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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
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<!DOCTYPE concept PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DITA Concept//EN" "concept.dtd">
<concept id="literals">
<data name="Category" value="Impala"/>
<data name="Category" value="Impala Data Types"/>
<data name="Category" value="SQL"/>
<data name="Category" value="Data Analysts"/>
<data name="Category" value="Developers"/>
Each of the Impala data types has corresponding notation for literal values of that type.
You specify literal values in SQL statements, such as in the <codeph>SELECT</codeph> list
or <codeph>WHERE</codeph> clause of a query, or as an argument to a function call. See
href="impala_datatypes.xml#datatypes"/> for a complete list of types,
ranges, and conversion rules.
<p outputclass="toc inpage"/>
<concept id="numeric_literals">
<title>Numeric Literals</title>
To write literals for the integer types (<codeph>TINYINT</codeph>,
<codeph>SMALLINT</codeph>, <codeph>INT</codeph>, and <codeph>BIGINT</codeph>), use a
sequence of digits with optional leading zeros.
<p rev="1.4.0">
To write literals for the floating-point types (<codeph rev="1.4.0">DECIMAL</codeph>,
<codeph>FLOAT</codeph>, and <codeph>DOUBLE</codeph>), use a sequence of digits with an
optional decimal point (<codeph>.</codeph> character). To preserve accuracy during
arithmetic expressions, Impala interprets floating-point literals as the
<codeph>DECIMAL</codeph> type with the smallest appropriate precision and scale, until
required by the context to convert the result to <codeph>FLOAT</codeph> or
Integer values are promoted to floating-point when necessary, based on the context.
You can also use exponential notation by including an <codeph>e</codeph> character. For
example, <codeph>1e6</codeph> is 1 times 10 to the power of 6 (1 million). A number in
exponential notation is always interpreted as floating-point.
<p rev="tk">
When Impala encounters a numeric literal, it considers the type to be the
<q>smallest</q> that can accurately represent the value. The type is promoted to larger
or more accurate types if necessary, based on subsequent parts of an expression.
For example, you can see by the types Impala defines for the following table columns how
it interprets the corresponding numeric literals:
<codeblock>[localhost:21000] > create table ten as select 10 as x;
| summary |
| Inserted 1 row(s) |
[localhost:21000] > desc ten;
| name | type | comment |
| x | tinyint | |
[localhost:21000] > create table four_k as select 4096 as x;
| summary |
| Inserted 1 row(s) |
[localhost:21000] > desc four_k;
| name | type | comment |
| x | smallint | |
[localhost:21000] > create table one_point_five as select 1.5 as x;
| summary |
| Inserted 1 row(s) |
[localhost:21000] > desc one_point_five;
| name | type | comment |
| x | decimal(2,1) | |
[localhost:21000] > create table one_point_three_three_three as select 1.333 as x;
| summary |
| Inserted 1 row(s) |
[localhost:21000] > desc one_point_three_three_three;
| name | type | comment |
| x | decimal(4,3) | |
<concept id="string_literals">
<title>String Literals</title>
String literals are quoted using either single or double quotation marks. You can use
either kind of quotes for string literals, even both kinds for different literals within
the same statement.
<p rev="2.0.0">
Quoted literals are considered to be of type <codeph>STRING</codeph>. To use quoted
literals in contexts requiring a <codeph>CHAR</codeph> or <codeph>VARCHAR</codeph>
value, <codeph>CAST()</codeph> the literal to a <codeph>CHAR</codeph> or
<codeph>VARCHAR</codeph> of the appropriate length.
<b>Escaping special characters:</b>
To encode special characters within a string literal, precede them with the backslash
(<codeph>\</codeph>) escape character:
<codeph>\t</codeph> represents a tab.
<codeph>\n</codeph> represents a newline or linefeed. This might cause extra line
breaks in <cmdname>impala-shell</cmdname> output.
<codeph>\r</codeph> represents a carriage return. This might cause unusual formatting
(making it appear that some content is overwritten) in <cmdname>impala-shell</cmdname>
<codeph>\b</codeph> represents a backspace. This might cause unusual formatting
(making it appear that some content is overwritten) in <cmdname>impala-shell</cmdname>
<codeph>\0</codeph> represents an ASCII <codeph>nul</codeph> character (not the same
as a SQL <codeph>NULL</codeph>). This might not be visible in
<cmdname>impala-shell</cmdname> output.
