blob: d1bc8341ac8da62532edc278886a42385c11d573 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
// The functions in this file are specifically not cross-compiled to IR because there
// is no signifcant performance benefit to be gained.
#include "exprs/string-functions.h"
#include <gutil/strings/util.h>
#include <rapidjson/document.h>
#include <rapidjson/stringbuffer.h>
#include <rapidjson/error/en.h>
#include <rapidjson/writer.h>
#include "exprs/anyval-util.h"
#include "util/string-util.h"
#include "util/string-parser.h"
#include "common/names.h"
#include "cast-functions.h"
using namespace rapidjson;
using namespace impala_udf;
namespace impala {
#define RETURN_IF_OOM(stmt, result_on_err) \
try {stmt;} catch (const std::bad_alloc& e) { \
VLOG_QUERY << "Allocation failed: " << e.what(); return result_on_err; }
#define RETURN_NULL_IF_OOM(stmt) RETURN_IF_OOM(stmt, StringVal::null());
/// RapidJSON combines different types using templates. A class containing all required
/// interface can be an allocator.
/// This class is a wrapper of FunctionContext for RapidJSON to allocate tracked memory.
class JsonUdfAllocator {
static const bool kNeedFree = false;
JsonUdfAllocator() { DCHECK(false) << "Default constructor should not be used"; }
JsonUdfAllocator(FunctionContext* ctx): ctx_(ctx) {}
void* Malloc(size_t size) {
if (!size) return nullptr;
StringVal buffer(ctx_, size);
if (UNLIKELY(buffer.is_null)) {
// RapidJSON cannot handle allocation failures. We can only throw an exception
// to stop it.
throw std::bad_alloc();
return buffer.ptr;
void* Realloc(void* originalPtr, size_t originalSize, size_t newSize) {
if (originalPtr == nullptr && newSize > 0) return Malloc(newSize);
if (newSize == 0) return nullptr;
// Do not shrink if new size is smaller than original
if (originalSize >= newSize) return originalPtr;
void* newBuffer = Malloc(newSize);
if (originalSize > 0) memcpy(newBuffer, originalPtr, originalSize);
// Don't need to free the original space. The allocated memory will be recycled in
// bulk after the UDF returns
return newBuffer;
// The allocated memory will be recycled in bulk after the UDF returns
static void Free(void* ptr) {}
FunctionContext* ctx_;
/// RapidJSON requires input strings that end with a trailing '\0'. Since StringVal
/// doesn't have a trailing '\0', we need a wrapper Stream for it.
/// A class containing all required interface can be a usable stream for RapidJSON.
class StringValStream {
typedef UTF8<>::Ch Ch;
StringValStream(const StringVal *str)
: pos_(reinterpret_cast<Ch*>(str->ptr)),
tail_(reinterpret_cast<Ch*>(str->ptr + str->len)) {}
char Peek() const {
if (pos_ == tail_) return 0;
return *pos_;
char Take() {
if (pos_ == tail_) return 0;
return *pos_++;
size_t Tell() const { return pos_ - head_; }
// Interfaces that should not be called
char* PutBegin() { DCHECK(false); return 0; }
void Put(Ch) { DCHECK(false); }
size_t PutEnd(Ch*) { DCHECK(false); return 0; }
const Ch* pos_; // Current read position.
const Ch* head_; // Original head of the string.
const Ch* tail_; // Original tail of the string.
typedef GenericDocument<UTF8<>, JsonUdfAllocator> JsonUdfDocument;
typedef GenericValue<UTF8<>, JsonUdfAllocator> JsonUdfValue;
typedef GenericStringBuffer<UTF8<>, JsonUdfAllocator> JsonUdfStrBuffer;
typedef Writer<JsonUdfStrBuffer, UTF8<>, UTF8<>, JsonUdfAllocator> JsonUdfWriter;
static StringVal ToStringVal(FunctionContext* ctx, const JsonUdfValue& values,
JsonUdfAllocator* allocator) {
if (values.Empty()) return StringVal::null();
JsonUdfStrBuffer sb(allocator);
JsonUdfWriter writer(sb, allocator);
JsonUdfValue res;
if (values.Size() == 1) {
const JsonUdfValue& v = values[0];
if (v.IsNull()) return StringVal::null();
if (v.IsString()) {
// RapidJSON will quote the strings. It's incompatible with Hive's behavior when
// the string is at the root, so we convert it ourselves here.
return StringVal::CopyFrom(ctx, reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(v.GetString()),
} else { // multiple selected items, return an array string
const char* res_ptr = sb.GetString();
return StringVal::CopyFrom(ctx, reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(res_ptr),
// Extract all the values for 'key' where objects in 'queue' contain that key.
