blob: d07326264fc725fae752a37e0419c1b410a3b066 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
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// under the License.
#pragma once
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <vector>
#include <boost/scoped_ptr.hpp>
#include <boost/thread/mutex.hpp>
#include "common/atomic.h"
#include "exec/filter-context.h"
#include "exec/hdfs-scan-node-base.h"
#include "util/counting-barrier.h"
namespace impala {
class DescriptorTbl;
class ObjectPool;
class RuntimeState;
class RowBatch;
class ThreadResourcePool;
class TPlanNode;
/// Legacy ScanNode implementation used in the non-multi-threaded execution mode
/// that is used for all tables read directly from HDFS-serialised data.
/// A HdfsScanNode spawns multiple scanner threads to process the bytes in
/// parallel. There is a handshake between the scan node and the scanners
/// to get all the splits queued and bytes processed.
/// 1. The scan node initially calls the Scanner with a list of files and splits
/// for that scanner/file format.
/// 2. The scanner issues the initial byte ranges for each of those files. For text
/// this is simply the entire range but for rc files, this would just be the header
/// byte range. The scan node doesn't care either way.
/// 3. The scan node spins up a number of scanner threads. Each of those threads
/// pulls the next scan range to work on from the IoMgr and then processes the
/// range end to end.
/// 4. The scanner processes the buffers, issuing more scan ranges if necessary.
/// 5. The scanner finishes the scan range and informs the scan node so it can track
/// end of stream.
/// Buffer management:
/// ------------------
/// The different scanner threads all allocate I/O buffers from the node's Buffer Pool
/// client. The scan node ensures that enough reservation is available to start a
/// scanner thread before launching each one with, after which the scanner thread must
/// stay within the reservation handed off to it. Scanner threads can try to increase
/// their reservation if desired (e.g. for scanning columnar formats like Parquet), but
/// must be able to make progress within the initial reservation handed off from the scan
/// node.
/// TODO: Remove this class once the fragment-based multi-threaded execution is
/// fully functional.
class HdfsScanNode : public HdfsScanNodeBase {
ObjectPool* pool, const HdfsScanPlanNode& pnode, const DescriptorTbl& descs);
virtual Status Prepare(RuntimeState* state) override WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
virtual Status Open(RuntimeState* state) override WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
virtual Status GetNext(RuntimeState* state, RowBatch* row_batch, bool* eos) override
virtual void Close(RuntimeState* state) override;
virtual bool HasRowBatchQueue() const override { return true; }
bool done() const { return done_.Load(); }
/// Adds ranges to the io mgr queue and starts up new scanner threads if possible.
/// The enqueue_location parameter determines the location at which the scan ranges are
/// added to the queue.
virtual Status AddDiskIoRanges(const std::vector<io::ScanRange*>& ranges,
EnqueueLocation enqueue_location = EnqueueLocation::TAIL)
/// Adds a materialized row batch for the scan node. This is called from scanner
/// threads. This function will block if the row batch queue is full.
void AddMaterializedRowBatch(std::unique_ptr<RowBatch> row_batch);
/// Called by scanners when a range is complete. Used to record progress and set done_.
/// This *must* only be called after a scanner has completely finished its
/// scan range (i.e. context->Flush()), and has added the final row batch to the row
/// batch queue. Otherwise, we may lose the last batch due to racing with shutting down
/// the RowBatch queue.
virtual void RangeComplete(const THdfsFileFormat::type& file_type,
const std::vector<THdfsCompression::type>& compression_type, bool skipped = false)
/// Transfers all memory from 'pool' to 'scan_node_pool_'.
virtual void TransferToScanNodePool(MemPool* pool) override;
virtual ExecutionModel getExecutionModel() const override {
ScannerThreadState thread_state_;
/// Released when initial ranges are issued in the first call to GetNext().
CountingBarrier ranges_issued_barrier_{1};
/// Lock protects access between scanner thread and main query thread (the one calling
/// GetNext()) for all fields below. If this lock and any other locks needs to be taken
/// together, this lock must be taken first. This is a "timed_mutex" to allow specifying
/// a timeout when acquiring the mutex. Almost all code locations acquire the mutex
/// without a timeout; see ThreadTokenAvailableCb for a location using a timeout.
boost::timed_mutex lock_;
/// Protects file_type_counts_. Cannot be taken together with any other lock
/// except lock_, and if so, lock_ must be taken first.
