blob: 01edc84c6f1403ac7cd668065d0e71bd3d14ee5e [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
#include "runtime/buffered-tuple-stream.inline.h"
#include <boost/bind.hpp>
#include <gutil/strings/substitute.h>
#include "runtime/bufferpool/reservation-tracker.h"
#include "runtime/collection-value.h"
#include "runtime/descriptors.h"
#include "runtime/exec-env.h"
#include "runtime/mem-tracker.h"
#include "runtime/row-batch.h"
#include "runtime/runtime-state.h"
#include "runtime/string-value.h"
#include "runtime/tuple-row.h"
#include "util/bit-util.h"
#include "util/debug-util.h"
#include "util/pretty-printer.h"
#include "util/runtime-profile-counters.h"
#include "common/names.h"
#ifdef NDEBUG
#define CHECK_CONSISTENCY_FAST(read_it) CheckConsistencyFast(read_it)
#define CHECK_CONSISTENCY_FULL(read_it) CheckConsistencyFull(read_it)
using namespace impala;
using namespace strings;
using BufferHandle = BufferPool::BufferHandle;
using FlushMode = RowBatch::FlushMode;
constexpr int64_t BufferedTupleStream::MAX_PAGE_ITER_DEBUG;
BufferedTupleStream::BufferedTupleStream(RuntimeState* state,
const RowDescriptor* row_desc, BufferPool::ClientHandle* buffer_pool_client,
int64_t default_page_len, int64_t max_page_len, const set<SlotId>& ext_varlen_slots)
: state_(state),
has_nullable_tuple_(row_desc->IsAnyTupleNullable()) {
DCHECK_GE(max_page_len, default_page_len);
DCHECK(BitUtil::IsPowerOf2(default_page_len)) << default_page_len;
DCHECK(BitUtil::IsPowerOf2(max_page_len)) << max_page_len;
for (int i = 0; i < desc_->tuple_descriptors().size(); ++i) {
const TupleDescriptor* tuple_desc = desc_->tuple_descriptors()[i];
const int tuple_byte_size = tuple_desc->byte_size();
vector<SlotDescriptor*> tuple_string_slots;
vector<SlotDescriptor*> tuple_coll_slots;
for (int j = 0; j < tuple_desc->slots().size(); ++j) {
SlotDescriptor* slot = tuple_desc->slots()[j];
if (!slot->type().IsVarLenType()) continue;
if (ext_varlen_slots.find(slot->id()) == ext_varlen_slots.end()) {
if (slot->type().IsVarLenStringType()) {
} else {
if (!tuple_string_slots.empty()) {
inlined_string_slots_.push_back(make_pair(i, tuple_string_slots));
if (!tuple_coll_slots.empty()) {
inlined_coll_slots_.push_back(make_pair(i, tuple_coll_slots));
void BufferedTupleStream::CheckConsistencyFull(const ReadIterator& read_it) const {
// The below checks require iterating over all the pages in the stream.
DCHECK_EQ(bytes_pinned_, CalcBytesPinned()) << DebugString();
DCHECK_EQ(pages_.size(), num_pages_) << DebugString();
for (const Page& page : pages_) CheckPageConsistency(&page);
void BufferedTupleStream::CheckConsistencyFast(const ReadIterator& read_it) const {
// All the below checks should be O(1).
DCHECK(has_write_iterator() || write_page_ == nullptr);
if (write_page_ != nullptr) {
const BufferHandle* write_buffer;
Status status = write_page_->GetBuffer(&write_buffer);
DCHECK(status.ok()); // Write buffer should never have been unpinned.
DCHECK_GE(write_ptr_, write_buffer->data());
DCHECK_EQ(write_end_ptr_, write_buffer->data() + write_page_->len());
DCHECK_GE(write_end_ptr_, write_ptr_);
DCHECK(read_it.is_valid() || read_it.read_page_ == pages_.end());
if (read_it.read_page_ != pages_.end()) {
if (!read_it.read_page_->attached_to_output_batch) {
// Can't check read buffer without affecting behaviour, because a read may be in
// flight and this would required blocking on that write.
DCHECK_GE(read_it.read_end_ptr_, read_it.read_ptr_);
DCHECK(&read_it == &read_it_ || !read_it_.attach_on_read_)
<< "External read iterators cannot coexist with attach_on_read mode";
if (&read_it == &read_it_ && NeedReadReservation()) {
DCHECK_EQ(default_page_len_, read_page_reservation_.GetReservation())
<< DebugString();
} else if (!read_page_reservation_.is_closed()) {
DCHECK_EQ(0, read_page_reservation_.GetReservation());
if (NeedWriteReservation()) {
DCHECK_EQ(default_page_len_, write_page_reservation_.GetReservation());
} else if (!write_page_reservation_.is_closed()) {
DCHECK_EQ(0, write_page_reservation_.GetReservation());
void BufferedTupleStream::CheckPageConsistency(const Page* page) const {
if (page->attached_to_output_batch) {
/// Read page was just attached to output batch.
DCHECK(is_read_page(page)) << page->DebugString();
DCHECK_EQ(ExpectedPinCount(pinned_, page), page->pin_count()) << DebugString();
// Only one large row per page.
if (page->len() > default_page_len_) DCHECK_LE(page->num_rows, 1);
// We only create pages when we have a row to append to them.
