blob: 7fcd2632b27f63ef56e4323589d00d6801a5c2a2 [file] [log] [blame]
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
# with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
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# specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import pytest
from copy import copy
from tests.beeswax.impala_beeswax import ImpalaBeeswaxException
from tests.common.test_dimensions import (create_avro_snappy_dimension,
from tests.common.impala_cluster import ImpalaCluster
from tests.common.impala_test_suite import ImpalaTestSuite
from tests.common.skip import SkipIfNotHdfsMinicluster
from tests.common.test_dimensions import create_single_exec_option_dimension
from tests.common.test_vector import ImpalaTestDimension
from tests.verifiers.metric_verifier import MetricVerifier
# Substrings of the expected error messages when the mem limit is too low
MEM_LIMIT_EXCEEDED_MSG = "Memory limit exceeded"
MEM_LIMIT_TOO_LOW_FOR_RESERVATION = ("minimum memory reservation is greater than memory "
"available to the query for buffer reservations")
class TestQueryMemLimitScaling(ImpalaTestSuite):
"""Test class to do functional validation of per query memory limits. """
QUERY = ["select * from lineitem where l_orderkey = -1",
"select min(l_orderkey) from lineitem",
"select * from lineitem order by l_orderkey limit 1"]
# These query take 400mb-1gb if no mem limits are set
MEM_LIMITS = ["-1", "400m", "150m"]
def get_workload(self):
# Note: this workload doesn't run exhaustively. See IMPALA-3947 before trying to move
# this test to exhaustive.
return 'tpch'
def add_test_dimensions(cls):
super(TestQueryMemLimitScaling, cls).add_test_dimensions()
# add mem_limit as a test dimension.
new_dimension = ImpalaTestDimension('mem_limit',
if cls.exploration_strategy() != 'exhaustive':
cls.ImpalaTestMatrix.add_constraint(lambda v:\
v.get_value('table_format').file_format in ['parquet'])
# Test running with different mem limits to exercise the dynamic memory
# scaling functionality.
def test_mem_usage_scaling(self, vector):
mem_limit = copy(vector.get_value('mem_limit'))
table_format = vector.get_value('table_format')
exec_options = copy(vector.get_value('exec_option'))
exec_options['mem_limit'] = mem_limit
for query in self.QUERY:
self.execute_query(query, exec_options, table_format=table_format)
class TestExprMemUsage(ImpalaTestSuite):
def get_workload(cls):
# Note: this workload doesn't run exhaustively. See IMPALA-3947 before trying to move
# this test to exhaustive.
return 'tpch'
def add_test_dimensions(cls):
super(TestExprMemUsage, cls).add_test_dimensions()
if cls.exploration_strategy() != 'exhaustive':
cls.ImpalaTestMatrix.add_constraint(lambda v:\
v.get_value('table_format').file_format in ['parquet'])
def test_scanner_mem_usage(self, vector):
exec_options = vector.get_value('exec_option')
# This value was picked empircally based on the query.
exec_options['mem_limit'] = '300m'
"select count(*) from lineitem where lower(l_comment) = 'hello'", exec_options,
class TestLowMemoryLimits(ImpalaTestSuite):
'''Super class for the memory limit tests with the TPC-H and TPC-DS queries'''
def low_memory_limit_test(self, vector, tpch_query, limit):
mem = vector.get_value('mem_limit')
# Mem consumption can be +-30MBs, depending on how many scanner threads are
# running. Adding this extra mem in order to reduce false negatives in the tests.
limit = limit + 30
# If memory limit larger than the minimum threshold, then it is not expected to fail.
expects_error = mem < limit
new_vector = copy(vector)
exec_options = new_vector.get_value('exec_option')
exec_options['mem_limit'] = str(mem) + "m"
# Reduce the page size to better exercise page boundary logic.
exec_options['default_spillable_buffer_size'] = "256k"
self.run_test_case(tpch_query, new_vector)
except ImpalaBeeswaxException as e:
if not expects_error: raise
found_expected_error = False
for error_msg in MEM_LIMIT_ERROR_MSGS:
if error_msg in str(e): found_expected_error = True
assert found_expected_error, str(e)
class TestTpchMemLimitError(TestLowMemoryLimits):
