blob: 0a74f343940c63fdb51937251e60cb12ed4dab23 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
#include "exec/parquet/hdfs-parquet-scanner.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <queue>
#include <stack>
#include <gflags/gflags.h>
#include <gutil/strings/substitute.h>
#include "codegen/codegen-anyval.h"
#include "exec/hdfs-scan-node.h"
#include "exec/parquet/parquet-collection-column-reader.h"
#include "exec/parquet/parquet-column-readers.h"
#include "exec/scanner-context.inline.h"
#include "rpc/thrift-util.h"
#include "runtime/collection-value-builder.h"
#include "runtime/exec-env.h"
#include "runtime/io/disk-io-mgr.h"
#include "runtime/io/request-context.h"
#include "runtime/runtime-filter.inline.h"
#include "runtime/runtime-state.h"
#include "util/dict-encoding.h"
#include "util/pretty-printer.h"
#include "util/scope-exit-trigger.h"
#include "common/names.h"
using std::move;
using std::sort;
using namespace impala;
using namespace impala::io;
// Max entries in the dictionary before switching to PLAIN encoding. If a dictionary
// has fewer entries, then the entire column is dictionary encoded. This threshold
// is guaranteed to be true for Impala versions 2.9 or below.
const char* HdfsParquetScanner::LLVM_CLASS_NAME = "class.impala::HdfsParquetScanner";
static const string PARQUET_MEM_LIMIT_EXCEEDED =
"HdfsParquetScanner::$0() failed to allocate $1 bytes for $2.";
namespace impala {
static const string IDEAL_RESERVATION_COUNTER_NAME = "ParquetRowGroupIdealReservation";
static const string ACTUAL_RESERVATION_COUNTER_NAME = "ParquetRowGroupActualReservation";
Status HdfsParquetScanner::IssueInitialRanges(HdfsScanNodeBase* scan_node,
const vector<HdfsFileDesc*>& files) {
// Add Parquet-specific counters.
scan_node->runtime_profile(), IDEAL_RESERVATION_COUNTER_NAME, TUnit::BYTES);
scan_node->runtime_profile(), ACTUAL_RESERVATION_COUNTER_NAME, TUnit::BYTES);
for (HdfsFileDesc* file : files) {
// If the file size is less than 12 bytes, it is an invalid Parquet file.
if (file->file_length < 12) {
return Status(Substitute("Parquet file $0 has an invalid file length: $1",
file->filename, file->file_length));
return IssueFooterRanges(scan_node, THdfsFileFormat::PARQUET, files);
HdfsParquetScanner::HdfsParquetScanner(HdfsScanNodeBase* scan_node, RuntimeState* state)
: HdfsScanner(scan_node, state),
scratch_batch_(new ScratchTupleBatch(
*scan_node->row_desc(), state_->batch_size(), scan_node->mem_tracker())),
dictionary_pool_(new MemPool(scan_node->mem_tracker())),
page_index_(this) {
Status HdfsParquetScanner::Open(ScannerContext* context) {
metadata_range_ = stream_->scan_range();
num_cols_counter_ =
ADD_COUNTER(scan_node_->runtime_profile(), "NumColumns", TUnit::UNIT);
num_stats_filtered_row_groups_counter_ =
ADD_COUNTER(scan_node_->runtime_profile(), "NumStatsFilteredRowGroups",
num_row_groups_counter_ =
ADD_COUNTER(scan_node_->runtime_profile(), "NumRowGroups", TUnit::UNIT);
num_row_groups_with_page_index_counter_ =
ADD_COUNTER(scan_node_->runtime_profile(), "NumRowGroupsWithPageIndex",
num_stats_filtered_pages_counter_ =
ADD_COUNTER(scan_node_->runtime_profile(), "NumStatsFilteredPages", TUnit::UNIT);
num_pages_counter_ =
ADD_COUNTER(scan_node_->runtime_profile(), "NumPages", TUnit::UNIT);
num_scanners_with_no_reads_counter_ =
ADD_COUNTER(scan_node_->runtime_profile(), "NumScannersWithNoReads", TUnit::UNIT);
num_dict_filtered_row_groups_counter_ =
ADD_COUNTER(scan_node_->runtime_profile(), "NumDictFilteredRowGroups", TUnit::UNIT);
process_footer_timer_stats_ =
ADD_SUMMARY_STATS_TIMER(scan_node_->runtime_profile(), "FooterProcessingTime");
parquet_compressed_page_size_counter_ = ADD_SUMMARY_STATS_COUNTER(
scan_node_->runtime_profile(), "ParquetCompressedPageSize", TUnit::BYTES);
parquet_uncompressed_page_size_counter_ = ADD_SUMMARY_STATS_COUNTER(
scan_node_->runtime_profile(), "ParquetUncompressedPageSize", TUnit::BYTES);
process_page_index_stats_ =
ADD_SUMMARY_STATS_TIMER(scan_node_->runtime_profile(), "PageIndexProcessingTime");
codegend_process_scratch_batch_fn_ = reinterpret_cast<ProcessScratchBatchFn>(
if (codegend_process_scratch_batch_fn_ == nullptr) {
} else {
perm_pool_.reset(new MemPool(scan_node_->mem_tracker()));
// Allocate tuple buffer to evaluate conjuncts on parquet::Statistics.
const TupleDescriptor* min_max_tuple_desc = scan_node_->min_max_tuple_desc();
if (min_max_tuple_desc != nullptr) {
int64_t tuple_size = min_max_tuple_desc->byte_size();
uint8_t* buffer = perm_pool_->TryAllocate(tuple_size);
if (buffer == nullptr) {
string details = Substitute("Could not allocate buffer of $0 bytes for Parquet "
"statistics tuple for file '$1'.", tuple_size, filename());
return scan_node_->mem_tracker()->MemLimitExceeded(state_, details, tuple_size);
min_max_tuple_ = reinterpret_cast<Tuple*>(buffer);
// Clone the min/max statistics conjuncts.
RETURN_IF_ERROR(ScalarExprEvaluator::Clone(&obj_pool_, state_,
expr_perm_pool_.get(), context_->expr_results_pool(),
scan_node_->min_max_conjunct_evals(), &min_max_conjunct_evals_));
for (int i = 0; i < context->filter_ctxs().size(); ++i) {
const FilterContext* ctx = &context->filter_ctxs()[i];
DCHECK(ctx->filter != nullptr);
DCHECK(parse_status_.ok()) << "Invalid parse_status_" << parse_status_.GetDetail();
// Each scan node can process multiple splits. Each split processes the footer once.
// We use a timer to measure the time taken to ProcessFooter() per split and add
// this time to the averaged timer.
MonotonicStopWatch single_footer_process_timer;
// First process the file metadata in the footer.
Status footer_status = ProcessFooter();
// Release I/O buffers immediately to make sure they are cleaned up
// in case we return a non-OK status anywhere below.
stream_ = nullptr;
// Parse the file schema into an internal representation for schema resolution.
schema_resolver_.reset(new ParquetSchemaResolver(*scan_node_->hdfs_table(),
RETURN_IF_ERROR(schema_resolver_->Init(&file_metadata_, filename()));
// We've processed the metadata and there are columns that need to be materialized.
*scan_node_->tuple_desc(), *schema_resolver_, &column_readers_));
// Set top-level template tuple.
template_tuple_ = template_tuple_map_[scan_node_->tuple_desc()];
return Status::OK();
void HdfsParquetScanner::Close(RowBatch* row_batch) {
if (row_batch != nullptr) {
row_batch->tuple_data_pool()->AcquireData(template_tuple_pool_.get(), false);
if (scan_node_->HasRowBatchQueue()) {
} else {
for (ParquetColumnReader* col_reader : column_readers_) col_reader->Close(nullptr);
// The scratch batch may still contain tuple data. We can get into this case if
// Open() fails or if the query is cancelled.
if (perm_pool_ != nullptr) {
// Verify all resources (if any) have been transferred.
