blob: ab72863b17265fe60a7a0ab1566c575972029b56 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
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// under the License.
package org.apache.impala.planner;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
import org.apache.impala.analysis.Analyzer;
import org.apache.impala.analysis.Expr;
import org.apache.impala.analysis.TupleId;
import org.apache.impala.common.AnalysisException;
import org.apache.impala.common.InternalException;
import org.apache.impala.common.NotImplementedException;
import org.apache.impala.common.PrintUtils;
import org.apache.impala.common.TreeNode;
import org.apache.impala.planner.PlanNode.ExecPhaseResourceProfiles;
import org.apache.impala.thrift.TExplainLevel;
import org.apache.impala.thrift.TPartitionType;
import org.apache.impala.thrift.TPlanFragment;
import org.apache.impala.thrift.TPlanFragmentTree;
import org.apache.impala.thrift.TQueryOptions;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
* PlanFragments form a tree structure via their ExchangeNodes. A tree of fragments
* connected in that way forms a plan. The output of a plan is produced by the root
* fragment and is either the result of the query or an intermediate result
* needed by a different plan (such as a hash table).
* Plans are grouped into cohorts based on the consumer of their output: all
* plans that materialize intermediate results for a particular consumer plan
* are grouped into a single cohort.
* A PlanFragment encapsulates the specific tree of execution nodes that
* are used to produce the output of the plan fragment, as well as output exprs,
* destination node, etc. If there are no output exprs, the full row that is
* is produced by the plan root is marked as materialized.
* A plan fragment can have one or many instances, each of which in turn is executed by
* an individual node and the output sent to a specific instance of the destination
* fragment (or, in the case of the root fragment, is materialized in some form).
* A hash-partitioned plan fragment is the result of one or more hash-partitioning data
* streams being received by plan nodes in this fragment. In the future, a fragment's
* data partition could also be hash partitioned based on a scan node that is reading
* from a physically hash-partitioned table.
* The sequence of calls is:
* - c'tor
* - assemble with getters, etc.
* - finalize()
* - toThrift()
* TODO: the tree of PlanNodes is connected across fragment boundaries, which makes
* it impossible search for things within a fragment (using TreeNode functions);
* fix that
public class PlanFragment extends TreeNode<PlanFragment> {
private final static Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(PlanFragment.class);
private final PlanFragmentId fragmentId_;
private PlanId planId_;
private CohortId cohortId_;
// root of plan tree executed by this fragment
private PlanNode planRoot_;
// exchange node to which this fragment sends its output
private ExchangeNode destNode_;
// if null, outputs the entire row produced by planRoot_
private List<Expr> outputExprs_;
// created in finalize() or set in setSink()
private DataSink sink_;
// specification of the partition of the input of this fragment;
// an UNPARTITIONED fragment is executed on only a single node
// TODO: improve this comment, "input" is a bit misleading
private DataPartition dataPartition_;
// specification of how the output of this fragment is partitioned (i.e., how
// it's sent to its destination);
// if the output is UNPARTITIONED, it is being broadcast
private DataPartition outputPartition_;
// Resource requirements and estimates for an instance of this plan fragment.
// Initialized with a dummy value. Gets set correctly in
// computeResourceProfile().
private ResourceProfile resourceProfile_ = ResourceProfile.invalid();
// The total of initial reservations (in bytes) that will be claimed over the lifetime
// of this fragment. Computed in computeResourceProfile().
private long initialReservationTotalClaims_ = -1;
* C'tor for fragment with specific partition; the output is by default broadcast.
public PlanFragment(PlanFragmentId id, PlanNode root, DataPartition partition) {
fragmentId_ = id;
planRoot_ = root;
dataPartition_ = partition;
outputPartition_ = DataPartition.UNPARTITIONED;
* Assigns 'this' as fragment of all PlanNodes in the plan tree rooted at node.