# The mem limits that will be used.
MEM_IN_MB = [20, 50, 80, 130, 160, 200, 400]
# Different values of mem limits and minimum mem limit (in MBs) each query is expected
# to run without problem. These were determined using the query_runtime_info.json file
# produced by the stress test (i.e. and extracted with
# tests/stress/
MIN_MEM_FOR_TPCH = {'Q1': 55, 'Q2': 89, 'Q3': 80, 'Q4': 70, 'Q5': 99,
'Q6': 48, 'Q7': 127, 'Q8': 111, 'Q9': 189, 'Q10': 108,
'Q11': 76, 'Q12': 70, 'Q13': 71, 'Q14': 57, 'Q15': 83,
'Q16': 71, 'Q17': 73, 'Q18': 153, 'Q19': 54, 'Q20': 128,
'Q21': 147, 'Q22': 57}
def get_workload(self):
# Note: this workload doesn't run exhaustively. See IMPALA-3947 before trying to move
# this test to exhaustive.
return 'tpch'
def add_test_dimensions(cls):
super(TestTpchMemLimitError, cls).add_test_dimensions()
ImpalaTestDimension('mem_limit', *TestTpchMemLimitError.MEM_IN_MB))
cls.ImpalaTestMatrix.add_constraint(lambda v:\
v.get_value('table_format').file_format in ['parquet'])
def test_low_mem_limit_q1(self, vector):
self.low_memory_limit_test(vector, 'tpch-q1', self.MIN_MEM_FOR_TPCH['Q1'])
def test_low_mem_limit_q2(self, vector):
self.low_memory_limit_test(vector, 'tpch-q2', self.MIN_MEM_FOR_TPCH['Q2'])
def test_low_mem_limit_q3(self, vector):
self.low_memory_limit_test(vector, 'tpch-q3', self.MIN_MEM_FOR_TPCH['Q3'])
def test_low_mem_limit_q4(self, vector):
self.low_memory_limit_test(vector, 'tpch-q4', self.MIN_MEM_FOR_TPCH['Q4'])
def test_low_mem_limit_q5(self, vector):
self.low_memory_limit_test(vector, 'tpch-q5', self.MIN_MEM_FOR_TPCH['Q5'])
def test_low_mem_limit_q6(self, vector):
self.low_memory_limit_test(vector, 'tpch-q6', self.MIN_MEM_FOR_TPCH['Q6'])
def test_low_mem_limit_q7(self, vector):
self.low_memory_limit_test(vector, 'tpch-q7', self.MIN_MEM_FOR_TPCH['Q7'])
def test_low_mem_limit_q8(self, vector):
self.low_memory_limit_test(vector, 'tpch-q8', self.MIN_MEM_FOR_TPCH['Q8'])
def test_low_mem_limit_q9(self, vector):
self.low_memory_limit_test(vector, 'tpch-q9', self.MIN_MEM_FOR_TPCH['Q9'])
def test_low_mem_limit_q10(self, vector):
self.low_memory_limit_test(vector, 'tpch-q10', self.MIN_MEM_FOR_TPCH['Q10'])
def test_low_mem_limit_q11(self, vector):
self.low_memory_limit_test(vector, 'tpch-q11', self.MIN_MEM_FOR_TPCH['Q11'])
def test_low_mem_limit_q12(self, vector):
self.low_memory_limit_test(vector, 'tpch-q12', self.MIN_MEM_FOR_TPCH['Q12'])
def test_low_mem_limit_q13(self, vector):
self.low_memory_limit_test(vector, 'tpch-q13', self.MIN_MEM_FOR_TPCH['Q13'])
def test_low_mem_limit_q14(self, vector):
self.low_memory_limit_test(vector, 'tpch-q14', self.MIN_MEM_FOR_TPCH['Q14'])
def test_low_mem_limit_q15(self, vector):
self.low_memory_limit_test(vector, 'tpch-q15', self.MIN_MEM_FOR_TPCH['Q15'])
def test_low_mem_limit_q16(self, vector):
self.low_memory_limit_test(vector, 'tpch-q16', self.MIN_MEM_FOR_TPCH['Q16'])
def test_low_mem_limit_q17(self, vector):
self.low_memory_limit_test(vector, 'tpch-q17', self.MIN_MEM_FOR_TPCH['Q17'])
def test_low_mem_limit_q18(self, vector):
self.low_memory_limit_test(vector, 'tpch-q18', self.MIN_MEM_FOR_TPCH['Q18'])
def test_low_mem_limit_q19(self, vector):
self.low_memory_limit_test(vector, 'tpch-q19', self.MIN_MEM_FOR_TPCH['Q19'])
