blob: d2b6f6aa84515251fd6af59041e042dedc1e35f6 [file] [log] [blame]
---- QUERY
# Due to somewhat non-determinstic way memory allocation happens in Impala now,
# we will just check to make sure the exception is a memory allocation failure.
select group_concat(l_comment) from tpch.lineitem
---- CATCH
failed to allocate
---- QUERY
select min(l_comment) from tpch.lineitem
---- CATCH
failed to allocate
---- QUERY
select max(l_comment) from tpch.lineitem
---- CATCH
failed to allocate
---- QUERY
select rank() over (partition by l_orderkey order by l_commitdate) from tpch.lineitem
---- CATCH
failed to allocate
---- QUERY
select first_value(l_comment) over (partition by l_orderkey order by l_commitdate) from tpch.lineitem
---- CATCH
failed to allocate
---- QUERY
select last_value(l_comment) over (partition by l_orderkey order by l_commitdate) from tpch.lineitem
---- CATCH
failed to allocate
---- QUERY
select cast(l_comment as char(120)) from tpch.lineitem
---- CATCH
failed to allocate
---- QUERY
# This aims to exercise malloc() failure in the Serialize() function of appx_median() but
# allocation can sometimes fail in the Init() functions as well.
select appx_median(l_quantity), appx_median(l_discount) from tpch.lineitem
---- CATCH
failed to allocate
---- QUERY
# This aims to exercise malloc() failure in the Serialize() functions of distinctpc() and
# ndv() but allocation can sometimes fail in the Init() functions as well.
select ndv(l_partkey), distinctpc(l_suppkey) from tpch.lineitem
---- CATCH
failed to allocate
---- QUERY
# IMPALA-5252: Verify HiveUdfCall allocations are checked.
create function replace_string(string) returns string
location '$FILESYSTEM_PREFIX/test-warehouse/impala-hive-udfs.jar'
select replace_string(l_comment) from tpch.lineitem limit 10;
---- CATCH
failed to allocate