blob: c55277368aec683921ad1ff083ff3f11cb0ce17d [file] [log] [blame]
---- QUERY
create role grant_revoke_test_ALL_SERVER
---- QUERY
create role grant_revoke_test_ALL_TEST_DB
---- QUERY
show roles
---- TYPES
---- QUERY
grant role grant_revoke_test_ALL_SERVER to group $GROUP_NAME
---- QUERY
grant all on server to grant_revoke_test_ALL_SERVER
---- QUERY
create database grant_rev_db
---- QUERY
grant role grant_revoke_test_ALL_TEST_DB to group $GROUP_NAME
---- QUERY
# Should now have all privileges on the test db
grant all on database grant_rev_db to grant_revoke_test_ALL_TEST_DB
---- QUERY
revoke role grant_revoke_test_ALL_SERVER from group $GROUP_NAME
---- QUERY
show current roles
---- TYPES
---- QUERY
# Even though the user has all privileges on the database, they do not have privileges
# to set a Kudu table to be EXTERNAL as that requires ALL on the server. Create a
# managed table with the EXTERNAL property explicitly set.
create table grant_rev_db.kudu_tbl_with_ext (i int primary key, a string)
partition by hash(i) partitions 3 stored as kudu
---- CATCH
does not have privileges to access:
---- QUERY
# Check 'external' case-insensitive (see IMPALA-5637).
create table grant_rev_db.kudu_tbl_with_ext (i int primary key, a string)
partition by hash(i) partitions 3 stored as kudu
---- CATCH
does not have privileges to access:
---- QUERY
# Similarly, a managed table with explicit master addresses requires ALL on server.
create table grant_rev_db.kudu_tbl_with_addr (i int primary key, a string)
partition by hash(i) partitions 3 stored as kudu
---- CATCH
does not have privileges to access:
---- QUERY
create table grant_rev_db.kudu_tbl (i int primary key, a string)
partition by hash(i) partitions 3 stored as kudu;
---- QUERY
# Similarly, the table properties cannot be set via alter table set tblproperties.
alter table grant_rev_db.kudu_tbl set tblproperties('kudu.master_addresses'='foo');
---- CATCH
does not have privileges to access:
---- QUERY
alter table grant_rev_db.kudu_tbl set tblproperties('EXTERNAL'='TRUE');
---- CATCH
does not have privileges to access:
---- QUERY
alter table grant_rev_db.kudu_tbl set tblproperties('external'='true');
---- CATCH
does not have privileges to access:
---- QUERY
grant role grant_revoke_test_ALL_SERVER to group $GROUP_NAME
---- QUERY
# Now the alter table succeeds
alter table grant_rev_db.kudu_tbl set tblproperties('EXTERNAL'='TRUE');
---- QUERY
# Set it back to FALSE
alter table grant_rev_db.kudu_tbl set tblproperties('EXTERNAL'='FALSE');
---- QUERY
create role grant_revoke_test_KUDU
---- QUERY
grant role grant_revoke_test_KUDU to group $GROUP_NAME;
---- QUERY
revoke role grant_revoke_test_ALL_SERVER from group $GROUP_NAME
---- QUERY
revoke role grant_revoke_test_ALL_TEST_DB from group $GROUP_NAME
---- QUERY
insert into grant_rev_db.kudu_tbl values (1, "foo");
---- CATCH
does not have privileges to execute 'INSERT' on: grant_rev_db.kudu_tbl
---- QUERY
grant insert on table grant_rev_db.kudu_tbl to grant_revoke_test_KUDU
---- QUERY
insert into grant_rev_db.kudu_tbl values (1, "foo");
---- QUERY
# UPSERT requires ALL
upsert into grant_rev_db.kudu_tbl values (1, "bar");
---- CATCH
does not have privileges to access: grant_rev_db.kudu_tbl
---- QUERY
select * from grant_rev_db.kudu_tbl
---- CATCH
does not have privileges to execute 'SELECT' on: grant_rev_db.kudu_tbl
---- QUERY
grant select(i) on table grant_rev_db.kudu_tbl to grant_revoke_test_KUDU
---- QUERY
select i from grant_rev_db.kudu_tbl
---- TYPES
---- QUERY
# UPDATE/DELETE requires ALL privileges
update grant_rev_db.kudu_tbl set a = "zzz"
---- CATCH
does not have privileges to access: grant_rev_db.kudu_tbl
---- QUERY
delete from grant_rev_db.kudu_tbl
---- CATCH
does not have privileges to access: grant_rev_db.kudu_tbl
---- QUERY
grant select(a) on table grant_rev_db.kudu_tbl to grant_revoke_test_KUDU
---- QUERY
grant ALL on table grant_rev_db.kudu_tbl to grant_revoke_test_KUDU
---- QUERY
update grant_rev_db.kudu_tbl set a = "zzz"
---- QUERY
upsert into grant_rev_db.kudu_tbl values (1, "mom");
---- QUERY
select * from grant_rev_db.kudu_tbl
---- TYPES
---- QUERY
drop table grant_rev_db.kudu_tbl
---- QUERY
# Cleanup test roles
drop role grant_revoke_test_ALL_SERVER;
drop role grant_revoke_test_ALL_TEST_DB;
drop role grant_revoke_test_KUDU;