DCHECK_GT(page->num_rows, 0);
string BufferedTupleStream::DebugString() const {
stringstream ss;
ss << "BufferedTupleStream num_rows=" << num_rows_ << " pinned=" << pinned_
<< " closed=" << closed_ << "\n"
<< " bytes_pinned=" << bytes_pinned_ << " has_write_iterator=" << has_write_iterator_
<< " write_page=" << write_page_ << " read_iterator=" << read_it_.DebugString(pages_)
<< "\n"
<< " read_page_reservation=";
if (read_page_reservation_.is_closed()) {
ss << "<closed>";
} else {
ss << read_page_reservation_.GetReservation();
ss << " large_read_page_reservation=";
if (large_read_page_reservation_.is_closed()) {
ss << "<closed>";
} else {
ss << large_read_page_reservation_.GetReservation();
ss << " write_page_reservation=";
if (write_page_reservation_.is_closed()) {
ss << "<closed>";
} else {
ss << write_page_reservation_.GetReservation();
int64_t max_page = min(num_pages_, BufferedTupleStream::MAX_PAGE_ITER_DEBUG);
ss << "\n " << max_page << " out of " << num_pages_ << " pages=[\n";
for (auto page = pages_.begin(); (page != pages_.end()) && (max_page > 0); ++page) {
ss << "{" << page->DebugString() << "}";
if (max_page > 0) ss << ",\n";
ss << "]";
return ss.str();
void BufferedTupleStream::Page::AttachBufferToBatch(
BufferedTupleStream* parent, RowBatch* batch, FlushMode flush) {
parent->bytes_pinned_ -= len();
// ExtractBuffer() cannot fail because the buffer is already in memory.
BufferPool::BufferHandle buffer;
Status status =
parent->buffer_pool_->ExtractBuffer(parent->buffer_pool_client_, &handle, &buffer);
batch->AddBuffer(parent->buffer_pool_client_, move(buffer), flush);
attached_to_output_batch = true;
string BufferedTupleStream::Page::DebugString() const {
return Substitute("$0 num_rows=$1 retrieved_buffer=$2 attached_to_output_batch=$3",
handle.DebugString(), num_rows, retrieved_buffer.Load(), attached_to_output_batch);
Status BufferedTupleStream::Init(const string& caller_label, bool pinned) {
caller_label_ = caller_label;
return Status::OK();
Status BufferedTupleStream::PrepareForWrite(bool* got_reservation) {
// This must be the first iterator created.
*got_reservation = buffer_pool_client_->IncreaseReservationToFit(default_page_len_);
if (!*got_reservation) return Status::OK();
has_write_iterator_ = true;
// Save reservation for the write iterators.
buffer_pool_client_->SaveReservation(&write_page_reservation_, default_page_len_);
return Status::OK();
Status BufferedTupleStream::PrepareForReadWrite(
bool attach_on_read, bool* got_reservation) {
// This must be the first iterator created.
*got_reservation = buffer_pool_client_->IncreaseReservationToFit(2 * default_page_len_);
if (!*got_reservation) return Status::OK();
has_write_iterator_ = true;
// Save reservation for both the read and write iterators.
buffer_pool_client_->SaveReservation(&read_page_reservation_, default_page_len_);
buffer_pool_client_->SaveReservation(&write_page_reservation_, default_page_len_);
RETURN_IF_ERROR(PrepareForReadInternal(attach_on_read, &read_it_));
return Status::OK();
void BufferedTupleStream::Close(RowBatch* batch, FlushMode flush) {
for (Page& page : pages_) {
if (page.attached_to_output_batch) continue; // Already returned.
if (batch != nullptr && page.retrieved_buffer.Load()) {
// Subtle: We only need to attach buffers from pages that we may have returned
// references to.
page.AttachBufferToBatch(this, batch, flush);
} else {
buffer_pool_->DestroyPage(buffer_pool_client_, &page.handle);
num_pages_ = 0;
bytes_pinned_ = 0;
bytes_unpinned_ = 0;
closed_ = true;
int64_t BufferedTupleStream::CalcBytesPinned() const {
int64_t result = 0;
for (const Page& page : pages_) {
if (!page.attached_to_output_batch) result += page.pin_count() * page.len();
return result;
Status BufferedTupleStream::PinPage(Page* page) {
RETURN_IF_ERROR(buffer_pool_->Pin(buffer_pool_client_, &page->handle));
bytes_pinned_ += page->len();
bytes_unpinned_ -= page->len();
DCHECK_GE(bytes_unpinned_, 0);
return Status::OK();
int BufferedTupleStream::ExpectedPinCount(bool stream_pinned, const Page* page) const {
return (stream_pinned || is_read_page(page) || is_write_page(page)) ? 1 : 0;
Status BufferedTupleStream::PinPageIfNeeded(Page* page, bool stream_pinned) {
int new_pin_count = ExpectedPinCount(stream_pinned, page);
if (new_pin_count != page->pin_count()) {
DCHECK_EQ(new_pin_count, page->pin_count() + 1);
return Status::OK();
void BufferedTupleStream::UnpinPageIfNeeded(Page* page, bool stream_pinned) {
int new_pin_count = ExpectedPinCount(stream_pinned, page);
if (new_pin_count != page->pin_count()) {
DCHECK_EQ(new_pin_count, page->pin_count() - 1);
buffer_pool_->Unpin(buffer_pool_client_, &page->handle);
bytes_pinned_ -= page->len();
DCHECK_GE(bytes_pinned_, 0);
bytes_unpinned_ += page->len();
if (page->pin_count() == 0) page->retrieved_buffer.Store(false);
bool BufferedTupleStream::NeedWriteReservation() const {
return NeedWriteReservation(pinned_);
bool BufferedTupleStream::NeedWriteReservation(bool stream_pinned) const {
return NeedWriteReservation(stream_pinned, num_pages_, has_write_iterator(),
write_page_ != nullptr, has_read_write_page());
bool BufferedTupleStream::NeedWriteReservation(bool stream_pinned, int64_t num_pages,
bool has_write_iterator, bool has_write_page, bool has_read_write_page) {
if (!has_write_iterator) return false;
// If the stream is empty the write reservation hasn't been used yet.
