blob: 21b323d2f996edd99ff88e84a712c9f82346e5d3 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
#include <vector>
#include <list>
#include <string>
#include <boost/unordered_map.hpp>
#include <boost/thread/mutex.hpp>
#include <boost/bind.hpp>
#include <gutil/strings/substitute.h>
#include "catalog/catalog-service-client-wrapper.h"
#include "rpc/thrift-client.h"
#include "rpc/thrift-util.h"
#include "runtime/client-cache-types.h"
#include "util/debug-util.h"
#include "util/metrics.h"
#include "common/status.h"
namespace impala {
/// Opaque pointer type which allows users of ClientCache to refer to particular client
/// instances without requiring that we parameterise ClientCacheHelper by type.
typedef void* ClientKey;
/// Helper class which implements the majority of the caching functionality without using
/// templates (i.e. pointers to the superclass of all ThriftClients and a void* for the
/// key). This class is for internal use only; the public interface is in ClientCache
/// below.
/// A client is either 'in-use' (the user of the cache is between GetClient() and
/// ReleaseClient() pairs) or 'cached', in which case it is available for the next
/// GetClient() call. Internally, this class maintains a map of all clients, in use or not,
/// which is indexed by their ClientKey (see below), and a map from server address to a
/// list of the keys of all clients that are not currently in use.
/// The user of this class only sees RPC proxy classes, but we have to track the
/// ThriftClient to manipulate the underlying transport. To do this, we use an opaque
/// ClientKey pointer type to act as the key for a particular client. We actually know the
/// type of the value at the end of pointer (it's the type parameter to ClientCache), but
/// we deliberately avoid using it so that we don't have to parameterise this class by
/// type, and thus this entire class doesn't get inlined every time it gets used.
/// This class is thread-safe.
/// TODO: shut down clients in the background if they don't get used for a period of time
/// TODO: More graceful handling of clients that have failed (maybe better
/// handled by a smart-wrapper of the interface object).
/// TODO: limits on total number of clients, and clients per-backend
/// TODO: move this to a separate header file, so that the public interface is more
/// prominent in this file
class ClientCacheHelper {
/// Callback method which produces a client object when one cannot be found in the
/// cache. Supplied by the ClientCache wrapper.
typedef boost::function<ThriftClientImpl* (const TNetworkAddress& address,
ClientKey* client_key)> ClientFactory;
/// Returns a client for the given address in 'client_key'. If a previously created
/// client is not available (i.e. there are no entries in the per-host cache), a new
/// client is created by calling the supplied 'factory_method'. As a postcondition, the
/// returned client will not be present in the per-host cache.
/// If there is an error creating the new client, *client_key will be NULL.
Status GetClient(const TNetworkAddress& address, ClientFactory factory_method,
ClientKey* client_key) WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
/// Returns a newly-opened client in client_key. May reopen the existing client, or may
/// replace it with a new one (created using 'factory_method').
/// Returns an error status and sets 'client_key' to NULL if a new client cannot
/// created.
Status ReopenClient(
ClientFactory factory_method, ClientKey* client_key) WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
/// Returns a client to the cache. Upon return, *client_key will be NULL, and the
/// associated client will be available in the per-host cache.
void ReleaseClient(ClientKey* client_key);
/// Close all connections to a host (e.g., in case of failure) so that on their
/// next use they will have to be reopened via ReopenClient().
void CloseConnections(const TNetworkAddress& address);
/// Close the client connection and don't put client back to per-host cache.
/// Also remove client from client_map_.
void DestroyClient(ClientKey* client_key);
/// Return a debug representation of the contents of this cache.
std::string DebugString();
/// Closes every connection in the cache. Used only for testing.
void TestShutdown();
/// Creates two metrics for this cache measuring the number of clients currently used,
/// and the total number in the cache.
void InitMetrics(MetricGroup* metrics, const std::string& key_prefix);
template <class T> friend class ClientCache;
/// Private constructor so that only ClientCache can instantiate this class.
ClientCacheHelper(uint32_t num_tries, uint64_t wait_ms, int32_t send_timeout_ms,
int32_t recv_timeout_ms)
: num_tries_(num_tries),
metrics_enabled_(false) { }
/// There are three lock categories - the cache-wide lock (cache_lock_), the locks for a
/// specific cache (PerHostCache::lock) and the lock for the set of all clients
/// (client_map_lock_). They do not have to be taken concurrently (and should not be, in
/// general), but if they are they must be taken in this order:
/// cache_lock_->PerHostCache::lock->client_map_lock_.