* Does not traverse the children of ExchangeNodes because those must belong to a
* different fragment.
public void setFragmentInPlanTree(PlanNode node) {
if (node == null) return;
if (node instanceof ExchangeNode) return;
for (PlanNode child : node.getChildren()) setFragmentInPlanTree(child);
* Collect and return all PlanNodes that belong to the exec tree of this fragment.
public List<PlanNode> collectPlanNodes() {
List<PlanNode> nodes = Lists.newArrayList();
collectPlanNodesHelper(planRoot_, nodes);
return nodes;
private void collectPlanNodesHelper(PlanNode root, List<PlanNode> nodes) {
if (root == null) return;
if (root instanceof ExchangeNode) return;
for (PlanNode child: root.getChildren()) collectPlanNodesHelper(child, nodes);
public void setOutputExprs(List<Expr> outputExprs) {
outputExprs_ = Expr.cloneList(outputExprs);
public List<Expr> getOutputExprs() { return outputExprs_; }
* Do any final work to set up the ExchangeNodes and DataStreamSinks for this fragment.
* If this fragment is hash partitioned, ensures that the corresponding partition
* exprs of all hash-partitioning senders are cast to identical types.
* Otherwise, the hashes generated for identical partition values may differ
* among senders if the partition-expr types are not identical.
public void finalizeExchanges(Analyzer analyzer)
throws InternalException, NotImplementedException {
if (destNode_ != null) {
Preconditions.checkState(sink_ == null);
// we're streaming to an exchange node
DataStreamSink streamSink = new DataStreamSink(destNode_, outputPartition_);
sink_ = streamSink;
if (!dataPartition_.isHashPartitioned()) return;
// This fragment is hash partitioned. Gather all exchange nodes and ensure
// that all hash-partitioning senders hash on exprs-values of the same type.
List<ExchangeNode> exchNodes = Lists.newArrayList();
planRoot_.collect(Predicates.instanceOf(ExchangeNode.class), exchNodes);
// Contains partition-expr lists of all hash-partitioning sender fragments.
List<List<Expr>> senderPartitionExprs = Lists.newArrayList();
for (ExchangeNode exchNode: exchNodes) {
PlanFragment senderFragment = exchNode.getChild(0).getFragment();
if (!senderFragment.getOutputPartition().isHashPartitioned()) continue;
List<Expr> partExprs = senderFragment.getOutputPartition().getPartitionExprs();
// All hash-partitioning senders must have compatible partition exprs, otherwise
// this fragment's data partition must not be hash partitioned.
partExprs.size() == dataPartition_.getPartitionExprs().size());
// Cast all corresponding hash partition exprs of all hash-partitioning senders
// to their compatible types. Also cast the data partition's exprs for consistency,
// although not strictly necessary. They should already be type identical to the
// exprs of one of the senders and they are not directly used for hashing in the BE.
try {
} catch (AnalysisException e) {
// Should never happen. Analysis should have ensured type compatibility already.
throw new IllegalStateException(e);
* Compute the peak resource profile for an instance of this fragment. Must
* be called after all the plan nodes and sinks are added to the fragment and resource
* profiles of all children fragments are computed.
public void computeResourceProfile(Analyzer analyzer) {
// Compute resource profiles for all plan nodes and sinks in the fragment.
for (PlanNode node: collectPlanNodes()) {
if (sink_ instanceof JoinBuildSink) {
// Resource consumption of fragments with join build sinks is included in the
// parent fragment because the join node blocks waiting for the join build to
// finish - see JoinNode.computeTreeResourceProfiles().
resourceProfile_ = ResourceProfile.invalid();
ExecPhaseResourceProfiles planTreeProfile =
// The sink is opened after the plan tree.
ResourceProfile fInstancePostOpenProfile =
resourceProfile_ =
initialReservationTotalClaims_ = sink_.getResourceProfile().getMinReservationBytes();
for (PlanNode node: collectPlanNodes()) {
initialReservationTotalClaims_ +=
public ResourceProfile getResourceProfile() { return resourceProfile_; }
* Return the number of nodes on which the plan fragment will execute.
* invalid: -1
public int getNumNodes() {
return dataPartition_ == DataPartition.UNPARTITIONED ? 1 : planRoot_.getNumNodes();
* Return the number of instances of this fragment per host that it executes on.
