blob: 7f6db928416a0677498161269cddf7b1e6dbf6b1 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
#include "runtime/bufferpool/buffer-allocator.h"
#include <mutex>
#include <boost/bind.hpp>
#include "common/atomic.h"
#include "runtime/bufferpool/system-allocator.h"
#include "util/bit-util.h"
#include "util/cpu-info.h"
#include "util/histogram-metric.h"
#include "util/metrics.h"
#include "util/pretty-printer.h"
#include "util/runtime-profile-counters.h"
#include "common/names.h"
namespace impala {
// Collect statistics once ALLOC_STAT_SAMPLE_RATE allocations. This allows collecting
// various useful statistics that would be too expensive to update every allocation.
// This should be kept as a power-of-two to allow efficient mod calculation.
static constexpr int64_t ALLOC_STAT_SAMPLE_RATE = 64;
// Maximum buffer size for the purposes of histogram sizing in stats collection. Buffers
// > 4GB are extremely rare so we don't need to collect precise stats on them.
static constexpr int64_t STATS_MAX_BUFFER_SIZE = 4L * 1024L * 1024L * 1024L;
/// Decrease 'bytes_remaining' by up to 'max_decrease', down to a minimum of 0.
/// If 'require_full_decrease' is true, only decrease if we can decrease it
/// 'max_decrease'. Returns the amount it was decreased by.
static int64_t DecreaseBytesRemaining(
int64_t max_decrease, bool require_full_decrease, AtomicInt64* bytes_remaining);
/// An arena containing free buffers and clean pages that are associated with a
/// particular core. All public methods are thread-safe.
class BufferPool::FreeBufferArena : public CacheLineAligned {
BufferAllocator* parent, MetricGroup* metrics, const std::string& arena_name);
// Destructor should only run in backend tests.
/// Add a free buffer to the free lists. May free buffers to the system allocator
/// if the list becomes full. Caller should not hold 'lock_'
void AddFreeBuffer(BufferHandle&& buffer);
/// Try to get a free buffer of 'buffer_len' bytes from this arena. Returns true and
/// sets 'buffer' if found or false if not found. Caller should not hold 'lock_'.
bool PopFreeBuffer(int64_t buffer_len, BufferHandle* buffer);
/// Try to get a buffer of 'buffer_len' bytes from this arena by evicting a clean page.
/// Returns true and sets 'buffer' if a clean page was evicted or false otherwise.
/// Caller should not hold 'lock_'
bool EvictCleanPage(int64_t buffer_len, BufferHandle* buffer);
/// Try to free 'target_bytes' of memory from this arena back to the system allocator.
/// Up to 'target_bytes_to_claim' will be given back to the caller, so it can allocate
/// a buffer of that size from the system. Any bytes freed in excess of
/// 'target_bytes_to_claim' are added to 'system_bytes_remaining_'. Returns the actual
/// number of bytes freed and the actual number of bytes claimed.
/// Caller should not hold 'lock_'. If 'arena_lock' is non-null, ownership of the
/// arena lock is transferred to the caller. Uses std::unique_lock instead of
/// boost::unique_lock because it is movable.
pair<int64_t, int64_t> FreeSystemMemory(int64_t target_bytes_to_free,
int64_t target_bytes_to_claim, std::unique_lock<SpinLock>* arena_lock);
/// Add a clean page to the arena. Caller must hold the page's client's lock and not
/// hold 'lock_' or any Page::lock_.
void AddCleanPage(Page* page);
/// Removes the clean page from the arena if present. Returns true if removed. If
/// 'claim_buffer' is true, the buffer is returned with the page, otherwise it is
/// added to the free buffer list. Caller must hold the page's client's lock and
/// not hold 'lock_' or any Page::lock_.
bool RemoveCleanPage(bool claim_buffer, Page* page);
/// Called periodically. Shrinks free lists that are holding onto more memory than
/// needed.
void Maintenance();
/// Test helper: gets the current size of the free list for buffers of 'len' bytes
/// on core 'core'.
int GetFreeListSize(int64_t len);
/// Return the total number of free buffers in the arena. May be approximate since
/// it doesn't acquire the arena lock.