if (num_pages == 0) return true;
if (stream_pinned) {
// Make sure we've saved the write reservation for the next page if the only
// page is a read/write page.
return has_read_write_page && num_pages == 1;
} else {
// Make sure we've saved the write reservation if it's not being used to pin
// a page in the stream.
return !has_write_page || has_read_write_page;
bool BufferedTupleStream::NeedReadReservation() const {
return NeedReadReservation(pinned_);
bool BufferedTupleStream::NeedReadReservation(bool stream_pinned) const {
return NeedReadReservation(stream_pinned, num_pages_, has_read_iterator(),
read_it_.read_page_ != pages_.end());
bool BufferedTupleStream::NeedReadReservation(bool stream_pinned, int64_t num_pages,
bool has_read_iterator, bool has_read_page) const {
return NeedReadReservation(stream_pinned, num_pages, has_read_iterator, has_read_page,
has_write_iterator(), write_page_ != nullptr);
bool BufferedTupleStream::NeedReadReservation(bool stream_pinned, int64_t num_pages,
bool has_read_iterator, bool has_read_page, bool has_write_iterator,
bool has_write_page) {
if (!has_read_iterator) return false;
if (stream_pinned) {
// Need reservation if there are no pages currently pinned for reading but we may add
// a page.
return num_pages == 0 && has_write_iterator;
} else {
// Only need to save reservation for an unpinned stream if there is no read page
// and we may advance to one in the future.
return (has_write_iterator || num_pages > 0) && !has_read_page;
Status BufferedTupleStream::NewWritePage(int64_t page_len) noexcept {
DCHECK(write_page_ == nullptr);
Page new_page;
const BufferHandle* write_buffer;
buffer_pool_client_, page_len, &new_page.handle, &write_buffer));
bytes_pinned_ += page_len;
total_byte_size_ += page_len;
write_page_ = &pages_.back();
DCHECK_EQ(write_page_->num_rows, 0);
write_ptr_ = write_buffer->data();
write_end_ptr_ = write_ptr_ + page_len;
return Status::OK();
Status BufferedTupleStream::CalcPageLenForRow(int64_t row_size, int64_t* page_len) {
if (UNLIKELY(row_size > max_page_len_)) {
return Status(TErrorCode::MAX_ROW_SIZE,
PrettyPrinter::Print(row_size, TUnit::BYTES), caller_label_,
PrettyPrinter::Print(state_->query_options().max_row_size, TUnit::BYTES));
*page_len = max(default_page_len_, BitUtil::RoundUpToPowerOfTwo(row_size));
return Status::OK();
Status BufferedTupleStream::AdvanceWritePage(
int64_t row_size, bool* got_reservation) noexcept {
int64_t page_len;
RETURN_IF_ERROR(CalcPageLenForRow(row_size, &page_len));
// Reservation may have been saved for the next write page, e.g. by PrepareForWrite()
// if the stream is empty.
int64_t write_reservation_to_restore = 0, read_reservation_to_restore = 0;
if (NeedWriteReservation(
pinned_, num_pages_, true, write_page_ != nullptr, has_read_write_page())
&& !NeedWriteReservation(pinned_, num_pages_ + 1, true, true, false)) {
write_reservation_to_restore = default_page_len_;
// If the stream is pinned, we need to keep the previous write page pinned for reading.
// Check if we saved reservation for this case.
if (NeedReadReservation(pinned_, num_pages_, has_read_iterator(),
read_it_.read_page_ != pages_.end(), true, write_page_ != nullptr)
&& !NeedReadReservation(pinned_, num_pages_ + 1, has_read_iterator(),
read_it_.read_page_ != pages_.end(), true, true)) {
read_reservation_to_restore = default_page_len_;
// We may reclaim reservation by unpinning a page that was pinned for writing.
int64_t write_page_reservation_to_reclaim =
(write_page_ != nullptr && !pinned_ && !has_read_write_page()) ?
write_page_->len() : 0;
// Check to see if we can get the reservation before changing the state of the stream.
if (!buffer_pool_client_->IncreaseReservationToFit(page_len
- write_reservation_to_restore - read_reservation_to_restore
- write_page_reservation_to_reclaim)) {
DCHECK(pinned_ || page_len > default_page_len_)
<< "If the stream is unpinned, this should only fail for large pages";
*got_reservation = false;
return Status::OK();
if (write_reservation_to_restore > 0) {
&write_page_reservation_, write_reservation_to_restore);
if (read_reservation_to_restore > 0) {
&read_page_reservation_, read_reservation_to_restore);
*got_reservation = true;
return Status::OK();
void BufferedTupleStream::ResetWritePage() {
if (write_page_ == nullptr) return;
// Unpin the write page if we're reading in unpinned mode.
Page* prev_write_page = write_page_;
write_page_ = nullptr;
write_ptr_ = nullptr;
write_end_ptr_ = nullptr;
// May need to decrement pin count now that it's not the write page, depending on
// the stream's mode.
UnpinPageIfNeeded(prev_write_page, pinned_);
void BufferedTupleStream::InvalidateWriteIterator() {
if (!has_write_iterator()) return;
has_write_iterator_ = false;
// No more pages will be appended to stream - do not need any write reservation.