/// A PerHostCache is a list of available client keys for a single host, plus a lock that
/// protects that list. Only one PerHostCache will ever be created for a given host, so
/// when a PerHostCache is retrieved from the PerHostCacheMap containing it there is no
/// need to hold on to the container's lock.
/// Only clients that are not currently in use are tracked in their host's
/// PerHostCache. When a client is returned to the cache via ReleaseClient(), it is
/// reinserted into its corresponding PerHostCache list. Clients returned by GetClient()
/// are considered to be immediately in use, and so don't exist in their PerHostCache
/// until they are released for the first time.
struct PerHostCache {
/// Protects clients.
boost::mutex lock;
/// List of client keys for this entry's host.
std::list<ClientKey> clients;
/// Protects per_host_caches_
boost::mutex cache_lock_;
/// Map from an address to a PerHostCache containing a list of keys that have entries in
/// client_map_ for that host. The value type is wrapped in a shared_ptr so that the
/// copy c'tor for PerHostCache is not required.
typedef boost::unordered_map<
TNetworkAddress, std::shared_ptr<PerHostCache>> PerHostCacheMap;
PerHostCacheMap per_host_caches_;
/// Protects client_map_.
boost::mutex client_map_lock_;
/// Map from client key back to its associated ThriftClientImpl transport. This is where
/// all the clients are actually stored, and client instances are owned by this class
/// and persist for exactly as long as they are present in this map.
/// We use a map (vs. unordered_map) so we get iterator consistency across operations.
typedef std::map<ClientKey, std::shared_ptr<ThriftClientImpl>> ClientMap;
ClientMap client_map_;
/// Number of attempts to make to open a connection. 0 means retry indefinitely.
const uint32_t num_tries_;
/// Time to wait between failed connection attempts.
const uint64_t wait_ms_;
/// Time to wait for the underlying socket to send data, e.g., for an RPC.
const int32_t send_timeout_ms_;
/// Time to wait for the underlying socket to receive data, e.g., for an RPC response.
const int32_t recv_timeout_ms_;
/// True if metrics have been registered (i.e. InitMetrics() was called)), and *_metric_
/// are valid pointers.
bool metrics_enabled_;
/// Number of clients 'checked-out' from the cache
IntGauge* clients_in_use_metric_;
/// Total clients in the cache, including those in use
IntGauge* total_clients_metric_;
/// Create a new client for specific address in 'client' and put it in client_map_
Status CreateClient(const TNetworkAddress& address, ClientFactory factory_method,
ClientKey* client_key) WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
/// A scoped client connection to help manage clients from a client cache. Clients of this
/// class should use DoRpc() to actually make RPC calls.
template<class T>
class ClientConnection {
ClientConnection(ClientCache<T>* client_cache, TNetworkAddress address, Status* status)
: client_cache_(client_cache), client_(NULL), address_(address),
client_is_unrecoverable_(false) {
// TODO: Inject fault here to exercise IMPALA-5576.
*status = client_cache_->GetClient(address, &client_);
if (status->ok()) DCHECK(client_ != NULL);
~ClientConnection() {
if (client_ != NULL) {
if (client_is_unrecoverable_) {
} else {
Status Reopen() WARN_UNUSED_RESULT { return client_cache_->ReopenClient(&client_); }
T* operator->() const { return client_; }
/// Perform an RPC call f(request, response), with some failure handling in case the
/// TCP connection underpinning this client has been closed unexpectedly. Note that
/// this can lead to f() being called twice, as this method may retry f() once,
/// depending on the error received from the first attempt.
/// Returns RPC_RECV_TIMEOUT if a timeout occurred while waiting for a response,
/// RPC_CLIENT_CONNECT_FAILURE if the client failed to connect, and RPC_GENERAL_ERROR
/// if the RPC could not be completed for any other reason (except for an unexpectedly
/// closed cnxn).
/// Application-level failures should be signalled through the response type.
template <class F, class Request, class Response>
Status DoRpc(const F& f, const Request& request, Response* response) {
DCHECK(response != nullptr);
client_is_unrecoverable_ = true;
bool send_done = false;
try {
(client_->*f)(*response, request, &send_done);
} catch (const apache::thrift::transport::TTransportException& e) {
if (send_done && IsRecvTimeoutTException(e)) {
return RecvTimeoutStatus(typeid(*response).name());
// Client may have unexpectedly been closed, so re-open and retry once if we didn't
// successfully send the payload yet or if the exception indicates the connection
// was closed on the other end. Note that TCP can have a half-open connection so
// send() may still succeed even after the other end already closed the socket.
