blob: 3aa43b44b907068b4d853bb82c2e5bc295d93f3d [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
#include <unistd.h>
#include <queue>
#include <boost/thread/locks.hpp>
#include "common/logging.h"
#include "runtime/io/request-context.h"
#include "runtime/io/disk-io-mgr.h"
#include "util/condition-variable.h"
#include "util/hdfs-util.h"
#include "util/impalad-metrics.h"
#include "util/runtime-profile-counters.h"
/// This file contains internal structures shared between submodules of the IoMgr. Users
/// of the IoMgr do not need to include this file.
// Macros to work around counters sometimes not being provided.
// TODO: fix things so that counters are always non-NULL.
#define COUNTER_ADD_IF_NOT_NULL(c, v) \
do { \
::impala::RuntimeProfile::Counter* __ctr__ = (c); \
if (__ctr__ != nullptr) __ctr__->Add(v); \
} while (false);
do { \
::impala::RuntimeProfile::Counter* __ctr__ = (c); \
if (__ctr__ != nullptr) __ctr__->BitOr(v); \
} while (false);
namespace impala {
namespace io {
// Indicates if file handle caching should be used
static inline bool is_file_handle_caching_enabled() {
return FLAGS_max_cached_file_handles > 0;
/// Global queue of requests for a disk. One or more disk threads pull requests off
/// a given queue. RequestContexts are scheduled in round-robin order to provide some
/// level of fairness between RequestContexts.
class DiskQueue {
DiskQueue(int disk_id) : disk_id_(disk_id) {}
// Destructor is only run in backend tests - in a daemon the singleton DiskIoMgr
// is not destroyed.
/// Disk worker thread loop. This function retrieves the next range to process on
/// the disk queue and invokes ScanRange::DoRead() or Write() depending on the type
/// of Range. There can be multiple threads per disk running this loop.
void DiskThreadLoop(DiskIoMgr* io_mgr);
/// Enqueue the request context to the disk queue.
void EnqueueContext(RequestContext* worker) {
boost::unique_lock<boost::mutex> disk_lock(lock_);
// Check that the reader is not already on the queue
DCHECK(find(request_contexts_.begin(), request_contexts_.end(), worker) ==
/// Signals that disk threads for this queue should stop processing new work and
/// terminate once done.
void ShutDown();
/// Append debug string to 'ss'. Acquires the DiskQueue lock.
void DebugString(std::stringstream* ss);
/// Called from the disk thread to get the next range to process. Wait until a scan
/// is available to process, a write range is available, or 'shut_down_' is set to
/// true. Returns the range to process and the RequestContext that the range belongs
/// to. Only returns NULL if the disk thread should be shut down.
RequestRange* GetNextRequestRange(RequestContext** request_context);
/// Disk id (0-based)
const int disk_id_;
/// Lock that protects below members.
boost::mutex lock_;
/// Condition variable to signal the disk threads that there is work to do or the
/// thread should shut down. A disk thread will be woken up when there is a reader
/// added to the queue. A reader is only on the queue when it has at least one
/// scan range that is not blocked on available buffers.
ConditionVariable work_available_;
/// list of all request contexts that have work queued on this disk
std::list<RequestContext*> request_contexts_;
/// True if the IoMgr should be torn down. Worker threads check this when dequeueing
/// from 'request_contexts_' and terminate themselves once it is true. Only used in
/// backend tests - in a daemon the singleton DiskIOMgr is never shut down.
bool shut_down_ = false;