blob: 67c35320e9fa807e62f7623005a1b9064eb709aa [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
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// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
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// under the License.
package org.apache.impala.planner;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import org.apache.impala.analysis.Analyzer;
import org.apache.impala.analysis.BinaryPredicate;
import org.apache.impala.analysis.Expr;
import org.apache.impala.analysis.ExprSubstitutionMap;
import org.apache.impala.analysis.Predicate;
import org.apache.impala.analysis.SlotDescriptor;
import org.apache.impala.analysis.SlotId;
import org.apache.impala.analysis.SlotRef;
import org.apache.impala.analysis.TupleDescriptor;
import org.apache.impala.analysis.TupleId;
import org.apache.impala.analysis.TupleIsNullPredicate;
import org.apache.impala.catalog.Table;
import org.apache.impala.common.IdGenerator;
import org.apache.impala.planner.PlanNode;
import org.apache.impala.thrift.TRuntimeFilterDesc;
import org.apache.impala.thrift.TRuntimeFilterTargetDesc;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
* Class used for generating and assigning runtime filters to a query plan using
* runtime filter propagation. Runtime filter propagation is an optimization technique
* used to filter scanned tuples or scan ranges based on information collected at
* runtime. A runtime filter is constructed during the build phase of a join node, and is
* applied at, potentially, multiple scan nodes on the probe side of that join node.
* Runtime filters are generated from equi-join predicates but they do not replace the
* original predicates.
* Example: select * from T1, T2 where T1.a = T2.b and T2.c = '1';
* Assuming that T1 is a fact table and T2 is a significantly smaller dimension table, a
* runtime filter is constructed at the join node between tables T1 and T2 while building
* the hash table on the values of T2.b (rhs of the join condition) from the tuples of T2
* that satisfy predicate T2.c = '1'. The runtime filter is subsequently sent to the
* scan node of table T1 and is applied on the values of T1.a (lhs of the join condition)
* to prune tuples of T2 that cannot be part of the join result.
* TODO: Consider combining multiple filters, that are applied to the same scan node,
* into a single filter.
public final class RuntimeFilterGenerator {
private final static Logger LOG =
// Map of base table tuple ids to a list of runtime filters that
// can be applied at the corresponding scan nodes.
private final Map<TupleId, List<RuntimeFilter>> runtimeFiltersByTid_ =
// Generator for filter ids
private final IdGenerator<RuntimeFilterId> filterIdGenerator =
private RuntimeFilterGenerator() {};
* Internal representation of a runtime filter. A runtime filter is generated from
* an equi-join predicate of the form <lhs_expr> = <rhs_expr>, where lhs_expr is the
* expr on which the filter is applied and must be bound by a single tuple id from
* the left plan subtree of the associated join node, while rhs_expr is the expr on
* which the filter is built and can be bound by any number of tuple ids from the
* right plan subtree. Every runtime filter must record the join node that constructs
* the filter and the scan nodes that apply the filter (destination nodes).
public static class RuntimeFilter {
// Identifier of the filter (unique within a query)
private final RuntimeFilterId id_;
// Join node that builds the filter
private final JoinNode src_;
// Expr (rhs of join predicate) on which the filter is built
private final Expr srcExpr_;
// Expr (lhs of join predicate) from which the targetExprs_ are generated.
private final Expr origTargetExpr_;
// Runtime filter targets
private final List<RuntimeFilterTarget> targets_ = Lists.newArrayList();
// Slots from base table tuples that have value transfer from the slots
// of 'origTargetExpr_'. The slots are grouped by tuple id.
private final Map<TupleId, List<SlotId>> targetSlotsByTid_;
// If true, the join node building this filter is executed using a broadcast join;
// set in the DistributedPlanner.createHashJoinFragment()
private boolean isBroadcastJoin_;
// Estimate of the number of distinct values that will be inserted into this filter,
// globally across all instances of the source node. Used to compute an optimal size
// for the filter. A value of -1 means no estimate is available, and default filter
// parameters should be used.
private long ndvEstimate_ = -1;
// If true, the filter is produced by a broadcast join and there is at least one
// destination scan node which is in the same fragment as the join; set in
// DistributedPlanner.createHashJoinFragment().
private boolean hasLocalTargets_ = false;
// If true, there is at least one destination scan node which is not in the same
// fragment as the join that produced the filter; set in
// DistributedPlanner.createHashJoinFragment().
private boolean hasRemoteTargets_ = false;
// If set, indicates that the filter can't be assigned to another scan node.
