blob: 758617dcc7ff4ce22bfd25c4ce7db48d4ea0cfe3 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
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// under the License.
namespace cpp impala
namespace java org.apache.impala.thrift
include "ExecStats.thrift"
include "Status.thrift"
include "Types.thrift"
include "beeswax.thrift"
include "TCLIService.thrift"
// ImpalaService accepts query execution options through beeswax.Query.configuration in
// key:value form. For example, the list of strings could be:
// "num_nodes:1", "abort_on_error:false"
// The valid keys are listed in this enum. They map to TQueryOptions.
// Note: If you add an option or change the default, you also need to update:
// - ImpalaInternalService.thrift: TQueryOptions
// - SetQueryOption(), SetQueryOptions()
// - TQueryOptionsToMap()
enum TImpalaQueryOptions {
// if true, abort execution on the first error
// maximum # of errors to be reported; Unspecified or 0 indicates backend default
// if true, disable llvm codegen
// batch size to be used by backend; Unspecified or a size of 0 indicates backend
// default
// a per-machine approximate limit on the memory consumption of this query;
// unspecified or a limit of 0 means no limit;
// otherwise specified either as:
// a) an int (= number of bytes);
// b) a float followed by "M" (MB) or "G" (GB)
// specifies the degree of parallelism with which to execute the query;
// 1: single-node execution
// NUM_NODES_ALL: executes on all nodes that contain relevant data
// NUM_NODES_ALL_RACKS: executes on one node per rack that holds relevant data
// > 1: executes on at most that many nodes at any point in time (ie, there can be
// more nodes than numNodes with plan fragments for this query, but at most
// numNodes would be active at any point in time)
// Constants (NUM_NODES_ALL, NUM_NODES_ALL_RACKS) are defined in JavaConstants.thrift.
// maximum length of the scan range; only applicable to HDFS scan range; Unspecified or
// a length of 0 indicates backend default;
MAX_IO_BUFFERS, // Removed
// Number of scanner threads.
// Accepted formats:
// 1. ExecNode actions
// "[<instance idx>:]<node id>:<TExecNodePhase>:<TDebugAction>",
// the exec node with the given id will perform the specified action in the given
// phase. If the optional backend number (starting from 0) is specified, only that
// backend instance will perform the debug action, otherwise all backends will behave
// in that way.
// If the string doesn't have the required format or if any of its components is
// invalid, the option is ignored.
// 2. Global actions
// "<global label>:<command>@<param0>@<param1>@...<paramN>",
// global labels are marked in the code with DEBUG_ACTION*() macros.
// Available global actions:
// - SLEEP@<ms> will sleep for the 'ms' milliseconds.
// - JITTER@<ms>[@<probability>] will sleep for a random amount of time between 0
// and 'ms' milliseconds with the given probability. If <probability> is omitted,
// it is 1.0.
// - FAIL[@<probability>] returns an INTERNAL_ERROR status with the given
// probability. If <probability> is omitted, it is 1.0.
// Only a single ExecNode action is allowed, but multiple global actions can be
// specified. To specify multiple actions, separate them with "|".
// Compression codec when inserting into tables.
// Valid values are "snappy", "gzip", "bzip2" and "none"
// Leave blank to use default.
// HBase scan query option. If set and > 0, HBASE_CACHING is the value for
// "hbase.client.Scan.setCaching()" when querying HBase table. Otherwise, use backend
// default.
// If the value is too high, then the hbase region server will have a hard time (GC
// pressure and long response times). If the value is too small, then there will be
// extra trips to the hbase region server.
// HBase scan query option. If set, HBase scan will always set
// "hbase.client.setCacheBlocks" to CACHE_BLOCKS. Default is false.
// If the table is large and the query is doing big scan, set it to false to
// avoid polluting the cache in the hbase region server.
// If the table is small and the table is used several time, set it to true to improve
// performance.
// Target file size for inserts into parquet tables. 0 uses the default.
// Level of detail for explain output (NORMAL, VERBOSE).
// If true, waits for the result of all catalog operations to be processed by all
// active impalad in the cluster before completing.
// Request pool this request should be submitted to. If not set
// the pool is determined based on the user.
V_CPU_CORES, // Removed
// if true, disables cached reads. This option has no effect if REPLICA_PREFERENCE is
// configured.
// TODO: IMPALA-4306: retire at compatibility-breaking version
// Temporary testing flag
RM_INITIAL_MEM, // Removed
// Time, in s, before a query will be timed out if it is inactive. May not exceed
// --idle_query_timeout if that flag > 0. If 0, falls back to --idle_query_timeout.