DCHECK_EQ(template_tuple_pool_->total_allocated_bytes(), 0);
DCHECK_EQ(dictionary_pool_->total_allocated_bytes(), 0);
DCHECK_EQ(scratch_batch_->total_allocated_bytes(), 0);
// Collect compression types for reporting completed ranges.
vector<THdfsCompression::type> compression_types;
stack<ParquetColumnReader*> readers;
for (ParquetColumnReader* r: column_readers_) readers.push(r);
while (!readers.empty()) {
ParquetColumnReader* reader =;
if (reader->IsCollectionReader()) {
CollectionColumnReader* coll_reader = static_cast<CollectionColumnReader*>(reader);
for (ParquetColumnReader* r: *coll_reader->children()) readers.push(r);
BaseScalarColumnReader* scalar_reader = static_cast<BaseScalarColumnReader*>(reader);
// If this was a metadata only read (i.e. count(*)), there are no columns.
if (compression_types.empty()) {
scan_node_->RangeComplete(THdfsFileFormat::PARQUET, compression_types, true);
} else {
scan_node_->RangeComplete(THdfsFileFormat::PARQUET, compression_types);
if (schema_resolver_.get() != nullptr) schema_resolver_.reset();
ScalarExprEvaluator::Close(min_max_conjunct_evals_, state_);
for (int i = 0; i < filter_ctxs_.size(); ++i) {
const FilterStats* stats = filter_ctxs_[i]->stats;
const LocalFilterStats& local = filter_stats_[i];
stats->IncrCounters(FilterStats::ROWS_KEY, local.total_possible,
local.considered, local.rejected);
// Get the start of the column.
static int64_t GetColumnStartOffset(const parquet::ColumnMetaData& column) {
if (column.__isset.dictionary_page_offset) {
DCHECK_LT(column.dictionary_page_offset, column.data_page_offset);
return column.dictionary_page_offset;
return column.data_page_offset;
// Get the file offset of the middle of the row group.
static int64_t GetRowGroupMidOffset(const parquet::RowGroup& row_group) {
int64_t start_offset = GetColumnStartOffset(row_group.columns[0].meta_data);
const parquet::ColumnMetaData& last_column =
row_group.columns[row_group.columns.size() - 1].meta_data;
int64_t end_offset =
GetColumnStartOffset(last_column) + last_column.total_compressed_size;
return start_offset + (end_offset - start_offset) / 2;
// Returns true if 'row_group' overlaps with 'split_range'.
static bool CheckRowGroupOverlapsSplit(const parquet::RowGroup& row_group,
const ScanRange* split_range) {
int64_t row_group_start = GetColumnStartOffset(row_group.columns[0].meta_data);
const parquet::ColumnMetaData& last_column =
row_group.columns[row_group.columns.size() - 1].meta_data;
int64_t row_group_end =
GetColumnStartOffset(last_column) + last_column.total_compressed_size;
int64_t split_start = split_range->offset();
int64_t split_end = split_start + split_range->len();
return (split_start >= row_group_start && split_start < row_group_end) ||
(split_end > row_group_start && split_end <= row_group_end) ||
(split_start <= row_group_start && split_end >= row_group_end);
int HdfsParquetScanner::CountScalarColumns(
const vector<ParquetColumnReader*>& column_readers) {
DCHECK(!column_readers.empty() || scan_node_->optimize_parquet_count_star());
int num_columns = 0;
stack<ParquetColumnReader*> readers;
for (ParquetColumnReader* r: column_readers_) readers.push(r);
while (!readers.empty()) {
ParquetColumnReader* col_reader =;
if (col_reader->IsCollectionReader()) {
CollectionColumnReader* collection_reader =
for (ParquetColumnReader* r: *collection_reader->children()) readers.push(r);
return num_columns;
Status HdfsParquetScanner::ProcessSplit() {
HdfsScanNode* scan_node = static_cast<HdfsScanNode*>(scan_node_);
do {
if (FilterContext::CheckForAlwaysFalse(FilterStats::SPLITS_KEY,
context_->filter_ctxs())) {
eos_ = true;
unique_ptr<RowBatch> batch = make_unique<RowBatch>(scan_node_->row_desc(),
state_->batch_size(), scan_node_->mem_tracker());
Status status = GetNextInternal(batch.get());
// Always add batch to the queue because it may contain data referenced by previously
// appended batches.
if ((row_batches_produced_ & (BATCHES_PER_FILTER_SELECTIVITY_CHECK - 1)) == 0) {
} while (!eos_ && !scan_node_->ReachedLimitShared());
return Status::OK();
Status HdfsParquetScanner::GetNextInternal(RowBatch* row_batch) {
DCHECK(parse_status_.ok()) << parse_status_.GetDetail();
if (scan_node_->optimize_parquet_count_star()) {
// Populate the single slot with the Parquet num rows statistic.
int64_t tuple_buf_size;
uint8_t* tuple_buf;
// We try to allocate a smaller row batch here because in most cases the number row
// groups in a file is much lower than the default row batch capacity.
int capacity = min(
static_cast<int>(file_metadata_.row_groups.size()), row_batch->capacity());
row_batch->tuple_data_pool(), row_batch->row_desc()->GetRowSize(),
&capacity, &tuple_buf_size, &tuple_buf));
while (!row_batch->AtCapacity()) {
DCHECK_LE(row_group_idx_, file_metadata_.row_groups.size());
DCHECK_LE(row_group_rows_read_, file_metadata_.num_rows);
if (row_group_idx_ == file_metadata_.row_groups.size()) break;
Tuple* dst_tuple = reinterpret_cast<Tuple*>(tuple_buf);
TupleRow* dst_row = row_batch->GetRow(row_batch->AddRow());
InitTuple(template_tuple_, dst_tuple);
int64_t* dst_slot =
*dst_slot = file_metadata_.row_groups[row_group_idx_].num_rows;
row_group_rows_read_ += *dst_slot;
dst_row->SetTuple(0, dst_tuple);
tuple_buf += scan_node_->tuple_desc()->byte_size();
eos_ = row_group_idx_ == file_metadata_.row_groups.size();
return Status::OK();
} else if (scan_node_->IsZeroSlotTableScan()) {
// There are no materialized slots and we are not optimizing count(*), e.g.
// "select 1 from alltypes". We can serve this query from just the file metadata.
// We don't need to read the column data.
if (row_group_rows_read_ == file_metadata_.num_rows) {
eos_ = true;
return Status::OK();
DCHECK_LE(row_group_rows_read_, file_metadata_.num_rows);
int64_t rows_remaining = file_metadata_.num_rows - row_group_rows_read_;
int max_tuples = min<int64_t>(row_batch->capacity(), rows_remaining);
TupleRow* current_row = row_batch->GetRow(row_batch->AddRow());
int num_to_commit = WriteTemplateTuples(current_row, max_tuples);
Status status = CommitRows(row_batch, num_to_commit);
row_group_rows_read_ += max_tuples;
COUNTER_ADD(scan_node_->rows_read_counter(), max_tuples);
return Status::OK();
// Transfer remaining tuples from the scratch batch.
if (!scratch_batch_->AtEnd()) {
int num_row_to_commit = TransferScratchTuples(row_batch);
RETURN_IF_ERROR(CommitRows(row_batch, num_row_to_commit));
if (row_batch->AtCapacity()) return Status::OK();
while (advance_row_group_ || column_readers_[0]->RowGroupAtEnd()) {
// Transfer resources and clear streams if there is any leftover from the previous
// row group. We will create new streams for the next row group.
if (!advance_row_group_) {
Status status =
ValidateEndOfRowGroup(column_readers_, row_group_idx_, row_group_rows_read_);
if (!status.ok()) RETURN_IF_ERROR(state_->LogOrReturnError(status.msg()));
DCHECK_LE(row_group_idx_, file_metadata_.row_groups.size());
if (row_group_idx_ == file_metadata_.row_groups.size()) {
eos_ = true;
return Status::OK();
// Apply any runtime filters to static tuples containing the partition keys for this
// partition. If any filter fails, we return immediately and stop processing this
// scan range.
if (!scan_node_->PartitionPassesFilters(context_->partition_descriptor()->id(),
FilterStats::ROW_GROUPS_KEY, context_->filter_ctxs())) {
eos_ = true;
return Status::OK();
Status status = AssembleRows(column_readers_, row_batch, &advance_row_group_);
if (!parse_status_.ok()) {
parse_status_ = Status::OK();
return Status::OK();
Status HdfsParquetScanner::EvaluateStatsConjuncts(
const parquet::FileMetaData& file_metadata, const parquet::RowGroup& row_group,
bool* skip_row_group) {
*skip_row_group = false;
if (!state_->query_options().parquet_read_statistics) return Status::OK();
const TupleDescriptor* min_max_tuple_desc = scan_node_->min_max_tuple_desc();
if (!min_max_tuple_desc) return Status::OK();
int64_t tuple_size = min_max_tuple_desc->byte_size();
DCHECK(min_max_tuple_ != nullptr);
DCHECK_EQ(min_max_tuple_desc->slots().size(), min_max_conjunct_evals_.size());
for (int i = 0; i < min_max_conjunct_evals_.size(); ++i) {
SlotDescriptor* slot_desc = min_max_tuple_desc->slots()[i];
ScalarExprEvaluator* eval = min_max_conjunct_evals_[i];
// Resolve column path to determine col idx.
SchemaNode* node = nullptr;
bool pos_field;
bool missing_field;
&node, &pos_field, &missing_field));
if (missing_field) {
// We are selecting a column that is not in the file. We would set its slot to NULL
// during the scan, so any predicate would evaluate to false. Return early. NULL
// comparisons cannot happen here, since predicates with NULL literals are filtered
// in the frontend.
*skip_row_group = true;
if (pos_field) {
// The planner should not send predicates with 'pos' for stats filtering to the BE.