// Once set, it can't be unset.
private boolean finalized_ = false;
* Internal representation of a runtime filter target.
private static class RuntimeFilterTarget {
// Scan node that applies the filter
public ScanNode node;
// Expr on which the filter is applied
public Expr expr;
// Indicates if 'expr' is bound only by partition columns
public boolean isBoundByPartitionColumns = false;
// Indicates if 'node' is in the same fragment as the join that produces the
// filter
public boolean isLocalTarget = false;
public RuntimeFilterTarget(ScanNode targetNode, Expr targetExpr) {
node = targetNode;
expr = targetExpr;
public TRuntimeFilterTargetDesc toThrift() {
TRuntimeFilterTargetDesc tFilterTarget = new TRuntimeFilterTargetDesc();
List<SlotId> sids = Lists.newArrayList();
expr.getIds(null, sids);
List<Integer> tSlotIds = Lists.newArrayListWithCapacity(sids.size());
for (SlotId sid: sids) tSlotIds.add(sid.asInt());
return tFilterTarget;
public String toString() {
StringBuilder output = new StringBuilder();
return output.append("Target Id: " + node.getId() + " ")
.append("Target expr: " + expr.debugString() + " ")
.append("Partition columns: " + isBoundByPartitionColumns)
.append("Is local: " + isLocalTarget)
private RuntimeFilter(RuntimeFilterId filterId, JoinNode filterSrcNode,
Expr srcExpr, Expr origTargetExpr, Map<TupleId, List<SlotId>> targetSlots) {
id_ = filterId;
src_ = filterSrcNode;
srcExpr_ = srcExpr;
origTargetExpr_ = origTargetExpr;
targetSlotsByTid_ = targetSlots;
public boolean equals(Object obj) {
if (!(obj instanceof RuntimeFilter)) return false;
return ((RuntimeFilter) obj).id_.equals(id_);
public int hashCode() { return id_.hashCode(); }
public void markFinalized() { finalized_ = true; }
public boolean isFinalized() { return finalized_; }
* Serializes a runtime filter to Thrift.
public TRuntimeFilterDesc toThrift() {
TRuntimeFilterDesc tFilter = new TRuntimeFilterDesc();
boolean appliedOnPartitionColumns = true;
for (int i = 0; i < targets_.size(); ++i) {
RuntimeFilterTarget target = targets_.get(i);
tFilter.putToPlanid_to_target_ndx(target.node.getId().asInt(), i);
appliedOnPartitionColumns =
appliedOnPartitionColumns && target.isBoundByPartitionColumns;
return tFilter;
* Static function to create a RuntimeFilter from 'joinPredicate' that is assigned
* to the join node 'filterSrcNode'. Returns an instance of RuntimeFilter
* or null if a runtime filter cannot be generated from the specified predicate.
public static RuntimeFilter create(IdGenerator<RuntimeFilterId> idGen,
Analyzer analyzer, Expr joinPredicate, JoinNode filterSrcNode) {
// Only consider binary equality predicates
if (!Predicate.isEquivalencePredicate(joinPredicate)) return null;
BinaryPredicate normalizedJoinConjunct =
filterSrcNode.getChild(1).getTupleIds(), analyzer);
if (normalizedJoinConjunct == null) return null;
Expr targetExpr = normalizedJoinConjunct.getChild(0);
Expr srcExpr = normalizedJoinConjunct.getChild(1);
Map<TupleId, List<SlotId>> targetSlots = getTargetSlots(analyzer, targetExpr);
if (targetSlots.isEmpty()) return null;
// Ensure that the targer expr does not contain TupleIsNull predicates as these
// can't be evaluated at a scan node.
targetExpr = TupleIsNullPredicate.unwrapExpr(targetExpr.clone());
if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) {
LOG.trace("Generating runtime filter from predicate " + joinPredicate);
return new RuntimeFilter(idGen.getNextId(), filterSrcNode,
srcExpr, targetExpr, targetSlots);
* Returns the ids of base table tuple slots on which a runtime filter expr can be
* applied. Due to the existence of equivalence classes, a filter expr may be
* applicable at multiple scan nodes. The returned slot ids are grouped by tuple id.