SpinLock file_type_counts_lock_;
/// Flag signaling that all scanner threads are done. This could be because they
/// are finished, an error/cancellation occurred, or the limit was reached.
/// Setting this to true triggers the scanner threads to clean up.
/// This should not be explicitly set. Instead, call SetDone(). This is set while
/// holding lock_, but it is atomic to allow reads without holding the lock.
AtomicBool done_;
/// Set to true if all ranges have started. Some of the ranges may still be in flight
/// being processed by scanner threads, but no new ScannerThreads should be started.
bool all_ranges_started_ = false;
/// The id of the callback added to the thread resource manager when thread token
/// is available. Used to remove the callback before this scan node is destroyed.
/// -1 if no callback is registered.
int thread_avail_cb_id_ = -1;
/// Number of times scanner threads were not created because of reservation increase
/// being denied.
RuntimeProfile::Counter* scanner_thread_reservations_denied_counter_ = nullptr;
/// Number of times scanner thread didn't find work to do.
RuntimeProfile::Counter* scanner_thread_workless_loops_counter_ = nullptr;
/// Compute the estimated memory consumption of a scanner thread in bytes for the
/// purposes of deciding whether to start a new scanner thread.
int64_t EstimateScannerThreadMemConsumption() const;
/// Tries to spin up as many scanner threads as the quota allows. Called explicitly
/// (e.g., when adding new ranges) or when threads are available for this scan node.
void ThreadTokenAvailableCb(ThreadResourcePool* pool);
/// Main function for scanner thread. This thread pulls the next range to be
/// processed from the IoMgr and then processes the entire range end to end.
/// This thread terminates when all scan ranges are complete or an error occurred.
/// 'first_thread' is true if this was the first scanner thread to start and
/// it acquired a "required" thread token from ThreadResourceMgr. The first thread
/// will continue running until 'done_' is true or an error is encountered. Other
/// threads may terminate early if the optional tokens in
/// runtime_state_->resource_pool() are exceeded.
/// The caller must have reserved 'scanner_thread_reservation' bytes of memory for
/// this thread. Before returning, this function releases the reservation with
/// ReturnReservationFromScannerThread().
void ScannerThread(bool first_thread, int64_t scanner_thread_reservation);
/// Process the entire scan range with a new scanner object. Executed in scanner
/// thread. 'filter_ctxs' is a clone of the class-wide filter_ctxs_, used to filter rows
/// in this split. 'scanner_thread_reservation' is an in/out argument that tracks the
/// total reservation from 'buffer_pool_client_' that is allotted for this thread's
/// use. If an error is encountered, calls SetDoneInternal() with the error to
/// initiate shutdown of the scan.
void ProcessSplit(const std::vector<FilterContext>& filter_ctxs,
MemPool* expr_results_pool, io::ScanRange* scan_range,
int64_t* scanner_thread_reservation);
/// Called by scanner thread to return some or all of its reservation that is not
/// needed. Always holds onto at least the minimum reservation to avoid violating the
/// invariants of ExecNode::buffer_pool_client_. 'lock_' must be held via 'lock'.
void ReturnReservationFromScannerThread(
const boost::unique_lock<boost::timed_mutex>& lock, int64_t bytes);
/// Checks for eos conditions and returns batches from the row batch queue.
Status GetNextInternal(RuntimeState* state, RowBatch* row_batch, bool* eos)
/// Sets done_ to true, updates status_ if there was an error and triggers threads to
/// cleanup. Must be called with lock_ taken. Calling it repeatedly ignores subsequent
/// calls.
void SetDoneInternal(const Status& status);
/// Gets lock_ and calls SetDoneInternal(status_). Usually used after the scan node
/// completes execution successfully.
void SetDone();
/// Gets lock_ and calls SetDoneInternal(status). Called after a scanner hits an
/// error. Must be called before HdfsScanner::Close() to ensure that 'status'
/// is propagated before the scan range is marked as complete by HdfsScanner::Close().
void SetError(const Status& status);