blob: f4987c310f2483d8e621e01cbacdfd525f14063c [file] [log] [blame]
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
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import os
import pprint
import pytest
import shlex
from subprocess import call
from tests.beeswax.impala_beeswax import ImpalaBeeswaxException
from tests.common.impala_test_suite import ImpalaTestSuite
from tests.common.skip import SkipIfS3, SkipIfADLS, SkipIfIsilon, SkipIfLocal
from tests.common.test_dimensions import create_uncompressed_text_dimension
from tests.util.test_file_parser import QueryTestSectionReader
# The purpose of view compatibility testing is to check whether views created in Hive
# can be queried in Impala and vice versa. A test typically consists of
# the following actions specified in different test sections.
# 1. create a view with a certain definition using Hive and Impala
# 2. explain a "select *" query on the view created by Hive using Hive and Impala
# 3. explain a "select *" query on the view created by Impala using Hive and Impala
# For each of the steps above its corresponding test section specifies our expectations
# on whether Impala and Hive will succeed or fail.
# Impala and Hive's SQL dialects are not fully compatible. We intentionally rely
# on the view creation mechanism instead of just testing various SQL statements in
# Impala and Hive, because view creation transforms the original view definition into
# a so-called "extended view definition". As this process of transformation could
# potentially change in Impala and/or Hive simply testing various SQL statements
# in Impala and Hive would be insufficient.
# Missing Coverage: Views created by Hive and Impala being visible and queryble by each
# other on non hdfs storage.
class TestViewCompatibility(ImpalaTestSuite):
def get_workload(self):
return 'functional-query'
def add_test_dimensions(cls):
super(TestViewCompatibility, cls).add_test_dimensions()
if cls.exploration_strategy() != 'exhaustive':
pytest.skip("Should only run in exhaustive due to long execution time.")
# don't use any exec options, running exactly once is fine
# There is no reason to run these tests using all dimensions.
def test_view_compatibility(self, vector, unique_database):
self._run_view_compat_test_case('QueryTest/views-compatibility', vector,
def _run_view_compat_test_case(self, test_file_name, vector, test_db_name):
Runs a view-compatibility test file, containing the following sections:
contains a view creation statement to be executed in Impala and Hive
whether we expect the view creation in Impala/Hive to succeed/fail
whether we expect to be able to query the view created by Hive in Hive/Impala
whether we expect to be able to query the view created by Impala in Hive/Impala
sections = self.load_query_test_file(self.get_workload(), test_file_name,\
for test_section in sections:
# validate the test
test_case = ViewCompatTestCase(test_section, test_file_name, test_db_name)
# create views in Hive and Impala checking against the expected results
# The table may or may not have been created in Hive. And so, "invalidate metadata"
# may throw an exception.
except ImpalaBeeswaxException as e:
assert "TableNotFoundException" in str(e)
# explain a simple query on the view created by Hive in Hive and Impala
if test_case.has_query_hive_section():
exp_res = test_case.get_query_exp_res('HIVE');
if 'HIVE' in exp_res:
test_case.get_create_view_sql('HIVE'), exp_res)
if 'IMPALA' in exp_res:
test_case.get_create_view_sql('HIVE'), exp_res)
# explain a simple query on the view created by Impala in Hive and Impala
if test_case.has_query_impala_section():
exp_res = test_case.get_query_exp_res('IMPALA');
if 'HIVE' in exp_res:
test_case.get_create_view_sql('IMPALA'), exp_res)
if 'IMPALA' in exp_res:
test_case.get_create_view_sql('IMPALA'), exp_res)
# drop the views without checking success or failure
test_case.get_create_view_sql('HIVE'), None)
except ImpalaBeeswaxException as e:
assert "TableNotFoundException" in str(e)
test_case.get_create_view_sql('IMPALA'), None)
def _exec_in_hive(self, sql_str, create_view_sql, exp_res):
hive_ret = call(['hive', '-e', sql_str])
self._cmp_expected(sql_str, create_view_sql, exp_res, "HIVE", hive_ret == 0)
def _exec_in_impala(self, sql_str, create_view_sql, exp_res):
success = True
impala_ret = self.execute_query(sql_str)
success = impala_ret.success
except: # consider any exception a failure
success = False
self._cmp_expected(sql_str, create_view_sql, exp_res, "IMPALA", success)
def _cmp_expected(self, sql_str, create_view_sql, exp_res, engine, success):
if exp_res is None:
if exp_res[engine] and not success:
assert 0, '%s failed to execute\n%s\nwhile testing a view created as\n%s'\
% (engine, sql_str, create_view_sql)
if not exp_res[engine] and success:
assert 0, '%s unexpectedly succeeded in executing\n%s\nwhile testing '\
'a view created as\n%s' % (engine, create_view_sql, sql_str)
