blob: 8643ecf57a864583788a1068c3eb98450977c34d [file] [log] [blame]
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
# with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
# KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
# specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import os
import pytest
import random
import threading
import time
from subprocess import check_call
from tests.common.custom_cluster_test_suite import CustomClusterTestSuite
from tests.common.impala_cluster import ImpalaCluster
from tests.util.filesystem_utils import get_fs_path
# This custom cluster test splits out concurrency tests to allow running with
# a higher fe_service_threads (and thus higher concurrency). This also avoids
# side-effects for other tests (see IMPALA-7639).
class TestUdfConcurrency(CustomClusterTestSuite):
def get_workload(self):
return 'functional-query'
def setup_class(cls):
if cls.exploration_strategy() != 'exhaustive':
pytest.skip('runs only in exhaustive')
super(TestUdfConcurrency, cls).setup_class()
def add_test_dimensions(cls):
super(TestUdfConcurrency, cls).add_test_dimensions()
def test_native_functions_race(self, vector, unique_database):
""" IMPALA-6488: stress concurrent adds, uses, and deletes of native functions.
Exposes a crash caused by use-after-free in lib-cache."""
# Native function used by a query. Stresses lib-cache during analysis and
# backend expressions.
create_fn_to_use = \
"""create function {0}.use_it(string) returns string
use_fn = """select * from (select max(int_col) from functional.alltypesagg
where {0}.use_it(string_col) = 'blah' union all
(select max(int_col) from functional.alltypesagg
where {0}.use_it(String_col) > '1' union all
(select max(int_col) from functional.alltypesagg
where {0}.use_it(string_col) > '1'))) v"""
# Reference to another native function from the same 'so' file. Creating/dropping
# stresses lib-cache lookup, add, and refresh.
create_another_fn = """create function if not exists {0}.other(float)
returns float location '{1}' symbol='Identity'"""
drop_another_fn = """drop function if exists {0}.other(float)"""
udf_path = get_fs_path('/test-warehouse/')
# Tracks number of impalads prior to tests to check that none have crashed.
# All impalads are assumed to be coordinators.
cluster = ImpalaCluster.get_e2e_test_cluster()
exp_num_coordinators = cluster.num_responsive_coordinators()
setup_client = self.create_impala_client()
setup_query = create_fn_to_use.format(unique_database, udf_path)
except Exception as e:
print "Unable to create initial function: {0}".format(setup_query)
errors = []
def use_fn_method():
time.sleep(1 + random.random())
client = self.create_impala_client()
query = use_fn.format(unique_database)
except Exception as e:
def load_fn_method():
time.sleep(1 + random.random())
client = self.create_impala_client()
drop = drop_another_fn.format(unique_database)
create = create_another_fn.format(unique_database, udf_path)
except Exception as e:
# number of uses/loads needed to reliably reproduce the bug.
num_uses = 200
num_loads = 200
# create threads to use native function.
runner_threads = []
for i in xrange(num_uses):
# create threads to drop/create native functions.
for i in xrange(num_loads):
# launch all runner threads.
for t in runner_threads: t.start()
# join all threads.
for t in runner_threads: t.join()
for e in errors: print e
# Checks that no impalad has crashed.
assert cluster.num_responsive_coordinators() == exp_num_coordinators
def test_concurrent_jar_drop_use(self, vector, unique_database):
"""IMPALA-6215: race between dropping/using java udf's defined in the same jar.
This test runs concurrent drop/use threads that result in class not found
exceptions when the race is present.
udf_src_path = os.path.join(
os.environ['IMPALA_HOME'], "testdata/udfs/impala-hive-udfs.jar")
udf_tgt_path = get_fs_path(
create_fn_to_drop = """create function {0}.foo_{1}() returns string
LOCATION '{2}' SYMBOL='org.apache.impala.TestUpdateUdf'"""
create_fn_to_use = """create function {0}.use_it(string) returns string
LOCATION '{1}' SYMBOL='org.apache.impala.TestUdf'"""
drop_fn = "drop function if exists {0}.foo_{1}()"
use_fn = """select * from (select max(int_col) from functional.alltypesagg
where {0}.use_it(string_col) = 'blah' union all
(select max(int_col) from functional.alltypesagg
where {0}.use_it(String_col) > '1' union all
(select max(int_col) from functional.alltypesagg
where {0}.use_it(string_col) > '1'))) v"""
num_drops = 100
num_uses = 100
# use a unique jar for this test to avoid interactions with other tests
# that use the same jar
self.filesystem_client.copy_from_local(udf_src_path, udf_tgt_path)
# create all the functions.
setup_client = self.create_impala_client()
s = create_fn_to_use.format(unique_database, udf_tgt_path)
except Exception as e:
print e
assert False
for i in range(0, num_drops):
setup_client.execute(create_fn_to_drop.format(unique_database, i, udf_tgt_path))
except Exception as e:
print e
assert False
errors = []
def use_fn_method():
time.sleep(5 + random.random())
client = self.create_impala_client()
except Exception as e: errors.append(e)
def drop_fn_method(i):
time.sleep(1 + random.random())
client = self.create_impala_client()
client.execute(drop_fn.format(unique_database, i))
except Exception as e: errors.append(e)
# create threads to use functions.
runner_threads = []
for i in range(0, num_uses):
# create threads to drop functions.
for i in range(0, num_drops):
runner_threads.append(threading.Thread(target=drop_fn_method, args=(i, )))
# launch all runner threads.
for t in runner_threads: t.start()
# join all threads.
for t in runner_threads: t.join()
# Check for any errors.
for e in errors: print e
assert len(errors) == 0