def test_low_mem_limit_q20(self, vector):
self.low_memory_limit_test(vector, 'tpch-q20', self.MIN_MEM_FOR_TPCH['Q20'])
def test_low_mem_limit_q21(self, vector):
self.low_memory_limit_test(vector, 'tpch-q21', self.MIN_MEM_FOR_TPCH['Q21'])
def test_low_mem_limit_q22(self, vector):
self.low_memory_limit_test(vector, 'tpch-q22', self.MIN_MEM_FOR_TPCH['Q22'])
def test_low_mem_limit_no_fragments(self, vector):
self.low_memory_limit_test(vector, 'tpch-q14', self.MIN_MEM_FOR_TPCH['Q14'])
self.low_memory_limit_test(vector, 'tpch-q18', self.MIN_MEM_FOR_TPCH['Q18'])
self.low_memory_limit_test(vector, 'tpch-q20', self.MIN_MEM_FOR_TPCH['Q20'])
for impalad in ImpalaCluster.get_e2e_test_cluster().impalads:
verifier = MetricVerifier(impalad.service)
verifier.wait_for_metric("impala-server.num-fragments-in-flight", 0)
class TestTpchPrimitivesMemLimitError(TestLowMemoryLimits):
Memory usage tests using targeted-perf queries to exercise specific operators.
# The mem limits that will be used.
MEM_IN_MB = [20, 100, 120, 200]
# Different values of mem limits and minimum mem limit (in MBs) each query is expected
# to run without problem. Determined by manual binary search.
MIN_MEM = { 'primitive_broadcast_join_3': 115, 'primitive_groupby_bigint_highndv': 110,
'primitive_orderby_all': 120}
def get_workload(self):
# Note: this workload doesn't run exhaustively. See IMPALA-3947 before trying to move
# this test to exhaustive.
return 'targeted-perf'
def add_test_dimensions(cls):
super(TestTpchPrimitivesMemLimitError, cls).add_test_dimensions()
ImpalaTestDimension('mem_limit', *cls.MEM_IN_MB))
cls.ImpalaTestMatrix.add_constraint(lambda v:\
v.get_value('table_format').file_format in ['parquet'])
def run_primitive_query(self, vector, query_name):
self.low_memory_limit_test(vector, query_name, self.MIN_MEM[query_name])
def test_low_mem_limit_broadcast_join_3(self, vector):
"""Test hash join memory requirements."""
self.run_primitive_query(vector, 'primitive_broadcast_join_3')
def test_low_mem_limit_groupby_bigint_highndv(self, vector):
"""Test grouping aggregation memory requirements."""
self.run_primitive_query(vector, 'primitive_groupby_bigint_highndv')
def test_low_mem_limit_orderby_all(self, vector):
"""Test sort and analytic memory requirements."""
self.run_primitive_query(vector, 'primitive_orderby_all')
class TestTpcdsMemLimitError(TestLowMemoryLimits):
# The mem limits that will be used.
MEM_IN_MB = [20, 100, 116, 150]
# Different values of mem limits and minimum mem limit (in MBs) each query is expected
# to run without problem. Those values were determined by manual testing.
MIN_MEM_FOR_TPCDS = { 'q53' : 116}
def get_workload(self):
# Note: this workload doesn't run exhaustively. See IMPALA-3947 before trying to move
# this test to exhaustive.
return 'tpcds'
def add_test_dimensions(cls):
super(TestTpcdsMemLimitError, cls).add_test_dimensions()
ImpalaTestDimension('mem_limit', *TestTpcdsMemLimitError.MEM_IN_MB))
cls.ImpalaTestMatrix.add_constraint(lambda v:\
v.get_value('table_format').file_format in ['parquet'])
def test_low_mem_limit_q53(self, vector):
vector, 'tpcds-decimal_v2-q53', self.MIN_MEM_FOR_TPCDS['q53'])
class TestScanMemLimit(ImpalaTestSuite):
"""Targeted test for scan memory limits."""
