blob: 073031ee5ba451a4f71db6174f9e1c51d9dec173 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
package org.apache.impala.compat;
import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.TreeMap;
import org.apache.commons.lang.StringEscapeUtils;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.text.translate.CharSequenceTranslator;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.text.translate.EntityArrays;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.text.translate.LookupTranslator;
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.common.type.HiveDecimal;
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.TableType;
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.api.BinaryColumnStatsData;
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.api.BooleanColumnStatsData;
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.api.ColumnStatisticsData;
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.api.ColumnStatisticsObj;
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.api.DateColumnStatsData;
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.api.Decimal;
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.api.DecimalColumnStatsData;
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.api.DoubleColumnStatsData;
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.api.FieldSchema;
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.api.LongColumnStatsData;
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.api.StorageDescriptor;
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.api.StringColumnStatsData;
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.api.Table;
* Most of the code in this class is copied from Hive 2.1.1. This is used so that
* the describe table output from Impala matches to Hive as much as possible. Initially,
* Impala had a dependency with hive-exec which pulled in this class directly from
* hive-exec jar. But in Hive 3 this code has diverged a lot and getting it from hive-exec
* pulls in a lot of unnecessary dependencies. It could be argued that
* supporting describe table to be similar to Hive's describe table does not make much
* sense. Since the code has diverged anyways when compared to Hive 3, we should maintain
* our own code from now on and make changes as required.
public class HiveMetadataFormatUtils {
public static final String FIELD_DELIM = "\t";
public static final String LINE_DELIM = "\n";
static final int DEFAULT_STRINGBUILDER_SIZE = 2048;
private static final int ALIGNMENT = 20;
* Write formatted information about the given columns, including partition columns to a
* string
* @param cols - list of columns
* @param partCols - list of partition columns
* @param printHeader - if header should be included
* @param isOutputPadded - make it more human readable by setting indentation with
* spaces. Turned off for use by HiveServer2
* @return string with formatted column information
public static String getAllColumnsInformation(List<FieldSchema> cols,
List<FieldSchema> partCols, boolean printHeader, boolean isOutputPadded,
boolean showPartColsSep) {
StringBuilder columnInformation = new StringBuilder(DEFAULT_STRINGBUILDER_SIZE);
if (printHeader) {
formatColumnsHeader(columnInformation, null);
formatAllFields(columnInformation, cols, isOutputPadded, null);
if ((partCols != null) && !partCols.isEmpty() && showPartColsSep) {
columnInformation.append(LINE_DELIM).append("# Partition Information")
formatColumnsHeader(columnInformation, null);
formatAllFields(columnInformation, partCols, isOutputPadded, null);
return columnInformation.toString();
private static void formatColumnsHeader(StringBuilder columnInformation,
List<ColumnStatisticsObj> colStats) {
columnInformation.append("# "); // Easy for shell scripts to ignore
formatOutput(getColumnsHeader(colStats), columnInformation, false);
* Prints a row with the given fields into the builder The last field could be a
* multiline field, and the extra lines should be padded
* @param fields The fields to print
* @param tableInfo The target builder
* @param isLastLinePadded Is the last field could be printed in multiple lines, if
* contains newlines?
private static void formatOutput(String[] fields, StringBuilder tableInfo,
boolean isLastLinePadded) {