// Test hook for spill to disk operators
// Transforms all count(distinct) aggregations into NDV()
// If true, allows Impala to internally disable spilling for potentially
// disastrous query plans. Impala will excercise this option if a query
// has no plan hints, and at least one table is missing relevant stats.
// If the number of rows that are processed for a single query is below the
// threshold, it will be executed on the coordinator only with codegen disabled
// If true, use the table's metadata to produce the partition columns instead of table
// scans whenever possible. This option is opt-in by default as this optimization may
// produce different results than the scan based approach in some edge cases.
// Prefered memory distance of replicas. This parameter determines the pool of replicas
// among which scans will be scheduled in terms of the distance of the replica storage
// from the impalad.
// Enables random backend selection during scheduling.
// If true, the planner will not generate plans with streaming preaggregations.
// Size (in bytes) of a runtime Bloom Filter. Will be rounded up to nearest power of
// two.
// Time (in ms) to wait in scans for runtime filters to arrive.
// If true, disable application of runtime filters to individual rows.
// Maximum number of bloom runtime filters allowed per query.
// If true, use UTF-8 annotation for string columns. Note that char and varchar columns
// always use the annotation.
// Determines how to resolve Parquet files' schemas in the absence of field IDs (which
// is always, since fields IDs are NYI). Valid values are "position" and "name".
// Multi-threaded execution: degree of parallelism = number of active threads per
// backend
// If true, INSERT writes to S3 go directly to their final location rather than being
// copied there by the coordinator. We cannot do this for INSERT OVERWRITES because for
// those queries, the coordinator deletes all files in the final location before copying
// the files there.
// TODO: Find a way to get this working for INSERT OVERWRITEs too.
// Maximum runtime bloom filter size, in bytes.
// Minimum runtime bloom filter size, in bytes.
// Prefetching behavior during hash tables' building and probing.
// Additional strict handling of invalid data parsing and type conversions.
// A limit on the amount of scratch directory space that can be used;
// Unspecified or a limit of -1 means no limit;
// Otherwise specified in the same way as MEM_LIMIT.
// Indicates whether the FE should rewrite Exprs for optimization purposes.
// It's sometimes useful to disable rewrites for testing, e.g.,
// Indicates whether to use the new decimal semantics, which includes better
// rounding and output types for multiply / divide
// Indicates whether to use dictionary filtering for Parquet files
// Policy for resolving nested array fields in Parquet files.
// An Impala array type can have several different representations in
// a Parquet schema (three, two, or one level). There is fundamental ambiguity
// between the two and three level encodings with index-based field resolution.
// The ambiguity can manually be resolved using this query option, or by using
// Indicates whether to read statistics from Parquet files and use them during query
// processing. This includes skipping data based on the statistics and computing query
// results like "select min()".
// Join distribution mode that is used when the join inputs have an unknown
// cardinality, e.g., because of missing table statistics.
// If the number of rows processed per node is below the threshold and disable_codegen
// is unset, codegen will be automatically be disabled by the planner.
// The default spillable buffer size, in bytes.
// The minimum spillable buffer size, in bytes.
// The maximum row size that memory is reserved for, in bytes.
// The time, in seconds, that a session may be idle for before it is closed (and all
// running queries cancelled) by Impala. If 0, idle sessions never expire.
// Minimum number of bytes that will be scanned in COMPUTE STATS TABLESAMPLE,
// regardless of the user-supplied sampling percent.
// Time limit, in s, before a query will be timed out after it starts executing. Does
// not include time spent in planning, scheduling or admission control. A value of 0
// means no time limit.
// When a query has both grouping and distinct exprs, impala can optionally include the
// distinct exprs in the hash exchange of the first aggregation phase to spread the data
// among more nodes. However, this plan requires another hash exchange on the grouping
// exprs in the second phase which is not required when omitting the distinct exprs in
// the first phase. Shuffling by both is better if the grouping exprs have low NDVs.
// This only has an effect if memory-estimate-based admission control is enabled, i.e.
// max_mem_resources is set for the pool and, *contrary to best practices*, MEM_LIMIT
// is not set. In that case, then min(MAX_MEM_ESTIMATE_FOR_ADMISSION,
// planner memory estimate) is used for admission control purposes. This provides a
// workaround if the planner's memory estimate is too high and prevents a runnable
// query from being admitted. 0 or -1 means this has no effect. Defaults to 0.
// Admission control will reject queries when the number of reserved threads per backend
// for the query exceeds this number. 0 or -1 means this has no effect.
// Admission control will reject queries when the total number of reserved threads
// across all backends for the query exceeds this number. 0 or -1 means this has no
// effect.
