn_evals_[i]->Finalize(curr_tuple_, dummy_result_tuple_);
// If the start bound is not UNBOUNDED PRECEDING and there are still rows in the
// partition for which we need to produce result tuples, we need to continue removing
// input tuples at the start of the window from each row that we're adding results for.
VLOG_ROW << id() << " TryAddRemainingResults prev_partition_idx=" << prev_partition_idx
<< " " << DebugStateString(true);
for (int64_t next_result_idx = last_result_idx_ + 1; next_result_idx < partition_idx;
++next_result_idx) {
if (window_tuples_.empty()) break;
if (next_result_idx + rows_start_offset_ > window_tuples_.front().first) {
DCHECK_EQ(next_result_idx + rows_start_offset_ - 1, window_tuples_.front().first);
// For every tuple that is removed from the window: Remove() from the evaluators
// and add the result tuple at the next index.
VLOG_ROW << id() << " Remove window_row_idx=" << window_tuples_.front().first
<< " for result row at idx=" << next_result_idx;
TupleRow* remove_row = reinterpret_cast<TupleRow*>(&window_tuples_.front().second);
AggFnEvaluator::Remove(analytic_fn_evals_, remove_row, curr_tuple_);
RETURN_IF_ERROR(AddResultTuple(last_result_idx_ + 1));
// If there are still rows between the row with the last result (AddResultTuple() may
// have updated last_result_idx_) and the partition boundary, add the current results
// for the remaining rows with the same result tuple (curr_tuple_ is not modified).
if (last_result_idx_ < partition_idx - 1) {
RETURN_IF_ERROR(AddResultTuple(partition_idx - 1));
return Status::OK();
inline Status AnalyticEvalNode::InitNextPartition(RuntimeState* state,
int64_t stream_idx) {
VLOG_FILE << id() << " InitNextPartition idx=" << stream_idx;
DCHECK_LT(curr_partition_idx_, stream_idx);
int64_t prev_partition_stream_idx = curr_partition_idx_;
curr_partition_idx_ = stream_idx;
// If the window has an end bound preceding the current row, we will have output tuples
// for rows beyond the previous partition, so they should be removed. Because
// result_tuples_ is a sparse structure, the last result tuple of the previous
// partition may have been added to result_tuples_ with a stream index equal to or
// beyond curr_partition_idx_. So the last entry in result_tuples_ with a stream index
// >= curr_partition_idx_ is the last result tuple of the previous partition. Adding
// the last result tuple to result_tuples_ with a stream index curr_partition_idx_ - 1
// ensures that all rows in the previous partition have corresponding analytic results.
Tuple* prev_partition_last_result_tuple = nullptr;
while (!result_tuples_.empty() && result_tuples_.back().first >= curr_partition_idx_) {
DCHECK(fn_scope_ == ROWS && window_.__isset.window_end &&
window_.window_end.type == TAnalyticWindowBoundaryType::PRECEDING);
VLOG_ROW << id() << " Removing result past partition idx: "
<< result_tuples_.back().first;
prev_partition_last_result_tuple = result_tuples_.back().second;
if (prev_partition_last_result_tuple != nullptr) {
if (result_tuples_.empty() ||
result_tuples_.back().first < curr_partition_idx_ - 1) {
// prev_partition_last_result_tuple was the last result tuple in the partition, add
// it back with the index of the last row in the partition so that all output rows
// in this partition get the correct value.
result_tuples_.push_back(pair<int64_t, Tuple*>(curr_partition_idx_ - 1,
last_result_idx_ = result_tuples_.back().first;
VLOG_ROW << id() << " After removing results past partition: "
<< DebugStateString(true);
DCHECK_EQ(last_result_idx_, curr_partition_idx_ - 1);
DCHECK_LE(input_stream_->rows_returned(), last_result_idx_);
DCHECK(result_tuples_.empty() || (last_result_idx_ == result_tuples_.back().first));
if (fn_scope_ == ROWS && stream_idx > 0 && (!window_.__isset.window_end ||
window_.window_end.type == TAnalyticWindowBoundaryType::FOLLOWING)) {
RETURN_IF_ERROR(TryAddRemainingResults(stream_idx, prev_partition_stream_idx));
VLOG_ROW << id() << " Reset curr_tuple";
// Call finalize to release resources; result is not needed but the dst tuple must be
// a tuple described by result_tuple_desc_.