int[] paddings = new int[fields.length - 1];
if (fields.length > 1) {
for (int i = 0; i < fields.length - 1; i++) {
if (fields[i] == null) {
tableInfo.append(String.format("%-" + ALIGNMENT + "s", fields[i]))
paddings[i] = ALIGNMENT > fields[i].length() ? ALIGNMENT : fields[i].length();
if (fields.length > 0) {
String value = fields[fields.length - 1];
String unescapedValue = (isLastLinePadded && value != null) ? value
.replaceAll("\\\\n|\\\\r|\\\\r\\\\n", "\n") : value;
indentMultilineValue(unescapedValue, tableInfo, paddings, false);
} else {
private static final String schema = "col_name,data_type,comment#string:string:string";
private static final String colStatsSchema = "col_name,data_type,min,max,num_nulls,"
+ "distinct_count,avg_col_len,max_col_len,num_trues,num_falses,comment"
+ "#string:string:string:string:string:string:string:string:string:string:string";
public static String[] getColumnsHeader(List<ColumnStatisticsObj> colStats) {
String colSchema = schema;
if (colStats != null) {
colSchema = colStatsSchema;
return colSchema.split("#")[0].split(",");
* Write formatted column information into given StringBuilder
* @param tableInfo - StringBuilder to append column information into
* @param cols - list of columns
* @param isOutputPadded - make it more human readable by setting indentation with
* spaces. Turned off for use by HiveServer2
private static void formatAllFields(StringBuilder tableInfo, List<FieldSchema> cols,
boolean isOutputPadded, List<ColumnStatisticsObj> colStats) {
for (FieldSchema col : cols) {
if (isOutputPadded) {
formatWithIndentation(col.getName(), col.getType(), getComment(col), tableInfo,
} else {
formatWithoutIndentation(col.getName(), col.getType(), col.getComment(),
tableInfo, colStats);
private static void formatWithoutIndentation(String name, String type, String comment,
StringBuilder colBuffer, List<ColumnStatisticsObj> colStats) {
if (colStats != null) {
ColumnStatisticsObj cso = getColumnStatisticsObject(name, type, colStats);
if (cso != null) {
ColumnStatisticsData csd = cso.getStatsData();
if (csd.isSetBinaryStats()) {
BinaryColumnStatsData bcsd = csd.getBinaryStats();
appendColumnStatsNoFormatting(colBuffer, "", "", bcsd.getNumNulls(), "",
bcsd.getAvgColLen(), bcsd.getMaxColLen(), "", "");
} else if (csd.isSetStringStats()) {
StringColumnStatsData scsd = csd.getStringStats();
appendColumnStatsNoFormatting(colBuffer, "", "", scsd.getNumNulls(),
scsd.getNumDVs(), scsd.getAvgColLen(), scsd.getMaxColLen(), "", "");
} else if (csd.isSetBooleanStats()) {
BooleanColumnStatsData bcsd = csd.getBooleanStats();
appendColumnStatsNoFormatting(colBuffer, "", "", bcsd.getNumNulls(), "", "", "",
bcsd.getNumTrues(), bcsd.getNumFalses());
} else if (csd.isSetDecimalStats()) {
DecimalColumnStatsData dcsd = csd.getDecimalStats();
appendColumnStatsNoFormatting(colBuffer, convertToString(dcsd.getLowValue()),
convertToString(dcsd.getHighValue()), dcsd.getNumNulls(), dcsd.getNumDVs(),
"", "", "", "");
} else if (csd.isSetDoubleStats()) {
DoubleColumnStatsData dcsd = csd.getDoubleStats();
appendColumnStatsNoFormatting(colBuffer, dcsd.getLowValue(),
dcsd.getHighValue(), dcsd.getNumNulls(), dcsd.getNumDVs(), "", "", "", "");
} else if (csd.isSetLongStats()) {
LongColumnStatsData lcsd = csd.getLongStats();
appendColumnStatsNoFormatting(colBuffer, lcsd.getLowValue(),
lcsd.getHighValue(), lcsd.getNumNulls(), lcsd.getNumDVs(), "", "", "", "");
} else if (csd.isSetDateStats()) {
DateColumnStatsData dcsd = csd.getDateStats();
appendColumnStatsNoFormatting(colBuffer, convertToString(dcsd.getLowValue()),
convertToString(dcsd.getHighValue()), dcsd.getNumNulls(), dcsd.getNumDVs(),
"", "", "", "");
} else {
appendColumnStatsNoFormatting(colBuffer, "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "");
colBuffer.append(comment == null ? "" : ESCAPE_JAVA.translate(comment));
private static final CharSequenceTranslator ESCAPE_JAVA =
new LookupTranslator(new String[][]{{"\"", "\\\""}, {"\\", "\\\\"},})
.with(new LookupTranslator(EntityArrays.JAVA_CTRL_CHARS_ESCAPE()));
private static void appendColumnStatsNoFormatting(StringBuilder sb, Object min,
Object max, Object numNulls, Object ndv, Object avgColLen, Object maxColLen,
Object numTrues, Object numFalses) {
static String getComment(FieldSchema col) {