// Overrides the -kudu_read_mode flag to set the consistency level for Kudu scans.
// Possible values are DEFAULT, READ_LATEST, and READ_AT_SNAPSHOT.
// Allow reading of erasure coded files.
// The timezone used in UTC<->localtime conversions. The default is the OS's timezone
// at the coordinator, which can be overridden by environment variable $TZ.
// Scan bytes limit, after which a query will be terminated with an error.
// CPU time limit in seconds, after which a query will be terminated with an error.
// Note that until IMPALA-7318 is fixed, CPU usage can be very stale and this may not
// terminate queries soon enough.
// The max number of estimated bytes a TopN operator is allowed to materialize, if the
// planner thinks a TopN operator will exceed this limit, it falls back to a TotalSort
// operator which is capable of spilling to disk (unlike the TopN operator which keeps
// everything in memory). 0 or -1 means this has no effect.
// The summary of a DML statement.
// TODO: Rename to reflect that this is for all DML.
struct TInsertResult {
// Number of modified rows per partition. Only applies to HDFS and Kudu tables.
// The keys represent partitions to create, coded as k1=v1/k2=v2/k3=v3..., with
// the root in an unpartitioned table being the empty string.
1: required map<string, i64> rows_modified
// Number of row operations attempted but not completed due to non-fatal errors
// reported by the storage engine that Impala treats as warnings. Only applies to Kudu
// tables. This includes errors due to duplicate/missing primary keys, nullability
// constraint violations, and primary keys in uncovered partition ranges.
// TODO: Provide a detailed breakdown of these counts by error. IMPALA-4416.
2: optional i64 num_row_errors
// Response from a call to PingImpalaService
struct TPingImpalaServiceResp {
// The Impala service's version string.
1: string version
// The Impalad's webserver address.
2: string webserver_address
// Parameters for a ResetTable request which will invalidate a table's metadata.
struct TResetTableReq {
// Name of the table's parent database.
1: required string db_name
// Name of the table.
2: required string table_name
// For all rpc that return a TStatus as part of their result type,
// if the status_code field is set to anything other than OK, the contents
// of the remainder of the result type is undefined (typically not set)
service ImpalaService extends beeswax.BeeswaxService {
// Cancel execution of query. Returns RUNTIME_ERROR if query_id
// unknown.
// This terminates all threads running on behalf of this query at
// all nodes that were involved in the execution.
// Throws BeeswaxException if the query handle is invalid (this doesn't
// necessarily indicate an error: the query might have finished).
Status.TStatus Cancel(1:beeswax.QueryHandle query_id)
throws(1:beeswax.BeeswaxException error);
// Invalidates all catalog metadata, forcing a reload
// DEPRECATED; execute query "invalidate metadata" to refresh metadata
Status.TStatus ResetCatalog();
// Invalidates a specific table's catalog metadata, forcing a reload on the next access
// DEPRECATED; execute query "refresh <table>" to refresh metadata
Status.TStatus ResetTable(1:TResetTableReq request)
// Returns the runtime profile string for the given query handle.
string GetRuntimeProfile(1:beeswax.QueryHandle query_id)
throws(1:beeswax.BeeswaxException error);
// Closes the query handle and return the result summary of the insert.
TInsertResult CloseInsert(1:beeswax.QueryHandle handle)
throws(1:beeswax.QueryNotFoundException error, 2:beeswax.BeeswaxException error2);
// Client calls this RPC to verify that the server is an ImpalaService. Returns the
// server version.
TPingImpalaServiceResp PingImpalaService();
// Returns the summary of the current execution.
ExecStats.TExecSummary GetExecSummary(1:beeswax.QueryHandle handle)
throws(1:beeswax.QueryNotFoundException error, 2:beeswax.BeeswaxException error2);
// Impala HiveServer2 service
struct TGetExecSummaryReq {
1: optional TCLIService.TOperationHandle operationHandle
2: optional TCLIService.TSessionHandle sessionHandle
struct TGetExecSummaryResp {
1: required TCLIService.TStatus status
2: optional ExecStats.TExecSummary summary
struct TGetRuntimeProfileReq {
1: optional TCLIService.TOperationHandle operationHandle
2: optional TCLIService.TSessionHandle sessionHandle
struct TGetRuntimeProfileResp {
1: required TCLIService.TStatus status
2: optional string profile
service ImpalaHiveServer2Service extends TCLIService.TCLIService {
// Returns the exec summary for the given query
TGetExecSummaryResp GetExecSummary(1:TGetExecSummaryReq req);
// Returns the runtime profile string for the given query
TGetRuntimeProfileResp GetRuntimeProfile(1:TGetRuntimeProfileReq req);