// The payload can just be buffered in the kernel.
if (!send_done || IsConnResetTException(e)) {
return RetryRpc(f, request, response);
// Payload was sent and failure wasn't a timeout waiting for response. Fail the RPC.
return GeneralErrorStatus(e, typeid(*response).name(), send_done);
} catch (const apache::thrift::TException& e) {
return GeneralErrorStatus(e, typeid(*response).name(), send_done);
client_is_unrecoverable_ = false;
return Status::OK();
/// Return struct for DoRpcWithRetry() that allows callers to distinguish between
/// failures in getting a client and failures sending the RPC.
struct RpcStatus {
Status status;
// Set to true if 'status' is not OK and the error occurred while getting the client.
bool client_error;
static RpcStatus OK() { return {Status::OK(), false}; }
/// Helper that retries constructing a client and calling DoRpc() up the three times
/// and handles both RPC failures and failures to get a client from 'client_cache'.
/// 'debug_fn' is a Status-returning function that can be used to inject errors into
/// the RPC.
template <class F, class DebugF, class Request, class Response>
static RpcStatus DoRpcWithRetry(ClientCache<T>* client_cache, TNetworkAddress address,
const F& f, const Request& request, const DebugF& debug_fn, Response* response) {
Status rpc_status;
Status client_status;
// Try to send the RPC 3 times before failing.
for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
ImpalaBackendConnection client(client_cache, address, &client_status);
if (!client_status.ok()) continue;
rpc_status = debug_fn();
if (!rpc_status.ok()) continue;
rpc_status = client.DoRpc(f, request, response);
if (rpc_status.ok()) break;
if (!client_status.ok()) return {client_status, true};
if (!rpc_status.ok()) return {rpc_status, false};
return RpcStatus::OK();
/// In certain cases, the server may take longer to provide an RPC response than
/// the configured socket timeout. Callers may wish to retry receiving the response.
/// This is safe if and only if DoRpc() returned RPC_RECV_TIMEOUT.
template <class F, class Response>
Status RetryRpcRecv(const F& recv_func, Response* response) {
DCHECK(response != NULL);
try {
} catch (const apache::thrift::transport::TTransportException& e) {
if (IsRecvTimeoutTException(e)) {
return RecvTimeoutStatus(typeid(*response).name());
// If it's not timeout exception, then the connection is broken, stop retrying.
return GeneralErrorStatus(e, typeid(*response).name(), true);
} catch (const apache::thrift::TException& e) {
return GeneralErrorStatus(e, typeid(*response).name(), true);
client_is_unrecoverable_ = false;
return Status::OK();
ClientCache<T>* client_cache_;
T* client_;
TNetworkAddress address_;
/// Indicate the last rpc call sent by this connection succeeds or not. If the rpc call
/// fails for any reason, the connection could be left in a bad state and cannot be
/// recovered.
bool client_is_unrecoverable_;
/// Returns an error Status for general RPC errors not due to recv timeout or
/// stale connections. Will also log some details about the error.
Status GeneralErrorStatus(
const apache::thrift::TException& e, const std::string& rpc_name, bool send_done) {
ErrorMsg msg(TErrorCode::RPC_GENERAL_ERROR, strings::Substitute("Client for $0 hit "
"an unexpected exception: $1, type: $2, rpc: $3, send: $4",
TNetworkAddressToString(address_), e.what(), typeid(e).name(), rpc_name,
send_done ? "done" : "not done"));
VLOG_QUERY << msg.msg();
return Status::Expected(msg);
/// Returns an error Status for RPC errors due to recv timeout.
/// Will also log some details about the error.
Status RecvTimeoutStatus(const std::string& rpc_name) {
ErrorMsg msg(TErrorCode::RPC_RECV_TIMEOUT, TNetworkAddressToString(address_),
VLOG_QUERY << msg.msg();
return Status::Expected(msg);
/// Retry the RPC if TCP connection underpinning this client has been closed
/// unexpectedly. Called only when we didn't succeed in sending all the payload
/// in the first invocation of RPC call. Returns RPC_CLIENT_CONNECT_FAILURE
/// on connection failure or RPC_GENERAL_ERROR for all other RPC failures.
template <class F, class Request, class Response>
Status RetryRpc(const F& f, const Request& request, Response* response) {
// Client may have unexpectedly been closed, so re-open and retry.
// TODO: ThriftClient should return proper error codes.