# Represents one view-compatibility test case. Performs validation of the test sections
# and provides SQL to execute for each section.
class ViewCompatTestCase(object):
def __init__(self, test_section, test_file_name, test_db_name):
if 'CREATE_VIEW' not in test_section:
assert 0, 'Error in test file %s. Test cases require a '\
'CREATE_VIEW section.\n%s' %\
(test_file_name, pprint.pformat(test_section))
self.create_exp_res = None
# get map of expected results from test sections
if 'CREATE_VIEW_RESULTS' in test_section:
self.create_exp_res =\
assert 0, 'Error in test file %s. Test cases require a '\
'CREATE_VIEW_RESULTS section.\n%s' %\
(test_file_name, pprint.pformat(test_section))
self.query_hive_exp_res = None
if 'QUERY_HIVE_VIEW_RESULTS' in test_section:
self.query_hive_exp_res =\
self.query_impala_exp_res = None
if 'QUERY_IMPALA_VIEW_RESULTS' in test_section:
self.query_impala_exp_res =\
if self.query_hive_exp_res is None and self.query_impala_exp_res is None:
assert 0, 'Error in test file %s. Test cases require a QUERY_HIVE_VIEW_RESULTS '\
'or QUERY_IMPALA_VIEW_RESULTS section.\n%s' %\
(test_file_name, pprint.pformat(test_section))
# clean test section, remove comments etc.
self.create_view_sql = QueryTestSectionReader.build_query(test_section['CREATE_VIEW'])
view_name = self._get_view_name(self.create_view_sql)
if view_name.find(".") != -1:
assert 0, 'Error in test file %s. Found unexpected view name %s that is '\
'qualified with a database' % (test_file_name, view_name)
# add db prefix and suffixes to indicate which engine created the view
self.hive_view_name = test_db_name + '.' + view_name + '_hive'
self.impala_view_name = test_db_name + '.' + view_name + '_impala'
self.hive_create_view_sql =\
self.create_view_sql.replace(view_name, self.hive_view_name, 1)
self.impala_create_view_sql =\
self.create_view_sql.replace(view_name, self.impala_view_name, 1)
# SQL to explain a simple query on the view created by Hive in Hive and Impala
if self.query_hive_exp_res is not None:
self.query_hive_view_sql = 'explain select * from %s' % (self.hive_view_name)
# SQL to explain a simple query on the view created by Impala in Hive and Impala
if self.query_impala_exp_res is not None:
self.query_impala_view_sql = 'explain select * from %s' % (self.impala_view_name)
self.drop_hive_view_sql = "drop view %s" % (self.hive_view_name)
self.drop_impala_view_sql = "drop view %s" % (self.impala_view_name)
def _get_view_name(self, create_view_sql):
lexer = shlex.shlex(create_view_sql)
tokens = list(lexer)
# sanity check the create view statement
if len(tokens) < 3:
assert 0, 'Error in test. Invalid CREATE VIEW statement: %s' % (create_view_sql)
if tokens[0].lower() != "create" or tokens[1].lower() != "view":
assert 0, 'Error in test. Invalid CREATE VIEW statement: %s' % (create_view_sql)
if tokens[2].lower() == "if":
# expect an "if not exists" clause
return tokens[5]
# expect a create view view_name ...
return tokens[2]
def _get_expected_results(self, section_text):
lines = section_text.splitlines()
exp_res = dict()
for line in lines:
components = line.partition("=")
component_value = components[2].upper()
if component_value == 'SUCCESS':
exp_res[components[0]] = True
elif component_value == 'FAILURE':
exp_res[components[0]] = False
raise Exception("Unexpected result declared: " + line)
# check that the results section contains at least one entry
if not (lambda a, b: any(i in b for i in a)):
assert 0, 'No valid entry in expected-results section. '\
'Expected an IMPALA or HIVE entry.'
return exp_res
def get_create_view_sql(self, engine):
engine = engine.upper();
if engine == "HIVE":
return self.hive_create_view_sql
elif engine == "IMPALA":
return self.impala_create_view_sql
assert 0, "Unknown execution engine %s" % (engine)
def get_create_exp_res(self):
return self.create_exp_res
def get_drop_view_sql(self, engine):
engine = engine.upper();
if engine == "HIVE":
return self.drop_hive_view_sql
elif engine == "IMPALA":
return self.drop_impala_view_sql
assert 0, "Unknown execution engine %s" % (engine)
def get_query_exp_res(self, engine):
engine = engine.upper();
if engine == "HIVE":
return self.query_hive_exp_res
elif engine == "IMPALA":
return self.query_impala_exp_res
assert 0, "Unknown execution engine %s" % (engine)
def get_query_view_sql(self, engine):
engine = engine.upper();
if engine == "HIVE":
return self.query_hive_view_sql
elif engine == "IMPALA":
return self.query_impala_view_sql
assert 0, "Unknown execution engine %s" % (engine)
return self.query_hive_view_sql
def has_query_hive_section(self):
return hasattr(self, 'query_hive_view_sql')
def has_query_impala_section(self):
return hasattr(self, 'query_impala_view_sql')