// Replace the contents of queue with the values found.
static void SelectByKey(const string& key, JsonUdfValue* queue,
JsonUdfAllocator* allocator) {
SizeType old_items = queue->Size(); // RapidJson uses SizeType instead of size_t
const char* key_ptr = key.c_str();
JsonUdfValue item;
for (SizeType i = 0; i < old_items; ++i) {
item = (*queue)[i];
if (!item.IsObject() || !item.HasMember(key_ptr)) continue;
queue->PushBack(item[key_ptr], *allocator);
queue->Erase(queue->Begin(), queue->Begin() + old_items);
// Extract all the values for 'index' where arrays in 'queue' contain that index.
// Replace the contents of queue with the values found.
static void SelectByIndex(const int index, JsonUdfValue* queue,
JsonUdfAllocator* allocator) {
SizeType old_items = queue->Size();
for (SizeType i = 0; i < old_items; ++i) {
JsonUdfValue& item = (*queue)[i];
if (!item.IsArray() || index >= item.Capacity()) continue;
queue->PushBack(item[index], *allocator);
queue->Erase(queue->Begin(), queue->Begin() + old_items);
// Expand all arrays in the queue and replace the contents of queue with them.
static void ExpandArrays(JsonUdfValue* queue, JsonUdfAllocator* allocator) {
SizeType old_items = queue->Size();
for (SizeType i = 0; i < old_items; ++i) {
if (!(*queue)[i].IsArray()) continue;
for (auto& v : (*queue)[i].GetArray()) queue->PushBack(v, *allocator);
queue->Erase(queue->Begin(), queue->Begin() + old_items);
// Extract all values of the objects in queue and replace the contents of queue with them
static void ExtractValues(JsonUdfValue* queue, JsonUdfAllocator* allocator) {
SizeType old_items = queue->Size();
for (SizeType i = 0; i < old_items; ++i) {
if (!(*queue)[i].IsObject()) continue;
for (auto& m : (*queue)[i].GetObject()) queue->PushBack(m.value, *allocator);
queue->Erase(queue->Begin(), queue->Begin() + old_items);
/// Process wildcard(*) in value selection. path_idx is the index after the wildcard in
/// path_str. Return next unprocessed index in path_str. Return -1 for errors.
static int ProcessWildcardKey(FunctionContext* ctx, const StringVal& path_str,
int path_idx, JsonUdfValue* queue, JsonUdfAllocator* allocator) {
const uint8_t* path = path_str.ptr;
while (path_idx < path_str.len) {
if (path[path_idx] == '[' || path[path_idx] == '.') break;
if (path[path_idx] != ' ') {
string msg = Substitute("Failed to parse json path '$0': "
"Encountered '$1' in position $2, expects ' ', '[' or '.'",
AnyValUtil::ToString(path_str), static_cast<char>(path[path_idx]), path_idx);
return -1;
RETURN_IF_OOM(ExtractValues(queue, allocator), -1);
return path_idx;
/// Process wildcard(*) in array selection. path_idx is the index after the wildcard in
/// path_str. Return next unprocessed index in path_str. Return -1 for errors.
static int ProcessWildcardIndex(FunctionContext* ctx, const StringVal& path_str,
int path_idx, JsonUdfValue* queue, JsonUdfAllocator* allocator) {
const uint8_t* path = path_str.ptr;
while (path_idx < path_str.len && path[path_idx] != ']') {
if (path[path_idx] != ' ') { // have something else illegal
string msg = Substitute("Failed to parse json path '$0': "
"Encountered '$1' in position $2, expects ' ' or ']'",
AnyValUtil::ToString(path_str), static_cast<char>(path[path_idx]), path_idx);
return -1;
if (path_idx == path_str.len) {
string msg = Substitute("Unclosed brackets in json path '$0'",
return -1;
RETURN_IF_OOM(ExpandArrays(queue, allocator), -1);
return path_idx + 1; // path_idx points at ']'
/// Process number in array selection. path_idx points at the start of the number in
/// path_str. Return next unprocessed index in path_str. Return -1 for errors.
static int ProcessNumberIndex(FunctionContext* ctx, const StringVal& path_str,
int path_idx, JsonUdfValue* queue, JsonUdfAllocator* allocator) {
const uint8_t* path = path_str.ptr;
const char* number_start = reinterpret_cast<const char*>(path + path_idx);
int i = path_idx;
while (i < path_str.len && path[i] != ']') ++i;
if (i == path_str.len) {
string msg = Substitute("Unclosed brackets in json path '$0'",
return -1;
StringParser::ParseResult parse_res;
int index = StringParser::StringToInt<int>(number_start, i - path_idx, &parse_res);
if (parse_res != StringParser::PARSE_SUCCESS || index < 0) {
const char* failure;
if (parse_res == StringParser::PARSE_FAILURE) {
failure = "Failed to parse json path '$0': Expected number at position $1";
} else if (parse_res == StringParser::PARSE_OVERFLOW) {
failure = "Failed to parse json path '$0': Index too large at position $1";
} else {
DCHECK(parse_res == StringParser::PARSE_SUCCESS && index < 0);
failure = "Failed to parse json path '$0': Negative index at position $1";
string msg = Substitute(failure, AnyValUtil::ToString(path_str), path_idx);
return -1;
RETURN_IF_OOM(SelectByIndex(index, queue, allocator), -1);
return i + 1; // i points at ']'
/// Parse json_str into Document. Return false for errors.