<codeph>\Z</codeph> represents a DOS end-of-file character. This might not be visible
in <cmdname>impala-shell</cmdname> output.
<codeph>\%</codeph> and <codeph>\_</codeph> can be used to escape wildcard characters
within the string passed to the <codeph>LIKE</codeph> operator.
<codeph>\</codeph> followed by 3 octal digits represents the ASCII code of a single
character; for example, <codeph>\101</codeph> is ASCII 65, the character
Use two consecutive backslashes (<codeph>\\</codeph>) to prevent the backslash from
being interpreted as an escape character.
Use the backslash to escape single or double quotation mark characters within a string
literal, if the literal is enclosed by the same type of quotation mark.
If the character following the <codeph>\</codeph> does not represent the start of a
recognized escape sequence, the character is passed through unchanged.
<b>Quotes within quotes:</b>
To include a single quotation character within a string value, enclose the literal with
either single or double quotation marks, and optionally escape the single quote as a
<codeph>\'</codeph> sequence. Earlier releases required escaping a single quote inside
double quotes. Continue using escape sequences in this case if you also need to run your
SQL code on older versions of Impala.
To include a double quotation character within a string value, enclose the literal with
single quotation marks, no escaping is necessary in this case. Or, enclose the literal
with double quotation marks and escape the double quote as a <codeph>\"</codeph>
<codeblock>[localhost:21000] &gt; select "What\'s happening?" as single_within_double,
&gt; 'I\'m not sure.' as single_within_single,
&gt; "Homer wrote \"The Iliad\"." as double_within_double,
&gt; 'Homer also wrote "The Odyssey".' as double_within_single;
| single_within_double | single_within_single | double_within_double | double_within_single |
| What's happening? | I'm not sure. | Homer wrote "The Iliad". | Homer also wrote "The Odyssey". |
<b>Field terminator character in CREATE TABLE:</b>
<note conref="../shared/impala_common.xml#common/thorn"/>
<b>impala-shell considerations:</b>
When dealing with output that includes non-ASCII or non-printable characters such as
linefeeds and backspaces, use the <cmdname>impala-shell</cmdname> options to save to a
file, turn off pretty printing, or both rather than relying on how the output appears
visually. See <xref href="impala_shell_options.xml#shell_options"/> for a list of
<cmdname>impala-shell</cmdname> options.
<concept id="boolean_literals">
<title>Boolean Literals</title>
For <codeph>BOOLEAN</codeph> values, the literals are <codeph>TRUE</codeph> and
<codeph>FALSE</codeph>, with no quotation marks and case-insensitive.
<p conref="../shared/impala_common.xml#common/example_blurb"/>
<codeblock>select true;
select * from t1 where assertion = false;
select case bool_col when true then 'yes' when false 'no' else 'null' end from t1;</codeblock>
<concept id="timestamp_literals">
<title>Timestamp Literals</title>
<p conref="../shared/impala_common.xml#common/timestamp_conversions"
You can also use <codeph>INTERVAL</codeph> expressions to add or subtract from timestamp
literal values, such as <codeph>CAST('1966‑07‑30' AS
href="impala_timestamp.xml#timestamp"/> for details.
Depending on your data pipeline, you might receive date and time data as text, in
notation that does not exactly match the format for Impala <codeph>TIMESTAMP</codeph>
literals. See <xref href="impala_datetime_functions.xml#datetime_functions"/> for
functions that can convert between a variety of string literals (including different
field order, separators, and timezone notation) and equivalent
<codeph>TIMESTAMP</codeph> or numeric values.
<concept id="date_literals">
<title>Date Literals</title>
The <codeph>DATE</codeph> literals are in the form of <codeph>DATE'YYYY-MM-DD'</codeph>.
For example, <codeph>DATE '2013-01-01'</codeph>
<concept id="null">
The notion of <codeph>NULL</codeph> values is familiar from all kinds of database
systems, but each SQL dialect can have its own behavior and restrictions on
<codeph>NULL</codeph> values. For Big Data processing, the precise semantics of
<codeph>NULL</codeph> values are significant: any misunderstanding could lead to
inaccurate results or misformatted data, that could be time-consuming to correct for
large data sets.