int64_t GetNumFreeBuffers();
/// Return the total bytes of free buffers in the arena. May be approximate since
/// it doesn't acquire the arena lock.
int64_t GetFreeBufferBytes();
/// Return the total number of clean pages in the arena. May be approximate since
/// it doesn't acquire the arena lock.
int64_t GetNumCleanPages();
string DebugString();
IntCounter* system_alloc_time() const { return system_alloc_time_; }
IntCounter* local_arena_free_buffer_hits() const {
return local_arena_free_buffer_hits_;
IntCounter* direct_alloc_count() const { return direct_alloc_count_; }
HistogramMetric* buffer_size_stats() const { return buffer_size_stats_; }
IntCounter* numa_arena_free_buffer_hits() const { return numa_arena_free_buffer_hits_; }
IntCounter* clean_page_hits() const { return clean_page_hits_; }
IntCounter* num_scavenges() const { return num_scavenges_; }
IntCounter* num_final_scavenges() const { return num_final_scavenges_; }
/// The data structures for each power-of-two size of buffers/pages.
/// All members are protected by FreeBufferArena::lock_ unless otherwise mentioned.
struct PerSizeLists {
PerSizeLists() : num_free_buffers(0), low_water_mark(0), num_clean_pages(0) {}
/// Helper to add a free buffer and increment the counter.
/// FreeBufferArena::lock_ must be held by the caller.
void AddFreeBuffer(BufferHandle&& buffer) {
DCHECK_EQ(num_free_buffers.Load(), free_buffers.Size());
/// The number of entries in 'free_buffers'. Can be read without holding a lock to
/// allow threads to quickly skip over empty lists when trying to find a buffer.
AtomicInt64 num_free_buffers;
/// Buffers that are not in use that were originally allocated on the core
/// corresponding to this arena.
FreeList free_buffers;
/// The minimum size of 'free_buffers' since the last Maintenance() call.
int low_water_mark;
/// The number of entries in 'clean_pages'.
/// Can be read without holding a lock to allow threads to quickly skip over empty
/// lists when trying to find a buffer in a different arena.
AtomicInt64 num_clean_pages;
/// Unpinned pages that have had their contents written to disk. These pages can be
/// evicted to reclaim a buffer for any client. Pages are evicted in FIFO order,
/// so that pages are evicted in approximately the same order that the clients wrote
/// them to disk. Protected by FreeBufferArena::lock_.
InternalList<Page> clean_pages;
/// Return the number of buffer sizes for this allocator.
int NumBufferSizes() const {
return parent_->log_max_buffer_len_ - parent_->log_min_buffer_len_ + 1;
/// Return the lists of buffers for buffers of the given length.
PerSizeLists* GetListsForSize(int64_t buffer_len) {
int idx = BitUtil::Log2Ceiling64(buffer_len) - parent_->log_min_buffer_len_;
DCHECK_LT(idx, NumBufferSizes());
return &buffer_sizes_[idx];
/// Compute a sum over all the lists in the arena. Does not lock the arena.
int64_t SumOverSizes(
std::function<int64_t(PerSizeLists* lists, int64_t buffer_size)> compute_fn);
BufferAllocator* const parent_;
/// Protects all data structures in the arena. See buffer-pool-internal.h for lock
/// order.
SpinLock lock_;
/// Free buffers and clean pages for each buffer size for this arena.
/// Indexed by log2(bytes) - log2(min_buffer_len_).
PerSizeLists buffer_sizes_[LOG_MAX_BUFFER_BYTES + 1];
// Total time spent in the system allocator.
IntCounter* const system_alloc_time_;
// Counts the number of free buffer hits in the local arena of the current core.
IntCounter* const local_arena_free_buffer_hits_;
// Counts the number the allocator directly allocates a new buffer on the current core.
IntCounter* const direct_alloc_count_;
// Statistics about the buffer sizes allocated from the system allocator.
HistogramMetric* const buffer_size_stats_;
// Counts the number of hits in an arena for the same NUMA node as the current core.
IntCounter* const numa_arena_free_buffer_hits_;
// Counts the number of times a page of the right size was evicted.
IntCounter* const clean_page_hits_;
// Counts the number of times we had to scavenge buffers.