* invalid: -1
public int getNumInstancesPerHost(int mt_dop) {
Preconditions.checkState(mt_dop >= 0);
if (dataPartition_ == DataPartition.UNPARTITIONED) return 1;
return mt_dop == 0 ? 1 : mt_dop;
* Return the total number of instances of this fragment across all hosts.
* invalid: -1
public int getNumInstances(int mt_dop) {
if (dataPartition_ == DataPartition.UNPARTITIONED) return 1;
int numNodes = planRoot_.getNumNodes();
if (numNodes == -1) return -1;
return getNumInstancesPerHost(mt_dop) * numNodes;
* Estimates the number of distinct values of exprs per fragment instance based on the
* data partition of this fragment, the number of nodes, and the degree of parallelism.
* Returns -1 for an invalid estimate, e.g., because getNumDistinctValues() failed on
* one of the exprs.
public long getPerInstanceNdv(int mt_dop, List<Expr> exprs) {
long result = 1;
int numInstances = getNumInstances(mt_dop);
Preconditions.checkState(numInstances >= 0);
// The number of nodes is zero for empty tables.
if (numInstances == 0) return 0;
for (Expr expr: exprs) {
long numDistinct = expr.getNumDistinctValues();
if (numDistinct == -1) {
result = -1;
if (dataPartition_.getPartitionExprs().contains(expr)) {
numDistinct = (long)Math.max((double) numDistinct / (double) numInstances, 1L);
result = PlanNode.checkedMultiply(result, numDistinct);
return result;
public TPlanFragment toThrift() {
TPlanFragment result = new TPlanFragment();
if (planRoot_ != null) result.setPlan(planRoot_.treeToThrift());
if (outputExprs_ != null) {
if (sink_ != null) result.setOutput_sink(sink_.toThrift());
if (resourceProfile_.isValid()) {
Preconditions.checkArgument(initialReservationTotalClaims_ > -1);
} else {
return result;
public TPlanFragmentTree treeToThrift() {
TPlanFragmentTree result = new TPlanFragmentTree();
return result;
private void treeToThriftHelper(TPlanFragmentTree plan) {
for (PlanFragment child: children_) {
public String getExplainString(TQueryOptions queryOptions, TExplainLevel detailLevel) {
return getExplainString("", "", queryOptions, detailLevel);
* The root of the output tree will be prefixed by rootPrefix and the remaining plan
* output will be prefixed by prefix.
protected final String getExplainString(String rootPrefix, String prefix,
TQueryOptions queryOptions, TExplainLevel detailLevel) {
StringBuilder str = new StringBuilder();
Preconditions.checkState(dataPartition_ != null);
String detailPrefix = prefix + "| "; // sink detail
if (detailLevel == TExplainLevel.VERBOSE) {
// we're printing a new tree, start over with the indentation
prefix = " ";
rootPrefix = " ";
detailPrefix = prefix + "| ";
str.append(getFragmentHeaderString("", "", queryOptions.getMt_dop()));
if (sink_ != null && sink_ instanceof DataStreamSink) {
sink_.getExplainString(rootPrefix, detailPrefix, queryOptions, detailLevel));
} else if (detailLevel == TExplainLevel.EXTENDED) {
// Print a fragment prefix displaying the # nodes and # instances
getFragmentHeaderString(rootPrefix, detailPrefix, queryOptions.getMt_dop()));
rootPrefix = prefix;
String planRootPrefix = rootPrefix;
// Always print sinks other than DataStreamSinks.
if (sink_ != null && !(sink_ instanceof DataStreamSink)) {
sink_.getExplainString(rootPrefix, detailPrefix, queryOptions, detailLevel));
if (detailLevel.ordinal() >= TExplainLevel.STANDARD.ordinal()) {
str.append(prefix + "|\n");
// we already used the root prefix for the sink
planRootPrefix = prefix;
if (planRoot_ != null) {
planRoot_.getExplainString(planRootPrefix, prefix, queryOptions, detailLevel));
return str.toString();
* Get a header string for a fragment in an explain plan.