// May not need a read reservation once the write iterator is invalidated.
if (NeedReadReservation(pinned_, num_pages_, has_read_iterator(),
read_it_.read_page_ != pages_.end(), true, write_page_ != nullptr)
&& !NeedReadReservation(pinned_, num_pages_, has_read_iterator(),
read_it_.read_page_ != pages_.end(), false, false)) {
buffer_pool_client_->RestoreReservation(&read_page_reservation_, default_page_len_);
void BufferedTupleStream::SaveLargeReadPageReservation() {
if (large_read_page_reservation_.GetReservation() < max_page_len_ - default_page_len_) {
// Reclaim the reservation for reading the next large page.
// large_read_page_reservation_ may not be 0 since we might only used some portion of
// it in reading the previous large page which is smaller than max_page_len_.
int64_t reservation_to_reclaim = max_page_len_ - default_page_len_
- large_read_page_reservation_.GetReservation();
void BufferedTupleStream::RestoreLargeReadPageReservation() {
bool BufferedTupleStream::HasLargeReadPageReservation() {
return large_read_page_reservation_.GetReservation() > 0;
Status BufferedTupleStream::NextReadPage(ReadIterator* read_iter) {
DCHECK(read_iter == &read_it_ || (pinned_ && !read_iter->attach_on_read_))
<< "External read iterators only support pinned streams with no attach on read "
<< read_iter->DebugString(pages_);
if (read_iter->read_page_ == pages_.end()) {
// No rows read yet - start reading at first page. If the stream is unpinned, we can
// use the reservation saved in PrepareForReadWrite() to pin the first page.
if (NeedReadReservation(pinned_, num_pages_, true, false)
&& !NeedReadReservation(pinned_, num_pages_, true, true)) {
buffer_pool_client_->RestoreReservation(&read_page_reservation_, default_page_len_);
} else if (read_iter->attach_on_read_) {
DCHECK(read_iter->read_page_ == pages_.begin())
<< read_iter->read_page_->DebugString() << " " << DebugString();
DCHECK_NE(&*read_iter->read_page_, write_page_);
} else {
// Unpin pages after reading them if needed.
Page* prev_read_page = &*read_iter->read_page_;
UnpinPageIfNeeded(prev_read_page, pinned_);
if (read_iter->read_page_ == pages_.end()) {
return Status::OK();
int64_t read_page_len = read_iter->read_page_->len();
if (!pinned_ && read_page_len > default_page_len_) {
// If we are iterating over an unpinned stream and encounter a page that is larger
// than the default page length, then unpinning the previous page may not have
// freed up enough reservation to pin the next one. Try to restore some extra saved
// reservation for reading a large page.
int64_t needed_reservation = read_page_len - default_page_len_;
if (large_read_page_reservation_.GetReservation() >= needed_reservation) {
if (buffer_pool_client_->GetUnusedReservation() < read_page_len) {
// Still failed to get enough unused reservation. The client is responsible for
// ensuring the reservation is available, so this indicates a bug.
return Status(TErrorCode::INTERNAL_ERROR, Substitute("Internal error: couldn't pin "
"large page of $0 bytes, client only had $1 bytes of unused reservation:\n$2",
read_page_len, buffer_pool_client_->GetUnusedReservation(),
// Ensure the next page is pinned for reading. By this point we should have enough
// reservation to pin the page. If the stream is pinned, the page is already pinned.
// If the stream is unpinned, we freed up enough memory for a default-sized page by
// deleting or unpinning the previous page and ensured that, if the page was larger,
// that the reservation is available with the above check.
RETURN_IF_ERROR(PinPageIfNeeded(&*read_iter->read_page_, pinned_));
// We may need to save reservation for the write page in the case when the write page
// became a read/write page.
if (!NeedWriteReservation(pinned_, num_pages_, has_write_iterator(),
write_page_ != nullptr, false)
&& NeedWriteReservation(pinned_, num_pages_, has_write_iterator(),
write_page_ != nullptr, has_read_write_page())) {
buffer_pool_client_->SaveReservation(&write_page_reservation_, default_page_len_);
return Status::OK();
void BufferedTupleStream::InvalidateReadIterator() {
int64_t rows_returned = read_it_.rows_returned();
if (read_it_.read_page_ != pages_.end()) {
// Unpin the write page if we're reading in unpinned mode.
Page* prev_read_page = &*read_it_.read_page_;
// May need to decrement pin count after destroying read iterator.
UnpinPageIfNeeded(prev_read_page, pinned_);
} else {
if (read_page_reservation_.GetReservation() > 0) {
buffer_pool_client_->RestoreReservation(&read_page_reservation_, default_page_len_);
// It is safe to re-read an attach-on-read stream if no rows were read and no pages
// were therefore deleted.
DCHECK(read_it_.attach_on_read_ == false || rows_returned == 0);
if (rows_returned == 0 && read_it_.attach_on_read_) {
read_it_.attach_on_read_ = false;
void BufferedTupleStream::DoneWriting() {
Status BufferedTupleStream::PrepareForRead(bool attach_on_read, bool* got_reservation) {
// If already pinned, no additional pin is needed (see ExpectedPinCount()).
*got_reservation = pinned_ || pages_.empty()
|| buffer_pool_client_->IncreaseReservationToFit(default_page_len_);
if (!*got_reservation) return Status::OK();
return PrepareForReadInternal(attach_on_read, &read_it_);
Status BufferedTupleStream::PrepareForPinnedRead(ReadIterator* iter) {
DCHECK(pinned_) << "Can only read pinned stream with external iterator";
return PrepareForReadInternal(false, iter);
Status BufferedTupleStream::PrepareForReadInternal(
bool attach_on_read, ReadIterator* read_iter) {
if (pages_.empty()) {
// No rows to return, or a the first read/write page has not yet been allocated.
