blob: f19d21bfc5288a0da4c00a3b320bab5c1bb2e522 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
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#include <stdint.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <string>
#include "common/global-types.h"
#include "gutil/walltime.h"
/// Utilities for collecting timings.
namespace impala {
/// Returns a value representing a point in time that is unaffected by daylight savings or
/// manual adjustments to the system clock. This should not be assumed to be a Unix
/// time. Typically the value corresponds to elapsed time since the system booted. See
/// UnixMillis() below if you need to send a time to a different host.
inline int64_t MonotonicNanos() {
timespec ts;
clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &ts);
return ts.tv_sec * NANOS_PER_SEC + ts.tv_nsec;
inline int64_t MonotonicMicros() { // 63 bits ~= 5K years uptime
return GetMonoTimeMicros();
inline int64_t MonotonicMillis() {
return GetMonoTimeMicros() / MICROS_PER_MILLI;
inline int64_t MonotonicSeconds() {
return GetMonoTimeMicros() / MICROS_PER_SEC;
/// Returns the number of milliseconds that have passed since the Unix epoch. This is
/// affected by manual changes to the system clock but is more suitable for use across
/// a cluster. For more accurate timings on the local host use the monotonic functions
/// above.
inline int64_t UnixMillis() {
return GetCurrentTimeMicros() / MICROS_PER_MILLI;
/// Return the time 'time_us' microseconds away from now in 'abs_time'.
inline void TimeFromNowMicros(int64_t time_us, timespec* abs_time) {
clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, abs_time);
abs_time->tv_nsec += (time_us % MICROS_PER_SEC) * NANOS_PER_MICRO;
abs_time->tv_sec += time_us / MICROS_PER_SEC + abs_time->tv_nsec / NANOS_PER_SEC;
abs_time->tv_nsec %= NANOS_PER_SEC;
/// Return the time 'time_ms' milliseconds away from now in 'abs_time'.
inline void TimeFromNowMillis(int64_t time_ms, timespec* abs_time) {
TimeFromNowMicros(time_ms * MICROS_PER_MILLI, abs_time);
/// Returns the number of microseconds that have passed since the Unix epoch. This is
/// affected by manual changes to the system clock but is more suitable for use across
/// a cluster. For more accurate timings on the local host use the monotonic functions
/// above.
inline int64_t UnixMicros() {
return GetCurrentTimeMicros();
/// Sleeps the current thread for at least duration_ms milliseconds.
void SleepForMs(const int64_t duration_ms);
// An enum class to use as precision argument for the ToString*() functions below
enum TimePrecision {
/// Converts the input Unix time, 's', specified in seconds since the Unix epoch, to a
/// date-time string in the local time zone. The precision in the output date-time string
/// is specified by the second argument, 'p'. The returned string is of the format
/// yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:SS[.ms[us[ns]]. It's worth noting that if the precision specified
/// by 'p' is higher than that of the input timestamp, the part corresponding to
/// 'p' in the fractional second part of the output will just be zero-padded.
std::string ToStringFromUnix(int64_t s, TimePrecision p = TimePrecision::Second);
/// Converts input seconds-since-epoch to date-time string in UTC time zone.
std::string ToUtcStringFromUnix(int64_t s, TimePrecision p = TimePrecision::Second);
/// Converts input milliseconds-since-epoch to date-time string in local time zone.
std::string ToStringFromUnixMillis(int64_t ms,
TimePrecision p = TimePrecision::Millisecond);
/// Converts input milliseconds-since-epoch to date-time string in UTC time zone.
std::string ToUtcStringFromUnixMillis(int64_t ms,
TimePrecision p = TimePrecision::Millisecond);
/// Converts input microseconds-since-epoch to date-time string in local time zone.
std::string ToStringFromUnixMicros(int64_t us,
TimePrecision p = TimePrecision::Microsecond);
/// Converts input microseconds-since-epoch to date-time string in UTC time zone.
std::string ToUtcStringFromUnixMicros(int64_t us,
TimePrecision p = TimePrecision::Microsecond);
/// Converts input microseconds-since-epoch to date-time string in 'tz' time zone.
/// In the returned string fractional seconds are padded to precision 'p'.
std::string ToStringFromUnixMicros(int64_t us, const Timezone& tz,
TimePrecision p = TimePrecision::Microsecond);
/// Convenience function to convert the current time, derived from UnixMicros(),
/// to a date-time string in the local time zone, padded to nanosecond precision.
inline std::string CurrentTimeString() {
return ToStringFromUnixMicros(UnixMicros(), TimePrecision::Nanosecond);
} // namespace impala