// In case there is a bug, we return an error, which will abort the query.
stringstream err;
err << "Statistics not supported for pos fields: " << slot_desc->DebugString();
DCHECK(false) << err.str();
return Status(err.str());
int col_idx = node->col_idx;
DCHECK_LT(col_idx, row_group.columns.size());
const vector<parquet::ColumnOrder>& col_orders = file_metadata.column_orders;
const parquet::ColumnOrder* col_order = col_idx < col_orders.size() ?
&col_orders[col_idx] : nullptr;
const parquet::ColumnChunk& col_chunk = row_group.columns[col_idx];
const ColumnType& col_type = slot_desc->type();
DCHECK(node->element != nullptr);
ColumnStatsReader stat_reader = CreateColumnStatsReader(col_chunk, col_type,
col_order, *node->element);
int64_t null_count = 0;
bool null_count_result = stat_reader.ReadNullCountStat(&null_count);
if (null_count_result && null_count == col_chunk.meta_data.num_values) {
*skip_row_group = true;
const string& fn_name = eval->root().function_name();
ColumnStatsReader::StatsField stats_field;
if (!ColumnStatsReader::GetRequiredStatsField(fn_name, &stats_field)) continue;
void* slot = min_max_tuple_->GetSlot(slot_desc->tuple_offset());
bool stats_read = stat_reader.ReadFromThrift(stats_field, slot);
if (stats_read) {
TupleRow row;
row.SetTuple(0, min_max_tuple_);
if (!ExecNode::EvalPredicate(eval, &row)) {
*skip_row_group = true;
// Free any expr result allocations accumulated during conjunct evaluation.
return Status::OK();
Status HdfsParquetScanner::NextRowGroup() {
const ScanRange* split_range = static_cast<ScanRangeMetadata*>(
int64_t split_offset = split_range->offset();
int64_t split_length = split_range->len();
HdfsFileDesc* file_desc = scan_node_->GetFileDesc(
context_->partition_descriptor()->id(), filename());
bool start_with_first_row_group = row_group_idx_ == -1;
bool misaligned_row_group_skipped = false;
advance_row_group_ = false;
row_group_rows_read_ = 0;
// Loop until we have found a non-empty row group, and successfully initialized and
// seeded the column readers. Return a non-OK status from within loop only if the error
// is non-recoverable, otherwise log the error and continue with the next row group.
while (true) {
// Reset the parse status for the next row group.
parse_status_ = Status::OK();
// Make sure that we don't have leftover resources from the file metadata scan range
// or previous row groups.
DCHECK_EQ(0, context_->NumStreams());
if (row_group_idx_ >= file_metadata_.row_groups.size()) {
if (start_with_first_row_group && misaligned_row_group_skipped) {
// We started with the first row group and skipped all the row groups because
// they were misaligned. The execution flow won't reach this point if there is at
// least one non-empty row group which this scanner can process.
COUNTER_ADD(num_scanners_with_no_reads_counter_, 1);
const parquet::RowGroup& row_group = file_metadata_.row_groups[row_group_idx_];
// Also check 'file_metadata_.num_rows' to make sure 'select count(*)' and 'select *'
// behave consistently for corrupt files that have 'file_metadata_.num_rows == 0'
// but some data in row groups.
if (row_group.num_rows == 0 || file_metadata_.num_rows == 0) continue;
file_desc->filename, file_desc->file_length, row_group));
// A row group is processed by the scanner whose split overlaps with the row
// group's mid point.
int64_t row_group_mid_pos = GetRowGroupMidOffset(row_group);
if (!(row_group_mid_pos >= split_offset &&
row_group_mid_pos < split_offset + split_length)) {
// The mid-point does not fall within the split, this row group will be handled by a
// different scanner.
// If the row group overlaps with the split, we found a misaligned row group.
misaligned_row_group_skipped |= CheckRowGroupOverlapsSplit(row_group, split_range);
COUNTER_ADD(num_row_groups_counter_, 1);
if (!row_group.columns.empty() &&
row_group.columns.front().__isset.offset_index_offset) {
COUNTER_ADD(num_row_groups_with_page_index_counter_, 1);
// Evaluate row group statistics.
bool skip_row_group_on_stats;
EvaluateStatsConjuncts(file_metadata_, row_group, &skip_row_group_on_stats));
if (skip_row_group_on_stats) {
COUNTER_ADD(num_stats_filtered_row_groups_counter_, 1);
// Evaluate page index.
if (!min_max_conjunct_evals_.empty() &&
state_->query_options().parquet_read_page_index) {
bool filter_pages;
Status page_index_status = ProcessPageIndex(&filter_pages);
if (!page_index_status.ok()) {
if (filter_pages && candidate_ranges_.empty()) {
// Page level statistics filtered the whole row group. It can happen when there
// is a gap in the data between the pages and the user's predicate hit that gap.
// E.g. column chunk 'A' has two pages with statistics {min: 0, max: 5},
// {min: 10, max: 20}, and query is 'select * from T where A = 8'.
// It can also happen when there are predicates against different columns, and
// the passing row ranges of the predicates don't have a common subset.
COUNTER_ADD(num_stats_filtered_row_groups_counter_, 1);
// Start scanning dictionary filtering column readers, so we can read the dictionary
// pages in EvalDictionaryFilters().
// StartScans() may have allocated resources to scan columns. If we skip this row
// group below, we must call ReleaseSkippedRowGroupResources() before continuing.
// If there is a dictionary-encoded column where every value is eliminated
// by a conjunct, the row group can be eliminated. This initializes dictionaries
// for all columns visited.
bool skip_row_group_on_dict_filters;
Status status = EvalDictionaryFilters(row_group, &skip_row_group_on_dict_filters);
if (!status.ok()) {
// Either return an error or skip this row group if it is ok to ignore errors
if (skip_row_group_on_dict_filters) {
COUNTER_ADD(num_dict_filtered_row_groups_counter_, 1);
// At this point, the row group has passed any filtering criteria
// Start scanning non-dictionary filtering column readers and initialize their
// dictionaries.
status = BaseScalarColumnReader::InitDictionaries(non_dict_filterable_readers_);
if (!status.ok()) {
// Either return an error or skip this row group if it is ok to ignore errors
DCHECK(parse_status_.ok()) << "Invalid parse_status_" << parse_status_.GetDetail();
return Status::OK();
bool HdfsParquetScanner::ReadStatFromIndex(const ColumnStatsReader& stats_reader,
const parquet::ColumnIndex& column_index, int page_idx,
ColumnStatsReader::StatsField stats_field, bool* is_null_page, void* slot) {
*is_null_page = column_index.null_pages[page_idx];
if (*is_null_page) return false;
switch (stats_field) {
case ColumnStatsReader::StatsField::MIN:
return stats_reader.ReadFromString(
stats_field, column_index.min_values[page_idx], slot);
case ColumnStatsReader::StatsField::MAX:
return stats_reader.ReadFromString(
stats_field, column_index.max_values[page_idx], slot);
return false;
Status HdfsParquetScanner::ProcessPageIndex(bool* filter_pages) {
MonotonicStopWatch single_process_page_index_timer;
*filter_pages = false;
for (auto& scalar_reader : scalar_readers_) scalar_reader->ResetPageFiltering();
if (page_index_.IsEmpty()) return Status::OK();
// We can release the raw page index buffer when we exit this function.
const auto scope_exit = MakeScopeExitTrigger([this](){page_index_.Release();});
return Status::OK();
Status HdfsParquetScanner::EvaluatePageIndex(bool* filter_pages) {
parquet::RowGroup& row_group = file_metadata_.row_groups[row_group_idx_];
vector<RowRange> skip_ranges;
for (int i = 0; i < min_max_conjunct_evals_.size(); ++i) {
ScalarExprEvaluator* eval = min_max_conjunct_evals_[i];
SlotDescriptor* slot_desc = scan_node_->min_max_tuple_desc()->slots()[i];
// Resolve column path to determine col idx.
SchemaNode* node = nullptr;
bool pos_field, missing_field;
RETURN_IF_ERROR(schema_resolver_->ResolvePath(slot_desc->col_path(), &node,
&pos_field, &missing_field));
if (pos_field || missing_field) continue;
int col_idx = node->col_idx;
DCHECK_LT(col_idx, row_group.columns.size());
const parquet::ColumnChunk& col_chunk = row_group.columns[col_idx];
if (col_chunk.column_index_length == 0) continue;
parquet::ColumnIndex column_index;
RETURN_IF_ERROR(page_index_.DeserializeColumnIndex(col_chunk, &column_index));
const ColumnType& col_type = slot_desc->type();
const vector<parquet::ColumnOrder>& col_orders = file_metadata_.column_orders;
const parquet::ColumnOrder* col_order = col_idx < col_orders.size() ?
