blob: 64a2925ac196166e7880604393022b2d4d189bc9 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env impala-python
# encoding=utf-8
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
# with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
# KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
# specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import os
import pytest
import re
import shlex
import time
from subprocess import Popen, PIPE
from tests.common.environ import (IMPALA_LOCAL_BUILD_VERSION,
from tests.common.impala_test_suite import (IMPALAD_BEESWAX_HOST_PORT,
SHELL_HISTORY_FILE = os.path.expanduser("~/.impalahistory")
if ImpalaTestClusterProperties.get_instance().is_remote_cluster():
# With remote cluster testing, we cannot assume that the shell was built locally.
# Test the locally built shell distribution.
IMPALA_HOME, "shell/build", "impala-shell-" + IMPALA_LOCAL_BUILD_VERSION,
def assert_var_substitution(result):
assert_pattern(r'\bfoo_number=.*$', 'foo_number= 123123', result.stdout, \
'Numeric values not replaced correctly')
assert_pattern(r'\bfoo_string=.*$', 'foo_string=123', result.stdout, \
'String values not replaced correctly')
assert_pattern(r'\bVariables:[\s\n]*BAR:\s*[0-9]*\n\s*FOO:\s*[0-9]*', \
'Variables:\n\tBAR: 456\n\tFOO: 123', result.stdout, \
"Set variable not listed correctly by the first SET command")
assert_pattern(r'\bError: Unknown variable FOO1$', \
'Error: Unknown variable FOO1', result.stderr, \
'Missing variable FOO1 not reported correctly')
assert_pattern(r'\bmulti_test=.*$', 'multi_test=456_123_456_123', \
result.stdout, 'Multiple replaces not working correctly')
assert_pattern(r'\bError:\s*Unknown\s*substitution\s*syntax\s*' +
r'\(RANDOM_NAME\). Use \${VAR:var_name}', \
'Error: Unknown substitution syntax (RANDOM_NAME). Use ${VAR:var_name}', \
result.stderr, "Invalid variable reference")
assert_pattern(r'"This should be not replaced: \${VAR:foo} \${HIVEVAR:bar}"',
'"This should be not replaced: ${VAR:foo} ${HIVEVAR:bar}"', \
result.stdout, "Variable escaping not working")
assert_pattern(r'\bVariable MYVAR set to.*$', 'Variable MYVAR set to foo123',
result.stderr, 'No evidence of MYVAR variable being set.')
'Variables:\n\tBAR: 456\n\tFOO: 123\n\tMYVAR: foo123', result.stdout,
'Set variables not listed correctly by the second SET command')
assert_pattern(r'\bUnsetting variable FOO$', 'Unsetting variable FOO',
result.stdout, 'No evidence of variable FOO being unset')
assert_pattern(r'\bUnsetting variable BAR$', 'Unsetting variable BAR',
result.stdout, 'No evidence of variable BAR being unset')
assert_pattern(r'\bVariables:[\s\n]*No variables defined\.$', \
'Variables:\n\tNo variables defined.', result.stdout, \
'Unset variables incorrectly listed by third SET command.')
assert_pattern(r'\bNo variable called NONEXISTENT is set', \
'No variable called NONEXISTENT is set', result.stdout, \
'Problem unsetting non-existent variable.')
assert_pattern(r'\bVariable COMMENT_TYPE1 set to.*$',
'Variable COMMENT_TYPE1 set to ok', result.stderr,
'No evidence of COMMENT_TYPE1 variable being set.')
assert_pattern(r'\bVariable COMMENT_TYPE2 set to.*$',
'Variable COMMENT_TYPE2 set to ok', result.stderr,
'No evidence of COMMENT_TYPE2 variable being set.')
assert_pattern(r'\bVariable COMMENT_TYPE3 set to.*$',
'Variable COMMENT_TYPE3 set to ok', result.stderr,
'No evidence of COMMENT_TYPE3 variable being set.')
assert_pattern(r'\bVariables:[\s\n]*COMMENT_TYPE1:.*[\s\n]*' + \
'Variables:\n\tCOMMENT_TYPE1: ok\n\tCOMMENT_TYPE2: ok\n\tCOMMENT_TYPE3: ok', \
result.stdout, 'Set variables not listed correctly by the SET command')
def assert_pattern(pattern, result, text, message):
"""Asserts that the pattern, when applied to text, returns the expected result"""
m =, text, re.MULTILINE)
assert m and == result, message
def run_impala_shell_cmd(vector, shell_args, env=None, expect_success=True,
stdin_input=None, wait_until_connected=True):
"""Runs the Impala shell on the commandline.