AggFnEvaluator::Finalize(analytic_fn_evals_, curr_tuple_, dummy_result_tuple_);
// Re-initialize curr_tuple_.
AggFnEvaluator::Init(analytic_fn_evals_, curr_tuple_);
// Check for errors in AggFnEvaluator::Init().
// Add a result tuple containing values set by Init() (e.g. nullptr for sum(), 0 for
// count()) for output rows that have no input rows in the window. We need to add this
// result tuple before any input rows are consumed and the evaluators are updated.
if (fn_scope_ == ROWS && window_.__isset.window_end &&
window_.window_end.type == TAnalyticWindowBoundaryType::PRECEDING) {
if (has_first_val_null_offset_) {
// Special handling for FIRST_VALUE which has the window rewritten in the FE
// in order to evaluate the fn efficiently with a trivial agg fn implementation.
// This occurs when the original analytic window has a start bound X PRECEDING. In
// that case, the window is rewritten to have an end bound X PRECEDING which would
// normally mean we add the newly Init()'d result tuple X rows down (so that those
// first rows have the initial value because they have no rows in their windows).
// However, the original query did not actually have X PRECEDING so we need to do
// one of the following:
// 1) Do not insert the initial result tuple with at all, indicated by
// first_val_null_offset_ == -1. This happens when the original end bound was
// 2) Insert the initial result tuple at first_val_null_offset_. This happens when
// the end bound was actually Y PRECEDING.
if (first_val_null_offset_ != -1) {
RETURN_IF_ERROR(AddResultTuple(curr_partition_idx_ + first_val_null_offset_ - 1));
} else {
RETURN_IF_ERROR(AddResultTuple(curr_partition_idx_ - rows_end_offset_ - 1));
return Status::OK();
inline bool AnalyticEvalNode::PrevRowCompare(ScalarExprEvaluator* pred_eval) {
DCHECK(pred_eval != nullptr);
BooleanVal result = pred_eval->GetBooleanVal(child_tuple_cmp_row_);
return result.val;
Status AnalyticEvalNode::ProcessChildBatches(RuntimeState* state) {
// Consume child batches until eos or there are enough rows to return more than an
// output batch. Ensuring there is at least one more row left after returning results
// allows us to simplify the logic dealing with last_result_idx_ and result_tuples_.
while (!input_eos_ && NumOutputRowsReady() < state->batch_size() + 1) {
RETURN_IF_ERROR(child(0)->GetNext(state, curr_child_batch_.get(), &input_eos_));
// TODO: DCHECK that the size of result_tuples_ is bounded. It shouldn't be larger
// than 2x the batch size unless the end bound has an offset preceding, in which
// case it may be slightly larger (proportional to the offset but still bounded).
if (input_eos_) {
return Status::OK();
Status AnalyticEvalNode::ProcessChildBatch(RuntimeState* state) {
// TODO: DCHECK input is sorted (even just first row vs prev_input_row_)
VLOG_FILE << id() << " ProcessChildBatch: " << DebugStateString()
<< " input batch size:" << curr_child_batch_->num_rows()
<< " tuple pool size:" << curr_tuple_pool_->total_allocated_bytes();
// BufferedTupleStream::num_rows() returns the total number of rows that have been
// inserted into the stream (it does not decrease when we read rows), so the index of
// the next input row that will be inserted will be the current size of the stream.
int64_t stream_idx = input_stream_->num_rows();
// The very first row in the stream is handled specially because there is no previous
// row to compare and we cannot rely on PrevRowCompare() returning true even for the
// same row pointers if there are NaN values.