} else {
// Eagerly pin the first page in the stream.
if (read_iter == &read_it_ && !pinned_
&& read_iter->read_page_->len() > default_page_len_) {
int64_t extra_needed_reservation = read_iter->read_page_->len() - default_page_len_;
if (large_read_page_reservation_.GetReservation() >= extra_needed_reservation) {
// Check if we need to increment the pin count of the read page.
RETURN_IF_ERROR(PinPageIfNeeded(&*read_iter->read_page_, pinned_));
return Status::OK();
Status BufferedTupleStream::PinStream(bool* pinned) {
if (pinned_) {
*pinned = true;
return Status::OK();
*pinned = false;
// First, make sure we have the reservation to pin all the pages for reading.
int64_t bytes_to_pin = 0;
for (Page& page : pages_) {
bytes_to_pin += (ExpectedPinCount(true, &page) - page.pin_count()) * page.len();
// Check if we have some reservation to restore.
bool restore_write_reservation =
NeedWriteReservation(false) && !NeedWriteReservation(true);
bool restore_read_reservation =
NeedReadReservation(false) && !NeedReadReservation(true);
int64_t increase_needed = bytes_to_pin
- (restore_write_reservation ? default_page_len_ : 0)
- (restore_read_reservation ? default_page_len_ : 0);
bool reservation_granted =
if (!reservation_granted) return Status::OK();
// If there is no current write page we should have some saved reservation to use.
// Only continue saving it if the stream is empty and need it to pin the first page.
if (restore_write_reservation) {
buffer_pool_client_->RestoreReservation(&write_page_reservation_, default_page_len_);
if (restore_read_reservation) {
buffer_pool_client_->RestoreReservation(&read_page_reservation_, default_page_len_);
// At this point success is guaranteed - go through to pin the pages we need to pin.
// If the page data was evicted from memory, the read I/O can happen in parallel
// because we defer calling GetBuffer() until NextReadPage().
for (Page& page : pages_) RETURN_IF_ERROR(PinPageIfNeeded(&page, true));
pinned_ = true;
*pinned = true;
return Status::OK();
Status BufferedTupleStream::UnpinStream(UnpinMode mode) {
if (mode == UNPIN_ALL) {
// Invalidate the iterators so they don't keep pages pinned.
if (pinned_) {
bool defer_advancing_read_page = false;
if (&*read_it_.read_page_ != write_page_ && read_it_.read_page_ != pages_.end()
&& read_it_.read_page_rows_returned_ == read_it_.read_page_->num_rows) {
if (read_it_.read_page_->attached_to_output_batch) {
if (num_pages_ <= 2) {
// NextReadPage will attempt to save default_page_len_ into write reservation if
// the stream ended up with only 1 read/write page after advancing the read
// page. This can potentially lead to negative unused reservation if the reader
// has not freed the row batch where the read page buffer is attached to. We
// defer advancing the read page until the next GetNext() call by the reader
// (see IMPALA-10584).
defer_advancing_read_page = true;
if (!defer_advancing_read_page) {
// If the stream was pinned, there may be some remaining pinned pages that should
// be unpinned at this point.
DCHECK_EQ(bytes_unpinned_, 0);
std::list<Page>::iterator it = pages_.begin();
if (defer_advancing_read_page) {
// We skip advancing the read page earlier, so the first page must be a read page
// and attached_to_output_batch is true. We should keep the first page pinned. The
// next GetNext() call is the one who will be responsible to unpin the first page.
DCHECK(read_it_.read_page_ == pages_.begin());
while (it != pages_.end()) {
UnpinPageIfNeeded(&(*it), false);
// Check to see if we need to save some of the reservation we freed up.
if (!NeedWriteReservation(true) && NeedWriteReservation(false)) {
buffer_pool_client_->SaveReservation(&write_page_reservation_, default_page_len_);
if (!NeedReadReservation(true) && NeedReadReservation(false)) {
buffer_pool_client_->SaveReservation(&read_page_reservation_, default_page_len_);
pinned_ = false;
return Status::OK();
Status BufferedTupleStream::GetNext(RowBatch* batch, bool* eos) {
return GetNextInternal<false>(&read_it_, batch, eos, nullptr);
Status BufferedTupleStream::GetNext(ReadIterator* read_iter, RowBatch* batch, bool* eos) {
DCHECK(pinned_) << "Stream must remain pinned";
return GetNextInternal<false>(read_iter, batch, eos, nullptr);
Status BufferedTupleStream::GetNext(
RowBatch* batch, bool* eos, vector<FlatRowPtr>* flat_rows) {
return GetNextInternal<true>(&read_it_, batch, eos, flat_rows);
template <bool FILL_FLAT_ROWS>
Status BufferedTupleStream::GetNextInternal(ReadIterator* RESTRICT read_iter,
RowBatch* batch, bool* eos, vector<FlatRowPtr>* flat_rows) {
if (has_nullable_tuple_) {
return GetNextInternal<FILL_FLAT_ROWS, true>(read_iter, batch, eos, flat_rows);
} else {
return GetNextInternal<FILL_FLAT_ROWS, false>(read_iter, batch, eos, flat_rows);
Status BufferedTupleStream::GetNextInternal(ReadIterator* RESTRICT read_iter,
RowBatch* batch, bool* eos, vector<FlatRowPtr>* flat_rows) {
DCHECK(is_pinned() || !FILL_FLAT_ROWS)
<< "FlatRowPtrs are only valid for pinned streams";
*eos = (read_iter->rows_returned_ == num_rows_);
if (*eos) return Status::OK();
if (UNLIKELY(read_iter->read_page_ == pages_.end()
|| read_iter->read_page_rows_returned_ == read_iter->read_page_->num_rows)) {
if (read_iter->read_page_ != pages_.end() && read_iter->attach_on_read_
&& !read_iter->read_page_->attached_to_output_batch) {
// We're in a read-write stream in the case where we're at the end of the read page
// but the buffer was not attached on the last GetNext() call because the write
// iterator had not yet advanced.
read_iter->read_page_->AttachBufferToBatch(this, batch, FlushMode::FLUSH_RESOURCES);
return Status::OK();
// Get the next page in the stream (or the first page if read_page_ was not yet
// initialized.) We need to do this at the beginning of the GetNext() call to ensure
// the buffer management semantics. NextReadPage() may unpin or delete the buffer
// backing the rows returned from the *previous* call to GetNext().