&col_orders[col_idx] : nullptr;
ColumnStatsReader stats_reader = CreateColumnStatsReader(col_chunk, col_type,
col_order, *node->element);
void* slot = min_max_tuple_->GetSlot(slot_desc->tuple_offset());
const int num_of_pages = column_index.null_pages.size();
const string& fn_name = eval->root().function_name();
ColumnStatsReader::StatsField stats_field;
if (!ColumnStatsReader::GetRequiredStatsField(fn_name, &stats_field)) continue;
for (int page_idx = 0; page_idx < num_of_pages; ++page_idx) {
bool value_read, is_null_page;
value_read = ReadStatFromIndex(stats_reader, column_index, page_idx, stats_field,
&is_null_page, slot);
if (!is_null_page && !value_read) continue;
TupleRow row;
row.SetTuple(0, min_max_tuple_);
if (is_null_page || !ExecNode::EvalPredicate(eval, &row)) {
BaseScalarColumnReader* scalar_reader = scalar_reader_map_[col_idx];
RowRange row_range;
GetRowRangeForPage(row_group, scalar_reader->offset_index_, page_idx, &row_range);
if (skip_ranges.empty()) return Status::OK();
for (BaseScalarColumnReader* scalar_reader : scalar_readers_) {
const parquet::ColumnChunk& col_chunk = row_group.columns[scalar_reader->col_idx()];
if (col_chunk.offset_index_length > 0) {
parquet::OffsetIndex& offset_index = scalar_reader->offset_index_;
if (!offset_index.page_locations.empty()) continue;
RETURN_IF_ERROR(page_index_.DeserializeOffsetIndex(col_chunk, &offset_index));
} else {
// We can only filter pages based on the page index if we have the offset index
// for all columns.
return Status(Substitute("Found column index, but no offset index for '$0' in "
"file '$1'", scalar_reader->schema_element().name, filename()));
if (!ComputeCandidateRanges(row_group.num_rows, &skip_ranges, &candidate_ranges_)) {
return Status(Substitute("Invalid offset index in Parquet file $0.", filename()));
*filter_pages = true;
return Status::OK();
Status HdfsParquetScanner::ComputeCandidatePagesForColumns(bool* filter_pages) {
if (candidate_ranges_.empty()) return Status::OK();
parquet::RowGroup& row_group = file_metadata_.row_groups[row_group_idx_];
for (BaseScalarColumnReader* scalar_reader : scalar_readers_) {
const auto& page_locations = scalar_reader->offset_index_.page_locations;
if (!ComputeCandidatePages(page_locations, candidate_ranges_, row_group.num_rows,
&scalar_reader->candidate_data_pages_)) {
*filter_pages = false;
return Status(Substitute("Invalid offset index in Parquet file $0.", filename()));
for (BaseScalarColumnReader* scalar_reader : scalar_readers_) {
const auto& page_locations = scalar_reader->offset_index_.page_locations;
int total_page_count = page_locations.size();
int candidate_pages_count = scalar_reader->candidate_data_pages_.size();
total_page_count - candidate_pages_count);
COUNTER_ADD(num_pages_counter_, total_page_count);
return Status::OK();
void HdfsParquetScanner::FlushRowGroupResources(RowBatch* row_batch) {
DCHECK(row_batch != nullptr);
row_batch->tuple_data_pool()->AcquireData(dictionary_pool_.get(), false);
for (ParquetColumnReader* col_reader : column_readers_) col_reader->Close(row_batch);
void HdfsParquetScanner::ReleaseSkippedRowGroupResources() {
for (ParquetColumnReader* col_reader : column_readers_) col_reader->Close(nullptr);
bool HdfsParquetScanner::IsDictFilterable(BaseScalarColumnReader* col_reader) {
const SlotDescriptor* slot_desc = col_reader->slot_desc();
// Some queries do not need the column to be materialized, so slot_desc is NULL.
// For example, a count(*) with no predicates only needs to count records
// rather than materializing the values.
if (!slot_desc) return false;
// Does this column reader have any dictionary filter conjuncts?
auto dict_filter_it = dict_filter_map_.find(slot_desc->id());
if (dict_filter_it == dict_filter_map_.end()) return false;
// Certain datatypes (chars, timestamps) do not have the appropriate value in the
// file format and must be converted before return. This is true for the
// dictionary values, so skip these datatypes for now.
// TODO: The values should be converted during dictionary construction and stored
// in converted form in the dictionary.
if (col_reader->NeedsConversion()) return false;
// Certain datatypes (timestamps, date) need to validate the value, as certain bit
// combinations are not valid. The dictionary values are not validated, so skip
// these datatypes for now.
// TODO: This should be pushed into dictionary construction.
if (col_reader->NeedsValidation()) return false;
return true;
void HdfsParquetScanner::PartitionReaders(
const vector<ParquetColumnReader*>& readers, bool can_eval_dict_filters) {
for (auto* reader : readers) {
if (reader->IsCollectionReader()) {
CollectionColumnReader* col_reader = static_cast<CollectionColumnReader*>(reader);
PartitionReaders(*col_reader->children(), can_eval_dict_filters);
} else {
BaseScalarColumnReader* scalar_reader =
if (can_eval_dict_filters && IsDictFilterable(scalar_reader)) {
} else {
Status HdfsParquetScanner::InitDictFilterStructures() {
bool can_eval_dict_filters =
state_->query_options().parquet_dictionary_filtering && !dict_filter_map_.empty();
// Separate column readers into scalar and collection readers.
PartitionReaders(column_readers_, can_eval_dict_filters);
// Allocate tuple buffers for all tuple descriptors that are associated with conjuncts
// that can be dictionary filtered.
for (auto* col_reader : dict_filterable_readers_) {
const SlotDescriptor* slot_desc = col_reader->slot_desc();
const TupleDescriptor* tuple_desc = slot_desc->parent();
auto tuple_it = dict_filter_tuple_map_.find(tuple_desc);
if (tuple_it != dict_filter_tuple_map_.end()) continue;
int tuple_size = tuple_desc->byte_size();
if (tuple_size > 0) {
uint8_t* buffer = perm_pool_->TryAllocate(tuple_size);
if (buffer == nullptr) {
string details = Substitute(
PARQUET_MEM_LIMIT_EXCEEDED, "InitDictFilterStructures", tuple_size,
"Dictionary Filtering Tuple");
return scan_node_->mem_tracker()->MemLimitExceeded(state_, details, tuple_size);
dict_filter_tuple_map_[tuple_desc] = reinterpret_cast<Tuple*>(buffer);
return Status::OK();
bool HdfsParquetScanner::IsDictionaryEncoded(
const parquet::ColumnMetaData& col_metadata) {
// The Parquet spec allows for column chunks to have mixed encodings
// where some data pages are dictionary-encoded and others are plain
// encoded. For example, a Parquet file writer might start writing
// a column chunk as dictionary encoded, but it will switch to plain
// encoding if the dictionary grows too large.
// In order for dictionary filters to skip the entire row group,
// the conjuncts must be evaluated on column chunks that are entirely
// encoded with the dictionary encoding. There are two checks
// available to verify this:
// 1. The encoding_stats field on the column chunk metadata provides
// information about the number of data pages written in each
// format. This allows for a specific check of whether all the
// data pages are dictionary encoded.
// 2. The encodings field on the column chunk metadata lists the
// encodings used. If this list contains the dictionary encoding
// and does not include unexpected encodings (i.e. encodings not
// associated with definition/repetition levels), then it is entirely
// dictionary encoded.
if (col_metadata.__isset.encoding_stats) {
// Condition #1 above
for (const parquet::PageEncodingStats& enc_stat : col_metadata.encoding_stats) {
if (enc_stat.page_type == parquet::PageType::DATA_PAGE &&
enc_stat.encoding != parquet::Encoding::PLAIN_DICTIONARY &&
enc_stat.count > 0) {
return false;
} else {
// Condition #2 above
bool has_dict_encoding = false;
bool has_nondict_encoding = false;
for (const parquet::Encoding::type& encoding : col_metadata.encodings) {
if (encoding == parquet::Encoding::PLAIN_DICTIONARY) has_dict_encoding = true;
// RLE and BIT_PACKED are used for repetition/definition levels
if (encoding != parquet::Encoding::PLAIN_DICTIONARY &&
encoding != parquet::Encoding::RLE &&
encoding != parquet::Encoding::BIT_PACKED) {
has_nondict_encoding = true;
// Not entirely dictionary encoded if:
// 1. No dictionary encoding listed
// OR
// 2. Some non-dictionary encoding is listed
if (!has_dict_encoding || has_nondict_encoding) return false;
return true;
Status HdfsParquetScanner::EvalDictionaryFilters(const parquet::RowGroup& row_group,
bool* row_group_eliminated) {
*row_group_eliminated = false;
// Check if there's anything to do here.
if (dict_filterable_readers_.empty()) return Status::OK();
// Legacy impala files (< 2.9) require special handling, because they do not encode
// information about whether the column is 100% dictionary encoded.
bool is_legacy_impala = false;
if (file_version_.application == "impala" && file_version_.VersionLt(2,9,0)) {
is_legacy_impala = true;
// Keeps track of column readers that need to be initialized. For example, if a
// column cannot be filtered, then defer its dictionary initialization once we know
// the row group cannot be filtered.
vector<BaseScalarColumnReader*> deferred_dict_init_list;
// Keeps track of the initialized tuple associated with a TupleDescriptor.
unordered_map<const TupleDescriptor*, Tuple*> tuple_map;
for (BaseScalarColumnReader* scalar_reader : dict_filterable_readers_) {
const parquet::ColumnMetaData& col_metadata =
// Legacy impala files cannot be eliminated here, because the only way to
// determine whether the column is 100% dictionary encoded requires reading
// the dictionary.
if (!is_legacy_impala && !IsDictionaryEncoded(col_metadata)) {
// We cannot guarantee that this reader is 100% dictionary encoded,
// so dictionary filters cannot be used. Defer initializing its dictionary
// until after the other filters have been evaluated.