int batch_idx = 0;
if (UNLIKELY(stream_idx == 0 && curr_child_batch_->num_rows() > 0)) {
TupleRow* row = curr_child_batch_->GetRow(0);
RETURN_IF_ERROR(AddRow(0, row));
RETURN_IF_ERROR(TryAddResultTupleForCurrRow(0, row));
prev_input_row_ = row;
for (; batch_idx < curr_child_batch_->num_rows(); ++batch_idx, ++stream_idx) {
TupleRow* row = curr_child_batch_->GetRow(batch_idx);
if (partition_by_eq_expr_eval_ != nullptr ||
order_by_eq_expr_eval_ != nullptr) {
// Only set the tuples in child_tuple_cmp_row_ if there are partition exprs or
// order by exprs that require comparing the current and previous rows. If there
// aren't partition or order by exprs (i.e. empty OVER() clause), there was no
// sort and there could be nullable tuples (whereas the sort node does not produce
// them), see IMPALA-1562.
child_tuple_cmp_row_->SetTuple(0, prev_input_row_->GetTuple(0));
child_tuple_cmp_row_->SetTuple(1, row->GetTuple(0));
// Every row is compared against the previous row to determine if (a) the row
// starts a new partition or (b) the row does not share the same values for the
// ordering exprs. When either of these occurs, the analytic_fn_evals_ are
// finalized and the result tuple is added to result_tuples_ so that it may be
// added to output rows in GetNextOutputBatch(). When a new partition is found
// (a), a new, empty result tuple is created and initialized over the
// analytic_fn_evals_. If the row has different values for the ordering
// exprs (b), then a new tuple is created but copied from curr_tuple_ because the
// original is used for one or more previous row(s) but the incremental state still
// applies to the current row.
bool next_partition = false;
if (partition_by_eq_expr_eval_ != nullptr) {
// partition_by_eq_expr_eval_ checks equality over the predicate exprs
next_partition = !PrevRowCompare(partition_by_eq_expr_eval_);
RETURN_IF_ERROR(TryAddResultTupleForPrevRow(next_partition, stream_idx, row));
if (next_partition) RETURN_IF_ERROR(InitNextPartition(state, stream_idx));
// The analytic_fn_evals_ are updated with the current row.
RETURN_IF_ERROR(AddRow(stream_idx, row));
RETURN_IF_ERROR(TryAddResultTupleForCurrRow(stream_idx, row));
prev_input_row_ = row;
if (UNLIKELY(input_eos_ && stream_idx > curr_partition_idx_)) {
// We need to add the results for the last row(s).
RETURN_IF_ERROR(TryAddRemainingResults(stream_idx, curr_partition_idx_));
// Transfer resources to prev_tuple_pool_ when enough resources have accumulated
// and the prev_tuple_pool_ has already been transfered to an output batch.
if (curr_tuple_pool_->total_allocated_bytes() > MAX_TUPLE_POOL_SIZE &&
(prev_pool_last_result_idx_ == -1 || prev_pool_last_window_idx_ == -1)) {
prev_tuple_pool_->AcquireData(curr_tuple_pool_.get(), false);
prev_pool_last_result_idx_ = last_result_idx_;
if (window_tuples_.size() > 0) {
prev_pool_last_window_idx_ = window_tuples_.back().first;
} else {
prev_pool_last_window_idx_ = -1;
VLOG_FILE << id() << " Transfer resources from curr to prev pool at idx: "
<< stream_idx << ", stores tuples with last result idx: "
<< prev_pool_last_result_idx_ << " last window idx: "
<< prev_pool_last_window_idx_;
return Status::OK();
Status AnalyticEvalNode::GetNextOutputBatch(
RuntimeState* state, RowBatch* output_batch, bool* eos) {
VLOG_FILE << id() << " GetNextOutputBatch: " << DebugStateString()
<< " tuple pool size:" << curr_tuple_pool_->total_allocated_bytes();
if (input_stream_->rows_returned() == input_stream_->num_rows()) {
*eos = true;
return Status::OK();
const int num_child_tuples = child(0)->row_desc()->tuple_descriptors().size();
RowBatch input_batch(child(0)->row_desc(), output_batch->capacity(), mem_tracker());
int64_t stream_idx = input_stream_->rows_returned();
RETURN_IF_ERROR(input_stream_->GetNext(&input_batch, eos));
for (int i = 0; i < input_batch.num_rows(); ++i) {
if (ReachedLimit()) break;
VLOG_ROW << id() << " Output row idx=" << stream_idx << " " << DebugStateString(true);
// CopyRow works as expected: input_batch tuples form a prefix of output_batch
// tuples.