IntCounter* const num_scavenges_;
// Counts the number of times we had to lock all arenas for a final scavenge of buffers.
IntCounter* const num_final_scavenges_;
int64_t BufferPool::BufferAllocator::CalcMaxBufferLen(
int64_t min_buffer_len, int64_t system_bytes_limit) {
// Find largest power of 2 smaller than 'system_bytes_limit'.
int64_t upper_bound = system_bytes_limit == 0 ? 1L : 1L
<< BitUtil::Log2Floor64(system_bytes_limit);
upper_bound = min(MAX_BUFFER_BYTES, upper_bound);
return max(min_buffer_len, upper_bound); // Can't be < min_buffer_len.
BufferPool::BufferAllocator::BufferAllocator(BufferPool* pool, MetricGroup* metrics,
int64_t min_buffer_len, int64_t system_bytes_limit, int64_t clean_page_bytes_limit)
: pool_(pool),
system_allocator_(new SystemAllocator(min_buffer_len)),
max_buffer_len_(CalcMaxBufferLen(min_buffer_len, system_bytes_limit)),
max_scavenge_attempts_(MAX_SCAVENGE_ATTEMPTS) {
DCHECK(BitUtil::IsPowerOf2(min_buffer_len_)) << min_buffer_len_;
DCHECK(BitUtil::IsPowerOf2(max_buffer_len_)) << max_buffer_len_;
DCHECK_LE(0, min_buffer_len_);
DCHECK_LE(min_buffer_len_, max_buffer_len_);
DCHECK_LE(max_buffer_len_, MAX_BUFFER_BYTES);
DCHECK_LE(max_buffer_len_, max(system_bytes_limit_, min_buffer_len_));
MetricGroup* buffer_pool_metrics = metrics->GetOrCreateChildGroup("buffer-pool");
for (int i = 0; i < per_core_arenas_.size(); ++i) {
new FreeBufferArena(this, buffer_pool_metrics, Substitute("arena-$0", i)));
BufferPool::BufferAllocator::~BufferAllocator() {
per_core_arenas_.clear(); // Release all the memory.
// Check for accounting leaks.
DCHECK_EQ(system_bytes_limit_, system_bytes_remaining_.Load());
DCHECK_EQ(clean_page_bytes_limit_, clean_page_bytes_remaining_.Load());
Status BufferPool::BufferAllocator::Allocate(
ClientHandle* client, int64_t len, BufferHandle* buffer) {
COUNTER_ADD(client->impl_->counters().cumulative_bytes_alloced, len);
COUNTER_ADD(client->impl_->counters().cumulative_allocations, 1);
RETURN_IF_ERROR(AllocateInternal(client->impl_, len, buffer));
buffer->client_ = client;
return Status::OK();
Status BufferPool::BufferAllocator::AllocateInternal(
BufferPool::Client* client, int64_t len, BufferHandle* buffer) {
DCHECK_GE(len, min_buffer_len_);
DCHECK(BitUtil::IsPowerOf2(len)) << len;
return Status(Substitute(
"Tried to allocate buffer of $0 bytes > max of $1 bytes", len, MAX_BUFFER_BYTES));
if (UNLIKELY(len > system_bytes_limit_)) {
return Status(Substitute("Tried to allocate buffer of $0 bytes > buffer pool limit "
"of $1 bytes", len, system_bytes_limit_));
const int current_core = CpuInfo::GetCurrentCore();
// Fast path: recycle a buffer of the correct size from this core's arena.
FreeBufferArena* current_core_arena = per_core_arenas_[current_core].get();
if (current_core_arena->PopFreeBuffer(len, buffer)) {
return Status::OK();
// Fast-ish path: allocate a new buffer if there is room in 'system_bytes_remaining_'.
int64_t delta = DecreaseBytesRemaining(len, true, &system_bytes_remaining_);
// Whether to record stats about the system alloc (we don't want to do this every
// allocation because of the overhead).
bool sample_sys_alloc_stats = false;
if (delta == len) {
int64_t count = current_core_arena->direct_alloc_count()->Increment(1);
sample_sys_alloc_stats = count % ALLOC_STAT_SAMPLE_RATE == 0;
} else {
DCHECK_EQ(0, delta);
const vector<int>& numa_node_cores = CpuInfo::GetCoresOfSameNumaNode(current_core);
const int numa_node_core_idx = CpuInfo::GetNumaNodeCoreIdx(current_core);
// Fast-ish path: find a buffer of the right size from another core on the same
// NUMA node. Avoid getting a buffer from another NUMA node - prefer reclaiming
// a clean page on this NUMA node or scavenging then reallocating a new buffer.