DictDecoderBase* dictionary = scalar_reader->GetDictionaryDecoder();
if (!dictionary) continue;
// Legacy (version < 2.9) Impala files do not spill to PLAIN encoding until
// it reaches the maximum number of dictionary entries. If the dictionary
// has fewer entries, then it is 100% dictionary encoded.
if (is_legacy_impala &&
dictionary->num_entries() >= LEGACY_IMPALA_MAX_DICT_ENTRIES) continue;
const SlotDescriptor* slot_desc = scalar_reader->slot_desc();
DCHECK(slot_desc != nullptr);
const TupleDescriptor* tuple_desc = slot_desc->parent();
auto dict_filter_it = dict_filter_map_.find(slot_desc->id());
DCHECK(dict_filter_it != dict_filter_map_.end());
const vector<ScalarExprEvaluator*>& dict_filter_conjunct_evals =
Tuple* dict_filter_tuple = nullptr;
auto dict_filter_tuple_it = tuple_map.find(tuple_desc);
if (dict_filter_tuple_it == tuple_map.end()) {
auto tuple_it = dict_filter_tuple_map_.find(tuple_desc);
DCHECK(tuple_it != dict_filter_tuple_map_.end());
dict_filter_tuple = tuple_it->second;
tuple_map[tuple_desc] = dict_filter_tuple;
} else {
dict_filter_tuple = dict_filter_tuple_it->second;
DCHECK(dict_filter_tuple != nullptr);
void* slot = dict_filter_tuple->GetSlot(slot_desc->tuple_offset());
bool column_has_match = false;
for (int dict_idx = 0; dict_idx < dictionary->num_entries(); ++dict_idx) {
if (dict_idx % 1024 == 0) {
// Don't let expr result allocations accumulate too much for large dictionaries or
// many row groups.
dictionary->GetValue(dict_idx, slot);
// We can only eliminate this row group if no value from the dictionary matches.
// If any dictionary value passes the conjuncts, then move on to the next column.
TupleRow row;
row.SetTuple(0, dict_filter_tuple);
if (ExecNode::EvalConjuncts(,
dict_filter_conjunct_evals.size(), &row)) {
column_has_match = true;
// Free all expr result allocations now that we're done with the filter.
if (!column_has_match) {
// The column contains no value that matches the conjunct. The row group
// can be eliminated.
*row_group_eliminated = true;
return Status::OK();
// Any columns that were not 100% dictionary encoded need to initialize
// their dictionaries here.
return Status::OK();
/// High-level steps of this function:
/// 1. Allocate 'scratch' memory for tuples able to hold a full batch
/// 2. Populate the slots of all scratch tuples one column reader at a time,
/// using the ColumnReader::Read*ValueBatch() functions.
/// 3. Evaluate runtime filters and conjuncts against the scratch tuples and
/// set the surviving tuples in the output batch. Transfer the ownership of
/// scratch memory to the output batch once the scratch memory is exhausted.
/// 4. Repeat steps above until we are done with the row group or an error
/// occurred.
/// TODO: Since the scratch batch is populated in a column-wise fashion, it is
/// difficult to maintain a maximum memory footprint without throwing away at least
/// some work. This point needs further experimentation and thought.
Status HdfsParquetScanner::AssembleRows(
const vector<ParquetColumnReader*>& column_readers, RowBatch* row_batch,
bool* skip_row_group) {
DCHECK(row_batch != nullptr);
DCHECK_EQ(*skip_row_group, false);
DCHECK(scratch_batch_ != nullptr);
int64_t num_rows_read = 0;
while (!column_readers[0]->RowGroupAtEnd()) {
// Start a new scratch batch.
InitTupleBuffer(template_tuple_, scratch_batch_->tuple_mem, scratch_batch_->capacity);
// Materialize the top-level slots into the scratch batch column-by-column.
int last_num_tuples = -1;
for (int c = 0; c < column_readers.size(); ++c) {
ParquetColumnReader* col_reader = column_readers[c];
bool continue_execution;
if (col_reader->max_rep_level() > 0) {
continue_execution = col_reader->ReadValueBatch(&scratch_batch_->aux_mem_pool,
scratch_batch_->capacity, tuple_byte_size_, scratch_batch_->tuple_mem,
} else {
continue_execution = col_reader->ReadNonRepeatedValueBatch(
&scratch_batch_->aux_mem_pool, scratch_batch_->capacity, tuple_byte_size_,
scratch_batch_->tuple_mem, &scratch_batch_->num_tuples);
// Check that all column readers populated the same number of values.
bool num_tuples_mismatch = c != 0 && last_num_tuples != scratch_batch_->num_tuples;
if (UNLIKELY(!continue_execution || num_tuples_mismatch)) {
// Skipping this row group. Free up all the resources with this row group.
scratch_batch_->num_tuples = 0;
*skip_row_group = true;
if (num_tuples_mismatch && continue_execution) {
Status err(Substitute("Corrupt Parquet file '$0': column '$1' "
"had $2 remaining values but expected $3", filename(),
col_reader->schema_element().name, last_num_tuples,
return Status::OK();
last_num_tuples = scratch_batch_->num_tuples;
num_rows_read += scratch_batch_->num_tuples;
int num_row_to_commit = TransferScratchTuples(row_batch);
RETURN_IF_ERROR(CommitRows(row_batch, num_row_to_commit));
if (row_batch->AtCapacity()) break;
row_group_rows_read_ += num_rows_read;
COUNTER_ADD(scan_node_->rows_read_counter(), num_rows_read);
// Merge Scanner-local counter into HdfsScanNode counter and reset.
COUNTER_ADD(scan_node_->collection_items_read_counter(), coll_items_read_counter_);
coll_items_read_counter_ = 0;
return Status::OK();
Status HdfsParquetScanner::CheckPageFiltering() {
if (candidate_ranges_.empty() || scalar_readers_.empty()) return Status::OK();
int64_t current_row = scalar_readers_[0]->LastProcessedRow();
for (int i = 1; i < scalar_readers_.size(); ++i) {
if (current_row != scalar_readers_[i]->LastProcessedRow()) {
return Status(Substitute(
"Top level rows aren't in sync during page filtering in file $0.", filename()));
return Status::OK();
Status HdfsParquetScanner::CommitRows(RowBatch* dst_batch, int num_rows) {
DCHECK(dst_batch != nullptr);
if (context_->cancelled()) return Status::CancelledInternal("Parquet scanner");
// TODO: It's a really bad idea to propagate UDF error via the global RuntimeState.
// Store UDF error in thread local storage or make UDF return status so it can merge
// with parse_status_.
// Clear expr result allocations for this thread to avoid accumulating too much
// memory from evaluating the scanner conjuncts.
return Status::OK();
int HdfsParquetScanner::TransferScratchTuples(RowBatch* dst_batch) {
// This function must not be called when the output batch is already full. As long as
// we always call CommitRows() after TransferScratchTuples(), the output batch can
// never be empty.
DCHECK_LT(dst_batch->num_rows(), dst_batch->capacity());
DCHECK_EQ(scan_node_->tuple_idx(), 0);
DCHECK_EQ(dst_batch->row_desc()->tuple_descriptors().size(), 1);
if (scratch_batch_->tuple_byte_size == 0) {
Tuple** output_row =
// We are materializing a collection with empty tuples. Add a NULL tuple to the
// output batch per remaining scratch tuple and return. No need to evaluate
// filters/conjuncts.
int num_tuples = min(dst_batch->capacity() - dst_batch->num_rows(),
scratch_batch_->num_tuples - scratch_batch_->tuple_idx);
memset(output_row, 0, num_tuples * sizeof(Tuple*));
scratch_batch_->tuple_idx += num_tuples;
// No data is required to back the empty tuples, so we should not attach any data to
// these batches.
