blob: 5f09a9e863ca1e57ef430eea5b79e1febcb4ea3d [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
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// under the License.
#pragma once
#include <mutex>
#include <string>
#include <boost/scoped_ptr.hpp>
#include <boost/unordered_map.hpp>
#include <boost/unordered_set.hpp>
#include "common/atomic.h"
#include "common/object-pool.h"
#include "common/status.h"
namespace impala {
class RuntimeState;
/// Process-wide cache of dynamically-linked libraries loaded from HDFS.
/// These libraries can either be shared objects, llvm modules or jars. For
/// shared objects, when we load the shared object, we dlopen() it and keep
/// it in our process. For modules, we store the symbols in the module to
/// service symbol lookups. We can't cache the module since it (i.e. the external
/// module) is consumed when it is linked with the query codegen module.
/// Locking strategy: We don't want to grab a big lock across all operations since
/// one of the operations is copying a file from HDFS. With one lock that would
/// prevent any UDFs from running on the system. Instead, we have a global lock
/// that is taken when doing the cache lookup, but is not taken during any blocking calls.
/// During the block calls, we take the per-lib lock.
/// Entry lifetime management: We cannot delete the entry while a query is
/// using the library. When the caller requests a ptr into the library, they
/// are given the entry handle and must decrement the ref count when they
/// are done.
/// Note: Explicitly managing this reference count at the client is error-prone. See the
/// api for accessing a path, GetLocalPath(), that uses the handle's scope to manage the
/// reference count.
/// TODO:
/// - refresh libraries
/// - better cached module management
/// - improve the api to be less error-prone (IMPALA-6439)
struct LibCacheEntry;
class LibCacheEntryHandle;
class LibCache {
enum LibType {
TYPE_SO, // Shared object
TYPE_IR, // IR intermediate
TYPE_JAR, // Java jar file. We don't care about the contents in the BE.
static LibCache* instance() { return LibCache::instance_.get(); }
/// Calls dlclose on all cached handles.
/// Initializes the libcache. Must be called before any other APIs.
static Status Init(bool external_fe);
/// Gets the local 'path' used to cache the file stored at the global 'hdfs_lib_file'. If
/// this file is not already on the local fs, or if the cached entry's last modified
/// is older than expected mtime, 'exp_mtime', it copies it and caches the result.
/// An 'exp_mtime' of -1 makes the mtime check a no-op.
/// 'handle' must remain in scope while 'path' is used. The reference count to the
/// underlying cache entry is decremented when 'handle' goes out-of-scope.
/// Returns an error if 'hdfs_lib_file' cannot be copied to the local fs or if
/// exp_mtime differs from the mtime on the file system.
/// If error is due to refresh, then the entry will be removed from the cache.
Status GetLocalPath(const std::string& hdfs_lib_file, LibType type, time_t exp_mtime,
LibCacheEntryHandle* handle, string* path);
/// Returns status.ok() if the symbol exists in 'hdfs_lib_file', non-ok otherwise.
/// If status.ok() is true, 'mtime' is set to the cache entry's last modified time.
/// If an mtime is not applicable, for example, if lookup is for a builtin, then
/// a default mtime of -1 is set.
/// If 'quiet' is true, the error status for non-Java unfound symbols will not be
/// logged.
Status CheckSymbolExists(const std::string& hdfs_lib_file, LibType type,
const std::string& symbol, bool quiet, time_t* mtime);
/// Returns a pointer to the function for the given library and symbol.
/// If 'hdfs_lib_file' is empty, the symbol is looked up in the impalad process.
/// Otherwise, 'hdfs_lib_file' should be the HDFS path to a shared library (.so) file.
/// dlopen handles and symbols are cached.
/// Only usable if 'hdfs_lib_file' refers to a shared object.
/// If entry is non-null and *entry is null, *entry will be set to the cached entry. If
/// entry is non-null and *entry is non-null, *entry will be reused (i.e., the use count
/// is not increased). The caller must call DecrementUseCount(*entry) when it is done
/// using fn_ptr and it is no longer valid to use fn_ptr.
/// If 'quiet' is true, returned error statuses will not be logged.
/// If the entry is already cached, if its last modified time is older than
/// expected mtime, 'exp_mtime', the entry is refreshed.
/// An 'exp_mtime' of -1 makes the mtime check a no-op.
/// An error is returned if exp_mtime differs from the mtime on the file system.
/// If error is due to refresh, then the entry will be removed from the cache.
/// TODO: api is error-prone. upgrade to LibCacheEntryHandle (see IMPALA-6439).