Status status = Reopen();
if (!status.ok()) {
ErrorMsg msg(TErrorCode::RPC_CLIENT_CONNECT_FAILURE, status.GetDetail());
VLOG_QUERY << msg.msg() << " rpc: " << typeid(*response).name();
return Status::Expected(msg);
bool send_done = false;
try {
(client_->*f)(*response, request, &send_done);
} catch (const apache::thrift::TException& e) {
// By this point the RPC really has failed.
// TODO: Revisit this logic later. It's possible that the new connection
// works but we hit timeout here.
return GeneralErrorStatus(e, typeid(*response).name(), send_done);
client_is_unrecoverable_ = false;
return Status::OK();
/// Generic cache of Thrift clients for a given service type.
/// This class is thread-safe.
template<class T>
class ClientCache {
typedef ThriftClient<T> Client;
ClientCache(const std::string& service_name = "", bool enable_ssl = false)
: client_cache_helper_(1, 0, 0, 0) {
client_factory_ = boost::bind<ThriftClientImpl*>(
boost::mem_fn(&ClientCache::MakeClient), this, _1, _2, service_name, enable_ssl);
/// Create a ClientCache where connections are tried num_tries times, with a pause of
/// wait_ms between attempts. The underlying TSocket's send and receive timeouts of
/// each connection can also be set. If num_tries == 0, retry connections indefinitely.
/// A send/receive timeout of 0 means there is no timeout.
ClientCache(uint32_t num_tries, uint64_t wait_ms, int32_t send_timeout_ms = 0,
int32_t recv_timeout_ms = 0, const std::string& service_name = "",
bool enable_ssl = false)
: client_cache_helper_(num_tries, wait_ms, send_timeout_ms, recv_timeout_ms) {
client_factory_ = boost::bind<ThriftClientImpl*>(
boost::mem_fn(&ClientCache::MakeClient), this, _1, _2, service_name, enable_ssl);
/// Close all clients connected to the supplied address, (e.g., in
/// case of failure) so that on their next use they will have to be
/// Reopen'ed.
void CloseConnections(const TNetworkAddress& address) {
return client_cache_helper_.CloseConnections(address);
/// Helper method which returns a debug string
std::string DebugString() {
return client_cache_helper_.DebugString();
/// For testing only: shutdown all clients
void TestShutdown() {
return client_cache_helper_.TestShutdown();
/// Adds metrics for this cache to the supplied Metrics instance. The
/// metrics have keys that are prefixed by the key_prefix argument
/// (which should not end in a period).
/// Must be called before the cache is used, otherwise the metrics might be wrong
void InitMetrics(MetricGroup* metrics, const std::string& key_prefix) {
client_cache_helper_.InitMetrics(metrics, key_prefix);
friend class ClientConnection<T>;
/// Most operations in this class are thin wrappers around the
/// equivalent in ClientCacheHelper, which is a non-templated cache
/// to avoid inlining lots of code wherever this cache is used.
ClientCacheHelper client_cache_helper_;
/// Function pointer, bound to MakeClient, which produces clients when the cache is empty
ClientCacheHelper::ClientFactory client_factory_;
/// Obtains a pointer to a Thrift interface object (of type T),
/// backed by a live transport which is already open. Returns
/// Status::OK unless there was an error opening the transport.
Status GetClient(const TNetworkAddress& address, T** iface) WARN_UNUSED_RESULT {
return client_cache_helper_.GetClient(
address, client_factory_, reinterpret_cast<ClientKey*>(iface));
/// Close and delete the underlying transport. Return a new client connecting to the
/// same host/port.
/// Returns an error status if a new connection cannot be established and *client will
/// be unaffected in that case.
Status ReopenClient(T** client) WARN_UNUSED_RESULT {
return client_cache_helper_.ReopenClient(
client_factory_, reinterpret_cast<ClientKey*>(client));
/// Return the client to the cache and set *client to NULL.
void ReleaseClient(T** client) {
return client_cache_helper_.ReleaseClient(reinterpret_cast<ClientKey*>(client));
/// Destroy the client because it's left in an unrecoverable state after errors
/// in DoRpc() to avoid more rpc failure.
void DestroyClient(T** client) {
return client_cache_helper_.DestroyClient(reinterpret_cast<ClientKey*>(client));
/// Factory method to produce a new ThriftClient<T> for the wrapped cache
ThriftClientImpl* MakeClient(const TNetworkAddress& address, ClientKey* client_key,
const std::string service_name, bool enable_ssl) {
Client* client = new Client(address.hostname, address.port, service_name, NULL,
*client_key = reinterpret_cast<ClientKey>(client->iface());
return client;