* Returns an empty collection if the filter expr cannot be applied at a base table.
private static Map<TupleId, List<SlotId>> getTargetSlots(Analyzer analyzer,
Expr expr) {
// 'expr' is not a SlotRef and may contain multiple SlotRefs
List<TupleId> tids = Lists.newArrayList();
List<SlotId> sids = Lists.newArrayList();
expr.getIds(tids, sids);
Map<TupleId, List<SlotId>> slotsByTid = Maps.newHashMap();
// We need to iterate over all the slots of 'expr' and check if they have
// equivalent slots that are bound by the same base table tuple(s).
for (SlotId slotId: sids) {
Map<TupleId, List<SlotId>> currSlotsByTid =
getBaseTblEquivSlots(analyzer, slotId);
if (currSlotsByTid.isEmpty()) return Collections.emptyMap();
if (slotsByTid.isEmpty()) {
// Compute the intersection between tuple ids from 'slotsByTid' and
// 'currSlotsByTid'. If the intersection is empty, an empty collection
// is returned.
Iterator<Map.Entry<TupleId, List<SlotId>>> iter =
while (iter.hasNext()) {
Map.Entry<TupleId, List<SlotId>> entry =;
List<SlotId> slotIds = currSlotsByTid.get(entry.getKey());
if (slotIds == null) {
} else {
if (slotsByTid.isEmpty()) return Collections.emptyMap();
return slotsByTid;
* Static function that returns the ids of slots bound by base table tuples for which
* there is a value transfer from 'srcSid'. The slots are grouped by tuple id.
private static Map<TupleId, List<SlotId>> getBaseTblEquivSlots(Analyzer analyzer,
SlotId srcSid) {
Map<TupleId, List<SlotId>> slotsByTid = Maps.newHashMap();
for (SlotId targetSid: analyzer.getValueTransferTargets(srcSid)) {
TupleDescriptor tupleDesc = analyzer.getSlotDesc(targetSid).getParent();
if (tupleDesc.getTable() == null) continue;
List<SlotId> sids = slotsByTid.get(tupleDesc.getId());
if (sids == null) {
sids = Lists.newArrayList();
slotsByTid.put(tupleDesc.getId(), sids);
return slotsByTid;
public Expr getTargetExpr(PlanNodeId targetPlanNodeId) {
for (RuntimeFilterTarget target: targets_) {
if (target.node.getId() != targetPlanNodeId) continue;
return target.expr;
return null;
public List<RuntimeFilterTarget> getTargets() { return targets_; }
public boolean hasTargets() { return !targets_.isEmpty(); }
public Expr getSrcExpr() { return srcExpr_; }
public Expr getOrigTargetExpr() { return origTargetExpr_; }
public Map<TupleId, List<SlotId>> getTargetSlots() { return targetSlotsByTid_; }
public RuntimeFilterId getFilterId() { return id_; }
* Estimates the selectivity of a runtime filter as the cardinality of the
* associated source join node over the cardinality of that join node's left
* child.
public double getSelectivity() {
if (src_.getCardinality() == -1
|| src_.getChild(0).getCardinality() == -1
|| src_.getChild(0).getCardinality() == 0) {
return -1;
return src_.getCardinality() / (double) src_.getChild(0).getCardinality();
public void addTarget(ScanNode node, Analyzer analyzer, Expr targetExpr) {
RuntimeFilterTarget target = new RuntimeFilterTarget(node, targetExpr);
// Check if all the slots of targetExpr_ are bound by partition columns
TupleDescriptor baseTblDesc = node.getTupleDesc();
Table tbl = baseTblDesc.getTable();
if (tbl.getNumClusteringCols() == 0) return;
List<SlotId> sids = Lists.newArrayList();
targetExpr.getIds(null, sids);
for (SlotId sid: sids) {
SlotDescriptor slotDesc = analyzer.getSlotDesc(sid);
if (slotDesc.getColumn() == null
|| slotDesc.getColumn().getPosition() >= tbl.getNumClusteringCols()) {
target.isBoundByPartitionColumns = true;
public void setIsBroadcast(boolean isBroadcast) { isBroadcastJoin_ = isBroadcast; }
public void computeNdvEstimate() { ndvEstimate_ = src_.getChild(1).getCardinality(); }
public void computeHasLocalTargets() {
for (RuntimeFilterTarget target: targets_) {
boolean isLocal =
target.isLocalTarget = isLocal;
hasLocalTargets_ = hasLocalTargets_ || isLocal;
hasRemoteTargets_ = hasRemoteTargets_ || !isLocal;
* Assigns this runtime filter to the corresponding plan nodes.