DCHECK_EQ(0, scratch_batch_->total_allocated_bytes());
return num_tuples;
int num_rows_to_commit;
if (codegend_process_scratch_batch_fn_ != nullptr) {
num_rows_to_commit = codegend_process_scratch_batch_fn_(this, dst_batch);
} else {
num_rows_to_commit = ProcessScratchBatch(dst_batch);
scratch_batch_->FinalizeTupleTransfer(dst_batch, num_rows_to_commit);
return num_rows_to_commit;
Status HdfsParquetScanner::Codegen(HdfsScanNodeBase* node,
const vector<ScalarExpr*>& conjuncts, llvm::Function** process_scratch_batch_fn) {
*process_scratch_batch_fn = nullptr;
LlvmCodeGen* codegen = node->runtime_state()->codegen();
DCHECK(codegen != nullptr);
llvm::Function* fn = codegen->GetFunction(IRFunction::PROCESS_SCRATCH_BATCH, true);
DCHECK(fn != nullptr);
llvm::Function* eval_conjuncts_fn;
RETURN_IF_ERROR(ExecNode::CodegenEvalConjuncts(codegen, conjuncts, &eval_conjuncts_fn));
DCHECK(eval_conjuncts_fn != nullptr);
int replaced = codegen->ReplaceCallSites(fn, eval_conjuncts_fn, "EvalConjuncts");
llvm::Function* eval_runtime_filters_fn;
codegen, node->filter_exprs(), &eval_runtime_filters_fn));
DCHECK(eval_runtime_filters_fn != nullptr);
replaced = codegen->ReplaceCallSites(fn, eval_runtime_filters_fn, "EvalRuntimeFilters");
*process_scratch_batch_fn = codegen->FinalizeFunction(fn);
if (*process_scratch_batch_fn == nullptr) {
return Status("Failed to finalize process_scratch_batch_fn.");
return Status::OK();
bool HdfsParquetScanner::AssembleCollection(
const vector<ParquetColumnReader*>& column_readers, int new_collection_rep_level,
CollectionValueBuilder* coll_value_builder) {
DCHECK_GE(new_collection_rep_level, 0);
DCHECK(coll_value_builder != nullptr);
const TupleDescriptor* tuple_desc = &coll_value_builder->tuple_desc();
Tuple* template_tuple = template_tuple_map_[tuple_desc];
const vector<ScalarExprEvaluator*> evals =
int64_t rows_read = 0;
bool continue_execution = !scan_node_->ReachedLimitShared() && !context_->cancelled();
// Note that this will be set to true at the end of the row group or the end of the
// current collection (if applicable).
bool end_of_collection = column_readers[0]->rep_level() == -1;
// We only initialize end_of_collection to true here if we're at the end of the row
// group (otherwise it would always be true because we're on the "edge" of two
// collections), and only ProcessSplit() should call AssembleRows() at the end of the
// row group.
if (coll_value_builder != nullptr) DCHECK(!end_of_collection);
while (!end_of_collection && continue_execution) {
MemPool* pool;
Tuple* tuple;
TupleRow* row = nullptr;
int64_t num_rows;
// We're assembling item tuples into an CollectionValue
parse_status_ =
GetCollectionMemory(coll_value_builder, &pool, &tuple, &row, &num_rows);
if (UNLIKELY(!parse_status_.ok())) {
continue_execution = false;
// 'num_rows' can be very high if we're writing to a large CollectionValue. Limit
// the number of rows we read at one time so we don't spend too long in the
// 'num_rows' loop below before checking for cancellation or limit reached.
num_rows = min(
num_rows, static_cast<int64_t>(scan_node_->runtime_state()->batch_size()));
int num_to_commit = 0;
int row_idx = 0;
for (row_idx = 0; row_idx < num_rows && !end_of_collection; ++row_idx) {
// A tuple is produced iff the collection that contains its values is not empty and
// non-NULL. (Empty or NULL collections produce no output values, whereas NULL is
// output for the fields of NULL structs.)
bool materialize_tuple = column_readers[0]->def_level() >=
InitTuple(tuple_desc, template_tuple, tuple);
continue_execution =
ReadCollectionItem(column_readers, materialize_tuple, pool, tuple);
if (UNLIKELY(!continue_execution)) break;
end_of_collection = column_readers[0]->rep_level() <= new_collection_rep_level;
if (materialize_tuple) {
if (ExecNode::EvalConjuncts(, evals.size(), row)) {
tuple = next_tuple(tuple_desc->byte_size(), tuple);
rows_read += row_idx;
continue_execution &= !scan_node_->ReachedLimitShared() && !context_->cancelled();
coll_items_read_counter_ += rows_read;
if (end_of_collection) {
// All column readers should report the start of the same collection.
for (int c = 1; c < column_readers.size(); ++c) {
FILE_CHECK_EQ(column_readers[c]->rep_level(), column_readers[0]->rep_level());
return continue_execution;
inline bool HdfsParquetScanner::ReadCollectionItem(
const vector<ParquetColumnReader*>& column_readers,
bool materialize_tuple, MemPool* pool, Tuple* tuple) const {
bool continue_execution = true;
int size = column_readers.size();
for (int c = 0; c < size; ++c) {
ParquetColumnReader* col_reader = column_readers[c];
if (materialize_tuple) {
// All column readers for this tuple should a value to materialize.
// Fill in position slot if applicable
const SlotDescriptor* pos_slot_desc = col_reader->pos_slot_desc();
if (pos_slot_desc != nullptr) {
continue_execution = col_reader->ReadValue(pool, tuple);
} else {
// A containing repeated field is empty or NULL
continue_execution = col_reader->NextLevels();
if (UNLIKELY(!continue_execution)) break;
return continue_execution;
Status HdfsParquetScanner::ProcessFooter() {
const int64_t file_len = stream_->file_desc()->file_length;
const int64_t scan_range_len = stream_->scan_range()->len();
// We're processing the scan range issued in IssueInitialRanges(). The scan range should
// be the last FOOTER_BYTES of the file. !success means the file is shorter than we
// expect. Note we can't detect if the file is larger than we expect without attempting
// to read past the end of the scan range, but in this case we'll fail below trying to
// parse the footer.
DCHECK_LE(scan_range_len, FOOTER_SIZE);
uint8_t* buffer;
bool success = stream_->ReadBytes(scan_range_len, &buffer, &parse_status_);
if (!success) {
if (parse_status_.code() == TErrorCode::SCANNER_INCOMPLETE_READ) {
VLOG_QUERY << "Metadata for file '" << filename() << "' appears stale: "
<< "metadata states file size to be "
<< PrettyPrinter::Print(file_len, TUnit::BYTES)
<< ", but could only read "
<< PrettyPrinter::Print(stream_->total_bytes_returned(), TUnit::BYTES);
return Status(TErrorCode::STALE_METADATA_FILE_TOO_SHORT, filename(),
return parse_status_;
// Number of bytes in buffer after the fixed size footer is accounted for.
int remaining_bytes_buffered = scan_range_len - sizeof(int32_t) -
// Make sure footer has enough bytes to contain the required information.
if (remaining_bytes_buffered < 0) {
return Status(Substitute("File '$0' is invalid. Missing metadata.", filename()));
// Validate magic file bytes are correct.
uint8_t* magic_number_ptr = buffer + scan_range_len - sizeof(PARQUET_VERSION_NUMBER);
if (memcmp(magic_number_ptr, PARQUET_VERSION_NUMBER,
return Status(TErrorCode::PARQUET_BAD_VERSION_NUMBER, filename(),
string(reinterpret_cast<char*>(magic_number_ptr), sizeof(PARQUET_VERSION_NUMBER)),
// The size of the metadata is encoded as a 4 byte little endian value before
// the magic number
uint8_t* metadata_size_ptr = magic_number_ptr - sizeof(int32_t);
uint32_t metadata_size = *reinterpret_cast<uint32_t*>(metadata_size_ptr);
// The start of the metadata is:
// file_len - 4-byte footer length field - 4-byte version number field - metadata size
int64_t metadata_start = file_len - sizeof(int32_t) - sizeof(PARQUET_VERSION_NUMBER) -
if (UNLIKELY(metadata_start < 0)) {
return Status(Substitute("File '$0' is invalid. Invalid metadata size in file "
"footer: $1 bytes. File size: $2 bytes.",
filename(), metadata_size, file_len));
uint8_t* metadata_ptr = metadata_size_ptr - metadata_size;
// If the metadata was too big, we need to read it into a contiguous buffer before
// deserializing it.
ScopedBuffer metadata_buffer(scan_node_->mem_tracker());
DCHECK(metadata_range_ != nullptr);
if (UNLIKELY(metadata_size > remaining_bytes_buffered)) {
// In this case, the metadata is bigger than our guess meaning there are
// not enough bytes in the footer range from IssueInitialRanges().