static bool ParseStringVal(FunctionContext* ctx, const StringVal& json_str,
JsonUdfDocument* doc) {
StringValStream stream(&json_str);
RETURN_IF_OOM(doc->ParseStream(stream), false);
if (doc->HasParseError()) {
string msg = Substitute("Failed to parse json at position $0 since: $1."
" Json string:\n$2", doc->GetErrorOffset(),
GetParseError_En(doc->GetParseError()), AnyValUtil::ToString(json_str));
return false;
return true;
// Initial capacity of the BFS queue used in GetJsonObjectImpl
static const int INITIAL_QUEUE_CAPACITY = 64;
/// TODO(IMPALA-7610): parse the JSON path and cache it so we don't need to parse it
/// everytime
StringVal StringFunctions::GetJsonObjectImpl(FunctionContext* ctx,
const StringVal& json_str, const StringVal& path_str) {
if (UNLIKELY(json_str.is_null || json_str.len == 0)) return StringVal::null();
if (UNLIKELY(path_str.is_null || path_str.len == 0)) {
ctx->SetError("Empty json path");
return StringVal::null();
int beg = 0;
// Strip off preceding whitespace.
while (beg < path_str.len && path_str.ptr[beg] == ' ') beg++;
if (UNLIKELY(beg == path_str.len || path_str.ptr[beg] != '$')) {
// Here we use '$$' to escape '$' in Substitute
string msg = Substitute("Failed to parse json path '$0': Should start with '$$'",
return StringVal::null();
JsonUdfAllocator allocator(ctx);
JsonUdfDocument document(&allocator);
if (!ParseStringVal(ctx, json_str, &document)) return StringVal::null();
// BFS to extract selected values. We use array of RapidJson instead of std::vector to
// track its memory.
JsonUdfValue queue(kArrayType);
RETURN_NULL_IF_OOM(queue.PushBack(document, allocator));
const uint8_t* path = path_str.ptr;
const uint8_t* path_end = path + path_str.len;
for (int i = beg + 1; i < path_str.len;) {
// Each round we extract new items into the queue. Old items will be removed.
switch (path[i]) {
case '$': {
string msg = Substitute("Failed to parse json path '$0':"
" $$ should only be placed at start", AnyValUtil::ToString(path_str));
return StringVal::null();
case '.': {
// Hive does not skip the heading and trailing whitespaces since it simply splits
// the json path by '.'. We should keep the same behavior with MySQL. See
// JSON_EXTRACT in MySQL(5.7+).
for (++i; i < path_str.len && path[i] == ' '; ++i); // skip whitespaces
if (i == path_str.len) {
string msg = Substitute("Failed to parse json path '$0': Found a trailing '.'",
return StringVal::null();
if (path[i] == '*') {
i = ProcessWildcardKey(ctx, path_str, ++i, &queue, &allocator);
if (i < 0) return StringVal::null();
const uint8_t* start = path + i;
const uint8_t* end = FindEndOfIdentifier(start, path_end);
// Set error if looking for an empty key
if (end == nullptr) {
string msg = Substitute(
"Failed to parse json path '$0': Expected key at position $1",
AnyValUtil::ToString(path_str), i);
return StringVal::null();
// Convert to string to automatically null terminate.
string key = string(start, end);
RETURN_NULL_IF_OOM(SelectByKey(key, &queue, &allocator));
i += (end - start);
case '[': {
// TODO(IMPALA-7611) support range syntax like [2 to 7] and keyword `last`.
// Hive has not supported it yet but MySQL does since 8.0.2. See
// and
for (++i; i < path_str.len && path[i] == ' '; ++i); // skip whitespaces
if (i == path_str.len) return StringVal::null();
if (path[i] == '*') {
i = ProcessWildcardIndex(ctx, path_str, ++i, &queue, &allocator);
if (i < 0) return StringVal::null();
// else it should be a number
i = ProcessNumberIndex(ctx, path_str, i, &queue, &allocator);
if (i < 0) return StringVal::null();
case ' ':
default: {
string msg = Substitute(
"Failed to parse json path '$0': Unexpected char '$1' at position $2",
AnyValUtil::ToString(path_str), static_cast<char>(path[i]), i);
return StringVal::null();
return ToStringVal(ctx, queue, &allocator);