public void assignToPlanNodes() {
for (RuntimeFilterTarget target: targets_) target.node.addRuntimeFilter(this);
public String debugString() {
StringBuilder output = new StringBuilder();
return output.append("FilterID: " + id_ + " ")
.append("Source: " + src_.getId() + " ")
.append("SrcExpr: " + getSrcExpr().debugString() + " ")
.append("Target(s): ")
.append(Joiner.on(", ").join(targets_) + " ")
.append("Selectivity: " + getSelectivity()).toString();
* Generates and assigns runtime filters to a query plan tree.
public static void generateRuntimeFilters(Analyzer analyzer, PlanNode plan,
int maxNumFilters) {
Preconditions.checkArgument(maxNumFilters >= 0);
RuntimeFilterGenerator filterGenerator = new RuntimeFilterGenerator();
filterGenerator.generateFilters(analyzer, plan);
List<RuntimeFilter> filters = Lists.newArrayList(filterGenerator.getRuntimeFilters());
if (filters.size() > maxNumFilters) {
// If more than 'maxNumFilters' were generated, sort them by increasing selectivity
// and keep the 'maxNumFilters' most selective.
Collections.sort(filters, new Comparator<RuntimeFilter>() {
public int compare(RuntimeFilter a, RuntimeFilter b) {
double aSelectivity =
a.getSelectivity() == -1 ? Double.MAX_VALUE : a.getSelectivity();
double bSelectivity =
b.getSelectivity() == -1 ? Double.MAX_VALUE : b.getSelectivity();
return, bSelectivity);
for (RuntimeFilter filter:
filters.subList(0, Math.min(filters.size(), maxNumFilters))) {
if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) LOG.trace("Runtime filter: " + filter.debugString());
* Returns a list of all the registered runtime filters, ordered by filter ID.
public List<RuntimeFilter> getRuntimeFilters() {
Set<RuntimeFilter> resultSet = Sets.newHashSet();
for (List<RuntimeFilter> filters: runtimeFiltersByTid_.values()) {
List<RuntimeFilter> resultList = Lists.newArrayList(resultSet);
Collections.sort(resultList, new Comparator<RuntimeFilter>() {
public int compare(RuntimeFilter a, RuntimeFilter b) {
return a.getFilterId().compareTo(b.getFilterId());
return resultList;
* Generates the runtime filters for a query by recursively traversing the single-node
* plan tree rooted at 'root'. In the top-down traversal of the plan tree, candidate
* runtime filters are generated from equi-join predicates assigned to hash-join nodes.
* In the bottom-up traversal of the plan tree, the filters are assigned to destination
* (scan) nodes. Filters that cannot be assigned to a scan node are discarded.
private void generateFilters(Analyzer analyzer, PlanNode root) {
if (root instanceof HashJoinNode) {
HashJoinNode joinNode = (HashJoinNode) root;
List<Expr> joinConjuncts = Lists.newArrayList();
if (!joinNode.getJoinOp().isLeftOuterJoin()
&& !joinNode.getJoinOp().isFullOuterJoin()
&& !joinNode.getJoinOp().isAntiJoin()) {
// It's not correct to push runtime filters to the left side of a left outer,
// full outer or anti join if the filter corresponds to an equi-join predicate
// from the ON clause.
