blob: 415fe5df37e7c149da329c7afec492146f9e7189 [file] [log] [blame]
---- QUERY
# Test sort with small char column materialized by exprs.
# Set low memory limit to force spilling.
# IMPALA-3332: comparator makes local allocations that cause runaway memory consumption.
set buffer_pool_limit=4m;
set mem_limit=200m;
set disable_outermost_topn=1;
select cast(l_comment as char(50))
from lineitem
order by 1
limit 20;
' Tiresias '
' Tiresias '
' Tiresias '
' Tiresias '
' Tiresias '
' Tiresias '
' Tiresias '
' Tiresias '
' Tiresias '
' Tiresias '
' Tiresias '
' Tiresias '
' Tiresias about the en '
' Tiresias about the slyly ironic dinos ca '
' Tiresias about the slyly unus '
' Tiresias above '
' Tiresias above the fox '
' Tiresias above the furiously final th '
' Tiresias above the slyly expr '
' Tiresias above the stealthily p '
---- TYPES
# Verify that the sort actually spilled
row_regex: .*SpilledRuns: .* \([1-9][0-9]*\)
row_regex: .*TotalMergesPerformed: .* \([1-9][0-9]*\)
---- QUERY
# Test sort with small input char column materialized before sort.
set mem_limit=200m;
set buffer_pool_limit=4m;
set disable_outermost_topn=1;
select char_col
from (select cast(l_comment as char(50)) char_col
from lineitem) subquery
order by 1
limit 20;
' Tiresias '
' Tiresias '
' Tiresias '
' Tiresias '
' Tiresias '
' Tiresias '
' Tiresias '
' Tiresias '
' Tiresias '
' Tiresias '
' Tiresias '
' Tiresias '
' Tiresias about the en '
' Tiresias about the slyly ironic dinos ca '
' Tiresias about the slyly unus '
' Tiresias above '
' Tiresias above the fox '
' Tiresias above the furiously final th '
' Tiresias above the slyly expr '
' Tiresias above the stealthily p '
---- TYPES
# Verify that the sort actually spilled
row_regex: .*SpilledRuns: .* \([1-9][0-9]*\)
row_regex: .*TotalMergesPerformed: .* \([1-9][0-9]*\)
---- QUERY
# Test sort with large input char column materialized before sort.
# Set low memory limit to force spilling.
set mem_limit=200m;
set buffer_pool_limit=4m;
set disable_outermost_topn=1;
select char_col
from (select cast(l_comment as char(200)) char_col
from lineitem) subquery
order by 1
limit 20;
' Tiresias '
' Tiresias '
' Tiresias '
' Tiresias '
' Tiresias '
' Tiresias '
' Tiresias '
' Tiresias '
' Tiresias '
' Tiresias '
' Tiresias '
' Tiresias '
' Tiresias about the en '
' Tiresias about the slyly ironic dinos ca '
' Tiresias about the slyly unus '
' Tiresias above '
' Tiresias above the fox '
' Tiresias above the furiously final th '
' Tiresias above the slyly expr '
' Tiresias above the stealthily p '
---- TYPES
# Verify that the sort actually spilled
row_regex: .*SpilledRuns: .* \([1-9][0-9]*\)
row_regex: .*TotalMergesPerformed: .* \([1-9][0-9]*\)
---- QUERY
# Test sort with varchar column materialized by exprs.
# Set low memory limit to force spilling.
set buffer_pool_limit=4m;
# IMPALA-3332: comparator makes local allocations that cause runaway memory consumption.
set mem_limit=200m;
set disable_outermost_topn=1;
select cast(l_comment as varchar(50))
from lineitem
order by 1
limit 20;
' Tiresias '
' Tiresias '
' Tiresias '
' Tiresias '
' Tiresias '
' Tiresias '
' Tiresias '
' Tiresias '
' Tiresias '
' Tiresias '
' Tiresias '
' Tiresias '
' Tiresias about the en'
' Tiresias about the slyly ironic dinos ca'
' Tiresias about the slyly unus'
' Tiresias above'
' Tiresias above the fox'
' Tiresias above the furiously final th'
' Tiresias above the slyly expr'
' Tiresias above the stealthily p'
---- TYPES
# Verify that the sort actually spilled
row_regex: .*SpilledRuns: .* \([1-9][0-9]*\)
row_regex: .*TotalMergesPerformed: .* \([1-9][0-9]*\)
---- QUERY
# Test sort with input varchar column materialized before sort.
# Set low memory limit to force spilling.
set mem_limit=200m;
set buffer_pool_limit=4m;
set disable_outermost_topn=1;
select char_col
from (select cast(l_comment as varchar(50)) char_col
from lineitem) subquery
order by 1
limit 20;
' Tiresias '
' Tiresias '
' Tiresias '
' Tiresias '
' Tiresias '
' Tiresias '
' Tiresias '
' Tiresias '
' Tiresias '
' Tiresias '
' Tiresias '
' Tiresias '
' Tiresias about the en'
' Tiresias about the slyly ironic dinos ca'
' Tiresias about the slyly unus'
' Tiresias above'
' Tiresias above the fox'
' Tiresias above the furiously final th'
' Tiresias above the slyly expr'
' Tiresias above the stealthily p'
---- TYPES
# Verify that the sort actually spilled
row_regex: .*SpilledRuns: .* \([1-9][0-9]*\)
row_regex: .*TotalMergesPerformed: .* \([1-9][0-9]*\)
---- QUERY
# Test that we can spill with a buffer size larger than the default I/O size (8mb).
set default_spillable_buffer_size=16m;
set buffer_pool_limit=96m;
select l_orderkey, l_partkey, l_suppkey, l_linenumber, l_comment
from tpch_parquet.lineitem
order by 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
offset 6001200
---- TYPES
5999971,97922,7923,5,'place of the slyly quick pla'
5999971,132903,2904,4,'ckly above the boldly '
5999971,144823,4824,2,'e blithely after the carefully pending '
5999971,161882,6915,6,'luffy theodolites nag boldly bli'
5999972,102942,473,1,'s maintain carefully among the'
5999972,133109,8136,2,' the furiously express pearls. furi'
5999972,152761,2762,3,'sual accounts al'
5999973,176345,1380,1,'gular excuses. '
5999974,10463,5466,2,'dolites wake'
5999974,25360,5361,1,'express dependencies. express, pendi'
5999975,6452,1453,2,'lar pinto beans aft'
5999975,7272,2273,1,'tructions. excu'
5999975,37131,2138,3,', quick deposits. ironic, unusual deposi'
6000000,32255,2256,1,'carefully '
6000000,96127,6128,2,'ooze furiously about the pe'
row_regex: .*SpilledRuns: .* \([1-9][0-9]*\)