def get_workload(self):
return 'functional-query'
def add_test_dimensions(cls):
super(TestScanMemLimit, cls).add_test_dimensions()
def test_wide_avro_mem_usage(self, vector, unique_database):
"""Create a wide avro table with large strings and test scans that can cause OOM."""
if self.exploration_strategy() != 'exhaustive':
pytest.skip("only run resource-intensive query on exhaustive")
NUM_COLS = 250
NUM_ROWS = 50000
TBL = "wide_250_cols"
# This query caused OOM with the below memory limit before the IMPALA-7296 fix.
# When the sort starts to spill it causes row batches to accumulate rapidly in the
# scan node's queue.
SELECT_QUERY = """select * from {0}.{1} order by col224 limit 100""".format(
unique_database, TBL)
# Use disable_outermost_topn to enable spilling sort but prevent returning excessive
# rows. Limit NUM_SCANNER_THREADS to avoid higher memory consumption on systems with
# many cores (each scanner thread uses some memory in addition to the queued memory).
'mem_limit': "256MB", 'disable_outermost_topn': True, "NUM_SCANNER_THREADS": 1}
"create table {0}.{1} ({2}) stored as avro".format(unique_database, TBL,
",".join(["col{0} STRING".format(i) for i in range(NUM_COLS)])))
SET mapred.output.compression.type=BLOCK;
SET hive.exec.compress.output=true;
SET avro.output.codec=snappy;
insert into {0}.{1} select {2} from tpch_parquet.lineitem
limit {3}
""".format(unique_database, TBL, ','.join(['l_comment'] * NUM_COLS), NUM_ROWS))
"refresh {0}.{1}".format(unique_database, TBL))
self.execute_query_expect_success(self.client, SELECT_QUERY, SELECT_OPTIONS)
def test_kudu_scan_mem_usage(self, vector):
"""Test that Kudu scans can stay within a low memory limit. Before IMPALA-7096 they
were not aware of mem_limit and would start up too many scanner threads."""
# .test file overrides disable_codegen.
del vector.get_value('exec_option')['disable_codegen']
self.run_test_case('QueryTest/kudu-scan-mem-usage', vector)
def test_hdfs_scanner_thread_mem_scaling(self, vector):
"""Test that HDFS scans can stay within a low memory limit. Before IMPALA-7096 they
were not aware of non-reserved memory consumption and could start up too many scanner
# Remove num_nodes setting to allow .test file to set num_nodes.
del vector.get_value('exec_option')['num_nodes']
self.run_test_case('QueryTest/hdfs-scanner-thread-mem-scaling', vector)
class TestHashJoinMemLimit(ImpalaTestSuite):
"""Targeted test for scan memory limits."""
def get_workload(self):
return 'tpch'
def add_test_dimensions(cls):
super(TestHashJoinMemLimit, cls).add_test_dimensions()
def test_low_mem_limit_selective_scan_hash_join(self, vector):
"""Selective scan with hash join and aggregate above it. Regression test for
IMPALA-9712 - before the fix this ran out of memory."""
OPTS = {'mem_limit': "60MB", 'mt_dop': 1}
self.change_database(self.client, vector.get_value('table_format'))
result = self.execute_query_expect_success(self.client,
"""select sum(l_extendedprice * (1 - l_discount)) as revenue
from lineitem join part on p_partkey = l_partkey
where l_comment like 'ab%'""", query_options=OPTS)
assert[0] == '440443181.0505'
class TestExchangeMemUsage(ImpalaTestSuite):
"""Targeted test for exchange memory limits."""
def get_workload(self):
return 'functional-query'
def add_test_dimensions(cls):
super(TestExchangeMemUsage, cls).add_test_dimensions()
def test_exchange_mem_usage_scaling(self, vector):
"""Test behaviour of exchange nodes with different memory limits."""
self.run_test_case('QueryTest/exchange-mem-scaling', vector)