// We don't want to get into a state where allocations between the nodes are
// unbalanced and one node is stuck reusing memory allocated on the other node.
for (int i = 1; i < numa_node_cores.size(); ++i) {
// Each core should start searching from a different point to avoid hot-spots.
int other_core = numa_node_cores[(numa_node_core_idx + i) % numa_node_cores.size()];
FreeBufferArena* other_core_arena = per_core_arenas_[other_core].get();
if (other_core_arena->PopFreeBuffer(len, buffer)) {
return Status::OK();
// Fast-ish path: evict a clean page of the right size from the current NUMA node.
for (int i = 0; i < numa_node_cores.size(); ++i) {
int other_core = numa_node_cores[(numa_node_core_idx + i) % numa_node_cores.size()];
FreeBufferArena* other_core_arena = per_core_arenas_[other_core].get();
if (other_core_arena->EvictCleanPage(len, buffer)) {
return Status::OK();
// Slow path: scavenge buffers of different sizes from free buffer lists and clean
// pages. Make initial, fast attempts to gather the required buffers, before
// finally making a slower, but guaranteed-to-succeed attempt.
// TODO: IMPALA-4703: add a stress option where we vary the number of attempts
// randomly.
int attempt = 0;
int64_t count = current_core_arena->num_scavenges()->Increment(1);
sample_sys_alloc_stats = count % ALLOC_STAT_SAMPLE_RATE == 0;
while (attempt < max_scavenge_attempts_ && delta < len) {
bool final_attempt = attempt == max_scavenge_attempts_ - 1;
if (final_attempt) current_core_arena->num_final_scavenges()->Increment(1);
delta += ScavengeBuffers(final_attempt, current_core, len - delta);
if (delta < len) {
// This indicates an accounting bug - we should be able to always get the memory.
return Status(TErrorCode::INTERNAL_ERROR, Substitute(
"Could not allocate $0 bytes: was only able to free up $1 bytes after $2 "
"attempts:\n$3", len, delta, max_scavenge_attempts_, pool_->DebugString()));
// We have headroom to allocate a new buffer at this point.
DCHECK_EQ(delta, len);
MonotonicStopWatch sys_alloc_sw;
Status status = system_allocator_->Allocate(len, buffer);
if (!status.ok()) {
return status;
int64_t sys_alloc_time = sys_alloc_sw.ElapsedTime();
if (sample_sys_alloc_stats) current_core_arena->buffer_size_stats()->Update(len);
return Status::OK();
int64_t DecreaseBytesRemaining(
int64_t max_decrease, bool require_full_decrease, AtomicInt64* bytes_remaining) {
while (true) {
int64_t old_value = bytes_remaining->Load();
if (require_full_decrease && old_value < max_decrease) return 0;
int64_t decrease = min(old_value, max_decrease);
int64_t new_value = old_value - decrease;
if (bytes_remaining->CompareAndSwap(old_value, new_value)) {
return decrease;
int64_t BufferPool::BufferAllocator::ScavengeBuffers(
bool slow_but_sure, int current_core, int64_t target_bytes) {
// There are two strategies for scavenging buffers:
// 1) Fast, opportunistic: Each arena is searched in succession. Although reservations
// guarantee that the memory we need is available somewhere, this may fail if we
// we race with another thread that returned buffers to an arena that we've already
// searched and took the buffers from an arena we haven't yet searched.
// 2) Slow, guaranteed to succeed: In order to ensure that we can find the memory in a
// single pass, we hold locks for all arenas we've already examined. That way, other
// threads can't take the memory that we need from an arena that we haven't yet
// examined (or from 'system_bytes_available_') because in order to do so, it would
// have had to return the equivalent amount of memory to an earlier arena or added
// it back into 'systems_bytes_reamining_'. The former can't happen since we're
// still holding those locks, and the latter is solved by trying to decrease
// system_bytes_remaining_ with DecreaseBytesRemaining() at the end.