DCHECK(read_iter->read_page_ != pages_.end());
DCHECK(read_iter->read_page_->is_pinned()) << DebugString();
DCHECK_GE(read_iter->read_page_rows_returned_, 0);
int rows_left_in_page = read_iter->GetRowsLeftInPage();
int rows_to_fill = std::min(batch->capacity() - batch->num_rows(), rows_left_in_page);
DCHECK_GE(rows_to_fill, 1);
uint8_t* tuple_row_mem = reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(batch->GetRow(batch->num_rows()));
// Produce tuple rows from the current page and the corresponding position on the
// null tuple indicator.
DCHECK(flat_rows != nullptr);
DCHECK_EQ(batch->num_rows(), 0);
const uint64_t tuples_per_row = desc_->tuple_descriptors().size();
// Start reading from the current position in 'read_iter->read_page_'.
for (int i = 0; i < rows_to_fill; ++i) {
DCHECK_EQ(flat_rows->size(), i + 1);
// Copy the row into the output batch.
TupleRow* output_row = reinterpret_cast<TupleRow*>(tuple_row_mem);
tuple_row_mem += sizeof(Tuple*) * tuples_per_row;
UnflattenTupleRow<HAS_NULLABLE_TUPLE>(&read_iter->read_ptr_, output_row);
// Update string slot ptrs, skipping external strings.
for (int j = 0; j < inlined_string_slots_.size(); ++j) {
Tuple* tuple = output_row->GetTuple(inlined_string_slots_[j].first);
if (HAS_NULLABLE_TUPLE && tuple == nullptr) continue;
FixUpStringsForRead(inlined_string_slots_[j].second, read_iter, tuple);
// Update collection slot ptrs, skipping external collections. We traverse the
// collection structure in the same order as it was written to the stream, allowing
// us to infer the data layout based on the length of collections and strings.
for (int j = 0; j < inlined_coll_slots_.size(); ++j) {
Tuple* tuple = output_row->GetTuple(inlined_coll_slots_[j].first);
if (HAS_NULLABLE_TUPLE && tuple == nullptr) continue;
FixUpCollectionsForRead(inlined_coll_slots_[j].second, read_iter, tuple);
*eos = (read_iter->rows_returned() == num_rows_);
if (read_iter->GetRowsLeftInPage() == 0) {
// No more data in this page. NextReadPage() may need to reuse the reservation
// currently used for 'read_page_' so we may need to flush resources. When
// 'attach_on_read_' is true, we're returning the buffer. Otherwise the buffer will
// be unpinned later but we're returning a reference to the memory so we need to
// signal to the caller that the resources are going away. Note that if there is a
// read-write page it is not safe to attach the buffer yet because more rows may be
// appended to the page.
if (read_iter->attach_on_read_) {
if (!has_read_write_page()) {
// Safe to attach because we already called GetBuffer() in NextReadPage().
// TODO: always flushing for pinned streams is overkill since we may not need
// to reuse the reservation immediately. Changing this may require modifying
// callers of this class.
this, batch, FlushMode::FLUSH_RESOURCES);
} else if (!pinned_) {
// Flush resources so that we can safely unpin the page on the next GetNext() call.
// Note that if this is a read/write page we might not actually do the advance on
// the next call to GetNext(). In that case the flush is still safe to do.