return col.getComment() != null ? col.getComment() : "";
private static void formatWithIndentation(String colName, String colType,
String colComment, StringBuilder tableInfo, List<ColumnStatisticsObj> colStats) {
tableInfo.append(String.format("%-" + ALIGNMENT + "s", colName)).append(FIELD_DELIM);
tableInfo.append(String.format("%-" + ALIGNMENT + "s", colType)).append(FIELD_DELIM);
if (colStats != null) {
ColumnStatisticsObj cso = getColumnStatisticsObject(colName, colType, colStats);
if (cso != null) {
ColumnStatisticsData csd = cso.getStatsData();
if (csd.isSetBinaryStats()) {
BinaryColumnStatsData bcsd = csd.getBinaryStats();
appendColumnStats(tableInfo, "", "", bcsd.getNumNulls(), "",
bcsd.getAvgColLen(), bcsd.getMaxColLen(), "", "");
} else if (csd.isSetStringStats()) {
StringColumnStatsData scsd = csd.getStringStats();
appendColumnStats(tableInfo, "", "", scsd.getNumNulls(), scsd.getNumDVs(),
scsd.getAvgColLen(), scsd.getMaxColLen(), "", "");
} else if (csd.isSetBooleanStats()) {
BooleanColumnStatsData bcsd = csd.getBooleanStats();
appendColumnStats(tableInfo, "", "", bcsd.getNumNulls(), "", "", "",
bcsd.getNumTrues(), bcsd.getNumFalses());
} else if (csd.isSetDecimalStats()) {
DecimalColumnStatsData dcsd = csd.getDecimalStats();
appendColumnStats(tableInfo, convertToString(dcsd.getLowValue()),
convertToString(dcsd.getHighValue()), dcsd.getNumNulls(), dcsd.getNumDVs(),
"", "", "", "");
} else if (csd.isSetDoubleStats()) {
DoubleColumnStatsData dcsd = csd.getDoubleStats();
appendColumnStats(tableInfo, dcsd.getLowValue(), dcsd.getHighValue(),
dcsd.getNumNulls(), dcsd.getNumDVs(), "", "", "", "");
} else if (csd.isSetLongStats()) {
LongColumnStatsData lcsd = csd.getLongStats();
appendColumnStats(tableInfo, lcsd.getLowValue(), lcsd.getHighValue(),
lcsd.getNumNulls(), lcsd.getNumDVs(), "", "", "", "");
} else if (csd.isSetDateStats()) {
DateColumnStatsData dcsd = csd.getDateStats();
appendColumnStats(tableInfo, convertToString(dcsd.getLowValue()),
convertToString(dcsd.getHighValue()), dcsd.getNumNulls(), dcsd.getNumDVs(),
"", "", "", "");
} else {
appendColumnStats(tableInfo, "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "");
int colNameLength = ALIGNMENT > colName.length() ? ALIGNMENT : colName.length();
int colTypeLength = ALIGNMENT > colType.length() ? ALIGNMENT : colType.length();
indentMultilineValue(colComment, tableInfo, new int[]{colNameLength, colTypeLength},
* comment indent processing for multi-line values values should be indented the same
* amount on each line if the first line comment starts indented by k, the following
* line comments should also be indented by k
* @param value the value to write
* @param tableInfo the buffer to write to
* @param columnWidths the widths of the previous columns
* @param printNull print null as a string, or do not print anything
private static void indentMultilineValue(String value, StringBuilder tableInfo,
int[] columnWidths, boolean printNull) {
if (value == null) {
if (printNull) {
tableInfo.append(String.format("%-" + ALIGNMENT + "s", value));
} else {
String[] valueSegments = value.split("\n|\r|\r\n");
tableInfo.append(String.format("%-" + ALIGNMENT + "s", valueSegments[0]))
for (int i = 1; i < valueSegments.length; i++) {
printPadding(tableInfo, columnWidths);
tableInfo.append(String.format("%-" + ALIGNMENT + "s", valueSegments[i]))
* Print the rigth padding, with the given column widths
* @param tableInfo The buffer to write to
* @param columnWidths The column widths
private static void printPadding(StringBuilder tableInfo, int[] columnWidths) {
for (int columnWidth : columnWidths) {
if (columnWidth == 0) {
} else {
tableInfo.append(String.format("%" + columnWidth + "s" + FIELD_DELIM, ""));
private static String convertToString(Decimal val) {
if (val == null) {
return "";
HiveDecimal result =
HiveDecimal.create(new BigInteger(val.getUnscaled()), val.getScale());
if (result != null) {
return result.toString();
} else {
return "";
private static String convertToString(org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.api.Date val) {
if (val == null) {
return "";
DateWritable writableValue = new DateWritable((int) val.getDaysSinceEpoch());
return writableValue.toString();
private static void appendColumnStats(StringBuilder sb, Object min, Object max,