// We'll just issue more ranges to the IoMgr that is the actual footer.
int64_t partition_id = context_->partition_descriptor()->id();
const HdfsFileDesc* file_desc = scan_node_->GetFileDesc(partition_id, filename());
DCHECK_EQ(file_desc, stream_->file_desc());
if (!metadata_buffer.TryAllocate(metadata_size)) {
string details = Substitute("Could not allocate buffer of $0 bytes for Parquet "
"metadata for file '$1'.", metadata_size, filename());
return scan_node_->mem_tracker()->MemLimitExceeded(state_, details, metadata_size);
metadata_ptr = metadata_buffer.buffer();
// Read the footer into the metadata buffer. Skip HDFS caching in this case.
int cache_options = metadata_range_->cache_options() & ~BufferOpts::USE_HDFS_CACHE;
ScanRange* metadata_range = scan_node_->AllocateScanRange(
metadata_range_->fs(), filename(), metadata_size, metadata_start, partition_id,
metadata_range_->disk_id(), metadata_range_->expected_local(),
metadata_range_->is_erasure_coded(), metadata_range_->mtime(),
BufferOpts::ReadInto(metadata_buffer.buffer(), metadata_size, cache_options));
unique_ptr<BufferDescriptor> io_buffer;
bool needs_buffers;
scan_node_->reader_context()->StartScanRange(metadata_range, &needs_buffers));
DCHECK(!needs_buffers) << "Already provided a buffer";
DCHECK_EQ(io_buffer->buffer(), metadata_buffer.buffer());
DCHECK_EQ(io_buffer->len(), metadata_size);
// Deserialize file footer
// TODO: this takes ~7ms for a 1000-column table, figure out how to reduce this.
Status status =
DeserializeThriftMsg(metadata_ptr, &metadata_size, true, &file_metadata_);
if (!status.ok()) {
return Status(Substitute("File '$0' of length $1 bytes has invalid file metadata "
"at file offset $2, Error = $3.", filename(), file_len, metadata_start,
RETURN_IF_ERROR(ParquetMetadataUtils::ValidateFileVersion(file_metadata_, filename()));
// IMPALA-3943: Do not throw an error for empty files for backwards compatibility.
if (file_metadata_.num_rows == 0) {
// Warn if the num_rows is inconsistent with the row group metadata.
if (!file_metadata_.row_groups.empty()) {
bool has_non_empty_row_group = false;
for (const parquet::RowGroup& row_group : file_metadata_.row_groups) {
if (row_group.num_rows > 0) {
has_non_empty_row_group = true;
// Warn if there is at least one non-empty row group.
if (has_non_empty_row_group) {
ErrorMsg msg(TErrorCode::PARQUET_ZERO_ROWS_IN_NON_EMPTY_FILE, filename());
return Status::OK();
// Parse out the created by application version string
if (file_metadata_.__isset.created_by) {
file_version_ = ParquetFileVersion(file_metadata_.created_by);
if (file_metadata_.row_groups.empty()) {
return Status(
Substitute("Invalid file. This file: $0 has no row groups", filename()));
if (file_metadata_.num_rows < 0) {
return Status(Substitute("Corrupt Parquet file '$0': negative row count $1 in "
"file metadata", filename(), file_metadata_.num_rows));
return Status::OK();
Status HdfsParquetScanner::CreateColumnReaders(const TupleDescriptor& tuple_desc,
const ParquetSchemaResolver& schema_resolver,
vector<ParquetColumnReader*>* column_readers) {
DCHECK(column_readers != nullptr);
if (scan_node_->optimize_parquet_count_star()) {
// Column readers are not needed because we are not reading from any columns if this
// optimization is enabled.
return Status::OK();
// Each tuple can have at most one position slot. We'll process this slot desc last.
SlotDescriptor* pos_slot_desc = nullptr;
for (SlotDescriptor* slot_desc: tuple_desc.slots()) {
// Skip partition columns
if (&tuple_desc == scan_node_->tuple_desc() &&
slot_desc->col_pos() < scan_node_->num_partition_keys()) continue;
SchemaNode* node = nullptr;
bool pos_field;
bool missing_field;
slot_desc->col_path(), &node, &pos_field, &missing_field));
if (missing_field) {
// In this case, we are selecting a column that is not in the file.
// Update the template tuple to put a NULL in this slot.
Tuple** template_tuple = &template_tuple_map_[&tuple_desc];
if (*template_tuple == nullptr) {
*template_tuple =
Tuple::Create(tuple_desc.byte_size(), template_tuple_pool_.get());
if (pos_field) {
DCHECK(pos_slot_desc == nullptr)
<< "There should only be one position slot per tuple";
pos_slot_desc = slot_desc;
RETURN_IF_ERROR(ParquetMetadataUtils::ValidateColumn(filename(), *node->element,
slot_desc, state_));
ParquetColumnReader* col_reader = ParquetColumnReader::Create(
*node, slot_desc->type().IsCollectionType(), slot_desc, this);
if (col_reader->IsCollectionReader()) {
// Recursively populate col_reader's children
DCHECK(slot_desc->collection_item_descriptor() != nullptr);
const TupleDescriptor* item_tuple_desc = slot_desc->collection_item_descriptor();
CollectionColumnReader* collection_reader =
*item_tuple_desc, schema_resolver, collection_reader->children()));
} else {
scalar_reader_map_[node->col_idx] = static_cast<BaseScalarColumnReader*>(
if (column_readers->empty()) {
// This is either a count(*) over a collection type (count(*) over the table is
// handled in ProcessFooter()), or no materialized columns appear in this file
// (e.g. due to schema evolution, or if there's only a position slot). Create a single
// column reader that we will use to count the number of tuples we should output. We
// will not read any values from this reader.
ParquetColumnReader* reader;
tuple_desc.tuple_path(), schema_resolver, &reader));
if (pos_slot_desc != nullptr) {
// 'tuple_desc' has a position slot. Use an existing column reader to populate it.
return Status::OK();
Status HdfsParquetScanner::CreateCountingReader(const SchemaPath& parent_path,
const ParquetSchemaResolver& schema_resolver, ParquetColumnReader** reader) {
SchemaNode* parent_node;
bool pos_field;
bool missing_field;
parent_path, &parent_node, &pos_field, &missing_field));
if (missing_field) {
// TODO: can we do anything else here?
return Status(Substitute("Could not find '$0' in file '$1'.",
PrintPath(*scan_node_->hdfs_table(), parent_path), filename()));
DCHECK(parent_path.empty() || parent_node->is_repeated());
if (!parent_node->children.empty()) {
// Find a non-struct (i.e. collection or scalar) child of 'parent_node', which we will
// use to create the item reader
const SchemaNode* target_node = &parent_node->children[0];
while (!target_node->children.empty() && !target_node->is_repeated()) {
target_node = &target_node->children[0];
*reader = ParquetColumnReader::Create(
*target_node, target_node->is_repeated(), nullptr, this);
if (target_node->is_repeated()) {
// Find the closest scalar descendant of 'target_node' via breadth-first search, and
// create scalar reader to drive 'reader'. We find the closest (i.e. least-nested)
// descendant as a heuristic for picking a descendant with fewer values, so it's
// faster to scan.
// TODO: use different heuristic than least-nested? Fewest values?
const SchemaNode* node = nullptr;
queue<const SchemaNode*> nodes;
while (!nodes.empty()) {
node = nodes.front();
if (node->children.size() > 0) {
for (const SchemaNode& child: node->children) nodes.push(&child);
} else {
// node is the least-nested scalar descendant of 'target_node'
DCHECK(node->children.empty()) << node->DebugString();
CollectionColumnReader* parent_reader =
ParquetColumnReader::Create(*node, false, nullptr, this));
} else {
// Special case for a repeated scalar node. The repeated node represents both the
// parent collection and the child item.
*reader = ParquetColumnReader::Create(*parent_node, false, nullptr, this);
return Status::OK();
void HdfsParquetScanner::InitCollectionColumns() {
for (CollectionColumnReader* col_reader: collection_readers_) {
Status HdfsParquetScanner::InitScalarColumns() {
int64_t partition_id = context_->partition_descriptor()->id();
const HdfsFileDesc* file_desc = scan_node_->GetFileDesc(partition_id, filename());
DCHECK(file_desc != nullptr);
parquet::RowGroup& row_group = file_metadata_.row_groups[row_group_idx_];
// Used to validate that the number of values in each reader in column_readers_ at the
// same SchemaElement is the same.
unordered_map<const parquet::SchemaElement*, int> num_values_map;
for (BaseScalarColumnReader* scalar_reader : scalar_readers_) {
const parquet::ColumnChunk& col_chunk = row_group.columns[scalar_reader->col_idx()];
auto num_values_it = num_values_map.find(&scalar_reader->schema_element());
int num_values = -1;
if (num_values_it != num_values_map.end()) {
num_values = num_values_it->second;
} else {
num_values_map[&scalar_reader->schema_element()] = col_chunk.meta_data.num_values;
if (num_values != -1 && col_chunk.meta_data.num_values != num_values) {
// TODO: improve this error message by saying which columns are different,
// and also specify column in other error messages as appropriate
return Status(TErrorCode::PARQUET_NUM_COL_VALS_ERROR, scalar_reader->col_idx(),
col_chunk.meta_data.num_values, num_values, filename());
RETURN_IF_ERROR(scalar_reader->Reset(*file_desc, col_chunk, row_group_idx_));
return Status::OK();
Status HdfsParquetScanner::DivideReservationBetweenColumns(
const vector<BaseScalarColumnReader*>& column_readers) {
DiskIoMgr* io_mgr = ExecEnv::GetInstance()->disk_io_mgr();
const int64_t min_buffer_size = io_mgr->min_buffer_size();
const int64_t max_buffer_size = io_mgr->max_buffer_size();
// The HdfsScanNode reservation calculation in the planner ensures that we have
// reservation for at least one buffer per column.