if (FILL_FLAT_ROWS) DCHECK_EQ(flat_rows->size(), rows_to_fill);
DCHECK_LE(read_iter->read_ptr_, read_iter->read_end_ptr_);
return Status::OK();
void BufferedTupleStream::FixUpStringsForRead(const vector<SlotDescriptor*>& string_slots,
ReadIterator* RESTRICT read_iter, Tuple* tuple) {
DCHECK(tuple != nullptr);
for (const SlotDescriptor* slot_desc : string_slots) {
if (tuple->IsNull(slot_desc->null_indicator_offset())) continue;
StringValue* sv = tuple->GetStringSlot(slot_desc->tuple_offset());
sv->ptr = reinterpret_cast<char*>(read_iter->read_ptr_);
void BufferedTupleStream::FixUpCollectionsForRead(
const vector<SlotDescriptor*>& collection_slots, ReadIterator* RESTRICT read_iter,
Tuple* tuple) {
DCHECK(tuple != nullptr);
for (const SlotDescriptor* slot_desc : collection_slots) {
if (tuple->IsNull(slot_desc->null_indicator_offset())) continue;
CollectionValue* cv = tuple->GetCollectionSlot(slot_desc->tuple_offset());
const TupleDescriptor& item_desc = *slot_desc->collection_item_descriptor();
int coll_byte_size = cv->num_tuples * item_desc.byte_size();
cv->ptr = reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(read_iter->read_ptr_);
if (!item_desc.HasVarlenSlots()) continue;
uint8_t* coll_data = cv->ptr;
for (int i = 0; i < cv->num_tuples; ++i) {
Tuple* item = reinterpret_cast<Tuple*>(coll_data);
FixUpStringsForRead(item_desc.string_slots(), read_iter, item);
FixUpCollectionsForRead(item_desc.collection_slots(), read_iter, item);
coll_data += item_desc.byte_size();
int64_t BufferedTupleStream::ComputeRowSize(TupleRow* row) const noexcept {
int64_t size = 0;
if (has_nullable_tuple_) {
size += NullIndicatorBytesPerRow();
for (int i = 0; i < fixed_tuple_sizes_.size(); ++i) {
if (row->GetTuple(i) != nullptr) size += fixed_tuple_sizes_[i];
} else {
for (int i = 0; i < fixed_tuple_sizes_.size(); ++i) {
size += fixed_tuple_sizes_[i];
for (int i = 0; i < inlined_string_slots_.size(); ++i) {
Tuple* tuple = row->GetTuple(inlined_string_slots_[i].first);
if (tuple == nullptr) continue;
const vector<SlotDescriptor*>& slots = inlined_string_slots_[i].second;
for (auto it = slots.begin(); it != slots.end(); ++it) {
if (tuple->IsNull((*it)->null_indicator_offset())) continue;
size += tuple->GetStringSlot((*it)->tuple_offset())->len;
for (int i = 0; i < inlined_coll_slots_.size(); ++i) {
Tuple* tuple = row->GetTuple(inlined_coll_slots_[i].first);
if (tuple == nullptr) continue;
const vector<SlotDescriptor*>& slots = inlined_coll_slots_[i].second;
for (auto it = slots.begin(); it != slots.end(); ++it) {
if (tuple->IsNull((*it)->null_indicator_offset())) continue;
CollectionValue* cv = tuple->GetCollectionSlot((*it)->tuple_offset());
const TupleDescriptor& item_desc = *(*it)->collection_item_descriptor();
size += cv->num_tuples * item_desc.byte_size();
if (!item_desc.HasVarlenSlots()) continue;
for (int j = 0; j < cv->num_tuples; ++j) {
Tuple* item = reinterpret_cast<Tuple*>(&cv->ptr[j * item_desc.byte_size()]);
size += item->VarlenByteSize(item_desc);
return size;
bool BufferedTupleStream::AddRowSlow(TupleRow* row, Status* status) noexcept {
// Use AddRowCustom*() to do the work of advancing the page.
int64_t row_size = ComputeRowSize(row);
uint8_t* data = AddRowCustomBeginSlow(row_size, status);
if (data == nullptr) return false;
bool success = DeepCopy(row, &data, data + row_size);
DCHECK_EQ(data, write_ptr_);
return true;
uint8_t* BufferedTupleStream::AddRowCustomBeginSlow(
int64_t size, Status* status) noexcept {
bool got_reservation;
*status = AdvanceWritePage(size, &got_reservation);
if (!status->ok() || !got_reservation) return nullptr;
// We have a large-enough page so now success is guaranteed.
uint8_t* result = AddRowCustomBegin(size, status);
DCHECK(result != nullptr);
return result;
void BufferedTupleStream::AddLargeRowCustomEnd(int64_t size) noexcept {
DCHECK_GT(size, default_page_len_);
// Immediately unpin the large write page so that we're not using up extra reservation
// and so we don't append another row to the page.
// Save some of the reservation we freed up so we can create the next write page when
// needed.
if (NeedWriteReservation()) {
buffer_pool_client_->SaveReservation(&write_page_reservation_, default_page_len_);
// The stream should be in a consistent state once the row is added.
bool BufferedTupleStream::AddRow(TupleRow* row, Status* status) noexcept {
if (UNLIKELY(write_page_ == nullptr || !DeepCopy(row, &write_ptr_, write_end_ptr_))) {
return AddRowSlow(row, status);
return true;
bool BufferedTupleStream::DeepCopy(
TupleRow* row, uint8_t** data, const uint8_t* data_end) noexcept {
return has_nullable_tuple_ ? DeepCopyInternal<true>(row, data, data_end) :
DeepCopyInternal<false>(row, data, data_end);
// TODO: consider codegening this.
// TODO: in case of duplicate tuples, this can redundantly serialize data.
template <bool HAS_NULLABLE_TUPLE>
bool BufferedTupleStream::DeepCopyInternal(
TupleRow* row, uint8_t** data, const uint8_t* data_end) noexcept {
uint8_t* pos = *data;
const uint64_t tuples_per_row = desc_->tuple_descriptors().size();
// Copy the not NULL fixed len tuples. For the NULL tuples just update the NULL tuple
// indicator.
int null_indicator_bytes = NullIndicatorBytesPerRow();
if (UNLIKELY(pos + null_indicator_bytes > data_end)) return false;
uint8_t* null_indicators = pos;
pos += NullIndicatorBytesPerRow();
memset(null_indicators, 0, null_indicator_bytes);
for (int i = 0; i < tuples_per_row; ++i) {
uint8_t* null_word = null_indicators + (i >> 3);
const uint32_t null_pos = i & 7;
const int tuple_size = fixed_tuple_sizes_[i];
Tuple* t = row->GetTuple(i);
const uint8_t mask = 1 << (7 - null_pos);
if (t != nullptr) {
if (UNLIKELY(pos + tuple_size > data_end)) return false;
memcpy(pos, t, tuple_size);
pos += tuple_size;
} else {
*null_word |= mask;
} else {
// If we know that there are no nullable tuples no need to set the nullability flags.
for (int i = 0; i < tuples_per_row; ++i) {
const int tuple_size = fixed_tuple_sizes_[i];
if (UNLIKELY(pos + tuple_size > data_end)) return false;
Tuple* t = row->GetTuple(i);
// TODO: Once IMPALA-1306 (Avoid passing empty tuples of non-materialized slots)
// is delivered, the check below should become DCHECK(t != nullptr).