TupleRow* dest = output_batch->GetRow(output_batch->AddRow());
input_batch.CopyRow(input_batch.GetRow(i), dest);
dest->SetTuple(num_child_tuples, result_tuples_.front().second);
// Remove the head of result_tuples_ if all rows using that evaluated tuple
// have been returned.
DCHECK_LE(stream_idx, result_tuples_.front().first);
if (stream_idx >= result_tuples_.front().first) result_tuples_.pop_front();
if (ReachedLimit()) *eos = true;
return Status::OK();
inline int64_t AnalyticEvalNode::NumOutputRowsReady() const {
if (result_tuples_.empty()) return 0;
int64_t rows_to_return = last_result_idx_ - input_stream_->rows_returned();
if (last_result_idx_ > input_stream_->num_rows()) {
// This happens when we were able to add a result tuple before consuming child rows,
// e.g. initializing a new partition with an end bound that is X preceding. The first
// X rows get the default value and we add that tuple to result_tuples_ before
// consuming child rows. It's possible the result is negative, and that's fine
// because this result is only used to determine if the number of rows to return
// is at least as big as the batch size.
rows_to_return -= last_result_idx_ - input_stream_->num_rows();
} else {
DCHECK_GE(rows_to_return, 0);
return rows_to_return;
Status AnalyticEvalNode::GetNext(RuntimeState* state, RowBatch* row_batch, bool* eos) {
RETURN_IF_ERROR(ExecDebugAction(TExecNodePhase::GETNEXT, state));
VLOG_FILE << id() << " GetNext: " << DebugStateString();
DCHECK(!input_stream_->is_closed()); // input_stream_ is closed if we already hit eos.
if (ReachedLimit()) {
// TODO: This transfer is simple and correct, but not necessarily efficient. We
// should optimize the use/transfer of memory to better amortize allocations
// over multiple Reset()/Open()/GetNext()* cycles.
row_batch->tuple_data_pool()->AcquireData(prev_tuple_pool_.get(), false);
row_batch->tuple_data_pool()->AcquireData(curr_tuple_pool_.get(), false);
// Flush resources in case we are in a subplan and need to allocate more blocks
// when the node is reopened.
input_stream_->Close(row_batch, RowBatch::FlushMode::FLUSH_RESOURCES);
*eos = true;
return Status::OK();
} else {
*eos = false;
bool output_eos = false;
RETURN_IF_ERROR(GetNextOutputBatch(state, row_batch, &output_eos));
if (curr_child_batch_.get() == nullptr && output_eos) {
// Transfer the ownership of all row-backing resources on eos for simplicity.
// TODO: This transfer is simple and correct, but not necessarily efficient. We
// should optimize the use/transfer of memory to better amortize allocations
// over multiple Reset()/Open()/GetNext()* cycles.
row_batch->tuple_data_pool()->AcquireData(prev_tuple_pool_.get(), false);
row_batch->tuple_data_pool()->AcquireData(curr_tuple_pool_.get(), false);
// Flush resources in case we are in a subplan and need to allocate more blocks
// when the node is reopened.
input_stream_->Close(row_batch, RowBatch::FlushMode::FLUSH_RESOURCES);
*eos = true;
} else if (prev_pool_last_result_idx_ != -1 &&
prev_pool_last_result_idx_ < input_stream_->rows_returned() &&
prev_pool_last_window_idx_ < window_tuples_.front().first) {
// Transfer resources to the output row batch if enough have accumulated and they're
// no longer needed by output rows to be returned later.