if (context_->total_reservation() < min_buffer_size * column_readers.size()) {
return Status(TErrorCode::INTERNAL_ERROR,
Substitute("Not enough reservation in Parquet scanner for file '$0'. Need at "
"least $1 bytes per column for $2 columns but had $3 bytes",
filename(), min_buffer_size, column_readers.size(),
vector<int64_t> col_range_lengths(column_readers.size());
for (int i = 0; i < column_readers.size(); ++i) {
col_range_lengths[i] = column_readers[i]->scan_range()->bytes_to_read();
// The scanner-wide stream was used only to read the file footer. Each column has added
// its own stream. We can use the total reservation now that 'stream_''s resources have
// been released. We may benefit from increasing reservation further, so let's compute
// the ideal reservation to scan all the columns.
int64_t ideal_reservation = ComputeIdealReservation(col_range_lengths);
if (ideal_reservation > context_->total_reservation()) {
vector<pair<int, int64_t>> tmp_reservations = DivideReservationBetweenColumnsHelper(
min_buffer_size, max_buffer_size, col_range_lengths, context_->total_reservation());
for (auto& tmp_reservation : tmp_reservations) {
return Status::OK();
int64_t HdfsParquetScanner::ComputeIdealReservation(
const vector<int64_t>& col_range_lengths) {
DiskIoMgr* io_mgr = ExecEnv::GetInstance()->disk_io_mgr();
int64_t ideal_reservation = 0;
for (int64_t len : col_range_lengths) {
ideal_reservation += io_mgr->ComputeIdealBufferReservation(len);
return ideal_reservation;
vector<pair<int, int64_t>> HdfsParquetScanner::DivideReservationBetweenColumnsHelper(
int64_t min_buffer_size, int64_t max_buffer_size,
const vector<int64_t>& col_range_lengths, int64_t reservation_to_distribute) {
// Pair of (column index, reservation allocated).
vector<pair<int, int64_t>> tmp_reservations;
for (int i = 0; i < col_range_lengths.size(); ++i) tmp_reservations.emplace_back(i, 0);
// Sort in descending order of length, breaking ties by index so that larger columns
// get allocated reservation first. It is common to have dramatically different column
// sizes in a single file because of different value sizes and compressibility. E.g.
// consider a large STRING "comment" field versus a highly compressible
// dictionary-encoded column with only a few distinct values. We want to give max-sized
// buffers to large columns first to maximize the size of I/Os that we do while reading
// this row group.
sort(tmp_reservations.begin(), tmp_reservations.end(),
const pair<int, int64_t>& left, const pair<int, int64_t>& right) {
int64_t left_len = col_range_lengths[left.first];
int64_t right_len = col_range_lengths[right.first];
return left_len != right_len ? left_len > right_len : left.first < right.first;
// Set aside the minimum reservation per column.
reservation_to_distribute -= min_buffer_size * col_range_lengths.size();
// Allocate reservations to columns by repeatedly allocating either a max-sized buffer
// or a large enough buffer to fit the remaining data for each column. Do this
// round-robin up to the ideal number of I/O buffers.
for (int i = 0; i < DiskIoMgr::IDEAL_MAX_SIZED_BUFFERS_PER_SCAN_RANGE; ++i) {
for (auto& tmp_reservation : tmp_reservations) {
// Add back the reservation we set aside above.
if (i == 0) reservation_to_distribute += min_buffer_size;
int64_t bytes_left_in_range =
col_range_lengths[tmp_reservation.first] - tmp_reservation.second;
int64_t bytes_to_add;
if (bytes_left_in_range >= max_buffer_size) {
if (reservation_to_distribute >= max_buffer_size) {
bytes_to_add = max_buffer_size;
} else if (i == 0) {
DCHECK_EQ(0, tmp_reservation.second);
// Ensure this range gets at least one buffer on the first iteration.
bytes_to_add = BitUtil::RoundDownToPowerOfTwo(reservation_to_distribute);
} else {
DCHECK_GT(tmp_reservation.second, 0);
// We need to read more than the max buffer size, but can't allocate a
// max-sized buffer. Stop adding buffers to this column: we prefer to use
// the existing max-sized buffers without small buffers mixed in so that
// we will alway do max-sized I/Os, which make efficient use of I/O devices.
bytes_to_add = 0;
} else if (bytes_left_in_range > 0 &&
reservation_to_distribute >= min_buffer_size) {
// Choose a buffer size that will fit the rest of the bytes left in the range.
bytes_to_add =
max(min_buffer_size, BitUtil::RoundUpToPowerOfTwo(bytes_left_in_range));
// But don't add more reservation than is available.
bytes_to_add =
min(bytes_to_add, BitUtil::RoundDownToPowerOfTwo(reservation_to_distribute));
} else {
bytes_to_add = 0;
DCHECK(bytes_to_add == 0 || bytes_to_add >= min_buffer_size) << bytes_to_add;
reservation_to_distribute -= bytes_to_add;
tmp_reservation.second += bytes_to_add;
DCHECK_GE(reservation_to_distribute, 0);
DCHECK_GT(tmp_reservation.second, 0);
return tmp_reservations;
Status HdfsParquetScanner::InitDictionaries(
const vector<BaseScalarColumnReader*>& column_readers) {
for (BaseScalarColumnReader* scalar_reader : column_readers) {
return Status::OK();
Status HdfsParquetScanner::ValidateEndOfRowGroup(
const vector<ParquetColumnReader*>& column_readers, int row_group_idx,
int64_t rows_read) {
DCHECK(parse_status_.ok()) << "Don't overwrite parse_status_"
<< parse_status_.GetDetail();
if (column_readers[0]->max_rep_level() == 0) {
if (candidate_ranges_.empty()) {
// These column readers materialize table-level values (vs. collection values).
// Test if the expected number of rows from the file metadata matches the actual
// number of rows read from the file.
int64_t expected_rows_in_group = file_metadata_.row_groups[row_group_idx].num_rows;
if (rows_read != expected_rows_in_group) {
return Status(TErrorCode::PARQUET_GROUP_ROW_COUNT_ERROR, filename(),
row_group_idx, expected_rows_in_group, rows_read);
} else {
// In this case we filter out row ranges. Validate that the number of rows read
// matches the number of rows determined by the candidate row ranges.
int64_t expected_rows_in_group = 0;
for (auto& range : candidate_ranges_) {
expected_rows_in_group += range.last - range.first + 1;
if (rows_read != expected_rows_in_group) {
return Status(Substitute("Based on the page index of group $0($1) there are $2 ",
"rows need to be scanned, but $3 rows were read.", filename(), row_group_idx,
expected_rows_in_group, rows_read));
// Validate scalar column readers' state
int num_values_read = -1;
for (int c = 0; c < column_readers.size(); ++c) {
if (column_readers[c]->IsCollectionReader()) continue;
BaseScalarColumnReader* reader =
// All readers should have exhausted the final data page. This could fail if one
// column has more values than stated in the metadata, meaning the final data page
// will still have unread values.
if (reader->num_buffered_values_ != 0) {
return Status(Substitute("Corrupt Parquet metadata in file '$0': metadata reports "
"'$1' more values in data page than actually present", filename(),
// Sanity check that the num_values_read_ value is the same for all readers. All
// readers should have been advanced in lockstep (the above check is more likely to
// fail if this not the case though, since num_values_read_ is only updated at the end
// of a data page).
if (num_values_read == -1) num_values_read = reader->num_values_read_;
if (candidate_ranges_.empty()) DCHECK_EQ(reader->num_values_read_, num_values_read);
// ReadDataPage() uses metadata_->num_values to determine when the column's done
DCHECK(!candidate_ranges_.empty() ||
(reader->num_values_read_ == reader->metadata_->num_values ||
return Status::OK();
ColumnStatsReader HdfsParquetScanner::CreateColumnStatsReader(
const parquet::ColumnChunk& col_chunk, const ColumnType& col_type,
const parquet::ColumnOrder* col_order, const parquet::SchemaElement& element) {
ColumnStatsReader stats_reader(col_chunk, col_type, col_order, element);
if (col_type.IsTimestampType()) {
return stats_reader;
ParquetTimestampDecoder HdfsParquetScanner::CreateTimestampDecoder(
const parquet::SchemaElement& element) {
bool timestamp_conversion_needed_for_int96_timestamps =
FLAGS_convert_legacy_hive_parquet_utc_timestamps &&
file_version_.application == "parquet-mr";
return ParquetTimestampDecoder(element, &state_->local_time_zone(),
void HdfsParquetScanner::UpdateCompressedPageSizeCounter(int64_t compressed_page_size) {
void HdfsParquetScanner::UpdateUncompressedPageSizeCounter(
int64_t uncompressed_page_size) {