<codeph>NULL</codeph> is a different value than an empty string. The empty string is
represented by a string literal with nothing inside, <codeph>""</codeph> or
In a delimited text file, the <codeph>NULL</codeph> value is represented by the
special token <codeph>\N</codeph>.
When Impala inserts data into a partitioned table, and the value of one of the
partitioning columns is <codeph>NULL</codeph> or the empty string, the data is placed
in a special partition that holds only these two kinds of values. When these values
are returned in a query, the result is <codeph>NULL</codeph> whether the value was
originally <codeph>NULL</codeph> or an empty string. This behavior is compatible with
the way Hive treats <codeph>NULL</codeph> values in partitioned tables. Hive does not
allow empty strings as partition keys, and it returns a string value such as
<codeph>__HIVE_DEFAULT_PARTITION__</codeph> instead of <codeph>NULL</codeph> when such
values are returned from a query. For example:
<codeblock>create table t1 (i int) partitioned by (x int, y string);
-- Select an INT column from another table, with all rows going into a special HDFS subdirectory
-- named __HIVE_DEFAULT_PARTITION__. Depending on whether one or both of the partitioning keys
-- are null, this special directory name occurs at different levels of the physical data directory
-- for the table.
insert into t1 partition(x=NULL, y=NULL) select c1 from some_other_table;
insert into t1 partition(x, y=NULL) select c1, c2 from some_other_table;
insert into t1 partition(x=NULL, y) select c1, c3 from some_other_table;</codeblock>
There is no <codeph>NOT NULL</codeph> clause when defining a column to prevent
<codeph>NULL</codeph> values in that column.
There is no <codeph>DEFAULT</codeph> clause to specify a non-<codeph>NULL</codeph>
default value.
If an <codeph>INSERT</codeph> operation mentions some columns but not others, the
unmentioned columns contain <codeph>NULL</codeph> for all inserted rows.
<li rev="1.2.1">
<p conref="../shared/impala_common.xml#common/null_sorting_change"/>
<!-- To do: Probably a bunch of similar view-related restrictions like this that should be collected, reused, or cross-referenced under the Views topic. -->
Because the <codeph>NULLS FIRST</codeph> and <codeph>NULLS LAST</codeph> keywords
are not currently available in Hive queries, any views you create using those
keywords will not be available through Hive.
In all other contexts besides sorting with <codeph>ORDER BY</codeph>, comparing a
<codeph>NULL</codeph> to anything else returns <codeph>NULL</codeph>, making the
comparison meaningless. For example, <codeph>10 &gt; NULL</codeph> produces
<codeph>NULL</codeph>, <codeph>10 &lt; NULL</codeph> also produces
<codeph>NULL</codeph>, <codeph>5 BETWEEN 1 AND NULL</codeph> produces
<codeph>NULL</codeph>, and so on.
Several built-in functions serve as shorthand for evaluating expressions and returning
<codeph>NULL</codeph>, 0, or some other substitution value depending on the expression
result: <codeph>ifnull()</codeph>, <codeph>isnull()</codeph>, <codeph>nvl()</codeph>,
<codeph>nullif()</codeph>, <codeph>nullifzero()</codeph>, and
<codeph>zeroifnull()</codeph>. See
<xref href="impala_conditional_functions.xml#conditional_functions"/> for details.
<p conref="../shared/impala_common.xml#common/kudu_blurb"/>
<p rev="kudu">
Columns in Kudu tables have an attribute that specifies whether or not they can contain
<codeph>NULL</codeph> values. A column with a <codeph>NULL</codeph> attribute can
contain nulls. A column with a <codeph>NOT NULL</codeph> attribute cannot contain any
nulls, and an <codeph>INSERT</codeph>, <codeph>UPDATE</codeph>, or
<codeph>UPSERT</codeph> statement will skip any row that attempts to store a null in a
column designated as <codeph>NOT NULL</codeph>. Kudu tables default to the
<codeph>NULL</codeph> setting for each column, except columns that are part of the
primary key.
<p rev="kudu">
In addition to columns with the <codeph>NOT NULL</codeph> attribute, Kudu tables also
have restrictions on <codeph>NULL</codeph> values in columns that are part of the
primary key for a table. No column that is part of the primary key in a Kudu table can
contain any <codeph>NULL</codeph> values.