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package org.apache.impala.analysis;
import org.apache.impala.testutil.TestUtils;
import org.junit.Test;
public class AnalyzeUpsertStmtTest extends AnalyzerTest {
public void TestUpsert() {
// VALUES clause
AnalyzesOk("upsert into table functional_kudu.testtbl values(1, 'a', 1)");
AnalyzesOk("upsert into table functional_kudu.testtbl(id) values(1)");
AnalyzesOk("upsert into table functional_kudu.testtbl values(1, 'a', 1), " +
"(2, 'b', 2), (3, 'c', 3)");
// SELECT clause
AnalyzesOk("upsert into functional_kudu.testtbl select bigint_col, string_col, " +
"int_col from functional.alltypes");
// Permutation lists
AnalyzesOk("upsert into table functional_kudu.testtbl(id) select bigint_col " +
"from functional.alltypes");
AnalyzesOk("upsert into table functional_kudu.testtbl(id, name) select bigint_col, " +
"string_col from functional.alltypes");
AnalyzesOk("upsert into table functional_kudu.testtbl(name, zip, id) select " +
"string_col, int_col, bigint_col from functional.alltypes");
// WITH clause
AnalyzesOk("with t1 as (select 1, 'a', 2) upsert into functional_kudu.testtbl " +
"select * from t1");
AnalyzesOk("with t1 as (select * from functional.alltypes) upsert into " +
"functional_kudu.testtbl select bigint_col, string_col, int_col from t1");
// WITH belonging to the select clause
AnalyzesOk("upsert into functional_kudu.testtbl with t1 as (select * from " +
"functional.alltypes) select bigint_col, string_col, int_col from t1");
AnalyzesOk("upsert into functional_kudu.testtbl(id) with t1 as (select * from " +
"functional.alltypes) select bigint_col from t1");
// Multiple WITH clauses
AnalyzesOk("with t1 as (select * from functional.alltypestiny) " +
"upsert into functional_kudu.testtbl with t2 as (select * from " +
"functional.alltypessmall) select bigint_col, string_col, int_col from t1");
// Correlated inline view
AnalyzesOk("upsert into table functional_kudu.testtbl " +
"select, string_col, b.month " +
"from functional.alltypes a, functional.allcomplextypes b, " +
"(select item from b.int_array_col) v1 " +
"where =");
// Hint
AnalyzesOk("upsert into table functional_kudu.testtbl [clustered] select * from " +
// Mixed column name case on both primary key and non-primary key cols.
AnalyzesOk("upsert into functional_kudu.testtbl (ID, ZIP) values (0, 0)");
// Key columns missing from permutation
AnalysisError("upsert into functional_kudu.testtbl(zip) values(1)",
"All primary key columns must be specified for UPSERTing into Kudu tables. " +
"Missing columns are: id");
// SELECT clause with wrong number of columns
AnalysisError("upsert into functional_kudu.testtbl select * from functional.alltypes",
"Target table 'functional_kudu.testtbl' has fewer columns (3) than the SELECT " +
"/ VALUES clause returns (13)");
// VALUES clause with wrong number of columns
AnalysisError("upsert into functional_kudu.testtbl values(1)", "Target table " +
"'functional_kudu.testtbl' has more columns (3) than the SELECT / VALUES " +
"clause returns (1)");
// Permutation with wrong number of columns
AnalysisError("upsert into functional_kudu.testtbl(id, name, zip) values(1)",
"Column permutation mentions more columns (3) than the SELECT / VALUES " +
"clause returns (1)");
// Type mismatch
AnalysisError("upsert into functional_kudu.testtbl values(1, 1, 1)",
"Target table 'functional_kudu.testtbl' is incompatible with source " +
"expressions.\nExpression '1' (type: TINYINT) is not compatible with column " +
"'name' (type: STRING)");
// Permutation with type mismatch
AnalysisError("upsert into functional_kudu.testtbl(zip, id, name) " +
"values('a', 'a', 'a')", "Target table 'functional_kudu.testtbl' is " +
"incompatible with source expressions.\nExpression ''a'' (type: STRING) is not " +
"compatible with column 'zip' (type: INT)");
// Permutation with invalid column name
AnalysisError("upsert into functional_kudu.testtbl (id, name, invalid) values " +
"(1, 'a', 1)", "Unknown column 'invalid' in column permutation");
// Permutation with repeated column
AnalysisError("upsert into functional_kudu.testtbl (id, name, zip, id) values " +
"(1, 'a', 1, 1)", "Duplicate column 'id' in column permutation");
// UPSERT into non-Kudu table
AnalysisError("upsert into functional.alltypes select * from functional.alltypes",
"UPSERT is only supported for Kudu tables");
// Unknown target DB
AnalysisError("upsert into UNKNOWNDB.testtbl select * " +
"from functional.alltypesnopart",
"Database does not exist: UNKNOWNDB");
// WITH-clause tables cannot be upserted into
AnalysisError("with t1 as (select 'a' x) upsert into t1 values('b' x)",
"Table does not exist: default.t1");
// Cannot upsert into a view
AnalysisError("upsert into functional.alltypes_view select * from " +
"Impala does not support UPSERTing into views: functional.alltypes_view");
// Upsert with uncorrelated inline view
AnalysisError("upsert into table functional_kudu.testtbl " +
"select, a.string_col, b.month " +
"from functional.alltypes a, functional.allcomplextypes b, " +
"(select item from b.int_array_col, functional.alltypestiny) v1 " +
"where =",
"Nested query is illegal because it contains a table reference " +
"'b.int_array_col' correlated with an outer block as well as an " +
"uncorrelated one 'functional.alltypestiny':\n" +
"SELECT item FROM b.int_array_col, functional.alltypestiny");
// Illegal complex-typed expr
AnalysisError("upsert into functional_kudu.testtbl " +
"select int_struct_col from functional.allcomplextypes",
"Expr 'int_struct_col' in select list returns a " +
"complex type 'STRUCT<f1:INT,f2:INT>'.\n" +
"Only scalar types are allowed in the select list.");