Object numNulls, Object ndv, Object avgColLen, Object maxColLen, Object numTrues,
Object numFalses) {
sb.append(String.format("%-" + ALIGNMENT + "s", min)).append(FIELD_DELIM);
sb.append(String.format("%-" + ALIGNMENT + "s", max)).append(FIELD_DELIM);
sb.append(String.format("%-" + ALIGNMENT + "s", numNulls)).append(FIELD_DELIM);
sb.append(String.format("%-" + ALIGNMENT + "s", ndv)).append(FIELD_DELIM);
sb.append(String.format("%-" + ALIGNMENT + "s", avgColLen)).append(FIELD_DELIM);
sb.append(String.format("%-" + ALIGNMENT + "s", maxColLen)).append(FIELD_DELIM);
sb.append(String.format("%-" + ALIGNMENT + "s", numTrues)).append(FIELD_DELIM);
sb.append(String.format("%-" + ALIGNMENT + "s", numFalses)).append(FIELD_DELIM);
private static ColumnStatisticsObj getColumnStatisticsObject(String colName,
String colType, List<ColumnStatisticsObj> colStats) {
if (colStats != null && !colStats.isEmpty()) {
for (ColumnStatisticsObj cso : colStats) {
if (cso.getColName().equalsIgnoreCase(colName) && cso.getColType()
.equalsIgnoreCase(colType)) {
return cso;
return null;
public static String getTableInformation(Table table, boolean isOutputPadded) {
StringBuilder tableInfo = new StringBuilder(DEFAULT_STRINGBUILDER_SIZE);
// Table Metadata
tableInfo.append(LINE_DELIM).append("# Detailed Table Information")
getTableMetaDataInformation(tableInfo, table, isOutputPadded);
// Storage information.
tableInfo.append(LINE_DELIM).append("# Storage Information").append(LINE_DELIM);
getStorageDescriptorInfo(tableInfo, table.getSd());
if (TableType.VIRTUAL_VIEW.equals(TableType.valueOf(table.getTableType()))) {
tableInfo.append(LINE_DELIM).append("# View Information").append(LINE_DELIM);
getViewInfo(tableInfo, table);
return tableInfo.toString();
private static void getViewInfo(StringBuilder tableInfo, Table tbl) {
formatOutput("View Original Text:", tbl.getViewOriginalText(), tableInfo);
formatOutput("View Expanded Text:", tbl.getViewExpandedText(), tableInfo);
private static void getTableMetaDataInformation(StringBuilder tableInfo, Table tbl,
boolean isOutputPadded) {
formatOutput("Database:", tbl.getDbName(), tableInfo);
(tbl.getOwnerType() != null) ? tbl.getOwnerType().name() : "null", tableInfo);
formatOutput("Owner:", tbl.getOwner(), tableInfo);
formatOutput("CreateTime:", formatDate(tbl.getCreateTime()), tableInfo);
formatOutput("LastAccessTime:", formatDate(tbl.getLastAccessTime()), tableInfo);
formatOutput("Retention:", Integer.toString(tbl.getRetention()), tableInfo);
if (!TableType.VIRTUAL_VIEW.toString().equals(tbl.getTableType())) {
String location = null;
if (tbl.getSd() != null) {
location = tbl.getSd().getLocation();
formatOutput("Location:", location, tableInfo);
formatOutput("Table Type:", tbl.getTableType(), tableInfo);
if (tbl.getParameters().size() > 0) {
tableInfo.append("Table Parameters:").append(LINE_DELIM);
displayAllParameters(tbl.getParameters(), tableInfo, false, isOutputPadded);
* The name of the statistic for Number of Erasure Coded Files - to be published or
* gathered.
private static final String NUM_ERASURE_CODED_FILES = "numFilesErasureCoded";
* Display key, value pairs of the parameters. The characters will be escaped including
* unicode if escapeUnicode is true; otherwise the characters other than unicode will be
* escaped.
private static void displayAllParameters(Map<String, String> params,
StringBuilder tableInfo, boolean escapeUnicode, boolean isOutputPadded) {
List<String> keys = new ArrayList<String>(params.keySet());
for (String key : keys) {
String value = params.get(key);
//TODO(Vihang) HIVE-18118 should be ported to Hive-3.1
if (key.equals(NUM_ERASURE_CODED_FILES)) {
if ("0".equals(value)) {
tableInfo.append(FIELD_DELIM); // Ensures all params are indented.
formatOutput(key, escapeUnicode ? StringEscapeUtils.escapeJava(value)
: ESCAPE_JAVA.translate(value), tableInfo, isOutputPadded);
* Prints the name value pair It the output is padded then unescape the value, so it
* could be printed in multiple lines. In this case it assumes the pair is already
* indented with a field delimiter
* @param name The field name to print
* @param value The value t print
* @param tableInfo The target builder
* @param isOutputPadded Should the value printed as a padded string?