DCHECK_GT(target_bytes, 0);
// First make sure we've used up all the headroom in the buffer limit.
int64_t bytes_found =
DecreaseBytesRemaining(target_bytes, false, &system_bytes_remaining_);
if (bytes_found == target_bytes) return bytes_found;
// In 'slow_but_sure' mode, we will hold locks for multiple arenas at the same time and
// therefore must start at 0 to respect the lock order. Otherwise we start with the
// current core's arena for locality and to avoid excessive contention on arena 0.
int start_core = slow_but_sure ? 0 : current_core;
vector<std::unique_lock<SpinLock>> arena_locks;
if (slow_but_sure) arena_locks.resize(per_core_arenas_.size());
for (int i = 0; i < per_core_arenas_.size(); ++i) {
int core_to_check = (start_core + i) % per_core_arenas_.size();
FreeBufferArena* arena = per_core_arenas_[core_to_check].get();
int64_t bytes_needed = target_bytes - bytes_found;
bytes_found += arena->FreeSystemMemory(bytes_needed, bytes_needed,
slow_but_sure ? &arena_locks[i] : nullptr).second;
if (bytes_found == target_bytes) break;
DCHECK_LE(bytes_found, target_bytes);
// Decrement 'system_bytes_remaining_' while still holding the arena locks to avoid
// the window for a race with another thread that removes a buffer from a list and
// then increments 'system_bytes_remaining_'. The race is prevented because the other
// thread holds the lock while decrementing 'system_bytes_remaining_' in the cases
// where it may not have reservation corresponding to that memory.
if (slow_but_sure && bytes_found < target_bytes) {
bytes_found += DecreaseBytesRemaining(
target_bytes - bytes_found, true, &system_bytes_remaining_);
DCHECK_EQ(bytes_found, target_bytes) << DebugString();
return bytes_found;
void BufferPool::BufferAllocator::Free(BufferHandle&& handle) {
handle.client_ = nullptr; // Buffer is no longer associated with a client.
FreeBufferArena* arena = per_core_arenas_[handle.home_core_].get();
void BufferPool::BufferAllocator::AddCleanPage(
const unique_lock<mutex>& client_lock, Page* page) {
FreeBufferArena* arena = per_core_arenas_[page->buffer.home_core_].get();
bool BufferPool::BufferAllocator::RemoveCleanPage(
const unique_lock<mutex>& client_lock, bool claim_buffer, Page* page) {
FreeBufferArena* arena;
lock_guard<SpinLock> pl(page->buffer_lock);
// Page may be evicted - in which case it has no home core and is not in an arena.
if (!page->buffer.is_open()) return false;
arena = per_core_arenas_[page->buffer.home_core_].get();
return arena->RemoveCleanPage(claim_buffer, page);
void BufferPool::BufferAllocator::Maintenance() {
for (unique_ptr<FreeBufferArena>& arena : per_core_arenas_) arena->Maintenance();
void BufferPool::BufferAllocator::ReleaseMemory(int64_t bytes_to_free) {
int64_t bytes_freed = 0;
int current_core = CpuInfo::GetCurrentCore();
for (int i = 0; i < per_core_arenas_.size(); ++i) {
int core_to_check = (current_core + i) % per_core_arenas_.size();
FreeBufferArena* arena = per_core_arenas_[core_to_check].get();
// Free but don't claim any memory.
bytes_freed += arena->FreeSystemMemory(bytes_to_free - bytes_freed, 0, nullptr).first;
if (bytes_freed >= bytes_to_free) break;
VLOG(1) << "BufferAllocator::ReleaseMemory(): Freed "
<< PrettyPrinter::PrintBytes(bytes_freed);
int BufferPool::BufferAllocator::GetFreeListSize(int core, int64_t len) {
return per_core_arenas_[core]->GetFreeListSize(len);
int64_t BufferPool::BufferAllocator::FreeToSystem(vector<BufferHandle>&& buffers) {
int64_t bytes_freed = 0;
for (BufferHandle& buffer : buffers) {
bytes_freed += buffer.len();
// Ensure that the memory is unpoisoned when it's next allocated by the system.