VLOG_FILE << id() << " Transfer prev pool to output batch, "
<< " pool size: " << prev_tuple_pool_->total_allocated_bytes()
<< " last result idx: " << prev_pool_last_result_idx_
<< " last window idx: " << prev_pool_last_window_idx_;
row_batch->tuple_data_pool()->AcquireData(prev_tuple_pool_.get(), !*eos);
prev_pool_last_result_idx_ = -1;
prev_pool_last_window_idx_ = -1;
COUNTER_SET(rows_returned_counter_, num_rows_returned_);
return Status::OK();
Status AnalyticEvalNode::Reset(RuntimeState* state) {
last_result_idx_ = -1;
curr_partition_idx_ = -1;
prev_pool_last_result_idx_ = -1;
prev_pool_last_window_idx_ = -1;
input_eos_ = false;
// TODO: The Reset() contract allows calling Reset() even if eos has not been reached,
// but the analytic eval node currently does not support that. In practice, we only
// call Reset() after eos.
DCHECK_EQ(curr_tuple_pool_->total_allocated_bytes(), 0);
DCHECK_EQ(prev_tuple_pool_->total_allocated_bytes(), 0);
// Call Finalize() to clear evaluator allocations, but do not Close() them,
// so we can keep evaluating them.
if (curr_tuple_ != nullptr) {
for (int i = 0; i < analytic_fn_evals_.size(); ++i) {
analytic_fn_evals_[i]->Finalize(curr_tuple_, dummy_result_tuple_);
// The following members will be re-created in Open().
// input_stream_ should have been closed by last GetNext() call.
DCHECK(input_stream_ == nullptr || input_stream_->is_closed());
curr_tuple_ = nullptr;
child_tuple_cmp_row_ = nullptr;
dummy_result_tuple_ = nullptr;
prev_input_row_ = nullptr;
return ExecNode::Reset(state);
void AnalyticEvalNode::Close(RuntimeState* state) {
if (is_closed()) return;
// We may need to clean up input_stream_ if an error occurred at some point.
if (input_stream_ != nullptr) {
input_stream_->Close(nullptr, RowBatch::FlushMode::NO_FLUSH_RESOURCES);
// Close all evaluators. If an error occurred in Init or Prepare there may be fewer
// be fewer evaluators than analytic fns. We also need to Finalize if curr_tuple_ was
// created in Open().
DCHECK_LE(analytic_fn_evals_.size(), analytic_fns_.size());
DCHECK(curr_tuple_ == nullptr ||
analytic_fn_evals_.size() == analytic_fns_.size());
for (int i = 0; i < analytic_fn_evals_.size(); ++i) {
// Need to make sure finalize is called in case there is any state to clean up.
if (curr_tuple_ != nullptr) {
analytic_fn_evals_[i]->Finalize(curr_tuple_, dummy_result_tuple_);
if (partition_by_eq_expr_ != nullptr) {
if (partition_by_eq_expr_eval_ != nullptr) {
if (order_by_eq_expr_ != nullptr) {
if (order_by_eq_expr_eval_ != nullptr) order_by_eq_expr_eval_->Close(state);
if (prev_child_batch_.get() != nullptr) prev_child_batch_.reset();
if (curr_child_batch_.get() != nullptr) curr_child_batch_.reset();
if (curr_tuple_pool_.get() != nullptr) curr_tuple_pool_->FreeAll();
if (prev_tuple_pool_.get() != nullptr) prev_tuple_pool_->FreeAll();
if (mem_pool_.get() != nullptr) mem_pool_->FreeAll();
void AnalyticEvalNode::DebugString(int indentation_level, stringstream* out) const {
*out << string(indentation_level * 2, ' ');
*out << "AnalyticEvalNode("
<< " window=" << DebugWindowString();
if (partition_by_eq_expr_ != nullptr) {
*out << " partition_exprs=" << partition_by_eq_expr_->DebugString();
if (order_by_eq_expr_ != nullptr) {
*out << " order_by_exprs=" << order_by_eq_expr_->DebugString();
*out << AggFn::DebugString(analytic_fns_);
ExecNode::DebugString(indentation_level, out);
*out << ")";