DCHECK(t != nullptr || tuple_size == 0);
memcpy(pos, t, tuple_size);
pos += tuple_size;
// Copy inlined string slots. Note: we do not need to convert the string ptrs to offsets
// on the write path, only on the read. The tuple data is immediately followed
// by the string data so only the len information is necessary.
for (int i = 0; i < inlined_string_slots_.size(); ++i) {
const Tuple* tuple = row->GetTuple(inlined_string_slots_[i].first);
if (HAS_NULLABLE_TUPLE && tuple == nullptr) continue;
if (UNLIKELY(!CopyStrings(tuple, inlined_string_slots_[i].second, &pos, data_end)))
return false;
// Copy inlined collection slots. We copy collection data in a well-defined order so
// we do not need to convert pointers to offsets on the write path.
for (int i = 0; i < inlined_coll_slots_.size(); ++i) {
const Tuple* tuple = row->GetTuple(inlined_coll_slots_[i].first);
if (HAS_NULLABLE_TUPLE && tuple == nullptr) continue;
if (UNLIKELY(!CopyCollections(tuple, inlined_coll_slots_[i].second, &pos, data_end)))
return false;
*data = pos;
return true;
bool BufferedTupleStream::CopyStrings(const Tuple* tuple,
const vector<SlotDescriptor*>& string_slots, uint8_t** data, const uint8_t* data_end) {
for (const SlotDescriptor* slot_desc : string_slots) {
if (tuple->IsNull(slot_desc->null_indicator_offset())) continue;
const StringValue* sv = tuple->GetStringSlot(slot_desc->tuple_offset());
if (LIKELY(sv->len > 0)) {
if (UNLIKELY(*data + sv->len > data_end)) return false;
memcpy(*data, sv->ptr, sv->len);
*data += sv->len;
return true;
bool BufferedTupleStream::CopyCollections(const Tuple* tuple,
const vector<SlotDescriptor*>& collection_slots, uint8_t** data, const uint8_t* data_end) {
for (const SlotDescriptor* slot_desc : collection_slots) {
if (tuple->IsNull(slot_desc->null_indicator_offset())) continue;
const CollectionValue* cv = tuple->GetCollectionSlot(slot_desc->tuple_offset());
const TupleDescriptor& item_desc = *slot_desc->collection_item_descriptor();
if (LIKELY(cv->num_tuples > 0)) {
int coll_byte_size = cv->num_tuples * item_desc.byte_size();
if (UNLIKELY(*data + coll_byte_size > data_end)) return false;
uint8_t* coll_data = *data;
memcpy(coll_data, cv->ptr, coll_byte_size);
*data += coll_byte_size;
if (!item_desc.HasVarlenSlots()) continue;
// Copy variable length data when present in collection items.
for (int i = 0; i < cv->num_tuples; ++i) {
const Tuple* item = reinterpret_cast<Tuple*>(coll_data);
if (UNLIKELY(!CopyStrings(item, item_desc.string_slots(), data, data_end))) {
return false;
!CopyCollections(item, item_desc.collection_slots(), data, data_end))) {
return false;
coll_data += item_desc.byte_size();
return true;
void BufferedTupleStream::ReadIterator::Reset(std::list<Page>* pages) {
valid_ = false;
read_page_ = pages->end();
rows_returned_ = 0;
read_page_rows_returned_ = -1;
read_ptr_ = nullptr;
read_end_ptr_ = nullptr;
void BufferedTupleStream::ReadIterator::Init(bool attach_on_read) {
valid_ = true;
rows_returned_ = 0;
DCHECK(!attach_on_read_) << "attach_on_read can only be set once";
// Only set 'attach_on_read' if needed. Otherwise, if this is the builtin
// iterator, a benign data race may be flagged by TSAN (see IMPALA-9701).
if (attach_on_read) attach_on_read_ = attach_on_read;
void BufferedTupleStream::ReadIterator::SetReadPage(list<Page>::iterator read_page) {
read_page_ = read_page;
read_ptr_ = nullptr;
read_end_ptr_ = nullptr;
read_page_rows_returned_ = 0;
void BufferedTupleStream::ReadIterator::AdvanceReadPage(const list<Page>& pages) {
DCHECK(read_page_ != pages.end());
read_ptr_ = nullptr;
read_end_ptr_ = nullptr;
read_page_rows_returned_ = 0;
Status BufferedTupleStream::ReadIterator::InitReadPtrs() {
DCHECK_EQ(read_page_rows_returned_, 0);
const BufferHandle* read_buffer;
read_ptr_ = read_buffer->data();
read_end_ptr_ = read_ptr_ + read_buffer->len();
return Status::OK();
void BufferedTupleStream::ReadIterator::IncrRowsReturned(int64_t rows) {
rows_returned_ += rows;
read_page_rows_returned_ += rows;
string BufferedTupleStream::ReadIterator::DebugString(const list<Page>& pages) const {
stringstream ss;
ss << "{valid=" << valid_ << " attach_on_read=" << attach_on_read_ << " read_page=";
if (read_page_ == pages.end()) {
ss << "<end>";
} else {
ss << read_page_->DebugString();
ss << " read_page_rows_returned=" << read_page_rows_returned_
<< " rows_returned=" << rows_returned_
<< " read_ptr_=" << static_cast<const void*>(read_ptr_)
<< " read_end_ptr_=" << static_cast<const void*>(read_end_ptr_) << "}";
return ss.str();