return bytes_freed;
int64_t BufferPool::BufferAllocator::SumOverArenas(
std::function<int64_t(FreeBufferArena* arena)> compute_fn) const {
int64_t total = 0;
for (const unique_ptr<FreeBufferArena>& arena : per_core_arenas_) {
total += compute_fn(arena.get());
return total;
int64_t BufferPool::BufferAllocator::GetNumFreeBuffers() const {
return SumOverArenas([](FreeBufferArena* arena) { return arena->GetNumFreeBuffers(); });
int64_t BufferPool::BufferAllocator::GetFreeBufferBytes() const {
return SumOverArenas(
[](FreeBufferArena* arena) { return arena->GetFreeBufferBytes(); });
int64_t BufferPool::BufferAllocator::GetNumCleanPages() const {
return SumOverArenas([](FreeBufferArena* arena) { return arena->GetNumCleanPages(); });
int64_t BufferPool::BufferAllocator::GetCleanPageBytesLimit() const {
return clean_page_bytes_limit_;
int64_t BufferPool::BufferAllocator::GetCleanPageBytes() const {
return clean_page_bytes_limit_ - clean_page_bytes_remaining_.Load();
string BufferPool::BufferAllocator::DebugString() {
stringstream ss;
ss << "<BufferAllocator> " << this << " min_buffer_len: " << min_buffer_len_
<< " system_bytes_limit: " << system_bytes_limit_
<< " system_bytes_remaining: " << system_bytes_remaining_.Load() << "\n"
<< " clean_page_bytes_limit: " << clean_page_bytes_limit_
<< " clean_page_bytes_remaining: " << clean_page_bytes_remaining_.Load() << "\n";
for (int i = 0; i < per_core_arenas_.size(); ++i) {
ss << " Arena " << i << " " << per_core_arenas_[i]->DebugString() << "\n";
return ss.str();
BufferAllocator* parent, MetricGroup* metrics, const std::string& arena_name)
: parent_(parent),
metrics->AddCounter("buffer-pool.$0.system-alloc-time", 0, arena_name)),
"buffer-pool.$0.local-arena-free-buffer-hits", 0, arena_name)),
metrics->AddCounter("buffer-pool.$", 0, arena_name)),
buffer_size_stats_(metrics->RegisterMetric(new HistogramMetric(
MetricDefs::Get("buffer-pool.$0.allocated-buffer-sizes", arena_name),
metrics->AddCounter("buffer-pool.$0.numa-arena-free-buffer-hits", 0, arena_name)),
metrics->AddCounter("buffer-pool.$0.clean-page-hits", 0, arena_name)),
num_scavenges_(metrics->AddCounter("buffer-pool.$0.num-scavenges", 0, arena_name)),
metrics->AddCounter("buffer-pool.$0.num-final-scavenges", 0, arena_name)) {}
BufferPool::FreeBufferArena::~FreeBufferArena() {
for (int i = 0; i < NumBufferSizes(); ++i) {
// Clear out the free lists.
FreeList* list = &buffer_sizes_[i].free_buffers;
vector<BufferHandle> buffers = list->GetBuffersToFree(list->Size());
// All pages should have been destroyed.
DCHECK_EQ(0, buffer_sizes_[i].clean_pages.size());
void BufferPool::FreeBufferArena::AddFreeBuffer(BufferHandle&& buffer) {
lock_guard<SpinLock> al(lock_);
PerSizeLists* lists = GetListsForSize(buffer.len());
bool BufferPool::FreeBufferArena::RemoveCleanPage(bool claim_buffer, Page* page) {
lock_guard<SpinLock> al(lock_);
PerSizeLists* lists = GetListsForSize(page->len);
DCHECK_EQ(lists->num_clean_pages.Load(), lists->clean_pages.size());
if (!lists->clean_pages.Remove(page)) return false;
if (!claim_buffer) {
BufferHandle buffer;
lock_guard<SpinLock> pl(page->buffer_lock);
buffer = move(page->buffer);
return true;
bool BufferPool::FreeBufferArena::PopFreeBuffer(
int64_t buffer_len, BufferHandle* buffer) {
PerSizeLists* lists = GetListsForSize(buffer_len);
// Check before acquiring lock.