List<RuntimeFilter> filters = Lists.newArrayList();
for (Expr conjunct: joinConjuncts) {
RuntimeFilter filter = RuntimeFilter.create(filterIdGenerator, analyzer,
conjunct, joinNode);
if (filter == null) continue;
generateFilters(analyzer, root.getChild(0));
// Finalize every runtime filter of that join. This is to ensure that we don't
// assign a filter to a scan node from the right subtree of joinNode or ancestor
// join nodes in case we don't find a destination node in the left subtree.
for (RuntimeFilter runtimeFilter: filters) finalizeRuntimeFilter(runtimeFilter);
generateFilters(analyzer, root.getChild(1));
} else if (root instanceof ScanNode) {
assignRuntimeFilters(analyzer, (ScanNode) root);
} else {
for (PlanNode childNode: root.getChildren()) {
generateFilters(analyzer, childNode);
* Registers a runtime filter with the tuple id of every scan node that is a candidate
* destination node for that filter.
private void registerRuntimeFilter(RuntimeFilter filter) {
Map<TupleId, List<SlotId>> targetSlotsByTid = filter.getTargetSlots();
Preconditions.checkState(targetSlotsByTid != null && !targetSlotsByTid.isEmpty());
for (TupleId tupleId: targetSlotsByTid.keySet()) {
registerRuntimeFilter(filter, tupleId);
* Registers a runtime filter with a specific target tuple id.
private void registerRuntimeFilter(RuntimeFilter filter, TupleId targetTid) {
List<RuntimeFilter> filters = runtimeFiltersByTid_.get(targetTid);
if (filters == null) {
filters = Lists.newArrayList();
runtimeFiltersByTid_.put(targetTid, filters);
* Finalizes a runtime filter by disassociating it from all the candidate target scan
* nodes that haven't been used as destinations for that filter. Also sets the
* finalized_ flag of that filter so that it can't be assigned to any other scan nodes.
private void finalizeRuntimeFilter(RuntimeFilter runtimeFilter) {
Set<TupleId> targetTupleIds = Sets.newHashSet();
for (RuntimeFilter.RuntimeFilterTarget target: runtimeFilter.getTargets()) {
for (TupleId tupleId: runtimeFilter.getTargetSlots().keySet()) {
if (!targetTupleIds.contains(tupleId)) {
* Assigns runtime filters to a specific scan node 'scanNode'.
* The assigned filters are the ones for which 'scanNode' can be used a destination
* node. A scan node may be used as a destination node for multiple runtime filters.
* Currently, runtime filters can only be assigned to HdfsScanNodes.
private void assignRuntimeFilters(Analyzer analyzer, ScanNode scanNode) {
if (!(scanNode instanceof HdfsScanNode)) return;
TupleId tid = scanNode.getTupleIds().get(0);
if (!runtimeFiltersByTid_.containsKey(tid)) return;
for (RuntimeFilter filter: runtimeFiltersByTid_.get(tid)) {
if (filter.isFinalized()) continue;
Expr targetExpr = computeTargetExpr(filter, tid, analyzer);
if (targetExpr == null) continue;
filter.addTarget(scanNode, analyzer, targetExpr);
* Computes the target expr for a specified runtime filter 'filter' to be applied at
* the scan node with target tuple descriptor 'targetTid'.
private Expr computeTargetExpr(RuntimeFilter filter, TupleId targetTid,
Analyzer analyzer) {
Expr targetExpr = filter.getOrigTargetExpr();
if (!targetExpr.isBound(targetTid)) {
// Modify the filter target expr using the equivalent slots from the scan node
// on which the filter will be applied.
ExprSubstitutionMap smap = new ExprSubstitutionMap();
List<SlotRef> exprSlots = Lists.newArrayList();
targetExpr.collect(SlotRef.class, exprSlots);
List<SlotId> sids = filter.getTargetSlots().get(targetTid);
for (SlotRef slotRef: exprSlots) {
for (SlotId sid: sids) {
if (analyzer.hasValueTransfer(slotRef.getSlotId(), sid)) {
SlotRef newSlotRef = new SlotRef(analyzer.getSlotDesc(sid));
smap.put(slotRef, newSlotRef);
Preconditions.checkState(exprSlots.size() == smap.size());
try {
targetExpr = targetExpr.substitute(smap, analyzer, true);
} catch (Exception e) {
// An exception is thrown if we cannot generate a target expr from this
// scan node that has the same type as the lhs expr of the join predicate
// from which the runtime filter was generated. We skip that scan node and will
// try to assign the filter to a different scan node.
// TODO: Investigate if we can generate a type-compatible source/target expr
// pair from that scan node instead of skipping it.
return null;
return targetExpr;