blob: 9c8dbe1e3f4fd23422cad0597687fc2ba93c61d1 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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// distributed with this work for additional information
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#include "exprs/expr.h"
#include "runtime/descriptors.h"
#include "udf/udf.h"
namespace impala {
using impala_udf::FunctionContext;
class LlvmCodeGen;
class MemPool;
class MemTracker;
class ObjectPool;
class RuntimeState;
class Tuple;
class TupleRow;
class TExprNode;
/// --- AggFn overview
/// An aggregate function generates an output over a set of tuple rows.
/// An example would be AVG() which computes the average of all input rows.
/// The built-in aggregate functions such as min, max, sum, avg, ndv etc are
/// in this category.
/// --- Implementation
/// AggFn contains the aggregation operations, pointers to the UDAF interface functions
/// implementing various states of aggregation and the descriptors for the intermediate
/// and output values. Please see udf/udf.h for details of the UDAF interfaces.
/// AggFnEvaluator is the interface for evaluating aggregate functions against input
/// tuple rows. It invokes the following functions at different phases of the aggregation:
/// init_fn_ : An initialization function that initializes the aggregate value.
/// update_fn_ : An update function that processes the arguments for each row in the
/// query result set and accumulates an intermediate result. For example,
/// this function might increment a counter, append to a string buffer or
/// add the input to a culmulative sum.
/// merge_fn_ : A merge function that combines multiple intermediate results into a
/// single value.
/// serialize_fn_: A serialization function that flattens any intermediate values
/// containing pointers, and frees any memory allocated during the init,
/// update and merge phases.
/// finalize_fn_ : A finalize function that either passes through the combined result
/// unchanged, or does one final transformation. Also frees the resources
/// allocated during init, update and merge phases.
/// get_value_fn_: Used by AnalyticEval node to obtain the current intermediate value.
/// remove_fn_ : Used by AnalyticEval node to undo the update to the intermediate value
/// by an input row as it falls out of a sliding window.
class AggFn : public Expr {
/// Override the base class' implementation.
virtual bool IsAggFn() const { return true; }
/// Enum for some built-in aggregation ops.
enum AggregationOp {
/// Creates and initializes an aggregate function from 'texpr' and returns it in
/// 'agg_fn'. The returned AggFn lives in the ObjectPool of 'state'. 'row_desc' is
/// the row descriptor of the input tuple row; 'intermediate_slot_desc' is the slot
/// descriptor of the intermediate value; 'output_slot_desc' is the slot descriptor
/// of the output value. On failure, returns error status and sets 'agg_fn' to NULL.
static Status Create(const TExpr& texpr, const RowDescriptor& row_desc,
const SlotDescriptor& intermediate_slot_desc,
const SlotDescriptor& output_slot_desc, RuntimeState* state, AggFn** agg_fn)
bool is_merge() const { return is_merge_; }
AggregationOp agg_op() const { return agg_op_; }
bool is_count_star() const { return agg_op_ == COUNT && children_.empty(); }
bool is_builtin() const { return fn_.binary_type == TFunctionBinaryType::BUILTIN; }
const std::string& fn_name() const { return; }
const ColumnType& intermediate_type() const { return intermediate_slot_desc_.type(); }
const SlotDescriptor& intermediate_slot_desc() const { return intermediate_slot_desc_; }
// Output type is the same as Expr::type().
const SlotDescriptor& output_slot_desc() const { return output_slot_desc_; }
void* remove_fn() const { return remove_fn_; }
void* merge_or_update_fn() const { return is_merge_ ? merge_fn_ : update_fn_; }
void* serialize_fn() const { return serialize_fn_; }
void* get_value_fn() const { return get_value_fn_; }
void* finalize_fn() const { return finalize_fn_; }
bool SupportsRemove() const { return remove_fn_ != nullptr; }
bool SupportsSerialize() const { return serialize_fn_ != nullptr; }
FunctionContext::TypeDesc GetIntermediateTypeDesc() const;
FunctionContext::TypeDesc GetOutputTypeDesc() const;
const std::vector<FunctionContext::TypeDesc>& arg_type_descs() const {
return arg_type_descs_;
/// Generates an IR wrapper function to call update_fn_/merge_fn_ which may either be
/// cross-compiled or loaded from an external library. The generated IR function is
/// returned in 'uda_fn'. Returns error status on failure.
/// TODO: implement codegen path for init, finalize, serialize functions etc.
Status CodegenUpdateOrMergeFunction(LlvmCodeGen* codegen, llvm::Function** uda_fn)
/// Releases all cache entries to libCache for all nodes in the expr tree.
virtual void Close();
static void Close(const std::vector<AggFn*>& exprs);
virtual std::string DebugString() const;
static std::string DebugString(const std::vector<AggFn*>& exprs);
friend class Expr;
friend class AggFnEvaluator;
/// True if this is a merging aggregation.
const bool is_merge_;
/// Slot into which Update()/Merge()/Serialize() write their result. Not owned.
const SlotDescriptor& intermediate_slot_desc_;
/// Slot into which Finalize() results are written. Not owned. Identical to
/// intermediate_slot_desc_ if this agg fn has the same intermediate and result type.
const SlotDescriptor& output_slot_desc_;
/// The types of the arguments to the aggregate function.
const std::vector<FunctionContext::TypeDesc> arg_type_descs_;
/// The aggregation operation.
AggregationOp agg_op_;
/// Function pointers for the different phases of the aggregate function.
void* init_fn_ = nullptr;
void* update_fn_ = nullptr;
void* remove_fn_ = nullptr;
void* merge_fn_ = nullptr;
void* serialize_fn_ = nullptr;
void* get_value_fn_ = nullptr;
void* finalize_fn_ = nullptr;
AggFn(const TExprNode& node, const SlotDescriptor& intermediate_slot_desc,
const SlotDescriptor& output_slot_desc);
/// Initializes the AggFn and its input expressions. May load the UDAF from LibCache
/// if necessary.
virtual Status Init(const RowDescriptor& desc, RuntimeState* state) WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;