if (lists->num_free_buffers.Load() == 0) return false;
lock_guard<SpinLock> al(lock_);
FreeList* list = &lists->free_buffers;
DCHECK_EQ(lists->num_free_buffers.Load(), list->Size());
if (!list->PopFreeBuffer(buffer)) return false;
lists->low_water_mark = min<int>(lists->low_water_mark, list->Size());
return true;
bool BufferPool::FreeBufferArena::EvictCleanPage(
int64_t buffer_len, BufferHandle* buffer) {
PerSizeLists* lists = GetListsForSize(buffer_len);
// Check before acquiring lock.
if (lists->num_clean_pages.Load() == 0) return false;
lock_guard<SpinLock> al(lock_);
DCHECK_EQ(lists->num_clean_pages.Load(), lists->clean_pages.size());
Page* page = lists->clean_pages.Dequeue();
if (page == nullptr) return false;
lock_guard<SpinLock> pl(page->buffer_lock);
*buffer = move(page->buffer);
return true;
pair<int64_t, int64_t> BufferPool::FreeBufferArena::FreeSystemMemory(
int64_t target_bytes_to_free, int64_t target_bytes_to_claim,
std::unique_lock<SpinLock>* arena_lock) {
DCHECK_GT(target_bytes_to_free, 0);
DCHECK_GE(target_bytes_to_free, target_bytes_to_claim);
int64_t bytes_freed = 0;
// If the caller is acquiring the lock, just lock for the whole method.
// Otherwise lazily acquire the lock the first time we find some memory
// to free.
std::unique_lock<SpinLock> al(lock_, std::defer_lock_t());
if (arena_lock != nullptr) al.lock();
vector<BufferHandle> buffers;
// Search from largest to smallest to avoid freeing many small buffers unless
// necessary.
for (int i = NumBufferSizes() - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
PerSizeLists* lists = &buffer_sizes_[i];
// Check before acquiring lock to avoid expensive lock acquisition and make scanning
// empty lists much cheaper.
if (lists->num_free_buffers.Load() == 0 && lists->num_clean_pages.Load() == 0) {
if (!al.owns_lock()) al.lock();
FreeList* free_buffers = &lists->free_buffers;
InternalList<Page>* clean_pages = &lists->clean_pages;
DCHECK_EQ(lists->num_free_buffers.Load(), free_buffers->Size());
DCHECK_EQ(lists->num_clean_pages.Load(), clean_pages->size());
// Figure out how many of the buffers in the free list we should free.
DCHECK_GT(target_bytes_to_free, bytes_freed);
const int64_t buffer_len = 1L << (i + parent_->log_min_buffer_len_);
int64_t buffers_to_free = min(free_buffers->Size(),
BitUtil::Ceil(target_bytes_to_free - bytes_freed, buffer_len));
int64_t buffer_bytes_to_free = buffers_to_free * buffer_len;
// Evict clean pages by moving their buffers to the free page list before freeing
// them. This ensures that they are freed based on memory address in the expected
// order.
int num_pages_evicted = 0;
int64_t page_bytes_evicted = 0;
while (bytes_freed + buffer_bytes_to_free < target_bytes_to_free) {
Page* page = clean_pages->Dequeue();
if (page == nullptr) break;
BufferHandle page_buffer;
lock_guard<SpinLock> pl(page->buffer_lock);
page_buffer = move(page->buffer);
buffer_bytes_to_free += page_buffer.len();
page_bytes_evicted += page_buffer.len();
if (buffers_to_free > 0) {
int64_t buffer_bytes_freed =
DCHECK_EQ(buffer_bytes_to_free, buffer_bytes_freed);
bytes_freed += buffer_bytes_to_free;
lists->low_water_mark = min<int>(lists->low_water_mark, free_buffers->Size());
if (bytes_freed >= target_bytes_to_free) break;
// Should have cleared out all lists if we don't have enough memory at this point.