'shell_args' is a string which represents the commandline options.
Returns a ImpalaShellResult.
result = run_impala_shell_cmd_no_expect(vector, shell_args, env, stdin_input,
expect_success and wait_until_connected)
if expect_success:
assert result.rc == 0, "Cmd %s was expected to succeed: %s" % (shell_args,
assert result.rc != 0, "Cmd %s was expected to fail" % shell_args
return result
def run_impala_shell_cmd_no_expect(vector, shell_args, env=None, stdin_input=None,
"""Runs the Impala shell on the commandline.
'shell_args' is a string which represents the commandline options.
Returns a ImpalaShellResult.
Does not assert based on success or failure of command.
p = ImpalaShell(vector, shell_args, env=env, wait_until_connected=wait_until_connected)
result = p.get_result(stdin_input)
return result
def get_impalad_host_port(vector):
"""Get host and port to connect to based on test vector provided."""
protocol = vector.get_value("protocol")
if protocol == 'hs2':
elif protocol == 'hs2-http':
assert protocol == 'beeswax', protocol
def get_impalad_port(vector):
"""Get integer port to connect to based on test vector provided."""
return int(get_impalad_host_port(vector).split(":")[1])
def get_shell_cmd(vector):
"""Get the basic shell command to start the shell, given the provided test vector.
Returns the command as a list of string arguments."""
def get_open_sessions_metric(vector):
"""Get the name of the vector that tracks open sessions for the protocol in vector."""
protocol = vector.get_value("protocol")
if protocol in ('hs2', 'hs2-http'):
return 'impala-server.num-open-hiveserver2-sessions'
assert protocol == 'beeswax', protocol
return 'impala-server.num-open-beeswax-sessions'
class ImpalaShellResult(object):
def __init__(self):
self.rc = 0
self.stdout = str()
self.stderr = str()
class ImpalaShell(object):
"""A single instance of the Impala shell. The proces is started when this object is
constructed, and then users should repeatedly call send_cmd(), followed eventually by
get_result() to retrieve the process output. This constructor will wait until
Impala shell is connected for the specified timeout unless wait_until_connected is
set to False or --quiet is passed into the args."""
def __init__(self, vector, args=None, env=None, wait_until_connected=True, timeout=60):
self.shell_process = self._start_new_shell_process(vector, args, env=env)
# When --quiet option is passed to Impala shell, we should not wait until we see
# "Connected to" because it will never be printed to stderr.
if wait_until_connected and (args is None or "--quiet" not in args):
start_time = time.time()
connected = False
while time.time() - start_time < timeout and not connected:
connected = "Connected to" in self.shell_process.stderr.readline()
assert connected, "Impala shell is not connected"
def pid(self):
def send_cmd(self, cmd):
"""Send a single command to the shell. This method adds the end-of-query
terminator (';'). """
self.shell_process.stdin.write("%s;\n" % cmd)
# Allow fluent-style chaining of commands
return self
def wait_for_query_start(self):
"""If this shell was started with the '-q' option, this mathod will block until the
query has started running"""
# readline() will block until a line is actually printed, so this loop should always
# read something like:
# Starting Impala Shell without Kerberos authentication
# Connected to localhost:21000
# Server version: impalad version...
# Query: select sleep(10)
# Query submitted at:...
# Query progress can be monitored at:...
# We stop at 10 iterations to prevent an infinite loop if somehting goes wrong.
iters = 0
while "Query progress" not in self.shell_process.stderr.readline() and iters < 10:
iters += 1
def get_result(self, stdin_input=None):
"""Returns an ImpalaShellResult produced by the shell process on exit. After this
method returns, send_cmd() no longer has any effect."""
result = ImpalaShellResult()
result.stdout, result.stderr = self.shell_process.communicate(input=stdin_input)
# We need to close STDIN if we gave it an input, in order to send an EOF that will
# allow the subprocess to exit.
if stdin_input is not None: self.shell_process.stdin.close()
result.rc = self.shell_process.returncode
return result
def _start_new_shell_process(self, vector, args=None, env=None):
"""Starts a shell process and returns the process handle"""
cmd = get_shell_cmd(vector)
if args is not None: cmd += args
if not env: env = os.environ
# Don't inherit PYTHONPATH - the shell launch script should set up PYTHONPATH
# to include dependencies. Copy 'env' to avoid mutating argument or os.environ.
env = dict(env)
if "PYTHONPATH" in env:
del env["PYTHONPATH"]
return Popen(cmd, shell=False, stdout=PIPE, stdin=PIPE, stderr=PIPE,