Status GetSoFunctionPtr(const std::string& hdfs_lib_file, const std::string& symbol,
time_t exp_mtime, void** fn_ptr, LibCacheEntry** entry, bool quiet = false);
/// Marks the entry for 'hdfs_lib_file' as needing to be refreshed if the file in HDFS is
/// newer than the local cached copied. The refresh will occur the next time the entry is
/// accessed.
void SetNeedsRefresh(const std::string& hdfs_lib_file);
/// See comment in GetSoFunctionPtr().
void DecrementUseCount(LibCacheEntry* entry);
/// Removes the cache entry for 'hdfs_lib_file'
void RemoveEntry(const std::string& hdfs_lib_file);
/// Removes all cached entries.
void DropCache();
/// Singleton instance. Instantiated in Init().
static boost::scoped_ptr<LibCache> instance_;
/// dlopen() handle for the current process (i.e. impalad).
void* current_process_handle_;
/// The number of libs that have been copied from HDFS to the local FS.
/// This is appended to the local fs path to remove collisions.
AtomicInt64 num_libs_copied_;
/// Protects lib_cache_. For lock ordering, this lock must always be taken before
/// the per entry lock.
std::mutex lock_;
/// Maps HDFS library path => cache entry.
/// Entries in the cache need to be explicitly deleted.
typedef boost::unordered_map<std::string, LibCacheEntry*> LibMap;
LibMap lib_cache_;
LibCache(LibCache const& l); // disable copy ctor
LibCache& operator=(LibCache const& l); // disable assignment
Status InitInternal(bool external_fe);
/// Returns the cache entry for 'hdfs_lib_file'. If this library has not been
/// copied locally, it will copy it and add a new LibCacheEntry to 'lib_cache_'.
/// If the entry is already cached, if its last modified time is older than
/// expected mtime, 'exp_mtime', the entry is refreshed. Result is returned in *entry.
/// An 'exp_mtime' of -1 makes the mtime check a no-op.
/// An error is returned if exp_mtime differs from the mtime on the file system.
/// No locks should be taken before calling this. On return the entry's lock is
/// taken and returned in *entry_lock.
/// If an error is returned, there will be no entry in lib_cache_ and *entry is NULL.
Status GetCacheEntry(const std::string& hdfs_lib_file, LibType type, time_t exp_mtime,
std::unique_lock<std::mutex>* entry_lock, LibCacheEntry** entry);
/// Implementation to get the cache entry for 'hdfs_lib_file'. Errors are returned
/// without evicting the cache entry if the status is not OK and *entry is not NULL.
Status GetCacheEntryInternal(const std::string& hdfs_lib_file, LibType type,
time_t exp_mtime, std::unique_lock<std::mutex>* entry_lock, LibCacheEntry** entry);
/// Returns iter's cache entry in 'entry' with 'entry_lock' held if entry does not
/// need to be refreshed.
/// If entry needs to be refreshed, then it is removed and '*entry' is set to nullptr.
/// The entry is refreshed if needs_refresh is set and its mtime is
/// older than the file on the fs OR its mtime is older than the
/// 'exp_mtime' argument.
/// An 'exp_mtime' of -1 makes the mtime check a no-op.
/// An error is returned if exp_mtime differs from the mtime on the file system.
/// If an error occurs when refreshing the entry, the entry is removed.
/// The cache lock must be held prior to calling this method. On return the entry's
/// lock is taken and returned in '*entry_lock' if entry does not need to be refreshed.
/// TODO: cleanup this method's interface and how the outputs are used.
Status RefreshCacheEntry(const std::string& hdfs_lib_file, LibType type,
time_t exp_mtime, const LibMap::iterator& iter,
std::unique_lock<std::mutex>* entry_lock, LibCacheEntry** entry);
/// 'hdfs_lib_file' is copied locally and 'entry' is initialized with its contents.
/// An error is returned if exp_mtime differs from the mtime on the file system.
/// An 'exp_mtime' of -1 makes the mtime check a no-op.
/// No locks are assumed held; 'entry' should be visible only to a single thread.
Status LoadCacheEntry(const std::string& hdfs_lib_file, time_t exp_mtime, LibType type,
LibCacheEntry* entry);
/// Utility function for generating a filename unique to this process and
/// 'hdfs_path'. This is to prevent multiple impalad processes or different library files
/// with the same name from clobbering each other. 'hdfs_path' should be the full path
/// (including the filename) of the file we're going to copy to the local FS, and
/// 'local_dir' is the local directory prefix of the returned path.
std::string MakeLocalPath(const std::string& hdfs_path, const std::string& local_dir);
/// Implementation to remove an entry from the cache.
/// lock_ must be held. The entry's lock should not be held.
void RemoveEntryInternal(
const std::string& hdfs_lib_file, const LibMap::iterator& entry_iterator);
/// Handle for a LibCacheEntry that decrements its reference count when the handle is
/// destroyed or re-used for another entry.
class LibCacheEntryHandle {
LibCacheEntryHandle() {}
friend class LibCache;
LibCacheEntry* entry() const { return entry_; }
void SetEntry(LibCacheEntry* entry) {
if (entry_ != nullptr) LibCache::instance()->DecrementUseCount(entry);
entry_ = entry;
LibCacheEntry* entry_ = nullptr;