DCHECK_EQ(0, free_buffers->Size());
DCHECK_EQ(0, clean_pages->size());
int64_t bytes_claimed = min(bytes_freed, target_bytes_to_claim);
if (bytes_freed > bytes_claimed) {
// Add back the extra for other threads before releasing the lock to avoid race
// where the other thread may not be able to find enough buffers.
parent_->system_bytes_remaining_.Add(bytes_freed - bytes_claimed);
if (arena_lock != nullptr) *arena_lock = move(al);
return make_pair(bytes_freed, bytes_claimed);
void BufferPool::FreeBufferArena::AddCleanPage(Page* page) {
bool eviction_needed = DecreaseBytesRemaining(
page->len, true, &parent_->clean_page_bytes_remaining_) == 0;
lock_guard<SpinLock> al(lock_);
PerSizeLists* lists = GetListsForSize(page->len);
DCHECK_EQ(lists->num_clean_pages.Load(), lists->clean_pages.size());
if (eviction_needed) {
if (lists->clean_pages.empty()) {
// No other pages to evict, must evict 'page' instead of adding it.
} else {
// Evict an older page (FIFO eviction) to make space for this one.
Page* page_to_evict = lists->clean_pages.Dequeue();
BufferHandle page_to_evict_buffer;
lock_guard<SpinLock> pl(page_to_evict->buffer_lock);
page_to_evict_buffer = move(page_to_evict->buffer);
} else {
void BufferPool::FreeBufferArena::Maintenance() {
lock_guard<SpinLock> al(lock_);
for (int i = 0; i < NumBufferSizes(); ++i) {
PerSizeLists* lists = &buffer_sizes_[i];
DCHECK_LE(lists->low_water_mark, lists->free_buffers.Size());
if (lists->low_water_mark != 0) {
// We haven't needed the buffers below the low water mark since the previous
// Maintenance() call. Discard half of them to free up memory. By always discarding
// at least one, we guarantee that an idle list will shrink to zero entries.
int num_to_free = max(1, lists->low_water_mark / 2);
lists->low_water_mark = lists->free_buffers.Size();
int BufferPool::FreeBufferArena::GetFreeListSize(int64_t len) {
lock_guard<SpinLock> al(lock_);
PerSizeLists* lists = GetListsForSize(len);
DCHECK_EQ(lists->num_free_buffers.Load(), lists->free_buffers.Size());
return lists->free_buffers.Size();
int64_t BufferPool::FreeBufferArena::SumOverSizes(
std::function<int64_t(PerSizeLists* lists, int64_t buffer_size)> compute_fn) {
int64_t total = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < NumBufferSizes(); ++i) {
int64_t buffer_size = (1L << i) * parent_->min_buffer_len_;
total += compute_fn(&buffer_sizes_[i], buffer_size);
return total;
int64_t BufferPool::FreeBufferArena::GetNumFreeBuffers() {
return SumOverSizes([](PerSizeLists* lists, int64_t buffer_size) {
return lists->num_free_buffers.Load();
int64_t BufferPool::FreeBufferArena::GetFreeBufferBytes() {
return SumOverSizes([](PerSizeLists* lists, int64_t buffer_size) {
return lists->num_free_buffers.Load() * buffer_size;
int64_t BufferPool::FreeBufferArena::GetNumCleanPages() {
return SumOverSizes([](PerSizeLists* lists, int64_t buffer_size) {
return lists->num_clean_pages.Load();
string BufferPool::FreeBufferArena::DebugString() {
lock_guard<SpinLock> al(lock_);
stringstream ss;
ss << "<FreeBufferArena> " << this << "\n";
for (int i = 0; i < NumBufferSizes(); ++i) {
int64_t buffer_len = 1L << (parent_->log_min_buffer_len_ + i);
PerSizeLists& lists = buffer_sizes_[i];
ss << " " << PrettyPrinter::PrintBytes(buffer_len) << ":"
<< " free buffers: " << lists.num_free_buffers.Load()
<< " low water mark: " << lists.low_water_mark
<< " clean pages: " << lists.num_clean_pages.Load() << " ";
lists.clean_pages.Iterate(bind<bool>(Page::DebugStringCallback, &ss, _1));
ss << "\n";
return ss.str();