protected static void formatOutput(String name, String value, StringBuilder tableInfo,
boolean isOutputPadded) {
String unescapedValue = (isOutputPadded && value != null) ? value
.replaceAll("\\\\n|\\\\r|\\\\r\\\\n", "\n") : value;
formatOutput(name, unescapedValue, tableInfo);
* Prints the name value pair, and if the value contains newlines, it add one more empty
* field before the two values (Assumes, the name value pair is already indented with
* it)
* @param name The field name to print
* @param value The value to print - might contain newlines
* @param tableInfo The target builder
private static void formatOutput(String name, String value, StringBuilder tableInfo) {
tableInfo.append(String.format("%-" + ALIGNMENT + "s", name)).append(FIELD_DELIM);
int colNameLength = ALIGNMENT > name.length() ? ALIGNMENT : name.length();
indentMultilineValue(value, tableInfo, new int[]{0, colNameLength}, true);
private static String formatDate(long timeInSeconds) {
if (timeInSeconds != 0) {
Date date = new Date(timeInSeconds * 1000);
return date.toString();
return "UNKNOWN";
private static void getStorageDescriptorInfo(StringBuilder tableInfo,
StorageDescriptor storageDesc) {
formatOutput("SerDe Library:", storageDesc.getSerdeInfo().getSerializationLib(),
formatOutput("InputFormat:", storageDesc.getInputFormat(), tableInfo);
formatOutput("OutputFormat:", storageDesc.getOutputFormat(), tableInfo);
formatOutput("Compressed:", storageDesc.isCompressed() ? "Yes" : "No", tableInfo);
formatOutput("Num Buckets:", String.valueOf(storageDesc.getNumBuckets()), tableInfo);
formatOutput("Bucket Columns:", storageDesc.getBucketCols().toString(), tableInfo);
formatOutput("Sort Columns:", storageDesc.getSortCols().toString(), tableInfo);
if (storageDesc.isStoredAsSubDirectories()) {// optional parameter
formatOutput("Stored As SubDirectories:", "Yes", tableInfo);
if (null != storageDesc.getSkewedInfo()) {
List<String> skewedColNames =
if ((skewedColNames != null) && (skewedColNames.size() > 0)) {
formatOutput("Skewed Columns:", skewedColNames.toString(), tableInfo);
List<List<String>> skewedColValues =
new VectorComparator<String>());
if ((skewedColValues != null) && (skewedColValues.size() > 0)) {
formatOutput("Skewed Values:", skewedColValues.toString(), tableInfo);
Map<List<String>, String> skewedColMap =
new TreeMap<>(new VectorComparator<>());
if ((skewedColMap != null) && (skewedColMap.size() > 0)) {
formatOutput("Skewed Value to Path:", skewedColMap.toString(), tableInfo);
Map<List<String>, String> truncatedSkewedColMap =
new TreeMap<List<String>, String>(new VectorComparator<String>());
// walk through existing map to truncate path so that test won't mask it
// then we can verify location is right
Set<Entry<List<String>, String>> entries = skewedColMap.entrySet();
for (Entry<List<String>, String> entry : entries) {
truncatedSkewedColMap.put(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());
formatOutput("Skewed Value to Truncated Path:", truncatedSkewedColMap.toString(),
if (storageDesc.getSerdeInfo().getParametersSize() > 0) {
tableInfo.append("Storage Desc Params:").append(LINE_DELIM);
displayAllParameters(storageDesc.getSerdeInfo().getParameters(), tableInfo, true,
* Returns a sorted version of the given list, using the provided comparator
static <T> List<T> sortedList(List<T> list, Comparator<T> comp) {
if (list == null || list.size() <= 1) {
return list;
ArrayList<T> ret = new ArrayList<>();
Collections.sort(ret, comp);
return ret;
* Returns a sorted version of the given list
static <T extends Comparable<T>> List<T> sortedList(List<T> list) {
if (list == null || list.size() <= 1) {
return list;
ArrayList<T> ret = new ArrayList<>();
return ret;
* Compares to lists of object T as vectors
* @param <T> the base object type. Must be {@link Comparable}
private static class VectorComparator<T extends Comparable<T>> implements
Comparator<List<T>> {
public int compare(List<T> listA, List<T> listB) {
for (int i = 0; i < listA.size() && i < listB.size(); i++) {
T valA = listA.get(i);
T valB = listB.get(i);
if (valA != null) {
int ret = valA.compareTo(valB);
if (ret != 0) {
return ret;
} else {
if (valB != null) {
return -1;
return, listB.size());