blob: 1b79be1c87e431d4312718b4842ea942df442484 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
#include "runtime/descriptors.h"
#include "runtime/row-batch.h"
#include "runtime/tuple-row.h"
namespace impala {
/// Helper struct that holds a batch of tuples allocated from a mem pool, as well
/// as state associated with iterating over its tuples and transferring
/// them to an output batch in TransferScratchTuples().
struct ScratchTupleBatch {
// Memory for the fixed-length parts of the batch of tuples. Allocated from
// 'tuple_mem_pool'. Set to NULL when transferred to an output batch.
uint8_t* tuple_mem = nullptr;
// Number of tuples that can be stored in 'tuple_mem'.
int capacity;
// Keeps track of the current tuple index.
int tuple_idx = 0;
// Number of valid tuples in tuple_mem.
int num_tuples = 0;
// Number of tuples transferred to output batches (i.e. not filtered by predicates).
// num_tuples_transferred > 0 before a call to FinalizeTupleTransfer() implies that
// tuples from the current scratch batch were transferred to a previous output batch.
int num_tuples_transferred = 0;
// Bytes of fixed-length data per tuple.
const int tuple_byte_size;
// Pool used to allocate 'tuple_mem' and nothing else.
MemPool tuple_mem_pool;
// Pool used to accumulate other memory that may be referenced by var-len slots in this
// batch, e.g. decompression buffers, allocations for var-len strings and allocations
// for nested arrays. This memory may be referenced by previous batches or the current
// batch, but not by future batches. E.g. a decompression buffer can be safely attached
// only once all values referencing that buffer have been materialized into the batch.
MemPool aux_mem_pool;
// Tuples transferred to an output row batch are compacted if
// (# tuples materialized / # tuples returned) exceeds this number. Chosen so that the
// cost of copying the tuples should be very small in relation to the original cost of
// materialising them.
const RowDescriptor& row_desc, int batch_size, MemTracker* mem_tracker)
: capacity(batch_size),
aux_mem_pool(mem_tracker) {
DCHECK_EQ(row_desc.tuple_descriptors().size(), 1);
Status Reset(RuntimeState* state) {
tuple_idx = 0;
num_tuples = 0;
num_tuples_transferred = 0;
if (tuple_mem == nullptr) {
int64_t dummy;
state, &tuple_mem_pool, tuple_byte_size, &capacity, &dummy, &tuple_mem));
return Status::OK();
/// Release all memory in the MemPools. If 'dst_pool' is non-NULL, transfers it to
/// 'dst_pool'. Otherwise frees the memory.
void ReleaseResources(MemPool* dst_pool) {
if (dst_pool == nullptr) {
} else {
dst_pool->AcquireData(&tuple_mem_pool, false);
dst_pool->AcquireData(&aux_mem_pool, false);
tuple_mem = nullptr;
/// Finalize transfer of 'num_to_commit' tuples to 'dst_batch' and transfer memory to
/// 'dst_batch' if at the end of 'scratch_batch'. The tuples must not yet be
/// committed to 'dst_batch'. Only needs to be called when materialising non-empty
/// tuples.
void FinalizeTupleTransfer(RowBatch* dst_batch, int num_to_commit) {
DCHECK_GE(num_to_commit, 0);
DCHECK_LE(dst_batch->num_rows() + num_to_commit, dst_batch->capacity());
DCHECK_LE(num_tuples_transferred + num_to_commit, num_tuples);
DCHECK(tuple_mem != nullptr);
num_tuples_transferred += num_to_commit;
if (!AtEnd()) return;
// We're at the end of the scratch batch. Transfer memory that may be referenced by
// transferred tuples or that we can't reuse to 'dst_batch'.
// Future tuples won't reference data in 'aux_mem_pool' - always transfer so that
// we don't accumulate unneeded memory in the scratch batch.
dst_batch->tuple_data_pool()->AcquireData(&aux_mem_pool, false);
// Try to avoid the transfer of 'tuple_mem' for selective scans by compacting the
// output batch. This avoids excessive allocation and transfer of memory, which
// can lead to performance problems like IMPALA-4923.
// Compaction is unsafe if the scratch batch was split across multiple output batches
// because the batch we returned earlier may hold a reference into 'tuple_mem'.
if (num_tuples_transferred > num_to_commit
|| num_tuples_transferred * MIN_SELECTIVITY_TO_COMPACT > num_tuples
|| !TryCompact(dst_batch, num_to_commit)) {
// Didn't compact - rows in 'dst_batch' reference 'tuple_mem'.
dst_batch->tuple_data_pool()->AcquireData(&tuple_mem_pool, false);
tuple_mem = nullptr;
/// Try to compact 'num_uncommitted_tuples' uncommitted tuples that were added to
/// the end of 'dst_batch' by copying them to memory allocated from
/// dst_batch->tuple_data_pool(). Returns true on success or false if the memory
/// could not be allocated.
bool TryCompact(RowBatch* dst_batch, int num_uncommitted_tuples) {
DCHECK_LE(dst_batch->num_rows() + num_uncommitted_tuples, dst_batch->capacity());
// Copy rows that reference 'tuple_mem' into a new small buffer. This code handles
// the case where num_uncommitted_tuples == 0, since TryAllocate() returns a non-null
// pointer.
int64_t dst_bytes = num_uncommitted_tuples * static_cast<int64_t>(tuple_byte_size);
uint8_t* dst_buffer = dst_batch->tuple_data_pool()->TryAllocate(dst_bytes);
if (dst_buffer == nullptr) return false;
const int end_row = dst_batch->num_rows() + num_uncommitted_tuples;
for (int i = dst_batch->num_rows(); i < end_row; ++i) {
TupleRow* row = dst_batch->GetRow(i);
Tuple* uncompacted_tuple = row->GetTuple(0);
DCHECK_GE(reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(uncompacted_tuple), tuple_mem);
tuple_mem + tuple_byte_size * capacity);
row->SetTuple(0, reinterpret_cast<Tuple*>(dst_buffer));
memcpy(dst_buffer, uncompacted_tuple, tuple_byte_size);
dst_buffer += tuple_byte_size;
return true;
Tuple* GetTuple(int tuple_idx) const {
return reinterpret_cast<Tuple*>(tuple_mem + tuple_idx * tuple_byte_size);
uint8_t* CurrTuple() const { return tuple_mem + tuple_idx * tuple_byte_size; }
uint8_t* TupleEnd() const { return tuple_mem + num_tuples * tuple_byte_size; }
bool AtEnd() const { return tuple_idx == num_tuples; }
int64_t total_allocated_bytes() const {
return tuple_mem_pool.total_allocated_bytes() + aux_mem_pool.total_allocated_bytes();