public String getFragmentHeaderString(String firstLinePrefix, String detailPrefix,
int mt_dop) {
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
builder.append(String.format("%s%s:PLAN FRAGMENT [%s]", firstLinePrefix,
fragmentId_.toString(), dataPartition_.getExplainString()));
builder.append(PrintUtils.printNumHosts(" ", getNumNodes()));
builder.append(PrintUtils.printNumInstances(" ", getNumInstances(mt_dop)));
builder.append("Per-Host Resources: ");
if (sink_ instanceof JoinBuildSink) {
builder.append("included in parent fragment");
} else {
return builder.toString();
/** Returns true if this fragment is partitioned. */
public boolean isPartitioned() {
return (dataPartition_.getType() != TPartitionType.UNPARTITIONED);
public PlanFragmentId getId() { return fragmentId_; }
public PlanId getPlanId() { return planId_; }
public void setPlanId(PlanId id) { planId_ = id; }
public CohortId getCohortId() { return cohortId_; }
public void setCohortId(CohortId id) { cohortId_ = id; }
public PlanFragment getDestFragment() {
if (destNode_ == null) return null;
return destNode_.getFragment();
public ExchangeNode getDestNode() { return destNode_; }
public DataPartition getDataPartition() { return dataPartition_; }
public void setDataPartition(DataPartition dataPartition) {
this.dataPartition_ = dataPartition;
public DataPartition getOutputPartition() { return outputPartition_; }
public void setOutputPartition(DataPartition outputPartition) {
this.outputPartition_ = outputPartition;
public PlanNode getPlanRoot() { return planRoot_; }
public void setPlanRoot(PlanNode root) {
planRoot_ = root;
public void setDestination(ExchangeNode destNode) {
destNode_ = destNode;
PlanFragment dest = getDestFragment();
public boolean hasSink() { return sink_ != null; }
public DataSink getSink() { return sink_; }
public void setSink(DataSink sink) {
Preconditions.checkState(this.sink_ == null);
this.sink_ = sink;
* Adds a node as the new root to the plan tree. Connects the existing
* root as the child of newRoot.
public void addPlanRoot(PlanNode newRoot) {
Preconditions.checkState(newRoot.getChildren().size() == 1);
newRoot.setChild(0, planRoot_);
planRoot_ = newRoot;
* Verify that the tree of PlanFragments and their contained tree of
* PlanNodes is constructed correctly.
public void verifyTree() {
// PlanNode.fragment_ is set correctly
List<PlanNode> nodes = collectPlanNodes();
List<PlanNode> exchNodes = Lists.newArrayList();
for (PlanNode node: nodes) {
if (node instanceof ExchangeNode) exchNodes.add(node);
Preconditions.checkState(node.getFragment() == this);
// all ExchangeNodes have registered input fragments
Preconditions.checkState(exchNodes.size() == getChildren().size());
List<PlanFragment> childFragments = Lists.newArrayList();
for (PlanNode exchNode: exchNodes) {
PlanFragment childFragment = exchNode.getChild(0).getFragment();
Preconditions.checkState(childFragment.getDestNode() == exchNode);
// all registered children are accounted for
for (PlanFragment child: getChildren()) child.verifyTree();
* Returns true if 'exprs' reference a tuple that is made nullable in this fragment,
* but not in any of its input fragments.
public boolean refsNullableTupleId(List<Expr> exprs) {
List<TupleId> tids = Lists.newArrayList();
for (Expr e: exprs) e.getIds(tids, null);
Set<TupleId> nullableTids = Sets.newHashSet(planRoot_.getNullableTupleIds());
// Remove all tuple ids that were made nullable in an input fragment.
List<ExchangeNode> exchNodes = Lists.newArrayList();
planRoot_.collect(ExchangeNode.class, exchNodes);
for (ExchangeNode exchNode: exchNodes) {
for (TupleId tid: tids) if (nullableTids.contains(tid)) return true;
return false;